Variety (Sep 1933)

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"tuesday, SepteniBer ll2^ l9'33 TIMES S Q U ARE VARIETY 59 Broadway ;Wllllftm-Dr«]ce In from Hollywood. Jack Benny driving in from Hol- lywood. ' Crosby Otilero's office moved one lloor iip. Ed. Harrison now city ed. of Vfont Page,' Steve Christie has a new spot at 126 W. 48d, Val Lewton's latest opus has sold 11,00a copies. Block & Sully's Atlantic City va- cation Is over. ' Donald Henderson Clark in town from Hollywood* Verne Noel now director of Tower puhlicatioDs. Mickey Alpert in between in.c'ing Is writing some songs. . Frances .Faye into the Simplon Club opening Sept. 14. A. J. iBalaban nibbled a sandwich with the mob at Llndy's. jack Sidney, back from F&M'ing, . rehearising a new Hash act. Fred Keating, actor, given his ischarge from bankruRtcy. Elliott Shapiro couldn't do much arguing last week. Tohsilitis. Kay Merrill is back from Europe and doing free-lance publicity. George Gerhards move Into town from Connecticut In three weeks. Ken Nichols, still m. c. at Mt. ' Klsco, had a birthday last week. They're now at. the carpet , laying ■tage In Larry Spier's new office. ' Janet of France's eatery at 237 W. 62d getting a professional play. Vic Irwin and Max Fleischer plot- ting a Betty Boop picture-house unit. Phil Weiss, formerly of Equity ticket office, now at 146 West 45th street. Milton Douglas succeeding Peter Higglns as m.c. cf Ben Marden's Rlvierai Pete. KulhofC visiting home in . Oklahoma directly in path of recent tornado. Tlri^d of having his name mis- spelled Seb. Meza how calls him- self Ted. Bert Bloch back at his Metro desk after six weeks of European vaca-i tionlng. Eddie Paul, Paramount musical - director, going to give lessons In. baton-waving;. Percy Thomas of 'Music In the Air* stafC about after minor but •painful operation. Mark Hellenger toted his glass knee from French Hospital last week. Went home. Both Harry Krebs and Mary Ball, of Metro N. Y. office^ took to Ber- muda on vacations. Harry Nolan, Denver theatre operator, in New York visiting Orad Sears, WB isales exec. William. Liiebling how In the Lyons & iiyons office!, moving over with Walter Batchelor. Metro N. Y. office goes'back to a elx-dJajr week starting: with this Sat- urday (16); 40-hour week. Eighth avenue 'legger handing out price list on street corner. Card with phone number folded In. Several West Side beer spot? promise floor shows with coming of cool Weather. Jilst dancing now. Bob' Rlchardson,^ former A.E.F. Veteran who was a . guard at Le- blang's, died last week. Cancer. Theatrical- barrister Julian T. Abeles has gone fashionable east side; now domiciled at the Surrey. The George Lottmans to the Adi- rondacks on vacasl^ Ken Lyons and Geo. Eftenbach subbing his duties. ? Louis Bernstein may reminisce on Tin Pan AJley from away back to • its 14th Street days for a national mag. At Broadway atid 54th street, two taxi- drivers playing -plnnochle ■ in one of their cabis—Nap. Shuts • of de Bronix. Dorothy Ross, doing publicity for Bllzabeth. Miele, is the wife of George Ross, 'World-Telegram' col- umnists Eyropa- brought Marc Connelly back from Europe.. Also oil board were Ralph tulltsser . and Sigrid Schiiltz. Paul Whiteman orchestra played for Mrs. William RandblpU Hearst at her Silnds, Point 'slimmer' home Sat.-: (9).. '' I ' Shuberts ^cabled Beb6 Daniels to Paris for the 'Follies' and offer was rejected because of her Hollywood contracts. . .. Patricia Bowman Is. having a por trait In pastels done by Alfred Hoen which will be exhibited in Paris In the spring. Dick Gasparre's orchestra -now at Pavlllbn Royal, Long Island, sue ceedlhg Guy Lombairdo, shifted to the Dells. Chi, Attnl Bernstein, former editor of Drei Masken Verlag, book and play agents of Berlin, In New York with some manuscripts. . Stores with all the spicy foreign mags that used to be in the 20*s on :.=.jSixth jiaw^concehtrited^inJlie=4Q.^^^ oh same thoroughfare.' , The NRA has been holding a dally ballyhoo on the Times Square tri- angle at 4Bth St. Very much like the old Liberty Loan days. •How do Times Square ticker fans keep. In touch? . A surprise move either way crowds the enipty board rooms In a minute and a half flat. Radie Harris back oh Broadway after summerihg InHOllywood, from where she did her film column for CHATTE the Sunday edition of the N. Y. 'Miirror'. Mechemlcal quotation board in the Astor brokerage branch went hay- wire and clicked up Warner stock to 147 before the control man got it mnder control. In, a few short weeks puns on the Initials N.R.A. have become the stalest gag on the radio.: But With the groans evidently not yet aud- Ihle enbugu to end the hiilsance. Now theire's a ^physical instructor in the store on Raokiet street. If you don't know Racket street, walk- ing alohg Broadway from 63d to 42d would give you a good idea of It. La Belle Rose returns to Meyer Horowitz's Village Grove Nut Club, reopening this week. Hughie Clark, Milton Spielman orchestra^ and pos- sibly Andy Rice, Jr., later on are set. Carrie and Charley Freeman to be remarried at Freeport Saturday (16), Just to mark their : 20th an- niversary. Novel Invitations issued by Dink, Buddy, Patsy, Mickey and pam. Jack Lavlh bought a paper Im- mediately oh leaving Madison Siquare Garden and found a review of the Whltemah concert In print. Concert had ended 10 minutes pre- viously. : Ed Hurley says he was oftered $1,600 as a settlement of his suit against New. Yo'rk Hippodrome opera people for one-fourth of ari alleged $12,000 profit in which he was to i3hare. • Lem Stewart to Los Angeles: by boat to look the town oVer and ex- pects to return on same ship. Vis- iting Fred ■ Metzler, now Fox but formerly Par comptroller. Back by the end of Sept.. .J. P. MidBvoy suddenly called to Hollywood by Par for a six-week writing chore. This gives McEvoy's house guests, the Frank^ Scullys from' Nice the entire Woodstock, N. Y., estate . to themselves. Harriet Merne, 16-year-old spe- cialty dancer at .- the Hollywood restaurant, is 'Miss' Golden Mer- miald 1933^ In the pro beauts' com- petieh at Atlantic City, Comparable to^ the Miss America annual beaiit contest for amateurs. Theire's gonna be ho stalling in ]!£etro Its far as that"NRA t>ar&de is concerned. Air Metr'd ■ em'plbyees have been told that they 'can have' the day "Off if they join the march- ers. Otherwise th^^ must report in the; office as usiitir and do ' their work. ;Word from. London that - Marc Klaw is practically 'broke and liv- ing with his mother-in-law near Brighton. He niarrled a girl 30 yearS' old' about four years ago and' moved to the 'Riviera. He's how 74. When-he quit show business he gave.' most of his money to his sons, reitalnlng only sufficient to assur^ him an income'. This .was shot in the slump. •Those brewers are pretty liberal .with new fronts, fancy niarquees, tungsten display, etc., for any new restaurants. using their brews and advertising the trade names on the menus and otherwise. The brew- ers furnish the electrical works splitting billing with the name of the establishment but topping with their own labels. Bee Palmer thlnks'she can set her appearance Including hips' against Mae 'West or anyone else. So may- be Bee win do a comeback for the pictures anyway. Most of the gals who ■think they resemble Mae here oi there, like Blossom Seeley, are pepping themselves up for the cam- eifa. They know''^ae's. got some-, thing' besides dlailog, anc^ they think 7-they-jiave,.too; so that's that, what- ever that Is. at London "Maschwltz's activities in vaudeville already in evi- .iKlng VIdor lolling;, mooring an day, •'.-... .: . , • jj^anies Cagney doing a marine week end .'on .the ^trap^er- ■,.: •;,• . -With the seagbh hearly e.nded, yacht prices have dipped 60%, The Chaplin yacht at its usual moorings oft the $t. Catharine's hotel. Perc Westmore forgetting makeup for a few days' vacation oh his MInSc. - , , McNutt, rover Jones and Arlen boats haven't, been over for two Edward Gronjager took his first trip on his new boati the 'Broad- caster.* r , - 'Biggest mob of picture people to vlf3lt the Island this year here at ^Harvey---Gates--rltzitigv-the^.t movie mariners because he can navigate under sail. ^ Richard Crooks and Regis Top- mBy> g-uest sailors of Joe Mankle- Wlcz, but Mank can't sing. Joe Manklewlcz found out that an anchor can drag after his 'Mad Hat- ter' had- slipped her moorings^ pacific Coast Writers' Yacht Club stUffCd Its Commodore's cruise last week end, but William Slavcns Mc- Nutt, the Comm. didn't show. Coast resorts report record season, Franco Piper left around 140,000. Beverley Nichols may turn poli- tician, David Bader ofC on Mediterranean cruise^ . Woolf: Bariiato now racing .grey- hounds.; Jimmy Finiayson celebrating His fortieth birthday. Anthony Hope, deceased hovellist, left around $150,000. Jeffrey Bernerd in motor. smasjiTln his new RoUia Royce. C. Mi Woolf back to work after his serious operation.. Kit-Cat sliding in its popularity as a luncheon rendezvous. London in' for' another heat Wave, with show people"i>erturbed. Joan Clarkson. recuperating after her nervous breakdown at Cannes. Film casting agents surprisingly Inactive for this time of the year. Evelyn Laye shortly leaving Hip- podrome show, 'Give Me a Ring.' Dan Fish likely to go to Colum- bia as their provincial sales maha.g- er. ,,, Emma Haig cabling to Parnell & Zeltlln wishing to return to Lon- don. Frances iDay back In 'How D'You Do,' the Chariot revue, after ill- ness.. The- Brewers' Association aban- doned annual exhibition for econ- omy. Eric Radio dence. Paramount-Astorlas again re suming its big stage. headllners pOUcy. Alf Zeltlln with shade over eye, due to being too friendly with his sealyham Marie'Burke new property owner, having jqst bought a house at Weybrldge. Hary Cohn conducting most of his business in his pajamas at the Dor- chester Hotel. Josephine Baker here on flying visit from Paris looking over 'the Hlpppdrome show. Carl 'Brisson is out of Julian Wylle's 'Gay Hussar,' with 'Oone Gerrard replacing. Elsa .Newell greatly worried at her loss of a valuable diamond ring at .the Plaza hotel Jack .Waller-Dehnis King show^ 'Command Perfonhance' likely to go Into SavlUe theatre. Winifred. Shotteir postponed her tonsilltis operation until Oct. to appear in a picture. Albert de Courvllle to direct latest Jessie Mathews-Sonny Hale picture for Gaumont-Brltish. Sam Hardy here, likely to play opposite Cicely Courtneidge in . hew Oaumont-British film. Anmer Hall reviving 'The Man With a Load of Mischief, at the Westminster Sept. 26. Freddie Carpenter latest addition to Josephine Baker revue, opening Prince Edward Oct. 2. 'Masquerade' . goes into the Tiv- oli, following T Was a Spy' and •Gold Diggers Of 1933,' .Adelaide Hall keeping Jermyn Street awake with her continual re- hearsing at Bury Court.' Jean Colin announces breiEkkIng of her two-year-old engagement to marry famous cricketer. Frank Bostock, tired of two years' retirement, sa,ys his circus will take the road again next year. Len Urry looking around for kid talent to produce a cabaret enter- tainment In the West End. John Brunsklll, scenic contractor to the Drury Lane theatre, just died 'after fortrilglifs Illness. Jobh for daugh-. tet's wedding Siep't, 16, rieturriing to the Sth,tes Immediately after. ■ Ted Whelan to direct the new Cicely Courtneidge picture. With H^rry Woods writing the music. • A; B, Abrahams denylnir Johti Southern has leasiffd the Garrick Ih'eatre for continuous Vaudeville. Jan Kiepura's next picture for •Universal win be made In Paris, with jdlnvllle studies as likely spot. jack Waller negotiating with Sir Oswald Stbil for new Jack Buchan- an show to go to th€! London Coli- seum. Fortune theatre reopening. Sept.T.1 under A. E. Abrahams at popular prices With works from new au- thors. Woolworths are negotiating to purchase lease of Victoria Palace, •W^Ith pending deal being kept a secret. Lyceum Is to house one of Julian Wylic's seashore revues, known . AS 'Good.Cpmpa nyl witjv Starred. • . ' Lubov Rostova, IT year old ballet dancer at the Alhambra, wed her partner, David Llchlne, In London Aug. 26. Laui-a Co'^vle Just signed contract to play lead In 'Sheppy,' Somerset Mauffham's latest, due at Wyndham theatre. Despite Jnlted- Artists having- tholr own pro-release theatre in the 'West End; 50% of the Twentieth Century products go to Gaumont- Brltish. Tay Garriett, who has just fin- ished 'S.O.S. Iceberg,* for Universal, in constant conference with Winnie iSheehan. 'The Ace,' Stanley Scott's latest Importation. Will fold shortly* Show: grossing |i360 per performance ait the Lyric. ' Fred Duprez trying out a new comedy, 'In the Best of Families,' in provinces, with West. End produc- tion in View. . Julius Hageh's prospectus of his. new company all ready to .be launched, and a'walting an oppor- tune nioment. Edga:r Wallace's novel, 'Sitinders of the River' to be filmed In Africa by London' Fllnis Productions under title 'Kongo Raid.* Carol Goodner finally breaking iii pictures. Just signed by Gaumont- Britlsh for lead in 'Red Ensign' op- posite Leslie Banks. Leslie Bloomf Giallery First Nlght- ers president, to do the interior decoration for Marlifr'Burke's new house at Weybrldge. Lothar Mendes to direct 'Jew Suss' for Gaumont-Brltish, with Conrad Veldt to star. Shooting commences late Sept. Fred Duprez casting his Amerl can farce, 'The Best of FamllleSj* to tour provinces Sept. 18, with, "West- End showing to follow.. Samuel Lockhart, for many years trainer of animals, with Lockhart's Elephants a standard act, died re cently and left $96,000. Harry Foster ahd A; E. Abrahanis In conference, with Foster leasing the London Pavilion for continuous vaudeville not unlikely. Jimmy Campbell putting In over time at the Gaumont-Brltish stu dies, and coUaboriating with Harry Woods and Louis Levy. John .Drinkwater to appear in the open-air production of ^The Tern pest* at Regent's Park, after 12 years absence from the. stage. Sir Barry Jackson bringing, his production of 'The Sleeping Clergy- man' from the Malvern festival to the Piccadilly theatre Sept. 19. Quite a good prdportlon of local acts are absorbed by the big West End stores. This is latest outlet for talent, which ts proving quite profitable to some agents. Hie Hague By M. W. Etty-Leal Prague By Edward T. Heyn to Actor van Zuylen, married dancer. Miss Zeh, at. Hague: Charlotte Koenler, Dutch actress* returned from Java by airplane. Circus Sarrasani making prepara- tions for a long tour in Holland. Hof stand-Tooneel here bought legit rights Holland of,'When La- dies Meet,' by • Rachel Crothers. One of the new legit companies here billing first night at Amster- dam of English play, 'The Barrett Family.' Richard Tauber, after having a go at conducting In Fritz Hirsch Oper- etta, now singing iait Kursall, Sdhe- venliligen. Latest honor list With Queens birthday included the actress» Tilly LUs, and revue artlist Buzlau for decorations. Italian Operja gave a gala gondola concert at Rotterdam on the water. Stage was a' huge raft, audience partly .In gondolas and boats^ Fritz Hirsch Operetta Co. giving 2,000th performance in Holland, cel- ebrating this Jubilee with 'White Horse Inn' at Princess theatre, the Hague. Death at Antwerp of William Hart, 86, formerly a well-known theatre director here. In thie old daiys'he toured Holland fairs with a big tent.. Casino at NoordWyk' closed, as admittance- to roulette tables " re- fused to some inhabitant^ of villag'ei over which a row started, ending In police closing -up this place.' Thirteen members of the- St. 'Rom- boutig Choir .from Mallnos, In Bel- glum, who appeared here at Kur- |;3aal, got ptoihalne poisoning, .prob^ ably from eating canned, food. - Hollandia Film, Ltd., starting on Job to shoot film version of . Dutch navel play, 'The Sailors,' while Ad- miralty Is giving support by allow- ing scenes to be taken on t>utch men-of-war. Several Dutch companies In bad way; revue company staging 'Park Here,' at Amsterdam, having trouble with*actors, as they are hot getting the pay promised nor sev- eral facilities which were In their contracts. Closed. Two new companies founded In legit at Amsterdam, 'The Mask Company,'with a sniaU cast Just for j5l.ayoi]ld:-^t^ibfiJJagU#,jan^^ company which starts this week with American re-\rue, 'Vagabond King,' It has a cast of 85, a lot for a Dutch stage. Haaij.qohc Spelers, legit company, announoInpT premiere Dutch ver.slon of German play, "Lachendos Bar- geld,' by Camiherlohi' and Eber- mayer. Hero part of play by G. L, Wpl3'/:,.from "Rfrllh. who up to now lias npponrod 12,7 timo.s In Germany In that play as the 'Geholmraf,' Vlnohrady municipal theatre d. Prague will soon piresent. a Polish play in which von Hlndenburg la a leading figure. Eva Grelner, a helce. of Mqlssl, the famous Austrian - Italian - German actor, engaged for small roles, has been engaged at; . the New German thea.tre. Otokar Marak, the Czecho-Ameri- can singer, and H. Vavra. are con- sidering leasing, the 'Kapltol' - film playhouse for the presentation of Czech opera. 'The Devil's Friend,' based on the French. comedy "Petite Femine dan Lai Train,' saw. ..its premiere in Prague, di'rected by the Czech reg;^ isseur, Cjarel Anton, with Lla Baiar- ova, Marenka Zleglerov; A. Smollk in chief roles; A German emigrant cabaret, ceiitly established by German, refu- gees lii the old Jewish quarter .of Prague, presented a play 'Ahasverr and also readings from plays by ;ZweIg ahd Shalom Asch, in hotior of the Zionist Congress. . For the first, time in the history of broadcasting in Czechoslovakia, Hebrew and Yiddish addresses were radioed. Sokolow. the.'president of the Zionist Congress liast year,, and', other prominent . delegateis the. meeting were the speakers.. Iii Reichehberg, North Bohemia, the comedy "Who Knows Met" di- rected by Felix Bressart, prohibited in Germany^ Is running in a leading theatre, with Marloh Taal, a young German actress w^^o Will soon ap- pear in a film made In Czechoslo-.: vakia.-. Czechoslovakia''Radio Journd.1' has been forbidden by the authorities to broadcast an address ahd reading's from German books burned and pro- hibited In Germany, presented by the German author Erich Heller, on the ground that State broadcaster could' not distribute material in which the action of a neighboring foreign country was criticized. New German theatre In Prasue will open the next season Sept.. 2:e, with At presentation of Schiller'p classic play, 'Wilhelm Tell.' In th^e near future also, 'the following playa by foreign authors will bei given at . the German theatre :^ Shakespeiare^e 'Midsummer Night's . Dream,' \^Dis<^ raell,' by Arthur Rundt^ who haa lived In New York, Sheriff 'The Other Side.' Lonsdale's 'Never Come Back.' >-' ; A. Greve, a former basso of New German > theatre In Prague, died lately.' His wife, Marie Huse^ a;lso' once a member of the samei. thiBatra, -: had a contract with th^ Nueirnberi^ Municipal theatre, but, its her hus* band was a 'JTew, difficulties arbse for the couple. The O-erman socl|J.<!^' 1st newspaper of Prague, 'pier 'Sd^ cIal<^emokrat' . reports that it... is rumored that for this tea.sQn (SreVe committed suicide, Several acitors, formerly holding engagements at leading theatres in Germany, althdugh CzechoslovaK citizens, have, brought action . fdjr breach of contract. Among theise is Madame Hostwlg-Sprahz, once a member of the opieretta. stal1( of the Cologne municipal theatre, and pre«* viously a star of the. city theatre of. Teplltz-Schoenau, Korth Bohemia> Anny Kochner,-Walter has sued, the Scala theatre Ih Berlin. . iSustav Machaty^ .a prominent* Czech film director, -who niade one- of the. best films 'Eztasy,' 190 far produced in. Czechoslovakia, ap< peared,; before a. Prague Courts charged with having boxed the of a pollcenxan on the Vaclav Nam- estl, the leaidlhg square of the' oity; Machaty^ in his own defence, de- clared that hte had hit the poltcentah In ahger, as the latter had insulaed his lady- companion,,, The .«wre.wftf.' adjourned to hear Various witnesses* . By Prank WHIer • •-'-'v.'^^-fr^ J- Maury S<aldlns- back- on the JolT at tb^ Gayety. ' ■ - >■ <i}- ;M|l^iage'licenses'reduced to fif^r: centili.> t-- i^i-'. asi home ,of united Artists pictures. -, , Local tSivcrn . announces''UU- the-', beer you can- drink in ^n hbtkir fo/' 60 t&ntB. if Wisconsin state fair had a deficit' of only $1^^,000 but cut expenses t<^, the .bone. "^ • . .MUi^aukee entertained 96 conven- tlbriia during the istimm'er; 22 more- on tap foi: September.. Hedwig Berlnger, .91, German the- iatre veteran, was glyen "a birthday 'kaflfee klatsch' by her friends. Cicely Aiih Brown of Milwaukee one of 12 glrlb chosen for finals'of 'Alice In 'Wonderland' picture lead. , Wm. F. Dittmann, new advertis- ing inanager for WTMJ, Is an 6ld .hahd^t^^newspaper^.a'nd^cbmmeccial^^, advertising. Although the Riverside has no labor troubles of any kind, fiome miscreant set oft a stench .homb in that house ahd escaped. Wm. Schwartz, 55, dropped dead at state fair ijark as he was an- nouncing from the sound , booth. Owner of the Schwartz Public A^- drcsia System, Green Ray, A mem- ber of the Showmen's League of America.