Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tnes^T* September 12^ 1933 Minneapolis By Lei| Reev TIMES SQUARE VARIETY 61 Annual radio show Sept. 25 to 30. •Seventh Commandment* being roadshoyred In territory. ' m . Wlndatorm did moOO damage at JS'ractlSi?'' numerous Twin City State Fair opening Sunday, I attractions, C H ATT E Fort Wayoe By Robert BardI Local lnd«»"pdent booth ' ►erators' union picketed Orpheum, Seventh | Street and lyric State Fair week,, carrying banners proclaiming in | large letters that houses do not em- , . ■D„^.-^«-, 4„ I ploy union operators and. In smaller I I letters.^ 'membera of independent union.* heatres displayed signs | stating tlaat their employes are> af ^ Recently eBtabllshcd new Mono- gram exchange has quit already. Charllo Jackson* Paramount sales- man, up north treating hay fever. San Francisco ' By Harold Book Casey ialto filiated with A. F. of Uinions. reopen its Flame Room night club BUI Cameron, M-G-M salesman, gold his .Grand theatre, Oakes, N. p. Brnle Hiil, formerly with Uni- versal, haa "joined Paramount sales' fitaff. Dorothy Kay, iheriiber of, Kay Sis- ters, local dance team, to. wed St Paul non-pro, Irving miarks, Columbia booker,.! Jinimy Balmer has been laid up to wed Audrey Qblling, non-prpfes- for the last 10 days with, an infected By Hal Cbhien clonal, Sept. 10. Jack Malerlck, with nine-piece or- chestra, goes into Hotel ijeamington on six months' contract, Sii ii. Stern, .Omaha-fllm man, here visiting: his brother^. Joe,, head of Independent Capitol-exchange. Local beer sellers have organised to regulate prices of 8-ounce glasses I ^eek"etay' at 5c. and 14 ounces at a dime. | g^y, (Bones) United churches advertising on billboards ;to go to church for 'cour- age, satisfaction and friendship.' 'Theatrical merger' finds Jin> E; Martin; Pantages doorman, marry- ing Helen Olfion, Century cashier. Orpheum took exclusive motion pictures of NRA parade , and is dis- playing 'em On its screen this week. 'Gay Divorce,' scheduled as open- ing Metropolitan road show attrac- tion, cancelled and iJothing else in arm. Donna and Darreir now at.' the Club Royale in Chicago -with Jimmy Hall. ■ ^ - Jack Sidney in town for a short Oakland p|Ostpbned to thje 14th, Bill again. Lawrence Bprg oft to Coronado for a vacation. Bill Moreing's sisters are now the Moreing Sisters, singers. W: C. Higley and Sam Melinco^ new announcers on. KJBS. Will King readying the new dine- dahce spot he'll; open isoOh. Harry F. Smith, vet musician, passiEd away' In GuerneVllle. Al Warshauer bkclilng It while his frau vacations ia Holly wood. Morris Rosenberg ill in local hos pital, son handling the office. Benny Rubin's., cafe Opening in a bow at the Saturday night show, claiming hot enough publicity. Nat Blank arranged with bus company to give Fox customers free ride to see. 'importajQt Witness,' which has a murder on a bus line. Birmingham Bob .Brown Huff drove from roasted Wayne Iowa. Ray Glenn, 'Day and Age.' Gbod cheap vaudeville acts can still find work locally. The name is now Mrs. Pat Whittle Instead , of Pat Crotwell Ben Fell's -wife is recovering fx'Om a severe case of malaria fever. Rod Brasfield has Joined his Trianon ballroom opeiis al Har^ risen and Washington Blvd. Bernard Sobel used to teacli night classes here before going east. Uncle Tom's Cabin' into Majestic at 10-20-30 prices. Civic theiatre rfifr cently took over the house. Someone was" asking for Ed Tar- brough the other day. Understand hb is with RKO over in Dayton. George Landls .of Fox Films at Indiianapolis spending several days here closing deal on. new product, Woman's club and city officials attended private preview of 'This Day and Age' with M, Marcus a« host. < Bex Carr of Emboyd staff takes two weeks' vacation and .comes back with a wife, the former Allbe Day, non-pro. Bessie Baldwin, former legit, has Offer from' Wayside -Players In Scarsdale, N. Y., to direct little the- atre there. . . „ Ralph Fisher has his hands full, with Maumee and Broadway, habe It's a boy at the Herman Reiur berg's; he's cellist at KFRG. Gene .Emmick has gone Nob Hill with a swanky new apartment. Bobhe Deane sticking close to the house with a mei9s of poison oak. Jack Cluxton sez he's in the best health of 20 years after a long rest. Back from Honolulu, Bob McNeill has taken a home In Marin county. Dobbsle got back in toiwn this ttlli;^ weddln^^beiis Monday for i ^ doing his broadcasts from House of David boys let down their hair for a ball game with thb Sealis. Rube Wolf Is In town waiting, for stay on his way from the coast to New York. Magidson Twins booked ihto the Miami Hotel, Dayton, O., for a two- Hamiltoh, Pitts- burgh foothall star, goes into WB's 'College Coach.' Dewey Bergman, Who Once led his own band at the Show Boat, is noW Paul Ash's pianist brother as new lea,d at Jefferson. „^^^ „.^^ Edith Caldwell is haying a tough houses, and Uptown clui> now going. her debut over NBC. ^e plans to marry Billie Haaga, Billie Kent, Anne; Neilson tp | former vaude single, next month; Peoria with their auto arid trailer RoUln K. Stonebrobk would like to have an tilephant, mind you, an elephant. J. i). Roberts has gone back to spiorts writing, saying, goodbye to the mike. Oho of Clyde Beatty's pet Hons clawed Harry Dlckmeyer, a spec- tator, during clrciid, and city ofB- Icials sent a rush call to Lafayette for the . same physician who at- tended the trainer, when he was Bight. Inez .lannucci and Nick Tarquin, the locial song writer Adolf Leubeck, cousin of Ernst Lubltsch, In town for a couple of weeks on business trip. Lew Joseph and George Weigand, b. o. men. at the Nixon for year's, Earle D- JenckSt St. Paul publicity hot returning this season tnd radio man, named new sales' mt^nager of WCCO, local Columbia chain radio station. John Dllson, Shubert dramatic stock managing director, has new tjommercial bridge whlSt comedies program over WCCO. ?:usicals done to death on Sunr Houston Ray's band out at the William Peiin Hotel after a riionth's stay. Happy F.eltbn replacing. Bebe Daniels and Ben Lypn here for a few hours, catching a coast plane after coming on by train. Ken Hohl, formerly manager of. Ambrldge theatre, has been, sent to days and now territory exhibitors warren, C, by the Harris interests are playdatlng more of 'em on week davs, exchanges report; Gordle Greene, long manager of the 4,200-seat Minnesota here, Aaniod manager of the State (Pab JIx) at Sioux Falls, S. D. John J. Friedl, L. J. Ludwig and Ted Bolnick, Publix circuit execu lives, flew back from New York af tftr completing film deals, Labor Day crowd of 130,869 paid admissions at Minnesota State Fair, largest at gi:ounds since 1923, and compares with 63,741 last year. St. Paul expected to become vlr tually a one news^^aper town -with the acquisition of the 'News' by the St. Paul 'Dispatch-Pioneer Press' interests. ' , Iieamlngton hotel May belle Jennings, d. e. of Wash- ington 'Herald,' here for feW days visiting her sister, Mrs. Mike GuUen. The Joe Feldmans have as their amount the Orpheum to open; and -who Isn't? W. C. Higley, ex-KOMO, and Sam Mellncoe, ex-KFBK, anhounclhg on KJBS. Tommy Lee In tpwn talking over artists' buteau problems with KFRC. Bob Harvey, once • ad chief . foi- P-WC, now managing Fox Yii-ginia, Vallejo, Bill.Royle spieling about aviation once weekly on Rush .Hughes' air column. KFRC'S Blue Monday Jamboree is off to LA and a week at the Par Another week arid Bull Conner hurt In a slnallar way. will be on his nirie month's vacation Edith Nlckle-Baihle, former con- frOih baseball. , cert star,, engaged for leading role Lf^ura Lower, ariotiier local gal. In VBnter Madame/ Which Old Port got a contract with Parariibunt via I Playiers will present *is their first the contest route. [production for the new season. Mar- Adele Fort, -whose father Is get-, jorle Suter, dramatic Instructor In tlhg some Democratic pie is moving [ city schools, in sa,me .cast, wlthHer^ to Wajahlngton with her folks. bert Butterfield, foriiier Wright If that poster exchange clause In |stocii director, In charge of show, the code goes through the South will take it on the chin. Most ,of the exchanges, are located in th^j South arid Midwest^ By Humphrey Pculens St. By y/alt Raschi Bollinger back in town. Art Steagall still hedging on tha.t S. Hart's old home Is »9ne-Pep^i°f Vic Tschlda now holding fortn at William sold. iE^egen^ti Norwalk,. to reopen next month. Ethel Beckwith returns from Chi cago Fair. the St. Francis Tap Room, next door to the RKO. Pat, offspring, of the Gar rick Ry* deens, 'cutting up' with two brand giiest Hilda Feldman of N ew York. Shie's a slst6r of the WB advertls- Irig chief. Brian McDonald hsCs bought out his partner, T. J. Sullivan, and Is ] ■now sole, owner of his dlne-and- darice spot. Ben Steerman, WB auditor, still Paul- Carson and CUft Anderson got a free plane ride east for their vacations. -t^ A. J. Fedder, Golden Gate build- ing managerj to Los Angeles and San Dlegb. ^ Louis Rels, fortmer FWC p.a.. Into biz for himself, doing process bill- proprietor, convaleWing" at Mayo [ Ister, and In pictures, clinic, Rochester, from o^jeration and Bill O'Dell, 22-year-old insyranc6. planning reopening of his night club salesman, has copped oft the Middle from bedside. Atlantic male honors In Par's Capitol exchange finally igets a 'Search for Beauty* contest. He break. Its 'Maedchen in Uniform,^ leaves for the coast late this month long underlined, going into World Tony ConfortI called it a season .theatre when 'Be Mine TTonlght' at the Willows Labor Day night finally bows out. [ and opened his downtown Nixon Late 'Bull' Smith, veteran local | ^afe Satdee (9). newspaperman who had country- wide acquaintance among theatrical fraternity, left estate that, included over $30,000 cash. C6dric Adams, columnist, tells of church bulletin board, asking, 'Do you what hell is?', with 'Come and hear our organist' printed in | sm.^llcr letters underneath. Clyde Booth, for many years a | MGM salesman here, and now re- siding at Dallas, Texas, and out of | In Holly wood Installing a system In (board work, Warners' coast houses. He's due Cecil Underwood returned from back in a Week or two. | his -vacation plus 10 pounds, a tan Bill RobsOn, Jr., on the coast do- arid two fish." Ing radio continuity work, married Judd Clark leaving Warfleld as for second time. New Mrs. Robflon exploiter to go on a Hollywood lot; Is the daughter of a Tucson min- | no successor yet. Cleveland By Glenn C. Pullep Gorwln ColUns of Hipp with new car and going high-hat. Eddie Duchin slated for Eiiclid Beach, following Olsen-Shutta date Norman Siegel, radio crick, start the show business, renewing old I ing mud-sling war among column- Film Row acquaintances on yacia- [ ists. tlon Harold and Dvanny FInkelstieIn, heads bf Iowa circuit of theatres, have purchased Midwest Broadcast Bernle Bernstein secretly build- ing tricky dance hall in his night den. , , ■ Billy Rose's 'Crazy Quilf broke ^rig""c6mpan3^ Tbcar for of electrical transcription discs for 1 .^eek. radio broadcasts Tom Mix went over so bie for Publix at Eau Claire, Rochester, St 'Cloud arid Mankato.that his per sonal tour was extended by the cir cult to Include Sioux Falls, Fargo Duluth and Superior. Celebrated (independent) exchange distributing a one-reeler/ 'David L. Huttori, Aimee's cheerful little ear " with de Norm Kendall back from Chicago aiid blossoming out with new book- ing agency. Series of Hungarian operettas opened in old Moreland by Hunga- rian dramatic club. Jack McBride quitting Loew s Park to become house manager for Martin Printz's Circle. Dance marathoners at suburban first local appearance. h'?;i'®l'5 manager New W. A. Tua^ny finally granted per- ^ George ^^^^ mlt for l,000-8eat $40,000 neighbor- York's Luna PfW»ng an hood theatre, wMrh many residents other burlesk company her^^^^^ of district opposed. Means four new | Schumann-Helnk and Julius Tan- nen brought in to topllne show for American Beer Exposition at Public Hall. Unions and theatre owners still deadlocked over new contract term.q uptown showhouses to be built or in course of construction here. David Hutton and his manager here during Aimee Semple McPher- son's revival campaign; but ban- tone, who said he was stopping over but prospects of vaude returning are en route east to arrange later local brighter. , , „ vaudeville date, didn't see his wife. Winsor French, gossip columnls^ After playing three times down- jg ^li a-jitter waiting for day of ^--^bwn= aaTd'^^^after-^practically=-every-^-^^ neighborhood house in town had York actress cashed In on It, 'She Done Him' - — on ... Wrong' returned to Uptown (Pub- lix) for return engagement, played five days and did trlrle the normal business. , With Chicago hotels making known they couldn't accept any| mor*^ rorervatlons over Labor Day. locat brondrasters endeavored to m- diice tr.Tinsientn to Come here for holiday, oiling Chiongo-sittiation and Arthur R. Johnsstpn, one-time mayor of Miles Heights, jumping Into night Club biz with ^George Green as his partner in the Pastime ^ Bobby Kaye and Eddie Slndelar, owners of Club Belvedere also tak- ing over Bamboo Gardens ^.s a danre-dlncry. Ernie Young .i' re vucs penciled in. Jake Ehrlich to Hollywood to act as attorney for Alex Pantages on several biz dsals. Donald Novis kept to bed Friday, and Golden Gate shows had to get along without him. Emily Linden back from eight Lael Tucker goes with American [new eye teeth. TheaCre Society. Bert Nix, former Publix Alham- Charleis^ BracXett motors down bra manager, now manager of the from ^^vjdence. new, . Mme. BuranI, veteran French ale- Eddie Cantor's ♦Whoopee doing tress. In 'Gaily I Sin.' nifty four days' revival at Walt Van William Phelps Eno host to Camp's loop Tower. - ^ grandnlece, Rosamond PInchot. George. La, Vlctore, RKO bootn- Llly Pons and Don Cossacks [niari, doubling In his off hours, run- signed for conceits, at Norwalk. [nlrigf the pic at the Cheyi'olet Bldg.- Thomas Donovan ireslgns as treag- [at the State Fair. . urer of. Pat Powers' Longshore! Barney Oldfield putting on his club. [high-speed traictor act-at the State .Donald MacDonald arid Ruth Fair, but he's not the old Barney of ! Hammbrid leave town for New [his high-speed days. York. I Nettle Hayes, coloried blues singer Country Playhouse, closes Satur-[ for six years at Than's, now waxbl- day, with revival of. 'Die FIeder-[ing for the WCCO mikc from the maus.' ' " - - .- Harry Archer's new song, *Klck in the Pants,' Iritrbduced by Walter O'Keefe, _ _ _ Florence Johns and Wilton Lack- weeks* In New~ York again' on NBC [ eye, Jr., close their auction barn for with hubby, Anthony. the^season. > Lawrence Kennedy, sales rep for Marie Saxon, Grace Menken, Bert „ ERPI with Arthur Lamb, back to Lytell, Grant Mills, Fania Marlnoff, | i^^tel Terraces cafe, Ben Pollack's the Los Angele$ office. Alexander Clark, Jr., and Kat^hle^ slated; to replace Crawford Norman Bodle, mag writer, start- Comegys at opening of 'Gaily I Sin.' starting Sejpt. 15. Mystic Caverns nightly. Martin Kelly back from Wbitdflsh [lakb yacash with beaucoup Mun- chausen flshtrig yarns, but no. finny, evidence to back 'etoi up. Mildred Harris Chaplin singing I with Jack Crawford's ork Saturday (9) and Sunday (10) at the Lowry ed for Tahiti In a life boat, but got beached on Seal Rocks. Charlie Hamp Is istuck -with a lease on a house now that he's leav ing for KNX next week. Tom Van Osten Is quite ill and will be confined to his home for some weeks, doctors say, Work progressing On old Tait's at the Beach cafe, which will be called Edgewater Beach. Walt Roesner has hopped a rattler for. New York after dbcs worked on his sinus for several months Baldwin McGaw and Gordon Davis Canton By Rex McConheil Eastern Ohio Parks closed Labbr Day for the season. Fred Hall framing new revue here Jack Foster's Cavemen trim Jack Crawford's boys at baseball, 9 to 3, but take an 18 to 17 drubbing in their return encounten This after- noon (12) the two teams will de- cide who wins the beer. ^ Dr. Clarence Tr,ue Wilson leads a half-hearted parade of drys. Pub- middle bf Sept, Denny Thompson's band is all set to go into the. Hotel. ;Mayflo-wer at Akron, Sept. 15; Miller and Blake's 'Shuffle Along' week at their Falrmbrit theatre. t'*^'*"''^ thfintr*, h^r*.. Columbia's bboker, Ralph Dbstal, expects to tak6 to the i-oad about the "city had 10,000 autos and 5,0p0 hasn't recovered, yet from the twin girls bofn to his wife last month. Peggy Hopkins Joyce got a spot on the Shell Oil broadcast Monday night, doubling from the Warfleld. Henry Henlgson and William Wy- ler up from U lot to o.o. 'Counsel- lor-at-Law* with an eye to casting. Six Glrton Girls didn't open at the (3olden Gate because of lUnesfii. Large and Mbrgner. subbed for them, Sol Reines to Portlarid for the dance convention, leaving Lew Ser- Palace theatre here. Manny Kirig, Klrig, King and King, visited wltli friends bri the Palace bill this week,. stopping in Akron enroute from Coast to New York, Troy Singer's orchestra .playing all Summei* at Semler Tavern, moves into Cleveland for winter en- gagement at dowritown night spot. Penny Arcade, which has flburr- Ished on Market street for more than, twb years, forced to dose, when building Is ordered torn down. Sam Gluck producing and design- ing stage isihows at the Palace, Ak- blri to hold down the hoofing shoe | ron, recently reopened^ arflved liji business. Prime Camera did three exhibi- tion rounds for Tom Gallery at Dreamland othier rilght, doing more bowing than boxing. Both Fanchon a.nd Marco In town, working ori their riew show at the Orpheum, and looking over their Warfleld productions. Herman Wobber iri at the Fox ex- change for a few. days; Roger Ferrl, Hccompanying-- him,^has-^already- blown for New York^ Margo Hughes, to. Schu - mann-Holnk, Mary Garden and others, died suddenly after a battl<> ap.nlnst acute infection. Ziz?. Black has landed on NBC for one a week, 'Zlzz Black's Night Club'; he'll double frbm his Lake Almartan country estate. Fox theatre burned wheh, Noel Madison walked out of plane lo take town and rehearsing, second Stage bill. Shlrlee Rust, Akron dancer, in- jured while dancing recently In New China cafe floor show" at Cleveland. Will be able to resume within a few weeks. pick Snyder's hand, back In Oiilo after a' summer^ spent playing Michigan ballrooms; Current .now at Pe^ry^e, Summit Be ach park jaall- room, Akrpn. Paul Bleri, Akron press agent, lat- est addition . tb" theatre managerial staff of Warner Brothers theatres in northeastern Ohio. • Expects assign- ment September 15, Joe Steirimetz, filling the ant manager's post at Loew's, is back at his old job, with the return of Edwin Richardson, from the ■Worid's Fair In Chi. marchers, but actual count showed less than 100 cars and a scant 300 moving under gatai-power. Portland^ Ore. By James T. Wyatt General prices upiping In the burg. Mlscha Pelz of KGW likes flshlrig. Rob Redd of KGW says local ra- dio biz Is taking a lElpurt. ' Hbincr GIU Is always happy. Tells iabbbers 'N.RiA.' (no^ run along). Bill. McCurdy figures ori booking the Braridon Opera, company into the Playhouse. From S. F.. B. Mike, radib columniator, was once la. prof of journallsni at thb U. of Washington, but reformed* Al. Pearce and his radio gang' here again. Did a swell week at thb auditorium some months ago. Bill McCurdy off to Vancouver, B. C, booking roa.d musical 'Charig© Your Luck,' which is doing well in this harinlet. ' 'Charige Your LuCk' colored road troupe left for Tacoma and Van- couver, B. C, after clicking here wondetfuUy. |^"TaBoF^iDay^liraver=^he="br:ar^ where it started. Farmers tome Into town in droves and the burg dwellers hit for the beach. Two biggest ether screamers In the biirg merged, KGW arid KEX. Morning daily now owns both and clairiiig distinction of being the only sheet Iri the U.S. running two ra- dio Stations. Tills followed the KOMO and KJR merger in Seattle.