Variety (Sep 1933)

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VARIETY PIC¥«RE 6 OSSES I' Tuesclay, September 19, 1933 UL Lets Down, Robinson Pic in 2 Houses, $22,501); Texas Guinan Dps State to Kg 19G; Orph Holding Up Los Angeles, Sept. 18^ Letdown In. trade was mbst obvl- otia at ail b£ the major flrst run emporiums this Week. Ppsisibilitir of school opening could be .as good a reason, as any oltered, aitd. then, too, the summer tourists have flit- whlch his .been .hit- ting around the $25,00D groove, skidded dowh a bit for its third 'stanza. - 'i iLoved a Woman,' at both War- Tier houses, stairted (14) with a $2 infroductory at the .Hollywood house, getting over $3,000 on the performance, but- sloughed off after': the start. In the Dowritowh house it was no bright number at all^^ in a town wherfe ..they all love wono- en—so title is no novelty. 'Big Executive' proved uniihpbr- vtant at the Paramount, Where, after five days it came 6tC on Sa;turday (10) With a measly $7,500. The en- tire P.' .&• ~M. stage sabw, headed by; Frank Jeriks, also went out. To the X^st Man'; opened Sunday (17) with Al Pearce and Hadio Gang on stkge. Film closes Wed. (20) to around $8,000, with 'Golden Harvest- starting itsi reigiilar -weelc again on : Thursday; I»earce holdover. Tex Guihaii with, her flash gaiig ojE torso exponents was brought into " the State as a balaiic. foi' Tower and the CHory* on the screen. HoUise got off to a $2,700, and will probably.hit a big $19,000 or; better bii the week, her midnite Saturday BhoW surprising "by its draw. •One Man?s Journey,' at the RKO, off to an unexciting start, will clip billy atound 115,000 points 'jMtasquerader/ which came into an eight-weelc gualraritee at the Cri- terion, will probably hlt^ $4,500 tor the .ciirtent stanza, Orpheum, with double bill, 'Before Dawnr and ten-act vaude show, ietill ■Worrying its first'run brethren with a profitable $7,000 take, Estimdies for This Week ; Chinese (Grauman) (2t028; 55- $1.65) OJinner at Eight* (MG) and stage show (3rd week). Dynamite initial pace, ^hich has been going under, wore off current weefc. to around $^1,500. JL^st week, second ^taiiza, wa9 over $25,000. Criterion! (Tally) (1,600; 25-40) fThe Masquerader' (XIA) and' stage show (4th week). For. iscale trade pretty good this wfeek, to Around $4,500. For. third week claimed ^tround $6*000. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 25-70) 'I liOved a Woman* (WB) and vaude ■ville. Istot .particularly relisliable Bcreen fare here, and ihay capi it off'with take Of around $7,500. Last week, ' 'Bureau of Missing Persons' (WB), for eight-day sojourn around $7,000. Horiywood (WB) (2,756; 25-65) l- Loved a* Wbman' (WB) and vaudeville. Got off to big start at $2 .premiere then sloughed off, but Will brlnsr in around $15,OO0i. Last week. 'Bureau Of Missing Persons* (WB). Pretty healthy with $10,500. Lob Angeles (Wm. Fbx) (2,800, 15-25) 'Laughing at Life* (Mascot) and 'Big 1?own* (Trojan); Still run hlng at even pace, but affected a -bit by Orpheum opposition, hit around $3,200. Last week, 'Onvi Year Later* (Allied) and 'His Pri vate Secretary' (Allied) just fair to $3,400. Orpheum (Bdwy) (2,270; 25-35) ^Before Dawn' (RKO) and 'The Devil's in Love*- (Fox), and -vaude- vlliei Still grinding them a:t the .two-bit clip,, which means nice prpflt at $7,000. Laist week, 'Hold Me Tight' (Fox) and 'Emergency. Call' (RKO), Very good at $7,400. Paramount (PArtmar) . (3,585; 25- 65) 'Big Executive' (Pair) ahd stage . show, r^ot what house needed .on the screen. Wieak number, regis tered only $7,500, ^To the Last Man' substituted when 'Exec' was jerk^c Sat. Last week, 'Torch Singer (Par) came over In good stead with $16,200. . RKO (2,950; 25-40). 'One Man's Journey' .(RKO). Slow, a bUsto crusto under $6,000. Last week 'Morning : Glory' (RICO) for third and final stanza milked them heavily to tune .of $5,400, which is most profitable. State (Loew-Fox) (2,024; 26-55) •The Power' and the Glory' (Fpx) and stage 'show.. With Tex Guinan mob on stage, take increased, $19,000 big. Last week, 'Another Language' (MG) just hit over $14,000, oke but^lJi0.uglit=3Jtojx]jlJ^ pen. Rain Helps Tacoma, So Fair Not Yet Hii^ng "racoQia, S'^pt. 18.- Nevr price scale adopted here cuts out the dime 'admissions^ both in nabes and downtown, sind if plan Works^ in three weeks, trick admis- sions, such a;s 'pal' , night, to go, too. Music Box and Iloxy to charge 26 and 35e;- Blue Moiise goes to 15 and 25, same scale for Constanti's Rivi- era. JRialtO, Temple, New Rose arid Shell go to 15 straight; suburbaiis to 20 nights, with mats, Saturdays, Sundays and hblidairs, i5c to 6 p. m: Middle of this Week the Western Washlhgton fair opens, at Puyallup, dhd this means murder to the shp-w shbps. It's va- real fair, rankih|r as the state fair out this way and even. Tacbmans use their dimes to go, so theatres suffer. Early week rains were a break for. the theatres, hurt-, ing the fair. 'Dr. Bull' got 'em steadily list Week and holds over three more .days Muisic Box has "Her First Mate* and Moonlight axid Pretzels,* split. With latter running up against, the Piiy- allup fair.; Estimates for This Week Music Box (Hamrick) (1^,400; 25- 35), 'Her First Mate* (U), 'Moon- light and Pretzels* (U>, split. Looks around $4,000. okay. Last weelc Mama IiOves Papa* (Par), 'Head-^ liti^ Shoofet* XRKO), split with Change Tour Luck* aind ♦Dashln* JDinah,* Colored tab bh stage, okay $4,900. Hoxy (J-VH) (1;300; -35), "Dr. Bull* (Fox). Held over, may run entire week, if it keeps on drawing, otherwise 'Another Language' (MG) set; expects another $4,500. Last- week same flitn. Immense, $6,200. Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (660; 15- 25). 'Arizona to Btoadway' (Fox) first hialf, then dual, 'Blind Adven- ture' (RKO), 'Biff Brain* (RKO). Anticipates a mild $800.. Last week Supernatural* (Fox), 'Pleasure Cruise' (Par), split, weak at $700.. Rui^al Theatre Plunges Brewster .Theatre Corp., opera.tbr of . a picture house In Briewster,. N, T., put itself on record as a bank rupt in the New York Federal court last week. Liabilities were $4,325 ;ahd the sisseti^, $3,742. Indie Lafayette, Buffalo, Strongest with Xady,' 106 Buffalo, Sept. 18. Buffalo took It on the chin a little last week excepting for Shea's Buff, which held to $14,800, but this week becomes the. ohiy house among the five leaders to fall down.. Others are up in the money again, Hipp vlelng with the Great Lakes for 9, possible $10,000 on 'Song of Songs.' "With yaude as a draw, th^ Lalces has a jgood chance to beat .this by $500 Or so. Halyman's indie Lafayette, got a fine dt^w in lAdy for a Day* and may equal the Great Lakes $10;000i very big. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3.600; 30-40-56) 'Broadway to HolIyWaQd' (MG) and stage shbW. Musical letting house down to about $11,000 after a good $14,800 on 'Paddy' (Fox) last ^eek, lion's share of. business Buffalo of- fered. Hipp (Shea) (2,400; 26^40) 'Sonir of Songs* (3Pax). Dietrich keeping the b. o. busy, $10,000; big. Last week 'Tugboat Annie* (MG) slumped house to $6,iD00, poOre^t . it has done in weeks. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,400; 25- 40) 'Storm at Daybreak* (MG) and vaude. Indications point to a chance for $10,600. pretty good. Last Week ^er First Mate* (U) and vaude. $8,700, mild. Century (Shea) (3,400; 25) 'P-il- grimage* (Fox). Doesn't Ibok like mbre than $6,200. but this nbt bad. Last -week 'Gamblinjg Ship' (Par) and 'Devil's in Love* (Fox), $5,100. Lafayette (Iiid) (3.400; 25) 'Lady for Day* (Col). Ringing the bfeU loudly with $10,000 or better in sight. Laist Week 'F. P. l* (Fox) and 'Best of Enemies* (Fox), aver- age $6,000. . PUly Eases a Little, but Still Go Torch Singer $18,500, Robinson II1/2G TENTHOUSr ^6,000, DETROirS BEST MONEY DRE^LER IN 2 MOm FIX, 'ANNIE' A 2D WK. Montreal, Sept. liB. Liable to be a bll; week currently. His Majesty's comes back to plx with a wow, 'Dinner at ight* and since Montreal will always pile up for Marie Dressier, they get a double of her in this a:nd the repeat of 'Tugboat Annie* at the Palace Weather gone wintry, last 10 days also helps a lot. No other attrac- tions in town should provide a further bOost. • Capitol has a nice brace In 'One Sunday Afternoon' and 'This. Day and Age' and the house hais built up'to a nice attendance all through the hot spell, so is getting the bene- fit as conditions change for the better. This should realize a $6,000 gross which is goOd enough.. Loew's with 'No Marriage. Ties' and 'The Big Brain' has average show and can look for a gross around $6,000. Princess lis also a repeat show 'Lady for a Day' and 'Dangerous Days* which with a big gross last week should return $9,000 currently. Imperial comes back to pix with 'La Belle Aventure* and Cinema de Paris breaks away from a four-Week repeat with -'Mr. Quick.' They should both get average gross; . ' Nabes have picked up during the last week and are likely' to show fair grosses.; currently. Still in red, but not so deep. Estimates for Thi Week His Majesty's (Ind) (l.GOO; 50- 1.50)—'pinner at Eight'. (MG) Prices pretty high fbr conditions here, but can look for $10,000. Last week 'Hearts of the World' (Grif fiths); $6,500. Palace (FP) (2.70,0; 60)—'Tug boat Annie' (MG) .(2d. week). Still attractive enough to rate $8,000, after $10,000 last week. Capitol (FP) (2,700;. 50).-^'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par) and. 'This Day and Age' (Par)". Good for $6,000. Last week 'Bed of Roses (RKO) and 'Headline Shooter (RKO), $5,500. . Loew's (FP) (3,200; 50)—'No Mar rifige Ties' (RKO) and 'Big Brain (RKO). $5,000 Is fair guess. Last week 'Devil's In Love' (RKO) and 'Man Who Dared' (tj), about $6,000 -^erjnces8=^(.CT)^(l7900T--50.).=4Lady^ for a Day' (Col) and 'Dangerous Crossroads'. (G61.). Second week $'7,500. Last week, $9,000. Imperial (France-Film) (1,600; 60)-^'La Belle Aventure' (French) Looks $2,000, French Operetta last week. Cinema de Paris (France-Film) (600; 60)—'Mr. Quick' (French) Around $1,500. Last Week 4th week o£ 'Les Gars de la Marine,' $1,000. Detroit, Sept. 18. The Michigan comes into, its Own With the biggest opening in town this week. After trailing the Fox for the past.two Weeks, 'Penthouse* is doing the busihess. The FOx is' doing well but Is feeling a slump after 'Crazy QulIt* The REG Downtown seetns to be sandwiched, between the Michigan and Fox, with the Downtown the poor third. Big vaude shows for the past four weeks, including such b.o. namds hb Milton Berle, Sophia Tucker, Joe Penner and (^orge Jes- sel and house is continuing in the red. The tept of the RKC> Downtown is this week. Playing 'A Lady for a Day* on screen and Bert Lahr headlining With Eleanor Powell and Eddie . Garr on the stage, house . is just going along after a mild open- ing. Unlesls business picks up plenty this will be another of thOse weeks. The State continues in the same class as the. United-Artists as far as business is concerned. Playing bally 'ipictures the current 'Broad- way to Hollywood' is plenty weak and Will probably be withdrawn be- fore the second week is up. Low nut on this house gets by on a gross of about $4,600. Last week the Fox led the pro- ceedings with a nice'grosEi of $26,200, Picture developed into a matinee atr traction after the week-end. Eve- lilngis were somewhat off. which kept the gross from going to a new high. At this house gOt plenty Well on the week. Picture was 'Sing Sin ners Sing* and with a better picture a record could have been reached. The Michigan Just went along last week with Ethel Merman on 'stage and 'Torch Singer* on screen Neither meant anything out this far from Broadway. A comi)aratiVely mild $14,000. ^Bittersweet' at the UA was too foreign and high class to attract paying customers; only mild, $5,000., The State with 'Broadway to HoUjrwobd' found the names didn't mean a thing for a very weisik $2,800. The Fisher with 'One Sunday Afternoon* was. fair at $6,000. The Downtown with Sophie Tucker, and Joe Pennter, bad $2,800. Estimates for This Week ichigan (P-P) (4,045; 15-26-35- 40-65). 'Penthouse' (MG) and ata^e show. Very nice for $26,000. Last week 'Torch Singer' (Par) and stage show mild at $14,000. Fox (Inde) (5,100; 16-25-36-40- 66), 'Paddy* (Fbx) and stage show Fair trade. $19,000. Last week 'Sing Sinner Sing* (Maj) and 'Crazy Quilt on Stage, big at. $25,200. , Downtown (RKO) (2,750; 15-25- 36-40r56), 'Lady for a Day' (Col) and vaude. Getting along mildly, $13,000. Last week 'Her First Mate (U) and vaude tragic $2,800. ~.^JUjait(B.d^ArJtist8=(0e=P),^:X:2iO18:V='=^^ 25-36-40-66), iGoddbye A'gain' (WB) Weak biz, only' $4,000. Last week 'Bitter SWeet' (UA), $5,000. State (P-P) (3,000; 15-25-36-'40 56), 'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG) (2d wk). Poor at $1,800. Last Week same piicture, $2,800.^ Fisher (P-F) (2,665; 15-25-35-40)^ •Pilgrimage' (Fox). Off, only $3,300. Last week 'One Sunday Afternoon (Par), good $6,000. Columbus Strong for Tabs, 'Quat' and *Dolan,' $9,000 Columbus. Scipt. 18. For Ihe i^econd week lii succession this burg is falling for stage musi- cals, with 'Crazy Quilt' at the Hartr- nian being the success fbr the piresr eint day session. Although far frpiiqi capacity, its fbur^a-day schedule is doing plenty. Faiace theatre really got out the old ballyhoo fbr once and . had *em talking 't^dy for a Diay' far in ad- vance, but opened up weakly. May i>uild. Fflze bit of work on this one was taking an old lady .ne^sle and making her a lady-pliis, for a day, with the paper taking it on big. Newsie got the best hotel isuite in town and all the trimmings. Other shoWa this week naturally somewhat off, but generally ahead ol what might be expected this time of year. Last week under this, one on the whole but no heavy squaWks. Estimates for Thia Week Palace (t^ko) ' (3,074; 25-40), 'Lady for a Day* (Col). Picking up after, good Opening and may pass poor $6,000. Liast week 'Strike, Me Pink'. on . stage and 'He»^ Body-, guard' (Par) picked up to close and got Alee $16,000. Ohio (Loew-UA) (3,000; 25-40), 'Penthouse' (MG). Holding up well considering cbmpetlsh and should hit fair enough $6^000. Last, week The Masquerader' (UA), good $8,- 600. N . i Hartman (Neth) (1,200; 30-76), 'Life of Jltnmy Dolan' (FN) and 'Crazy Quilt/ Playing four-a-day and five Saturday, set for good enough $9,000. First week Open this yeiar. Grand (NethV (1,100; 25-;40), 'But reau of Missing Persons' (FN). Suf- fering from competish, light $2,800 in sight. Last week 'Goodbye Again' (WB) better at $3,700. Broad (Loew-UA) (2,600; 22-32). Beauty for Sale' (MG) and 'A Pri- vate Scandal' (Tower). NO stronger than $2,000. Last week 'Turn Back the Clock' (MG) and 'Red Haired Alibi' got $3,000 due to the Tracy name. Majestic (RKO) (1,100; 22-32), Rafter Romance' (RKO). No bet- ter than $1,600,. light. week Brlief Mbment'. also not so hot and just topped $1,400. ST. L'S RECENT SPURT LOOKS PERMANENT St. Louis, Sept. 18. Nothing sensational around the film b.o.'s this week. That is, not unless it is Mae West, Who is do- ing nicely in the second week of the revival of 'She Done Him Wrong' at the Grand Central. Pix played Anibassador week Earlier in the summer and most of the neighbor- hoods, but is still bringing In the dbugh In such satisfying arnounts that already the management Is ccnslderlhg holding film over an-, other week. One reason there Is nothing out- standing, box ofllce-ly speaking, is that fans are offered so many pic- tures that by the time they divide up with all of them, none of them get very .much. Eight pictures are offered at the six theatres, two, the Missouri and Grand Central, pre- senting dual, programs. In the third week since reopening, the St. Louis continues to lag be- hind what its programs deserve. Muny_ opera stars .and Katherlne Hepburn failed to bring house out of the red last week and now 'Lady for a Day' Isn't doing what it should. Pix got rave. reviews, biat opened poorly. There were signs, however, of improvement and so the finish may be 0. K. A;mbassadbr isn't piling upi the same profits a^ for the last several: weeks, but is still In the black. If the St. Louis makes the grade, all managers will see the same color- On the whole, it would seem, to In- dicate the recent box office spurt to be permanent. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (Skburas) (3,000; 25- 35-55)—'I Loved a Woman' (WB) and Joe Frisco on stage. .Fair at $14,000. T.-ast week 'She Had to Say Yes* (WB), a big $20,000. Fox (Fox) (6,000; 25-35-55)—'Dr. Buir (Fox) and Al Trahan on stasc. Good for $15,066. Last week 'Shang- hai Madness' (Fox), four days, and Muny opera stars on stagie; $6,000, ppor; =^^Grahd=^Central=^('Skquras)^(27600r 25-35-50)—'She Done Him Wrong' (Par), second week of revival, and 'Secret of Blue Room' (RKO). Good biz at $4,000. Last week a big $7,606. Loew's State (3,006; 25-35-55) —'Penthouse' (MG). Fair at $9,000. Last week 'Masquerader' (UA). Cbl- man accounted for a strong $11,000. Missouri (Skouras) (3,500; 25-35.. 50)—'Captured' (WB) and 'No Mar- riiage Ties' (RKO). Good at $8,000. Philadelphia, Sept. .18. Not a' great deal is Indicated for the downtown, film houses this Week. They've bben enjoying three weeka of above-average trade, with' hot b. p. i>ictures and a battle of head- line acts. in the. stage shoW houses,. SO: the drop that is forecast Is hot sujrprising. The Stanley has Ethel Barirymore as its big name,, and from the open- ing pace, the house won't, hit the. top they claimed with last week's show which had the Howards and a ble Fashion Fur iabow. Most Im* pOrtant is that the current pictui'e, 'Torch Singer,' hasn't the draw pjr a long shbt that Katharine Hep- burn's 'Morning Glbry' had la^ week. A gross of arbund; $18,500 is expected, however, and that's, not to be sneezed at any time.. The Fox, tbo; is slated for a drop. 'Charlie Chan's Greatest Case' is the film and Bobby Sanford's 'Show Bbat' the, stage, attraction. Around $16,600 forecast, good but not sen- sational. The Boyd's 'I ■. Loyed a Woman* (EdWavd G: Rbblnsoh) Iisn't as strong as 'Song of Songs' or 'Tug- boat Annie,' the theatre's last two atractlon, and doesn't rate more than $12,000. I'he Earle has a bill without dls- jtinction,. but a DIx picture, 'No, Marriage. Ties,'';miay help' some; not more than $12,000 indicated. 'Masquerader,' although hot dping badly at the Aldine, is being forced a. little, to attain three weeks. Not more* than $7,000 figured for . this week and It may find. It tough to reach that. . The Stanton, with DeMIlle's 'This Day and Age,' may pull above its recent average to arbund $8,000. The Arcadia ha.s 'Her Bodyguard,* which should get about $2,200, while the Karlton Is expecting a very strong $5;500-$6,000 with the second show- ing of 'Morning (31ory.' Much speculation here as to the house.for the road-showing of 'Din- ner at Eight.' Chestnut has legit bookings from Oct. 2. to Thanksgiv- ing; Aldine is being leased by United Artists who have 'Bitter Sweet,' 'The Bowery,' and 'Emperor Jones' to follow .'The Masquerader.' This leaves the Locust as a strong possibility, but nothing, official. Of liast week's attractions, the biff disapppintment was 'Song of Songs.* although It was held for one day over the week. However, $14,0OQ for seven days at the Boyd didn't look like the $19,000 for six ex- pected. . The Fox ran .true to form with a fine $19,000 for 'Dr. Bull,' and the Duncan Sisters and the Stanley didn't quite touch the $24,000 fore- cast, but pulled a neat $22^500 fojr 'Morning Glory'' and a stage bilj hea.ded by the Howards. Estimates for Thi Week Aldine (1,200; 40-55-65), 'Masque- rader' (UA). Looks for a jiossible $7,000 for third Tyeek and that will be all. Last week, just turned $8,- 060. Arcadia (600; 25-40-50), 'Her Bodyguard' (Par). $2,260 Indicated. Last weekj 'Mama Loves Papa* (Par) didn't hold up and Just broke $2,000. Earle (2,000; 40-55-65), 'No Mar- riage Ties' (Fox) and vaude. No names on bill. Fair to middlln' $12,- 000 indicated. Last week 'Goodbye Again' (FN) and vaude, $13,000 with film figured as being in wrong house. Fox (3,000; 35-55-75), 'Charlie. Chan's Greatest Case' (Fox) and stage show. House figured to drop from recent high average. How- ever, a fairly good $16,500 should be reached. Last week,'Dr. Bull,' (Fox) and stage show featuring Duncan Sisters got a robust $19;000. Boyd (2,460; 40-55-65), 'I LoVed a Wbman' (FN), Robinson picture didn't get off to much of a start. Lucky to hit . $11,600. Last week 'Song of Songs' (Par) disappointed, although held for ono extr day, only $14,000. Karlton (1,000; -46-50), 'Mbrnf ing Glory' (RKO). Big week fore- cast for the second showing of this one, $5,560 or $6,000 figured. Last week^Double Harness' (RKO), $3,- 600, under expectations. Stanley (3,706; 40-55-76), 'Torch Singer' (Par) and stage show, head- lining Ethel Bai-rymore.- Should get $18,E00, excellent , but not up to .standard of last three weeks. Last week 'Morning Glory' (RKO) and stage show featuring Howards, very; strong at $2,2,506. Stanton, (1,700; 30-40-56), 'This Day^andjAge^ (Par^. Should^ u^_ the "hous^""a.ver-ageTTo 't9,W^ ahJ riiay come nearer $9,000. Last week 'Turn Back the Clock' (MG) another weak $7,000. Last week 'This X>ay and Age' (Par), poor trade, $5,006. St. Louis (Ind) (5,000; 25-35-56)— 'Lady for a Day' (Col) and Muny Opera stars on stage. Fair at $15,-' 000, Last week 'Morning Glory' (RKO), only $14,000, poor.