Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday, Septeoiber 19. 193S PICTURE CRO'SSES VARIETY , 9 ^te-Lake Best Pace in Loi For Steady Kz; 'Beauty' %. BuH' Ted Lewis Unit 55G phlcagro, Sept. 18. Chicago erot its share of perfect jHhow weather; dark, cloudy with a jcfhill in the air. It was th& World's Fair loss with the theatres gaining. Ihbligh there wa^ nothing outstand- ing at any of the houses. Althoujgh the State-liike theatre iloes not play to the money that the. Chicago and Palace do It . held its business ayeragie above theim «tnd Il:urned in the second best week since its. new opening. Over $17,000 at '^^0 week, days and 40c on Saturday luid Sunda:y still mak^s a lot of peo- jple and a lot .of money. Folks ajround, here become very discriminating for both the Piatace and Chicago, but the State-Lake has built up ifood. will and 'patron- age and you alwayg get a run for your 35c4 >, Opening day of the week was cold Jind rainy, which delivered one of the sweetest ' first days, in some time. Capacity practically all j^round the loop.. Result , was that . ^he Fair died. . Thr6e houses will change product ^his week, 'Tugboat Annie- goes out of the Oriental: after a smashing etay to make, room for 'Too. Much" jpannony,' United Artists switches out 'Paddy' to replj^ce with tho George Arllss flicker, which is inamed for boJt office here, 'Affairs of (Voltaire,' while 'Bureau of Missing (Persons' goes itl for 'Captured' at !the McVickers. B. & K. Chicago is liow the sec- bhd highest grosser in the couh- jtry, running behind only the Radio <City Music Hall. It h£is consistent- ly run $60,000 weekly and it's a. rea- isoh for long faces if it drops to tSQ^OOO, as it will this week with 'Dr. Buir and Ted. Lewis unit on the. fitage, although still very 6ke. Palace is trylnjg: a tan dancer, Ro- 'ealia, and she's appiarently ac- counting for some freak trade. On ,l;h§.arty side,, however, there's Mary iMcCormick, the diva, in person and ^Pilgrimage' (Fox). Estimatea .for This Week Chicago (B&K) (3.940; 36-66-76) 'Dr. Bull' (Foy) and Ted .LeWi0 unit jon the stage. Sally Rand fan dance fetlso billed heavily, due to appear- ance of a rivfil'fan waver. Xe.wls {accounting for $66,000, fine, after iestabllshlng himself solidly with the iWorld's Fair crowds through nite tolub appearances. Last .week Torch iSinger" (Par) got $66,200. McVickera (B&K) (2,284; 26-36) f^aptured' . (WB). Going out on . IVIednesday (20) to be replaced by •*Bureau of Mlsstng Persons' (WB). Present session'of 'Captured' down iBharply to $4,000. Femme fans went Ifor Leslie Howard but backed away Klue to war theme. First week of •''Captured' fine $10,200. Oriental (B&K) (3,200; 30-40-66) iTugboat Annie' (MG) (4th week). jContinuihg to ride wide and hand- isome. Only the pressure of new<- jcoming pictures is forcing, this off. ''Too Much Harmony' (Par) hits In bn Thursday (21). In its final week ^^iinie' will anyway touch $13,000, b, terrific figure for a final session, liast week bull's-eye at $16,800. Palace (RKO) (2,688; 40-66-83) Pilgrimage' (Fox) . and . vaudts. Flicker is down for. a heavy buildun, Qiie to the comments and notices. Opened strong and will finish Btronger. Enough variety on stage io pull nearly every element with Can dancers and opera warblers. Continuing on .excellent place , at $22,000, with plenty of profits at low cost stage.. 'First Mate' (U) ^p.d £eert..Lahr last week on. the_b'am6 sweet pace at smacking ij$6,000. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,600; 25-36) HBeauty for Sate* (MG). Sudden switch broue^it this one in rather than 'Bureau of Missing Persons.' ^ho*:^h iatiking name strength pic- ture is starting nicely and may take $10,500 for the opening ride^ Very £food. 'Mary Stev6ns' (WB) finished *o $9,600. State-Lake (Jones) 2,700; 20-40): ^Don't Bet oh Love' (XI) and vaude. Morin Sisters of radio headlining, but it's still the show and bargain that counts. HOme folks know that they get. vaude, stage show and pic- ture for their coin. That's good enough for them without lookin/? for a name. They don't evert want to know the picture. Sticking tO pace that brings in $16,000, with a grand m"Dre .or less weekly. And •handsome profits on an overhead of $10,000. Looks like $16,000, while laiat week drew $17,500. United Artists (B&K-UA) (1,700; 86-65) 'Paddy' (Fox). Finishing two- ^wjeek^^itja3t w^iUij)ka3r^l,60O for final fiession. Cast week good, at |IK;TDO. •Voltaire' (WB> In on Wed. (20). ADELE THOMAS SET AT REO Adele Thomas has been added to RKO's contract list, her flrst to he in 'Blonde Poison.' She's from legit musicals. DR. BULL'IN SEATni ISN'T-lOG IS VERY OKE Seattle, Sept. l8; With NRA i>rovidlng inOre leisure and a bit mOre local employment, shows are slowly getting back to normal, .with outloOk brighter. That's one . reason why the reopen- ing of the Orpheum seems closer at handi with several omtfits angling for it. Will . Rofirers is the big shot in town, which is helping Fifth'Ave. get 'em with 'Dr. Bull.' Music 9ox has holdover, "VoltairiBi' going for steady bizi but ho pa,tiic'. 'Reunion in Vienna,' dualed with 'Hold Me Tight' at Colisdum, failed to.hold, so pulled after four days on siecond run. .Liberty sticks to duals and biz on the . tip. \ Estimates foi" is Week- ilFth Ave. (Evergr6en) (2,400; 25- 40), 'Dr. Bull* (Fox). 'Hear Rogers sing and yodll scream with laugh- ter' is played Up in advertising. Go- ing for a big J10,000. Last Week 'Another Language' (MG)i faifi $6,- 900. Roxy (J-vH) (2,300; 25-35)r 'Brief Moment' (Col). Headed for a fair $4,600. Last week 'Shanghai Mad- ness' (Fox), fair at $4,700. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,106; 25-40), 'Beauty for Sale' (MG). Looks fair for a $6,00& grosia. Last week 'Turii Back the Clock' <MG), good, $6,700. Music Box (Hamrick) (900; ; 26- 40), "Voltaire' (WB) (2d week). Good goin' at $3,00(>. Last week, steady for okay $4,700, Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (950; 25- 40), 'Bafter Romance' (RKO). Pic proved weak. b.o., pulled after four days, 'I Loved a Woman' (FN) go- ing in. Only $l,'6O0. Last week, sec- ond of 'Masquerader' (UA) so-so, $2,800. Liberty (J^vH) ■<1,900; 10-25), 'Life in the Raw' (Fox), 'Hearts of Huina;nity' (Mas). Dual enroute to a good $4,600. Last week 'Destina- tion Unknown' (U), 'Devll'6 Mate' (Shef), dual, good!, $4,300. Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,800; 16'^ 26), 'The Nuisance' (MGV, 1 Loved You Wednesday' (Fox). Dual looks good for $3,600. Last week 'Reunion in Vienna' (MG), 'Hold Me Tight' (Fox), failed to Jell, pulled after four day a, doing scant' $2,000; pre- ceding, 'Little Giant* (FN), 'Mid- night Mary' (MG), dual okay at $8,400,'but no rave. HUnON, TREIZELS' BIG $18,000 IN emYN Bropklyji, Sept.^ 18. Now with the menacing competi- tion of :thQ_summer and the beaches behind, them, the downtown delux- era feel a little more optimistic. All they have to worry about is the usual Brooklyn problem of getting folks out of their homes at night. Ordinarily this week would-have been much better becauSb flicker attractions iare goo(|. However, the terrific threfe-^ay downpour killed what natural chances there were for this yieek. Paramount will, nevertheless^ be In the black. Offering, 'Three Corn- ered Moon' (Par) and a heavy sta'e^e show it-should do in vicinity of $18,-. 000* Fox, down-the?-street, looks big ^ with 'Moonlight and Pretzeld' (U) and David Huttbh^ Aimee Mc" Pbersonis hubby, heading the stage show. Should get $18,000 or/ bet-< ter. Albee hopes for $20,000 on 'Lady For Day' and Wally Picon. Estimates for This Week . Paramount (4,600; 25-35-66-66), 'Three. Cornered- Moon' (Par)' and stage show with Herb Williams, and Jack Arthur, ether baritone. Should produce $18,000, satisfactory.. Last week 'Song Of Songs' (Piar) and Alex Gray, on stage, $23,400^ Fox (4,D00; 25-36-50), 'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U) and stage show. Flicker is liked hereabouts. Dave Hutton's appearance.' on. stage helped; strong $18,000 in prospect. Last week .'Her First Mate' (U) did $9,500, weak. Albee (3,600; ?5-35-50), 'Lady For a Day' (R) and vaude. Molly PleOn is on the stage ahd golnrr nicely. Good $20,060 in view. Last week 'One ^ Majlis ■Journey' . _(RKO), '$16,100. "' . ■. - - Loewts Metropolitan. (2,400; 25-35- 50), 'Penthoiise' (MG) and vaude featuring.thfl-Duncan Sisters, Mebbe $20,000, mild, Last week 'iBroadway to KoUywood' (MG), $18,400. Strand (2,800; 25-35-50), 'Goodbye Again' (FN). A quiet $lO,0OO. Last week 'Captured' did $10,200. K,C. PLENTY O.K. 'Torch Singer* Big $11.006—Colored Tab Plus 'Jourhey" Ok* $16,000 Kansas City, Sept. 18. The Newman, this week^ switched back to a Friday opening with 'Torch Singer 'cutting 'One Sunday Afternoon' a day short, as it was not doing so won. Colbert feature is better than normal for a big $11*000. The Mainstreet also opened Fri- day with -One Man's Journey^ and the 'Shuffle Along' unit as the jstage attraction, to laiige crowds; a nifty. $15,000 In prospect. 'Penthouse' is the Midland's bill and wais the only Saturday opening In town ahd the custortiers line was working -strong. Last \tfeek gave the antiusemeiiits everything in the weather line from close to 100 the flrst three days to dow^n in the 60's the balance of the time. Estimates for This .W.eek Liberty (Dubins^y) (860; 10-15- 20)—'Melody Cruise'- (RKO) and 'Little Giant' (FN), ispurt. WiU get the advantage of the heavy adver- tising given the features on their first runs and ai:e expected, to gross dose to $2,400: jgood. Last week 'Lilly.: Turner' , (FK) and 'Private Detective 66' (WB) held nicely for $2,100. Mainstreet (RKO) (3,000; .25-36- 50)—|One Man's Journey^. <RKQ) and ''Shuffle Along','., stage . shpw. Management is . splurging qn ° its 'Greater Show Season' and the re^ turns are encouraging. T^hXs bill got away to a great start and should hit a gbod $16,000. iLa^it week 'Her First Mate* (U) and Abe tymah's band unit, Lyman's outfit given all the' breaka with - , both public''and radio . appearances, and the extra, plugging helped at the box office for $14,000, only fair. Midland (LQew> ■ (4,000; 26)— 'Penthouse' (MG). Some sizzling publicity and expected to tako $14,000, good. Last week ''Masq.uer- ade' (UA), $11,500, fair. Newman (Par) (1,800*, 26-40)— 'Torch Singer* (Par). Heiavy play from the lady farts, probably close to $11,000, big. Last Week 'One Sun- day Afternoon' (Par), six days,- $8,- 000, good.' Uptown (Fox) (2,040; 26-40)— 'Charlie Chan's .Greatest Case' (Fox). Right down the alley for the lovers of mystery's and will likely gross a good $3,700; Last -«veek 'Paddy' (Pox), $4,000, good, B way s Brisk B.O. Pace Continues Despite Rainy Handicaps: 'Glory' 80G,'Beauty'5(IG, * Taniti^' Tab Looks Me New Boston Boston, Sept. 18; Sudden let-down In film quality leaves it tb flesh, to carry on for the combination spots this week. The grand exception for hig biz is the Keith Boston, . smashing all-time records with the tab 'Vanities.' Other spots nOt so hot, due to la,ck of flash on either stage or screen. • . , ^■ Estimates for This Week Keith's (RKO) iiM^ '26-35-50) 'Ladles Must Live' (tl). Alm6$t nil on draw, so biz slumps; $6,000 will be very bad*' Last week 'Lady for Day* (Col), pulled a fair $11,100. 'Boston (RKO) (4,000; 50-40-50) ^Headline Shooter' (RKO) artd Earl Carroll 'Vanities tab. Latter all set for a record for this spot, $29,- 000 -expected. Away above recent high mark of $22,00]? -with Morton Downey; (Latter was underquoted by a few grand). Last week 'Rafter Romance' (RKO) and stage show, velvet in the $16,500. Orpheum (Loew) (3;000; 80-40- 60) 'Broadway to. Hollywood' (MG) and vaude. Ileaded for neat $i8,- 600. Last week Mills Bros, and Negro show gave ,spot a gala In- tferval, draw being aces, and. patron- age tiptop throughout-week;, 'Turn Back Clock' (mG) pleasing, too. Re- sult creamy tot: very profitable $18,600. StiAs (Loew) (3,000; 30-40-60) 'Beauty for Sale' (MC^) and one stage, act; vaude and band, Suhdayi; Good for average biz, $11,000 prob- able. Last week /Penthouse' (MG) and stage act, better than okay for $18,000. Met (M&IP) (4,330; 30-40-60-66) •Torch Singer* (Par) and Nick Lucas heading stage show. Headed for good $22,500. Last week 'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par) and stage show, not so socko, for $i9,500.i Scollay (M&P) (2,800; 25-36-45- 66) 'Song of Songs' (Par) and vaude, Dietrichc draw should boost to $9,500, excellent. Last week 'Tar- zan' (Prln) and vaude, velvet at $9,000. ^^Pai"iniwimtn-M&i')r(l=8oa;=^ 55) 'India Speaks^ (RlECO), '^and 'Blind Adventure.' Nothing to brag about, yet there's gravy in expected $8,000. Last -vvcek .'Goodbye, Again* (WB) arid 'Shanghai Madness* (Fox) thanks to thO Warner film, .smacked oft a very handsome $8,- 900, plenty profit. Though 'torrehtia.! rains. brought. a' poor takeoff for most theati'es, better box-office, •vy-eatheri arrived in time for the weekend and, on whole, Ne-w Tork's flrstrrun filmshops Will be in generally gobd shape. Prom , all indications' a mew higher level, of grosses is being nialntairted on Broadway, as it is in marty other parts of the country. Undoubtedly the corner is being turned: Prolonged- depression has taught the theatres, not only In Amei^Ica's biggest town but elseiwhere, to. re- duce operatlrtg expenses, and now that a climb is being rt;iade, it is resulting In a healthy condition even If the 1929 level of business ia still far away. Gpiie, however, tire the overhead expenses which ma-de 1929 grosses Imperative. Because its openlrtg day is Thurs- day, the Music Hall iept the full brunt of th^ rainstorm that'day and Fi'iday as well and will be fortunate to erid up. with $80,000 on 'Power 9,nd the Glory.' Picture came from a 3%-week run at the Gaietyi where it did f a,Irly well. ; Last weeK's business all over was aiided 'Wed. (13) through the crowds brought .downtown -fOr the NRA parade. Par and Cap again,. for the lion's .'share of the buslnei^s left after the Mu^l6 Hall takes away its, $80,000 or. thereabouts. In ratio to its average, the'Par leads :the Capi- tol on a chance, to. step: ahead of the $P,000 which appears In the bag. on second week of 'Song" of Songs,' after a flrst seVen days' drag of $39,600. - After-its highly coinfiil $62,000 last- week ."on 'Penthouse,'' which Is doing a lahdofflce business in Other Loew theatres ciitrently, including the State^ Cap looks, to $60,000 or nearby oiii 'Beauty for Sale,' ald<&d by Cab Calloway, on stage. Callo- way should make up for any weak- ness from- picture. State w'lth the 'Penthouse' draw, is expectant to the tune of $26,000 or better, excelleiit; While the rest of the street, hurt some by the in.clement weather Frl day and to a minor extent by the threat cif mOre rain Saturday (16), isn't doing: big, none of the housed are worrying about the outcome. Old Roxy, with 'F. P. 1/ will be good at $25,O0j0, while the Rialto got a better break from the miirder mystery 'Secret of the Blue Room' than looked for, at $13,000 on week ending last night (Monday). The fight pictures /sLlsb helped. Arthur Mayer is holding it until Friday (22) wh^n bringing In 'Thurtdejr Over Mexico' bn a special reserved seat premier 'vrith Upton Sinclair putting In a personal appearance. Mayer , believes ■ last week's rain helped hiin, rather than hurt with the Rialto, the first 8pot^ throngs emerging from' sub-ways can make for shelter. , Strand, on- a holdover, is all right at $16,000 for 'Missing Persons,' Which got a fancy $28,700 the flrst sevfen . days. Switching hooklngs 'I Lov6d a Woman' comes in "Thufs- day (21), while the Hollywood In- stead gets 'Wild Boys of the Road! same date. 'Voltaire' on its final (fourth) week is mild, at $6,600, apparently held too long. 'Masquerader' gets less than three, (Tuesday) on a, final four days' gross of $12,000. 'Bniperor' Jones' opens tonight (Tuesday) on a spe oial premiere. RIv may haVb held the Colman picture longer, but Is finding that product is beginning to pile up and has to be cleared. Fox's 'Berkieley Square,' flnlBhing its first week tomorro-w*: (Wednes- day) opened up strong; on a two-a- day run. On the flrst four days including the Wednesday night opening (18), the box-Office had collected $8,200. U. opens 'S. O. S. looberg' on it two^a-day at Criterion Friday (22) Palaqe shows vast improvement this week with 'One Mart's Journey/ or about $14,000. Last Week, On b\x daysi, occasioned by going to a Frl day,opening (16), the till held only $9,000, bad. ' Mayfair got $8,600 on 'Mr» Broad way,' the coluniniBt picture ending last night (Monday) aud retains it until hitting under $760 a day, Wal ter Blade's policy here. He Jerks pictures ott less than^ day's notice. Next In 'The Avenger' (Mono). RKO Roxy» Radio City's split weekef,^ will be much better than la.qt week or about $13,000. Estimates for This Week Astop (1,012; 83-$1.10-$1.65-$2.20) 'Dinner at Eight' (MG) (4th wOek). Holds Up stoutly tout set back" a ^littr6-ln^lcrat=WTOk's^raih'r^hich4^ the evening clotboa crowd at hbme Got $20,300 third week. • Capitol (5,40o; 36-72-83-$1.10- $1.65) 'Beauty for Sale' (MO) and .^tage show.. Will bfe close to $5Q,000 and maybe reach , that figure, good, but not as strong as previou.s week"* 'Penthouse' (MG), which showed immediate boxTonice. strength and emierged on week at $62,000. Gab Galloway aiding this week .on. stage. Gaiety (808; 55 - $1.10 - $1.65) 'Berkeley Square* (FOx); Opened well Wednesday night (13), that and flrst fo\ir' days bringing $8,200, strong for this small-seater. Hollywood (1,563; 25-36-66-76-85- $1.10) 'Voltaire' (WB) (4th week). Takes its leave after a small $6,60) week, 'Wild Boys of Road' .coming In Thursday (.21). Third -wleek. for the Arliss picture, -was $7,86o. . Mayfair (2,200; 35-55-65) 'Mr. Broadway* (B'way - Hollywood). Getting $8,500 oh flrst seVen days ending last, night (Monday), stays part of. all of another week. "The Aveiiger* (Mono) ntix^. on hooks. Palace (1,700; 25-30-65-75), 'One Man's Jburney* (PK.O) and vaude. Going Up to $14,000, good, after bum $9,000 bn six' dS,ys of 'Paddy' (Pox). House now in Friday open- ings. ' . Paramount .(3,653; 35-56-75), 'Song of . Songs' (Par) .(2d week) and stage show, Dietrich proving out In a big way, with $33,000, perhaps better. In sight on the holdover. First week's draft "was $39,600, fruity. Radio City Music Hall (6,945; 36^ 65-75), 'Power and"Gloty (Fox) and stage show. Hurt by rain, will be lucky to hit $80>000, somewhat under , figure house has been hittln&r last few -weeks; 'Lady for a Da^^ (Col) wound up just under $86,000^, okay Rialto (2,000: •40-55-65), 'Sedret of Blue Room' (U) (2d week). On strertgth of the $13,000 ertticied first week ending last night (Monday). Itouse holds mystery until Friday (22) when .'Thunder in Mextoo' opens. Rivoli (2,200; 40-56-75-85). 'Mas- querader' (UA) (3rd week). Could be held another week, but top- heavy on product, house brings in 'Emperor Jones' (UA). tonight (Tuesday), colman got $21,000 last week (second) and. will get $12^000 on final four days« RKO Roxy (3,626; 26V40), 'One Man's Journey' (RKO). four -days, and 'No Marriaige Ties' (RKO), three . days,.' Doubleton will get around $13,000. fairish. Last week's duo, 'Paddy' (Fox), four days, and 'The Wrecker^. (CJol)^ three days, only $8,100, bad: ' . Roxy (6,20pj 25r36-56>, 'P. P. 1* ((jatimont-FOx) and stage- show. Foreign-made arousing Interest and at . $25,000 house is neatly .'In' the money. Ijast week 'Man Who Dared' (Fox); and Nick Kenny on the Stage disappointed to the tune Of j$16,000^ pobrest .theatre Jifts done in a-long time. State (2,000: 35r56-75), 'pehtr house' (MG) and vaude; Exhibiting big draft and $26,^000, or over, will be.the answei^. Thlsliouse has done veify well lateiy. Last week it got a non-argument $23,000 on "Tug- boat Anrtie' (MG). Strand (2,900; 36^66-75), 'Bureau Missing Persons' (WB) (2d week), A good exploitation picture and well sold on this engagement, .does okay at $16,000 on the holdover. jTirst seven days $28,700 Was good and high. Good Fare and €(iod Weatber Good for N.H. New Haven, Sept. 18. Plenty first class stuff mean.s pretty even distribution of buslneb^ this week. Rainy weather proved to be a help for weekend. Rogef: Sherinan put on heavy ad- vance campaign oii 'Bureau' and It helped a lot. College Will probably draw more oii ita secondary^, stuff than on its . features. Ross-Cauzonert fight and a news blip oh *MiS9 Anierica,' a local girl, are belhfir plugged. BlJou, a grinder, i^ reviewing *42nd iSt* Estiihatei for This Week : Paramouht (PubUx) (2,348; 86-SO) 'This Day and Age' (Par) and •Her. Splendid Folly.' Looks good for a nibe $t,000. Last webk, 'Big Eit- ecutive* (Par) and 'She Done Him Wrbng* (Par) revival. Mae West pic also counting( okay at $6,100> Palace (Pox-Poli) (3,040; 35-50) 'Dr. Bull' (Fo*) and 'Chan's Greiat- est-Case' (Fox). Should jget a btg $8,500, Last Week, 'Masquerader' (UA) and 'Cocktail Hour' (Col); $8,200, all right; Roger Sherman (WB); (2,200; 35- 60) 'Bureau Missing Persons' (WB) and 'Rafter Roniance.' An opening that topped the big 'Voltaire' prem- iere should mean a .sweet $8,000. Last woek, 'Goodbye Again' (WB). and=^Man'^Who---Dared-K^ox);-af ter-= nice .start, faded tb light $4,200. College (Fox-Poll) (1,565; 35-50) 'Turn Back Clock' (MG) and 'Brle.£ Moment,' also Ross-Canzonerl fight. Indicates bjcay $3,600. Last week, 'What Price Innocence?' (Cbl) arid. 'Dangon)u.s Cro.ssroad.s,' reopened house with so'^so. $3,000.