Variety (Sep 1933)

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10 VARIETY P I C ¥ E GROSSES Tuee^fiy, Septcinber 19, 1933 Stage Shows Back at 2 Denver Spots, Biz Proves They're Nertz for It Denver, Sept. 18. Denver apparently stage ehow- mad this week. First time in years are two houses with stage sliows playing to packed houises an^ con- sistent standouts. Crowds at Den- ham and standoiits: ■ since start of stage shows four weeks ago.. Pres- ent lay-out of Jay Brower and his 30 Merrymakers and 'Soiig of: Songs' on screen to bo held second week. First time ever in' Denver stage and film both held second week.' Louis tiellbprn, manager, put oh immense campaign arid bringing results. Huge .gross in spite of boost in prices. Holdouts also first two days of the return of. Fanchon and .Marco stage showd .to' Orpheum iafter an absence of .a year proves Denver is stage-show hungry.. Grace.Hayes headlining. Stage show and knock- ing Denver for row. So much en- thusiasm being shown for stage Bhoyra necessary to run until after midnights *PaddyV sharing honors for biggest grosd since', vaude left Orpheum year ago. Prices boosted from ^5-40 to 33^55c. Enthusiasm for stage shows seems to .have reached the Tabor also. and. they played to fiill house Saturday and Tnighty- clo^e to that -Sunday night, fhey should go $3,- BOO for the week with. ^Bed of Roses* on screen for second run. Means good crowds at 20-25. Outside of houses with stage shows Aladdin Is the only first tf^Ti not iBUfCering, doing great .With si ♦Charlie .Chan' film. Paramount and Denver both suffering ■ from the stage show attaek and both will be considerably belpvr .par. Estimates for Thi? WeeK Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 25i40) —'Charlie Chari'iB Greatest Chance^ (Fox)* Oke at .$4,600, a lot of dough for a house that doesn't open .until 2' 'p. m. X<ast weet 'MascLueradev^, <UA), runnlhgr day and date .with ;the Denver, 'did clpge to $5,000, with aeveral holdouts; Denham: (Hellbbm) (1.500; 25-40) -r'Song: of SohgSV (Par) ^hd stage show. Very big at $9,500, even with the upped scale.- Xiast week '"World Gone. Mad' (Mftj)« backed by ah en-: tertainihg stage show, turned In a whalo of a gross at their bid. i>rlces. of 15-25; $4,600. , Denver (Huffman) (2,600; 26-35- KO)—'Beauty foi? Sale' (MG). Very much, off .at |4,000, a SO % drop from •last week's 'Masquerade' (UA), ruhi- ning day and date withi the Aladdin, which did a good business and closed with $8,000; Orpheum (Huffman) (2.600; 25 35-")—'Paddy* (Fox) and first week of return of stage shows. Fred Schmitt and orchestra standing '«m up. Thei $14,000 anticipated gross is thrilling big. Last week •Turn Back the Clock' (M<S) fin- ished with an, av<^rage $6,000. Parnmciint (Huffman) (2i))00; 25- 40)—'Shanghai Madness' (Foic) ■West. JIaiSters at" the organ.' A very poor $2,700, too much competish, Crowds so slim at times thkt many of the ushers at both the Denver .and here went over to the:Orph to help Out; Last week 'Man Who Dared' (Fox) was pulled after four days, and 'Shanghai ^Madness' fih ished the week, closing with only $2.80.0. powered front and ballyhoo helped the opening, biit the pace l^egan quickly tO decline until the gross seems destined to go no higher than $4,000. Fair, but disappointing after go'&d start. Last week *'VoIta:lre' (WB), sad at $3,000, Indiana (Katz-Feld) (3,100; 25t 35-40-55), 'This Day and Age* (Par) and stoge presentation. Still on the short end with a bad $8,000. Last week .'One Sunday Afternon' (Par) and stajgre show was little better at $8,500. Keith's (Switbw) (1,200; 15-25); Litt!>2 Giant' (WB). Newly redec- orated inside hd Out, this ancient house started off very mildly with > 11,750 on its opening week. Lyric (Olson) (2,000; 25-40). Seven, acts vaude headlining Charlie Foy; Still not able to get going and is faltering at $4,000. bad. Last week the business, was only a shade better with Rimaes topping, seven acts and a gro^s of $4^600. ' Loew's Palace (Loew's) (2,800; 26-40), 'Penthouse' (MG). Slum- bering on rock bottom with a dis- mal $2,900. Last week 'Masquerader'- (UA), $2,750, new low. ibiswi Weeks Band With TenthoiKe' at Warfieid, SR Big 24G Win Rogers' 15,700 Best Gross iit Dnfl Indpk Indianapolis, Sept. liB. Dependable Will Rogers put little pep in the turnstiles at the Apollo this wek in 'Dr. Bull,' and Is pushing the-house along towards a neat gross of $6,700. This is the business of the: town. Nothing else eeems. able to do as weil, compara tively. 'Tarzan, the iP.earless' started big at the .Circle with a Thursday night premiere, but its' patronage -fell away and it looks, like no more than $4,000 despite' its strong opening, Keith's, one-time historic old vaude house of the town, reopened this week with. a fii*st rup of. 'Little Giar.t' at 15 and 25c. Business Is only fair at $l,750r At:this rate, it's going to take, the Switow brothers a long time to pay for that hew. marquee and other redecorating. The Indiana with its combination, vaud-: film policy and. the Lyric with its straight vaude. plan are having the hardest going of any . of the down-, town houses with their high over- heads and low grosses. Lpcw's Pal-: ace contihuies. to touch bottom for another'week with 'Penthouse' fol- lowing its new low fiigiire last Week with 'Masquerader,' ====||8tJiflates^f6r=TKirW€SK^'^^^^ . Apollo (Fourth Ave.) (1.100; 25- 40), 'Dr. Bull' (Fox). As usual Will Rogers is a strong magnet and the gross will climb to a dandy $5,700. Last week the holdover of 'Paddy' (Fox) managed to satisfy at $3,200, «ke. Circle (Katz-Feld) (2,600; i5r46), Tarzan, the Fearless' (Prin). High- Sah Francisco, Sept. l6. -Jt's an Anson Weeks'. week as that Hotel .^Mark. Hopkins 'maestro with his: dance band, coupled with ;he pic 'Penthouse* stuffs the box-, office of the'Warfield. Looks )ike a lot of hot weather corning up, but if it remains decently .^.cobl. entire town ought to get a biz. break, espe- cially the WariReld. 'Pehthbuse' is backed by the usual Hearst fanfare for Cos'mopolitah productions, and "Weeks, has been fi Frisco prodigal' son for,some years, ariA this is hi$ first theatre date. I^e's a natural for this house. Golden Gate finding the road rocky^ with Pitts and Summerville in 'Her Fh'st Matie,' teanl.i/BUa.lly doing well here but not up to snuff this time. 'This -Day and Age' a Cecil De- Mille-^r was diie into the Fox Para- mount, but F-WC niade a ^udden and mysterious turnover of that and three other films to United. Artists. 'Age' is there now, but doing poorly. 'Tugboat Annie* got two swell weeks . at the Paramount and a trahsfer to the Fox. Embassy where it will hit a satisfactory sum. Fox hitting its usual average with One Year Later* and 'His Private Secretary,' 'while St.^Francis ditto with 'Shanghai Madness' and 'Mid night Club.' Fox goes off the double, bill diet Sept. 30 when Ted Fio Rito's band opens and that second film is elim Inated. Price remains same) 15 and 26c.. William B. Wagnon announces Orpheum will open Friday (22) with stage shows by Fanchon & Marco, with Rube Wolf. Picture' unan nounced. until Monday. Estimates for This Week Embassy (FWC) 'Tugboat Annie' (MG). After two Weeks and nearly 45 grand at the Paramount, $5,000 looks pretty good here. Second week of Arliss in 'Voltaire' (WB) ^as $4,000. Fox (Leo) (6,000; 15-25). 'One Tear Later' (1st Div.) and 'His Pri vate secretary' (Coop). Moving at usual $7,800. Last week was up to $9,000 with 'Laughing at Life' (Maj) and 'Notorious' (Maj). 'Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 30-40- 05), 'Her First Mate' (U) and vaude. Pitts-Summerville not doing the biz this time; $11,000, fair. 'One ManVs Journey' (RKO) was . equally weak last week, slipping to $10,600. Paramount (FWC) (3,700; 30-40 55), 'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par) Failing and $10,000 doubtful while second week of 'Tugboat Annie' (MG) hit $14,000 last stanza, .iSt;. Francis (FWC) (1,500; 25-40) 'Shanghai Madness' (Fox) and 'Mid night Club' (Par). Good cast names in latter helping to $7,500. It was $7,800 on last week's 'Arizona to Broadway' - (Pox) and 'She Had- to Say Yes' (WB). . United Artists (1,400; 25-35-60) 'Day and Age' (Par). Originally set for F^WC showing b..t in here in a surprise shift, doing lightly, $7,500 ■Masquerader' (UA) disappointed with $6,000 its second stanza. WarfieTd^(FWC)~(2;70^^^ 'Penthouse' (MG) and Stage show with Anson Weeks' band. ^ Weeks' a magnet and pic helping to prob Able big $24,000. Lasst week's 'Dr. Bull' (Fox) .with Peggy Hopkins Joyce on stage for a bow got nearly $21,000, a pleasant surprise with Peggy responsible for the younger ones not attracted by Will Rogers. lincobi's 2d Yaudfilmer Also Set for Nice Trade Llneoln, Sept. 18. Vaude seems to be the trend now here, 'but it looks like. It may be further proof of the old adage about *too many cooks. The marvelous turnout which has been accorded the Prphenm's presentation of stage shows and the money It's making. for the Indies has excited the %jTC Into brushing up the Lin- coln theatre stage, putting. the sbiind turrets on castors and ppe.n> Ihg lifonday (18)- with" the second flesh stand. This wieek the Orpheum brings In Paul Cholet's 20-people shaw and if he's, even half as successful in keeping the audience entertained as wsiis Lllllah McCardell with her rb- vue last week,, the house Will still hiake money. George Monroe, man- ager of this house', has Invoked a midnite show policy each Friday night lind with the college cb-eds in town with late leave. It's a money makei^. This Is only a small idea of how good It'll'be when football sea^^ sbn gets swinging and the amuse- ment 'mob which will be on the streets on the eve of these engage- ments. ' Joe Cooper's franchise on RKO stage presentation gets an airing also with the bllUhg of three acts In the Lincoln, so its looks like flesh is aU the stuff. Something like talking pictures when they hit about four years ago, a.great number of people about town have hoped for one vaude stahd over the past cou- ple of - years; but very lew ever thought the day would come when twb would get In. Money and patronage still goes to. those shows which have the . price appeal, although money seems quite, a bit freer.^ Something will have to be' done with the Stuart, 'staindlng like a white elephant with a str'alght pl.c . policy—aihd . not too gobd j>Ics at that-^nd a.sking a price .twice sis high as the flesh^pic comtbos. Musi- cian's union, repis hang around all the houses and corner the manageris every chance they get about-a local band. So far. the shoulder they get Is mighty Icy.. Estimates for Thi Week Liberty (Indie TC) (1,400;. 10) Black Beauty' (Mono) ahd serial to match. Will be a smash hit here, :;l,100. Last week 'Eleventh .Com- mandment' (Allied) and 'Night Rider' (Moho), split, with serials to match a bit weak, $900. Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-15-25^ 40) 'Mary Stevens, MJ>.' (WB) and vaude. Making the second, vaude stand here., should .fare; well, $3,000. Last, week 'Double Harness' (RKO) was a fair taker, $1,700. Orpheum (Indie TC) (1.400; 10- 15-26) -Vanity Street' (Col)* and Paul Cholet'd iCeep Moving Idea' on the stage. Will keep this house way up In: the money, $3,000. Last week Tarzan, the Fearless' (Prin), and the istage presentation of Lil- lian McCardell's" 'Show of Shows,' with a midnight showing exhausted superlatives In this spot with a marvelous $3,300. State (Indie TC) (500; 10-16-25) Brief Moment' ; (Col). Looks just average, $800. Last week 'Shriek in the Night' (Col), faired $860. Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25^35-55- 60) 'Paddy' (Fox). Can't possibly be worth anything with all the IbW- priced competish available around town, doubtful $2,200. Last week Doctor Bull' (Fox), only fair, $2,400. lady for Day Is Mpk' Current Wow At $11000; Taddy' Ako Oke. $S,000 'Morning Glory' (RKO), which was treated to a Hollywood premiere at a single screening Friday (8) jn celebration of theatre's reopening at 75-$l, was a fragrant b.o. bloom for $8,800. Lyric (RKO) (1,394; -44) —- 'Shanghai Madness' (Fox), Spen- cer Tracy of most Importance in take of $6,000, falrishr Last week 'One Man's Journey' (RKO) $7,200, oke. Keith's (RKO) (1,500; 30-44)— 'Bureau of Missing Persons' (WB). Much additional ad spaic<e used to sensatibnalize sex angle. Tabbing $6,000, oke. Last week 'Life of Jim- my Dolah' (WB) $4,000, piobr. Family (RKO) (1,000; 20-30>-^ 'ZOO In Budapest* (Fox), 'It's Great to Be Alive* (Fox) and 'Martja Loves Papa' '(Par), jsecond .runs, split, thrice weekly, changes. Kot more than $1,500, hftlld. Last week- T Love That Man' (Par), 'The Nuis- ance' (MGT and 'Gambling: Ship' (Par), split repeats; $1,800. . Grand (RKO) (1,025; 20r25-3d-36) —'Her Bodyguard' (Par) and 'Don't Bet oh Love' (U). Split. $2,000, fair. Last week 'Big Brain' (RKO) and 'Disgraced' (Bar), split, $1,400/ new low. CINCY (XNERAtLY UP, TORCH,' lADlr,' lOG Cincinnati. Sept. 18. Cinema trade in the main is showing a comfy boost over last week, when sultry weather, a sud- den slump in practically all lines of bia, holding bf the natibhal ama- teur golf championship on a. local course and .closing of a 42-'day rac- ing rtieet at the Coney Island track combined to cause most exhibs to resort to red ink. *Lady for a Day' and 'Torch Sing- er' are nip and tuck for celiits currently. . Vaudefllm in fourth week at the Palace, has fietched but so-sb returns .'.th.Us far. During last week's- general flop, the Reds, ceilar chanlps of the Na- tional League, didn't draw chough fans at the final home, game -with the pennant-chasing Giants to pay for balls. and the management saved money by calling off the contest un- der the alibi of threatenhig.rain;, At- tendance at Redland. Field this sear son has been the' lightest in Clncy'.s big league history. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,360; 35-44)-^ 'Torch iSinger' (Par). ClaUdette Col- bert and blurb for $10,000, slow. Laist week 'Song of Songs' (Par) same.- — .— r ♦ Palace (RKO) (2,600: 35-44)— 'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U) and Lillian Miles the vaude headliner. A fair $12,000 in sight. Last week 'Big Executive' (Par) and Al Trahan the stage headliner, $8,500, poor. Capitol (RKO)' (2.000; 35-44) — 'Lady for a Day* (Col). Bouqucted by cricks and extra ad plugsted. Peeling a rosy $10,000, Last week Ptsbg. Billiiig Kay OverEd#.G.,|Il,SOO, Good, 'Burean' Nifly Pittsburgh, Sept. liB. I'wo or three sizzling Friday afternoon opehlngs permitted' main stem for most part to wlthstahd big night drop during three-^hour NRA trade, and Indications point to these- same sites being able to build up enough reserve as, well for indicated drop tbmorrow (19) when Pitts- burgh goes tb ppllfS. tt*s a hot pri- mary .'around here this year and Pa Pitt is expected to stick pretty .close to the radio all day listening in on' returns. Despite these trade influences, it looks like an okay week in at least three of dowhtown's flrst run stands. 'I Loved a Woman', hitting for a neat $11,500,' or even; better, at Stanley, which is plenty all right. Curious thing about thi^ one Is that Kay Francis for the mbst Piart. Is being billed above Robingon. .Lat- ter hasn't meant a lot locally, while Frahcls has been building; steadily, with advertising dei>artment wisely playing up the femme Ahgle. Spme circus explpltatloh and . ballyhbQ sent 'Bureau of Missing Persons' off to flying start at Warner and pictures of , RosS'-Canzoneri flight also helpful. Should gather around $6,250, best here in some time. 'This bay and. Age', looks like a wash-but at Penn. Plctuire gener- ally disliked and^ D(&^ille> sans cast names, isn't enough • to bring ^em in. Will be lucky to colieet $7,000, Estimates for This Week Davis (WB) (1,700; 25-S0-40) 'Brief Moment' (Col). Just another picture and bears little or no re- lation at all to stage play' frpm Which it was presumably adapted. Will.,have to struggle to collect $2,- 200, not so hpt. Last week 'Laugh- ing at Life' (MascPt), just short of $2,000. Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (1.750; 15- 25-40) 'Tarzan, the Fearless' (In- die). Playing the flrst seven reels of this serial ad a feature in Itself, with no hint to audience that there's more to come. Got off to a great start, with kids flocking, and should have easy sailing to a neat $4^500. Last week 'Midnight Mary' (MG), a surprise click at $5,100. _ Pehn (Loew's-UA) (3,300; 25-35- 50) 'This Day and Age' (Par). Ah out-ahd-put dud, with no prospects -of even getting Its head above water. Comments generally uh- favorable, and 'A DeMiHe Produc- tion' can't possibly bvercpnie coni- plete lack of marquee names. About $7,000, pretty awful. Last week 'Masquerader' (UA) underestimated somewhat, closing strong at $13,000. with only terWflc heat holding it least a 15 grand sessibn. . Stanley (WB) (3,600; 26-36r50) 'I Loved a Woman' (FN). Kay Francis topping Robinson in ,most of the billing and she's getting the femmes. Everything looks hunky- dory at $11,500 and with any break at all should even top that. Last week 'One Man's Journey^'^RKO) just fair at $8,500, Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-35-60) 'Bureau of MIs8ing ,Per8on3 - -(WB). Strictly ah exploitation and ballyhoo picture and WB advertising staff made the most of it. Their cam paign redeeming Itself, too, for all signs point to an excellent $6,500, Canzonerl-Ross flght pictures algo helpful; Last week 'Morning (Slpry' (RKO), brought here directly from great week at Stanley, finished sur prlsingly strong at $6,000. Minneapolis, Jumping, frpm $4,500 to what looks like better than $10,000. the Orpheum for one of the few times la showing its heels to ail other Ipcal opposition buitently. It's tak- Ing the play away, from the usua,! Ipbp leader, the State, with straight pictures, too. *Lady for a Day' is turning the trlclc. This attractlPn takes Its place with 'Kid from Spalh* a,b the best screen bPx-ofilce bet the hbuse has. .Iiad ;Slhce it 'abandPned vaudeville as a steady diet. 'Paddy,* at tlie State, Isnlt a dud by any means.. In the face of much Orpheum pppbsitlon It is building. 'Maedbhen In, tjnlforih' did suffl- clehtly well at the World last week tb warraht its 'retehtlbh .for another week and. may run a third. Also makliig a bid for favor is fCfapttired,' with Leslie , Howard a real name here... ' Picture Is quite an iattriactlon for. the. 2Sc. Lyric 'One iSunday Afternoon' at the Cen- tury has been ehcouhtering 'rather tough sleddlhe: after a' good opeh- Ing. That Publix hoUse had .tW(> good weeks In a row,, with 'Another Lahguage' and .'Three Cornered Mopn.' Cool weather Is an aid all arbund; The same can be said for the : departure of Alnriee Semple McF'herson. Estimates for This Week State (Publlx) (2,200; 40) 'Paddy' (Fpx). Gaynbr .and Baxter good box-ofllce and picture well, llkeq. Has the toughest Orpheum opposi- tion In many a mobn and' takings suffer, accordingly; may reach pretty good $8,000, however. Last week, ,'Song bf Songs' (Par), $8,500, pretty good. Orpheum (Singer) (2.890; 40) 'Lady for a Day' (Col). A sensation here with critics and eustomers showering It with enthusiastic praise. Great exploitation campaign by Manager Emil Franke .helped. One of best openings house ever has had with straight' pictures. Likely to be held over, flrst timp this eveip has happened hei-e; more thah $11,000 Indicated, splendid. Last week, 'One Man's Journey (RKO), only sl3t days to permit Lady fot a Day' to open bn Friday; $4,200, fair. Century (Publix) (1,600; 40)-r- ■One Sunday Afternoon' (Par). Cooper a magnet; maybe $2,300,. light. Last week, 'Three Cornered Moon' (Par) $5.000,, fine. World (Steffes) (300; 60-75)— •Maedchen In Uniform* (Fllmcholce) (2rtd week)—'Critics rave, but audi- ence appeal not so wide. Probably $1,500, pretty gpod. First week $1,- 700, oke. .Uptown (Publlx) (1,200; 35)— •Stranger*s Return' (MG). Should reach $2',660, okeh. Last week 'Dbu» hie Harness' (RKO) $2,000, fair. Lyric (Publix) (1,300; 25)—'Cap- tured' (WB). Leslie HPWfard quite an attraction for this house. Should reach $3,500, good. Last week 'Big Executive' (Par), $2,000, poor. Grand (Publix) (1.100; 25) — ^hen Ladies Meet' (MG). Second, loop run, anniversary week; about $700 Indicated, not so hot. Last week 'Whoopee* (UA) revival; $800, light. Aster (Publix) (900; 25)—'Bed of Roses' (RKO), 'Narrow Corner*. (FN)- and 'To the Last Man' (Par), flrst two second- loop runs; latteri flrst-run, split. Looks like $500, light. Last week 'Mayor of Hell* (WB). 'Silk Express' (WB) and 'Private Detective' (WB). second runs. $550, light. TRETZELS,' COLMAN, mORY'STRONG IN PORT Portland, Ore.. Sept..18. Parker's Broad\vay. revived b.o. figures of the gpPd old days with Al Pearce's Radio .Gfang stage Unit lin- Injr them up at the b.o. before the first show opened. Pace kept up for fivie days, getting that house dpu- ble its average gross. Pic was 'Herpes for Sale' and . registered okay; First twb days hung out the SRO siign.. 'Tugboat Annie' finally closed at Parker's United Artists after --fbur- strong weeks. While grosses were lower, than past hou^e records, at- tendance fpr the fotir weeks set the house record for all ,time. uA fpl- Ipwjngr this week with 'The Mas- querader.' and It looks like another big biz getting run. well ex- ploited. Hamrick's Music Box closed a quiet second week of 'Voltaire.* First week got results in a big way goes in this week, but ' lacked enough explpitatipn to make it iseem likely to hold. Liberty (Evergreen) took on a new b.o. chapter with 'Dr. Bxill'" last week, putting that house into the ^ biggest money since reopening^' House upped top nite admlsh from 25q to 40c and no squawks. This (Continued ort page 23)