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Tuesday* September 19« 1933 i.. . i ' ' i ■ • ■ ■ «<* • > . W M I m' 1 11 1- 1 I ■ - I ^ P I C ¥ ES VARIETY 23 STUDIO RENTING PAO GOES COLD Hollywood, Sept. 18. Meljor producers' agrrefiirneht not to rent*space or properties to inde- pendents, which has been in exist- i^nce for the past eight months, has been nullified due to. t^ie 'act that the Metropolitan studio was cutting Jn .heavily on ihdepehdent rentals. Producers' agreement, provided that nobody making pictures under $36,000 would be g;lyen space in znajor plants, and now- Pathe cind Xiniversal are out heavily after tha.t business. PORTLAND, ORE. (Cotitihued from page 10) ■week has 'Tarzan thei Fearless' (Prihc) With vaude and going fairly. . Two sex shows With lectures get- ting some attention, 'What Price Innocence* (Col) at the. Playhouse and 'Sins of Love' at the .Colum- bia (indie). Both did better than average, but nothing remarkable, 'Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (2,000; 2B-40) -—'Moonlight .and Pretzels' (Par) and merchants style show. Looks good for results around $10,000, okay. Last week 'Heroes for Sale' (FN) with Al Pearc© radio act, amashihg hit for five days and clicked hugely at $12,800, wow! United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 25-40)—"The Masquerader' (XJA). -Opened to big biz and will hold; It'irst week going strong at $6,600. Iiast week 'Tugboat Annie' (MG), fourth, okay $2,900. First three weeks set house records for attend- ance, getting $12,700, $6,900 and f6,200. Music . Box (Hamrick) (2,600; 26- 40)—'Morning Qlory' (RKO). Away to a nice start and will be in the Brewery Stocks Should they he hought? Which Ones? We are Equipped to (urnlah. In- formation on Brewery Stocka. Inq\Hrie» Invited. PBESSER & LUBtN 120 Broadway, New York Tel. BEotor 2-3020 MORE THAN AN M.C. A SHOW IN HIMSELF ISTAN MEYERS AT THE PARAMOUNT BROOKLYN INDEFINITELY '*The Gypsy VioUmse' EMJBRY DEUTSCH Featured Soloist and Conductor PARAMOUNT, NEW YORK Columbia Biroadcasting. Syatem PARK-IN THEATRES Incorporated ■^..l-T TN YOURaR ■iiE AND HEAR THE MOVIES U. S. Patent 1.909,357 Foreign Patoits Pending JAN RUBINI AND HIS ORCHESTRA .. ^Packing the house with original overtur,es... WARFIELD THEATRE SAN FRANCISCO IKDEFINITEIT money around $7,600, surprisingly big. Last week "Voltaire' (WB), second week good enou^rh 13,700. First strong $G,100. Oriental (Hamrick) (2,600; 25-36) —•Headline Shooters' (RKO), Hit- ting an average pace around $ 3,000 , okay. Last week 'Captured' (WB) started big, but fell off to $3,200. Liberty (Evergreen) (2,000; 26- 40)—'TarzpuBi the Fearless' (Princ) and vaude. Holding' up to new biz levels of this house, likely $6,000. Last week 'Dr. Bull* (Fox) and vaude boosted biz up to big $8,600; this is a 'Will Rogers town. Playhouso (Haimrlck) (1,400; 25- 36)—'What Price Innocence'. (Col) With lecturer on 'factis of life.' Got along fairly for $2,600, Some Nifty Numbers In New'k,'Songs'15G, 'Journey- Strong 126 I^ewark, Sept. ii. Everything is rosy this week for every one. At top probably will be: the Newark with 'Song of Songs' at $16,000 or more. 'Masquerader' at Loew's shouldn't be much- belilnd. Profitable, too, should be Proctor's with 'One Man's Journey' and $12,-, 000, and the Branford, having 'Miss- ing Persons,' with-over $10,000. It looks goodi,' but success may be going to the head at tfye . Newark where the orch.'has gone up to 76c. for Saturday and SuUday. -, A hitch which had tied up' the Terminal's new bookings has been sh^oothed out and the. hoUs6 begin- nfng next week .will plajr .bne sec- ond run Fox or. RKO with a new pid. As Loew's is ° overbooked the Terminal will get some hew Metros also; 20th Ceiitury aldo is expected to add greatly to the UA product due for Loew's. This will giye tlie Terminal the same appeal as the Capitol which, has seconds^nd some firsts of all the other companies. Estimates for This Week Branford (WB) (2,.966; 15-66)— 'Missing Persons' (WB). Sweet opening and should run Up. to at least $10,000. Last week 'Voltaire' (WB) okay with $9,500. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 16-26-36-60) — Mary Stevens, M. D.' (WB) and 'Three-Cornered Moon' (Par): Proa tor's new. policy still hurting .but with this bill should reach $4,600. Last week 'Another Language' (MG) and 'Her BbdygTjard' (Par>. pulling against Gayhor struggled to .^4,100. Loew's State (2,780; 16t76)— 'Masquerader' (UA) and vode. Looks good fo^ a nice $14,000^ The second week of .'Tugboat Annie* (MG) was misquoted and ran to an unbelieveable $20,000: - Last week 'Turn Back the Clock' (MG) was mild at $10;000. Nevtrark (Adams-Par) (2,243; 26 99)—'Song of Songs' (Par) and vode. House has hit its stride and aiming at $16,000. Last week 'One Sunday Afteunoon' (Par) good for the first time in weeks with $10,$00. Proctor's (RKO) (2,300; 16-26-30 40-fi6)—'One Manis Journey' (RKO). The lower prices mean a lot in hringing them in here and Lionel Barrymore looks good for $12,000. Last week 'Paddy' (Fox) great at nearly $13,000. Terminal (Skouras) (1,900; 16-50) —'Shanghai Madness' (Fox), and 'Last Trail* (Fox). These, films a naturaUhere and opening fine. On eight days should click with dose to $5,000. Last week's bill pulled after six days, more to get the new one in than because the old one was so bad. 'India Speaks' (RKO), and 'Phantom Broadcast' (Mono)', $2,300 RAOi NO DETERRENT, PROV. BIZ QUITE GOOD CURB ARGUMENT LEAVES MAYFAIR USHERLESS Walter Reade's Mayfair Theatre was usherless for a while Saturday (16) When the. entire battalion of seat-8hower» were marched Oft to Jail. Doorman-barker got into an ar- gument with a truck driver who in- sisted on parking; in front of the entrance. Trucker had some friends so all the ushers came oUt to help the. doorman. Irate, copper told the whole mob to explain to the desk sergeant. It took a half hour at the 47th street station to straighten the thing out. Theatre Stick-Uiks Get Sentence of 20 Years Kansas City, Sept. 18. Three young Italians who a few days ago held up the cashier of a Ijiif aepaTtment^store-and-kidnapped= four employees, were given 15 years in the state penitentiary. The trip confessed the holdup of Barney Joffce, manager of the Fox Uptown, arid the attenipted robbery of the theatre .«>afe, and had another five years added to the original sen- tence, which mean.s 20 years down the river. Providence, Sept. 18. Despite heavy rains in Providence and nearby vicinity for the first three days of the current stanza most of the theatres, on the main stem are doing average biz.. in fact, there a,re a couple of spots that are better than average, largely due to the type of entertainment in the city this week. Picture fare for one thins .is ex- ceptionally brigrht^ and getting fine breaks from the papers^ Then, too, the stage bills are enticing enough to spruce things up« For the first time In many weeks the Majestic is back in the spot- light. W;eek after - week Majestic has been: on the'tall-end of things, but this week this first-class stand is making opposish sit up and take notice. 'Voltjaire' Is principal at- traction on twin bill. 'Lady for a Day* at the RKO Al- bee got some swell notices from the press,, but opening not as. forte as it should be. Picture rates highly here, iEind Ordinarily should be nip and tuck with, the Majestic, but^for some unknown reason it's not clicking like it should. Unless it picks . up not more than .$6,000 .likely. • Tugr of war between Loew's and Fay's still , on. The city's .only tw;o vaude spots, are both doing nicely. In spite of the rain. 'Penthouse' at Loew's and 'Private Detective 62' at Fay's. It's a toss-up. which has the bettier stage entertainment, but at the moment Loew's has the edge at the box office with the going in- dicating at least $10,000. Fay's most likely will be able to hurdle a nice $6,600. The Paramount has 'One Sunday Afternoon* and 'Tanuui' on twin bill; While the papers are ttaztng the second picture plenty the kids iare going for it, and the chances are house will be able, to coihe through with at least $6,000 when the final ta.lly Is made. Tonighit, Monday (18), the Mod- ern theatre reopens for second sea- son of dtamiatic stock,' opening a sell-out with 'Up Pops the Devil,' although prices tilted from 65 to 76c. The Modern proved plenty of op- posish. last season, and thl^ season looks no diCCerent; For the first time in the histbry of stock here the company returned intact with one exception, due to the popularity of the players. Estimates ^or This Week Fay's (1.900; 16-40) 'Private De tectlve .62' (WB) and vaude. Nice show all around, but it'S' mostly the stage entertainment that is drawin^r them to this stand this week. Gross win stick close to. $6,600, greatl' Last wdek 'Life in the Raw* (Pox)/ showed even better strength than the opening week at $6,000. Loew's State (3,700; 16^40) 'Pent- house' (MG) and vaude. Another case of where the flesh is doing most of the work. Pace is brisk with no sign of letting up; looks like a nice $10,000r Last week 'The Masquerader' (tJA), just a shade over $14,300, .best gross any Colman picture has pulled In this town, but this Is largely due to support from stage. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 16-^0) 'Vol- taire' (WB) and. 'Charlie Chan' (Fox). Possibly the best -Arllss grosser in Providence since .'Dis- raeli.' Opening biggest house has had in months; pace continues forte, Only explanatioti for the sudden sprint at this house is that possibly 'Charlie Chan' may have some ap peal for the mob, which' usually does not support an Arllss picture in this town; anticipated .gross of $8,500 represents twice as much as the house has been grossing since the first of the yean Last week 'Paddy' (Fox) and 'Nelgfibors* Wives' (Royer) was up at $6,500; nice. ,: Paramount (Indep) 'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par) and 'Tarzan' (Prin). Newspapers roasting Tar zan' doesn't seem to hurt much, kiddles like It and they're packing the balcony; moreover, there are many fans who go just, to see the mkln picture, and walk out after it's over. Anyway, gross will be around $6,000, plenty good for .the house. Last week 'This Day and Age' (Par) and 'One Tear Later' (Allied) a didmal disappointment at $4,000 although house did plenty of ballytioolng. RKO Aibee (2,600; 16-40) 'Lady for a Day' (Col) and''Flaming Gh>ld' (RKO). Compares favorably with Majestic bill but not doing half as good. What therflnal outcome v^lU be depends upon more than one objective. Just now it looks, as though house will not' be able to cros346,0d.0.,,jL«atwj}£liJJK[aMarj:ia^ Ties' (RkO) and 'Brief Moment' (Col), the poorest thing in town at $3,100. RKO Victory (1,600; 10-15) 'The Whirlwind' (Col) and 'Alimony Madness' (Mayfair); split oke at $1,100 for three days. 'Jungle Bride' and 'Headline Shooter' (RKO), should be close to $1,200 for next four^idays, oke. (Continued from page 5) '>pndholders and followed Blumey n fillnfiT of suits.under indenture of bondSt claimed violated by the Film Production Corp. hocking deal with 12 banks^ Thes^ 12 banks and nhe Chase National, as trustee tor bonds, were parties to the Blumen- thal action. Zirn, who has asked Referee Henry K, Davis for several full days for continued examination of ofllcers of . ..Par. last week - sought to draw from Keough informa- tion concerning Fax's sale of its 60% interest in Columbia Broad- casting Co. to William S. Paley for 16,200,000, taking In payment its own stock on a basis of $80 a share though sellinsr for under $10 at the time, aa well as whether Cravath, de. (ilersdorff, Swaine & Wood are on an annual retainer by Par. TCeough could not say,, so , Zim. wanted to know why and imme- diately questioned the Par legal head as to his salary. After get- ting the figures, showing that Keough received $700 a week in 1929 before he weis legal head, and lesb than that, $526 .in 1932, wfaeii becoming 'head of the department, Zirn wanted to know why there was this difference In salaries. Keough didn't even bother to explain ahout the salary cuts since. 1929, merely pofinting out so far as the Cravath firm was concerned that they were at the disposal, of .Far-when. the company faced litigation which it didn't feel'It should handle itself. -^xact figures of interest as to salaries and bonuses paid Par execs were furnished by .Keoui;h'.and for 1929 showed that' bonuses weire more than, five times in exceiss of set salaries for that -year. Adolph Zukor and Jesse L. Lasky Tells of Par Bonuses House Front Designer Fistically Expresses Designs for Leaving His desire to replace a union man in his employ led to a half-hour fistic battle for Duke Wellington, house front designer and. builder, with. Wellington- coming oiit vie torious against odds. The Kansah made the mistake of going direct to heiadquarters of tbe Sign, Scene and Pictorial Union to demand the right to discharge' one of 1^ members, Wellihgton made himself plain and before, the conference was over he and the Union member he wanted to oust, star ted. mixing It up. Wellington has been Paramount's house front designer for many years under exclusive contract Lately, 'with the excluslveness of the contract lapsed, he has been building fronts for Warpers and others as well. for 1929 each received fixed salarle.g of $130,000 and bonuses of $757,500. In 1930 they received the same saN ary and bonuses of $1228,614 each. The bonus for 1930 was paid in Par, stock, amounting to 6,393 Shares each. For the: following year, when bonuses'' under, contracts were re- linquished by all execs in con- sideration of $1,000 in cash, the sal- ary income to both ZUkor' and Lasky was brought down to $112,618 each. For thei year 1932, Zukor's :ixed salary came down further to. $96,031, while Lasky^ who left that year, received $73,599. Sant Katz and ' Sidney |t. Kent were also on the same salaries and bonvis "cuts of 6%. In 1929 each re^ ceived $104,000 in salary atfd $606.-. 000 in bonuses, while in 1930, with salary, the same, the bonus came down to $183,091. for each. For li930 Kent and Katz also took stock, in amount , of . 4,313 shares, as the bonus. The two execs came down to $90,368 as annual executive, income in 1931. Kent^, who, left in January, 1932, received $3,091 on resigning, plus agreement in settle-; ment of his contract awardlhg him $200,000.- Paramount paid. Kent $135,000 of this amount; balance re- mains owing..- Kiatz did, not -t^eslgn; until later in 1932, his pro irated income under cbntiract being $78,392 for portion Of the yea.r he remained; oh payrbll. There , was no settlement with Kktz. Kohn, another bonus-favored of- ficial of .Par.'ln 1929 received $62,000 salary and .$303;000 bonus; in 193Q, $62,000 salary and $92,046 in bon- uses, paid^ by 2,167 shares of stock; in 1931, $46,868, and in 1932. $30,781; The figures show tha,t income of Par execs in 1932, was less than one-eighth of what it was in 1929. ' Income of B. P. Schulberg. 'Who had a special profit-sharing ar- rangement under his contract^ was also brought out and invited coni ^ siderable speculation as to why he received $3,000 more for only nine months In 1932 than he did for the full year, 1931. Keough offered no explanation except that business was poorer in 1931 than^ it was in 1932. Schulberg received $216,918 for the nine, months in '32 and i$213,868 for all of 1931. His salary in 1929 was $18.2,000 and added compensa- tion out of profits, $130,000. It was the sa;me for 1930. iEteough. could .not explain the nature of the perr centage clause under dchulberg's contract. Salary of B. E, Shauer and the $97,065 paiid John D. Hertz for: 1932 and a few weeks in 1931, also went into the record. ' Shauer got $62,000 salary. In 1929 and $303,000 In cash bonuses. In 1080 his salary inras the sanie but . his bonus payments. In 2,167 shares of stock, was $92,045. His salary dropped to $46,868 In 1931 and to $39,781 In 1932. "GOOD FOR A RUN," says "ForiW JAY MILLS FOX'S BROOKLYN (third Week) Paramquot, iOes MoLma, OVK YSAB. PamnoiMt, Omaha, MINE; MONTHS. Staniey, Jenvr City, TWIXTK WEEKS. BraiAford, Newark, THIBTr-ElOnX WEEKS. Snr ]PAST BECOBD— Personal Manacers KEYEB NOBTH and «QB IXATOt Bnrlsht, VtHnbuwgh, FOTtT-THBEB WEKICS. . MaBtbanm mmM Savle, Phlla.,. EIOHTY-XIOHT WEBKS; A.mbassadpr, St. Ixinls, 'JCWBNTX- r'lWO'■"'WBBKS. -'-v-^- FIriit Tear In Taade, .VOHtY- EIOnT STBAIOHT WE1&E3. UD MURRAY ★ STAGE AND DANCE DIRECTOR "it —aVBT FINISUBIV^ ISTACINO DANCES AT TIFFANY BT|}I>IOS-^"BEAi>IN' FOB UFA YEN" STAGING DANCES AT MAICFAIB STVDIOSr-^'BISTEBS OF FOI.UES" —AND NOW STAGING NOVELTT DANCES AT— PARAMOUNT STUDIOS (Cha*. Roger»-^8 Qirls m a Boaf 0 "SUD MURRAY CAN BE BAD" AT 86S6 BSIVBRLT BLVD. LOS ANaELBB^HQLLYWOOD ^ - TEL. DU. 6721 AL. VERDI "MUSIC" Glorified - Classified - Mortified with Miss Thelma Lee Attention LEDDY & SMITH