Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday, September 19, 19^3 PICT E S VARIETY CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES studios: Pathe Studios, _ . AIIiaJ Offices: 729 Seventh Ave., Culver City, Cal. /Mliea New York, N. Y. Dude Bandit, : The. Western story of retribution. Hoot Gibson. Dir. Geo. Melford. 6S mlns. Rel. May 1. Rev, June 27. Ightlng Parson, The. Hoot Gibson is mistaken for a revivalist. Marcejllne Day, Etbel Wales. Dir. Harry Frazer. 66 mlns. Rel. May 22. Rev. Aug. 8. . Ghriek in the Night, . Mysteiry murdoi- story^ Ginger Rogers, Lyle Talbot, Arthur Hout. Ir. Albert Ray. 65 mlhs. Rel. Aprir 15. Rev. July 26. Harold Auten Y. ce: 1540 B'way, Companion Wanted. Romance with music and singing, visualizing the dream of a spirited young girh Anhabella, Jean Murat, Duvalles. Dir. Joe May. 88 mtns. Rel. June 3, Revv June 6. Footsteps In the Night. Based On the mystery novel by Mrs.-C. Fraser Sim- son. Mystery story of a rudely Interrupted honeymoon. Benita Hume. Dir. Maurice Elvey. 69 mihs. Rcl. At)rll 18. Rev. May 16. Savage Gold. Comtnander Dyott's thrilling adventures with savage hunters. Comm. Dyott. Dir. Commander George Dyott. .67 mins. Rev. Aug, 8. Woman In Bondage. Triangle story with hew aides. Betty Stockfleld, Owen Naresi Dir. Basil Dean. 72 mins, Rel. Nov. 19, 1933. Chesterfield ces: 1S40 Broadway, New York, N, Y. By Appointment Only.- (Invincible.) A man's man who was a woman's doc- tor. liBw Cody, Sally O'Neill, Aileen Pringle. Dir. Frank Strayer. 65 mins. Rel. July. 7. Dance, Qlrl, Dance; Musical drama. Alan Dinehart, Evalyn Knapp, Ada May. Dir. Frank Strayer. 69 mins. Rel. Sept. 1. I Have Lived.. A girl's attempt to live down her.past. Allan Dinehart, Anita Page, Allen Vincent. Dlr< Rich. Thorpe. 65 mlnS. Rel. June 15. Rev, Sept. 12.-, Man of Sehtimeht. How ah ol lly together. Marian Marsh, Owen Moore, Wm. Bakewell, Dir. Rich. Thotpe. 67 mins, Rel. Sept. 16. Notorious, But Nice. tory .to coniie; Marian Marsh, Bistty Compson. Donald Dillqway. Dir. ich.. Thorpe. 67 mins. Rel. Aug. 1. r*Aliimkitt Ofncesr 729 Seventh Ave. v^oiuniDia vopk. N. Gowec at Sunset, Hollywood. Cal. v*uiuui«i« New York, N. V Ann Carver's Profession; Woman lawyer saves her husband In a murder trial. Fay Wray. Gene Raymond. Dir.: Eddie Buzzelt. 71 mins. Rel. May 26. Rev, June 13. Below the- Sea. A thrliiing tale of treasure on the ocean ifloor: Ralph Bel- lamy, Fay Wray. Dir. Al Rogell. 79 mins. Rel. April 25. Rev. June 6. rief Moment. A romance that, flared and flickered in one. brief, rapturous moment blazing into a great love. Carole liombard, Gene Raymond^ Monroe Owsley. ' Dir. Dayld Burton. Ircus Queen Murder, The. Murder, under thei tig top;' . Adolphe MenJoUi Greta Nlssen. .Dir» Roy William Neill. 66. mlns. Rel. April 10. Rev. May 9. Cocktail Hour. Girl illustrator narrowly escapes missing the tight man. Bebe Daniels, Randolph Scott. Dir. Victor Schertzinger. 73 mins. Rel. June 5. Rev. June 6. Dangerous Crossroads. A roaring romance of the rails. Chic Sale, Diane Sinclair, Jackie Searle..; Dir. Lambert Hlllyer. 69. mins. Rel. June 15; Lady for a Day. It lives the lives of its characters, it breathes romance, tears, comedy and unexpected surprises. Warren William^ May Robson, Guy Kibbee, Glenda Farrell. Dir. Frank Capra. 102 minsi Rev. Sept. 12.. Night of Terror. Bela Lugosl and his^ haunting eyes—blood-curdling suspense —mysterious disappearances. Bela Lugosi, Sally Blane. Dlr, Benjamin StoIofC, 66 mlna. Rel; April 24. Rev. June 27. Rusfy RIdea Alone. Tim McCoy curbs crime at every' turn with his ever- faithful police dog pal. Tim McCoy. Barbara Weeks. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. .58 mins. Rel. May 26. Soldiers of the Storni. The first film featuring the: U. S. Border PatroL and the part played-by planes. Regis Toomey. Anita Page. Dir. D. Ross L«derman, '69 mins. Rel; April 4. Rev. Miay 23, . The Woman I Stole. Jack Holt a swaggering overlord of: the oil ■fields who outblufCs doublecrossers, -Jack . Holt, Fay Wray. Dir. IrVing Cum- mings. 64 mins. Rel.; May 1, Unknown Valley.^^ A fuU-of-fight western drama, replete with uniaue situa- tions. Buck . Jones, Cecilia Parker. 'Dir. Xaiibert Hillyer. 69 mins. R«l. May 6. . What Price Innocence^ Story of a girl who didn't know. Jean Parker, Wll- lard Mack. Dir. Wtllard Mack. 64 min& Rov. June 27. Woman * Stole, The.) A swaggering overlord of the oil fields^ Jack Holt. Fay Wray. Dir. Irving Cuniihings. 69 mins. Rel. May 1. Rev. July 4. Wrecker, The; The season's timeliest story, with the recent California, earth- quake. Jack Holt. Gonevieve Tobjn. Dir. Albert RogelL 72 mins. ReL July 10, Rev. Aug.. 8. Ciwaf- nSv^aSnn Offlcesi 1600 Broiidway,. .first i/lVlSlOn now York, Ni Y. Releases Also Allied, Chesterfield and Monogram Avenger, The. A district attorney seeks revenge on the gang which 'framed' htm to twenty yeara in prison. Ralph Forbes, Adrienne Ames, Claude GiUingwalter, Dir. Edward Marlh. 78 mins. Rel. Sept. 16. lack Beauty. Anna Sewell's famous book. Esther Ralston. Alexander Kirk- " land, Gavin Gordon, Hale Hamilton, Dir. Phil Rosen. 65 mins. Rel. July 15. V Dassan. Life, customs, morails, habits and whatnot as lived by the penguin birds on 'Penquin Island.' Cherry Kearton produced and directed.. Two running times: 38 mins. and 61 mins. Rel. June 15. Devil's Mate. A condemned man, on the verge of execution, is mysteriously murdered. Peggy Shannon, Preston Foster. Dir. Phil Rosen. .66 mlns. Rel. Sept. 1. Dude Bandit. A clumsy cowhand turns to the disguise of a romantic dude bandit and solves a murder. Hoot Gibson, Gloria Shea. Dir. George Melford. 65 mihs. - Rel. June 16. Forgotten. A kindly Jewish Immigrant father, cast ofT In his old ago by his sons, brings them to their senses. June Clyde, William Collier, Jr.. Lee Kohlmar, Natalie Moorhead, Jean Hershblf, Jr. Dir. Richard -^Thorpe.. .67,. mins. Rel. May 1. _ ^ . Fugitive, The. Secret service agents on the trail of a haT^-miTTrdn dollair.'Hittll robbery. Rex Bell, Cecilia Parker. Dir. Harry Fraser. 58 mins. Rel; Sept. 15. I Have Lived. A Broadway stage istar is faced with blackmailers on the eve of marriage to wealth and loVe. Anita Page, Allen Vincent, Alan Dine- hart. Dir. R. Thorpe, 69 mlns. Rel. Oct 1. Jungle Bride. A murdeir suspect is shipwrecked. Jungles. Anita Page, Charles Starrett Dir. Kelly. 62 mins. Rel. May 25. ReV. Ma/ 26. Love Is Like That. A seventeen-year-old youngster gets mixed up in a couple of domestic tangles and a near murder mystery. John Warburton, Ro- chelle Hudson. Dir. Richard Thorpe. 65 mins. Rel. May 1, Rey; May 9. Notorious But Nice. Driven from the man she loves, a girl finds solace In^a loveless marriage with the king of the underworld. Marian Marsh, Betty Compson, Donald Dillaway, Rochelle^Hudson. Dir. Richard Thorpe. 7» mlns. Rel. Oct. 15. liver Twist. The famouis Charles Dickens classic. Dickie Moore, Irving Plchel, William Boyd, Alec Francis, Doris Lloyd, Barbara Kent. Dir. William Cowan. 74 mins. Rel. May 1. One Year Later. A young couple' start tUcir honeymoon on a train, and the following year finds them oh the train under t1i«frent circumstances. Mary Brian, Donald Dillaway. nussell Hopton, Will and Gladys Ahem, Jackie Searl. ■ Dir. E. Mason Hopper. 05 mms. Rel. Oct. 15. , Phantom Broadcast. A radio crooner attains phoney fame when his accom- panist secretly does his sinking for him. Ralph Forbes ,Vivienne Os- borne, Pauline Garon. Dir. Phil Rosen. 71 mlns. Rel. Aug. 1. Return of Casey Jones.. A young engineer surmounts his difficulties through the spiritual influence of the hero of his boyhood, Charles Starrett, =Rllth^Hallr-Jackie--Searlei-i67-min3.=JDJ Rev. July 4. Sensation Hunters. A college girl finds herself stranded^In Panama,_ Arllne Judge, Marion Burns, Preston Foster.^ Dir. Charles Vidor. Rcl. Sept 16, Shriek In the .Night A murder mystery in a swanky Park Avenue apart- ment house. Ginger Rogers, Lyle Talbot Dir. Albert Pay. 67 mms. Rel. June 16. Skyways. Adventures of a hot-tempered aviation pilot who gets into one scrape after another. Ray Walker, Kathryn Crawford, Luclcn Llttie- field. Dir. Lew Collins, 72. mins. Rel, Sept 15. Sphinx, The. . A deaf mute and his twin brother are Implicated In a scries of crimes wherein four stock brokers are murdered in the same ^manner Lionel Atwill, Sheila Terry, Paul Hurst Dir. Phil Rosen. " Rel. July 3. • with his captors. In the Harry Hoyt and Albert 62 mins. . Theto tabulations ar» compiled from information supplied by the various production companies and checked up ias soon as possible after release. Listing is given yyhen re* lease dates are ^jefinitely set. Titles are retained for six months. Man- agers who receive service subse* quent to that period should pre- serve 3: copy of the calendar for referencer. The running time as given here is presumably thai of the projection room showihas and can only approx- imate the actual release length in those states or communities where local or state censorship may result in deletions. Running time in the reviews, as given in 'Variety' carry the actual,.time clbcked in the the* atre after passage by the New YorU state censorship, since pictures are reviewed only in actual theatre show! While every effort is.made to hold this list accurate, the information supplied may not correct, even though official. To obtain the fullest degree of exactness 'Variety' wilr appreciate the co-operation of all managers who may note discrep- anci ALVIN GOES TO HARRIS, CHAIN GROWS TO SCORE Pittsburgh, Sept. 18. Harris Amusement Company, last: week cioded a deal for downtown Alyin theatre, for more than a score of years the Shubert legit house here but closed for the last year and a half< Lease was negotiated through Harvard University, own- ers of the site to whom it reverted following the Shubert bankruptcy. - More thsm $76,000 will be spent remb|dellng the spot, a 2,100-seater, after which It wili be turned into a first-run i)lctur6 site, probably under a vaudfllm policy. At the same time, Harris interests announced the acquisition of the Alhambra In ^ast Liberty. Once a profitable nabe house, Alhambra was closed for. several years and lately has. been Used as a market. Leasing of these two houses sent the liew Harris chain to 20 holdings, With several iaddltional deals re- ported In the .fire . now. NRA Parade (Continued from page 4) amount, latter with girls In cos- tume, bands, four muggs doing the Marx Bros., another group of girls as Mae West and a. large number of general employiees. A lot of people thought the Four Marzes them- selves were on parade, while some thought Miss West was there with a flock of sisters. Par had a line of girls effectively costumed as blue eagles. Fox and Educational took up the rear, tailed by some . Indie fllna dis- tributor representation. Master Arts iProducts and Lo^^ Between the radio division, which also Included the Actors' Equity, Lambs' Club,. New .York Hippo- drome, N. V. A., Theatrical iPro- tective Union, Brooklyn stage hands and the Fides opera com^ pariy, It took nearly an. hour for the amusement groups to pass 46th and Fifth ayenue. It took; the Investihfientrflnahcing bunch about three minutes to get by. All of . the film companies had banners and arm. or - hatbands for their people to wear, something that the companies participating from other industries did not provide so completely. It. was a swell show, with show- men-applying showmanship to a parade, and walking away with it all. Plus big. crowds downtown, showmanship of the parade was re- flected strongly at box offices. """Wflfi^T'i£tH=^"avenTi«="jammed--all the way from Washington Square to 72d street,- length of the parade, it was the biggest audience show- men had ever played to,on a one- day stand. Overhead a flock of planes were in flight. Fox had a blimp up a,d- vcrtiaing 'Berkeley Square,' but It quickly disappeared. Probably was policed off. Strange People. Thirteen men and women, twelve of whom recognize eath other as members of a murder Jury, find themselves gathered in the house of;.the murdered man. neitr midnight of a stormy. night. Joh Darrow, Gloria Shea, Hale Hamilton. 64 mins. sRel. June 15. Studios: Burbank, !«;■.•» NofSAnol Offices: 321 W. 44th St., Calif. r irSl i^iaUOliai NewVork. N, v. Bureau of Missing Persons. Comedy-drama based on the activities of. thj little known department. Botte Davis, Lewis Stone, Pat O'Brien, Allen Jenliins, Hugh Herbert Dir. Roy del Ruth. 74 mins. 1 Rel. Sept. 16. Rev. Sept. 18. Central Airport. A triangle in the. aviation game. Richard Barthelniess and Sally Eilers, Dir. William A. Wellman. Rel. April 15. Rev. May 9. Elmer the Great.. Baseball story. Joe E, Brown, Patricia Ellis. ir; Mervyn LeRoy. 64. mins. Rel. April 22. Rev, May 30. Goodbye Again. From the play. Comedy of a famous author with an old fiame who Is married. Warren Williams, Genevieve Tobin, Hugh Herbert.. Dir. Mlcliael Curtiz. Sept. 9. Rev. Sept. 5. Heroes for Sale. Post war activities of American viets. Lbretta Young. Rel. June 17. Rev. July 25. \ Loved a Woman. Based on. novel by David Karsner. of an Industrial leader and an operatic star. Kay Francis,. Genevieve Tobln. Dir. Alfred E; Sept. 23. Lilly Turner. Side shows and grifters. Ruth Chatterton. Geo. Brent, Frank McHugh. Dir. Wm. A. Wellman^ 35 mlns. Rel, i4ay_13. . Rev. June 20.' Little Giant, The. Robinson as a comedy gangster.. E^ 6, Robinson. Mary Astor. Dir. Roy Del Ruth. 70 mihs. Rel. May 20. ReV. May 30. She Had to Say Yes. Comedy-drama of a 'customer' girl.. Loretta TbUng, . Lyle Talbot, Regis Toomey, Winnie Llghtner. Dir. Busby Berkeley and George, Amy. 64'mlns. Rel. July . 15, Wild Boys of the Road. Drama of the 'orphans of the. depression.' Frankle Darro, Dorothy Coonan, Rochclle Hudson, Ann Hovey. Dir. William A, Wellman. Rel. Sept, 30. Studio: Fox Hills, 17: 850 Tenth Ave., Hollywood, Cal. F OX New York. N Y. Adorable. Original. With music. Janet Gaynor, Henry Garat. ir. Wm. Dieterie. S6 mins. Rel. May 19. ReV. May 19. Arizona to Broadway. ;tames Dunn.- Joan. Bennett, mins. Rel. June 30. Rev. July 26. Best ot Enemies, The. Racial conflict comedy. Buddy Rogers, Marian Nixon. Joe. Cawthorne, Frank Morgan. Dir. RIah James. 72 mins. Rel.. June 23. Rev. July 18. " Charlie Chan'a Greatest Case. Another adventure of the dhlhese sleuth. Warner Oland, Heather Angel.* Dir. Hamilton Mact'adden. Rel. Sept. 16.' Devil's In Love. The. Harry Hervey novel. Foreign legioin yarn. Victor Jory, Loretta Young,. Vlvlenne Osborn, Dir. Wm, Dieterie. 70 mins. Rel. July 21. Rev. Aug. 1. Doctor Bull. From the novel, 'The Last Adam.' WUl Dir. John Ford, 76 mins. Rel. Sept. 22. Five Cents a Glass. Love, music and beer. , Marian Njxon. Rel. Jiine 30. F. P. 1. Futuristic plane landing field in mid-ocean. Conrad Veldt. Fenton. Jill Esmond. Dir. Karl Hartl. 75 mlns. Rel. July 28. Good Companions,' The. (British marie.) From the Priestly novel of ah Eng- lish concert troupe. Jessie Matthews. Dir. Victor SavUle. Rel. Sept. 8. Hello Sister. Stage play. Jas. Dunn, Boots. Mallory, ZaSu Pitts. M mlns. Rel. April 14, Rev. May 9. Hold Me. Tight. Love in a department, store. Jas. Dunn. . David Butler. 71 mins. Rel. May 26. Rev. May 26, 1'Loved You Wednesday. Stage play of four tangled lives. Warner Baxter,. . Ellssa Landl, Victor Jory. Dlr.'Heni:y King. 76 ml^iis. Rel. June 16. Rev, June 20. It's Great to Be Alive. An only man In a world of beautiful women. Raul RouUen, Gloria Stuart, Herbert Mundin. Dir. Alfred Worker. 68 mina. Rel. June 2. Rev. July 11. Last Trail, The. Zane Gray story. Dir. James Tlhling. 60 mins. . ; Life In the Raw. JZane Grey story. . Cowboy saves girl's brbthfer. from bandit gang. Geo. O'Brien; Claire Trevor, Greta Nlssen. Dir. Louis King. 62 mins. Rel. July "T. Man Who Dared, The. Imaginative biography based on life of Anton Cer» mak. Preston Foster. Zita Johann. Dir. Hamiltoh M<iFadden. ' 77 min^ Rel. July 14. Rev. Sept 12. • My Weakness! Musical, Lilian Harvey, LeW Ayres. Ir. David Butler. Sept. 29. ; Paddy the Next Best Thing. From the stage jplay. Janet Gaynor. Warner Baxter. Dir. Harry Lachman. 75 mins. Rel. Aug. 18. Rev. Aug; 22. Pilgrimage. Mother loVe from , a new angle. Froni the I. A. R. Wiley story. Henrietta Grossman, Heather Angel, Norman Foster, Marian Nixon. Dir. John Ford. 95 mlns. ReL Aug. 18. Rev. . July 18, Power and the Glol-y, The. Jesse Lasky's 'narratage' stbry. A man's career in fiashbacks. Spencer Tracy, Colleen - Moore. Hit. Wni. K. Howard. 87 mins. ReL Oct 6. Shanghai Madness. Magazine story by F. H. Brennan. River plrat'es on a Chinese stream. Spencer Tracy, Fay Wray, Dir. John Blystone. 63 mlns. Rel. Aug. .4. Trick for Trick. Stage play of same title. Ralph Morgan, Victor J'ory^ Sally Blane. Dlr, Hamilton McFadden. 68 mina. Rel. April 21. Rev. June 13. Warrior's Husband, The. Stage play by Julian: Thompson. An Amazon who had a heart Bllssa Landl, Marjorie Rambeau, Ernest Truex, David Manners. Dir. Walter Lang. 74 mlns. Rel. May 12. (Lasky produc- tion.) .Rev. May 16. Zoo In Budapest. Original, Mystery story In a foreign zoo and an animal. Loretta Young, Gene Raymond, O. P. Heggle. Dir. Rowland V. Lea. R \ April 28. Rev. May 2. (Lasky production.) ce: R.K.O. BIdg., New York, N. V. Easy Millions. Original. Reputed millionaire loses his job, an Inheritance and almost his sweetheart Skeets Gallagher, Dorothy Burgess. Dir. Fr^d Newmayer. Rel. June 30. War of the Range, Tom Tyler western. Ir. J. P. McGowaii. 60 mins. Rel. Sept Idg^ . Radio City, New York City Cheating Blondes, (Equitable.) Twin sisters tangled in a murder mystery. Thelma Todd, Ralfe Har.olde. Dir. Jos. Levering.. 66 mihs; Rel. April 1. Rev. May 23, Curtain at Eight. Story of a murder .mystery by Octavus Roy Cohen. , C. Au- brey Smith, Dorothy Mackaiil, Paul Cavanagh. Dir. E. Masbn Hopper. 72 mins. Rel, Opt: 1. Gun Law. . Western. 'Jack Hoxie, Betty Boyd. . Lew Collins. 63 mins, Rei; April 15, Sing, Sinner, Sing. Torch singer marries a millionaire. Hyams, Dir. Howard Christy. 74 mlns.. Rel. Aug. . Trouble Busters. Western,- Jack Ho^ie, Lane Chandierl Dir. Lew 55 mlns. Rcl. May 15. The Sin of Nora Moran. Woman Is framed to shield the higher-ups, ZIta Johann, Alan Dinehart, Paul Cavanagh, John MllJaUi Dir. Phil Gold- stoiie. Rel. Sept. 1. The World Gone Mad; Story behind present-day conditions. Pat O'Brien, Evelyn Brent, Neil Hamilton. Dir. Ghrlsty Cabanno. 80 mins. Rel. April.1. Rev. April 18. Sturilos: 4370 Sunset Drive, Mi>vf«ii. ' 1600 Broadway, Hollywood, Cal, IviayiaiF New York. n'y. Alimony Madness. Story of alimony evils. elen Chandler, Leon Waycofff. Dir. Breezy Easoh. 65 mlns. ReL April: 1. Rev. May 9. Her Resale Value. Story of -a-disgruntled wife. June Clyde, Geo; Dir. Breezy Eason. 63 mins. ReL April 15. Rev, June 27. Studios: Culver City, M*»fHrt Offices: 1640 Broadway, Calif. metro y^r^^ n: V. Artblher' Helen Hayes, Robt, Monlgomc-ry, Louise ClosSer Hale: Dir. Edw, H. Grifllth. 70 mins. ReL July 28. Rev. Augii4^ Barbarian, The. Ramon Novarro as an Egyptian guide -who is really a prince. • Myrna Loy, Reginald Denny. Dir. Sam Wood, 80 mlns. Rel. May 12. Rel. May 16. Beauty for Sale. Faith Baldwin's 'Beauty.' Otto Krugfir, Madge Mcrkel, Alice Brady. Dir. Rich. Boleslavaky. Rel. Sept 1. Broadway to Hollywood. Three gcnoratlon.^ in a stage' family. Alice Brady, Frank Morgan, Madge ICv.-in.s, llu.«.seir liardio, Eddie QuiUan, Dir. Wll- lard Mack. 83 mins. Rev. Sept. 5 (Continued on imgo 21) Freuler Asisociates Majestic