Variety (Sep 1933)

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30 VARIETY PICTURES TncsJay, Seplcmber 19, 1933 Product Situation in Hpk indie Lyceum May Benefit from Publix-WB Peadlock^Mort Singer Expanding MinheapQiis, Sept. 18. There's stilt a chance that the 2,- 360-sca.t inclependent Lyceum, loop first-run h<>u5ei 4ark because it hasn't been able, to line up pictures, may get . into the product ruftnlnB. PUbllx and Warner Brothers haven't been aWe to get together yet oh a deal for half of the WB product for Minneapolis. If they don't come to terms .the . product would be avail- able for the Lyceum, which also hop0s to get some of the Orpheiim slufEs, the Singer house having more pictures than it can use; Garl lieserman, WB's district •manager from Chicago, left town without selling, Publii. Approxi- mately half of the. Warner product has been sold to the opposition Singer house, the Qrpheum, here, li. is' expected that Leierman and John J. Friedl, Publlx. division naan- kgei:, will confer, again here or In Chicago In Another effort to get to-, gether on. terms. i>ublix definitely ha« closed H» deali9 foil M>-G-^, Paramount and Fox product for its entir.e Norfhr west circuit. It also Is indicated that similar deals with T7nited Art- ists, and Universal : will , be closed shgtily. The Orpheum, in adilitlon to about half of the. Warner product, hiaa all Of Columbia, aind RKO^ caving it about. pictures inOre than it can ,Mprt Singer, while here for a day" ^recently, "wais negbtiatiog for another, loop first-run house. Re- port Is.that he will Acquire the Shu bert which, after 22 years, is aban- doning, dramatic ^tock this seaiison because of demands of the Actors' XiS^tulty and stageba.nds' union that two weeks' advai^ce salaries be posted. If he g^B this theatre he will hfive an outlet tor all the pic tures 'which he has. purchased and -the Lyceum, of course, would be left out In the cold as far as obtailn ing Bluttk is concerned. The dope also is that Singer will take over the St. Paul Orpheum from RKO He is expected back In a few days to reisume the various negotiations SHORT MARKET ZOOMS WITH CHI'S 2-PIC BAN Chiciigo, 18. Short field Is booming beyond the hopes of: the exchanges with the killing off of double, features. The-, atres are still selling barg:aln en- tertainment to the public and if: they haven't four 'hours of features the}r*re offering them .four hours of one feature alhd .shorts. Nothing unusual to find seven .to 10 shorts on one shpw.« For instance, the .Rosewobd last .week with 't>rofej^ional ''Sweet- heart' (KKp) adve^fised a big JO- unit show, .plugging' the feature, 'plus 'World's Greatest Thriils' (U),' also; two . comedies," two ■ trav- elogs, ' September Hoiroicope ;and others.^ GOLF ANP D/T, BATTLE Midwest EKhibs Eye Chance to Kill Dalite Time^ Golf Competiah Chicago, Sept. 18. Theatres In the midwest think they see an opportunity to step out with the new KRA deal lit business to do away with daylight saving time. Show business feels that day- light time has put the worst crlihp in their summer - tra^e, estimates putting the daisiage to the boxofllce at 26% off from normal. Tied In with thisi daylight saying, thiiig is golf, the moved-up cldck and the ihashle going hand In hand according to exhibitors; ChicaLgo Is the tareest solf district in all the World, having more regular golf clubs, semi-private'courses and pub- lie links than any pther city in It is estimated that SO.ppO people play the Chicagb courses the aver-' age summer day, 'with- the total| swelling to 90,000 and :120,000" on Saturdays,. iSundays and holidays. :il08t of the green fees range from 25c to:50c for the 18 holes with the better clubs charging %X. Chicago has more entries in the P.G.A. tha.n any other .district and yet^hasn't 'turned out a champion since, Chlqk Evans, Harry Liedke. Dir. Joe May. B. W. Eino; reasitrt. Dir. (MNDAK OF (mBrr RELEASES '(Continued from page 27) From Is^lio Auster's-drama. -RefOTm school backgrrbund. .I>ir. Archie Mayo. 90 Mayor of Hell, The." Jas. Cagney, Madge Evans, Firankie. Darrow. mins. Rel. Jtme 24. Rev. July 4. , . Narrow Corner/The. FVom the story by W. Somerset Maugb&m. South Sea locale. Doug Fairbanks, Jr.,\Fatricia Ellis, Ralph .Bellamy,. Dudley Dig< ges. Dir. Alfred E. Green. 67. itiins. Rel. .July 8.. Rev. July 18. Picture Stiatcher, The. ^eml-gangster . story of a news photographer. Jas. Cagdey, Patricia fillis, Alice White, Ralph: Bellamy; Dir. Lloyd Bacon. 70 mibs. Rel. April 19^ Rev. May -23. .Private Detective 6i2, From a fiction story. William Powell, Margaret Lind- say. 67 mlna Rel. June. 17. Rev. .July 11. 811k Expresi, The. ifystery drama of silk shipments. Niel Hamilton, lien Jenkins, Dudley Dlggea. 61 mips. Rel June 10. Rev. June 27. The Man from Monterey. Western drama. J'ohn Wayne, Rutb Haill. Dir. Mack V. Wright. 67 mins. Rel. July 22. Rey, Aug. 22. Untamed Africa, llirlllins African adventure. Uiider supervision of Wynant D. Hubbardi F.A.G.S. ReL April 8. Voltaire. Life 6t iE^raiice's' celebrated wit and philosopher. George Arliss, t>orl3 Kenyon, Margaret Lindsay, Dir. John Adolfl. 72 mins. Rel. Aug. 5, Rev. Aug. 22.' Working Man, The. Original. Romance in the shoe business. Geo. Arliss, Bette Davis. Dir. John Adolfi. 77 mins. Rel, May 6. Rev. April 26. Camilla . In .iFVttiE Laiig. drama. Men- 1501 Broadway, New York, N. V. F-WC BITES BACK AT PAR-PUB'S $2,500,000 Los Angeles, Sept. Fox-West Coast attorneys are prepared to dispute In Its entirety .the claim of Paramount Publix in the approximate amount of $2,500,- 000 on file against, the Ijankrupt when the hearings, tentatively set for Sept. 28, come up before Ref eree in Bankruptcy Samuel W. McNabb. Creditor's main claim is for asserted' breach of Jease on the Paramount Oakland, and the pur chase of equipment In that 'house tJnderstpod F-WC will contend that no such lease cw^s ever signed or equipment purchase made. iBecause of technical safeguard, the. Paramount-Publix filed four duplicate claims.. If these should be disallovtre.d tne total demands against F-WC would be reduced by over $10,000,0.00 froni the present figure of apprbximately $40,000,0 Coiirad Rev. L. A. Luxer in Red, Sees Way Via Duals Los An'Sreles, Sept.' iS. RKO HlUstreet theatre will go double bir. early in October. ..House since going straight plx three months ago, has be*en away in the red.. World Wide/'""'' (Releasing "Through Fox) Constant Woman. The. From Eugene .CNeill's play 'Recklessriess.' Kagel, Leila. HyathS; Dir. Victor Schertzihger. Rel; April 23.. Lone Avenger, . '. Original. Ken Mayhard western. Muriel ,Oord&r. .Alan James. 61 mins.- Rel. liay 14. Rev. July 4. S^tudy in dcarlet, A. Sherlock Holmes story. Reginald Owen, June Clyde; Anna May 'W^ong. Dir. Edw, L. Marin. 73 mins. Rel. May 14, Juiie C. Miscellaneous Releases Big Chance, The.. .(Ba,gle.) Priizefighter-soclallte story.' JohnDarrow, Merna Kennedy. Dir. Al.-Herman.. 63 mlha. Rev. Sept. 6 Big Drive, The. Authentic war pictures from records of eight governments, 91 mins. R^I. Jan. 19. Rev. Dec. 27. Cougar. (Sidney Snow.) Jay Bruce captures mountain lions with bare hands. 70 mlhs. Rev: May 30. Faithful Heart, The. (Helber.) ritlsh made. Romantic stOry of a faithful - love. British cast. 65 mins: Rev.. Aug; 22. (Cell's Hblfday. (Superb.) Compilation of war scenes. 90 mins. Rev. July 18. High Gear. (Goldsmith.) Aiito race story. Jackie Searle, James Murray, Joan Marsh. Dir. Leigh Jason. 65 mins. Rev. April 18.* His Private Secretary. 'Girl converts her father-in-laW to approval of his son's marriage, Evalyn Knapp, John Wayne. Dir. Phil Hi White man. 68 mins. Rel. June 10. Rev. Aug. 8. Laughing at Life: (Mascot.) Story of a gun-running adventurer. Victor Mc Laglen. Conchita Montenegro, Ruth Hall. Dir. Ford, Beebe. 71 mins. Rev.. July 18. ' > . Night and Day (Gaiimont-Brltish). Farce comedy of a thief chaae In. a wax museum. Jack Hurlbuf t, Cicely Courtneidge. 76 mins. Rev. May 30, Police Call. (Showmen.) Ring story with an adventure angle. ' Kick Stuart, Merna Kennedy. Dir. Phil '^hiteinan. 63 mins. Rel. Aug. Rev. Aug. 29 Sleepless Nights (Remington). British made story on farcical lines. Polly Walker, Stanley Lupino. Dir. Thos: Bentley. 63 mins. Rel. July 21 Rev. July 26. . Taming of the Junjile. (Invincllple.) Animal training methods. Rev. Juiie 6: •Tarzan the Fearless. (Principal.) Feature and. eight subsequent two-part chapters. Buster Crabbe, Jacqueline Wells. Dir. Robti Hill.; 60 mins. for feature. Rel.. July 19. Rev. Aug. 16.. .What Price Decency. (Equitable.) From a . stage play. Jungle background for story of a girl tricked by a mock marriage. Dorothy Burgess; Alan Hale, Dir. Arthur Oregon 60 mtns. Rev* Mar, 7. HABEY FEAZEE, JR., MGE, Pittsburgh, Sept. 18. Spitzer Kohen, manager of .'WB's Keriyon and before that the Davis, iftis resigned to return to his old territory, New Jersey, as manager . of the Garden In Paterson, also a Warner' house. His, successor at the Kenyon will ^be-?-Harry—Fra!5eer--Jr:r==66n-=.oie=.-the former big league bascba^ll mi!ij?natc and theatrical producer. Building! Just Imagine Lonijbn, Canada, Sept. Plana' for a new theatre to cost about $50,000 were announced tb" day by jpseph Wolfond, business- man of Guelpht.whb is to construct house in downtown Ciuelph. Foreign Language Films (Note: eca^se of the slow movement , of foreign .fllms^ this list covers, one year of releases.) (Most of these, availa^ble with English titles.) Bar^erina;-die Taenzertn von Sansoucl. (CTapItal) (Ger.).: Musical comedy Lii pagover. Otto Gebuehr. Dir. Gafl Fr66llch.''i' 83 .mins. Bel. Nov. !J0. Berlin-Alexanderplatz (Ger) (Capital). Strong . crime drama.; H elnrlch George, Maria Bard. Dir. PhH Jiitzt. 90 mins. Rel, May. 1. Rev. Mia.y 16; Cinq Gentleman Maudit (Protex) (French). Mystery drama. Itene Lefevre, Harry Baur. Dir. Jullen Duviyler. 78 niins. Rel. Jan. Rev. Jan. 24, Das Nachtlgall Madel (Capital) (Ger). Love in Hawaii. ir. Leo LAsky. 80 mins. Rel. Jan. 16. Rey. Jan. 31. Das Sclioene Abenteuer (German) (Protex). Romantic comedy. Kaethe Von Nagy., Dir. Relhhold Sch;un:tel. 83 mins. Rel. Dec. 1. Rev. Dec. 13 David Gblder (French) (Protex). Drama. Harry Baur. Dir. Jullen Duvivler 90 mins. Rel. Oct 1. Rev, Oct. 26, 3er Bail (German) (Protex). Domestic comedy. Dolly Haas. ir. Wilhelm Thiele. 83 mins. Rel. Oct. 9. Der Brave Suender (Ger) (European). Fast comedy^ Max Pallenberg. Ir, Fritz Korther. 90 minE|. Rel. April 1. Rev. April 4. Der_ Falsche__Eherhann_ (German) (Protex). Farce. Ir. Jtohannes Outer, ''~"'"^:85"^InIns.r"'ReirOct7irTlev;''Oct^ — Der Hauptmann von Kopenick (Klnematrade) (Ger)i Comedy. Max .Adalbert. Dir. Richard Oswald. 96 mins. Rel. Jan. 15. Rev. Jan. 24. ner Schwartze Huasar (Protex) (Ger.). Costume romance. Conrad Veldt^ Dir. Gerhard Lamprecht. 90 mins. Rel. Dec, 1. Rev. .Jan. 3. Dos Noches. (Hoffberg) (Spanish). Musical. Conchita Montenegro. Ir. Car- los Borcosque. 66 mins, Rel. Msiy 1. Donna d'lina Notte (Portaie) (Italian)^ Court adventure. Prancesca Bertlnl. Dlr: Marcel L'Herbier. 86 mins. Rel. March 1. Rev. March 14. Orel Tage Mittelarrest' (Gei'man) (C^apltal). Past G}erman farce with all-star cast. Dir. Carl Boese.- 80 mins. Rel. May 1. Rev. May 23. Drunter uhd b'rueber (Ger.) (Germania). Musical comedy. Dir. Max Neu- feld. 85 mins. Rel, Dec, 15. Rev. Dec. 20. EIne Llebesnacht (German) (Capital). Farce. 82 mins. . Rel. May L Rev. May 23. Eine Nacht In Paradlea (Klnematrade) (Ger). Musical comedy. Anny Ondra, 90 mins. Rel. Feb. 1. Rev. Feb. 28. ■ EIne Tuer Geht Auf. (Protex) (Ger.). Mystery thriller. 68 mins. Rel, Feb, L Rev, Feb. 7. False Uniforms (Russ.) (Amklno). Dir. Lopashlnskl. 63 mins. Rel. 18. Rev. Nov. 29. Frau Vort Der Man Sprlcht (Oermah) (General). Mady Chrlstlq^ns. Melo- drama. Dir. Viktor Jansen. 75 mins. Rel. April 16. R^v, May 2.. Friederike (Klnematrade) (Ger). Dranjatlc operetta based on Goethe's llfou Mady Christians. 90 mins.. Rel. March Ip. Rev. Feb. 28. Qefahren Der Ltebe (German) (Madison). Sex drama. Tony Van Eyck. Dir. Eugen Thleie. 65 mins. Rel. May 1. Rev. May 2, ^ aitta Entdeckt Ihr Hetx. <Capltal) (Ger)i. Musical comedy. itta Alpar. Gwstav Fro^llch. Dir. Carl FrDellch. 00 mins. Rel, Oct^ 4, Gloria. (Gei'min) (New Bra). Transatlantic aviation draiho. Gustav Froeh* lIch. Brlgltte Helm. 76 mins. Rel.'Nov. Rev. Nov, 1. Grbsse Attraction, Die (Bavaria) (Ger;). Drama is show Tauben Dir. "Max Relchmiann.. .70 rilns. Rel. Aug. 1. Heliseher, Der (Ger) (General). Farce. Max AdalbeTt ibir. Rel. Sepf. 1. H<tnh3^'t Erwaicheii (pi-otex) (Ger.). Delicate life problem. LamprechL 95 mlrtS. Rel. March 10. Rev< March 14. Heute Nacht Eventuell (GerJ (General), Musical comedy. 80 mins. Rel. July I. Holzapfel Weiss Alles (German) (Capital), Viktor J'anson. 86 mins. Rel.. Jan. L ^ < Horizon (Russ) (Amklno). Jewish search for hotae^ Lev' mins. Rel. May 10. Rev. May 10. HyppoMt- a LakaJ ilhternatibnal) t (Hungarian)^ Fast farce. Dljc, van. 77 toins.: Rel.. Jan. .Rev. Jan. 17. . , v _ Ich wiil Nieht Wissen Wer Qg BIst (Interworld) jlGer), .Musical, , Gez» von Bolvary. Hald, ProehUch, 70 mtns. Rel. Feb. 15, Rev. 2i. Island of Doom. (Russ) (^niklno). Two men and a woman W a desert isle. Dir. TImonShenko. 90 mins. Rei. July 15. Rey, July IK Ivan. (Garrison) (Russ.). Trahsform'dtlon of peasants.: Dir.. 83 mins. I^eL Feb. 1, Rev. March 7. Kamaradschaft, (Asso, Clnemtf) (Ger). Sensational drama. ' Aliex 'Sranach. Ernst Busch. Dir. (S7 \V. Pabst Time., 78 mins. Rel. Now 8. Kelne Feler Ohna Mi^yer (Ger.) (Germanlia)i' Musical farce. Siegfried Arno. Dir. Carl Boese.. 83 mlhs. „ Rel. Oct, 28. Rey. Nov. 3. , Korvettenkapitaen (Ger.) (Geherai). Military farce. 75 mins.- Le Bai ( rench)^Protex). Domestic comedy. . Dir. Wllheim Thleie. Rel. Oct. 1. Rey. Oct 4. Laubenkclonie (Ger.) (General). May 16. Rev. June^O. Lockende Ziel, Das (Ger.) (Bavaria). Musical. Richard Tauber. Retchmann. 85 mins. Rel, June 16; Rev. June 20. Llebling von Wien, Der (Ger.) (Eui'opeah). Stolz musical. Willy Fofst. Dir.. Geza von Bolvarj.. 75 mins,. Rel. .fune 1 Rev. June 13. Liubav I Strasi. (Yugoslav) ((3roat). Drama of life among N. r. imigrranta.. Rakel .Davldovlc. Dir. Frank Melford. 60 inlns. Rtel. Dec. 16. Lulse. KbenI von Preussen. (Asso. Cinema) (Ger). Historical. Porten. . ir. Carl Froellch. Time., 92 rains. Rel. Oct. 4. ,, Lustigen Muslkanten, Die. (General) (Gef^) Musical farce. Dir. Max Obai. S0 .;mln3, ReL May .30. M (Ger) (Foremco). Powerflll dramatic study. Petet Lorre, 95 mins. Rel. April 1. Rev. Aprll 4 and April 18, Marlus (Paramount) (French). Marseilles satire, Dir, 103 mins. Rel. Jan. 1. Bey. April 26. Maedchen in Uniform (Filmchoice) (German). Poignant Wlecke^ Dir. Richard Froelillph. Rel, Jan. W, Rev, Sept. 27. Man Brauch Kelh Geld. (Capitdl) ( Musical farce. Dir. Karl BoeB% Rel. Nov. iff. and Jobs (Russian) (Amklno). An American engineer looks at RussI Dir. A. Macheret. 70 mins. Rel. Jan,. 1. Rev. Jan. 17. Mensch Ohne Namen (German) (Protex). Poignant drama. Werner Krausa. pir, Gustav Ucicky. 96 mins. Rel. Nov. I. Rev. Nov. 16. Milady (General) (French); Sequel to Three Musketeers. Dir. Henri DIa- mant-Befger. 120 mins; Bel. Sept. 1. Rev. Sept. 12. ' Mond Uber Morokko (Protex) (Ger), See CIng Gentlemen Maudit Mordetirot (CSerman) (Protex). Submarine warfare's cruelty. Dir. Gustav Uolcky. 80 mins. Rel. May 15. Rey.. May 23. Morltz Macht Sein Gluepk: (German) (Capital). Farce. Siegfried Arn(» SS" mins, Rel. Dec. 16. Rev. Jan. 17, NainehsHelrat, (German) (FAF). Drama^ Dir. Heinz Paul, 90 mina ReV Jan. 1. Rev. Jan. 17. Nbc LIstopadQwa (Polish) (Capital). Historical romance. . WameqkL 95 mins. Rel, May 1. Rev. May 2. ' On Demande Compagnon (Fr.) (Auten). Musical romance. Joe May. 85 minis. Rel. June 1. Rev. June '6. Parls^BeguIn (Prbtex) (Fr). Musical. Jane Ma.rnac. ir, Augusta Genina* 90 mins, Rel. Dec. 15, Rev, Jan. 17. Plrl Mindent Tud (Arkay) (Hung.). Farce.i Rel. Jan. .15. Rev Jan. 31. Poll de Carotte (Auten) (French). Drama of adblescence; Harry BautVt Dir. Jullen Duvivler. 90 mins; Rel. May 15. ' Rev. May 30. Potemkin (Russ) (Klnematrade), Sound version of Elsensteln's classto. mins. Rel, April-4. Return of Nathan Becker (Worldklno) (Russian) (Yiddish), Comedy. Shpiss and Milman. 72 mins. Rel. April 1. Rev. April 25. dcampolo (Klnematrade) (Ger.) Cinderella romance. Dolly Haas. Dir. Han* Steinholf. 93 mins. Rel. April 1, Rev. April 11.. Schutzenkoonig, Der <Ger.) (Herrlltz). Max Adalbert, Gretl Theimer. Dir, FriStnis-Seitz. 90 mins. Rel, April 16. R6v. May 9. Shame (Amklno) (Russ).Problems of new Russia. Vladimir Gardin. Dir. Sergei YutkeVitch. 75 min?. Rel; March 1. ReV. March 14. Song of Life (Ger.) (dubbed English) (Embassy). Art, and photography pre- dominant Dir.. Granowsky» 70 mins. Rel. April 1; Soviets on Parade. (Russ.): (Klnematrade). Historic record of current sla. 55 mins; Rel. Feb. L Rev. March 7. Theodor Kberner (Ger) (General). Historical 'drama. Dorothea Wlecke. Dir. Karl Boese, 80 mins. Rel. May 1. Rev, May 16. Traiim' von Schonbrunn (Ger.) (General). Musica,l. MarCha Eggerth. Johannes Meyer. 85 mInS. -Rel. May 16. Rev. lune 6, Trois MousqUetalres, Les (General) (triench). Duma's' classic with- sonisrs. Dir. Henri Diamont-Berger. 128 mins. May 1. Rev; May 9.. uiani, Ulant, Chlopcy Matowanl (Polish) (Zbyszko). Musical comedy. Ins. Rel. Jan. 1. Ullca (Capital) (Pclllshh Life of the newsboys. ;73 mlnS. Rel; Aug. 25. Rev. Jan; 31. Victoria und Ihr Hussar (Kihematrade) (Ger). Viennese operetta. Michael Bohneh, Dir. Richard Oswiald. 90 mlhs, Rel. April 1. Rev. April U. WalzerparadleS. (Gfer.) (Capital). Musical comedy. Charlotte Susa. Dir. Priedrick Zelnick. Rel, Msrch 1. Rev. March 7. ' Weekend In Pafadlse. CCJapltal) (Ger). Zarce, Otto Wallburg, liJlsle Elsten Trude Berliner. Dir. Robt Land, 81 mins. Rel. Nov, 1. Wehn die iSoldaten (Schiielder) (Gef). Military musical. Otto Wallburg, Heldermann, Ida Wucst Dir. J. Flecks 85,mins. Rel. Oct 27. Whither Germany? <Klnematrade) (Gernian), Dl cultles of life, ilertha Thiele. Din S, T. Dudov, 71 mins. April. 15, Rev, April 25, YIdisha Tochter (Yiddish) <Quallty), Old-fashioned Yiddish drama, Yiddish Art'and yilha Troupes, 75. mins. Rev. May 23. Ylskor (Yiddish) (Gloria); Revamp of silent Maurice Schwartz; Dir. SI Gbldin dnd George Rolland. 80 mins. Rel. May 15, Rev. June. 6. Yorck (German) (Protex). Historical. drama. Werner KrausS, Rudolf Forster. Dir. Gustav Ucicky. 90 mins. Rel. Nov. 1. Rev. Nov. 27. ' Zapfenstretch Am Rheln. (Whitney) (Ger.). Musical farce. Charlotte. Sus4» Siegfried Arno. Dir. Jaap Speyer. 90 mins. Rel. Feb. 1, Rev. Feb. 7. ZirKus Lebenj (German) (FAF). Circus dramau ' Liane Hald, DIr, Heini Paiii; 70 reilrrs, Rel. Dec. 15. Rev. Jan, 3. Key Jto, Address '"Affikr"nor723:ScvSnW"Ave7^ Associated Cinema, 154 W. 65th. Bavaria Film, 25 Spruce St, Capital Film, 630 Ninth Ave. Charles Herrlltz^ 25 Spruce, St Embassy Picts., 729 Seventh Ave. European Film, 164 West 55th. Pllmchblce, 33 West 42d. Foreign American, 111 West 67th. Foremco, 1560- Broadway. Garrison Films, 729 Seventh Ave. General Foreign Sales, 729 7th Ave. Germania. 22-33 IDth St, Astoria. George Schneider. 575 Riverside Dr. — • fflu«M^ 830 Ninth Ave. HaroIcTAuten, H>C5"!Brba3wayr" Internat'l Clhema, 1499 First Ave. Interworld Films, 1540 Broadway. T H; Horfberg, 729 Seventh Ave. J. H. Whllney, 360 East 72d. Klnematrade, 728 Seventh Ave. Madison Plots., Ill West 67th. Modern Film, 729 Seventh Aye. New Era, 680 Ninth Aye. rortale Films, 630 Ninth Ave. Protex Trading, 42 E. 58th. "Quality Picts.. 630 Ninth Ave. Worldklno, 1501 Brood way. Zbyszko Film, 274 Madison Ave.