Variety (Sep 1933)

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32 VARIETY R A.D I O Taesiflayt i^pteiiibfr 19, 193$ maO Wattage Stations Have Own Reasons for Not Udng NAB Code tatiohs with less than l.OOO watts and located for the most paxt I In small towns or limited areas ] ■within big cities feel that thie NAB ] trade practices seeking to bail con-^ tihgericy deals is a solar plexus blotv at the independent stations of | the country^ If adopted little sta- RATES UPPING AGAIN Chi WBBM PI«n» Local TarifT Following CBS Baise Cbicajfo; Sept. Following the , Columblia System's tions feel the rule will push them iij^ rates WiBBM, the local from their present precarious Pros- ^gg^yU^t ^^ijj conj^. tl^rougli with perity oyer the frontier into red tariff Ijpost about Oct. 1- Ink. I Inci^ase for WB]BM local time ex- Smalt stations have ohtalhed a pgcted to be approximatelj' 20% substantial part Qf theif revenues Ubove present scale, from.; contracts witU advertisers CBS hopped its rates oh Sept 15 whereby the payment is based in Chicago and other naetropolitan theJiumber of inquiries or sales di- j^gj^g denotes the continued rectly forthccmlng from the station, 61 tther advertising and the Hard-boiled attitude ot advertisers ^.g^^j^j^^^ 3^.^^^^,^^ j^j. y^^^. Ran for Safety Birmingham, Sept 18. George D. Hay, manager of WSM, tells the following story about Chuck and Hay, singers on the station. They were driv- ing liomei late at night, and found theniselves in a traffic jam, ,the cause of .which- wias an old cow in the middle of the stit^t and sotnewhat stub-- i>orn. . Chuck , and Ray stkrted. to slnig. The cow moved , out of the way. When Aatninn Networks Start Adjasting Local Shows Needs Acrobat that the one-lungers must show re suits before getting paid practically kieep^";some stations from, getting any other kind of busines.<5, and if this is shut : oflE as an unfair trade •practice they are asking hOw ionff can they survive. How to Stretch 15 Mins< What , the networks' and . larger stations probably object, to is the .fact that.when a good account, spots a 15-mlhute show/on a cpst-per-ln- qulry basis the small. stations have often isrlven the advertiser upwards to an .hour on the reasoning that the longer the advertiser la on the air and the harder the sales slant is hammered the more Inquiries will result. In' Other words, to make ABS JUST i OF , Sept: Juggling season has started with the local stations now that the net- works are. coming around with de- mands for evening time. Example of how the • network business can force stations to push their local ac- counts aroUnd Is seen In the shift- ing being done by Kelly Smith at WBBM in order to iheet the new Columbia programs. Return of Myrt and Marge for Wrlgley's on Sept. i25 will push the 6uy Lorhbardo sustaining program out of the spot and slap, the music back a half hour. Hamlin Wizard reference to the new oil, With Pat Flanagan's Wiaard Oil, Etiucal Kscoont Station Ease Combined m Run-of-Schedule Rate WHAS, LouisviUe, Show Goes on 4-Station Web . 18, .Edward Petry company has added WSB; Atlanta, to its pres- ent trio of outlets In this vicinity, listed as the Center of Population group for a series of programs for Bauard & Ballard, flour company of XiOuisville. PlactSd through the N. W. Ayer & Son agency put of New York, the program will ride on WHAS, liOuisviUe; WQKT, Cincin- nati; WSM, Nashvllie, and WSB, Atlanta, .-'artlng next Thursday (21). Program will run for 15 minutes weekly, coming out pf Louisville, with iamusetaent being; turned out by a band* NETWORKS PEPS 60 Barbasol. program. Corn Products niakes . its entry Oct. 1 for the season on CBS and splits the United Remedies hour session, into several pieces, the varl- Continued Amalgamated Broadcasting System riucklly goes to fit into ah early six as the third network Is regarded by o'clock program due to the return .rnnrt With fin advertiser the small! men as a misnomer. It of standard time, thus cTearing the stations are accusea or .inrowmg m ^ bunching ot stations out- everythlng but the lease. or that Amalga- Premlums are^lso P»J^,^" m Is In competition with the the proposed NRA broad^^^^^ big nation-wide webs. Sta- code and that also affects tne 12, r^. . . . • ..^ _ ailpr stations because Of the interpret matters differently her of advertisers who resort ABS as just another re- j ous sections of the patent medicine to giveaways of one sort or another. Biona^ network. Of course, should temporarily dlyldlhg to take spot Hie? coS 6? la^^ir and t^^ S'^ow and spread then, styling It ahead and behind the Corn Products transportation expense to wash- t^o third network would be more program. United Reniedles now flg- Irigton are ban-iers that inevitably appropriate^ uring on an earlier spot for a^full keep the small stations from effec- There are now some eight prin- 60-mlnute show with a name band tlve group action against the rules cipal regional networks around the out of Chicago and doing away with which concern them so Intimately, c*'""*^'^^ representing 46 stations, its present disc entertainment. They are: j Nobody yet lias an answer to the Southwest (9).KFDM, Beaumont; coiifllctlon progrram on tlie .present KTRH, Houston; KOMA, Oklahoma KrUshen Salts time when Cocomalt City; icTSA, San Antonio; KTAT, | crashes Into space over CBS on but are largely written and Im posed; by their not very fraternal big brothers of radio. While ru mors have been heard, there Is no definite Information that any steps Fort Worth; WACO, Waco; KGKO, towards organization have been Wichita; KNOW, Austin; WRR, criade by the Indies. Dallas. ni»u« t I Yankee (0) WNAC, WAAB, Bos- ton; WEAN, WPRO, IProvidence; WORC, Worcester; WMAS, Spring field; WDRC, Hartford; WL.DZ, Bangor; WFEA, Manchester. Michigan (7) WXYZ, Detroit; WEIjLi, Battle Creek; WIBM, Jack TERMS KEEPING KICK FROM REGIONAL WEBi Oct, 2. It's a general nilxTup on certain hours In . constant demand, while there are other hours still available for' accounts. 18. Lincoln, Nebi, Sept. .With Uiilon Holding . company's embraqlng of KOIIi In Council Bluffs, la... In addition to the two stands KFAB and KPOR here, there have been many rumors of a midwestern network. Organization of the trio of . ether llnics Is still In the rough, but Al Poska, former staff' announcfer for Same^ Show-r-4 Stati ;LOs Angeles, Sept^. 18. McMillan Petroleum is going four „ , -nmr^Tz, i ways With Its Suhday night sym- son: WK20, ICalamazoo; ^DP, .^^^ ^ 36-piece or Flint; WOOD, Grand Rapids; WBCM, Bay City. Mason-Dlxon (5) WILM, Wll mlngton; WORK, York; WGAI,, Lancaster; WDEL, Wilmington; WALZ, Haz'elton. Wisconsin (4) WRJN, Racine; WIBA Madison; WlBU, Poynette; WOMT?, Manitowoc, ♦Centre of Population' (3) WSM, chestra, directed by Chauncey HalheS. Now On KMPC, Beverly Hills, program will- rebrpadcast by KPWB, Hollywood; KPOX, Long Beach, and KREG, Santa Ana. Minute announcement has staged strong comeback ' this season. Judging from the business cleared through the ihajor station, reps-the past two. months this class of air advertising will for the 1934-34. sea- son be 100% better than prevailed for the previous yeair. Even the NBC owned and oper- ated outlets, whose spot broadcast- ing Is booked through the network's hoine office Is taking oh more and more of this type of business; Pre- viously the web iCrowhed'on the Idea of booking the^e M and 100 word sides of. straight plug palaver on the ground that the only way they could be plotted was by clipping time off a network sustaining pro- gram, and that this behavior was doing the wrong thing by the sus- taining prograin and giving the spot ^announcement buyer 14 min- utes of entertainment for the price of one inlnute Of the station's time Censored Too Much While things Were going well with the morO important stations In 1932 they became more choosey about this class of business aild the contents of the copy it subrnltted with the result that the spot an nouncement customers became , dis- couraged and one after the other dropped out of the broadcast pic ture. when the takings from pro (Continued on page 36) Bun-of-schedule classlflcatibn for spot broadcasting la reported as the blggcist new development In that Held. It's an application to rad^o of th<? run-of-paper rate news- papers, aithough the comparison Imperfect. Arthur B. Church, KMBO, kansas City, Is the parent of tho new method of giving a legitimate disqouht. oil card r^ites n return for the right to use the diiscs In any unsold tlihe, Variable at the discretion ot the station If full-ratei or network .conirnltments ihake: a change, necessary,..' Of enormous. bpnyenlehce .: heavily booked stations, and attrac- tive to mahy advertisers because of the saving In costs the ru'h-ofr schedule thing Is believed .certain to be ' Widely adopted.. :Geh Mills .Interested General Mills, of Minneapolis^ a.pprbached stations on. run-of- schedule basis and asking for their yery best rate.' Blackett-iSempIe- Hummart agency ordinarily han- dles this account, but, according: to the letters, sent out by J. C. White- ley, of ^ General. Mills - advertising departrri'ent, the disc; programs arb to. be placed direct ]svith stations and with General Mills to. take car« of the agency separateilyi Vincent LOpez, .Arthur. Tracy, and, Eddie Dunstetcr are the talent In the Cb'ntemplate.d Generkl Mills series Of. .90 flve-mlnute Waxejd programs, on behalf of Blsqulck. KMBC allows 25% discount from card rates on the ruh-pf-schedule angle. KFAB, has been assigned the Job, . -rtrxr Acs t ^„ic-»ni^> of program director for both local | ^f^i^^"^; WHAS. Louisville; stands with possible chance that the KOIL wlU como under his su pervlsion soon. AH announcers are bblng shifted about. Dee Dirks, the general manager of the station group, has one d?iy In town a week WCKT, Covington. Iowa (3) KSO, Des Moines; KWCR, Cedar Rapids; WIAS, Ot- tumwa. Amalgamated (6) WBNX, New- York; WTNJ, Trenton; . WPEN, Control System Qutside ASCAP to Halt Station's Use of Phono Discs ihgton. 7,'=^^ Philadelphia; .WDEL, Wilmington; t^tS£"£rtS:S ieSltoJy*"' *H^CBM; fialtimore; WOU Wash. Deal .for KICK, the Ipwa-station rumored belonging, to the chain. Is out, according to Dirks, since a sat Isfactory arrangement, could not be made New Location, Staff and NBC Tieup Starts WSOCI Irving Mills is father of the idea. Recording artists .who dislike be- i promiscuously etherized, by small-town radio stations believe they have f ound a way to beat that.^ WTMJ Act Sponsored Chicago, Sept. 18. Russ and Bell, who have been do- ing sustaining work over WIMJ (Milwaukee) take On Sleepy Water as their new sponsor.. ...^ Account placed through the United: States Adv. companies and will ride three times weekly for a .j^^eek stretch. Sleepy Water now using spot programs .on WBBM lo- cally and WMT» Waterloo (Iowa), besides several other minor outlets In the midwest. Ch.icago, Sept. 18. Rettirn of the Judy and Jane show on NBC occurs this week. Backed by the iTolgefr-camEiatiyi..?^?^® show starts on a 10-station" ml'ff- west Web going on every afternoon except Saturday and Sunday. Series cast Includes. Irene Wicker, Marges Evans, Walter Wicker and Freddy Van Ammon. Blackett-Sam- ple-Hummert agency. Charlotte, M- C, Sept. 18. With radio station WSOC being moved from Gas.tonia to Charlotte, Earl GlUck, liew manager, is. rapidly organising his staff, for the expanded station. '\ In addition to manager, Mr. (31iick is now president of the station, W. C. Irwin has been, made commercial nianager.. Ronald Jenkins is pro- gram director. R. L, Morris Is en- gineer, a.nd will also serve as sec- retary-treasurer. All plans have been approved by the Federal Radio Commission, and the station will go on the air here late In September. It will be lO' cated on top of the Meckleriburg .Ho tel.,.^-To., ,b e gin - With , ^broadcasts will be from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m., and from B-11 p.m. Station, has a power of 1210 K. 100 W., and will offer NBC .pro- gram.s, having signed contracts for chain broadcasts with that broad' casting company. At the present, time, new studios are being constructed at the Meek- enburg and the transmitting equip- ment is being overhauled and set up. His Exclusive Publications, ., which will publish songs, by non- affiliated writers of the ASCAP, is a first result. Law has favored the stations ih playing' phonograph records, de-r spite the many formal warnings to the contrary. Brunswick, yictOr and Columbia have even added label connQta,ti9ns that these disks are 'not licensed for broadcasting,' but the National Association of Broadcasters long since, advised its members to forget about thati NAB's theory, and apparently within legal rights. Is that the com- positions are licensed for public .Pj^rlQi'm ance, he nce copyright protection for the record company. The disk tnanufacturer long slnpe became reconciled to the [ validity of the small station's ar- gument that the 75c purchase , of the disk 9ntitle3 It to use It as it. Will. The record companies then enlisted, the copyright owners of the songs for restrictions but learned that "the ASCAP licensing of popular music for public per- formance for profit nullified any chances for redress \ along those lines. No Revenue This ha^s ieft the artist holding the w-ik. bag. The artist feels he has been the principal sufferer, as many a Jerkwater station, despite Federal Radio Commission re strlctlohs and provisions to the contrary, has. etherized 'a program of dance niusic by Pa,ul Whiteman, with littlie or cbhnotatlon that •this was a recorded program Sometimes they ciall it, 'by electrical transcription,' which further con fuses the public Into believing that Maestro Whiteman is giving out In person Mae West recently made a couple of; records for runswick and be came jplenty peeved through dis- covery that she has been widely etherized by the broadcasters. Brunswick is In sympathy with her but _slncc ^ tho ^^^^ W€N,INIHE6NN0V.1, WILL BE ON 2 WEBS Chicago, Sept. 18. •Painted Dreams,' sketch on the •Tribune' WON station, goes net- work over the Columbia system on Oct. 10 for the Battle Creek Food Products company. Will run on a. 26-week schedule on CBS at four times weekly, hitting the air at 1:46 diily. While it will bo on the network four times a week sketch will ride on WGN for the same, sponsor five times weekly , at 16:45 ,a.m. Battle Creek products, placed through the locial Erwln-Wassey agency, has been using th© local show for some time on WGN. Sketch Itself has had a hectic his- tory, having been on WGN for a,bout three years with three different sponsors. Originally written by Irna Phillips it was the basis of a suit action against WGlf by Miss Phillips. Miss PhUlips later went over to NBC and produced the show called •Today's Children,' which Is how running. •Painted Dreams' on WGN now being written by Kay With the CBS hetworfc splitting with WGN on Nov. 1, it will mean that the station will continue tO serve the network despite the break. WGN Is doing the: same with NBC at piresent; Result will be the un-. usual situation of an unaffiliated station serving both networks. CBS with, 'Painted Dreams' and NBO with "Little Orphan Annie,' •Stnglng Lady' and 'Clara, Lu . and iJm,' all foUr coming but of WGN. were;, licensed by AgCAP she ahcl the company could do nothing about it. Next time the Diamond Lll gal. records, she will use 100% restricted Songs and In that wise be in position of legally enjoining all broadcasting stations. Several of the name dance bands arc refusing to Cut records any more for that reason, fearing com- petition to their Air-comhtiercial Slionsors. Better Biz Bareau Uses Ra£o to Warn Buyers Better Business Bureau of Los Angeles Is an extensive user of the ether in reaching housewives with, constant campaigns against all kinds of business rackets and phonies. Claims a bigger audience, in consequence, than, any similar organization In the country^ • BBB currently broadcasts Hve, times a week on regular- schedule -with^l5-rninf^prDgrams-T0ver-RF-WBr= ICHJ, KKGA, KFI and KNX. Stress at resent is on judging and watching foods, and on' NRA co- opcrdi-tion. Borax .Extends Borax goes Into Its-fourth year on NBC's blue (WJZ) link Oct. 6 with a boost from 12 to 17 stations. Renewal effective on that date is for 52 weeks.