Variety (Sep 1933)

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S6 VARIETY II ADI« Tiiesd«7t/Septeiiib«r 19, 1933 I (Ml I I r i I I I I M r,( r i u r f I I M 11 i ,Hll«MlMHHil»llllMUillHHlllHBMM» BADia CHATTER New York Billy Mitchell, Webster Smith and "Warren Wade of the WTAM, Cleye- lajad. mob in New York with •L.un: and Abner* over the weekend^ George Cor*ey, J, Walter Thomp* son, p.a*, used part of his lunch hour Friday (15) to take himself a bride (the former Frances Grinker 6f Chicago) at the N. T. Municipal buildinjgi ; . Eddie Miller, who baritoned It.on the old Nestle show, Is doing a week at the State, Manhattan, Man bites dog was the caption they gave that cocktail party that Pete Dixon, N. T. 'Sun' columnist tossed for the press agents. Dixon baa also a kid show that he's a;n- thoring.; ^ Recruited from legit for the sea- sonal bow of the "Roses and Drums' ' show Sept. 24 are "Siiy Bates Post, Charlotte Walker, , Minor --Watson, Tom Chalmers, Pedro deCordpba, O^rge Gaul. Robert T. Hainea and Elizabeth ix)ve. First of the series will get Its broadcast from the stage of Carnegie. Hall with the N. Y. dramatic critics invited. Rod Arkell, shared the mike with Ted Husing on the CBS broadcasts of the N. T, NBA parade. Helen Strauss has replaced Allen Royce as ra,dio p.a. the Benton Sc Bowles agency.. Tom Probert is doing: four of them on WMGA, N. T. •Drama, of the Ages,' Sunday, The Arabian Nights,' Tuesday, 'The Sketch Book,' Thui^day and .'Portraits of Great Characters,' Saturday. 'Sizzilers' have an insuti^ce policy guaranteeing them two-thirds of their; air income if illness prevents them from filling a scheduled broads cast, ■. ■ ' Al Segal has himself and a chorus auditioning at NBC. Evelyn Hoey is having herself piloted toward a. commerciial by James Matte. Vic Irwin and Ernie Wktson have had three of their Bobp. Boop com- positions accepted by Mills Music, Inc., for publication. Conrad Tliibault is barltoning for four commercials simultaneously after Oct 4; when he adds Fletcher's Castoria to his other jobs. Maxwell Houses Phillip Morris; and Bulck. Margaret Lilvingstbii home ° with lombagoi not at Faul 'Whlteman ra- dio show last week. Phil^ Harris Continues with the Cutex affair on NBC for another 13 weeks,, effective, this Friday (22). Renewal makes It .26 w^eeks a;lto- gether. MILTON BE RLE OLD GOLD PROGRAM Sept. 6th Management ^ CHARLES MORRISON MQRRISON-WiNKLER CORP. Itek Centiml Hotel ARTHUR TRACY •The Street Singer'* HANAGianSMT MORRISdN-WlNKLER CbHjPORATION Park Central Hotel NEW YORK llctty 9» t]i«r jfioold out of the other. The half houl>. directed br Jerrjr and Margie O'Nell. will he continued by the station. mWest George McManus, the cartoonist, interviewed oh the F)arm and Home program by Helen Stevens Fisher. Though that's their right names, Al and Liee Belae r ar e not brothers. Dixie Mason, WLS soprano, on the recoup and . ready to come, back to the Chi station for . work. Martha Uhn took a short vaca- tion from the advertising angle to do some speaking for the Armour show. mike. Bfert Green has opened a new re- cording and production studio in Chi and has gotten himself a state license for talent representation. Keelor & SUtes, of Cincinnati, agented the Ed McConnell job for 'the E^arly ft Dahfel feed company; lYancls Craig has returned to Niashville. Tenn., and WSM. Herald, Dean and Curt have re- turned to their spot on WSM, Nash- ville. NO PAR AIR PROCRAM IF SPONSOR NEEDED Ether Slants Move to build up 'falhily' ties be- tween Radio City MUslc Hall and radio listeners has one of the R. C. performers now guesting on Dick Liebert's organ pirogram each Thursday morning. It is called 'The Breakfast Club/ the entertainer coming before the mike for a chat and usually for a brief number.. Feature goes on at 8:26, an eairly hour for a stage artist but Thurs- day, is rehearsal morning at Music Hall. Johh Pierce, singer, was the first guest Roxy, Brno Rapee and other 'names' will be heard later. . Llebert, who now announces his program, in. a R6zyes.que manner, and pluigs the show, has talked about airing a part of the rehearsals. In keeping With the family' idea, he is playing requests, sending birth- day greetings, etc. Recently Liebert ofCered to broadcast musical num- bers composed by listeners. He since has played one or two of these. makes you love It. In between he's also reviving his yesteryear song MXk, of which there seem to be legion. Captious ones who wondered Whether and how Cohan could maintain it were answered by the final of lilfli five single-shotters Sunday night. He farewelled, but promised to return,, but in the mean- time gave the incomlhs Fred Stone a corking send-Ih, stating that next week he himself .will be in Pitts- burgh with Eugene O'Neill. Al Jolson, oh the Kraft program (14), sang a group of Stephen Fos- ter numbers woven together by the scenarist into .a dramatic st6x>y. This was one of the finest singing Jobs Jolson has ever done, the fich melody of the Foster classics being a change from the foot-stomping chest-thuniiplng mammy-palaver^ It suggests that Jolson might well de- velop this type of singing by :Way of demonstrating his versatility. On the same program Paul Sponsorship by a commercial of the half hour program from back; ^&axy Virginia Dbrlon, Who under I stage at the Paramount, N. T., oh the name of'PoUy Van Rensselaer* WOR every Monday evening. Is put, ^ , broadcasts food-fashion talks on a according to Boris Morros. He haa PvlV^®"!?/^ *ii*''f "^Sf^f1° commercial program over WGT, denied offers from four different 2Vi«®«nifu^ Ty2lLrr^^^^ Schenectady, Is engaged to marry L.._^^_.„ interested In sponsoring 5 PiP,novelty. In general the salad t.i>w1m B Horner ^ Norfolk va-1 *^ uweresiea in BponoorinK ^p^g^j^g, program was excellent en- hSLf mSi «o«o»>£. the air show. tertalnm^t with Deems Taylor's Manbattan heard somewhat skep- ^ doesn't want any advertising light nonsense a blessed relief from tically that cops raide* WCAU, on the program: pther than the plug the usual stal e narra tor, Philadelphia, last week when house- | going to the theatre and Its phow wives took literally a melodrama from which t<^lent doubles for the being the Radio Drama | Monday night broadcadts,^ Iieague wherein an escaped convict s^or^ni^ivS seT^^cSsI KOLYHOS EEGIOHAL BUT to rescue the staff. Robert Schalll Chicago, Sept. 18. wa:s the: too-realistic author. | . Kolynbs toothpaste is taking three Bert tytell tells the one about the I midwest cities, Chicago, Mlnne- Eno's Good Adv. Eno's Salts cleverly dramatized Its commercial plug In a father- and-son dialog that hooked up the message for both generations and stayed safe on the delicacies inher- ent in the subject of 'the enemy within.' Son visits pop during shaving period, discusses 2fn.if liTho'Sfey'STeaiSl S i** ^oluni-J P^J^V a^f ^ther£?o tlTS iSSi^ nroaSioua^ 'Whl^^ network as far as its present thing. Whereas little Rollo may do^^g nJw^'SrShak^^^^^ co^^-^^ed „ot shave until he grows up^he terpreter was asked. 'Dromedary I ^oyr buUdlng a new type show may treely par^^^^^ dates' he replied [for a regional web of these three Pleasure, namely a good bracing Goldenrod Revue will broadcast towns through Columbia outlets. To N'ereer of Eno. First the father and from Washington because of a two I start Oct. 1 with a femme program weeks' booking at the Earle theatre. | hitting the ether* in the afternoon Coal dlstrib will be represented oh CBS starting Oot.. 3 with a twice weekly script show, Uttle Italy.' Eastern hookup of 11 sta- tions will take this program, whose cast will Include Rose Keane, Ned Weaver, Alfred Com, " Hirani Bfowh and Ruth Yorke. then the kid gurgle the potent fluid and the gurgles are duly conveyed to the ear of the listening public, From this pretty picture the ad- vertiser with calculated cunning spreads the idea that taking Eno salts Is comparable to yum-yum- mlng over a chocolate soda. "Your New Old FrientP* D O N R OS S Pontlac Program Coast-to^Coast Columbia System .Broadcasts Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30 P. M. MlHOiant M0RBI80N-WINKLER. LENNIE HAYTON Aim OliS CHESTERFIELD-HOUR ORCHESTRA EACH FRIDAY 10 P.M. WABC DirectloD UORBISON-WINKUBB Corporation West SPOmHQ HOBTPFS SALT Chicago, Sept, IS. Morton's Salt Is being placed for a ride on the ether by the Wade agency here. WUI use spot pro-1 Mark Warnow's orchestra is an grams taking dtudib talent In some I unusual combo on WABC. With Instances and straight announce-1 Vera Van and the Four Clubman, raents on others with several outlets straight instrumentation, un- gettlng a combo of the two. Start-I "^^^^^W^ smooth in itself, is further ing about Oct. 20. Roy Morti^an is out of Eamshaw-1 Will eover most of the country Toung. He had beOn representing | with the exception Of the New Eng- distinguished by some corking solo and quartet vocalization the L. A. agency in the east. Hearst's San- ' Francisco "Ex- aminei'' expanded its theatre and radio sections this week, combining the two and devoting two pages to them. Most of the space going to Uoyd Thompson's theatre scrlven- Ings, balance to Oscar Ferribach's radio pillar. Billie Lowe back on KFWB staff as blue.singer, replacing Ethel Os borne. Ned Carter, colored singer and land and Middle Atlantic states and concentrating through Texas, moun-1 tain states and the Coast. XDKA UPS HOBBIS Pittsburgh, Sept 18. Claude Morris, production and continuity' man at KDKA, has been moved up to the post of produc- tlon manager by William S. Hedges, station chief, . He'll work directly , .^^^^^^^ t^.^^v-jk^^* pianist from WENR, noW on staff under John Glhon, newly-appointed broadcast is Indeed a bargatin prop Cohan's Farewell In. short order George M. Cohan has impressed himself with the same indelible effect. on the ether which he has on the American stage and In all amusement branches per-' talhing to the theatre. Seemingly It's the natural heritage of this be loved veteran trouper that he should enter the new medium and click as resoundingly as In all other fields, Considering how much Cohan contributes to the Good Gulf pro gram, that reported iB,O0O-per at KMTR, Hollywood Lindsay Spite in Ix>s Angeles selling time for KPO, San Fran Cisco. In a contest^ for talent sponsored by Robar gasoline, more than 3,000 pieces of mall were, received In one month. Finalists selected at the Denver theatre were Aline Hardy, of Boulder, and Joe Becker, of Den ver. Prizes were $25 each Denver *iPost' for some unex- plained reason has tiuit sponsoring the Kids program over KLZ. The progn^ head at KDKA- Morris Joined the station staff in 1929 as a part-time announcer anl six months later was griven a full time Job.. He KDKA Plikyers, the station's drama unit Schnofiele and Etting Jimmy Durante. and' Ruth Etting are fllUng-In for Eddie Cantor on Chase & Sd.nborh coffee Sunday nites, the ^ show coming from Hoi. lywood and reversing on the trans- mlsision to hit. the east coast per usual at 8 p. m., which means that with DST It goes on-the , air at 4 In the aft or 5 p. m. with-normal time difference. Rublnoff took himself to the coaist to be with Cantor again for his UA-Goldwyn fllni, 'Roman Scan- dals' stIU has the comedian tied up,, so he recommended Schnozzle Du- rante and Miss Etting to John Re- ber of the J. Walter Thompson agency In New York, In fact send- ing Bennle Holtzmanii, his personal rep, as an emissafy to set Durante. It's a flller-lnncr for a few weeks strictly for both and they're doing a good Job. Certainly an Improve- «;ontInued on page 54) '■ LEOKi OLDSMOBILE 10:30 Tuet. and Thurs. WABC Hon., TuM. and Frl.,. 11:80 to 12:0Q NIGHTLY ST. MORITZ HOTXip, NEW TOBK Sole Direction HBBMABI BEBMia 1619 9roadwa7> Mew York RICHFIELD OIL Monday WJZ 7:30 P. M. Friday WABC 9:30 P. M. BARTHELL Tues., 6;IS P. Sat. 9:30 P. Mw—WABC WABC cided to cover the >, coast With 'Post' started their Kids' club some I bobbsle too, and in addition to the years ago and tied up with KLZ transcontinental, which begins "Sept •'Radio's Loveliest Lark" later. The deal was ah exchange proposition, each getting such pub- odltion. Unlike so many of the other steller etherizers, Cohan also brings with him a creative talents plus his own talents as a performer, for he I w«. BiTcxm I must needs fashion his own special also organized the | material each and every broadcast On top of that, he features the new Cohan song-of-the-week, and each Is likely for faltdom as anything else out of the rickety pianos and col- lapsing typewrit^Ts Of tin pan' alley. That new NRA s0ng is the best yfet of its class. That topper-offer, is a pip, 'If you're on the square with the USA, then with FDR you'll be OK, and then, like a M-A-N you DobbtBie Extended San Francisco, Sept 18 California Packing Co. has'^de the NRA.' That's 100% patriotic flag-waving, but who cares. Cohan IN SONGS FRiOlDAIRE PROORAU Friday 10:30 p. m. OBS. Direction, HOrrlfion-Wlnkler Corporation Park Central Hotel. Mew York City I sham Jones ON TOUR Direction Oolqmbla nirbadcasflnK System If'. 25, excluding the coast, will start | can proudly say, you're a_mem one for the Pacific Slope on Sept 28. ' Show win be 8 to S:30. a.m. Thursdays, and will plug all Del Monte products, except the coffee,, which Will be sole sales object of the cross-country show. Del Monte coffee can't be adver- tised out here because of a recent injunction brought by the Tillman and Bandel Co;, makers of a Del Monte java. JACK and LORETTA CLEMENS (4th coualna of Mark - Twain) TIIVBSDAT - - - 2430 P.M. VRIDAi; ..... 5:30 P.M. SATURDAY . - - . 7:30 P.M. WEAF A BKN ROCKB PRODUCTION PAUL WHITEMAN Presents RAMON A N. B. C. Network KRAFT-PHENIX PROGRAM DON LANG and his TRUE ANIMAL STORIES WABC Coiast-to-Coast Network Monday—Friday, 5 P. M. Columbia Broadcasting System Frisco Kid Scripts Set San Francisco, Sept. lit. Two serials resume on NBC's western chain next week (25), each on every day but Sunday and Thursday, and one directly follow- ing "the =otheri-=^~"^"i""^=^="'^ -"^-T" First Is 'WheatenavIUe' for Wheatena, and Is . a San'Francisco production, with virtually same cast as last year—Tom Hutchlnsoii, pro- ducer and lead; Harold Peary and others. It's on at 6:80 p.m. As Chimes from 'WheatenavIUe' die but 'lilttle Orphan Annie' comes on for the Wander Co. and Ovaltlne. It, too, is a western production, and also Is aimed at the kids. Thursday 10 P. M. FOR EAR AND AIR! RAYMOND BAIRD Just a Musical Sensation ROY FOX BAND KiT'CAT LONDON B.B.C. NETWORK HOWARD and His ORCHESTRA • Now 18th Week ATLANTIC BEACH CLUB 1697 BROADWAY, NEW YORK