Variety (Sep 1933)

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VARIETY Tiiesdayt September 19, 1933 NEXT WEEK (Sept. 21) THIS WEEK (Sept. 14) Numerals In oenriectlon vyith bills below« opening day •! show, whether full or split week Pktnre Theatres TwcWay Black RKO WARNER itBW TOBK CITS Palace <2S) David Hiitton Blbck & Sully The:Rlniac8 Oroh (Two to All): (18) Gilbert Bros BelUt & I>a,inb Qertrud^. Nlesen Three Sailors Haekett & Cairthay Academy l8t half <22-2«) t White Flashes Roy Xee & Dunn Kay 'Hanitltoh I.«avVltt Xiookw'd H&rry Reset Orch 2<1 half (1^-21) Russian Actors Joe Besser Henoy Davis Rev (Two to nil) BROOKI^TX : AlbM <22) Bernlce Claire Joa Fenher C|i -A J Prelsser Oaudsmilth Bros ChriEltenaeii Btoa. Vorne Buck Qrcb 'Don't Bet on Love* ciNonmATi Albee (8S> 'Thrillers Barney Oraint. Liou PoUook Co WilUam Demaredt Oracella & T'dpro (16) ' ^ Bryant Rains * T 2 Daveys tillllan Miles . Owen Hodivney Ben Blue Co ' Wager DA¥rroN» osao, - ; Ohio aS) 'Strike Me Pink* DBS MOINBS. lA KeUb's (M> 'Shuffle AlonK' DETROIT IKmntown (SS) 'Strike Me Fink* (16) Karre liCBaroh Co Eleanor Powell Bert Iiahr Co Eddie Oarr ' BUZABETH Bits Isi halt (23-26) I Lester Allen Co LambertI (Three:to fltl) 2d half (27-2») At Wohlmen Co (To (111) 2d half (30-22) A * M Havel [BUly Olason Russian Revels (Two to 011) PHICADBLPBIA Burt* (Mp Thurston . -(^«) Melya Sls^ I Radio Aces Arren «c Broderick Bdsar- Berren—— Mlokey Feeley Co Ludky Boys Colby ft Murray Jt I Collins & Peterson Staidey (St) Ayres : A; Renea ' Herb WUIiama Barbara Stanwyck Cass. iCactt A O (16) ■Bthel Barrymoro Jo« Orilfen Keller Sis A It Barry A Wbltleffd Nayan Pearce Rosa .A Edwards: WASmNGTOK Bnria Oracle Barrle Stan Kavanaush Pbtt Spltalny Hal Menken Allen A Kent ,<16) POPB-A^XOUlO-. I<eiB Ghesxia Smith Stroniar A LI Phil Sftitalny Oracle BaTrIa NEW TOB3K jOITI (Id week) Lanny Ross June Knight Bunlce Uealy Rltz Bros Bmery Deutsch 'Song, of Songs' Boxy (IS) Sid Gary Dave Schooler Blanche A Elliot Maurice Colleaao Al Verdi Bohar A George BALTOIOBBt, MB BIppodroBM (IS) Thurstop 'Tom*row at SoTsn* BOSTON Metinwolltu (16) N(ck Lucas Herman.Hyd* Miaa Mona Georgee Camp* BIsle Ray Jerry Franks Al NormaB Torcl > Sing er* mrwAiiO.. BIppiedraaM (IS). Cap^t Henry Party Don V4>orbeaa ■ Molasses- A Tsb^mt Lanny Ross Tiny Bnttner Kelvin Keech 'I MuHeT wnson ^how>b9«rl. ^ 'Song of Songs* • Shea's (IS) Mitzl Mayf&Ir John Fogarty 3 Slate Bros Gordon's DogS 'B'way to U'wood' Great lakes (18) Bmll Boreo Dave Harris Co Mary Haynes Romeros A D'Clay | S Wonder Girls Liister Br^ Henri '^'herrlen Ray Hughes A P 'Storm at D'break' omdAoo Ohleam (IS) Ted Lewis Co 'Doctor Bull' DBTBOIT/ Michon Bros Sid Marlon Co Marrone A LaCoita I Jane Vain RypeU 'Paddy* UlcUcaa (1S> Hat Le Roy GuB Van Noble SISBle 'Penthouse' ST I^OVIS Ambassaider .(IS) Johnny Ftfrklns Joe Frisco J A B Torrenoe Ullton Charleston Ruth Petty Jerry Coe 'Loved a Woman' Sam Lyons thinks that show buslnesa }s goingr into' the black. •Cab Calloway, Duke EUinar - ton and tho CJotton Club colored acts are taking yaude- vlUe out of the red,' thinks the agent. STAGE POUCV TEST IN KW. First CleaihOat of Chicago Ageiits in 3 Years Is Doe Shortly Minneapolis, Sept. 18. Despite the fact tbat most recent try-outs of stajge entertainment have not been encouraginer from box-offlce standpoint, it now la in* dicated that this territory will not want for stage shows this fall and winter. Believincr that improved economic conditions, will create larger audiences for stage fare an4 that a steady diet of pictures ex- clusively would pall on the public^ Chicago, Sept. 18. It looks like a. decided clean-out for the agents here In town. After. _ ^ «, . . hanging on for the past two or both Publix and the Singer circuit, three yeard, 99% of them have Just I operating the Orpheum, are plan- become so mithy leeches, '^ey | ^ing to go In for stage shows more mi^n absolutely, nothing to the of* Aces here such as RKO or the B&sK oifBce. They go. after a name or per extensively than, at any time In the past two years. It . has been definitely decided- that when Publlx reopens In October or former if^and when they know they U^oyember the 4.200-seat Minnesota Fanchon & Marco . iBOXT AL VERDI Paramoont VkSgn FRED ZIMBALIST TH IS WEEK Plaeed hr tEDDY A SMITH Molly Ficon Joe Browning Prospeet , - Ist halt (28-2«) Murray Lane Co HuAter A Perclval Jack Randall CTvro to till) M hair (2Tr2») Hlokey Bros <Three to fill) 2d half (20rXt) Gautlers Dogs Saxon 01s M'shall Mohtg-ery Mel Klee BOSTON BKO (2%) Jack Benny Show (IB) Carroll's "Vanities* GHIOAGO Palace (S%) Bryant. Rains A' T Gordon's Dogs Lillian: Shade Lon- Soltz Mitxl MayCatr (16) ^ Gracella A T'dore Johnny Woods JUBLxy McCormlo William Bemarept Norman Thomas. 6 .Roealias Dance , -State Lake (IS) Morin Sisters ' St'ttord A M'berry . Fid Gordon Johnny Lee Cb Fuller. Rawson A D French Misses HBUPSTBAD, It. I. BlvoU - 1st iialC (23-26) Jack Arthur ( fill) iBt baU (lS-a») Ohas.Meyers Co Mllbi- A Shea Gypsy Nina Leavltt A Lockw'd Avaiens KANSAS CITT, MO Halnatteet (IS) Shuffle Alon g* BOOBBSTER. N.T. Keith's (iiS) B Robinson Rev 'Goln' to Town* (1«> Miles A Kover Paul Kirkland Co Morton Downey Block A. Sully RImacs. Orch SIOUX CITT, lAi 2d halt (26-28) 'Shuttle Along* 8VBACUSB Keith's (2S) Carroll Vanities TBBNTON, N. . Capitol Ist bait (16-19) Downey A Lee Sis. Waller A Lee Bill Telaak Jack Ramdall Co 2d half (20-22) Gray Fam ■ Rome A Gaut Al Jenkins Bd (One to fill) NBW TOBK CTCt Alexander Gray Zimballst fig Page Co VerceUe A Sinnott (Others to flU) BBd6BL¥N (22) Sid Gary Rltz Bros Walter Dare Wabl Hoffman Bns Bob Ripa Florence A Avares BLOOMSBVO; TA <M) Carlos A ChlU R Pansy the Horse . Gr«gorr A Rayraon B B' B' La Marr Kens Co Snaklst Bns Metrepolltaa (2S> Bddle Daebln Ore Eddie Stuart. Reeves A Lea BelHt A Lamb 'HBBSHBr^ 'PA CaiBuamaltr <S1) ; Runaway 4 . Kay Katya A K Georgia Brown Le Paur PUIJCADIHfHIA 'V»x (M) Gus Vaa. Jack Stames Co (Cnbers to fill) ST U>inB. MO ^ Vex <8t) Queea 9lch Show Ben Blue - Nash A Fately Rialph Klrberry (Others t« fill) London Plem Bosf Henry king Orch Dtirlo A Plane B^oiseTett Reggie Chllds 'sslaslasi.; Arts Joe Horanits Oi«h Reaee A Iianra l^lckolas Hadarldi Barra BIra 'Mlaba UsaaeS Simplm Olnk Frances Faye Clark A Ds Liys Larry -Slry** Orch Sli^ Msrita HsitsI 'LeoB Beiasoa Oroh Alfredo's Oreh Gypsy Nlaa St. Be«is Hotel Meysr Davis "Oroh BBuOI'k randlse •Black Bhythm* B Nyra Johnson Meers A Nortoa t.Bpeed Demons Geo Walker wn apellmaa a Palmer. Bros want to be played. Instead of. rep resenting 20 or 30 acts they now represent, one and expect to make a ,They are Hay Alex Cbas Johnson OrcbMiylng olE pt that onOi . Tah Grm Geo HaU Oroh Ittmmt Bidya Bddle Jaoksoa Jack Hurray Ore Vniase Ban BlBle Gilbert Bill AaronsoB Hyers A Prltchard Jack- Needera Ruth Delmar Zeb Carter V B Hillbillies Roger Geraten Ore tUtese Not Ctab Hiichltf Clarke Blanche Lytell Jim Keiso BIsIo Gilbert Frank Wheeler ~ OU Balnstord ■Red' Davis Marlon Bailor Hnton Splelman Or | WaUort-Astoila Jaiek Denny Ore XavJer Cugat Orch Margo not satisfied with 1Q% commission b^t. want 20. 'Agentar are how turning, to be hoiise-bookers and with the freak names coming up they are becom- ing personal .manageris. Just prov- ing themselves so many parasites. First office understood to take action against them Is RKO. Wis. LodI Chb Bac^ WedK-End Vande Show htire Btajgre shows wUl be used with pictures. After pla,ylng Tom Mix show in a number of its houses to good re- sults, publlx now has book<^ the WI<S barn dance unit for it& entire l^Torthweidt divlsipn, excepting tbe Twin CUties. The attraction recently played the SlAte £*alr here. Another stage show unit booked for the entire dlvlsi(»n is (lertrudc^ Avery's Diamond Revue' unit, coiii- prisittff '50 people. Under Singer operation, the Orpheum hete will continue to use> occasional stage show units And name acts to alternate with straight pictures. 'Shuffle Along* is sched-^ uled week Sept. 22. Other attrac- .tions booked include Mae West, Burns • & Allen, 'Strike Me Pink,*^ •Vanities,' Pen Bernle and the t>utt-. can Sisters. CHICAGO Week of Sept. 18 IFINSBUBT PABK Etaipiro'. Alexander A Hose 2 Shamvaa- Albert Whelan Bobby Olrao' Henri Hilton BAB Newell New Trlx Sis Billy Bennett Karo A Partner NBW CROSS Empire 'Once In Blue M'n* Jenny Howard Scott Sanders Wilson Keppel A B PBNOi: Empire Llnga-Singh . Viennese Waltzes 9 Desmond T L Coram Ula A B Buick Tommy Dixon Sita Devi Gmiga Din Soga A Hir'wa Tr Byron A Byron Proymcial Week of Sept. 18 Loew NEW TOBK cm Capitol (iSS) Almee McPherson Radio Aces Rosette & Luttman Bddle Miller Diamonds Boulevard (22) Donala' Sis Billy Farrell Co Smith' & Hart Milo Stone A Vernon Orpheum Iqt halt (22-26) Gautler'8 Toy Shop Metropolltaa (22) Arthur LeFleur Co Gate A Carson Jerome Mann Roye A Maye Rev Burns A Allan Valencia (2S) Cab Calloway Orch Radcllffe A Rogers Leitha Hill Alma Turner Nlcodemua BALTIHOBE Centiiry (22) Serge Flash V O'Doimell Co EblNBUBOH Empire Carlyle Cousins I Three Bredwlne Mickey King I Duncan Grey Vlo Oliver GLASGOW ^ Alhnmbra Harry Lauder The WlUenors Olivett A B Cbatt Imlto HIPPODBOMB ' Sonthampton Albert Sandler Co'as booked W'LVEBH'PTON Hippodrome Mrs. J Hylton Bd Cabarets Arrowhead Inn Irving Conn Oreb Astor Roof I Ben Cutler :Orcb aregbry A Raymon M'shal Montgomery OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1660! Broadway This Week: Arifen ■ A Broderlckr^ Frank J. Sidney. HEW YOSK CITT 'Barber Inn Ous Van 'Bye Deard' Rev Denniker-KIng Ore H'lyw'd R'stauronl Chaney A FO[X Frank. JIaszard. Blanche Bow Kendall Kapps Charlies Davis Or Venlta Gould: Riinard A Rome Van'essl Co 2(1 half (2(5-28) Gwynrie Go Ruth Pord fi-ado Twins Co Morton Downey Poradli^ <22) j!?udy Vallee Rev Alice Foye Roy Sedley Cebo Waring State (22) Bari: Jack & B Pops & Louis Mlltoh Berle NTG Rev =j(»flll).—■- ^-k- BROOIUCXN Gates Aye 1st halt (22-25) Lady Alice's Pets Ruth Ford O?rado a Co Floyd. Christy. Co Doo Baker Co 2d half (26-28) Gdutler'a Toy Shop Tvette Rugel Bdgar Bei'Ron.Co Mills, Gold A Raye Dave APollon' Co BOSTON Orpheum (22) DeLong Sis M'ison A Irmanette. Fred Weber C(> l3ob HaU Alex Hyde Orch jsntsEt; cttt LoeW'S (22) PaxInoB 3 Racketeers Pord Prick Joe Laurie Jr Co NEWARK State (22) =PaUl=gydell-Co== Lillian Barnes Co Joe May & Dotty Harry Rose SaranoR .Cat;rie & E PROVIDENCE, B I lioew's (22) Mills Bros Don Redman Rev WASHI'GTON D C Fox (22) MCnroe & Grant I Leon Navarro DeVlto & Denny | Herbert Faye Co Ardlnd A T/reli Co Bosweili Sis Bai Hnsette Anita A Millard , Leonard Keller George -Marcbal Nichulas .Hope Sano Marco Walter White Georgette 1 Leon Bedow lltmore Bote! I Don Bestor Orch leabelle Henderson I Floria ArmEitrong Barry Devlne Minora Root Central P'k Casino Pancho Ore Geo Murphy Ann Oreenway Gomes A Winona Coffee Cll Art Kahn Orch Lestra La Monte Isabel Brown Cotton Club Mills Blue R Bd Csharda . Glen Island Casino I'Gieirir'tSity'^rcfir' Jos Szlgoti zaiga Bela Ilonada. I'hury ■Kapoty Nyaray . Governor Clinton Enoch Ore Ha-Ba Cliib Danny flea'ly Jack White Sheila Barrett Jerry fiorgah Jerry Blanchard LllUan PltzROrald Hotel LexIngtOB Ernie Hoist Oro Hotel Hontclalr Wm ScottI Ore. Marld: A Bulalie Hotel New Xorker Barney. Rapp Orch Hotel Penn3ylvahln Phil Harris Orch Leah Ray Hotel Roosevelt Marjorle Moffett Rcggy Chllds' Ore Rings Terrace Gladys Bentley R'b'rl'gs' Williams Ted Brown Orch, Halson Boyate Walsh A Arnold Antobal (jubans Mardcn>s Riviera =VRrIety-^Revue. Emll' Coleman Ore Blayfatr Mauroll & Cordova Davis. pre Paradise N T Q Rev Jerry Freeman Ore Park Central Hotel Buddy Kennedy Rachel Carlez Qert Lown Ore Pavilion Royal ' Roth-Andrews. Orch Dick Gasparre. Ore Bismarck Hotel (Walavt Boom) I Bob Nolan [Harry Sosnick Ore Boolevard Boea^ (Hotel Stevens) I Irving GagBoa Rath BroughtOB I Cbas Agnew. Qrob Blaekhawk Wade Booth 1 Harriet Cmlse Deane Janis Hal Kemp Oreh Cats OeAIes J Irene George Mary Stone w ] Evelyn Hottmaa " Bnrteo Clausl B Bottman Oroh Chea Pare* I The DeMarc6*s Tacbt Club Boys Vivian Faye Ina Raye Frances Langford I Tom Ctorum Orch Cafe de la Pals (World's Piair) Fred Wllllama Orch Clab Udo Hank Gilliam Bobby Caston ' Clarence Weems Lola Porter- Jimmy Nonne Orch Olab Leisure I Nyra Lou Badall A Margo Keith Beecher Or Bill Chandler I Cookie Seldel <nob La HaaaM Hewitt A Ma:ir Don Wise Al Gar bell Edna. Leonard Edna Mae , Buddy Beryl Art West Earl Willis Orch CIdb Boyole Nellie Nelson Joe. Lewis Tlflany T'wlns -. Yvonne BeaUvals Rex Cushing Dohna A Darnell DoUy Harris Jarnes Hall Sid Lang Orch Club Variety Joan Macey Dave Dunn Club Shalimar Ann Hammond DeRonda A Barry Al' Losing Buddy Lake ' Lou Pearl .Orch College inn Jackie Heller t'PaulnKslf"=^"^'""'= Abbotteerp Buddy Rogers Congress Hotel (Joe tQrban Boom) Vincent Lopes Carlos Molina Clnb AlabaaB LeRoy A HaOk Bvelya Mesblt Doa Barangos' Ore Drake Hotel Fowler A Tamara Jane Carpenter Clyde McCoy Oroh Edgewater Beacb Mark Fisher Esther Todd . DeRonda A Barry Art Carroll noUc's Florence Barlow" Curry A Joy June Carroll Sun Dodgers Lee Morse Al Wilde Joe Buckley Orch Hotel Harding (The Tavern) Edna May Morris Mona A Marino Clyde Snyder Phylla Rae Bddle Meaklns Ore Hangar (Hotel LaSaUe) Cbas. Kaley Florence A Alvares Oeorgie Tapps Helen Kane Pauline Baleaa Johnny Hamp Orcn m-Hat Clab Anita A Emanuel Morey Carter Paula Tymes Margar't Lawrence Bffle Burton K-» Club George Oliver. Billy Harrero J'n A B'bby Leniar Leo Carr . • Lyle Pagei Billy Russell Al. Benson FAG Dor an Billy Brannop Johnny Mangum Dominique Orch Lincoln Tavern. Ted .Weems Orcb Andrea. Marsh Elmo' Turner Dick Ciinlifte Baron A Blair Sammy. Walsh (r Lucky Girls Haroni's Rolando A Verdltta Gwen Gordon Neecee. Shannon Marge A Marie Virginia Buchanan Bob Wyatt Laurie Moret Orch Minuet Clab Frank Sherman Phylis Noble Irene Cornell .Gre^n Bay, Wis., Sept. 18. When real estate moves clipped vaude out of the regular theatres here the community got together and :Saw to it that variety visits the town weekly, as it has always done In the past. Backed by the ■ „m int i\ 1 i Columbus Community Club vaude SQOW. AdA UeYeiOPnieniS is being booked Into the Auditorium | ' ^ regularly. I New Officers and Benefit Coloslmo's Art Buckley Cole sis Jos E Howfird Rev Irene Duval 3 Simon Sis. Geo DeVron Orcb Three days on the , week-end playing five acts booked by Sam Bramspn out oC the William Morris agency in Chica.go. Hands Across Sea Jeanette Qilmore and Herman I Wells (Redman and Wells). are a new vaude partnership. They're due to. open, at the Academy in a week' or so. Pecision to elect a new set of ofw fleers under A. F; of Ij. regulations and sta^e a beheflt show In New I York to raise funds are among lata developments at the ABA, which Is I taking the form of a union. That the present slate of officers wlli be retained Is not as certain now as it was a week ago. At the meeting Thursday night (i4) the ABA'S president^ Eddi9 Dowling, declared that his reislgna- tlon Is written and waiting at any time it may he reauested. Prior to Team was formed on the coast! when Miss Gilmpre cam6 through the meeting there' were rumors of from Australia-where she has been Ljtgsatisfactioh with-several of the In the Fuller musicals for a couple i present officers among one faction of seasons, Wells had been In I of the ABA membership. shorts' productions in Hollywood. PRICE IN U. H. Georgle Price has been set for the Music Hall, for the week beginning Sfept. 29. It Is Roxy'a (Rothafel) intention to build a special show around Price that week. Fay Peters Bob Perry's Orch Old Heidelberg ' (World's Pair) E Kratzlnger Orcb Heidelberg Male .8 Roy Deftrich Herr Louie' Hungry Five Bd Pabst Casino (World's Fair) Ben Bernle Paul Ash 5 MaxelloB Jackie Heller Carter Fashion Sho Palmer Bouse Veloz A Tblonda Saliy Sweet Richard Cole Orcb Paul Cadleux Richard Bennett Paramount Joe Wallace Jiilla Gerlty Sally. Rand Anita La- Pierre Frances White Eddie VarzoB Jenkln Sla Playground Lolo Bartram Mi&rle Jarnes „ ... , Bernle Green Sugat.Kennedy-.=^U;l=-Trttce-:Orcl^ Sherida Coouor ' Dick Hughes- Marge & Marie Stir-a-Har' : (World's Fair) Henrique A Adr'ne Herb Wellington Terrace Gardens Benny MerofC Dorothy Thomas "Red" Pepper Norman Oast Jack Marshall v Rlcardo & Slskie Art Schafer Mural Boom (Brevoort Hotel) Jaroa Sis Paul Fay Gale Gipp The Berlin I Waddy Wadsworth Alexinnne |V A F Vestoff I Jack Edwards Vendas C , Kolya. & Bertet Tho Dells Guy Lombardo Or Vanity Fair Mary Ann Boyce CUR Winehlll Don Fernando Orcb Via Lago Bebe Sherman Zltai A Marcelle Jack Housh Waiida Kay At Handler Bd 100 Club Muriel Love Corliss A Bobbins Danny Alvln Orch Billy : Gray Rev Bobby Cook Dorrs. Lenihan ess Club Marion Harris Fred Keating Darlo A Diane 3 Tick Toeks Kathleen Howard Julies StelQ.'Qreb Old Mexico (World's Fair) Rosalie Dorlne A Douglas Mike Cozzi Orch ^ ^Qlde Tavern Mlckeyi Scott Rev Cal Herbert Violet Crlstlan Lillian Francis . Crane Russell Oreh' Villa Venice Faith Bacon Moore A Revel Mildred A Maurice Wheeler Twins Slg Given I a Helen O'Sbea Mildred Fenton Frank Quart'eli Or The membership drive continues meanwhile,. with all variety artists being solicited, to Joint up. There is also the necessity of writing a new set of by-laws to conform with A. F. of Li, requirements. So far official notice of the ABA's unionization has not been served on - circuits and managers. ABA states this will be uone upon com- pletion of the code hearings at Washington. ScoQay Mgr. Out Boston. Sept. 18. Announcement was made last week that Elllston A. Vinson had resigned as manager at the ScoUay. Through more than three years he has built that spot up to m'ajbr ranks, has staged some of the best -combination house stage shows seen here, and through all the de^ ptesh time has kept the house in the black. Vinson Vaudeville and Vinson Revuies, became distinctive 'terms that meant something locally. So his stepping out of the MuUen- Pinanskl (ex-Publlx) organization gets more attention than routine show news. FOGAETY'S 8 POit lOEW i.:.JjOhn.^Fogarty-:.J3:iset^wlth;.=.lIUQe5Li^ for eight weeks around New York, starting Sept. 29 at the Valericta, Jamaica. Dayton's New Hook-Up Eddie Dayton, formerly dolnjj a flash act oi^ his own, now working with his biroffefer' as Joe and Eddie Dayton. Team Is playing in southwest.