Variety (Sep 1933)

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^ Tuesday September 19, 1933 LEGITIMATE VARIETY 'CHEER,' $2i FIRST dlCK INPHILLY Philadelphia, Sept. 18. 'Ab Thousands Cheer,' the Sarii Harris-Irving Berlin revue, which opened a week ago Skturday night it the Forrest, didn't share the fate of I^hilly's first musical, 'Murder at the Vanities,' which a week previous bad died miserably at the Garrlck. i The new one was under expecta- tions Monday and Tuesday nights and quite off at the Wednesday ihatlnee, but from then on trade in- creased smartly with cooler weather and there were no more than a couple of rows put In the orchestra the rest of the 'week. Gross on the week wad reported as $24,000—nice. Th ere Is isome talk of a third week or at least a. part, of a thitd week for the show, but ads read 'last six days' and at presient writing:, it looks that way. Walnut's, initial attraction, 'Jeze- bel/ scheduled for tonight, cancelled, which means that thi& is an open .%eek. Walnut gets lighted- neitt Monday with 'The Pursuit of Hap- piness,' Rowland Stebbins produc- tion^ in for two weeks.-and at the same time, the Garrlck relights again with Pauline Lord in 'The l^ate Chrieftopher Bean.' I-<ast-hamed hou&e is definitely VBO, being much In the sarnie poisi- tlon as the Shubert was last year, with the Forrest and Chestnut, Shu- bert-operated, getting first call on bookings. Garrlck, in the hands of t>anks, is being managed by Mrs. Albert Wolf, representing those banking. Interests. Sam Nirdllnger Is now at the Broad; thai house and the W^ilnut will both be independ- ent, Mre. Wolf, before her marriage to a Philadelphia attorney, was Con stance Cann of New York. and. some years hack acted as road secretary for the Theatre Guild, getting a taste of theatrical biz, from the b.o. standpoint, at that time. Garrlck opened current season couplet weeks ago 'With. 'Murder at Vanities.' Mrs.- Wolf's operation starts with 'Christopher. Bean,' opening it6 road tour,*on Sept. 26. New lineup gives Phllly five houses promised as active* which id More than expected or figured wise. THREE LEGITS ON WAY BRIGHTEN LA. OUTLOOK LfOS Angeles, Sept. 18. 'Whispering Gallery' is the solo legit in town, and paid ifair dividends to the co-opers with a $2,800 take, oh the week. Though house de- pends on two-bit passes, b.o^ sale has been climbing. Next three weeks 6ee$ three shows opening-r-'Counsellor-at-Law,' returning to the El Capitah tonight (Mon.) . after an eight-week run In the spring. Advance for the sec- ond coming is fair. 'Show Boat* in rehearsal for the Mayan has'no .date set. but is expected to get started by Oct. 1. 'Louder Please' comes into the Belasco in two weeks. cm GETS TOIir; 'DINNER' lis, 1 1ST NIGHTS PERK BOSTON Boston, 18. Of the legits Majestic has gone pictures, starting off with.much i)Al- lyhbTje^S'' A of 'Damaged Lives.* Though made in Hollywood, film had first^showihg lii London. Producers picked this city probably figuring.'It would try the worst—most purltarilcal-T-flrst.- Two dhowlngs Friday night (15) to big audiences preced^ed grind policy today, with good attendance afternoon.and evening. Backers put $5,000 into exploitation campaign Of the other regularly legit houses Shubert holds over Joe Cook and 'Hold Tour Horses,' through 23rd. Monday night (18) saw two open Ings. 'Music in Air,' at Colonial, and 'Inspector Charlie Chan,' at Hql- 11s, Arthur Beckhard has deferred opening of Blanche Yurka in Sier- ra's 'Spring in Autumn'. from Mon day to Tuesday night (19) at Tre mont. .It's the first week In months "that the legit here, has had niore .than one opening, and most weeks have seen none. For a change there's quite! a. re- freshing flock of bookings ahead: Sept- 26 brings Alfredo Salmaggli grand op. at pop prices to Boston Opera House; Oct. 2, 'Let 'Em Bat Chicago, Sept. 18. Lot of talk about hew shows headed for the loop for the. new season, but still-just talk mostly. HoweVfltfTon today (18) comes the reVivial of Uncle 'Tom's Cabin'. DeWolf Hop- per heading the show which comes into Studebaker replacing 'Ski ihg'. either shows are far along in their runs, .but are managing, to hold up; on their even pace due to the scarc- ity, of legit talent in town. 'Take a Chance' a0 the only musical in the city is getting of the breaks on th^ trade. Estimates for Last VVeek inner ight,' Grand (D-1,207; $2.20) (14th week). Holding to $15,- 000, which is clbs€j to the line on operator for this big show. Picture by' Metro-Gpldwyn expected in shortly. ^^HVr^lWajeSty; thle l^ (C-1,276; $2.20) (12th week). Up slightly last week a,nd touched good $4,600 for this low-cost production, • 'Skidi;lilig,' Stud^baker tG-1,250; $2.20; (9th and final week).: Closed to a profit all the way around. Fin- $3,000, .'.Uncle Tom's Cabin; coming in Monday night (18). 'Take a Chance/ Erlanger (M- 1,318; $2.75) (11th week). Hitting it $16,000. Olsen and Johnson .ready- ing for their doubling to radio for the Swift program. Balcony trade still the big item. Ulurder With Surprise $23,000 Take, First Money Show to Reach B'way Cake,' premiere at Shubert; same night, Ina Claire in 'Biography,' at Plymouth, opening. American The- atre Society peries; and Al Lut trlnger stock company opening at Wilbur. . P'layers' Club's revival of 'Uncle Tom's Cabiii,' due Oct. 9, at Colonial; and Oct. 16, Eva Le Gal lienne starts two weeks' engage- ment with Hbmeo and Juliet,' other ofCering for the bookings to be 'Alice in:Wonderland.' And Beckhard ex- pects to keep Tremoht continuoub for drama throughout winter. ' Th'M^ are eight shows on Broads way's list this week a^ against 17 attractions for the corriespondirig week last ■: September; However, With six productions ue in next week, the 1933-34 season will take on a semblance of having gotten started. Whereas October saw the legits getting into stride last year, looks like November for this sea- son. There'is but one holdover on the list '('One Sunday Afternoon') as against three or four last. fall. First indication of a money show appeared last week with 'Murder at the Vanities'..bettering $23,000 at !!3.30 at the New Amsterdarn. Meller'-revue did not get hot notices and some ware severe pans. The draw therefore was.a surprise. Only other money attraction in Times Square is at. the: Hitpodrome when pop grand opera resumed at $1.10 top aricl claimed over $16,000. 'Mu^^ sic In the Air' concluded at the 44th Street with a take of about $13,500. 'Hold Your Horses', held over in Boston and is now due next. Monday at the Winter Garden. That leaves but one premiere on Bi'oadway this week,' 'Double Door,' at the Ritz. •Kultur''..(Miansfield) was ijostponed. t7 Readyinjg. Tfiere are novv^ 17 shows in re- hearsal, including two for the road, and there are three additional new plays 'Showing, in try-dut spots which are actually rehearsals. 'Come Easy,' anothieri of the.early flops, stopped at. the iBelasco last Saturday, while 'Dangerous Corner' goes out of the Mansfield this week. Estimates for Last Week *A Party,' Playhouse (4th week) (C-893-$3.30)i Somewhat better last yeek but under, expectations; paced around $4,000. 'Blue Widow,' Morosco (4th week) (C-893-i2.75). Week to week; some improvement last week rescinded closing notices; estimated around $3,500. 'Come Easy,' Belasco. Withdrawn last Saturday; played three weeks to small money and aiccepted stock. 'Double' Door,' Ritz (1st" week) (CD-945^$2.75). Presented . inde pendently (H. C, Potter and George Haight; 'writtien by Elizabeth Mc Fadden); opens Thursday (21). 'Heat Lightning,' Booth (2d week) (C-708-$3.30)i Drew better notices than first bUnch of new shows, , but half reviews unfavorable; late last week. 'Hpid Your Horses,' Winter Gar- den. Postponed, until next Monday (26). 'Kultur/ Mapsfield. until next week. * urder at the Vanities,' New Amsterdam (2d week) (R-1,717- $3.30), Afternoon papers gave show better break than a.m. dailies; busi- ness much better-than figured first week estimated, bettering $23,000 (seven times). 'Music in the. Air,' 44th St. Closed Saturday after ; a run of 43 weeks; openiBd Boston Monday. 'One Sunday Afternoon/ 48th St. (32d week) (C-969-$3.30). Run leader now. upon withdrawal of 'Music in the Air'; only holdover from last season; up to $7,0Q0 or better and profitable. . Other Attractions iQrand Opera, Hippodrome; popu- lar priced operia started very well; going over $16,000. ,. . 'The Mountain/ Prpylncetown; slated to moye to Broadway despite, casual attention in Village. 'Dangerous Corner/ Waldorf; to road after this week. FRISCO HAS PROSPEaS, BUT DARK IN MEANTIME Sah Francisco, Sept; 18. Charlotte Greenwood in 'Late Christopher Bean' is set to open Oct. 1 for Henry Duffy at the Alcazar, with El Capltan, Hollywood, to fol- low. She is expected here next,week with hubby, Martin Broones. 'after docking in New York on the 'Bremen.' Meanwhile, Alcazar darkened Sat- urday night (16) after three weeks' repeat engagement of 'CoUnsellor- at-Law/ which did fairly well. Other local shows on the calendar Include 'Show Boat/ due for Belasco & Ciirran presentation at the Ciir- ran about Oct. 16. Reginald Travers planning 'Alad- din and His Wonderful Lamp' at the Columbia shortly. Until Oct. 1, though, the town's darker than the Twin Peaks, tunnel. We wish to thanh the Actors Equity Association for granting us a permit** to represent our clients in negotiations with legiti- mate theatre managers and pro" ducerSf espeeiany at this oppor' tune time so Wat we tiuiy tend our services in the furtherance Of our President*s National Re- covery Program. Charles £• Morrison Daniel M. Winhler MOmiIS0N«WIllKI.ER CORP. Park Central Motel Hew York City