Variety (Sep 1933)

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90 VARIETY TIMES S €| II A B E Tuesday, September 19, 1933 East Ijestev Fuller buys Liionel Hale's 'Naked I»ady.' Chas. E. Coyftl> editor of the ohe- tlmb 'Park Avenue Merry Go Round/ jammed up by Mrs; Emma Lou Glllls Coval, who doesn't know whether, she is No. 1 or No. 2 aild is askin£r the court to tell her. She pan find no record of his divorce from Ethel Roben Coval, former showgirl, who was briefly in the linieli&ht last April; when she coim- plained she Avas the lov«s ^slave of a. young Frenchman. Coval rescued her and subsequently ahnounced his marriage, which Mrs. Emmfit .Xk>u now doubts. 'Men In: White' hops-: fronl the. lymouth to the Broadhurst. . Needs, more, stagfe room. Committiee of N^T votes to limit brokers to 75% of caipacity, the rer mainder of the seats being held .for the box office, sale. •Jezebel' canceled , Philadelphia because of illhbss of Tallulah Bank- iiead and jS^way rusi abandoned. ItECO . Efsbassy: theatre^ Dobbs .Fferry> N. Y., -bombed .Tuesday (12) and front blown out by Explosive believed to have been nitroTglycer- in.e. Has. been having: labor troubles. Seiiator Jajoies j. Davis again oh tHai i ''the alleged Moose lotteries. First eiTort a mistrlaL New trial ^In Federal, court here. Hal Skelly will head. !Here. Comes^ the ,Gr6pm,' comedy by- Richard F. Flournoy. Had a. try out at Prov- incetowh and now to Jackson Heights;' Morris Green and Frank ^eCoy chauiffeUring; Rudy Vallee tells the world he's for Alice Faye; who's, been trpuiiing 'with his ork, and who recently was in an auto crash while mak-i- Ing a. jump with him.:. He adds he's settled $i50;OOO on Fay Webb, ex-; Mrs. Vallee, who dbean't understand him. he says. Claude Kendall,^ publisher of ehappy books, in a jam. with NRA. Did. a Henry Ford and refused to discuss the ihatter.. Flies the bliie eagle but charged witb working a girl 60 hours for .10 bucks. After Earl Carroll came Into, the N^w Amsterdam with 'Murder .-at the Vaiiities,' Mtnsky's RepiibliCi just across the street, countered with 'Slaughter at Minsky's'. Harry Thaw: back In N. T. Told ship reporters exchange cut down his coin and he had to return. Harry Liester, who says he's the original Great Lester, yentrlloquist, asks N. If. Supreme court to. stop Noiil Lester froin using the same biUiiig. Noel Lester asks, if its oke to switch to Greatest Lester. Beer spots In same box with the- atres. More ~ than 400 licenses turned back to N. T. branch by. res- taurants': which flfid too little busl- liess. Jewish pageant, switched from Polo Grounds to' ah anhoiy as a result , of the ralnstonhs; Latter can seat 35,000. More performances will be given to meet the demand, 200,000 tickets having been sold. iioward P6rry, taxi driver, held without ba.ll for further hearing in the case of Vivian Clarke, showgirl, who either jumped or fell from a; taxi driven "by Perry on Sept.. 7. She died a fevr hours later in the hospital. Wife of John P. Manger, Rye Beach amusement park' man, asks a separation; Among other things she alleges hie sought to induce her to pose niide for.his camera. Jules Bledsoe off the Capitol bill after the iflirst show Friday. Laryn- gitis. . Supremo court withholds decision on a motion of defendant to dis-. mnmnnisHEii wi m ni hVj'mi FT.rci:iri>ri i i j 11 11 11 ; i • i . i i n Hi i i u i 11111111'l i i u i 1111 j i [ ui mm i i. i News From the Dailies This department contains rewritten Oieatrical news item* as published during the toeek m the : daily papers of Nei» York, Chicago, San-Francisco^ Holl3fr»ood and London. Vafietjf takes no ; credit for these nevfs item; each has been rewritten from a daily paper. I 1( M 11 r h hllSBl .«MM«iiHiiiMfimnfininii(ttiiBaM vtMr.liiHttmmfnrn I ^Mmfi*HWiiniiiiiHiuiiiiiiiuitfniiimiiwuHauHnMiimHMniinoiHHiiiiiniHni^ g We<w York Theatres^ P jMimiWIIBWWHIWmiHIIII II HIMI li BttllinillHhlW 2 •tnnimitiMUiiiitnMiiHiiHHiiitmiiHiinniiiiimiiinuiiiuiuifwinuiiutitMiuliiuw (77terei ALWAYS A BETTER SHOWr^ RKO! RKO e6th^W ked. to Prl., Sept. 26.toi22 RICHARD DIX In "NO MARRIAGE TIES" , —and^— " "Falthfiil Heart" R HO 61 It ST. »^«r Wed. to Frl„ SeJJt. 20 to 22r RICHARD DIX In "NO MAlEtRTAOE TIES" "BEAUtV FOR SALE" with A lice Brady, BlaiJge Eyans Oii Stage . iBWAlf. CAB CALLOWAY and Cotton Club .Orches- ISTStAikk^^ with'other BItf Aelil LOI^WS 0WAYt.45"'U. ;fMON."FRL 'IOAM.T.NC Warner RAXTER ^Tenthouse" Somct's Bocbe'B *v*»wm*wi»»w wltl» Miyn* I/>y. SUge—Miltoo UERLi; BerOc with Henry KINO Orch.— XcsB Gordon rriday—Kay Frtneti In "Maty StevMv M. .0. mis$ the $200,000 libel suit brought against Mrs. Edward Wylde, so*: cialite, by Guido Orlando, former picture producer. Her lawyer sought to file affidavits of denial by 17 of her friends, but their admission at this time was refused. Lenore Ulric denies .she's going into'films. Says she's sticking to •Her Man; of Wax.' House formierly th& Jolsoh, at 7th avenue and 59 streetr .and more re- cently; the Shakespeare is now th.0 Venetian, B. Axelrod, unemployed chauflteur, for two days in the Tombs last week for a novel swindle, Wahted to telephone, so he moistened a penny and loaded: it with salt until it weighed as much as a nickle, then dropped it in a coin operated box. London theiatre hired a man to lead^g=qiffimap"a»ough--the_at reet3 to advertise a picture. Chap got fried and fined 60c. for 'being drunk while in chiarge of a llamia,* . . Jamaica censors-ha-ve-banneflLITl^ Man from Texas,' a Universal film No cause assigned; State dept. makes. th6 usual inquiry. Mr. aiid Mrs. Harry M. Warner deny report of their daughter's-mar-v riage to MCrvyn Le Boy^ WB dir rector. They're engaged but . date 6f wiedding is not set. ' Kay Reese, dance hostess, tells of a tworyear ehgagement to Enzo Flermohte, who's semi-engaged to Mrs. Madeline Pick; Sidewalk cafes permitted tb rer main open three, weeks more, by which time it's figured it will be too cold to stay outside. None next year. '' Wild animal dealers In city will require permits hereafter; Some of the neighbors complained of the noise of one animal store, Shuberts Will try out 'Man of Wax' in Washington around Oct. 2. N. T. box office men form a tem- porary organization to mediate code disputes under NBA. Seek, to form a national ass'n. . Helen Kane comproniises the suit brought by the. Bond Dress Co., which sued her on the grounds Murray Posner gave, her money which belonged to the concern in payment of a debt. She'll give back $32,500. Firm of business engiheers finds that prohibition has - moved; gin above whiskiey as the national tip pie. Easier to make. Louis Tortariello set out Wed. (13) to swim from the battery to Newark. Got into the Hackensack instead of the Passaic and swam up the wrong river until exhausted. Select theatres will put 'Home James* into rehearsal as soph as it can decide between 'Baby Minie' and •Shenandoah' for a title. Maybe something else, as both have been used before. Sidney . Phillips buys 'Prpdigy' from Judith Kandel. Radio City in more trouble ove^r murals. Now it's Frank Brangwyn who complains he's been ordered to delete the figure of' Christ from his 'Sernlon on the Mount.' . Hope Hampton back with Jules Brulatour. Her pom was operated on shipboard for abcesses. Says Jimmy Walker told her he wasn't coming back. Police ' radios in Mineola, L, I., went haywire last Wednesday (13). Emitted jazz Instead of police busi- ness. Then someone shut the win- dow. Police band was practising in the yard. Minor and Root, ballroom danc- ers, signied for a series of Warner Shorts, to bermade in Flatbush. Work started last week oii the north block of- Radio City. Puts 200, men :to work; Speak employees planning ah association after repeal similar to the barkeeps' tjonfraternity foUpw- Ing prohibition. Labor- convention declalnis against bareheaded; fad; Bad for the hatmakiersi No mention of nudists, who iare worse. Pauline Lord to take 'Christopher Bean' on tour. Opens in Philadel^ phia next Monday (25.) under Wee & Leventhal. Boston Symphony brch; puts Balto.. and Wash. back, on the schedule. ' Walter Hanipden will oppn 'Ruy Bias' in Albany Oct. 10. On Broad- way a couple Of weeks later if " it's right. Jimhiiy Walker says It's news to him. that he's to manage the Giants. Times Sq. moyed over to Fifth iavenue during the NRA parade jyed nesdayj(i3) su gg estin g a^^^ Sunday on the sterh. iJut thQy canie back for the. evening boost- :ing everything. Wee. & Leventhal will roadshow 'Dangerous Corner' following its re- vival here, and shove 'Councillpr at Law' Into the Waldorf to replace It. Ralph ModjoskI Will not have to appear before trial in the breach suit brought by Jeanne de la Mar, who claims she still has enpugh of her letters on which to sue, though he recovered 46.. Supreme court granted, h^r ; motioh but disallowed on appeal. . Pending repeal an inventor is hustling for funds for an alcoholic automat Not exactly new, for 30 years ago the original automat, next to the Giace church, dispensed three kinds of cockta.ils. Tallulah Bahkhead's sister, Eu- genie, married to her seventh hus- band Wednesday (13) In Londoh: Alleen Prihgle carried out her promise to get a. second divorce fronn Chas. W. Prihgle. in Jamaica; He obtained a Mexican divorce and married another woman, but. the Jamaican courts do not recognize the validity of the fhrst split and she's suing again oh the home grounds^ to help him out of his tangle. —Bt6okly».^_girlj Charlotte Henry, 19, selected for name part In Par's 'Alice in Wonderland.' 'The World Walts,' summer try- rtTHn^reheagaal-CoE-t he Little th e- aXHi — - ^ Inspector Charlie Chan' spotted for the Masque. Crosby Galge may make "Ten Minute Alibi* the first try for the new season.. George M. Cohan spoke at the Broadway Temple Sunday night for NRA. Lenore Ulric'a divorce decree from Sidney Blackmer becomes final. Reconciliation reports de- nied. Coney Island-Mardl Gras rained out. Will repeat this week-end. Harry Moses acquires 'Is Life Worth Living* ('Drama at Innish'), which has clicked in Britaih. Goes into, immediate preparation. Betty Compson In New Tork, partly Ih the interest of her book and partly to look for a stage job. Reb Russell, who's a Hollywood cowboy when he's not playing pro football, stopped a runaway horse at Pompton Lakes, N. J., Sat (16), saving Mrs. Gladya Schwarts, Its rider. Efram Zlmballst recovers the $5,- 000 violin loaned by Mrs. Zlmballst to Louis Klloonan and stolen from his* cdi** Leonard E. Bergman of the NALT to tour key cities contacting, stage union on labor questions. Helen Hayes for name part in Theatre Guild's 'Mary of Scotland.' Mary Garden to quit South of France. Sells her villa. . Mris. Eddie Cantor in Sydenham hospital, N. T. Just back fronci L. A- Physicians withhold information. Plagrlarlsm charges brought by "Myra, Page Wren against the Shur berts and others in connection with. 'Death Takes a Holiday,' are dis- missed by Federal court. No re- lation between her 'Most* a"** ■'Death;' Locad playwright will produe 'El Inferno de Gore* at San Juan, Porto Rico. Translates as .'Gore in Hell.' Gore is Govl General. ^ Counsel for Benny Friedman, XT. of M. footballer, asked Supreme Court Judge to dismiss the libel suit brought by Wm. P. Fleckenstein on a magazine article. Decision re- served. Coast Reginald Denny must answer to L. A. suit for ^14,703 brought by Irene Denny; ex. Denny's der niurer gets nowhere. Mildred Lehrmian, 16, actress, blamed- by L. A. coroner s Jury for atitp crash In "which Charles L.. RussaU died. Juanlta Hansen, former film star, has brought suit in Los Angeles against Clarence M. Leavy, advisier, for return of $25,000 . In spite of ruling by Jack Warner, NRA. head in California, that actors and execs may no longer use studio wardrobes for costume parties, Donald Ggden Stewart announced new series of week-end dress-up shindigs. Author at the sarnie time denying that at the last affair noses were punched and eyes blacked^ . MorP than 325,000 clicked turn- stiles at California state falr^: Sacra- mento, a record. Legalized horse raping said to have been, chief draw, Tex Gulnan announces intention to Join Aimee's church. Good for quarter of column, all papers. Petitions bearing 65,000 names op- posing anti-tango ordinance filed -wlth-L.^AT-clty^olerk-aslcing--rreferen-= dufn on law. Tex Gulnan plastered with mu- r'.ipal court'Suit for $250 by Dr. Antoh J. Sambuck, for alleged ser-^ vices in '29. S. Fred Hogiie, for 30 years as- sistant editor 'The; Times,' sued for divorce by Eugenia Hogue. Mar- ried in '29, split in '33, $260 alimony asked. Superior Court .rules Gloria Swanson's ^|2|000. bracelet not ex- empt from execution under judg- ment. 137,500 In favor of Maurice Cleary. agent. U. S. files tax liens against Prlscilla Dean for $7,100; Tallulah Rahkhead, $104; Evelyn Brent, $136; Reginald Denny, $336; Flfl Dorsay, $910; John P. Medbury, $296; Monta Bell, $1,173; Mrs. Monta Bell, $673: Natalie Moorhead, $143; Alan Cros- land, $237; Henry B. Walthall, $128. List for L. A: headed by name of D.: MacD.' Jones, captain of police vice squad, $994. .Ceclle M. Mansfield suing., .for divorce Glenn L; Mansfield, cafe en- tertainer; Jealotisy. Absent and unable to protest, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan's papa, was elected Mayor of Malibu. Burroughs en rOute to Panama on a vacash. Jack Hpxle, cowboy actor, flies suit for divorce against Marie HOxle in Newkirk, Okla. Married In '21. Madallne Sheffield, film dancer, khowJv as JBesa. Thpmaa^graht ed dU vorce from Edward A. Thomas in' li. A. courts.' ""—Eric Rubeliiia, butler, loses suit for: $2,000 back pay against Natalie Morehead, film actress, and her hus- band, Alan Croslahd. Leta Howard, actress, divorced from Milton S. Howard,; L. A. Wearing' chaps and spurs, Ruth T. Palmer appears iu L. A. court and wins divorce from Luther W. Pal- mer, cowhand. Mirs. Palmer ac- counted, for her. attire by explaining she was on her waly to a rodeo re- hearsal. Martin Bodker, Waehlngton rancher who claims to be a human radio receiving^ set, will wear a con- denser to take care of his vibration. Her iharrlage to Robert A. Dillon^ film writer, annulled, Barbara Rob- erts, actress, announces Intention to marry Robert Wilson, casting direc- tor., ■ Liew Brown, once the Brown of DeSylva, Brown & Henderson, ar- rives from N. Y; to become associ- ate producer of musicals at Fox. Patrick Buchan Hepburn, British m'.p. in Hollywood, to watch picture making. Says pictures have taught him nfiore about America than have history books. Camil j. Van Hulsc, Tucson, pian- ist, has had his htinds surgeoned to give him a wider ' finger spread. Surgeons removed material between four fingers on each hand. Claims now has new technique, Pasadena censors resisting per- manent Injunction sought by thea- tre oWners to. stop interference with •Goodbye, Again,' Warner pic. Cen- sors are volunteers, but hold ap- pointments from city manager. Zlta Johann granted divorce from John. Haussman, plaiyrlght Decree granted in Juarez, Mex. Bernlce Frank, 16, daughter of Maurice Frank, N. t. and Chicago Impresario, hitis Hollywood on her own for a try at. plctureis, - but re turns hpme disillusioned. Ronald Roderick Rhoades, lec tiirer, to produce series of musicals in L. A. starring Lee Travers, bari- tone. Producers deny Charles "Prfetty Boy' Floyd to appear in a picture. Charging her husband with pop- ping her, Patsy Stiner, blues singer, gets a divorce from Kenneth Gar land Hubbard. Don Lee, network owner, sued for $600,000 by Joe McLaughlin, who charges breach of contract. Percy Marks, novelist, here to visit relatives. Howard Emmett Rogers, writer, seeks divorce from Mildred L. Rog- ers, Married in 1928, separated last week, cruelty charged.- Irene Blller, Hungarian actress, divorced " from Sam, Fengle, New York surgical supplies dealer, In L. A. courts. " Chester Siitton, p.a., recovering from a. pneumonia attack. Pari-mutuel betting opens In Southern California at Pomona County fair. Mae Murray to speak at bridge club opening, L. A. Breakfast club. Claire Windsor, actress, plastered with a $75,000 Superior Court ver- dict in favor of Mrs.- Marian Y. Read for alienation of Alfred C. Read, Jr.'s affections, ^v.Ill appeal. Maurice Chevalier Injured when his Par skidded and crashed In Hollywood. With him Max Rubba, his riianager, and Robert Spencer; actor. he could .book hla orchestra in Europe. Therefore the cash. ' Ifwo Chicago radio workers Andrea Marsh and Truman Bradlev were injured when their auto struck a bus. Miss Marsh auftered a broken arm while Bradley waa bruised. Fair wni pay 20% of the outstand- ing bonds on the $10,000,000 shortly Trustees of the Fair have placed $2,000,000 In the trust fund for the payment; Judge Joseph B. David last week started campaign to raise $100,000 to continue operation of the Chicago Jewish Peoples Institute and Play^ house, Gertrude Bell making- a press' stunt ascent from the State-Lake theatre to the i-oof of the building. Legits in Wwoad (Continued from jpage i) who have faced an audience than picture players whose experience has been confined to the screen. Marked hiets been the advance of stage people to picture stardom. At Paramount, only Gary Cooper, Rich- ard Arleii and Carole Lohbard, holdoyeirs from silenta, have with- stood the avalanche of stagers. Fllmers at Metro have been more ^aitunato..__Jj5ihn, .and_l!tonel jBMry^ more, though both came from the" stage" to sllents; -Wallace BewTi; Marlon Davies, Joan Crawford, Greta G^arbo, Norma Shearer and Ramon Noyarro haye stemmed the tide. Fox's - old guards are Lew Ayres, George O'Brien, Clara Bow, Sally Ellers, Janet Oaynor and Will Rogers, though - the latter was put of pictures and in Ziegfeld revues for several years until talkers hit. . At Warners, only William Powell, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Rich- ard Barthelmess reihain to remind lewcomers ot former glories. Radio's list includes Cllve Brook, Richard Dlz, Nils Asther, Dolores Del Rio, Charles Farrell and Zasu Pitts, Trho cut their eye teeth on noiseless cel- luloid. At Uniyersal, only Slim Summervllle remains. Holdera On Columbia's list of holdovers shows that only Jack Holt and Tim Mc Coy have been able to hold on. Fay Wray and Loretta Young alone have retained their elleht hold on talkers at 20th Century. Infiux of stage players continues, with nothing to guarantee that those who came from sllents and retained their star standing In talkers will not be reduced to meagre ranks within the next two years. Most of those who were silent stars and are still on the top have seen screen service for at least. 10 years, which Is xhore than the aver- age life of a star in pictures. Salaries at Par Mid-West Holly wood - at - the - Fair going hohkey with a strip dancer named Uehoe. Pickpockets haye nabbed $20,000 in money orders since the Fair started. Alexis RuIofC, member of a cabaret dance team, nab.bed In Chi- cago on charges pf obtaining $95 on a confidence gsjine, victim being Maurice Moret Orchestra leader. Moret claimed Ruloff told him that (Continued from page 41) the. panic commenced and all sal- ary wraps, •were removed, 'Names' on Pre-Cut Basis 'Names' are also hopping back to the pre-cut salary basis, although the bookers are showing consider- able more earn than formerly in their selection. No reckless book- ing and salary spreading thus far, but the acts, that are regarded aa box office certainties are getting their own prices. It's also notice- able that the majority of big money bookings in the circuit theatres have So far been on the guarantee and percentage, basis. Amofiiniames set ih the past week or so at former salaries or better are Jack Benny and Co., $6;opO; Weaver Bros., $4,500; Bar- bara Stanwyck,. $4,000; Sophie Tucker, $3,500; Rudy Vallee, $6,500; Ethel Ba^rymore, $3,000; Helen Morgan, $2,250;. Phil Baker, $5,000; Almee MacPherspri, $5,000, and others, with' most getting percent- age splits on top of the salaries quoted. CB$' Demands CBS. Artists Bureau Is Insisting to the ch:cults that the salaries of the network's name acts be put back to where they, were when the general cut weiit Into effiect. Ar- gument advanced by the web Is that If the theatre men are In a position to raise boxoffice prices they should be willing to resume paying the old stipends. Loew has put the Boswell Sis- ters back at. theij pre-cut money, "wItfi""~tHe Capirbf Kere^^^^ bringing the trio $3,000 and the Fox, Washington, the week before that and a niargln better to covet* the act's tf-ansportatlon and other expenses. Same circuit has Mor- ton Downey also practically back at the old salary, $4,000. Warbler Is set for the Orpheum, Manhattan, for three days next week (26) on this basis.