Variety (Sep 1933)

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t.^ Tuesday, September 19, 1933 TIMES SQOAttE VARIETY 51 Broadway Jryine Shapiro with Princlpai. .Oabe Torke on fgrtnlte vaoasb. Bert SatB back dn Broadway. Bob Kane's birthday Friday (IB). C H A TT E jiucky Mlller'a hair Is back after the score of a new musical belnp i, summer ^have. tried out in Westport. ' Jack kalcheim returning to Cbl The Charlie Freemahs' rounded and agency biz there. out their, first 20 years with a blow Coiirtland Smith back to New out at their Freepbrt, I^. X., home, York oh the Majestic. Buddy Freeman entertained' the Art Schmidt, formerly with B & fh"*i?,?„,^SJ frti*?;!?:,^-"*'!^ w In TiAfroit la in town thonzatlon to get him a last half K in Detroit. IS in town. Peterson, The kid's a cinch for Grace Menken with painful pa- the Interstate time, which his old ,tlehce is learning to knit. man books. Doo Iieb Michel's red ahd blue Paramount is bringing. Jack suspenders are something. Oakie's mother, Mrs. Svelyn Oakle, Xies Huffman'on publicity lor across the country from Hollywood panchard's Massapequa, L. I. to put In a personal appearance Tunesmith Leo Robin back to the I Thursday midnight «!) at a special coast after a.Broa4way vacash. liOuls Cohen, the RKO refalty ex- pert, horizontal with Infected toe. Irv Brecher and Al Shwartz writ- ing a Warner short for Joe Phillips. Vincent Hart; Will Hays' legalist,' has returned from an upstatei va- cash. Jane Bromley back in town after one. of. those sjummer stock vaca- tions. Cooler weather, so the hiterles premiere of Too Much Harmony,' at which £thel Merman and Bor- rah Minevltch will be'hosts. Mrs, Oakie^ 66 years, old, plays a port In the picture, her first. Moscow By Eugene. Lyons Great influx of German talent- conductors, vocalists, ihstrumental- istia, actors,'^'WSj.—all non-Aryans reopening, with flocks of plans for | ^ gift from Hitler. -more, _ Midtown thirst parlors prospered plenty wheii. NRA paradie brought holiday^ Jack Connolly hag. hung some new pictures In the bar at his Inarch- mont home. Alexel Tolstoy doing play^'based on the cohsttuctioh of The "Whttir Sea canal, built by 200,000 convicts under, the. gentle urging of the G. P. U. Paul Robeson coming. Advance ^ >^ V J i, „««„„_-.Ai- I information says he's been studying «uK'"l?,,?J'S«If^on*^ «S^n S^^ and hopes to sing nlmi role In 'dthello^ at the Bolshoi the NRA parade. May. Einf eld sez her. new Aire:-, dale's pedigree gives her an In- feriority complex. Nick, . headwaiter at the Hotel Astor's Huntln£f Room., has been at his post for . 29 years^ Herbert Rawlinson took the bankruptcy way out with liabilities of $10,969 and no assets. William Lenz, brother of Sidney, has deserted on his bridge In favor of the Culbertson systiem.. Sam Brody. of the Music Hall publicity stair, sneaked Into the Hipp to hear some opera. Percy Trusell has given up the opera house here Other Americans on next year's concert tour lists are Sergei Ra- danisky. Marie Williams Radamsky. and .Emma Reddell, all of whom have listened to Russian aPPlause in the past,^ Tom Mix and his horse Tony, press says, have beeii dnvited by Gometz to come to Russia for cir- cus appearances. Neither has.'as yet. responded. Maybe'because Tony can't read Russian. 'r* •Stuff ahd Nonsense,' a new com- edy by Constantino Finni scheduled for production at the Trade Union Staten Island-beaches for the season theatre; at the same time Comrade and moved back to Big Town. Finn is doing It Into a scenario for Winnie Sheehan postcarding to Mezhrapom Film Trust friends from Carlsbad after looking over the. Fox foreign outposts. H. B. Franklin rented his yacht to a Newport millionaire when he was in Chicago seeing the fair. Frank ■ Wllstach has a new Ger ihan camera and now spends his Sundays playing photographer. Sitting record at Music Hall Maurice Hindus, writer and lec- turer, bottled up In Moscow along with the regular correspondents due to the prohibition against travel ini posed on pressmen in the Interests of the Great God Hush. 'Once in a Lifetime,' In Russian translation, going the rounds and being seriously considered by a broken with one couple spotted I ne'wly established coihlc opera out holding hands for four and a half flt, ditties and "music to be super- imposed oh the American satire William Allen White, Mrs. White and a niece graced the'Soviet Cap- ital with charms- native to Emporia, What he thought of it all will show lip In a series of articles for the North American Newspaper AlU- ancie. Much talk of American recognl- hours. Ralph Holmes, of 'Times,' and Russell McLaughlin, of 'News,' both Detroit, were In New York seeing new plays. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Brulatour (Hope Hampton) ba<*- to the S. on the Rex after some European cohcert-lng. •,JS"^«f«^1«^^?;3T^t«n^^ and eveiy vl«Itlng American S2"?i;.^*^l"T,^f^..^*f!^^^ftir ift^ suspected of being a secret mission his, is planning to enter the NTAC K^.^^^ Roosevelt. A few of these tqurnament. visitors suspect It themselves. In taissj •'?o'^"^^^s•2"v^^^^^^ cool- signs among the Broadway Romanov's comedy, fllm theatres. 'iJarthquake,' It Is understood here. Hay fever addicts who've llved-ln ,„ ^„ Th"i;anda of aeent Maxim the Iced picture houses during the the hands o^^ '^"M JJ?Suc'e«'^° L^ebe? Davf Saiidson and Clark Brown Ate^eJ Tolstojr's pre-war comedy of of Paramount doing publicity for qnvn^-klho the Brooklyn Women's Consumers' . ^^^^^fi^®^^^^ Division NRA I has bought original story on an au- ChemlcS bTnk In the Par build- Soviet theme from Eugen^^^ Ing has cut out Its convenient late American correspondent here. See hours because of the NRA and now closes at 8 p. ih. Alex Gottlieb Joins United Ar- tista publicity staff as assistant to Monroe Qfeerithal, head of the ex- ploitation department. Pox had a blimp plugging 'Berke- nario will be worked out in col laboration with a prominent Rus sian newspaperman. Spencer Williams, ex-newspaper m^aiS'"ffew^ 'm^ Moscow for the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, returned briefly, to his '■ ley Square' In the air at start of first love recently when he pinch-hit NRA parade. It was chased by for the United Press correspondent hordes of army planes. during the later's absence on Im- Jack Osterman, while playing portant business on the Italian Loew's Valencia, Jaihaica, liist week Riviera, stooged fbr S.allna, mind reader, at Louis Weltzerikbrn's 'Five Star the Alden between shows. Final' accepted for Russian produc- Mlke (Mlaue) Cohen, former tlon—though Louis knows nothing roadway theatrei treiasurer, last re- about it—by one of the lesser the ported In the west, Is being sought atres here and also under consider by Wllkle Cohen, 61 South Albert ation by a leading Leningrad the- street, St. Paul^ Cohen's mother atre. However, the censors have Is ill in a hospitaL not yet said the final word.. pave Oppenheim and Michael H. . First All-Soviet operetta In Cleary writing the new Holly wood I py^pa^^atlon, Joint product of three floor show for Joe Moss, Danny K^riters of comedy, all of whom are Dare, staging. Stept and Green are to American readers-r-I. Ilf authoring the competitive Paradise jg Petrov (co-authors of "Little nitery's revue for NtG. , Golden Calf,' 'Diamonds to Sit On,' Jacqueline Francell and Marcel' • VoiV^-^-i:""- —, etc.) and Valentine Katayev, author Vallee, brought oyer by Far.for the ^J^'/gg^ jn_ the Circle,' 'The Em- French version of Chevalier's 'Way oj. S^^^^^nf ^^J^J^^ta titled'Under to Love,' , completed, sailed trom^^^^'^^^^^' - Composer is French version ot Chevalier's 'Way to Love,' , completed, sailed *rom i 7.^ Y,,,u_ch Domes' New York Thursday (14) on the tho Ch^^^^ iJomes ^HaroiaTHodner, who's In charge | . Jascna ia*siici^i_ ii^_m bureau) for 2a appearances xiaioja «oaner, wno s m cnarge .. "tt; "a*™ +>,o nfnrlii concert Of all .WB theatre concessions, hon- uP ^^^JL^t^^^ In Mot- ored by the Masons through ap- bureau) f?^^, ?'PP!fi^*"?5!- S Pointment as grand representative CQ^' J^V^'^^Zfu tnrir*? two thou- to the lodge for the state of Mlnne- Reported he ^"V^ WhlclT is rSt fota. With the title of Right Wor- sand rubles per. W^Iph is n6t Bhipfm ahead of his namef nearly as much as ^t sounds. Bu^ ^Whfen and If Harlan Thompson's it will mean a ^''t to his Russian new musical .'Hot and Bothered' relatives With whoxn he will 1^^^^^ opens on Broadway, Thompson will the loot since It <=f«J^°iT5n't do him hie east from Hollywood to be In under the law and ^o^Idnt do^^^^ at ohdance. His former collabo.- Uny eoo<i »:ator, J.iai«ry Archer, has completed ' anyhow. Dates begin next spilng. London Polly Walker framing aii act with Joe Wagstaff. Aline Grey off to Vienna for lated honeymoon. Jimmy Fihlayison back froni fish- ing holiday In Scotland. Daughter born to - Ambrose, fa- mous band leader, Sept. 5. Three Swifts likely to get 30 con- secutive weeks' wbrk~ herie.. - Robert Chlsholm likely to frame vaudeville act with Toots Pounds. Geoffrey Gwyther latejst legit ac- tor to form his Own producing unit. Betty Jane. Cooper and Lathrop brothers off to Biarltz for four weeks. Giovanni will marry Elsie Prince as soOh as his wife gets her divorce through, Sherman-Fisher of London Pavilion, John Tiller girls. Beatrice Lilile likely to be In the^ new Andre Chariot reviie, with no theatre set yet. Vic Oliver only Americain here jaiJixlQttfl_tQ_ge-t__ba ck desp ite many offers to stay over. Franclis iMangan- due here any- day. With his friends predicting a big comeback for him. Heirmione Baddeley going Into new Prince of Wales French revue to bolster up the comedy. Joe Keppel out of hospital after three weekis appendicitis. operation. Recuperating, at Brighton. Peggy Ashcroft co-starring with. Werner Itrauss In 'Before Sunset' at the Shaftesbury, Sept. 22. Sir John Relth, head Of British Broadcasting Corporation, and David Sarnoff in conference. Josle-' Collins playing her first straight part In 'Dinner at Eight,' for Parnell & Zeltlih .on tour. Harry Day now in the South of France and negotiating for French reviie to produce in England. Colonel Eustace Blols, deceased managing director Covent. Garden Opera syndicate, left around (7,000, Whit Cunllffe, for many years England's premier light .comedian, now owns a public house In Devon. Ethel Levey now in Cannes, and figuring to go to New Tork short ' ly, to find a suitable, revue for her- self. Naunton Wayne recommending Sutherland Felce as ^/compere for the British Broadcasting Corpora!^ tlon. Charles Clore looking over Billy and Elsa Newell with the Josephine Baker-Prince Edward theatre In' mind. Harry Goodson negotiating with Hardeen to play two weeks at the Palladium. Salary the only ob stacle. Atlas Pubirshing Company's premises burnt down, with two mil Hon American tnagazihes burnt to ashes.. It Is not unlikely Robins, the mu slcal clown. Will be in the next Palladium 'Crazy' show, opening Oct. 9. Max Miller and Georglo Harris have been cleaning up with their own unit, and wHI- shortly take out another.^ Bradbury Pratt trying to get Jack Hylton and his band as spe cial attraction for Verrey's res taurant. Jack Davis's bar from the Stage Golfing Society has now been, re- moved, but Is now barred from Gog's, bar. Paul Abrahams off to Budapest for a month, returning to do a couple of musical films for GaU' mont-Brltlish. Ernst Toch, the famous German Jewish musical director, to be guest-cohductor at the Alhambra biEillet seasion.. ^arle Dressier and Wallace Beery starring In two films- In the West End simultaneously, for .first time in their career. Understood Francis, ^>ay & Hunter hiave purchased the'English rights for the Robblns cieitalog. starting in November. " . For 'I Was a Spy.' a Gaumont British picture, the Tlvoli has changed lt6 policy from continuous to three sessions (iaily.. ,Walliace Beery fails, to show up at Press reception arranged for him by Mervyn McPherson at the Em- pire, with boys very sore. Gilbert Davis replaced Clarence Derwerit in 'The Late Christopher Bean' when latter returned to the U. S.- for a fall productioh, Madge T.Itheradge taking over Fay Compton's role in 'Proscenliim' for six weeks to enable' latter to fulfill contracted film engagement, Jlja Llvschakoff, one of the best known German violinists, latest Nazi victim over here. Has re =ceived=^many-^offers=-to--iwbrk-=herer 'Radio Olympla Revue,' despite its recent flop at the Palladlumr has been bobjked for eight weeks on; the Mo(33 Eimplres and General Theatres. Phoenix reopens Sept. 27 with 'Womehkind' under direction of Barry Jones and Maurice Col bourne. Lily Cahlll, American, femme lead. . Guy in new Prince of Wales show lookij IJke Lord Donegal and calls himself Eric Barker, Which" is an noylng the real Barker, the 'Strol- ler* of the 'Evening News.' Gaiety managemeht does not like 'Ballerina/ curr<0ntly touring and due here early October. Altieratlons suggested are^ opposed by. Lady Eleanor :Smlth, the authoress. Leon Kimberley doln^ so well at horse racing that, his wife, Helen Page, has . suggested he ' give . up show business and istlck to the horses, as they are, more certain. Harry Foster .has. a brainwave to put Busted Shaver's midgets Into a Christmas Pantomime, with rrildgets to play part of 'babes* In 'Babes in the Woods,' Val Parnell likes , the idea. Sue Nick, wife of Ben Harris, of the Harris, twins, lining up an all- English dance troupe to do globe dancing act. Nick did similar turn for Fanchoii..& Marco a couple sea- sons ago. > LeOh M. Lion doing 'Little White Lies,' by unknown authoress, at Playhouse, With Irene Vanburgh, Dennis Hoey and Ellen Pollack al- ready signed. Show due end of September. Clever stunt. In advertising 1>in- ner at Eight'' is being pulled by Metro. It consists of girls dressed as' waitresses walking the ";Wofit- End,, with tray, held In their right hand. ahiiouhcing the arrival oif the film. Jack. Ollphant claims, has Just received bankroU from a couple of City stock brokers Who are anxious to get into the show: business racket. Ollphant figuring on going to New Tork In October to get some shows. Aostrafia By Ei'ic Gorick Fullers sell their Melbourne thea- tre.: Thieo Shall Is producing 'Fair. EX' change.' . F..'^. Thrlng is producing 'Clara Gibbings' In Melbourne. Peter Dawson is giving a series of concerts In Melbourne. CarroUs get 'Good Companions' for Sydney and G. T. same attrac tlon for Melbourne. 'Working Man' has proved a sur- prise hit In Sydney, running Into third week and possibly staying five. Brother of late Enrico Caruso is being heard over the air on -spoh sored programs from B class sta tlons. Ella Shields Is playing in revue for Frank Neil In Sydney. She Just completed an eight months' toiir of: New Zealand in revue. 6. T. playing up 'King Kong* as suitable for. the ferns. Ads carry notice to effect that'London ladles raved about the picture. Government considering .a reduc- tion of amusement tax slug on the atrej tickets. Manajgements won- dering If It Is just a gag. Dorothy Brunton returns to the stage again under. tM W-T dlrec tibn In 'Road House.' Show will be staged by Fred Blackman. Ernest C. Rolls will cloise down his Melbourne rievue venture this week, .'following on the sale of the Princess theatre by the Fullers. Fox plans to long-run 'Adorable' In all the principal cities of Aus tralia and New Zealand, fncludlng a big boost for the new French star. Music men are anxiously awaiting the arrival of an American repre- sentative to settle the differences arising Over music sales and so forth. John Fuller has charge of the Ful ler chain during the absence of Sir Ben in . America. 'Tell Me Tonight' has been one of the biggest hits yet handled by the Fullers. Fan mag trade Is picking up again over here after a slight slump, Prices stiir remain high owing to the terrific exchange rate, but pulp sales In chain stores are rislnig- to high level. . . Mrs. John Nolan, wife of Fox ex- ecutive, arrived here last week from America, to Join her hubby, der taiiily looks as. though ihe Nolans intend to settle In Australia for some little time, Every so often the rumor creeps around that big-time vaude will be ^Iven another try in Australia. And also, every so ofteii the rumor Just proves to be Just that. The high cost of transportation, together With costiy-e;xchange and Income tax "slug, naturally kills any chance of reviving vaudfe in this country. Film entertainment lately offered all oyer' Australia has been remark ably good, and business in conse quence has jemalned yery_ Bolld ._.„In IribVFliases .Smerlcan pictures have gotten more at the b. o. than Brit ish' products, which recently have shown a strbng decline in entertain ment. value. Just taking in two of the principal cities of this country, the list currently showing is: Amer lean, 24; .English, 9. The biggest English hit'recorded here outside of 'Jack's the Boy', is 'Tell Me Tonight, which i,s in Its third month in Syd nt-y and fourth month in Melbourne Madrid Jay Allen bicycli in Hitler's backyard. Patricia Bowers going home but she nowann.a. John Dos Passes in and out of i:own in a now-she-ruhs-now-sheT don't gas buggy. Bringing Blasco ibanez's body tiomo ttoiA FraRce and placinig him in an impressive"'inausoleun^. Everybody happy because - tips taboo.. Fifteen per cent added to. your bill and no. beefing or salaam- ing. Ambassador Claude Roweirs,. onc^ 'World' and 'journlEtl' ora<^e, using spare time to write a sequel to his 'Jefferson.: and Hamilton.; ^ Sidney Fl'ankliri off to. jPafls .to farewell sister. Coming back for trip, to the surgeon's ward to cure an old bullfighting wound... Ernest HemInjBrwa.y turns up ^at San Sebastian for the world's pigeon: shooting, tournament Didn't win. Didn't place; Didn't show. Bea Mathieu •'through here from Paris ehroUte around Medlterran,- ean, pumping bullfighters and chefs.^ fbr experiences and recipes. Night clubs sick. Heat giving the bOys the jitters.. Hotel business also pediculous. Six customers at the. Ritz one day In August. And no rain. Glenway Weiscott passed through. Burning- because 'The Booknlan' called him an 'exile' Instead of an 'expatriate.' Going home this fall, hqaybe for good. Franklin Roosevelt, quite a bUUfightlngr.fah, but brow wrinkled because of- the Ainerlcan public's usual rap for the pastime and those who gaga over it. . ^, Fiederation of Catholic Syndicate of Callora de Segura dug down for 100 ip'esetas to pay a fine for refus- ing to- come through wittb, author's royalties oh a theatrical piiece. Scandalmongers all atwUter by the death of, 18-year-old Hlldeguxt Rodriguez, a eugenicd gal who didn't come up to her mother'^ ex- pectations. Motheir In Jail for mur- der. Ronald, Colman, ..summering In northern Spain, expects to. sail late Ih September from Marseilles for Dutch East Indies with Al Weln- gand. Hollywood by next spring but no . picture plans. Cuba izares strikes and more strikes! Cyclones and revolutions! 7 High Antl-Interventloh feellrfgo here. , . Cops here now like in. States, in their shirt sleeves. Ladles of the evening (cheap^ class) also unionized. Anyone chiarg- ing less than tariff gets black and blue marks. Miguel Ordorlca, former editor ot 'Heraldo de Cuba,' a Mexican by bll-th, had to flee protected by the Mexican Charge of Afl^s. Irehee Dupont sent ^30.000 to aid Cardenas, one of towns hardest hit by cyclone. Dupont's mansloif in Varadero only few miles from Car«! dehas. Where is Carl Byoir, the chief publicity agent of Machado 7 Havana 'Post;' formerly rented to Byplr, made it known by announcements in local- press that Byolr had nothing to do with it any more. Hotel Naclonal converted to fort. Army bfllcers unwilling to return after revolutions have taken refuge there as the hotel in under American fla^ because Ambassador lives there. Hotel surrounded by army troops with machine guns and everything. Joseph tilbeon, Jimmy Pergola, George Skadding, Samuel Schulman, Hugo C. Johnson, Fernando IDelgttdo and Armahdo-J.-lx>pezrphotoerra,ph« ers, and William Lander, Robert Ctt4 sey. Arthur M. Evens, Robert O, NIxoh and Robert B. Roosen), re* porters, arrived herei . on special plane from Miami when hews Of the Indianapolis sailing was made pub- lic. Mexico City By O. L. Grahame More and more advertising signs In Eiigllsh. Has become Mexico's 'second language.* Musical fllms have made cinema' orks in these parts as extinct as street lamp lighters. Mexico is not dickering With Uncle Sam for a trade treaty, an- nounces the Foreign Office. Presidential decree assigns the Ministry, of Public Education as the guardian of the Palace .of Fine Arts, otherwise the National Thea- tse^iierec^ President has slashed from 25% to 33%% domestic telegraph tolls, and air mail post .card, newspaper, and magazine postage and pbst of- fice box rents. While Home first-run cinemas here report biz 20% below what is was this time last yeiar, second-run houses announce customer increases of 1C%, and stage theatre managers Bay trade is from 5% to 10% better than late summer.