Variety (Sep 1933)

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52 VARJETY TIMES sunARE Paris By 'Seulah. Wanda Lyoa ^x-tnovie actress Is ■here with her husband, Lyman Pratt;, John Krimsky, producer of 'Em- peror Jones' with Paul Robeson here. Jack Koerpel, new United Artists chief, has gone to. Sweden to show how pictures should be sold* The hbneymoohlne: Roger WQlfe ICahns are at the Rltz before start- ing a motor tour of the Riviera.. Mr, and Mrs. Martin &eck have gone , to BagnolesT'de-l'Orne .for a wefek and ^vvlli -then return to the Crillon. . Lotte Schbene will be the star of lieinhardt's first prodijction at the Plgaie—the Johahn Strauss operetta, 'The Bat.' !Kirig Kong' how being diibb'ed in: French at. ;,thie Pathe-Natan studios,, wll open at the Marivekux^ later, part Of . this month. .* Mile. Muussla will - pliay several varied roles, in the new Doriri and CoUihe revue coming to the .Capur- cines. Sept, 28. Grace.' Tibbett how eh: route for N. T. ahd Cialif. with little: Richard and liaVtrrence,,, Jr., after their tour of Italy.: ahd. France. • All,National theatres clpstid Wed- nesday this .wek during tiie tuheral procession for M.. Georges l^eygues. Minister of the Navy^ Charlote Greenwod and her com- poser-husband, Mdi'tln Broones have .rjeturhed toj London -aftet-a J6ngthy- Rlvlera and Paris sojourn. Jane Murfin and Donald'Grisp be Ihg guided arduhd Moritparnass^^ by: Sasha, the theatrical; photpgrapher. wiio flew from London:with them. Tay Grarnett, Holly wood director, finding Tots^ of fllih'' materia.!' in Mbntparhasset though he prefers liv- ing 6a tliie Right Bank at the Con-: tinental. Stage folks expected this week are Sigmund Romberg with his wife en route on Majestib; and Lily Cahill and Greta Nissen coming on the Bremen. France's first American woman radio announcer id Alice Lengelier, who will be heard weekly on I^dlo Cliib France-Amerique's programs ta the U. S. ' Emlle FtLbirc,. administrator of U^e Comedte Francaise,. is; back froni Venice where he. attended the gala p^rformahde ' of 'Othello' at the Doge's Palace. !Most outstanding individual per-' formance of hew theatrical season, so far, is that of Femand-Rene as Boudu, the -wouldrbe suicide, in 'Boudu Sauve des Eaux,' The revival of 'Teddy and Partner' '.with the priglnal cast at.the Michel this week, is. preceded by fVieux TBebe' (bid Baby), a one act p'aylet from the pen of Andre Rivbllet. Felix Gandera, having had at least five of his plays transferred to the screen -has now wiritten his .iHrst original filhiv 'D'Amour et d'Eau Fralch,' and will himself direct it. The eight authors who collaborat- ed on 'Quinze. Couples' (16 Pairs), opening later this ihonth at the Grand Cruignol, are still speaking to each other: Piece is in 15 -tableaux. jpierre Richard-Willm, having Just completed 'Fanatisme' opposite Pola Negri,, has been engaged as Marie Bell's- chief supportm Le gyand Jeu' which Jacques Felder will direct for 'Films de France.' Felix Giacobbt continuing his pol Icy' of bringing out the wbtks of ne-w authors, has accepted 'Renouveaii' (Spring), 4-act play by Charles J. ' Vincent; to be produced this winter at the Renaissance. Francis de Crolsset's 'Pierre ou Jacques,' already made as a French picture, is shortly to be filmed in English, by British-Gaumont at the Shepherds Bush studios, with Al bert. do Courville directing. 'Anna and Elisabeth,* last film made by Dorothea Wleck, before her departure for Hollywood, with Hertha "rhiele also in an important role, opens here soon -With the .French adaptation made by Pierre Wolff. Seldom has any picture star been given such an ovation bn this side of the Atlantic as.that received by Marlene Dietrich Who made a . charming little spe'ech at the. pre, miere of . her 'S.bng of Songjs' at the Miracles. C H A T T E Tlie Hague By M. W. Etty- Fail fair, at Utrecht opened with 1,109 stands let.. Fox now taking typical Dutch scenes here, to be turned into, one of their 'Magic Carpets.' Rotterdam had premiere of Dutch - version of Rheinhardt's 'The Mlra cle' (music by Humperdinck), in Grand theatre there with Tilly. Bouwmeester as the Madonna. Suc- cess; ;:-_At. first_nlght of . ^a,gabo ng.J<;iji,g'. "kt Scala, thb Hague, a row- was started from the pit —' protissts against a not 100,% Dutch cast (only 2 out Of 85 foreign). Police threw rioters out. A new operetta company starting In Amsterdam Grand theatre, led by Miss Stella Fontaine, Dutch cabaret artist: first show on bills la called 'O. K.,' Dutch adaptibn of . Benatzky's 'Mbrgen gehts uns gut Zuckmayeri, author of 'Haupt- mann von Koepenlck,' asked Dutch legit company, which holds right£t for Holland, to stop performances ir . Holland of this play , in con- sideration .of political situation Gei-many. . Tuschinsky announcing winter program in which Paramount gets big share, also Warner with 'The Mystery of the Wax Museum^' Fox's 'Cavalcade,' ..a Gerniiin film, 'Testament von Dr. Mabuse,' and a series called; 'Silly Symphonies/ h'dgue By, EdyirArd 1", Heirn - . Prague public soon to see Amerir can film, 'Last of the Mohicahs.' Fred Bulin had been appointed naanager of the P. D. C. film com- pany. Fox film has made agreement with Czech . A. B. :Co. to. distribute abl-oad Czechoslovak topical films. Di*. Frank TettaUer, dramaturg of the' ■Vinohrady municipal theatre, now at work;,on a monograph on Eugene O'Neili. .. Julius. Auissehberg, who. at. one time was active in Holl ywpod, is at worfc~cm" a.. souhd Tllm7fbr the A., B. Co.,,Barrandow. .. Burlan, Czech comediah, opened the season at ;hi3 own theatre' In French cbniedyj 'The Station Mas- ter,' by N. Nancy and A. Mohes-, Eipn. • . A. Bijourin, Prague concert man- ager, ha.s turned down offer to pre- sent Mary Wignxann,- the fahioiis German dancer, owing to her Nazi sympathies, ' Modern Operetta theatre of Prague opened season .by operetta, Son of the C^ods,' music by . Czech cpniposer, "jaromir Banes. Ameri-. can libretto. Peter Lore, the former Berlin ac- tor who became famous in gangster filnis such as 'M,' now sojourning in Frain Moravia, this birthplace of his wife, Cacllie Lvosky. In Nitra, Slovakia, stink bomi>s W^re thrown in a leading film house. oWlng to the presentation oi a Hun- garian ' film. Tiie.- demonstrations continued on the leading square of the city. V; N. Scala, Czech-American from Chicago, visiting Prague in order to show in Czechoslovak play theatres films of .the appearance of the Czech' Sokol Gymnastic Union during the Chicago World's Fair. New Czech film^ 'Morning Dawn,' directed by' regisseur Kuba^sek, pr6- isenting pictures of workmen's life and activities ' In Czechoslovakia. Effective, film, shpwing considerable progress in Czechoslovak produc-- tion. ' Maxim Stransky, the former man-r ager of Universal, has established distribution conipany and will offer to Czechoslovak lilay theatres the film, 'And Thus Speaks Adolf Hit- ler,' and. .also a film, 'German Nudl$m." Jaromir, the Czech film regisseur, ha^ completed a film, 'Thie Girl of the Hradshin,' presents scenes of the section of Prague of. which the famous Hrad castle and iSt. Vitus church are thb most important strUctuf-es. Dostal, the regisseur of the Na- tional theatre, now preparing a presentation of the Wallenstein trilogy by Schiller. This hews' is of special interest,, owing to the fact that, despite the anti-German feel- ing In Czechoslovakia, leading Czech stages are planning this season to present plays, operas and operettas by German classical authors and composers. Vienna By Erich Glass Max Relnhardt—60. 'Burg theater turns: down 'Alien Corn,' 'Double Harness' scheduled at Volks. 'All Bad That Ends Well' shifted to Kamnierspiele, ^'Sissy' ^800 up, and 'Francis Jp-^ seph' awiaitinjg revival, . .. Robert Ka,tscher. . writing score for 'Streets of London.' New volume of poems by .radio director Hans Nuchtern. 'King Pausole,' talker, well re- ceived, though critic9 far from all het-iip.. Opera seasbn begins,with 'Fidello/ starring Lotte Lehniann and Fried- rich Schorr. 'Churchmouse' author Ladislaus Fodoi" said to be.:hidihg under pseu- donyni Grfregor Schmltt. 'Mrs. Pbtiphar and,.Her Men' launched with Gisela .Stadt theater in Karlsbad. . Komoedie reopening witb 'Doc- tor's Dilemma,' starring Oscar H6- •molka-a-nd-Eln^aTyon-Bullar— . Burg, propioses to. celebrate Heirr mann Bahr'd'TOth anniverisalry with revival of his'Der Meieter.' Edmbnd Konra.d author of Edi- . son drania, 'The Conjuror of Menlo' -^11 set for Landesth^ater in Brnenn. Exteriors of 'House of Dreams' to be niade in Austrian Wachau, more English illnis to be made by Dahubia in Hungarjy and Roumamia:. ' Ppsthumbus. book by Franz Schalk on Anton Bruckner lEind thie inter- pretation of his symphonies due to appear on his second , death anni- versary. Robert S.toiz conducting world- premiere of his fliost Wailtz,' based on 'Zwei Herzen' talker, at Copen- hagen, with (3erman premiere, tp follow at the Opera house in Zurich. Catalina Montreal Raoul Clouthier off for- moose. Radio Exhibition Sept. 30-Oct, 7. Bill Simpson etherihg safety - first: . Press club fall re-opening Thurs- day (14). W. Ri Ferg4isbn, MG, here from New York. only girl orch in town at K. of . C. aiiditorlurn;, Leo Houle pressman for C.R.B.G. Nan Blakstone back to New York Sunday (17). Commission studios and open October 2. Jay Van Liisil soaki^. com'missiun for nice royalty. Knights of Modern Melody orch to Eclgewater club. Charlie Dornberger dickering for /commercial program. Racing over for season Monday (18). All tracks In red. Billy Bissett from Seigniory dub to Royal York, Toronto. Henry Moiss handling three the- :atre3._two nix^and-one.legl t. ,! - Ronnie Hart back at Chateau, Huntingdon, on big fan niail. Kraiismann floor' show moves to Mountain chalet Wednesday (20) for Kiwanls convention, Montreal Theatre L6ague sub- scrlpUbh plays His Majesty's Octo- ber getting good advance sales. Walkathon promoters doing of their walking through ■ local I courts but .show still going on. Sekson offtcially closed saw few boats over la]st week-end. Allan Hancock's destroyer — de- signed 'Valero III' at the St. Cather- ine's dock. ' Harvey Gates, another sailbr who made the crossing, but Mike Boylan was missing.. William Slavens McNutt made the bay under fiill. sail for his final trip of the season. . . This washes up Catalina chatter until next spring with Palna Springs next outpost to be heard from. Hap Milled guested the Claude Binyons on his skiff. Juniors from both families mess up the island. Hotels are starting to board up the -windows. Nothing more des- olate than a summer resort In winr ter. Max Fleishman's 'iialda,' largest steam yacht oh the Pacific, ah chored at Avalon giving the island additional class. Loop -iArch Herzoff back with a Sioux City tixn. Nick Boiia producing a fan dance unit headed by Rosalie. Thornton Wilder going to Hawaii for some lecturing at the U. Culleh Espy in .from St. Louis over, talent for the Ambassador. Joe Howa,rd singing the songs he wrote for the Colisimo custoihers. :Ralph Kettering illadylng. ,, a blacic-and-tan show for the liUnbis Lew M. Goldberg back In vaude field with office In the Butler build- ing?* Nate Blumberg artd frau around apt. shopping, getting settled in town. Harold Franklin showing the son around, the Fair and the hit'e club spots.. Bill Pine in town for some spe dai iplugging for 'Too Much Har- mony' for Par, Fay Silverman, secretary of the Wm. Morris agency, getting the treoUsseau set. Jack Osterrtian always tops ex- hlbs by telling them about the time he rah a theatre. Annabelle Morgahstern of Allied has been Mrs. Topper for more than two months nPw. Jules Greenga^rd of reistaurant his- tory in the loop opening a hew spot for the .show trade; Jack Kapp visited with the fam- ily for 20 minutes while, changing ,plane3;for;the-.c oa8t..— - , -l.,.-.: J. D. Gortatowsky talking a peek at the town with his wk® while on the way to the coast. In the rizty 333 Michigan Boule- vard building there's Macaroni and Noodle Manu/acturers Club. Sam Howard's daughter, Kath- leen Howard; has shifted over from the 225 Club to the Palace for-four weeks, Ol.'ien and Johnson up new paper around town oa 'Take a Chance,' exploiting the gala and the low admission. Alien Summers, here organizing for the Mpose, and in his first "week corralled Ole Olsen, Chick Johnson and George Jessel. Phil R. Davis has his play, 'Above His Strivings,' going the rounds and is how readying a new one, 'Plunder Bund,' a Chicago expose, .. Harlow Wilcox's voice the most familiar on the World's Fair grbunds diie to industrial recordings ho made for. various exhibitis. Cleveland lenh C. Pullen Al Gregg, p. a. RKO Palace, 111 in hospital. ilarry Proper out bf Idlewild, opeinlng own nitery. Bert. Todd, ex-burlesk nian, now mahagiiig .Jloxy illm-grinder. Play House, town's ace repertory: theatrei, opening sekson Sept. 30. No legit shows in sight until early October, but Hafland Fend isplot- ting-atoglCTiP .'hpany, \ — George WiUiitm^ back in town tb bpen new Chez Paree cafe -With Ernie Young's revue; Sheila Barrett, stage mimic, stop- ping off at ritzy Mounds Club, be- fore hopping to Holly wood» • Frank Orsino burned promoters of filmed 'Maedchen' by staging play bnly week before pix's run. Rubber (]loldberger has built new dan je room for his. Patent Leather Cliib, now biggest. nitery in town. Emerson Gill taking first vacation In three years in Bermuda before going to Bppk-Cadillac in Detrblt Sept. 27. Herbert Elwell, music crick for ■Plain Dealer,' back from Minne- apolis -vacatipn that was spoiled by appeh. op. 'Maedchen in Uniform,' postponed since spring, being finally booked into legit Hanna Sept. 23 by Har- land,..Fend. Refusal bf city officials to bkay permits for three old theatres «ls holding up all plans of three burlesk prompters. Operatprs of pix houses, down- town and in suburbs, report a phe- nomenal jump in b. o. -grosses in. the last month. San Carlo opera under Rodney Sutton's p; a.^ing drew more news- paper publicity than Met opera usually does. Vat Emmaline, better known as 'Brpadway Rillie,' opening a Bally- hoo Club backed by a mysterious femme iangel. Tom McMahon, the 'Newcastle Wildcat,' who kayoed Jack Johnson and Jess Willard in his prime, nbw bai'tending at Selznick's nitery. Henry Sanson, orchestra leader at Rainbow Gardens, suing for divorce, cliargihg wife cussed and stayed out late. Separated since May, 1931. Ohio Dancing Teachers' Conven- tion here, trying to cloae private homerstudios and hiking prices to 75-cents minimum per dancd lesson, Reaison Arthur Clamage of De- troit is so hot about getting burly spot here Is because he and Warren Irons -virere eased out of a house years ago. .Herman Pirchner,- whose Alpine Club is One of town's biggest clicks, boasts he cleaned up 75 grand when he sold his interest in New York brewery and cafe,. Bill Watson either flLies or en- trains to New .York at least .every other. week to decide on bbokings for his indie house, although Wil- liam Morrjs agency bandle3_aU hlS; ■acts. " ~ '"~ ' ' Pittsbargh By Hal Cohan Oscar Xevant in town visiting Mi family and atill monologing it/ ^ Mo Qlanz, the agent, back on tk« Job after 10 weeks in Atlantic Clti? Alex Kann. after a summer U little theatre W9rk, back to NeS York, *^v^ Alfred Head In town beatine thh drums for Gene O'Neill's 'ai? Wllderneaa.' >' » aj^ Kenny Kenfleld off for Oil citF Pa„ to take over a house for thS Harris Intereata. w tw Harriet Petit, Harry Kalmine'* secretary, off to New York for th? Warner Club convention, Rae Russell, local dancer now featured at the Variety, became olA enough to vote last Week. - -Jackie Heller leaving Ben Bemia for a week only to play the AmbasZ sador in St. Louis aa a^ingle - ' His brother WB district manager* tossed a little dinner for resighinc Jimmy Balmer ahd a wrist watch * Edith ICing, fpllowlng closing "ot short-lived 'Going (iay,' \arouni visiting friends. Used to be a stock fav here/ ^ • Ken Coffman, formerly on WB art istaff, to St. Louis for Skouras crowd under George Tyson, his ex-em-, plbyer here. Fred (Falls) Binder Is an Itallaa but he looks more like a . Yiddish comedian than Yiddish cbmedlahs themselves do, ; AilhutLJLaw,i-foj^ the New: Amsterdam and Liberty la New York, new bbx^oflide chief at Nixon. Tom Clarke his assistant. Ruth Robin .went away prizihg Babe Daniels' and Ben Lydh's mes- sage telling her how nitich they en- Joyed her singing at Urban Room. ,Harry Kalmine recalling that he played Mae West , in a seven-person act at the Keith in Orange, N. Y- only five years ago at $250 for the turn. Stroudsburg . Bartholomew Queeha Mario left Buck Hill for Europe, Casanova club has Jbe Rlcca and his band. Emerson Gill's band with Marion Mann one-nighting. Peacock Cafe features Greg Size's prk with Ted Simmons. Roselyn Casino, Elmhurst, opened with Evans' Night Hawks. Belton's 18 Colored Syncopators entertained at Chapman Lake.— - Jack Kuentz and his Hotel Pitts- burgher band ono-nlghted at New- ton Lake. Bill Kiefor and his Alverlan ork succeed MacDonough's band at Pocono Summit Inn. Bob McClelster's Criterion played for the Midnight Sun's Monte Carlo =nigh.t--at-Glen-Bi'ookr Russen Sisters with Pinkie Han- ish and Jimmy Reilly's band play- inpr at Fieklstone Inn, . .Ted Kramer, Ann Crews and Sunny Marston with Moe Schwartz and Harmony Boys at the new Chateau. ' ' Alice Butler and Esther Martin, dancing in the Kresge floor show, signed for Ned Wayburn's new Marilyn Miller show, Boston By L»n Llbiiey Charlie Koerner of RKO chalks up the Mort Downey record at Boa- ton. John Luce, vei; piiibilciteer, figures as graind opera, news in ill for Sal- maggl. Jack Granara, Loew exproiteer, off to New.. Hampshire hiUa fbr hla vacash. Ben Gilbert, formerly of Publlx, stepp'ed up to house manager at Majestic. . / Dennie Shea reporting by post- card from his tour with the Bqston Braves footballers. Ray Bolger becoming a sort of matinee Idol for the autograph hunters at the Bostbn. Bert McKenzIe. due soon. ahead of film, 'Dinner at Eight,' tentatively booked for Majestic Oct. 2, . Harry A. Kaufman of the film-dis- trict returning a gift hat because he says he pirefers to go hatless. Al Duffy, who was eixpected to go on road, assigned pro tern to remain here as press agent for the Shubert houses. Floyd Bell, finishing a five weeks' job for Brockton Fair, Is imme- diately stepped .into handling 'Dam- aged Lives,' and staging three-day. campaign that had the town talk- ing. Bill Harrigah getting great wel- come, and then going on the alir and entertaining with picture and stage talk,, and especially singing songs his dad made famous In Har- rlgan and tlart days. IS By Walter D. Botto Gene Austin played-a two-day en- gagement at Strand Theatre—to capacity. Bob Marks back." from his two weeks' vacation in Chicago and New York. — Bernard Thomas irlslted 'the- bid home town Nashville during hl.i two-weeks tour. The Silver Slipper survives all the. cabaret shows here—only one con- tinuously ppen. . Howard Waugh'put on extra big, advance advertising campai for 'Goodbye^ Again' • at Warners. . Col. Cecil Vogel is now a bachelor pro-tem; the madam left' for. a. 4* weeks tour of the big open spaces. Lloyd iluhtley and his Isle O' Blues orchestra now playing an 8 weeks engagement oh Peabody Roof Garden. Rosem.ary theatre — after three weeks of vaudeville threw up, the sponge and quit vaudeville. Straight pictures now. Strike and picketing of Strand and Princess Theatrb's two houses, handled by M. A- Lightman, now- entering Its sixth week. Orpheum theatre lessees having a hard time in getting the hpuse open. No pictured to be had—Loews and Jffifl,mers.Jiay.e=them.All-..tifid^r)i:. Donald Kirke, former leading mnn of several stock companies, is now representing Cooks Brewery Co. of BvansVille, Ind., in this territory. Fred Suzore^-operatlng the SuJ^orp Theatres No, 1 and 2 neighborhood houses—presenting ^5 acts of vaude- ville and pictures. I^e makes it p;>y in the outlying cTlstrlcta, hut tliey can't do it downtown in the biff houses.