Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tae»*kJr S<»pteBibeg ,19» 1933 Mnneapolis By Lm R««s ¥IMES SQUARE VARIETY 53 |0a KremiW coming for concert ^^n^m, United Artists' dlatrict M^ger, in town. tSamen l»arkers on State Fair an InnovaUon here. Annual radio and electric ahow .t^jStori?^ sept. 26 to 29. • Ywic (Publlx), loop ftrat rwne. •iKKb up its shorts heavily. 'Xpheum back to^.f^SX.*?*"*'" toS Bamo a« opposition State. D^ntAjrea refused admission to JdS?SSen'playiBe 14fe Begins/ iCftTi Lorenz, Fox salesman, re- ip^Sfid^rom 'illness and back on **Cllff Gin. Pantagea' manager, j^a^one-day visit to Rochester. r««r nine yekts with local RKO ..^S; 4 bUler. Gladys Huizel lias retired. ^ " ^ P Brunet, Columbia super- ^2'r 5 exchanges flrom New Tork. • local visitor* ^^SS'iSiie' •Stnjn.g.s Beti?? two «>f beat grosaers in ter- ritory currently. ^ . w JaJk Paige, former Balnbrldge rtS 16jSlil man at Shubert. now —iftttdvertlslhg-game. € H ATT E continuing while waiting start of Shubert'a legit season. Billy Bryant closing his show boat season here with '£ast Liynne' and preparing to present troupe in indie leglt houses and chain pic theatres through Ohio and nearby states un- til spring. Management of: Reds saved a few dollars by calling oft Hnal home game of season with the Giants; revenue from handful of fans that showed up for scheduled contest wouldn't pay cost of balls, let alone expense of ticket sellers i^nd takers. Carl Liohman Colonnade. Oakland By Wood Sdanea Tom Kelly to N. T. via canal. Spencer Tracy and , Loretta . Younjg, vacationing at Del Monte, admit to Inquiring reporter that I they are that way about each other. Forum, swagger Oakland social club having acted as sponsor .tor numerous artistic events, plans to 'dip into the little theatre field. Everett Glass will be the. stage di- rector John Dltaon back from New York wh?e ifelinea^up^jjramatlc stock company for fihubert. Fbx exchange^here plimgtog V g- orouriy into, Sydney^. Kent drive which started this wecK. Billy Gould, veteran JJnlted Ar- tlsti Wesman. ^^.J^"^^"^' no siiiccessor . appointed yet. Century theatre to celebrate fourth anniversary of house under that name week of Sept. Z8. Women admitted tree to wres- tling matches here when accom- panied by,pald^nale customer. Lyceum, 2,3d0-seat fadependent loop house, canopy changed to read ?6pen in September,' instead of 'Au- gust.' Minneapolis Symphony orchestra to open s^on Oct. 28. If neces- sary guarantee funds are- to. be raised. Mort Stager finally pays belated visit here to look over his recently acquired Orpheum and decide on. * policy. 'Maedchen In Uniform/ at World, advertised as 'only 6-A picture in town' and 'original unexpurgated .version.' ' £iph Roisen, Parandount salesman, in harness again after recuperiattag from injuries mistataed In automo- bile accident. Mrs; William Koienlg, former Mlnneapolltan and wife «f Warner Brothetv^. production manager at Bollywood, here on visit. Dnlv^slty of Mtanesota theatre to present two brand new plays by Twin City playwrights, "God by Proxy* and 'Joan of Arkansas.' With most exchanges now having plenty of prints of new season product, threatened danger of film .shortage here has been eliminated. W. A. Kupper and Clyde iEckhart, t'ox western division sales manr- ager and' district manager, respec- tively, here to close Publlx circuit deal. .' Julie .Madison, theatre, radio and night club singer here, local winner in Paramount's 'Search for Beauty' contest and Will receive Hollywood screen tei^t.' Three Twin City movie theatres now permit smoking. Two are Pub- llx houses, the neighborhood Lor* Ing here and loop ToWer. St. Paul, where It's allowed In the balcony. Other Is sure-seater World here, where logo sitters have' the priv-. Uege. Don Wilding, director of U. C. .£ixperimental theatre, secured ar- rest of. two men whom lie claimed 'kidnaped'^ him to a hotel room and forced him to sign promise to pay IIOQ on thrieat ot 'expose.' Premier theatre again threaten ing to reopen—this time as a straight picture house.. . Theatre is the city's champion iri-and-outer with everything but a flea circus as attractions, during the last year or two. Berkeley Playhouse, nearly de funct since it lost Its home in an abandoned Berkeley church, Is re- viving this year under co-direction of Alice Brainerd, as business man- ager, and Prank Ferguson, as dl rector. The Roxle, stopped by. injunction from showing 'The Gold Diggers of 1933* traded With West Coast re- ceiving 'Voltaire' instead and fol- lowed Paramount run of ^old Dig gers,' after a. week, with the dis puted musical. San Francisco By Harold . Bock New Haven Harold M* Bone Murray's Edgewood Players getting set for 12th season. Looks like Dave Mdrldge will be back at .Shubert, ' A banged up knee has Aiidy Sette doing a goosestep.' 'Joui^nal-Courier* film crick faded after three reviews. J. Freednaan takes a step up as ai3st. mgr. at College; . 'Tugboat ..Annie' prompts 'record hews adv. space by nabes. . Carmela PonseUe due here in 'Aida* at Arena Sun. C24th). Dag Lee again , teams up with Woolsey Hall concert series, Frank Lovecchio, marathon dancer, drew $35 fines in auto mlxup. Roger Sherman gets, oke results on shift to Wed. nite openings. Helen Malone leaves for Sprtag- field, Ohio, for Civic Theatre post there. Jimmie Mahon is doubling be- tween-Par theatre and Far exchange Ady_depf 'Fbe new job has Adeliho Vanni covering , more ground than Ring ling's tent. Don Cavallaro spent the summer operating; his amusement spot at Lake Waramaug. In-and-out vaiide at Par leaves stage and pit crews poiuidlng the pavements again. With "Vernon Reaver at Palace and R Robt. Bums at College, local managerial map takes on hew faceJ former theatre mainager, Joins Fred Hall Productions here and is rout- ing his first revue, titled 'Words and Music' Al Waldon's band replaces Troy Singer's dusiy syncopators at Sem- ler's Tavern, near Akron. Georga Gould stays on ajs featured singer and entertainer. Billy Foster, formerly musical di- rector with •Ciirley Burns' ahbw. will serve In UkC: capacity for Fred Hall's hew' revue, 'Words and Music.' due to take the road soon- St Loois Phihdelpliia Gndnnati Joe Kolli "V. Dlnermah driving his own. Tom Holzberg plugging Bibo-Lahg tunes. Erwin Bock up In RKO ranks as Grand nigr. Tom Holzberg ito- I^ng times. C. Harry Schreiber is Capitol mgr. with Jack Tleman assisting. Castle Farrn had 11.26 convert for three-night' igagement of Duke El- lington. Harry M. Forwobd subbed as ■Post' crick While Frank Aston vacashed. Nat Holt. Jr., following in dad's tracks by staging animal and magic^ ■hows for playmates. *oe Goetz ballyed Paramount's iJ5econd._anniversatry.^.by=^paEtyin£ patrons with ice cream, cake and flowers. Ork leaders paying musicians off m local's ofllce to avert scale chisel- ing. Legion set 350 plates for Wiley Post luncheon at Netherland Plaza, out there were only 61 diners at ♦1.50 per hoad. Nelson G. Trowbridge devoted va- cash to bridge study, which lie's Nelson Case's frau back Iroih her ole Vlrginny home. Peter B. Kyne's back at his Un- derwood after that op. Mike Newman here, bubbling over With liady For a Day.' Martha Taylor out of NBC's traf- fic dept with a skittish heart. Marjdrle Brlggs, Betty Noyes and Dorothy Hill hew fem trio with Flo Rlto. Bob Hall, •Call-Bull' radio spieler, and Anne Parrlsh married last week. Merian CJ. Cooper and wife, Doro- thy Jordan, hiding out at BUrUn- game. Mebbe $2 opening for "Bowery* at United Artists middle of next month. Lou Newcomb, out of Frisco for some time, back as , manager of the Benny Rubin has taken an apart- ment in Oakland to be near his new beer garden. Late Jacob Gottlob's esUte left to his widow, including his interest in the Columbia. Richard Bennett scrammed for Hollywood after resting at his Los Gatos ranch. 1 - Louise J>andis is thumbs down on ham sandwiches after taking pub- licity pix at a: hog ranch. Felton Kaufman, shoe man, and Jerry Hurst, lawyer man, submit- ting tunes to Paramount. Just to prove he has a bad cold Bob Allen's carrying a. bottle of coiigh medicine iEuround With him. Three weeks of real estate and Dave Richard's back in s^QW biz this time managljig, xrc. Berkeley. Outside of the Warfleld, Mark Hopkins and MJB prograna Anspn Weeks not doing a thing this week. .Tom Hutchinson working on Wiieatena's radio show resuming next week with Harold Peary again Sydney Dixon is reducing and claims he won't be Batisfled until he's down to Harry Bechtel's ton- "*Charlie Leonard back after A few days Tn LA getting the UA theatre publicity started. Returns th'-rP. baton arm dally, ready Co^^" Warfleld the 29th, week after ^^;^'Sns. ex-vaudv wartJg^ now chief hofitefls at NBC, after RuTh Westgate. Mintha Sheltpn left. too. Bucceeded by Hazel Mc ^bSc he left , for two weeks at Cat'Sina Meredith Wlllson vowed he'd return with a beard. Europa, small house devoted to iarty and foreign pictures, reopened with 'Savage Gold.' Annual fall row with, musicians' union on one side iand Imahagers on other is on. Gfurldc and Walnut on firing line. Keith's reopening. Sept 21 with straight pix policy using second- run Fox products Sablosky & Mc- Guirk managing. Many rumors heard concerning Locust, owned by .Al Boyd, who also has Fox. LeHt report all wet, but may be a roadshow film house. Mastbaum may get light opera season to. follow up three weeks of grand opera recently completed. Musical stock also reported for Shubert. Tommy Labrym, legit p.a.. back from trip around the world. Will be{»associated with Sam NlrdUngier ta latter's new capacity as head of Broad as tadle house. Femintae Influence In legit thea- tre quite pronounced with Ella Waters and Katharine McCarron as directors of the new Walnut outfit and Mrs. Albert Wolf managtag the Garrick. Ray Henderson (McCUntlc office). Bill Fields (Laurence Rivers), For- rest Crosman (Carroll), John Peter Tochey (Sana Harris), and Dave Wallace (Paultae. Lord), legit p.a.'s as so far noted here. Opening of 'As Thousands Cheer" had quite a few celebs ta audience. Al Jolson. John Charles Thomas, George Kaufman and Lou Holtz noticed and LIbby Holman an- nounced ais there, but nobody seemed to see her. William Dou^erty (Doc), for- merly press rep at the Walnut and now manager of profitable Bell-ln- Hand restaurant, to be ta his ac- customed spot on Wataut'door when that house re-lights Monday after being dark two years. Al Trahiui here ifpr week at Fox. Larry Rich, muny opera come- dian, takes over m. c job In local night club. . ^ Mldtown theatre, stock house for years, to be opened as second run movie house showing Metro prod- uct. ■ fVank McGrann first traveling legit p. a. in town tWs season. Fox •Crazy QuUt of 1933,' scheduled for Ambassador.^ Bill Bentley, Ambassador artist and former press agent, in hospital "recoVeffiig~trom conc us s i o n of-brain suttered when street car hit him. Arthur Casey departs after fall- ing to negotiate lease for Orpheum for season of stock; Insufficient backing, -house owners say. He may be back. American, St. Loula' sole remain- tag legitimate house, to open first week in October with road show eivgagement of picture, ajtaper at Eight.* No bookings after that- Joe Wtaters has at last been re- warded for his long years of ser- vice as concertmaster in theatre or- chestra here. Joe fiddled In the very first band that played in a local movie and he's been ta one ever since. Now Harry Koplar haa made him director of the 25 niusl- clans Who play at the St, Louis. Spokane By Ray Budwi Jockey Club Is spend in? for new headquarters on the [ of the Metals Bldg. State theatre hoS Joined thel Evergreen chain here, embracing Fox, Orpheum and Liberty. Phil Sheridan has taken a sea- son's lease on the Trianon ballroom. Will redecorate arid arrange "for a nightly floor show. Majestic has added Chris Efwih's burlesque to its pix prograins. Show doing well with flesh only at the Orpheum four days a week; as Competition. Dessert hotel opening the.Rath-, skeller, bar and grill. Preview for the press gave the room a fonnal and elaborate opening. Vic Des- : sert. staged the party. ' H. W^ (Nick) Pierpng, formerly manager of the Pan and Orpheuna theatres, leaving for Oiympla for a state road job. Has been Identified with, state highway dept. since leaving, the theatre. Fox theatre tied ta with Da.ven- port hotel oh second birthday ah- nlversary^ Did a. sellout ta Italian Gardens, and drew the crowd by making a news clip. Pix will show next week at the theatre. Jess and Hayden -Manh, formerly at the Davenport hotel, have re- turned to the city after six years In vaudeville and night spots ta Cali- fornia.. Have talssn a contract for. )rchestrat-at^lhe-Garden-ball-- room. Hifftford By M. H. Hammer By Rex McConnell Duke Ellington and orchestra playing one-niters through Ohio.. Fred Hurley, producer of musica;! tabs, negotiating for old Grand opera houfie here, .... ~ Joe Sheehan and band continues week ends at Springfield Lake Park pavillion, niear Akron- Jack Miles' orchestra attracts only fair-sized crowd at fUl opening East Maj-ket Gardens. Williams' band, with Kay Donna, soloist, hangs up new attendance records at ChlppewJt Lake. ^ Hughie Shea's band, out at Silver Gardens, now playing ballroom en- gagements in this territory. Silver Gardens Inaugurating the fall sea- son with Ted Mack's band and company of entertainers. Dick Snyder and his Detroiters, after several weeks at Michigan re- room engagements. Billy Earhardt's 'Sparklets of 1933,' concludes several weeks' en^ pagement at Geauga Lake Park, at G^-auga Lake, Ohio. George Williams winds uiJ sum- mer season at Chippewa Lake Park and takes his band into Cleveland for all-winter nlpht club job, Hnrt-y Smith, Buffalo booker and Dick Dorman takes a trip to Boa ton. ^ , ^ The way it Is spelled—C. J. Bren- nan. Bond Hotel Tap Room gets the crowds. ..... State Commission closing beer taverns for violations. Talk of stock retnmtag to the now closed Palace theatre. Most of the 3.2 spots runntag ta orchestras for the same 'jitney* a drtak. , Hobart Bbsworth makes personal api>earance with "Lady for Day* at Loew's theatres: Barney Grogan iumounces his forthcoming maniage to Mary Cal- lahan of New Britain. . Edward Karplnskl says^s wife gave birth to a bounctag baby daughter and not a. boy. Nat Greenwood's design for Hartford NJLA. Parade float for local theatres won first prize. Rena Garrity, Harry Hoff and Joe Hennessey gather ta the War- ner office to discuss the latest scan- dals. Columbia Opera Company to stage opera at the State theaitre with a top of %1 and a low of 26 cents. By Robert J. . Rhodes Joan Huddleson, Phocailx , dancer, has been given a part ta filnos. Murphy Comedians Will be. back in Phoenix s6metlme^tliti?_wlnter. ^Lawrence Weiivier, fbrmer" HiaJi-' ager of Rialto here, now ta Tucson. Bill Turn bow. capltol reporter for the 'Gazette,' back from his vacasb. Helen Wynh flew back to New York last week fifter vlslttag her parents here. Harold Stetson, one of. the Stet- son Brothers, has returned from vacash ta Iowa and Is no^^. In, Nogales, Son., looking, after El Teatro O bregon. Albert Stetson is arranging for the opening of hl3 new. house, the Studio, in Prescott. His brothers. Milt and. Hariy Arthur and C. A. Caballero are interested In the new venture. Liarry Blair, staff artist at Fox and the only employee Who was with the theatre when it opened slightly more than two years ago, going in for himself as commercial artl.«?t Oct. 1. Art Pickett, of Orpheum and Ri.aUo theatre, is head of a com- mittee to handle the national ad- jv:erAising^jQl.J^hoftnix.^^l>Qjut^_IJ.8,-^ 000 wlll .be ia^peht in this year's cam- paign. Money appropriated by city and county. Leonard Gowley, Phoeni?: real eS" tate op-eratpr, has received a letter from Leonard Cowley, who a short time ago was at Saranac. Same names aroused the. former's curi- osity to the point where he wrote the showman. Earl Kays' orchestra moves td' Rainbow ballroom. . Dehham theatre broadcasting three times a week. R. Hlldreth. division auditor for Fox exchanges, spent several dayis here. Roy Churchill has quit the union and is now playing the organ at the OrientaL Frank Sheffield had a close call When his car sideswlped a truck v. I parked on a bridge. |2D0 damage. I Mike Smith, booker for U. S. Army post theatre, in town and busy booktag dates for the soldier boys. . C. L. "Poss' Parsons, sports"eS't. tor, the Post, making his tenth an- nual flying tour of the Rocky Mbun* tain conference colleges, getting dope on the football situation. Peter J. Berkeley, local pbotog<^ rapher. flew to Hollywood to take a large number of stills in the MGM studios; ^e photographed stars and beauty contest wtaners. Instead of glvtag up his bnstaess here to lo- cate on the coast. Berkeley will fly there frequently at the request of The foUowtag out-of-town exhibs seen onthe row: Dave Ashman, Idaho Springs, Colo.; Tom Vilnave^ Buffalo, Wyo.; S. L. fiessbed^ Chappell. Neb.; J. P. C^rpef, La- fayette Colo.; S. G. Btella, Louis- ville, Colo.; C. W. KeUy, Greely, Colo.; C. P. Graves, Boulder, Colo, and E. K. Menagh. Ft Lnpton, Colo. Rochester By .Poh Record Rubs Kaim to lead IIKO Palaco orchestra. Florence Colebrook .Powers opens candy shop. Billy Hallen is m. c with the Liberty Boys. Slager Post Band wins Legion state championship. Fifty singers given auditions for roles in Civic Music Ass'n. produc* tlon. Norman HC Brlnsley Is back in town, joining Hav Nash's theatre advertising iservice. Robert Stevens, director of Cpna- mUnity Players, back from Euro- pean trip to open season. Park Zoo Is so popular thai Siipt. Patrick J. Slavin plane to double present size when financed pemiit, Stanley Fenyvessy gives lecture on his Jamboree Boy Scout trip aa stage single at the Family, one. Of his father's houses.' Philip Van Tassell. Inez Qutah and Gordon Selwood are soloists With Victor Wagner's * orchestra on - Genesee- Brewtog Co. radio hour. Paul White composed pieces for his three small daughters and played them over the radio as guest conductor for the Stromberg-Carl- son hour. Manager Jay Golden of the RKO Palace introduced Morton Downey and the new vaude policy at a. breakfast for city officials and newspaper- men. at The Sagamore. The 'Journal' ran a series of pho- tographicjstrips ^jp osed b y .Mrs. Cleon "Lewis, Cl<?te I-«cehner, "W'sJie'r^ToT- mer and Gregg .Swa.rthbut In con- nection with showing at the Palace of "Lady for a bay.' Ganjfl»?r Bros, ani-nal circus pro- vides stage show at the Liberty in nefghbs' move for flesh to combat t2nwn*own houses. Carr & Dawn put' on vaude act at the Arnett. Tennessee Kambler.«( at the State.