Variety (Sep 1933)

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S6 va::jety Tuesdaj, Sepfember 19, 1935 Mm mm 4wm ff ft?' ^^^^ tteen proves the lure of Lovely Skin MAE WEST, gorgeously beauti- full See her in Parambunt's 'I'm No Angel." She uses Lux Toilet Soap for her skinl CHECK them right down the list. From the Lorelei to the Queen of Them All—Mae West-^ every siren who ever wrecked hearts has had one unforgettable lure: Soft skin. Smooth skin. Enticingly love- ly skin! Mae West, knows all about this siren business. She keeps her skin always in a state of smooth perfec- tion , . . softly clear, irresistible .. . with a simple complexion care which she's devoted to I Listen to what this beautiful actress has to say about it: ''Lux Toilet Soap is magic for the skin. 1 use it faithfully, for it keeps my complexion exactly as I like it— velvet-smooth, clear, fresh and al- ways youthful.' Of the 694 important HoUsrvirood ac-> tresses, includiiig all stars, 686 use Lux Toilet Soap to keep their skin lovely. It*s the official soap in all the big film studios. You, too, can have this greater loveli- nessl YouH be amazed at the soft, clear beauty this fragrant, white soap can bring your sldh. Get Lux Toilet Soap today and siee for yourself 1