Variety (Sep 1933)

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PubKsbed We«ktr »t 1S4 West «<th St., New Torlc N. T.. by Variety. Inc. Aonual •ubacrlpUon. |«. Single «0Ple* . Eatered aa ■econd-claaa matter December St, 1906. at the Post Office at New Torlc. N. T.. under the act. Of Maroh^ COPTBIOHY, MSS. B¥ VABIKTT, INC. AM. MOHTS BB8BBVKP _^ iVol. 112 No. 3 NEW YORK. TUESDAY, SEFTEBIBER 26, 1933 64 PAG ES Tekvision Show Goes Oot But Coast Fans Mum if They Get It Los Angeles, Sept. 25. One can now sit home at the tele- {rlslon set and sec a complete daily knotion picture program of two hours In length—t^at is If. The if means if you have a tele- fytslon set and if it is perfected suf- IDciently to pick up th« feature length Paramount picture, the Pathe newsreel and the trailer sent jOally from the Don Loe television jptation in connection with KHJ. Although this two-hour show feoes out into- the ether every day It's atlll a mystery 'Where it goes to. Station informs inquirers that a chap five miles away from the Station Is believed to be enjoying the picture show every day, that a fellow seven miles away Is also un- der.stood to be getting good recep- tion, and that a customer In the next block has given up spending dough for the movies, and stays home to get them. But don't ask for more detail. Answer's always the same—'You iBoe, television fans are not like ra- dio bugs. They don't write to the station and tell us about reception. So far as we know there may be thousands of tolevisionists getting pur stuff every day.' Nevertheless, the full show goes Into the air every day from 7 to 9 p.m. except Sunday and on Monday, Wednesday and Fiitl.iy mornings 9 to 11. LA. STATION TAXES MAMAS AT 10c EACH Hollywood, Sept. 25. Trying to cash in on the 'see and hear' phases of its weekly amateur night, KMTR Is broadcasting the feature from a hall and charging JOc admissions. This is to put a tab on the fond toothers and aunts of the simon pures who heretofore liad crowded the station. Cherry Sisters Back Chicago, Sept. 25. Clicrry Sisters are back In me business. Now playing their first date In years at the CJaycty burles- que ipot in Milwaukee. Management used the old screen piece In front of thcm-but took It down after the first day. Nobody In the audience would throw anything ias was the custom in the old days. Women are reported ^jetting busi- iiess and howls. Progress of Repeal T5ir3 rre now wide open on tJniloI Si.itos Line boats to lOurope for the fust time since prohibition. liko the forfign skiffs, the ArnrMiiMM ))on(s nre sorvin;? any- thin:,' up i,> the rj-mile limit. ■ Serv^es for Sime Services for Sime Silverman will be held Thursday (28) afternoon, 2 o'clock, at Temple Emanu-El, Fifth avenue and «5th street, New York. Inter- ment in the family vault at Salem Fields. Arthur" Ungar (Variety), ac- companying the body' from Hollywood, left Saturday (23) and arrives tomorrow morning, Wednesday (27). Body will repose at Riverside Memorial Chapel, Amsterdam avenue and 76th street. New York. On Wednesday night (27), from 8 o'clock, services at the Riverside Memorial Chapel will be conducted by and under the auspices of the Actors' Betterment Ass'n, Jewish The- atrical Guild, Catholic Actors' Guild, Episcopal Actors' Guild, National Variety Artists, Ac- tors' Equity Ass'n, Actors' Fund, Friars and Lambs Clubs. Dave Hutton Gives B'way Boys That Good Old Angelus Tempo Dave 'Big Boy' Hutton breezed into Broadway theatrical offices last week and startled the pre- occupied folks that hang around such places with his blurt western heartiness. Baritone soloist of An- gelus Temple says 'hello' to every- body, not bothering with or waiting for Introductions. This probably results from his association with Angelus Temple where Sister Aimee habitually opens her .services by making every- body in till congregation turn around In their chairs and shake hands with at least two persons. Hutton gaily alludes to himself as 'the one and only big boy'. After getting over their surprise at a choir singer ^vith such a chummy approach thr Times Squaie mob rather liked him. Edna May III Abroad, Her Home Town Hears Sywcusc-Sept^S, Mrs. O.scar Lcwisohn, who as Edna May of Syracuse became an international favorite in 'The Belle of New York,' is seriou.sly ill in a Baden Baden sanatorium, according to i)rivate advices today. Since her marriage and quent retirement she has rcjlded abroad. ANnttiNG m Hectic Booking Pace Makes Past's Crazy Salaries Look Sick—Fre-Cut Figures Back, Plus More—Names and Units—^Loew*s $25,- 000 Offer for Jolson- Keeler-Whiteman Tops SMALLIES NEGLECTED Furious booking pace of the past two weeks now has the circuits on a salary bender that threatens to eclipse anything in the name book ing line of the past. All resolutions made over the summer have been forgotten and the boys are talking salaries lhat make the so-called fancy figures of the past look stingy. Every available nsme act- or at traction that a booker might think will draw business is not only get- ting its old, pre-cut salary, but in most instances more. The limit was reached last week with Loew's offer of a $25,000 guarantee and a percentage split to a Jolson-Keeler Whiteman show at the Capitol, New York. (That's cold now through Jolson's decision not to do any va- riety work just now). Amidst the hectic bidding for names in ihe booking offlce, the less (Continued on page 58) WHEEL FRAMB TOURIST BAIT Paris, Sept. 15. Practically set for roulette to make its oITlcial entry into France as a legal gambling game, although with government supervision, of course. Tourist trade and general biz have fallen so far that it's fig- ured the wheel may help put some pep back. Roulette In the past has been strictly forbidden in France, largely legal in Monte Carlo, a sep- arate municipality under French protectorate with France cutting in on the profits. In Paris gambling is supposedly forbidden but plenty of • chemln de fer and baccarat around; "Theme Song^ J'Vod Allen, Informed that r>ee Shubort would produce a Marie Antoinette operetta for the fJhubert receiver.^, sug- 1,'fsted a theme song: 'Let Them Eat Jake.* Sime SOvertSKiit ^{^^ Sime Promoting Grant Main's Social Graces as Lore To Feimne Trade Cleveland, Sept. 2^. Ballylioolng rasslers for social graces, as well as their tricks in toeholds, is the resort of local pro- moters in their campaign to build up the femme trade for their mat hippodromes, Steve McPherson, from Boston, Is out to make Leo Numa the social lion, of the town before his grunt- ing debut in Public Auditorium, Sept. 27. First thing the manager did was to throw a polite dinner party for sport commissioners and reporters. Then he hire"* Ben Truesdr""!?, local p.a., to help Numa crash into so- ciety columns. Two lectures by raissler before women's clubs are lined up, although he hates speach- making, and a sculptor has .been hooked to chisel a statue of ; him. But the pay-off is a department store tie-up in which the gruhter will pose in window in a G-strlrig first and then in what, the w^il- dresspd-man-should wear. It'k .all. got Numa a bit rattled, he's, doing his best. Football for Women ^lm»-rSllyfitoiHir"-4k»rtt--M^^ i87-3i smaUr -tow.ih^ iH>y-- i^h6 :;4»ad© goqi .tOug^^ street ia '"wprldr^h^-.l^^^ Broadw^ayi^was. founds dead ' :' liii.. apartment at tltie Ambassador hotel,' Los Ansel^, (Sept. .22>^. away frona the str<eet>that was the ' epitope of wliat , ime. .persohlflesy and away ;frpiiii ' ' .who resUly mattered nipst him. Primarily. thie;se cohcierntd sSid Sil- verman, his son,' .present editor and PUblishei! pic V.ARIBTT, his\ WlfCi Hattte^ his ieiatlves and liis legloh or frlendfif. :^ - liis Staff—•the v A^RiBTT, mugjgs.;--v. ' ^''•iv :-;- The. Varibtt. mug;ga -who ' t^ursiedL for Sinie ,the sanie; h^ cynical love which tliey 'know ex- isted for them, ' This Is the worst kind new* story iii the; paper . noto.tlbtisf Its errprs In eyeitTr;. apcepted' f prin o£ rammatical expression." .contrary to thai ciirdinar: rule it. \ in the chopped from yan- I'Tiincmcp—tjeptr:z.5r?^ "iun6heDn"d'at6, . bc'cairit ild-rmed at" Coast's leading football ref(jree, Herb t)ana, is spleiing. on'gridit'oh dope for thft . hou^eWi . for' Wheaties brealcfaist' ceceaV, which; started series over NBC's KlplO net- work last Wedn.cMay (20^^^^^ First time fbotball . ihas.- been brought to .. ppmmttclal tiaa' of the .housewife; arid i:' " • ' paper to 'get ■ -vif',. i^ny>yi!ere,,. any time." That was abpiit thii only inStructiPn issued by Sime. But this is the: ivitiggs' Sl.d' nor aiiy Pt the^ editPts but the, Muggs aire hJiridling" this sitpry. about Sime; !The Old - • His, •monument ;- . .VAincT:t = Slme's mPniimoijLt. When, as in the last few Sime was SPmething akin, editor-emeritus;; (what does, • that mean any wAy) a,nd: Id anif the. mugirs wc!re running the/sheet, Sime In the abSttact was ySs vital ■ a shadow,.. ,;guidance tp .every stnnrbr" _ . _ Tit€nrKcyv?rsTT!rtPillr" contin-up;'- to ^ v- .''; Sime left for HPllywood six^^d^ before he died." He ^eht tor hia health, -rhe lyint^r before he .spent in Galifornia^ dlHdirig his time ' twtien Palm Sprltigs. iini Los Aa^^ geles. jwlhtcr .befdre: that he was algtf 1' " iPailm'' SipHngs- > Only last year; he thPijght he had fPund therightineiJiod-pf.curing Ic bronchial cph.d>ti6ri. . He left 'New York Satiirds|,y (liS), iri-iyPd in' Hoilywood the fdUowihg Tuesday (t9); • Thur^^ nlgbt he wivs in .fine .spl' He • tele^ phoned, is wife • , son in New- YprH . ' : h^ tiad gained pbu , : irtihff pijft;. .;" .was tialdng in .a preyiew, Thelfiext mid- day he vas;fpund dead'oh the bath- room floor bC: the Ilptel AinbiassadPr, I^bs. Arigeles, suUp."^ ' ; . ' ' Arthur .;TJngar, VAniirrr coast edl-. tor,; and ;Ben- t'la;z7,a, . itetro; studio cb^t^'t•e^,^■. ' itli .:Wl»om' ; Sime -' .had the delay •and. wtint -tipstaltsU ih- vcstl" Incidentaiiy, ^Jngar be- ..came a ■rnedicaii casp through a mild heart attack : ■ri.ycbvering Sime in .so tragic a circumstanbe.. l^ngar viras in: surtclently gppd .shairc to trnvel'- wftii iSlnie's body fi;orn Tf^. A,, to N.' tli'e fPllowing day (Cpnti .'Pn rjage 60) V