Variety (Sep 1933)

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VARIETY P I CT E GROSSES Tuesday, September 26, 1933 Overseated Frisco in B.O. Batfle, i, 'Goodbye' 20G -San Fra,nGlaQp, Sept. 25.; The war Is pn. TsTever in this his- torji of Frlgco has cbmpetillori been BP BtifC and never has, there ;heeh bo jnuoh hope for. the sock Bhpws; so; little for the weak- sisters.- With eight first run , houses downtown the. burg's - total of seats Is brought to approximately 100,000 for a total population x)f .660,000; nieahlng oiie se^it to every six San Flranciscans, and; also nleaning that the town is plenty over-seated. It's queistiohable. if ■ the friendly spirit of c6-pperation that has.charr acterlzed the past ..will" conttAue, That low. 40c. admish of the .Or- pheum has ifeveryone keeping an eye ■ pn. thait hoUse;' 'And if .the. Grph sails, to the grosses Marco and :!V^ag- iion hopei^ it . may mean a lowering of tariffs for Fox-West Cdast, HKO, and TJA. alike.. Meianwhlle,' the problem is to hold up the. quality of all shows.- Any name that might draw: . own sal- ary and a. little imore ia a cinch for bpoking in Frisco. Any unique idea, ' any ' campaign, any freak booking thait has a dollar and cents sigrn on it, will find open arms ,and purses. Because, it's a battle now, let the'' weak ones fall where they may. It lookis like no on0 will suffer this week,.. except the naborhpbdS; Vhich aire boUnd to takes It on the --«hln' because of the downtown at- tractions. ■ Beyond a doubt, the total Market street tf ttendiince this stanza will be something of a record, and the total first run take is a cinch —to-hHr^t-least-$80;000T-^ " — : Of, this $11,500, meaning 40^000 people, is likely for the Orplieum, which got iinder yfay Friday (22) with Faiichon & M^rco and Bill • Wagrton'operating.. With 'Headline Shooters* and a bl^ stagre show.; headed by Rube Wolf, Mitchell and Duraht, and >"'&M's 'Ballet in; Blile' house is off ; to a gbpd start and 111,600 is just about capacity. 'Lady for a Day* is no less a flock for ORKO's Golden Gate, whfere take has been exceptionally , fine and building daily since opening. Co- lumbia'film; has had extra plugging,' and May Robsoh took a bow first night to get it going', and it's been gathering momentum-since. Texas Guinah, as rough ftnd ready as Frisco likes 'em, is the Warfield's bait along witlv 'Goodbye Again* on stage. Tex is drawing 'em in, and the hbuse is holdirig up to the ex- ceptionally fine average it has es- tablished these past months. Then there's Edward 6. Robin- son in 'i Loved a Woman' at the Pan Robinson'^ the Romeo this time, not the tough guy,, and that means less dollars for him; still the Paramount is getting its fair share of the natives', dough. Natoorhood Fox El Capltan piayr ing Caghey. in 'Mayor of Hell* but thre days, dumping it Monday in favor of 'Gold Diggers of 1933,' slat- ed tp do 11 days. Estimates for This Week Embassy (F<WC)—'Dr. Bull' (Fox). After good week at the Warfleld okay here at $5,000. 'Tugboat An- nie' (MG) after two big weeks at the Par got $6,000, not bad. Fox (Leo) (5,000; 15-25)—'Plati- num Blonde' (G61) and 'Wives Be- ware.' Hai'low in a reissue, a life- saver, getting $7,000. Last week's 'One Year Later' (Mono) and 'His Private Secretary' (Coop), fair $7,000. Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 30-40- 65).--'Lady for a . Day' (Col) and .vaude." A wow, and $16,500 is sweet- est biz here in sonSe weeks., Last week 'Her First Mate' (U) wound up with iairlsh 11 grand, Orpheuni (F&M) (2,800; 25-40)— ^Headline Shooters' (RKO) and stage "show with Rubo Wolf, Mitch- ell and Durant, .others. Opening stanza with much publicity, stars, etc., sending house to possible. $11,- 600, which is a iotta dough at such prices. ■ ■' ■ Paramount (FWC) (3,700; 30-40- ,B5)—'I Loved a Woman' (WB); Robinson, not the rPugh one they like here. Only $10,0b0i below, ex- pectations. Last, week 'One Sunday Afternoon' ,(Par> .sagged to $5,600/- St..Franci5 (FWC) (1*500; 25.-40) -—'Chan's Greatest Case' <Fox) and 'Herbies for Sale?:- (WB). ; Barthel- mess and Charlie . Chan niean-aver-- age biz of $7,000. It wds about the same last week bri 'Shanghai Mad- ness' (Fox) and 'Midnight Cliib' (Par). United. Artists (1,400; 25-35-60)— 'This Day and Ago' (Par) (2d week). A feathei'welght. take. $4,000. on slix =day.3,:^wJiile=jEli^-:atahza=gotiA):flun^ $8,000. . . Warfield (FWC) (^,700; 35-55-65) ^'(Soodbye Again' (WB) with stage show- topped by Tex (3Uinan and gang. Guinan's a Frisco natural and sending house to. around $20,000. Last week Anson Weieks and "his Hotel Mark Hopkins band, with 'Penthouse' (MG) on sci'6en, smashed an attendance record for the year—$25,000—and kept buildingr each day until the last session was bigger than the first. PORT'S B.O.^S BULLISH, TILGRIMAGE' BIG 6G Portland, Ore., Sept. 26 All b. Ov;biz is better' and picking up' steadily wheriever good .product w^arrants additipiial exploitation P'arker's' Broadway went over the top with 'Moonlight and Pretziels' in a .big way> Pic Was suppleimented by style, show stage unit, which got extra attentioh. 'Masqueradler' somewhat disap- Parker's United Artists. I*Jc grossed well for ohe good week, but failed to hit a mark that -war- ranted ' holding. UA npw has 'Three Cornered" Mbbni' and 'that ,c.omedy pic is getting, along briskly, and will dose strong. 'Morning Glory', is getting big re- sults in its second ..week at'the Miislc Box. Hepburn, pic connected from the start ahd. never slackened its "b. o.: pace .ailjthrpugh th.e flrgt week. May hold rbr three. 'Head- line Shooters' at the ' Oriental got along well and .fpllow.ed. 'Flying Devils'; hitting, an average. Liberty having success with its limped admish.;' 'Pilgrimage' Is hold- ing this house in line with improved bizi. Last week 'Tarzan' gbt strong matinee biz, bUt fell off hites. Vaude helps iat this house. Practically no oppbsish in the burg. ill McCurdy planning to bring road shows into thie Play- house; house dark, at present. Estimates foW Thin WtimU Broadway (iParker) (2^000;. 25-40) —'Penthouse' (MG). Looks good and will hold this house up to itis high average, around $6,000. Last week 'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U), with stage style show,, and Clicked splen didly for $7,800. United Artists (Parker) (1,100; 25-40)—"Three Ciorhered Mooia' (Par), Getting along nicely for an okay $6,000. Last week 'The Mag- querader' ;(UA) connected for the strong week at $4,700, but not enough to. hold. Music Box (Hamrick) (1,500; 26- 40)-—'Mprhing Glory' (RKO). Good second week, around $3,500. First splendid at $5,900. t Oriental (Hamrick) (2,600; 25-36) —'Fyihg Devils' (RKO). Getting isbme attention and should close for good enough $3,000. . Last week 'Headline Shooters' (RKO) jusjt av- erage at $2,700i Liberty (Evergreen) (2,000; i25- 40)-^'Pllgrimage'. (Fox) and vaude. Oif with .big strides and ghould close strong around $6jO0O, Last week 'Tarzan the Fearless' (Prln) and vaUde Aveil exploited, - got okay $4,600. (Par) missed out on younger ele- ment With light $13,600. Palace (Loew). (2.363; 16-26-36- 60-60)—'Pilgrmage'. . (Fox). Disap- pointing, maybe $8,000. Last week 'Paddy* (Fox) held up to. o. k. $11,- 600. Met (WB) (16-26-36-50-60-76)— T Loved a "^oman* (FN). In-second week and -may see fair $3,60Q. Last week hpuse opened after two 'weeks redecorating and played same pic to nice $7,900. Columbia (Loew) (15-26*40)— 'Shanghai Madness' (Fox)< Should get.o. k. $3,000. Last week 'The Wrecker* (Fox) acceptable with $2,000. Mpk Temporarily on the Frifz; Dr. BuD'Stands Out with NEW'K ALL HOPPED UP OVER EXCHANGE MOVE Better Pix, Weather C(Hnl)ine for Better Grosses in Capital Washington, Sept. 25.. .Better pictures, closing of open- air spots and cooler weather are starting the annual return to better times. Opening of schools have cut/ into mats, but nights have picked up proportionately. Big thing this Week is !Lady for a .pay' at Keiths. Same stunt as was worked, in N." was staged three days before opening taking" .bid lady newspaper vender and givr ing her 24 hoUrs in. best shops, ho- tels and night clubs. Papers w«nt. for head over heels, with. 'News' giving it three-Column Spread on page one. Result was big bpehing and promise Of a $12,000, week. Pic is backed up with, stage appearance of Art Godfrey, local air announcer, iiiid contest winners. Mot opened last week after re- painting with 'I Lbved a' Woman,'^ and is doing second week •with it. Fox Is celebrating sixth anniversary with ;*This Day and Agei'~ Critics iscoffcd at idea that pic la DeMille triumph, but- were nice to it as en- tertainment. With. Boswell Sisters on stage should sec nice week. ■ Estimates for This Week Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 15-25-35- '5D-60)—'Lady for a Day' (Col). Beautiful bally is resulting'In prom-, iso of big $12,000; Last week 'Bitter Sweet' (UA) went out after six days J,vithJightJJl.aM>i--=.^^ Fox (L.06W) (3,43-l; 15-25-35-50- 60)—^Thls Day and Age' (Par) and vaudo. -Eoswell Sisters helping oh stage. Should see nice $23,000. Last week 'Dr. Bull" (Fox) and MmC. Alda kicked in o. k. $2.1.000. Earle (WB) (2,424; 25-35-50-60- 70) —'Torch Singer" (Par) and vaude^ Phil Spitalny staying week on stage. Colbert getting youth and Phil getting musically curious of all ages. Looks like O; k. $16,000. weelc 'One 'Sunday Afternoon' Newark, Sept. 26. Town Is all pepped up ..over the transfer bf the stock exchange to the Centre Market here. It will benefit directly , the Terminal bUt if it is not stopped by ..laWsiilts and goes through. 100% It means plenty fbr everybody. The Little has opened under the management of Exhibitor's Film Exchange (Fiersteih and Kleinman) with an English' picture, 'Money Talks.*. Has good bookings includ- ing 'Thiinder Over Mexico'. In tWb weeks. Shubert will open shortly with fllmis. Said to be cpntrolled by the Brandts. Rialto Is not set but negotiations, are oh. 'Lady for a Day' at Proctor's should lead with $12,000 which Is great here. Estimates for Thi^ Week Branford (WB) (2,966; 15^06)—T Loved a Woman' (WB). Beautiful Opening but this Robinson opus had Weaknesses and doubtf ul of pulling oyer $10,000 ' wHIch Ts nice. Last week ^Bureau of Missing Persdns' (FN), $10,200. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 15-26-35- 60).—Tugboat Annie' (MG). Film played tWo weeks downtown and this house not sb good With a single feature. Maybe ovei?: $4,000, Last week 'Mary Stevens, M. D.' (WB) and 'Three-Cornered Moon' (Par) grand at $5,000. Little (Indie) (299; 36-66)— 'Money Talks" (HK & A). Prices maybe, a little high save-for sensa- tions. Starting slowly and maybe $650. Loew's State (2,780; , i5-76)— 'Broadway to Hollywood' (MG) and vbde. Nice opening , but, hardly $11,000 expected; Last week. 'Mas- querader* (UA) okay with nearly $14,000. Newark (Adams-Par) (2i248; 25- 99)—'Song of Songs' (Par) aind vode 2nd week). No smash holdover but looks as If . it might go over $8,000, okay If so. First week fine at $16,300. Proctor's (RKO) (2,300; 16^25-30- 40-55)—'Lady for a Day' (Col). Go- ing, great and can hardly fail to swing $12,000 even at these prices. Last week 'One Man's JoUrney' (RKO) okay at nearly $11,000. Terminal (Skouras) (1,900; 15-40) —'Morning Glory' . (RKO) and ■ Flaming Gbld' (Fox)i New policy brings with It prices cut to 25c mats and 40c nites. Should be around $3,400. Last week 'Shanghai Mad- ness' (Fox) and 'Last TraU' (Fox) good at $4,800. TADDY'LIHELY $7,000; MONT^L LO OKS GOOD Mphtreal, Marie Dressier pictures repeat in this town : and pay - plenty at that, so His Majesty's has a second, week of 'Dinner at ight' at $1.60 top and can look for a further $8,000. Pal ace tried 'Tugboat Annie' for an- other seveii days and got away with $7,ooo: Weather conditions.. have been ideal for pix and this town is well away to a reasonably good fall sea son with strong, hints of vaude com ing back to Lbew'^ about mid-Oc tpber, follpWIng. a nieeting bf Fa mpus Players' big shots at that the atre Thursday (21). This house has dbhe poor biz on pix alone and .needs varietyi Palace is showing 'Paddy' with Gaynbr-Baxter combo liable to pull in up to $7,000: Capitol brace 'Pll grlmiage' and 'Charlie Chan's Great- est case' should get $6,000. Loew's •Emergency Call' and 'Turn Back the Clbck.' which may do better than , average at $6,000. Princess goes British, showing 'Soldiers of the King*, and 'Sally Bishop* With fair chances on week-end outlook of $6,600. Imperial has *La Pleuvre, maybe $2,300. Clnenia de Paris ends long run of 'Gars de'la Ma rlne' and tries out 'Mr. Quick* fOr a jprobaMa. ^,80n.._--:^ - ' Nabes are beginning to look a little livelier with a, few more of them out of the red. Estimates for This Week His. Majesty's (Ind) (1,600; 50- 1.50). 'Dinner at Eight' (MG) (2d week). Good for a; further $iB.000 aftei} last week's $10,000. Palace (FP) (2.700; 60), 'Paddy' (Fox). . Gaynbr-Baxter duet sure to brinig .in the femmes and may get $7,000, good enough. Last week's repeat of, 'Tugboat Annie' <MG) held up Well at $8,000. Capitol (FP) (2,700; 60), 'Pilgrim- age^ (Fox) and 'Charlie CJhan's Greatest Case' (Fox). Around $6,000, fair. Last week 'One Sun- day Afternoon' (Par);and 'This Day and Age' (Par) had gbod reception ar. $7,000. Loew's (FP) (3,200; 50), 'Turn Back the Clock* (MG) and 'Bmer- •gency Call' (Fox). May gross $5,000. Last week 'No Marriage Ties' (RKO) and 'Rig Brain! (RKO), $4,000. Princess (CT) (1,900; 50), 'Sol- diers of the King* (Brit) and 'Sally Bishopr (Brit). Maybe $6,500. Last week repeat of 'Lady for^ a Day' (Col)- and 'Dahgerbus; CIrossrbads' (Col), $6,000. Imperial (France-Film) (1,600; 50),. *La Pieuvre' (French). Pretty gbbd $2,300. Last week 'La Belle Aventure' (French), $2,000. ' Cinema de Paris (France-Film) (600; 50), 'Mr. Quick' (French). Up a bit,*$l,800. Last week, fifth of 'Gars de la Marine* (French), $1,250. Denver Still Ga^Ga Over Vandiilm 'Three Cornered Moon' and 'Woman' Plus Acts, Wow $10,500 and 12G Denver^ Sept. 25. . They're Still ga-ga over stage shows with Denham doing, stand- outs every day, sometimes two . and three times daily since going stage shows five weeks ago. .Rush keeps up In spite Of boosting bf tariff. Fpir probably first time In first run history stage shoW. with the addi- tion of . one more act, was held over and better, than ever^ Campaigns by Manager Louis -Hellborn doing Ibt in getting crowds In. Orpheum slightly under last week with better stage show. Holdouts Saturday, opening day, and mighty close Sunday, indicate exceptional Week. Again film gets big share in draw. Boost in tariff seems to have helped here also as .well as at Den- ham. . Night football game Friday ^yith 14,000 gate seems to have made no difference in crowds at any of the stage show houses. ?^eiosing"-= Elltch'^"aniuscTrrcnt==pavir Sunday night shoUid further help downtown theatres. Elltch theatre, which closed month ago; was stiff competition with 75c. t,op. Park better patronized than past two or three years. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 25- 40)^'Bitter Sweet* (UA). Viola K. Lee at the organ. British stars and film made to order for this nabe, $3,000. Last week 'Charlie Chan's Grieatest Chahde' (Fox) iiad a steady seven days and finished with a good $4,500. Denham (Hellborn) (1,500: 25-30- 40)^'Three-(^ornered Moon' (Par) and stage show. Wow biz here, $10,500. Getting to be the talk of the town. Holdouts.-jind nuthin' else but. Last week 'Song of Songs' (Par) and stage show packed' them in and turned crowds away to the tune of $9,600. Both held an esttra day; Denver (Huffman) (2,500; 2i5-30- 50)^'Pr. Bull' (Fox). Edna Dodd at the organ. Wiir Rogers' pulling at. par,. $6,000. Last week 'Beauty for Sale' (MG) felt the severe com- petition of the Orpheum and Den- ham and was pulled after six days, a .poor $3,500. Orpheum (Huffman) (2,600; 35- 40.-55)—'I Loved a Woman' (FN), Fred Schmitt and orchestra with stage show, F. & M. label bn. stage .sliaws^means=:a.-lot-=to-4his^ho^^^ Biz steady and strong, $12,000. Last, week 'Paddy' (Fox), together with the first week of the return of F. & M, stage shows, packed them and copped close to $14,000. Paramount (Huffman) (S.OOO; 25- 40)—'Disgraced'* (Par),' and 'Mid- night Mary' (MG), split. West Masters 'at the organ. Steady at $3,000. Last week 'Shanghai Mad- ness* (Fox) played to an alppalling emptiness most of the time and closed with a poor $2,700i Minneapolis, Sept. Gbmparatlvely weak line-up bf attf-actions is a drag on grosses cur^ rently, Aside from 'Dr. Bull' (Fox) at the State, and 'Tarzan' at> the Orpheum, there Isn^t anything in the loop calculated to arouse, the fans from. their spending lethargy. This foUpws a succession bf good weeks. Win Rogers rates ace high as a draw here and. the State will have no difflculty In leading the field this week. But If early indications are any criterion, takings will be far from sensational.. Helped iby Its title and cast names, 'Beauty for Sale' has been luring sbme f.§minlne paitronage into the Century. Uhfavorable reviews, though: . 'Maedchen In Unliform^ rah a scant two weeks at the World, tiuite a contrast tp' the 21 weeks'^^ engage^ ment bf Its predecessor, 'Be Mine Tbnight.' Reluctance of Jewish trade here to buy anything bearing a German trademark Is regarded as a factor In this comparative fIoi>. Incidentally, the World apparently Is fighting .shy of German pictures for the present, with a return Of the Swedish ■'Warmlannlngarna* current and French atid British pic« turies. underiliied. Estimates for this Week State (Publlx), (2,200; 40)7 'Dr. Bull' (Fox). Will Rogers a magnet here, but picture no World-beater. Should breeze through to neat $10,- 000. Last week 'Paddy the Next Best Thing' (Fox), |8,000. Pretty g<u>d.. Orpheu.nrt <SInger) (2,890; 40),- Tarzan the Fearless' <Principitl). roungsters are flocking here and isome family trade also beliig brought in. Opened Saturdaiy, In- stead of Friday, to give 'Lady fpr a Day' (Cbl) an extra day. That means six days' run. May hit $6,- 000, big. Last weiek 'Lady? $13,- 000 for eight days. Big. Century. (Publix) (1,600; 40), 'Beauty for Sale' (MGM). Fair ar- ray of cast names and sexy title, assets. Critics lukewarm iand that isn't helping. Maybe $3,500* fair. Last week 'One Sunday Afternoon' (Par), $2,400, pioor. World (Steffes)- (300; 50-75), 'Warmlannlngarna' (Swedish). Did heavy business for. three Weeks when presented at .this hpuSe before and. this return engagement also gives promise:of clicking, May hit $2,000, good. Last weelc, second and last week of 'Maedchen in Uni- form* (Fllmchblce), $1,200 after $1,B00 first week. Fairly good, but bel.ow expectations' cbnsidering cri- tics* I*d>VGS Uptown' (Publix) (1,200; 35), Hold Tb.ur Man* (MGM). About $2,600 in prospect. Pretty good. Last Week 'Stranger's Return* (MGM), $2,600. Good. Lyric (Publix) (1,300; 25), 'Pil- grimage' (Fox). Good enough audi- ence, picture, but no cast names that spell box-ofldce. Looks like around $2,0(^0. .Light. Last week 'Captured' (WB), $2,200. Grand (Publix) (1,100; 25), 'Col- lege Humor' (Par) and 'I Loved. Tou Wednesday* (Fox.), second loop runs and split. About $800 indi- cated, Light. Last week 'When Ladies Meet' (MGM), $900, Fair. Second run. Aster (Publix) (900; .25), 'The Nuisance' (MGtM), 'Gambling Ship* (Par) and 'Goodbye Again' (FN), first two second-runs; latter, first- run. Split, Around $500 indicated. Light. Last week 'Bed of Roses' (RKO), 'Narrow Corner' (I*N), .sec- pnd runs, and 'To; the LaSt ManT (Par)," spirt/;$5jD0. '^iLrght.' ' Vaude Scale Up 15c; lady for Day' $2,000; Noncombustible Torch' Lincoln,. Sept." 25. With two vaudefilmers running full blast here, there^ Isn't and hasn't been much, chance ■ for straight pics,- bUt with this week bringing 'Lady for a Day' in at the State, there should be some com- petition . from that soUrce. 'Lady* was screened last week . for the cricks, notables and .weighty gos- slppers about town and, with every window grabbed for bills, the open- ing should be strong. ; Most ipi'cvalcnt hews along the row this week is the departure of Bert Stern from the Lincoln The- atre Corp.^^nd his schedule d return ^ to (DltTahbnia City, "from whence" ho came about a year ago. Ho is be- ing replaced by Norman Preggef, another man from. OC, to look over the publicity and manage the Lin- coln, ^> With the advent of vaude at the/ Lincoln last week, the top adm/^s ;umped from 25 to 40 cents, which leaves the Orph still in the price- appeal favor since the two-bit piece is still large enough there. Orph gets Tracy Brown for its stage (Continued on page 62)