Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday* September 26, 1933 i» I CT VARIEtY II Comparative Grosses for September [ — . —^ t Total grosses during 8e|>terhber for tbwn and houses listed as previ- ously reported weiBkly. Dates given are the closing clay of the week. NEW YORK CAPITOL MS. 406; 39-72.83- fl.lDrll.OS) l^igh.$110,400 iLow>. 16,000 PARA- MOUNT ;(8,BS3; 85-65-76) iHigh, $95,000 Lew.. 14,000 MUSIC HALL <6,045; 86-6S-76) High. $115,000 1.0W.. 48,000 ROXY (6,200; 26.35-66) High.$173,600 7,000 : MAYFAIR .<2,200: 86-50-66) iHigh. $53,800 ■ Low.. 3,500 STRAND <2,e00: 80-66-76) :Hlgh. $78,800 Lew.. 6.500 AUg. 24 Tugboat Annie $62,800 3-Cornered: Moon $37,800 Pilgrimage $77,000 Tarzan, the Fearless $2».060 Faithful Heart $6,306 Mary Stevens $15,800 ,(2d week) Aug. 31 Tugboat Annie $46,000 C2cl week) 3-Cornered Moon $33,000 .(2d week) Morning Glory $101,000 (45-65-86C Top) Blarney Kiss $121,600 Police Call $7,600" Captured $26,700 Sept. 7 Turn Back the Cloctf $35,000 Day. and Age $27,506 Paddy $83,000 Flying Devils $21,600 Police Call $6,600 (2d week) Captured $14,700 (2d week) Sept. 14 - B'way to Hollywood $40;000 One Sunday Afternoon $38,500 One Man's Journey $102,900 Her First Mate $28,000 Have Lived $7,600 Good-Bye Again $15,000 CHICAGO WASHINGTON Sept. 7 Captured $16,0.00 .Turn Back the Clock .$l«.oo6 Morhrng: Glory. $12,500 Spng of Songs $12,500 Laughing at Life $3,000 Sept. 14 CINCINNATI —PROVIDENCE 'Penthouse' 12G h Cincy; Grand Cincinnati, Sept. 26, Chiliy weather indu'cihg a zip In general biz of celluloid 'emporiuihs along main lanbs. Of the current screen, features, 'Penthouse' is thd b. o. leader. ..'Didctor Buir has thd Lyric restored to the . important money division, from which it was absent for some weeks.. Pa,lace, vaudefilm, is feeling want this week of . trade-bringing names on screen and stage, (irand is being greatly enlivened by 'Tarzan the Fearless,' peaches and cream among juves.. Strand, indie, has retaken to the fleid with. its owhers the operators. Has pop family pictures and vaude policy. Management showed evir dence of seriousness by .'.investing, .more than 50 grand In, Improving the theatre. Estiniates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,300; 35-44)— •Penthouse' (M(i). Warner Baxter iand expert support In a play of. wide appeal fetching $12,000, good. Last week.'Torch Singer' (Par), $8,600, mild. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 35-44)-^ 'Brief. Moment' (Col) knd vaude. William Demarest topping. Stairt indicates $10,060, tolerable. Last week 'Moonlight and Pretzels' (U) and Lillian Miles headlining stage. $12i000, good. Lyric (RKO) (1,394; 25-44)— doctor- Bull'- -(-FoK^.-- WIH-Rogers- corrallng $9.000,. the . biggest : take: for this house -in weeks.. Last week 'Shanghai Madness' (Fox) dropped to $4,000, poor. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 35-44)— 'Beauty for Sale* .(M(J). Biringing $7,600, fain Last week 'Lady for a Day' (Col), $11,000, luscious. Keith's (Llbson) (1,600; 60-44)— •This Day and Age* (Par). DeMtHo production and .spectacle proportion loud speakered in extra ads. Ih line for $6,560, fair. Last week 'Bu- reau of Missing Persons' (WB), $4,- 700, mild. Grand (RKO) (1,026; 20-25-30-36) —^'Tatzan the Fearless' (Priri). Lur- ing swarms of kiddies to' tune Of $3,300, hurrah. . Last. week 'Her Bodyguard' (Par) and 'Don't Bet on Love'. (IT); split. $1,700. slow. Family (RKO) (1.000; 20-30)— 'Man Who Dared' (Fox), 'Dfeyil's in Love' (Fox), and 'Professional Sweetheart: (RKO), second runs, split. Not over $1,400, sorry, while only $1,200 last week with 'Zoo in Budapest' (Fox). 'It's Great to Be Ajlive' , (Fox), and, 'Mama Loves Papa' (Par), split repeats. Strand (1,000; 25-35)—'Laughing at Life' (Mascot) and. five acts of, vaude, booked by Gus Sun, with Sid Lewis as headliher. House has.heen re-d el; o f a 16 d, - refurnished ahd equipped with, cpoiing system at cost of $50,000 or more. Harry Will- sey's' 7-piece band peps overture with original vocal Interlude num- ber that makes for intimacy With family trade. Vaude lineup n. s. h. General improvement and locatloh of theatre good for at least $3,200, tame. Better stage talent will in- crease, biz. (C'ontiiiuod :jn 'HARMONY' VERY MUCH SO, WOW 36G IN B'KLYN rboklyn, Sept. 15.. The Jewish holidays; Influenced btisincsa at the downtown box of- flceSi There was, a considerahlo spurt In attendance at all houses. , Paramount, o.fferIrig '.Too Much Harmony' (Par) and long stage show, should do $36,000,. splendid. Strand is doing well with 'Voltaire' .(WB), $11,000. , Estimates for This Week , Paramount (4,000; 26-35-55-65) — 'Too Much Hartnohy' (Par) an.d stage show, with RItz TBrqthers and Sid Gary. A dandy $36,000 or better in view. , week 'Three Cornered Moon? (Par) did $19,300, tory. Fox .(4,000; 25-35-50)—'Secret of Blue Itoom' (U) and Stage .shoWj with AUiit .Jemima copping honorti, JjHoUk like . a good $1,1,000. Last woek 'Moonlight and Pretzelf)' fU), with ]>av(! Ilutton oh .st-i;?*.', pro- ijuc ;fr$21,000, n ri•^_ _^ . _ ."""ATboir f:r5'fjlT".2nrTn-^7r^'T'^^ an<l Cilory' (Vnx). ;vn'l vx'j'K'. Ex- pi'Otf'd to do $20,100, ok'iy. hXHt Wf'.ck 'JjMily for i D'ly' (11) .i.rid yaude, iis.yoo. Loew's. Metropolitan (2,100; 25- 35-50)—-'IJvMUty for H.-iIt':' fM<») :\ntl vaudf,'. IJurn.s .lri<J All*.»n on .sfafje. ^'^f^]>h^• $);)0<i'), tnlM. Lust Wtv^k 'I'<inth')iJ....;' (Mt!) 'li-i .J23.000. Strand fS.OOO; 2.1-!55-'50)-—' Vol- tip'' (W'V.). A >ii:>'l $11.')()0 J/iist v.-'--); '(;,.l»)y,. Aii'Jin' fKN) did ^10,-'JO'), n'liyi.