Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday, September 26, 1933 PICT E S VARIETY 27 Comparative Grosses for September (Continued from page 11) SAN FRANCISCO 1st Yiddish Musical •Jewish Follies of 1934,' first Tld- dish muslcaL la being completed by Jewish Talking Picture Co. In New TOrk. About the most ambitious Yiddish talker yet made, the cast comprises a healthy list, of Second Ave- nue (N. T/a Bast. Side) favor- ites headed by the late Cantor Joisef Rosenblatt (inserted from a, •previeus ^lip^r^rjosei;. Bui off, M an-. ashe Skulnick, Boris Rosenthal and Meyer Machtehbergrs Symphony Choir. Sydney Golden is directing a:nd Sitn Rosen In charge of pro- duction.' FRISCO BURNS DENVER DENHAM (1,500; 25-40) High. $10,000 Low.. 2^000 DENVER (2.500; 25-35-60) High. $27^00 Low.. 3.200 ORPHEUM (2.C0(); 23-35) High. $20,000 Low.. 3,750 PARA- MOUNT (2,000 : 25-40) High. $22,000 Low.. 1,700 Aug. 24 Cocktail Hour 12,706 Another Language $9,000 Her First: Mate $4,600 Tugboat Annie $6,600 Aug. 31 Black Beauty and Lucky Devils $2,400 , Mama Loves Papa $6,500 Marriage Ties $6,000 Midnite Mary and Her Bodyguard $3, 000 Sept. 7 Wrecker $3,000 Heroes, for Sale $4;300 Pilgrimage $4,800 Storm at Daybreak $4,600 Sept. 14 Laughing at Life >4,50Q Good-Bye Again $5,000 Professiona Sweetheart $6,()00 Midnite Mary $4,000 TACOMA After Reorg. Par Will Condense Its Theatre Chain to 500-600; Was I Sah Francisco, Sept. 25. Local theatres have a flock of burns agaihst Fanchoii & Marco and W. B. Wagnon, wlip opened the Orpheum this week. One ojC the scorcher Is Fox-.West Cbast's, which holds balance of tw.o yeairs on'a five-year contract with F; & M. .to produce and. book sh6ws at the Warfleld, and book at the liaborhbod El Capitan. Another burn is from Joe Leo's Pox, a block up Marktit street from the Orph. Hoiise has been worry- ing- along with, indie product, un- able to get any of the major stuff except ia few Columbias. Orpheum opened up^ with Radio's 'Headline Shooters' and lias some .Uhlversals set as* well. Situation has forced the Fox into name attractions, first of which is Ted Flo Rito's bahd for an.ihdef time, and with single pic tures instead of duals at the pre vious 15c and 26c. New Fox price is 25c. and 36c. Then there's RKO's"Golden Gate which has first call on JtadiO and U film. House didn't mind the Orph'is getting those pix so much, but When Radio studios sent up Wheeler and Woblsey, Rosco Ates, Joel McCrfea, Frances Dee, PertKel ton and Helen Mack to take bows opening day, thait ~ was the final straw. " RKO's own stars at the Orph helped put a dent . in RKO's owii house, the Golden Gate, which started oft splendidly with 'Lady for a Day' but felt the opposish on Friday (22). Price Cuts,. Too ■ But bad as those burn-ups have been,, the. prize one is on the price bituatipn,,. There'? not a house in town, whether it be F-WC. RKO, UA or ihdie, that 'doesn't feel the brpheum's admish of two bits mat- inees and, 40c. for nights isn't below the belt. Frisco managers have always prided. themselves on hbldihg prices up, bringing into play that good old fraternal spirit of co-operation un- der which all agreed to forego slashing. Warfield and Gate have maintained a 65c. top .for stage show-pix oiferings, Paramount and Embiassy 65c., and United Artists four bits. Nearest non-conformists have been the two. double-bill •hoiises. Fox 'St, Francis with 41*0. and indie Fox with 26c. Situation fpi-shadows ah era. of the, most, vigorous competition Frisco has ever seeii. itis , final reorganization, Para^ land close" enough to the home ot-r mount Plans to settle, down perma-. pee in the opinion of Parites.: to bo . ... . \. , 4. I operated directly, ias now, ■nently-w^ a-ch^in of between 500 ^^he" permanent -group of-theatres and. 600 theatres, as a:gaihst the Uviii still leave Par the largest ih- one-ti'me high of 1,500. The cpni-I dividual' producer-distributor chain, pdny believes that a maximum bi, owner, with Warners ranking secr . . , f^ ' A-i. . ond. Of the Par properties remain- 600 houses IS enough for any Pro- 1^,^ .^j^^ p^^^^g^^^^^j^^ and New ducer-distributor to control, even .England chains are cohsidered its though the actual operation, may | niost valuable, be confined largely to local part- nersJ In 1929- Par reached j^ts peak of .' 1,562 theatres, according . ah pf- fi.Cial count at that time. Rut for a minority all ■ were operated directly by Par's theatre subsidiary,' Pnb- lix, whereas under the scheme the between 600 and '.eoo wpUld be almost, completely under the man- agement .jUriadictibn of partner- ships drawn for. the purpose. (The plan- calld for partnership^ over everything but about 15 'the- ittres'which are in New York state ^P HI L ADE L PHIA ^ Sept. 7 Don't Bet ...on -Lovel, $11,506 Sept. 14 Big ^ .Executive $13,500 Studio Placements VERNA BURKE RADIO FAVORITE Appearing; at Fox, St. Louis, Mo. (Week of September 29) .Under Personsd Maiuusament of W.T, IRKEBY 1775 Brbadwayji New York Circle 7-«107' INDIES Los Angeles, Sept. 26.. icture theatre priCe slashing war' which would reverberate throughout Southern California may be precipitated by a combina- tibh theatre-admission-aLnd-street' car-ride pass piroposition now be fore the California State Railroad Commission for action. Beneficiaries of the deal, agaihst which over 100 other picture housies are actively arrayed, would be the Fanchort and. Marco operated Para.-, mount, the Tower and the Lps Angeles, in a tieup With the Lod Angeles Ralilway. company. Disputed combo-pass provides one admish to each- of the three houses specified, besides unlihiited street car rides in the seven cent downtown L. A., zone, for a "flat $1.25 per week. Threat that granting of bination ra,te would Inevitably re suit in box office war was made by spokesmen for the. Independent Theatre Owners of Southern Cali- fornia before the Railroad Commis- sion hearing here. Thursday (21). Discri ination Charge Fox West Coast and Warners joined some 100. members of the ITOA in protesting permission fpr the deal, characterized by the rail road company as a six months' ex- perintient.- Opponehts'~"brought out tiiat 51o- of the $1.25, considerably less than the combined admissions of the three Involved houses, would be split amoKg Fanchon & Marco, the "Tower and the Los Angeles. • This in effect Would be pric?e cut ting by the theatres, or rebating by the railroad, or. disguised dlscrim ination, as Charles. W. Buckley, at- torney for' Fox West Coast, argued, together with, W. W. Clary, and R. D. Whitspn, who' apjieared for the independent exhibs. EMERY DEUTSCH iand His Gypsy Violi Profiit Every Week With InSevior Films Thai's the Vnpreeedented Becord of CAMDEN DBIV£-IX THJEATRE 11 ^IT IN YOUR CAR 5f[AHDWfARlUtM0V|[^ Operated Under TJceiue Granted by. PARK-IN THEATRES, Inc. 330 J/fi 7th St., Camden. .N. J. U. 8. Pat.'l,9d9,537—fjor*la« Pat Pending Write Now for Exclusive Territories I MORE THAN AN M.C. A SHOW IN HIMSELF STAN AT THE PARAMOUNT BROOKLYN INDEFINITELY AND HIS ORCHESTRA . Packing the house with original bvertures. . '.. WARFIELD THEATRE SAN FRANCISCO INPEFINITEJ^Y Louise Carter, James Flavin, B, F. Zeldman. musIcaU U. Dorothy Grailnger, 'Cat and Fid- dle,' Metro. Tenen Holtz, 'Fire Chief/ Metro. Charles Wilson, 'Roman Scan- dals,' UA. Emll Chautard, 'Man of Two Worlds.' Radib. . Sterling Hpllbway, . Jackie Searle, Rosco Karns, Willla,m. Austin, 'Alice in Wonderland,' Par. - Harry C4r.ey, Barton MacLane, Blanche Frederlcl, Buster Crabbe, 'Thundering Herd,' P'ar. Complete cast. 'The Fog/ Col; ^aEy^Brlan,=Reftlnald=.Dcnny;J3on=: (Continued bn page 59) Now Appearing at the ORIGINAL ROXY, New York Paddy $21,000. Doutiio Harness $'J2.000 CSi.-ii:'^ Show) Paddy $1C,000 (2(J week) 3-Cornered Moon $22,000 (Coniiniicil oh p ii;'' *>2) This Week RKO HILLSTREET, L. A. Weeks of Oct. 1 and 8 FOX RITZ, HOLLYWOOD Week Oct. 15 (Return Date) UNITED ARTISTS, PASADENA ! A Box Office Psychic WANTED Capable Press Agent and Advarice Man