Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesdayt September 26, ;193S PICTURES VAKIETT OF CURRENT RELEASES studio*! Pathe Studios, Culver Clty» Allied Offices: 729 Seventh Av«., 4^|iiea Now York, N. Y. Dude BandItt The. WeBtern story oif retribution. Hoot Gibson. Dir. Melford. 66 mips. ReL May 1. Rev. June 27. Ighting Parson, The. Hoot Gibsoni ls mistaken for a revivalist. Marcellne Day, Ethel Wales. Dir. Harry P'raz6r. 66 mlns. Rel. May 22. Rev. — jMB-ri. '- ^ : ■ -y'.i ■ ■ . —■•—-— . —^ - ' ■ •. Shriek; In the^lght^ A. Mjratery murder story, Ginger Rbgera, Lyle Talbot. Arthur Hout. Dir. Albert Ray. 66 ihlns. Rel, AprU 16. :.ReVi July 25. Harold Auteii B>ay. Companion Wanted. RpmaniCe with music ariia slnglne, vlsuallzinB the dream of a spirited young girl. Anhtibella, Jean Murat, Duvalles. Dir. Joe .May. . ?8 mlns. Rel; June-3. Rev. June 6, Footsteps in the ,Nlght. Based on. the mystery novel by Mrs.^ C. iYaser Sim- son. Myatery story of a rudely interrupted honeymoon. Benlta Hume. Dir. Maurice Elvey. .. 59 mlns. Rel. April 18.. Rev. May 16. Savage Gold. Commander iDydtt's thrilling adventures with savage hunters. Comm.. Dyott. Dir. Commander George Dyott. 67 mlns.^ ReV. Aug. 8, Woman in BondagiB. Triangle story with new sides. Betty Stockfleld. bwen Nares. Dlr; Basil Dean. 72 mlns. Rel. Nov. 19, 1933. : 1540 Broadway, New York, N. Y. By Appolntmeht Only. (Invincible.) A man's man who was a .woman's doc-, tor.. Lew^ Cody, Sally O'Neill, Alleen Pringle. Dir. Frank Strayer. 66 mlns. Rel. July 7. Dance, Qlrl, Dance. Musical drama. .Alan blnehart; , Ada May. Dir. Frank Strayer. 69 mlns. Rel. Sept. 1. I Have Lived; A girl's attempt to live down her past. Allan Dinehart, Ahlta Pagia, Allen Vincent; Dir. Rich. Thorpe. 66 mlns. Rel. June 16. Rev. Sepf..:i2. • ■■ ■ ; ■•■ M,an of Sentiment. How an old man holds a family together. Marian Marsh, Owen Mbdre, Wm. Bakewoll, Christian Rub. Dir, Rich. Thorpe. 67 mlns. Rel. Sept. 16. . i . f Notorious^ But Nice. Story to come. Marian Marsh, Betty Compson, Donald pllloway. Dir. Rich. Thprpe. 67 mlns. ' Rel. Aug. 1. • Chesterfield TheM tabulationa are compiled from infornriatiQn auppiied by the yairieiis production contpanies arid cheeked up ais aeon as possible after release.. ListinQ Is giVen when re* ease dates are definitely set. Titles 'are retained for islx'months. Man- agers who receive : aervice subse- quent to that period should pi*e- sei*ye' a copy of the calendar for reference. The running fime as given here is presumably that of the. projection room showings and can only approx- imate the actual reTeaise length in those states or .communities where; local or state censorship may result in deletions* RimninGI time iri the reviews aa given in 'Variety' carry the actual time clocked in the the- atre, after passage by the New York state censorship, ihce pictures are reviewed only ' actual theatre showings. While every effort-i«-^made to hold thjs list accurate, the information supplied may hot always, be correct, even, though offici To obtain the fullest degree of exactness 'Variety' will appreciate the -operatioh pf all managers who; may note discrep- anci : Qovver at Sunset, in*\liit«kla offices: /29 Seventh Ave., . Hollywood. Cal; , ^OlUinpia New York, N. Y. ..Carver's Profession.: Woman lawyer ssives her husband In a murder trial. Fay Wray. Gene Raymond. ir. Eddie Buzzell. 71 mlns. Rel. May 26. .Rev. June 13. Below th.e. Sea^ A thrilling tale of treasure on the ocean floor. Ralph Bel- lamy, Fay Wray; pin. Al Rojffell. 79 mlns. Rel. April 26... Rev. June .6; riet Moment. - A romance that flared and flickered, ih one. brief, rapturous moment blazing Into a great Ibvc^ Carole Lombard, Geoe Raymond, Monroe Owsley. Dir. David Burtonl CirCiis Qiifeen Mu'rdtir, The. Murder under tlie''big topi' Adolphe Menjou. Greta Nissen. Dir. Roy William NelU. 66 mlns. Rel; April 10. Rev. May 9. . .\' Cocktail Hout^. Girl Illustrator hai'fowly escapeis missing the right man.. Bebe Daniels, Randolph. Scott. Dir; Victor. Schertzlnger, 73 mlns. Rel. June ■B. ReVi'Juhe 6. Dangerous Crossroads. A roaring romance of the rails. Ghlc Sale, Diane Sinclair, Jackie Searle. Dir. Liamhert Hl.llyer, 69'mlns. Rel. June 16. Lady for a Day. It lives the ilveis of its characters, It breathes romance, tears, comedy and unexpected surprises;. Warren William, May Robsbn, Guy Kibbbe. Glendiei F^rrell. Dir. Frank Capra. 102 mlhs; Rev. Sept. .12; Ight of Terror. Bela Lugosl and his haunting eyes—blood-curdling suspense —mysterious, disappearances. ; Bela. Lugosl. Sally Blane. Dir. Benjamin Stoloff, 66 mlns. Rel. April 24. Rev. .June 27. Rusty .Rides Alone^ Tim' McCoy 'curbs crime at every turn with his ever faithful police dog pal. Tim McCoy, Barbara. Weeks. Dir.' p. Ross ° Lederman. .68 mins. Rel. May 26. Soldiers of the Storm. The flrst fllm featuring the UI S; Border Patrol and the part played by planes. Regis Toomey, Anita Page. Dir. D. Ross Ijederman.. 69 mlns. Rel. April .4. Rev, May 23. The Woman i Stole." Jack Holt, a swaggering overlord of the oil fields who outbluffs doublecrossers. Jack Holt, Fay Wray. Dir. Irving Cum mlhgs. 64 mlns. Rel. May 1. Unknown Valley;- A full-of-flght western.drama, replete with unique. situa- tions.- Buck Jones, Cecilia Parker. Dir. Laribcrt HUlyer. 69 mina Rei: May 6. What Price innocence. Story of a girl Who didn't know. Jean Parker, 'Wll- lard Mack. Dir. Wlllard Maok.. 64 mlns. Ruv. June 27. Woman Stole, The. A swaggering overlord of the oil fields. Jack Holt, Fay Wray. Dir. Irvlnig Cummlngs. 69 mlhs. Rel. May 1« Rey. July 4. Wrecker, The. The season's- timeliest story, with the recent California: earth- quake. Jack Holt, Genevieve Tobin. Dir. Albert Rogell. 72. mins. Rel. July 10. Rev. Aug. 8. First Division ^^"'^••^ ?7rtj^?'Y. Releases Also Allied, Chesterfield and Monogram Avenger, The. A district attorney seeks revenge on the gang which 'framed' him to twenty years in prison. Ralph Forbes, Adrlenne Ames, Claude GlUIngwater. Dir. Edward Marin. 78 mins. Rel. Sept.. 16. lack Beauty.- Anna Sewell's famous book. Esther Ralston. Alexander iClrk- land, Gavin Gordon,' Hale Hamilton. Dir. Phil Rosen. 66 mlns. Rel. July 15. Dassah. Life, customs, morals, habits and whatnot as lived by the penguin birds on 'Penquin Island.' Cherry Keartbn produced and directed.. Two running times^ 38 mlhs. ahd 61 mins. Rial. June 15. Devil's Mate. A condemned man, on'the verge of execution, Is mysterlousljr murdered. Peggy .Shannon, Preston Foster. Dir. Phil Rosen. 66 mlns. Rel. Sept. 1. Dude ..Bandit.. A. clumsy cowhand turns to the disguise of a romantic dude bandit and solves a murder. Hoot Gibson, Gloria Shea. Dir. "George^ Melford. 65 mlns. Rel. June 15. Forgotten. A kindly Jewish immigrant father, cast off In his old age by his sons, brings them to their senses. June Clyde, William Collier, Jr., Lee Kohlmar, Natalie Moorhead, Jean Hiersholt. Jr. Dir. Richard Thorpe. 67 mlns.- Hel, May-li --' itive, The. Secret service agents oh the trail of. a half-million, dollar mail robbery: Rex. Bell, Cecilia Parker. Dir. Harry Fraser. 58 mihs. Rel. Sept. 15. V Have Lived. A Broadway stage star Is faceid With blackmailers on the .eve of marriage to wealth and love; Anita Page, Allen Vincent; Alan Dlne^ hart. Dir. R. Thorpe'. 69. mins. Rel. Oct 1. le Bride. A murder suspect Is shipwrecked, with his captorjS, In the Jungles. Anita Page, Charles Starrett Dir. Harry Hoyt and Albert Kelly, C2 mlns. Rel. May 26. Rev. Ma/ 26. Love Is Like That; A seventeen-year-old youngster gets mixed up In.a couple of domestic tangles .and a: near murder mystery. John Warburton; Ro- chelle Hudson, Dir. Richard Thorpe. 65 mins. Rel< May 1. Rev. May 9. Notorious But Nice; Driven from the man she loves, a girl flnds solace In a loveless inarriage with, the king of the underworld. Marian Marsh, Betty Compson, Donald Dillaway, Rochelle Hudson, Dir. Richard Thorpis. 7*. mlnSi Rel. Obt; 15. v liver Twist. The famoils Charles Dickens classic. Dickie Moore, Irving ' Pichel, William Boyd, Aleo Francis, Doris Lloyd, Barbara Kent. Dir. William Cowan. 74 mins. Rel. May 1. One Year Later. A young couple start their honeymoon on a train, and the following year finds them on the train under different circumstances. Maty Brian, Donald DiUiWay, Russell Hopton, Will and Gladys Ahern, Jackie Searl.' Dir. E. Mason Hopper. 05 mins. Rel. Oct. 16. Phantom. Broadcast. A radio crooner attains, phorfey fame when, hla.accbm- panist secretly does his singing for him. Ralph Forbes ..ViviCnne Os- borne. Paulln, Garon. Dir. Phil Rosen. .71 mlns. Rel. Augv 1. Return of Casey Jones. A younig engineer surmdunts his difflcultles through the spiritual influence of the. hero of his boyhood. Charles Starrett. --^=^===Ruur"iisniv"^jaeKi6="searic^^ Rev. July 4. . Sensation Hunters. A college girl'finds hernolf stranded in Panama, Arllne Judge. Marlon Burns, Preston Foster. Ir. Charles VIdor. Rel. Sept. 15. Shriek In the Night. A murder mystery in a swanky Park Avenue apart- .ment house. Ginger Rogers, Lylo Talbot. Dir. Albert Kay. 67 mins. Rel. June 15. Skyways. Adventures of a hot-tempered aviation pilot wlvo gets Into one Kcrape after another. Ray Walker, Katliryn Crawford, Lucien Little- fleld. Dir. Lew Collins. 72 mlns. Rel. Sept. 15. Sphinx, The. A deaf mute and his twin .brother are implicated In a series of crimes wherein four stock brokers are .murdered in the same manner. I^roncl Atwill, Sheila Terry, Paul Hurst. '^\t, Phil Rosen. 62 mins. Rel. July 3. » Fox, San Diego, Once More Stuck Up, $1,500 taken San i)Iego,..Sept. 25. About 9 o'clock iviohdssy Triofn^ Fred McSpadden, Fox manager, stopped his car In tront oif the the- atre. He started to get p.ut, .but a voice halted hlm^ •When we get insldci you tell 'em In there that vve're auditors, see?' apprised the two stickups. He. went into the theatre with th6 l>tLndits— to the business office. Jlmimy O'Toole (publicity), who was .seated at a desk, was ordered to lie on the floor.face down, while his hands and feet, were tied. McSpadden wias. forced lo open the; iBttfe in an adjoining room. . He did so arid the- bandits tied him up .J. W. Bratton, ad ittan,'walked in and soon waA overpowered.- The bandits took |1,500 froni the safe and started t6:leave when .a knock sounded on the door. They Jerked it open. It was Edward Graham, main- tenance man. One bandit drew his gun and The bullet, went through .Graham's arm, .flooring him. ..Graham wfts locked Iki the rppm with the other victimaand the bah« dits escaped in a car parked near the theatre.. So. California 'police are still searching for them. In the last three ydars "Fox. the- atres here have been robbed of al- most $10,000. $65,000 Fire loss Pallas, Sept. 26. Pire Friday (22) morning, after closing, destroyed the Palace, col- ored theatre. Loss placed at $65,000. -^True T. and - P; P. -Thonipson; owners, also operate the I'rue Pllni Exchan.&e. 3LUM'g BAI.TO ARTT Baltimore, Sept. 25. , . . H. A. Blum;, exhib here for. the past 15 years and president of the MPTOA of Mairyla-nd, has taken over the Little, local arty house, and is having it remodeled and re- decorated for openlnjEf in mld-pcto- ber. it*ll get the ArnerlGan pre- miere of"'Ariane' (Anglo-German) ■for its opening. Herman- Weinberg; publicity di- rector for the, house as a German nim theatre past few years, re- mains in the same capacity Under the new niahagemfent. Strange People. Thirteen men and women, twelve of whom recognize each ' other as members of a murder jury. And themselves gathered In the house of the murdered man, near mldnlight of a stormy night. John Darrow. Gloria Shea, Hale .Hamilton. 64 mins. Rel. June 16.: Studios: Burbank, No»SA»*«il 321 W. 44th St., Calif. r lrSl IXaiipnai New York, r*j. y. Bureau of Missing Persons. ,Comedy-drama based on the activities of this little Known department, Bette Davis, Lewis Stone. Pat O'Brien, Allen Jenkins, Hugh Herbert. Dir.' Roy del Ruth. 74 mfns, Rel. !Sept'. 16. Rev.. Sept. li. Central Airport. A trla,ngle In the. avlation game. . Richard Barthelmess and. Sally Ellers, Dfr. Wlliiam. A. Wellinan. Rel. April 16. Rev. May 9. Elmer the Gireat. Baseball'story. Joe E. Brown, Patricia Ellis. Dir. Mervyn ' LeRoy, .64 mlns. Rel. April 22... Rev. May 30. Goodbye Agalnl From the play, .Comedy of a famous, "author who meets up with , an bid flame ^Yho is married. Warren Williams, Joan Blondell, Genevieve Tobin, Hugh Herbert. Dir. Michael Curtiz. '66 mins. Rel. Sept. 9.. Rev. Sept; 5, Heroes tor Sale. Post war activities of American vets. Loretta VoUng. Rei; June 17. Rev. July 26. I Loved a. VVbman, Based on hovel by David Karshe'r. Story of." the affairs of. an .Industrial leader and an operatic star. Edward G. Robinson,- Kay Frahcis, Genevieve Tobin, Dir. Alfred E. Green. 90 mins. Rel. ■.■•Sept. ■■2a. ' ^ " ■ ,. ' Lilly Turner. Side'shows and grlfters. Ruth Ghaftertoh, Geov Brent, Frank" McHugh. Dir. Wm. A.. Wfellnian. 55 mlhs.; Rer; May 13. .Rev, June 20.: Little Glant> The. Robinson aa a comedy L'ansster. E. G. Robinson, Mary Astor. Dir. Roy Del Ruth. 70 mlns, Rel. May 20. Rev.. May 3Q. She Had to Say Yes. Comedy-drama of a 'customer' girl. Loretta Yoiing, Lyle Tallbot, Regis Toomey, Winnie Lightner. Dir. Busby Berkeley and George. Amy. 64 mlns. Rel.. July 15,. . Wild Boys of the Road. Drama of the 'orpiiahs of. the depression.' Frankie Darro, Dorothy Goonan, Rochelle Hudson, Ahn Hovey. 'Dir. William A. Wellman. Rel. Sept. .80. Studio: Fox Hills, '. ITirvv ces: 850 Tenth.Ave.; Hollyyvood, Cat. F OX New York, N Y» : Adorable. Original. Wi^h music. Janet Gaynor, Henry Garat. Dir. VVm. Dieterle. 86 .mins. Rel, May i9. Rev. May 19. Arizona to Broadway.. James ..Dunn, Joan Bennett. Dir.. mlns. Rel, June 30. Rey. July 25. Best .ot Enemies, The. Racial conflict comedy. Buddy Rogers, Marian-Nlxoh, Joe CaWthorne, Frank Morgan. Dir. Rlan James. 72 . mins. ReL June ^^ •23. Rev. July 18. CnarllQ Chan's Greatest- Case^ Another adventure of the Chinese sleuth. I Warner Oland, Heather Angel. Dir. Hamilton MacFiidden. Rel. Sept, 16j Devil's In Love, The. Harry Hervey novel. Foreign legion; yarn. Victor Jory. Loretta. Young, .Ylvienne OsbOrn. Dir. .Wm. Dieterle. 70 mins. . Rel. July 21. Rev, Aug. 1. Doctor Bull. From the novel, 'The Last Adam.' Will ' I)ir> John Ford. 76 .mins. Rel. Sept. 22. Five Cents a Glass., Love, music and beer. Rogers, Marian. .: Rel. . June 30. F. P. 1. .' Futuristic plane landing field In mid-ocean. Conrad'Veldt, Leslie Fesnton. Jill Esmond. Dir. Karl Hartl. 76 mlns; Rel. July 28. Good Companions, The. (British made^) From the Priestly novel of an Eng- . lish concert_tr6upe. Jessie! Matthews. Dir. Victor Savllle. Rel. Sept. 8. Hello Sister. Stage play. Jas. Dunn, Boots Mallory; ZaSu Pitts. 60 mlns. Rel. AprU 14. Rev. May 9. Hold Me Tight. Love In a department store. Jas. Dunn, David Butler, 71 mins.. Rel. May 26. Rev, May 26. I Loved You. Wednesday. Stage play of four tangled lives. Warner Baxter, EUsSa Landl, Victor JOry. Dir. Henry King. -75 mins. Rel. June 16. . Rev, June 20, It's 'Great to Be Alive. An only 'man In a world of beautiful women. Raul Roullen, Gloria' Stuart, Herbert Mundin. Dir. Alfred Werker. 68 mins. Rel. June 2. Rev. July 11. --^ Last Trail, The.. .Zane Gray story. Geo; O'Brien, El Brendel, CI..Ire Tre'vori Dir. James. Timing. 60 mlhs. Rel. Aug. 26. Lite in the Raw. Zane Grey story .Cowboy saves girl's brother from bandit gang. Geo. O'Brleh, Claire Trevor, Greta Nissen; DIf. Louis King. 6^ mlns, Rel. July 7. Man Who Dared,- Tho» Imaginative biography based on life of Anton Ce'rw mak. Preston Foster, Zlta Johann. Dir. Hamilton McFadden. 77 mlns. Rel. July; 14. Rev. Sept. 12. ^ My Weakness. MusIcaU Lilian Harvey, Lew Ayres. Dir. David Butler. Sept; 29. Paddy the Next Best Thing. From the stage play./. Janet Gaynor,-Warner , Baxter. Dir. Harry Lachman. 76 mins. Rel. Atug. 18. Rev. Auig. 22. . Pllgrtmagis. Mother love from a new angle. From the I. A. R. Wiley story; Henrietta Crossmah, Heather Angel, Norman Foster, Marian Nixon. - Dir. JohiTi'ord.. 95 mlhs. Rel. Aug. 18. Rev..July 18.. Power and the Glory, The. Jesse Lasky's 'narratage' story. A man's career In flashbacks. Spencer Tracy, Colleen Moore. Dir. Wm. K. Howard. ,87 mlns. Rel. Oct. 6, Shanghai Madness. Magazine story by F. H. Brennan. River pirates Chinese stream. Spencer Tracy; Fay Wray. Dir. John Blystone. mlns. Rel. Atig. 4.. Trick for Trick. Stage play of same title. Ralph Morgan, Victor Jory, Sally Blane. Dir. Hamilton McFadden. 68 mins. Rel. April 21. Rev. June 13. .Warrior's Husband,'The. Stage play by Julian Thompson. An Amazon who had a heart,. Eliasa Landl, Marjorle Rambeau, .Ernest Thiex, David Manners. Dir. Walter Lang. 74 mins.' Rel. May 12. (Lasky produc- tion.) Rev. May'16. Zoo In Budapest. Original. Mystery story in a foreign zoo and an animal. Loretta "Young, Gene Raymond, O. P. Heg'gle. Dir. Rowland V. Lee. R '. April 28. Rev. May 2. ' (Lasky production.) Freuler Associates °'"",(,.^'VSrt?'!f."v. Easy Millions. OrlglnaL Reputed millionaire loses his job, an inheritance and almost his sweetheart. Skeeta Gallagher, Dorothy iBurgess. Dir. Fred' Newmayer. Rel. June 30. War of the Range. Tom Tyler western. . P. McGowan. (O'mlnsi^' Sept. '- 1, Maiestic '<'fl-> R^idio city, Cheating Blondes. (Equitable.) Twin sisters tangled in a murder mystery, Thelma Todd, Ralfe Harolde. Dir. Jos. Levering. 66 mins. Rel. April 1. Rev. May 23. , Curtain at Eight. iStory of a murder mystery by Octavus Roy Cohen. C. Au- brey Smith, Dorothy Mackaill, Paul Cavanagh. Dir. E. Mason Hopper^ 72. mlns. Rel. Oct. 1. ORGAN CONSOLi; STRAYS :^.:^^^-=.BOStOnr^-Septr-:^ a console of an organ is an odd form of careleancss 'but such a ^case was disGovered at the Keith. Memorial theatre here* when a special, console, was shipped here by the W'urlitzer Co. for the advent of Mr., and Mrs^ Jesse Crawford as visiting attractions. The shifting management cau.sed the oversight. Too late the extra console was discovered. 63 mins. Lew Collins, Gun Law. Western. Jack Hoxle, Dir. .Rel. April 15. Sing,. .Sinner, Sing. Torch singer marries a millionaire. I>aul .Lukas. Hyams. Dir. Howard Christy. 74 mlns. Reil. Aug. 1. Trouble Busters. Western. Jack Hoxle, Lane Chandler. 65 mlhs. Rel. May 15. 'The Sin of Nora Moran. Woman Is framed to shield the higher-ups > Zlta. Johann, Alan Dinehart, Paul Cavanagh, John Mlljah. Dir. Phil Gold- stone. Rel. Scptv 1, ' The World. Gone Mad., Story behind present-dfty conditions. Pat: 6*Brlen Evelyn Brent, Neil Hamilton. Dir. Christy Cabanne. 80. mins. Rel. April 1. Re-V. April 1?. Sturtlpa: 4376 Sunset Drive, Mavfair : 16Q0 Broadway, Hollywood, Cal. m«yr«ir New York. n: V, Alimony. Madness. Story of alimony evils. elen Chandler, Leon WaycoflT. Dir.,Breezy Eason. 65 mlhs. Rel. April 1. Rev. May 9. Her Resale Value. Story of a disgruntled wife. June Clyde Dir. Breezy Eason. 63 m;ns. Rel. April 15. Rev. June 27. Studios: Culver City, :.O.fflces; isifi^rjQAdway,^^ New York, N.. Y. Another Language. iStory of the In-Iaws? from "l''r.'xnkcn".s stage hit. Helen llaye.s, Robt. Montgomery, Louise CloK.Sfr Hale. Ir.- Edw. H. OrlflUh, 70: mins, Rel. Jiily 28. Rev. Aug, 8. uw. «. Barbari , The.. Ramon Novarro as an Egyptian puldc who Is really a prince. Myrra Loy,. Reginald Denny. Dlr,, «am Wood. 80 mms. Rel. May 12. Rel, May 1.0. Beauty for Sale, Faith Baldwin'.s 'IVsaiily.' Otto Knigcr, Madge Evans Una Merkel, Alice Brady. i)ir., lie). .Sent. 1. Broadway to Hollywood. Three rrnnfrations In .1 stage famil.v. ■ Frank Morgan, Madge lOvan.M, r.tissf-ll Ifarilif!, Kd'Ut QullUui. lard Maot^, 8.'{ miti.s. 1?<:!V, S"iit. (Contimifd on pag«