Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday^ September 26* 1933 V I c ¥ ir ii E s VARIETY n (MNDAR OF CiMENT RELEASES (Continued;, from page 29) Lkurel and Hardy. Dennia Ir. Hal Boaclu .91 mlns. ReL by Marie length ,110 \ Devil's Brother, Tlie.. Operetta Kins,. Tiielma Todd. Jas. May 5, Hev. June 13. Inner at Eight. SVom tlie stage play. Dressier artd Joiin Barrymorg, Dir. mins. General release not set. .Helt Bela wc . Tlie BUhTnar ln^eroeB-of-thei .Worid-War> Robert Monteomisry, , a"?""?. ^""S",*®', Madera Evans. Walter Hustonr. Dir. JacH Conway, 1.06 mlos; Rel. June 9. Rev, May 2. Hold Your . Man. A smart aleck crook who escapes everythlner but love, i®*** VP^'"'0Y, Clark Gable, Stuart Erwln. Din Sam Wood.' 89 mlns. Rel. June 30. Rev. July 4. Lookina Forvvard. The story of a igreat London department store. Based on the £;ngllsh stage: success. Lionel Ba^rymore. XiCWls Stone. " Dir. Clar-. ence Brown. 93 mlns. Rel. April 7. ReV. May 2; Made x>n .Broadway. Original. Press agent power In politics and soriety. Robt. Montgomery, Madge Evans. Sally Ellers, Eugene Pallette. Dir. Harry Beaumont. 70 mins. Rel, May 19. Rev. July It. idnlght Mary.^ Gangster story with the trial-flashtack used. Loretta Young, Ridardo Cortez, Franchot Tone. Dir. Wm. Wellman. 76 mlns. Rel. June 30. Rey. July 18. Nuisance, The. Lee Tracy as an ambulancerchasing lawyer. Madge Evans, Frank-Morgan, Charles; Butterwbrth. Dir. Jack Conway. 84 mtpi. Rel. June 2. Rev. May 30. Pea 6' My :Heart. From, the famous play. .Marion Davies, Onslow Stevens, Juliette Compton, .J^ . Farrell MacDbnald; Dir. Robt, Z. Leoht\*d. Rel. May 26. Rev. May 23. Penthouse. Arthur ; Somers Roche Cosmopolitan serial. Warner Baxter, Myrna Xiby, Mae Clark. Dir. W. S. Van Dyke. Rel; Sept. 8. Revv Sept. Reunion in Vienna. From Sherwood's stage p'ly. Exiled roirjilty returns for a last fling; John Barryniore. Diana Wyhyard, Frank. Mpfgan. Dir. Sidney Franklin.^ 100 mIns. Rel. June 16. Riev. .May .2. Stranqer'8 Return, The. Phil Stohg's story of the middle western farm life. Llone! Barrymore, Miriam Hopkins, Stuart. Erwin, Franchot Tone. Dir. King Yldor. 88 mihs. Rel. July 21. ReV. Aug, 1. , at: Dikybreak. Triangular story' in, a Serbian setting: Kay. Francis, N"ils,. Asther, Walter Huston, Phillips-Holmes. Dir. Richard Boleslavsky. 78 mins. Rjel. July l4.. Rev. July 26;. Today We Live. An English girl ambulance-driver during the war.. Joan Crawford, Gary Cooper. Dir. Howard HaWks. 116 miris. Rel. April 21v Rev. April 18, Tu(?b6at Annie. From the Saturday Eve. Post serle^. Marie Dressier, WaN lace Beery. Dlr,. Mervyn LeRoy, -88 mins, Rel, Aug, 4, Re.y. Ave.'16. Turn Back the .Clock'. Story of a man who relives his past. Lee Tracy, Mae Clerk, Peggy Shannon. Dir. Edgar Sclwyn, 80 mlns. Rel, Aug. 26. Rev. Aug. 29. When i-adies Meet, Based on Rachel Crothers' Broadway success, Ann Harding, .Robert Montgomery, Frank Morgan. Dir. Harry Beaumont ReL June 23. "Rev. June 27.' : 6048 Sunset Blvd., K/lAMAnvam Office: R. K. O. Building, Hollywood, Cal. iTiOnOyram Rockefeller Center, N.Y.C. Avenger, ThCi Vengeance in prlsor. Ralph Forbes, Adrlenne Anries. Dir. Ed Marin. 72 mins. Rel. Aug. 26. rack Beauty.' Horse story. Alex KIrkland, Esther Phil Rosen. 70 mins. Rel. Aug. 10. Rev. Aug. 29. Devil's Mate, The. Convicted murderer who dies in the electric chair ahead of the shock. Peggy Shannon, Preston Foster. Dir. Phil Rosen, 66 mins. Rel,. Aug. 16. Fighting Texan. Oil country story. Rex Bell, Luana Walters, Dir. Armand Schaefer. 66 mins. Rel. Aug. 6. Rev. Aug. 1. itive. The. A $50d;<l()6 mail robbery. Western. Rex Bell, Cecilia Parker. Dir. Harry Fraser,. 64 mins. Rel. Aug. IC. Gallant Fool, The. One ring circus- In .the cattle country. Bob Steele, Ar- ietta Duncan,,, Dir. R. N. Bradbuxy.. 66 miria. -Rel. July 29 Galloping Romeo. .-Western story. Bob Steele. Dir. R. N. Bradbury, 64 mlns. Rel, Sept. 1. Phantom Broadcast, The. Radio crooner who sings by proxy,. Ralph Forbe^i- . Vivienne Osborne. Dir. Phil Rosen, 72 inlns, Rel, July:.8. Rey; Aug. 1, Rainbow Ranch. Adventures of the welterweight champ, of the Pacific fleet. Rex Bell, Cecelia Parker. ir. Harry Frase^. 69. mins. Rel., Aug. 25. Rangers Code. Texas cattle ranger ;^tory. Bobe Steele. ir.: R, N, Bradbury. 66 mins. Rel. Sept. 16. Return of Casey Jones, The. Railroad story. Ir. J. P. McCarthy, 67 n.ins, Rel. July 26. Sensation Hunters. Society high life. Arline Judge, Prestoti Foster, JOtr, Chas, Yidor. 75 mlns, Rel. Sept, 20. Skyway. Aviation, pilot's shlp-to-shore line. Ray Wal Kathryh Craw- ford. Dir. Lew Collins. 67 mins. Rel. Aug. 22, . Sphinx, The. Murder mystery with a neat twist. Lionel Atwiil, Sheila Tracy Dir. Phil Rosen. 63 tnind, Rel. June 1. Rev. July 11. Sweetheart of . Sigma Chi. College musical. Mary Carlisle, Dir. Ed, Marin, 80 mlns, Rel, Oct. 1. iling North. Texas ranger gets far from home, but gets his man.. Bob Steele, Doris Hill. Dir. J. P. McCarthy. 65 mins. Rev, June 0. : 5851 Marathon St., pA«>nmrkiivkl- ' Broadway, Hollywood, Calif. faramouni New York, N.Y Bedtime Story, A. Original. Chevalier adopts a baby. Maurice Chevalier Edw, Everett Horton, \Helen Twelvetrees. Dir. Norman Taurog. . 86 mlns. Rel. April 21. Rev. April 26. College Humor. Comedy. BIng Crosby. Jack Oakie. Rich. Arlen, Mary Carl- isle, Burns and Allen, Dir. Wesley Ruggles; 6624,. Rel, June 30 Isgraced. Story of betrayed love, iffelen Twelvetrees, Bruce Cabot. ir, Earle C. Kenton. 5740. Rel, July 7, Rev. July :8. le and the Hawk, The. Story of the Royal Flying Squadron In the World War. Frederic March, Jack Oaklc, Gary Grant, Carole Lombard. Dir .Stuart Walker, 74 mlns. Rel. May 19. Rev. May 16. Gambling Ship. Explanatory title, Gary Grant, Benlta Htime. Louls Gasnler. 6331. Max Marcln, Rcl. June 23, Rev, July 18, Irl In 419, The. Mysterious beauty In. a hospital drama. Jas. Dunn. Gloria Stuart, David Manners, Dlr, George Somnes, Alexander Hall. .65 mlns Rel, May 26, Rev. May 23. Hef Bodyguartf^ A mTiSical iuomedy Star and her hired sleuth. .Wynne Gib son Edmund Lowe, Johnny Hlnes, Marjorle White. Dir. Wm. Beaudlne Rel,. July 21.. Rev._ Aug. 8. * I Love Thait Man. (Rogers productlon.h' Romantic drama. iSdmund Lowe Nancy Carroll. ' ir. Harry Joe UrcWn, 74 ins, Rel. Junie 9. Rev July 11. International House. Farce comedy; Pegcy opklnS Joyce, W. C. Fields, Rudy Vallce. .Stuart Erwln, Sari Marltza, Burnt and Allen ,Cab Gallo way. Dir. Eddie Sutherland. .68 mlns. Rel. June 2. Rev. May 30 .Jfennle Gerhardt. From the Theo. Dreiser story, Sylvia Sidney.. Donald Cook Mary Astor,- Dir. Marlon Gcrlhg. 9a ins. Rel. June 16. Rey. Jun(e 13 Lady's if»rofes8ion, A. Story by Nina VVllcox Putnam- Speakeasy prop, masj (jueradlng as riding master. Geo, Barbler, .Sarl Marltza. Dlr, Normaii MacLeod. Rel. Mar. 3. Rev. Mar. 28. Mama Loves Papa, Trials of a henpecked. Mary Bolandi Lllyan Tashman,. Walter Gatlett. Dir. Rel. July 14 Rev. July 25. Man of the Forest. Western. Harry Carey, iHlltc Dir. Henry Hathaway. Rcl. July 14. Midnight Club, The, London Jewel thieves. live I3rook, Guy Standing.. AMson Skipworth. Dir. Geo. lex Hall. Uel Jiily US. ilev. Aug. 1. One Sunday Afternoon. From tlie stage play. Loves Ih a small, town. Gary- Cooper; Fay Wray, NleJ Hamilton, Three Cfomeried Moon* From, the stage play, Domiestic problems of a mildly Insane family, Claudette Colbert, Rich.. Arlen, Mary Boland. Dir. El- liott- Nugent; 70 mins. Bel. Aug.. 4. ReV; Aug. 16. Studios: Hollywood, D IT n RA#i:ir« Ofnce; R.K.O. Bidg., Calif. I\«IW.Vr» ivaaiO Radio City, N.Y.C. Ann VIckera. From the Sinclair Lewis novel. Irene. Dunn, Walter Huston, Conrad NageU DII:. John Cromw^lL Rel. Sept.'22, Big Brain, The. ▲ small town barbet becomes a big time gambler and crook. George EL Stone, Fay Wray, Phillips Holmes, Lilian Bond. Dlr, George Archainbaud. 72 mins. Rel, June 16. Rev. Aug, 8, Cross i^ire. Action western. Tom Keene, Betty Furness, Edgar Kennedy, Dir. Otto Brower, 66 mlns. ReL June SO. Deluge, The,. Odd story of the world :after k second deluge. Peggy Sha.iinoh, Lois Wilison, Sidney . Blackmer, Matt Moore. Dir. Felix E. Feist Rel. Sept. 16. Dlplomaniace, The. Wheeler and Woolsey are sent by an - Indian tribe to bring peace to the Geneva Conference. . Dir. Wm. Selt^r. 69 mins, Rel. Mayt Rev, May 2. Double. Harness. . A girl who got her man. Atih Harding, WiUiara Powell, Dlr, John CroinwelU. 70 mlns. Rev. July 26. Emergehtsy Call... Exposing, racketeering in city hospitals. Bill Boyd,. Wynne Gib$on, William Gargan. Dir, Edward Cahn, 61 mlns. Rel.. May. 19. Flying Devils. Triangle in a flying circus, Arline ^udge, Bruce Cabot. Dir. Russell Birdwell. CO mins.. Rel, Aug. 14. Rev. Aug, 29. ElEott hedicts IBEW Batde at Threatened seriously with ' Jurlsdiqtlonal rights and its r^^pre- sentation in the. picture industry, largely a result of the iiicreasliiiff strength of the lectrical Wprkerff as indicated by the recent Coast strike, the LA,T,, is girding itself for the 'most importan't battle .Jurisdiction between the I.A. L.B.E.W'^'. Displaying kome alarm^ William C, Elliott, president of the' t.A.* India Speaks. Travelog of India with Richard Halliburton as narrator. Ir. Walter Futter. .77 mins. Rel. April 28. King Konij, Original. A .60-fobt ape is captured in the wilds and Creates I we've had for maiiy decades.* haivoc when it escapes while oh exhibition in New York. Fay Wray, Robt. I _ ■ . ,- ' Armstrong. Pir, Merlan C. Cooper, 100 mins. Rev. April 7. L A. has issued a call to arips. Little Women.. Talker Version of the Louisa Alcott story, Katherine H4p'. ampng all its locals and niembershi burn, Jban Bennett, Paul LukaS^ Frances Dee, Jean Parker. Edna Mae ^i, ur•tr,r>^■,aa tv.^. fr,,>,^nna. Oliver, Dir. Geo. Cukor- ; Rel. Qct. 6, . ' in all branches, to meet the foe face Melody Cruise. Musical novelty which takes place on.a world cruise, Charlie to .face' in Washington Monday; (2) Ruggles, Pfiil Harris,^ Greta rilsseri. Helen Ma^^^ Dir. Mark Sandrlch. K^^^en the American Federation of 76 mins, Rel. June 23. : ... Midshipman Jack. Annapolis story, ^ruce Cabot, Frank Albertson, AtthuH annual convention Lake,. Betty Furness. , Dir. Christy Cabahne. ReL Sept. 29. I to consider various labor Atatters, Morning Glory. Backstage stOry .of a country girl's rise and fall. Katherine I amftnir -whlrh ■ici fH«» miMfirtn Hepburn, Doug. Fairbanks, Jr., Adolphe Menjou, Mary Duncan. Di- I ^"'''"fir wnicn is tne question Lowell Sherman., 70 mins. Rel. Aug; 18, Rey, Aug. 22, No Marriage Ties. unproduced play,. Satire On advertising agencies, Richard Dix, Elizabeth Allen. Dir. j;. Walter Ruben.. 75'mins. ReL Aug. 11. Rev. Aug. 8. . - „, „^ ...^ One Man's Journey. Country doctor jachleves fame, Lionel. Barryniore, . May ; xiip_„-i.y * bu1l«>tih «raincr tri jiii Robsoh, Joel McCrea. Dir. John Robertson. 75 mitts. Rel. Sept, 8,.i J"^°MS" Rev. Sept s. I locals and members, hollers fof the Profesttiohal Svveetheart. The story of a radio smger Who is forced to live ™*^"^enance of. jurisdictibnal rights up-to her publicized angelic cliaracter when her greatest desire is to be and asks all iocals to co-operate naughty-naughty. Ginger Rogers, Norman Foster, Gregory :Ratbfl:. ZasU putting up a light, Pitts, pft-. William A, Seiter. 73 mlns. .Rel. June 9. ^ey. July 18. Elliott predicts a hard-fought bat- Rafter Romance. A story of Greenwich Village. Ginger Rogers, Norman Iji^ saviriir- 'it ionir<3 nvi^rmnMi »» Foster, Geo. Sidney, Laura Hope Crews, Robt Benchley. Dir. Wm. saying, it looks ovetmueh as Seiter. 76 miris,. Rel. Sept. 1, ' though in the course ot the A'.F.L. Silver Cord, The. Mother love carried to excess. Irene Dunne, Laura Hope convention events that unfriendly Crews, Joel McCrea; Frances Dee.' Dir. John Cromwell. 76 mins. action taken at the West Coast stu- Ret. -.May 19. Rev. May 9.. . ' ' dios by an unauthorized body of the Son of the. Border. Action western^ Tpm Keene, Julie Haydon; Crelghton I.H.E.W. will jpreclpitate a~ long and Chaney. Dir. Lloyd Nosier. 66 mlns. Rel, May 6. bitter fight oh the floor of th* Sweepings. .Novel. Biographical study of a merchant prince. Lionel Barry- a^F.!,., convention.' more, Alan Dlriehart, Gloria Stuart Dir. John Cromwell. 77 mlns. Rel. _ April 14.. Rev. Mar. 28. ' Tomorrow ■ at Seven. : Novel murder mystery. Chester Morris, Vivienne Osr I borne. Firank McHugh. Dir. Ray EhrightJ 62 mins. Rel. June 2. Rev. July 4. United ArlisU ^J^vSic^'n:- V.I NEW SOUND FOR MANY REOPENED THEATRES Bitter Sweet. ( ritlsh made). Noel Coward's operetta. Romance of Wealthy English beauty who elopes to Vienna with her music teacher. Ahha Neagle, Fernand Graavey. Dir. Herbert Wilcox.. 93 mlns, Rel. Sept; 22, Rev. Aug. 29. Bowery, The. Story of the rivalry between Chuck Connors and Steve Brodle, , . , t.,^ ^ ■ - ■ - famous Brooklyn Bridge Jumper-. Wallace Beery, George Raft, Jackie or theatres, ownership changes and Cooper, Fay Wray. Dir. Roaul Walsh.' Rel. Sept. 29, I installations of Bouiid-on-t r a c k Broadway Through a Keyhole. Walter Winchell's story of Broadway., - I equipment in place of sound-on- stance Cumrhings, Russ Columbo, Paul Kelly. Dir. Lowell Shernian. | di^c now occurring in. the territory Minneapolis, .Sept. 26. The. large number of ireppehings Rel. Oct 13. is regarded in local film circles as Emperor Johes. Eugene O'Neill's famous drama of a Pullman porter who eyiJe_„e the irriduallv imttrnv becomes ruler of a West Indian Island. Paul Robeson, Dudley Dlgges. I f^^"^"*^.® j'^^ .graauaiiy improv Dir. Dudley Murphy.. ReL Sept. 8, 11ng sentiment and, better condition.«i, I Cover the Waterfront. Adaptation of Max Miller's best seller about his V^^"}^ Board here reports exploits in the. San Diego harbor. Claudette Colbert, :Bcn Lyon and I eight, houses reopened as against Ernest Torrence. Dir.. James Cruze. 70 mlns. ReL May 12.. Rev. May 23.1 only one closed. It ..also reported Masquerader, This. :Based on Johh Hunter Booth's adaptation of ICatherihe seven changes in ownership and the Cecil Thjrston's noveL Cousins of identical appearance, change Places, game number nt th<^fltr('<i ohAns-in^ with intriguing political and romantic results. Ronald Colman, EllssH ^f^if a„IJL^^i^^iio« ♦ LandL Dir. Richard Wallace. 75 mlns. ReL Aug. 18. Rev.. Sept 6. soUnd-oh-disc to sound-on Samarang. Love amid the pearl divers in Malaysia, Native cast ir. Ward fequipment. Wing. 60. mins. Rel. June 23. Rev. July 4. Secrets.. Stage ptay. Man tries to hide from his wife secrets she pretends not • to" know. . Mary Pickford, Leslie Howard. Dir. Frank Borzage. 83 mins. Rel. April 16. Rev. Mar. 21, Yes, Mr. Brown. Farce comedy with music/ laid in Vienna. Jack Buchanan, Margot Grahame and Elsie Randolph. Dir. Jack Buchanan. 69 mins. Rel, May, Studlot Universal City, llmSvAranl '• 7^0 Fifth Avs., Calif. universal New York, M. V Be Mine Tonight. Comedy-drama. Lov^ .story unfolded In scenic beauty of Swiss Alps. Starring Jan Kiepura, Dir. Anatol Litwak, 86 mins. Rel Mar, 23. Rev. April 18. Big Cage, The. Original. Man against beast, different from .Jungle Aims. Clyde Beatty, Raymond' Hatton, Anlta > Page, Andy Devlne. Dir. Kurt Neumann. 78 mlns. ReL Mar, 3. Rey. May 16;' Hanis Gets Fox Product For Pitt Away from Wit Universal ittsburgh, Sept. 25. Local spilt of-Fox product which in the past has gone to WB 'will go to Harris Amus. Co. instead this year. With continued failure of Cohens ahd Kellys In Trouble. Comedy. Famous team in story with nautical I WB and Fox to get together on a background. George Sidney and Charlie Murray. Dir. George Stevens. | picture deal, Fulton'gets the/re- March 23. Rev. April 18. -Ltgl»to n: ■ C8 m -lna t. Ro l. S ppt . 1. Rey . Sept , 6 , Frances i'uller. Dir. t.ouls D.. Song of the Eagle. IJcer problem from the angle of an honest brcWcr. Chas. Bickford, Rich. Arlen, Jean Ilersholt. Mary Brian, Dir. Ralph Murphy. 66 mlns. Rcl. April 28. Rev, May 2. .=.Song=of^.Songs..^rom-^auacimanis^^Ey^nd=^SheL<l^^ trlch, Brian Ahcrne,- Lionel AtwilL Dir. Kouben Mamoulian, 70 mins. Rev. July 25.-. . . . Story of Temple Drake. The'. Prom Wm.. D'aulkncr's 'SanctiiTlry.' The, story of an oversexed girl. Miriam Hopkins. Jack La Rue, 'VVm. Collier, Jr. Dir. Stephen. Roberts. , 63 mins. Itel. May 12. Rev. May 9. Sunset Pass. Zane Grey western. Tom Keehe, Randolph Scott, katlWoen Burke. Dir. Henry Hathaway; 4C, mlns. Rcl. May 20. Supernatural. Original. Odd story of'a. transferred soul. Carole I-ombard, rtandolph Scott, Vivienne Osborne, Dir. Victor Halpcrln. GO rnxna Itel. May 12. Rov. April 25, Is bay and Age. Revolt of (lie ''liildn-n, aq-iln.^t politics and f,;:i'i«^<tor.s. r-ha.s. r.lckfonl; .TurlithvAtlon. Dir. CVcil «|.; MilN^. Hr mliiH... itc»L Aug. 25. Rev. Aug. 1'9. Rel Don't Bet on Love. Comedy-drama. Lew Ayres, Ginger Mur- ray Roth. 62 mlns. Rel. July 13-. Rev. Aug. 1. Fiddlin' Buckaroo. Western. Ken Maynard, Dir. Ken Maynard. Rel. July 20 Her First Mate. Comedy. Summcrvllle-Pltts. Dir. Wm. Wyler. Rcl. Aug. 3. Rev. Sept. 6, King of the Arena. Ken Maynard In a circus story, Lucille Brown, Robt, Kort'fhan. 6 reels. TlcL Juhe 18/•• . King of Jazz, The. Reissue, with 'Paul Whlteman. Murray Anderson. 9 reels. Rel. June 1. Kiss , Before the Mirror, The; Powerfui drama, of human emotions. Nancy Carroll, Paul Liikas, Frank Mbrgan, Gloria Stuart Dir. Jas., Whale 07 mlns. Rel. May 4. Rev. May 10. Lucky Dog. Touching and dramatic story .of devotion that exists between a man and his dog. Chic Sale, Dir. Zion Myers, Itel. AlI ril 20 Moonlight, and Pretzels. Musical. Mary Brian', Roger Pryor, Leo Carrillo. Dir.. BrlccrFreuUd, Rel. July 27. Rev. Aug. 29 but All Night. Comedy. Sll Sunimervtllc-Zasu PlttS. It. Sam Taylor Rel. April 13. Rev. April ll. t^ebel. The. Napoleonic story in the Austrian -Tyrol. Vilma Bariky, Luis Trenker, Victor Varconl. (Foreign made,) Dir. Lula Trenker, Edwin Knopf! Rcl. June 1. Rev. Aug. 1. Secret of the Blue Room. Mystery dramat. . Lionel! Atwiil, , Gloria Stuart Dir. Kurt Netiihann. Rel. July 20 Studios Burbank. Calif. TT«»»M^i uivcii^AA New.York.N.Y Baby Face. The story of a hard-boiled girl who reached the top. Barbara Stanwyck, Geo. Brent. Dir. Alfred K. Green. 71 mins, Rel. July 1. Rev. J.une 27. Captured! Behind the scenes In a German pri.son. Lo.slle Howard, Dougla^i : —liiaii^lwtkSr^J r .,. P aul L ulca.s,— 'Margnrf t—LinUsay.— I.> i r . Koy del—Ituthi 72 min.s. :Rel. Aug. 19. Rev^ Aug. 22. mainder of the Fox output, as it has in the past. Fox is the only ftrst-run prod- uct Harris group, has so far lined up,, and it's the present intention of operators to day-and-date pic- tures in" downtown .-Alyin and. A.l- John I ham bra. in East. Liberty. Detroit Feels Dearth Of Avaflable Films Warner Brothers. °T^'=^&jrYS?£ n.\ Detroit, Sept. 2i>. This town is suffering:, froin the .worst picture situation in years with nothing niuch. expected till: Oct. 6. Strike on the coast held back production w^ith the releases of b.p, pictures starting Oct 6. with Metro and United Artists, Warner Bros, doesn't loa.slng here until bcti 22, Ex-Lady. An experimental marriage stnkes a jnae. mohd, Frank McHugh. Dir. Robert FloreyJ itcv. May 16. I?otte Dav.l.s, Gene Ray- 07 ins. Rel. April 8. Footllght Parade. Gala musical With bank.stann lof.ak'. Jamo.s Cagney, Joan IJIondell, Ruby Kcelerj Dick Powell. Dir. Lloyd llacon. Dances by JJli.sby Berkeley, ^lel. Oct. 7. G^lddlggers of 1933. New version'of Avery Hopwood'fj 'st,a(;oi»lay done ,i8 a super-mufllcal, Warren Willi.'irti.s, J^an Hlorwicll. Dir. Mervyn LcUoy. 94 .mlns. Rel. May 27, Rev. June 13. Life of Jimmy Dolan, The. From a recent noveL Pr(zr>nghtor find.-i regener- atlon. Doug Fairbanks. Jr., Loretta Young. Aline MoM.ihon, Guy ICibbe. 89 min.9. Rel. Juiie 3. ilev. Jlihe 20. Mary' Stevens, M.D. Story of a wom;>n dortor. Kay "Kranris, Lylf Tal- bot, GIfnda. Farrc'll. Dir. IJoyl IJacori. 71 niln.s. Rf»l. July 22, Uc>v, Aug. 8." (Clonlinui'd oti pa '.-.» f EELIGHT UPSTATE HOUSE Schenectady, Sept, 25. re.sponslblo for the; reopening of IGrift theatn*. formerly Proctoi-'.s old vaudfV lioi.sp. tluy CJr.TVP.s, m-aiiagcr of 'Stato, which adjoins, Ih rnanager of thf Krie. It i.s being oixrated as Of the 11. k. O.-i'Virash i)o61od, Kir-st runs coiisiderpd not aocopt- •nblp to the . K, O.-Proctor house, are hfinij .sli^wn there with prices )f» a.«i t,Jif» Proctor