Variety (Sep 1933)

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V4 VARIETY ^i%''^gdiiyt ^pfemfeer 4,200-Seat Publk Minn. Reopening, Pitt Situash Overseating Worries Minneapolis, Plenty of .feat and' trembling in local, theatre circles over what wiir happen after Nov.. . when the Min- nesota theatre will be: reojpened by Publix aher having: ■ been dark for more than two The .deluxe house will add 4,200 seatis. to the present loop. tptal and tjie appr6heni^ . sion a;rtses.' regarding. the effect Its operations will h&ve oii present the- atre line-up. John J, Friedl, Publik division, man- ager, last' week decided on .tb® Nov, 3 opening date and/ailso on .pictures plus stage jshowsi; Details regarding the shows haven't been worked put yet. Theatre presents a bl lem, When operated by Paramount-. Piiblix two years ago, rental , plus insurance and taxes amounted to more than $6,000 a week .and the total weekly nut was approxiniately $18,0.00 minlmuni. Thei . present IQ- year^ lease, reqiuiring ,th(e thesttre to be open a minimum of six nionths a, year, caljs for a guarantee sufUcient to cover ground rental, taxesi and Insurance, or approximately .$2,000 a week or', in lieu thereof, 17 %% b£ the gross receipts^ It is estimated that ^ under tlie new deal the theatre will have a hut of at least $12,000. In-Its early boom days the Minne- sota: grossed from $30,000 to $4S,000 a week, but fell as low as $8,000 a week later. Bertha . Matlock, aeriallst,. to do a rope slide ini Jesse Xiasky's unti- tled' . picture, starring jjiliah Harvey. Frances Williams from the stage ta MQ. . Isabel Jewell :gets, seven year pact at Metro.- Edwin I. Marfn has been, handed, a dtrectoiiai pact .by Universal. Pittsburgh, Sept. 25. Downtown Pittsburgh faces the serious threat of a definite problem of overseating wUbin the .next month when the Pitt a;nd Alyih, fotmer legit sites, both reopen as; flrStrruri picture sites. This will give the main , stem; sieven grade-A spots In the business sector, more than the town has ever had, even In its best. days. Previous High mark was six a couple of years ago, but one, and sometimes two of these sites were going In quite often for second-run product. With Pitt, Alvin, Pu,ltbn, Penn, Stanley, Warner and' Davis all shooting for business, the down town area will have pretty^ close to 17,000 first-run seats, a figure that would have been branded as assin- Ine only a "short time ago. Business, while it has picked up a bit. Is still not profitable, with only five first-run houses, as the situation stands at present. With two more added to the. load, there's bound to be some consequences. Pitt's going in for vaudfilm and Alvin probably will maintain a sim- ilar policy. If chey make a notice- able dent in takings elsewhere. It's a foregone conclusion the Pena and Stanley will return to presentations.^ thus increasing their, overhead and making, chances of showing a profit more negligible than ever. MAY SOBSON DUCES 4 SHOWS San ; Francisco, Sept. 25. May.: RQbson;,; was scheduled Jfor four appearances' openinif day of Col'si 'Lady For a bay' at. the Gol- den Gate. But she inforrned management Metroi WQUldh't let her do more than one show^ Management took it; biit didn't like it. Marriage Publicity Good Cash-In on Harlow Pic San. Francisco, Sept 26. Fox theatre cashed in on the Jean Harlow publicity and a,t thei same time gave the*theatre its first ma- jor riisnne when Columbia- reissued an oldie, !Platinum Blonde.' Pic played around ■ this territory' two years ago to veiry poor biz. Mae West trailers Go Duals Two Better Hollywood, Sept. 26^ Paramount has a new gag for trallerlng the Mae West iplcture 'I'm No Angel/ .It's advance teasers will call for foiir showings a perfotmance instead ,bf the usual one time spot. Trall- ;ers are much shortet than usual but are so made as: to allow for four different spottihgs on a program. Brief sequenced have scenes be- tween Miss West and Cary Grant without dialog, "ieaser gag is along the line, 'If you can read lips you ban read what Miae Is saying.' CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES N. Y. Bankroll for 1st Choice Setup on Coast Holly.wood, Sept. 25; Preston. James & Yeiser, New York company, are bahkrolling a new Indepenclent orgahlzation which has moved into. Tiffany studio. In- die gic^ovp will make .12 features and 12 Shorts arid release through the First Choice distributing setup. Iiawspn ilarris, who produced pictures here arid in Canada several years ago, heads the productipn end as vice-presldieht and general nianager. , Lpr WaETfjn.—James is president; Albert . Hilton, who ar- rives this week,'is sec, and trcas,;, Harry Kerr comes back to pictures as production manager; Richard Pearl is studio manager, and Joh n Glein has a production berth. Xo.well "thomas, radio narrator, will, mbnolog the shorts, 'vvith i=Gharles=Bbwens=app.earirigea&-cqmlcT= One short was already rhade iri.]>few York. Wllllatn ogel, former lieutonant of Jaydee Williams, is in charge of distribution, although Williams Is hot connected. Company is n6w In- corporating,-, and handle Isn't set yet, J., , Crlhyan, here as the rep of t.. A. Youhpr. owner of the studio, ifelurns to N6w York today (25). (Continued from rage 31) Mayor of; Helir Thci From'Iselln Auster's drama. Reformi school background. Ja^: Cagney, Madge. Evans^ Frankie Darrow. Dir. Archie Mayo^ 90 niina> Rel. June 24. Rev. July 4. Narrow Corner^ The. From the story by W; Somerset Maugham. South Sea locale. Doug Fairbanks, Jr., Patricia EIUs. Ralph Bellamy, Dudley Dig- isrea. Dir. Alfred E. Qreen. 67 m.ins; .Rel, July 8. Rev. July 18... Picture Snatcher, The.- Semlrgangster story of. a neWB..pb((t.ographec Jaa,. Cagney, Patricia Ellis. Alice White. Ralph Bellamy. Dir. Uoyd .Bacon. . 70 mlna. Rel. April 19. Rev. May 23. Private Detective 62. From a fiction story. William Powell, Margaret Llnd-' say. . 67 mlnS, Rel. June 17. ■. Itev.. July 11. Silk EX|ir«89, The. Mystery drama of silk shipments. Niel Hamilton, tien Jenkins, Dudley Dlgges. 61 inins. ReL Jun^ 10. Rev. June 27. The Mail' from Monterey. Western drarha. John Wayne, Rutb Hall. Mack.V. Wright. i67 mihs, Rel. July 22. Rev. Aug. 22. Untamed Africa. Thrilling African adventure. -.Under supervision of Wynant D. Hubbard, F.A.G.S. Rel. April 8: Voitalre,.' Life . of France's celebrated wit and philosopher. George At'liss, Doris Kenyon, Margaret liindsay. Dir. John Adolfl. 72 mlna. Rel. Aug. .6. Rev. Aug. 22. Working Man,—t he. Original. Romance In the shoe bualness. Geo.. Arliss, Bette DaviBi Ir. John Adolfl. 77 mlns. Rel. May 6. Rev. Aprll 26. Worlj Wicl«> OfDceo: 1S01 Broadway, WOria Wiae New York, n. v. (Releasing Through Fox) Constant Woman, The. From Eugene O'Nelli's play 'Recklesaneas.' Conrad Nagel, Leila Hyams. Dir. Victor 3chert9lnger. Rel. April 23. Lone. Avenger, T-he. OrfglhaU Ken Maynard western. Miirlel pordon. Ir. Alan James. 61 mins.. Rel. May 14. Rey* .July 4. Study .in Scarlet, A^ Sherlock Holmes. story. Reginald Owen, June Clyde, Aana May Wong. Dir.- ,Edw. L. Marin. 73 mlns; Rel. May 14. Rev. June 0. Miscellaneous Releases Big Chance, The. . (Eagle.) Prizefighter-socialite story. John barrow, Merna Kennedy^ Dir. Al. Herman. .63 mlns. Rev, Sept. B; r ' Big Drive, The. Authentic war pictures from records of eight governments. 91 mips.. ReK Jan. .19.' Rev. Dec; 27. Cougar.' (Sidney Snow;) Jay Bruce captures mountain lions with bare hands. . 70 nilns. Rev. May 30.. Falthf.til. IHeart, The. (Ilelber.) British made. Romantic story of a faithful love, British cast. 65 mlna. Rev. Aug^ 22, Hell's Hoilday. (Superb.). Compilation of war scenes, 90 mins^ Rev. July !«. High Gear. . (Goldamlth.) Aiito race story. Jackie Searle, James Murray, Joan Marsh. Dir. Leigh Jason, 66 mlns. .Rev. April 18.. Hisi Private Secretary. Girl converts her father-in-law to approval oic his son's marriage. Evalyn Knapp, John Wayne. Dir. Phil H. White- man. 68 mlna. Rel. June 10. Rev. Aug. 8. Laughing at Life. (Mascot.) Story of a gun-running adventurer. Victor Mc- Laglen, Conchlta Montenegro, Ruth Hall. Dir. Ford Beebe. 71 mlns. Rev. July IS. iMIght and Day (Gaumpnt-Brltish). Farce comedy of a thief chase In a wa»: museum. Jack'Hurlburt, Cicely Courtneidge. 76 mlns.. Rev. May 30. Police Call. (Showmen..). Ring story with an adventure angle. Nick Stuart, Merna Kennedy, Dlrr Phil Whlteman.; 63 mlna. Reh Aug. Rev. Aug. 29. Sleepless Nights. (Remington), British made story on farcical lines. Polly Walker, Stanley Luplno. Dir.. Thos. Bentley. 63 mlns. Rel. July 21. Rev. July 26. tahning of the Jungle. (Invincible.) Animal training methods. . June 6. Tarzan the FearlesB. . (Principal.). Feature and eight subsequent tworpart dhaptCTs.' Buster Gfftbbe, Jacqueiine Wells. Dir. Robt, Hill. .60 mlns. for •feature. Rel. July 19, Rev...iVu6- 15. What Price Decency. (Equitable.) From a stage play. Jungle background for story of a girl tricked by a mock marriage. Dorothy Burgess,-Alan Hale. Dir. Arthur Gregon 60;mins. Rev, Mar. 7. Foreign Language Films (Note: ccause. of the alow movement of foreign fll this list covers one year of releases:) ( oat of these a.yallab1e with Bngliah titles.) Barberina. die Taenzerln .von San&ouci. (Capital)'(Ger;). -Musical cqmedy. Lll Dagover, Otto Gebuehr.. pir. Carl Froellch. 83 mlns. Rel. Nov. 20 Beriln-Alekanderplatz (Ger) (Capital). Strong crime drama^ H einrlch George, Maria.Bard. Dir. Phil J.utzl. 90 mins., Rel. May 1; Rfev. May 16. Cinq (Sentieman l\iaudli (Protex) <Frenoh). Mystery drama. Rene Lefevre, Harry Baur. Dir. JuHen Duvlvler. :78 mins. Rel. Jan. Rev. Jan. 24. bas iviaciitlgali Madel (Capital) (Ger). Love in Ha\iirall. ir. Leo LasUy 80 min Rel. Jan. 16.. Rev. Jan. 31. .. Das Schbene Abenteuer (German). • (Protex). Romantic comedy. fCaethe vbh Nagy, Dir. Relnhold SchunzeL 83 mins, Rel. Deo. 1. Rev. Dec. 13. David Gblder (French) (Protex). Drama. Harry Baur. Dir. Jullen Duvlvter. 90 mins. Rel. Oct .1. Rev. Oct 26. 5er Ball (German) (Protex).. Domestic comedy. Dolly Haas. Dir. Wilhelm Thlele. .83 mlns.- Rel. Oct. 9. ber Brave Suender (Ger>>, (European). Faat comedy. Max Pallenberg. Dir. Fritz Kortner.. 90 mlnV Rel. April L Rev. April 4; Der Falsche lEhemann (German) (Protex). Farce. Dir. Johannea Guter. »7=-Tr7=86=inlnS:---Relf-Oct^lvi-^^^^ Der Hauptmann von Kopenick (Klnematrade) (Ger). Comedy. Max Adalbert Dir. Richard Oswald. 96 mlna: Rel. Jan. 16. Rev. Jan. 24. Der Schwartze l-lussar (Protex) (Ger.). Costume romance. Conrad Veldt. Dir. Gerhard LamprechL 90 mins. Rel. Dec. 1. Rev. Jan. 3. Do3 Noches (Iloftborg) (Spanish).-. Musical. Conchita Montenegro. ir. Car- los Borcosque. 65 mina. Rel. May 1, Dotiria d'Una Notte (Portale) (Italian). Court adventure. Franccsca Bcrtlnl. nir. Marcel L'llerbier. 85 mlns; Rel, March 1. Rev. March 14. Drei Tage Mittelarrest (German) (Capital). Fast German farce With ail-star cast. Dir. Carl Bbcsei 80 mlns, , Rel. May 1. Rev. May 23, - ■ brunter und Drueber (Ger.) (Germnnla).. Musical comedy. Dir. .;Max Nou-> fekl. 85 mins. Hel. Dec. 16, .Ucv. Dec. 20. EIne Llebesnacht (GermanV (Capital). Farce. Harry Lledke. Dir. Joe May. 82 mins. Bel. May 1. Kev. M»y 23. EIne Naoht in Paradlea (Klnematrade) (Qer). Musical comedy. Anny Ondra, 90 mlns. RcL Feb. U j^Rev. Feb. 28. Eino Tuer Geht Auf. (Protex) (Ger.). Mystery thriller. ,6ft mlns. Rel. Feb. 1. ReV. Feb. 7^ False Uniform* (Russ.) (Amklno)^ ir, LopashinskI, 63 mlns. Rel. 18. ReVi Nov. 29. Frau Von Der Man Sprfcht (German) ((iener^l). Mady Christians. Melo- drama. Dir. Viktor Jansen. 76 mlns. Rel. April 15. Rev. May 2. Friederike (Klnematrade) (Ger), Dramatic'operetta based oh Goethe's lifo. Mady Christians. 90 tolns^ Rel. March IB. Rey. Feb, 28. Gefahren Der Lieba (German). (Madison), Sex /drama. Tony Van Eyck. Dir/Iijugen Thlele. 65 mlns. Rel. M^V ^evv May 2.^^- Ultta Entdeckt Ihr Herz. (Capital) ((3efr). Musical oomedy^ Qitta Gustav Froelich. Dir. Cari Froellch. 90 mine. Rel. Oct. 4. ' Gloria. (Gernian) (New Gra>.. Transatlantic aviation drama.. Qiistav Fi^beh- Itch; Brigltte Helm. 75 mlns. Rel. Nov. Rev. Nov. L, Grosse Attraction, Die (BaVarIa) (Ger.). Drama is show Tauber. Dir. Max Relchmann. . .70 mlns. Rel. Aug. 1. Heliseher, Der (Ger) (General). Farce. Max Adalbert Dir. Rel. Sept. :1. . Hertha's Erwachen (Protex) (Ger.). Diailcate life probleni. Latnprecht.. .96 mips. Rel. March 10. Rev. March •14. Heute Nacht Eventue|i (C:er.) (General). Musical comedy. W; 80. mins. Rel. July. \i . Holzapfei Weiss Alies (German) ((japltaDi Comedy. Felix Bressnrt. Viktor Janson* . 86 mliis. ' Rel. Jan. 1. Rey. Jan.-.17.. Horizon (Rusd) (Amklno). Jewish search for home. Dir. Lev .Kulesh'oy. mlna. Rel. May 10. Rev. May 16. Hyppdiit a Lakaj (international) (Hungarian).. .van. 77. mlns. ,Rel.. J;an. Rev. Jah* 17. 4ch Wul Nicht Wissen Wer Du BIst (Interworld) (jiSer). Musical. Dir. Gei» von Bolvary. Haid, Froehlich. 70 mlns, Rel. Feb. 15. Rev. Feb. 21. Island of Doom (Russ) (Amklnb). Two .men and a woman on a desert tsl Dir. Tlmonshenko.. 90 mins. • Rel.. July 16. Rev." July 18.' Ivan. (Garrison) (Russ.). Transformation - of peasants,. Dir. mliis. Rel. Feb. L Rey-. March 7. Kamaradschaft. (Aaso. Cinema) (Ger). ; Sensational, drama. Alex 3ranacli, ErnstrBusoh, Dir. G; W. PabsL ^TimCi 78 mlns., Bel. Nov. 8. Keine Feier Ohne Meyer (Ger.) (Gerhiania). Musical farce.. Siegfried Arno^ ■■■ Dir. . Cari Boese.. 83-mlns. Rel. Oct. 28; Rey. Nov. 3, Korvettenkapitaen ;(Ger.) (CHeneral). IIitary: farce. Ue Bal (French) (Protex), t^mc'stlc comedy. Dir. .Wilhelm ReL Oct. 1;. Rev. Oct 4. Laubenkcionle. (Ger.). (General). Max ,80 mins. May 16;. Rev. June 6.. Lockehde Zlel, Das (Ger.) (Bavaria). Musical, Relchmann. 86 mlns. Rel. Jiine. 15.° Rev. Lleblihg von Wien, Der (Ger;) (European). Stolz musical. Willy. Forst. Geza yon Bolvarj.' 76 mlns. Rel. June.]. Rev. June 13. LJubav I Stirast; (Yugoslav) (Croat):. Drama of life among N. T. tmi Rakel Davldovlc. ptr, Frank Melford. 00 mins. Rel. Dec. 15. Lulae, Koenigin. von Preussen. (Asso. .Cinema) (Ger)> HlstorlcaL Porten. DIr; Carl Froellch. Time. 92 mlns. Rel. Oct, 4. Lustigen Musii<ahten, bie. (General) (Ger,) Musical ° Dir. Max Obai. 80 mlns. Rel. May 30. M (Ger) (Foremco).. Powerful dramatic study.. Peter Lbrre. Dir. Fritz Lang. 95 mins. Rel. April 1. Rev. April 4 and Aprll^ 18. MariuB (Paramount) (Frehch). Marseilles satire. Dir..^ Alexander Korda, 103 mlns. Rel. Jan. 1. Rev. April'26. Maedchen in Uniform (Filmcholce) (German). Poignant drama. Wiecke. Dir. Richard Froehlich. ReL Jan. 10. Rey. Sept. 27. Man Brauch Kein Geld. (Capital) (Ger). Musical farce. Dir. Karl Boesa, Rel. Nov. 10. Men and Jobs (Ruaalan) (Amkino). An American engineer looks at Russia.. Dir. A. Macheret 70 mlns. Rel. Jan. 1. Rev. Jan. 17. Menach Ohne Namen (German) (Protex);: Poignant drama. Werner Krausa. . Dir. Gustav Uclcky. 96 mlns. Rel. Nov. 1. Rev. Nov. 16. Milady (General) (French). Sequel to Throe Musketeers. Dir. mant-Berger. 120 mins. Rel. Sept. 1. Rev. Sept. 12.. Moiid Ober Morokko (Protex) (Ger). See Clng Gentlemen MaudiL Morgenrot (German) dProtex). Submarine warfare's cruelty. Dir. Gustav Uoicky. 80 mins. Rel. May 16^ Riev. May 23. Moritz Mactit Sein Glueck. (German) (Capital). Farce, .Siegfried Arna S5 mlns. Rel. Dec. 15. Rev. Jan. 17. Namensheirat. (German) (FAF). Drama. Dir. 90 mlna. ReL Jan.- 1. Rev. Jan. 17. Noc Llstopadowa (Polish) '(Capital). Historical romance. Dir. J. WarneckL .95 mins.' Rel. May. l. Rev. May 2. On Demands Compagnon (Fr.) (Auten). Musical romance. Annabella. Joe May. 85 mlns. Rel;-June 1.. Rev. June 6. Paris-Beguin (Protex) (Fr).- Musical; Jane Marnac - Aiiguata Genlna* 90 mins. Rel. Decr^5. Rey. Jan. 17. Pirl Mindent Tud (Arkay)' (Hung.). Farce, Rel. Jan. .15; J^ev Jan. 31. Poll da Carotte (Auten) (French). Drama of adolescence. Harry Baur. Dir. Jullen Duviyler. .90 mins. Rel. May 15. Rev. May 30. Potemkin (Russ) (Klnematrade). Sound version of Elaonsteih's. claasic. 70 mins. Rel.. April .4. Return of Nathan Becker (Worldkino) (Russian) (Yiddish). Comedy. Dir. Shpiss and Mllman. 72 mins.. Rel. April 1. Rev. April 25. Scampolo (Klnematrade) (Ger.) Cinderella romance. Dolly Haas. Dir. I^ana Stelnhoff. 93 mlns. Rel. April 1. Rev. April 11. Schutzenkoenl'g, Der (Ger.) (Herrlitz).. Max Adalbert, Gretl Thelmer. Dir. Franz Seitz. 90 mlns.. Rel. April. 16. Rev, . May 9. Shame (Amkino) (Russ).Problems of hew Russia. Vladimir Gardln. Dir. Sergei Yutkevitch.. 75 mins. Rel. March. 1. Rev; March 14; Song of Life (Ger.) (dubbed English) (Embassy). Art and photography pre- dominant. Dir. Granowsky. 70 mins. Rel. April 1. Soviets on Parade. (Russ.) (Klnematrade). Historic record of current sia. 66 mins. Rel. Feb. L Rev. March 7. - -Theodor Koerner (Ger) (General). Historical drama. Dorothea Wiecke. Dir. Karl BoeseV 80 mins. ReL May 1. Rev. May 16. Traum von Sciionbrunn (Ger.) (General)". Musical. Martha iCggerth. Dir. Johannes Meyer; 85 mins, Rel. May 15. Rev,: ..luhe 6. Trois Mousquetalres, Les (General) (French). Duma's classic with songs. Dir. Henri Diamont-Be.rger, 128 mlns. Rel... May 1. . Rev. May 9. Ulahl, Ulanl, Chlopcy MaiowanI (Polish) (Zbyszko). Musical comedy. mins. Rel. Jan. 1. Ulica (Capital) (Polish). Life of the newsboys. 73 mins^ Rel. Aug. 25.. Kev. Jan. 31. Victoria und ihr IHussar ' (Kinematradc) Bohnen. ir. Richard Oswald. 90' Walzerparadies: (Ger.) (Capital).. Friedrlck Zelnick. Rel. March 1, weekend In Paradise. (Capital) (Ger)i yarce. Otto Wallburg, :. Trude Berliner. Ir. Robt. Land'. 81" mlna. Rel. Noy. 1. Wenn die Soldateh .(Schneider) (Ger),. Military riiuslcal.. Otto Wallburg, Heldermann, Ida Wuest. Dir. J.. Fleck. -85 mina. Rel. Oct., 27. Whither -Germany ?. (Klnematrade) (German). IfficuUlea- of. Thlele. Dir. T. budoy, 71 mlna. Rel, April 16. R6V; Yl isha Toch.ter (Yiddish) . (Quality).. Old-fashioned Yiddish drami. Art and Vllna "Troupes. 75 mina. Rev.. May 23.-: Ylskoi* (Yiddish). ((Sloria). Revamp of silent. Maurice Schwartz.' Dir. SI Goldln and George Rolland. 80 mlna. Rei.; May l5. KeV; June 6. VorCk. (German) (Protex). Hiistorical drama!. Werner krauaa, Rudolf Forster, Dir. .Gustav Uclcky, 90 mins. Rel, Nov. 1. Rev. Nov. 27; Zapfenstreleh Am Rheln. (Whitney) (Ger.). Musical fdrce'.' Charlotte Susa, Siegfried Arho. Dir. Jaap Speyer. 90 mins, Rel.- Feb, 1; ReV. Feb. 7. .Zirkua Leben. (German) (FAF). dircus drama. Llane Hal Dir. Hein* Paiil. .70.:mins. Rel.'Dec-:. 16.. Rev. Jan. 3. Key to Address . Viennese operetta. Michael Rel. April I. ReV. APrli; IL comedy. Charlotte Susa. March 7. Amklno,--^T23-Seventh---Avc^ Associated Cinema, 154 W. 55th, Bavaria Film, 25 Spruce St. Capital Fll . 030 Ninth Ave. Charles Herrlitz, 25 Spruce St. lOnibassy Plots.; 729 Seventh Ave, l5uro|)ean Film, 154 West 55th. Filmcholce, 33 West 42d. Foreign American, 111 West Foremco. 1560 Broadway. Garrison Films. 729 Seventh Ave. General Foreign Sales. 729 7lh Ave. Germanla. 22-33 I9th St.. Astoria. CJeorge Sclinelder, 575 Riverside Dr. Gloria Fllm.s, 630 Ninth Ave. ^Har ol d=A utcTii^ls C0=^BnJa:d W3Rrr="-" rntemat'l Cinema, 1499 First Ave. Interworld Films, 1640 Broadway. ' H. Hoffberg, 729 Seventh Ave. J. H. Whitney, 350 Cast 72d. ICineniatrade. 723 Seventh Ave. Madison Picts.. Ill West 67th. Modern Film, 729 Seventh Ave, New Era. 030 Ninth Ave. Tortaie Films. 630 Ninth Ave. Protex Trading. 42 E. 6Bth. Quality Picts.. 030 Ninth Ave. Worldkino. 1501 Broadway. /.bysviUp Fll 274 Madison Ave.