Variety (Sep 1933)

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40 VARIETY Tueisday, Septemb^ 26, 1933 OUTSTANDING PROGRAMS ON THE AIR NATIONAL (Talcing in chain programs of; c6ast-to-coast pr regional hookups, ijisting firtisti chain ami Hey stations, time—EST, put of Neio.York^ <ind days, if more than ojicc iceekW, commercial and advertising d1;encv on the aiiconnt. The time difference aocotding to geograpM location van b6 figured out for local reference Qccordingiy.} (this and Next Week/Sept. 26 to Oct. 2) (All Time EST) TUESDAY (SEPT. 26) Jiitia Sanderson and Frank.Orumit, Parker FjenneUyi Jack ShUkret orchestra, 'Blackstbne Piaritatlon,' 8-8:30 p.m., WEAP-NBG (Blaek- Vtdne Cigars) (Batten^ Barton. Dur- fltine & Osbbtne); The •iGQldberg's, with Gettrude Tterg, Jditiea Waters, 7:46^8 p.m., NBC-WBAF. Also . Wed., Thiirs:, Prl. & Mbn. (Pepsodent) (Lord & Thomas agency). - Amos 'n' Andy, 7-715 p.m., NBC- WJZ: Also Wed.,- Thurs., Kri. & Moh: Rebroadcast for ..the midwest and west • 10 p.m., CST (Piepso- deiit). ' . Clara» Lu 'h' Em, Louist Btarky Isahelie Cdrothers and Helen King, 10:16-10:30 a.m., J^BC-WJZ. Also Wed.; Thurs., Fri. and Mbn, (Palm- olive) .(Lord .& Thomas agency). lilttle Orphan. Annie, 5:46^6 p,m„ NBO-WJZ. Also Wed., Thjurs.; Frl & Mon. (Ovaltlne),. (Blackett-Samr ple-Hummert). Ben Bernie orchestra, 9-9.30. p,m> NBC-WEAP (Blue Ribbon Malt) (Matteson-'Fogarty-Jordan, agency). .. Loioell Thomast 6:45-7. p.m.i NPC WJZ. Also Wed.. Thurs.. Fri. & Mon. (Sun Oil Co.) (Roche, Wil- liams <& Cunningham ag:ehcy). Kouaehold Musical Memories, Ed-^ oar A, CHiest, Alice Mock, Josef Koestner orchestra, 9-9:30 p.m., :3NBC-WJZ. (Household Finance Corp,) (Charles Daniel Fry agency)^ •Sklppy,' 6-5:lBp.m.,^CBS-WABC. Also Wed., Thurs.; Frl. & Mon. (Phillips Dental Magn0sla.> (Black- ett-Sample-Hummert), Mills Bros., 7:30-7:45 P;m;, CBS- WABC. Boake Carter, 7:45-8 p.m,, CBS- TVTABC. Also Wed,, Thurs,-,, Frl. & Mon. (Philco). Kate Smith, 8:46-9 p.m;, CBS- WABC. Eddie East aiiad. Ralph Dumke, John Bale, Don Voorhees' orch., NBC- WEAP, 9:30-10 p.m. (Tesaco) (Hanff-Metzgef)^ •Mytt and Marge,' ^7-7:15 ■p.m., CBS-WABC. Midwest release, 9:46 p.m. (Wrlgley'a Gum) (Francis Hooper). Eno Crime Clues, with Edward Reese,- John MacBryde, '8-8:30, NiftC-WJZ. Also Wed., same time; (Btarold P. Ritchie & Co:) N. W, Ayer.) phony, 5-6.16 pjn., CBS-WABC. Also Thursday; 10:16-10:4G p.m. Symphony Hour, Jloward RdrUnc, directing, 4-6 p.m., CBS-WABC. orchestra, WEAP-NBC, 9-10 p.m (Maxwell House Coffee) (Benton & Bowles). Glenn Gray's Casa Loma orch., midrilte to 12:30 a.m.; CBS-WABC. :Al Jolson, Paul Whiteman, Deems Tayior, :Tcix.,. flnd variety .show, .10- .11 p.m., NB(I^-WEA)P', cOast-to>c6asf (Kl-aft-Phcnlx Products) (J, Wal- ter Thompson). •Slhgln' Sam,' 8:15-8:30, CBS- .WABC. (Barbasoi) (Erwin Wasey) liosiveU Sisters, Freddie BtcTij con- ducting, 8:8-15, CBS-WABC. I DAY (SEPT. 29) . Cities. Service concert, with Jessica, Dragonctte, the Cavaliers (Henry Shope; .Frank Parker. John .Seagle Elliott Shaw. Lee Montgomery) Frank Banta and Milton Rettenberg Rosario Boicrdon's orchestra, WEAP- NBC,. 8-9 p.m. (Cities Service Gaso- line) (I;6rd & Thomas). Fred Allen, Portland. Ho^a, Jack Smart, Roy Alweil, Phil Duey, Eileen Douglas, Ferdie (?ro/c orchestra, 9- 9:30 p.m., WEAP-NBC <Best Poods) (Benton; & Bowles). Rose Keane and Charles Lawrence, Lee Wiley, Paul Small, Victor Toung orchestra, WEAP-NBC, 9:30-10 p.ija. (Ponds' Cream) (J. Walter Thomp- sbri). Floyd^ Gibbons, Headline Hunter, NBC-WJZ, 10:45-11 t.m. •pirst Nightei',' with June Meredith, Don Ameche, Carlton Brickert and Cliff Soubier, 10-10:30 p.m., NBC- WJZ (Catnpana Italian Balm) (Mc- Caiin Erickson). Arnlour Hour, with Phil Baker, Hairy McNaughton, Merrie Men, Neil Sisters, Roy .Shield orchestra, 9.30-10 p.m., NBC-WJZ (Armour Packing) (N. W. Ayer agency). •Let^s Listen to Harris,' Phil Harris aind orchestra, Leah Ray, 9-9:30 p.m.., NBC-WJZ (Cutex) (J. Walter Thompson)... ■ Lum and A&ner'5 Oldttme Sociable, 10;30.-11 p.m:. NBCtWEAP, orlgiflat- Ing from WTAM. (Ford dealers) (Critchfleld agency). Ethiel Shutta, Walter O'Keefef Don Bestor's band, 8-8:30 piin., NBC-WJZ (Nestle's ' Chocolate) (J. Walter Thom'pSbn)>, WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 27) .t'annie Brice, Cteorge Olseh music (Chase & Sanborn Tea). WEAP- NBC, 8-8530 p.m. (J. Walter Thompson agency.) Potash and Perlmutter (Jos. Oreenwald and Lou Welch), WJZ NBC; 8:80-8:45 p.m. (Feenarnint) (McCanii-ErlcksOh). The Poet Prince, Eunice Howard, reading, NBC-WJZ, 11:15-11:30 p.m, , irvin 8, Cobb and At Goodman's •orchestra, 9-9:15 p.m., CBS-WABC (Good Gulf). Also Prl., same time (Cecil, Warwick & Cecil). Guy Lombardo's orchestra and Burns and 4JIen/9:30-10 p.m., CBS WABCr (White. Owl cigar) (J. Wal- ter Thompson).. Fred "Warlng's Pcnnsylvanians ahd Milton Berle, Harry RicJiman, 10-10:30 p.m., CBS-WABC (Old Gold) (Lennon & Mitchell). EduHri C. Hill, news, 10.30-10:46 p.m., Oi3S-WABC. . One Man's PaAiily, sketch by Carlton E. Moi'se, with Anthony Smythe, 9:30-10 pvm.^ NBC-WEAi\ originating from N'BC Sctn Francis- co studios. Leo Relsman, conducting, Conrad Thibault, 9:30-10 p.ih.> NBC-WEAP, (Philip Mori-Js) (Miltoh Blow agency). . Jiiorton Doioney, 7-7:15 p.m., CBS- WABCi Also Pri; Cyrena Van Gordon, Walter Golde, ..I's.ccompanist, 7:30-7:45 p.m., NBC- WJZ. (Djer Kiss Cosmetics.) Richard Himber, orchestra, from Essex House, 7:45-8 p.m., NBC-* WJZ; Alexander Woollcott, 'The Town TCilgP;'nOT30=10T45rCBS^W-ABeralS5^ .; Fri. '. iTcie smith, 0:15-9:30, CBS-WABC. SATURDAY (SEPT. 30) Rese. Battle concert ensemble, WEAP-NBC Out of Toronto (via CRCT), 1:30-2 p.m. "Week-end Revue, variety show, NBG-WEAF. 4-6 n.m B. A: Rolfe orchestra, with Rudy :Wiedoft. WEAP-NBC, 10-11 p.m (H.iid son- Essex) (Blackman agency). Glen Gray and Casa Loma orches: tra, 7:30-8 p.m., CBS-WABC. THURSDAY (SEPT. 28) RUdy Vallee-FleiscJiinann variety program. Bert Lahr, Bill Terry,_ Joe Qronin, Mary Smalh Jack McLdllcn. WEAF-NBC, 8-9 p.m. (Fjeiflch- mann'sYeast) (J.Walter Thompson). Cap'ti Ilcm-y's Shoui Boat, including OJias. Winninger, Ldnny Ross, An- nette TTnn^haw, Muriel Wilson, Mo- lasse» 'n' Janvary, Don Voorhces SUNDAY (OCT. 1) Alfredo's marimba orchestra, WEAP-NBC, 10:30-11 a.m. ilajor Bowes' Capitol Family from Capitol theatre, N. Y.i 11:16 a.m.-12:15 p.m., WEAP-NBC. va- riety show, with Maria Silviera. Han nah Klein, Nicholas Concentino,.Tom McLaughlin, Four' Minute Men, Waldo Mayo, Yasha, Bunchuk, con- diictm^, Jimmy Durante; Ruth Etting, Ru: binoff's orchestra, WEAP-NBC, 8-9 p.m. (Chase & Sanborn CofCee). (J Walter Thompson). Col. Louts McHenry Houpe," Presi- dent. Roojaevelt's secretary, 10-10: p.m., WEAP-NBC. Walter Trumbull interviewing him oh national siffairs (RCA Victor;) Helen Morgan, Albert Bdttlett's orch., 2-2:30 p.m., CBS-WABC. (Bi- Sl-Dbl) (Blackett-Sample- Haln- wert.). • Radio CUy Music Hall Concerf, Roxy (S. L.. Rothafel) as m.c,, with Erno Rapee's orchestra, choir and soloist?. 12:15-1:15 p.m» WJZ-NBC Frank Crumit and Julia Sanderson, 5:30-6 p.m., WabC-CBS (Bond IJread) (Batten, Barton, etc,:. 2'he Qauchos, Vincent Sorey con- ducting, with Tito Giiizar, 9-9:30 p,m, WABC-CBS. Vincent Lopez, Alice J<nf, 7:30-8 p,m„ NBC-WJZ. (Real Silk) (Erwln Wasey). Manhattan. Morry-Go-Round, Ta- -ntdrar^Bavid^PeroyrMeii^About-^own Gene Rodemich orchestra, 9-9.?0 p.m., <JBC-WEAP. (Lyon's Tooth Powder) (Blackett-Sample-Hummert). American Album of Familiar Mu sic, Frank MUnn, Elizabeth LennoSi, Ohman and Arden, Bertraiid Uirsch Gus Haenschen orchestra, 9:30-10 p m., NBC-WEAF. Bayer's Applrln) (Blackett-Sample-Hummert). Light Opera Nightsi Muriel Wilson Alma Kitchell, Willard Amison, Walter Preston, Harold Sanford, con ducting, 8-8:50, NBC-WJZ. Willard Robison's Deep Pviver sym- MONDAY (OCT. 2) A&P isyp sies, Harry Horlicte dU recting, Fratilc^drker, WEAF-NBC, 9-9:30 p.m. (Atlantic & Pacific). Sinclair Minstrels, .Gene AriiOld, Joe Parsons, BiU CMIds, Mac McClpud, Clifford Bouhier, Harry Kogen dlreqt ine, NBC-WJZ oiit of Chicago. 9-9:30 p.m. (Sinclair Oil) (Erwln Wasey). Jack Frost Melodies with Josef Pas ternackft orchestra and guest artist 9:30-10 p.m. (National Sugar Refln ing) Gotbam agency). Morgan L. Eastman . orbhestra Gene Arnold, Lullaby Lady, .10-10:3 p tti., NBC. (No N, T. release) (Car na,tlon ilfilk) (Ery^ Wasey. agency); LOCAL SHOWS (Embracing same data as }fd- tiondl progrdms, giving titAe, drtists,: commercial, agency, etc., of local programs, not on a network hook- iip, f^^gional or national.) NEW YORK orchestra, soloists. 8:30-9 1 p.m;, WOR. J Alfred WaHensteiri's Slnilonetta. Veronica Wiggins, soloist, .10:30-11 p;nni., WOR. GHICAGa^ (SEPT. 27 to OCt/2) (All Time CST) WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 27) . Hal SPotten; sports talk and sum- niary; 6:ao-&:46 p.m. daily, WlVfAQ. (Pabst Blue Ribbon) (Matteson-Fo- garty-Jbrdah agency). :46 THURSDAY (SEPt, 28) T/iicle Ezra, comedy skit, 1: p:m. daily. WLS. :_Sustaihing. EdeJioeiss . Joe (Joe .Parsons), sbngs; 9-9:15 p.m. WMAQ. (iSdel- weiss Brew). i (SEPT. 29) Three Strings, niusical; 4:45-6 p;m., four times weekly. KLW. Sus- taining, Prudence Periny^ wome.n'stalk) 1:45-2 t).ih., Ave times weekly, iKYW. (Herald and. Examiner).. ,j. (SEPT. 26 TO OCT, 2) (All Time EST) TUESDAY (SEPT. 26) Eddy Broivn, violinist, with minia- ture symphony maestroed by George Shackley, 8:30-9 pjn., WOR. ; Fobtlight Echoes, directed by. ?eo. Shackley, Lewis Reid announcer 9:30-10 p.m., WOR. 'Sleepiy Time Lady,' Jddy Sprintz 6:16-6:30, WINS. Same time every day but SUn. Gabriel Hedtier, hews comment, 7:46-8 p. m.. WOR. Also every other day' but Sun. (Ebling Brewing Co.). Clem McCarthy,: Sportlights. of the Day, 7-7:16 p;m., WMCA, WEDNESDAY (SEPT. 27) Phit Napoleon's otch,, Merrill Lee, 9-9:30 p.m., WEAP. (Hudson- Sssex) (Blackmitn agency). Pappy, Zeke and Eitra, 10-10,30 p.m., WMCAi Also Sun.. Mon. and Fri. Market . and Halsey Street Play- house, Roger Bower, m.c.; Lee Croni- can, conductor, 10:30-11 p.m., WOR, THURSDAY (SEPT. 28) 'Men ot WOR,' variety, Sherman Keene directin£r« Qrenddiers QUartef, Walter Ahrena^ 10:30-11 p.m., WOR. JSferle Alcock, soprano; Roderick Grahdmt conducting; 9-9i:30 p.m., WMCJA. ^ Merle Johnston's Saxophone Qudr^ tet and PauUne A4>ert, pianist, 7.45-8, "WOR. (FRIDAY (SEPT. 29) Harold Btem'M orchestra, 8:46-9 p.m., WOR (Crystal C'^).). Hendrik de Leeuw, 'Tales' of Globe Trotter; WBVD. Jacle LaWs Qaities, WINS. • Bronx Marriage Bureau, Jiilie Bernstein, Hyman Brovm, 9-9:15 p.m., WOR. Orchestra Gems, ^Robert Hood Bowers, conducting; 10-10:30 p.m., WMCA, 8:16-8:30 p.m., 45-7 P.m., . SATURPAY (SEPT, 30) Don Bestor's Orch, Ray Perkins, Shirley Howard, 8-8:30 p.m., WJZ, (Rheingold. Beer) (HanCF-Metzger). "WOR Little Symphony, orchestra, Philip James, conducting, .8-9 p.m., WOR. The Cuban IJady, Cuban songs, 1:45-2 p.m.* WMCA. SUNDAY. (OfcT. 1) Sllverbell, With Sylvia Miller. Madelyn Hardy, Mduro Cottone, Wil liam Kennedy, 9:16-9:30, WMCA. Woodbury revue^ with Roxanne and her orchestra, Al and Lee Reisier, Jack Arthur, 7:30-8 .pm., WOR. Red Lacquer, and Jade, George Shackley, directing, Basil RUysdael, narrator, 6-6.30 jp.m., WOR. Margaret Aiiglin presents, with Robert Beddele, organist, 6 :30-7 p.m., WOR. Henrik De Leeuw, 4:30-4 :46 pjn., WOR. 'Radiant Revue,' Al and Lee Reiser, Jack Arthur, Roxanne, conducting, 7:30.8 p.m., WOR (Woodbury cos- "mctIc3y~(J. "Waller^Thbnlpsbn)^' Jewish Little Symphony, with Jewish Serenaders, 6-6:30 p.m., WINS. Choir Invisible, Vera Osborne, An nette Simpson, Veronica Wiggins, John Qhine, David Cfoswell, George O'Brien, Jack Keating; George /8fc(Tc7ctol/, directing,-8:30-9 p.m., WOR Viola PMlOi 8:16-8:30, WMCA. MONDAY (OCT. 2) Back Stage with Boris.. Morros from Paramount theatre, N. T., with SATURDAY (SEPT. 30) National Barn Dance, 10:30-1 p.m. weekly. WLS. (Alka Seltzer) CWade agency). " : '^ SUNDAY (OCT. 1) Symphoni/ Orchestra,^9:15-9:46, p, m., weekly. WENR. (Edison com- pany), . Tom G^nin orchestra; 9: V30 'p. m, WBBM. LOS ANGELES (SEPT. 29 TO OCT. 5) (All Time PST) Snug Harbor, JKHJ, 8:30-9 p.m:, maritime dramatization by Prank Gill and W. N. Robson. .Sustaining. Bdlvatore Santaella^ dinner mu- sic, KMTR. 6:15-6:30 p.m., nightly except Saturday. ' Sustaining. . Merrymdji^s, KHj, 9-10 p,in.r va- riety show, with GiU and Doemlihg and Ray Paige's orchestra. . (Ford Dealers o£ Calif.) (McCann-Erick son)i 'Hon. Archie and Frank Watanabe, KNX, 7-7.1,6 p.m., comedy serial, every evening except Siinday (Marlon R. Gray Co.) Al Pearce, and His Gang, KPI, 2-3 p.m. daily except Sundays. Sus- taining. FRIDAY (SEPT. 29) . Mellowed Melodies^ KHJ, 8:i6-;8.30 Norman Nielson.-tnd .Haget Warner. (Sussman and. Wormer) (Vincent Leahy Agency). _^ Radio Periscope, KFWb, fantastic comedy with Torn Breneman and Owen Crump, 9-9:30 p.m. . Sustaining. KNX Varieties, with Jack Carter^ KNX, 8-9 p.m. Revue, Sustaining. SATURDAY (SEPT. 30) NRA Variety program, -KNX and all L. A. stations, 9-10 p.m. * SUNDAY (OCT. t) Symphonif Concert, KMPC and. re- broadcast KFWB, KFOX, Long Beach; KREG, Santa Ana, 10-11 p.m. ChaUncey Haines' orchestra Of 35 pieces. (MacMIllan Petroleum -Co.) Charles Hamp, KNX, 7:30-8 p.m;; Also Mon. .and Frl., 9:15-9:46 p.m. (Straska, Toothpaste) (Smith and Drum). Napoldon and Josephina KFWB, 9-9:30 p.m. Serial dramatiziatioh of French history. (Barktic Brois.) (Ray Alden aigency). •76 All-Star Revue,' KHJ, 7; 30-8 p.m,, Donald Novis, Sterling Holloway iand Orville Knapp orchestra.. Union Oil Co. (tiord and Thomas). Also Wednesday, Sept, 27. 'The Wanderer, KFWB, 9:30-10 p.m. Narrator^ Bob ' Sherwood, chamber music. (Kelvihator.) (Hammel agency:) MONDAY (OCT. 2) Mad Hatter, KFWB, mystery serial, 8:30-9.p.m. Sustaining. . Girl Behind the Counter,. j^CFWB, Jeannie Dunne and Bert Flsfter, sing- ing skit, 8-8:15. Blue Monday Jamboree, KHJ (from=-K=FRC;-=San=i'-ranci5!co)r==8-10= p.m. (Shell Oil .Co;) TUESDAY (OCT. 3) Heroes of the Lafayette Hscadrille, KFWB, 8-8:16 p.m*, air naxratlon by 13dwin Parsons. Sustaining. 'Arherican Parade,' K>tPG, 5-9:30 p.m. Sustaining. \podge Podge Lodge, KliJ, ema- nating KPZIC, San Francisco, 9:30- •ICr p.m., comedy program, sustain- ing. California Melodies, direction Ray Pdige, KHJ (CBS), taining. '7 p.m. su9- WEDNESDAY (OCT; 4) ^Cfrocers' Baikei of Fun* With .TocJfc Car ter, KNX, 8-9 p.m, (Durkc^ May- bnniailse) (Livingstone Agency). THURSDAY (OCT; 5) tighi^pera Favorites,.KiffX^ 7:16- 7:46 p.m.,- with Charlotte Woodruff. Sustalni DENVER (SEPT- 29 TO OCT, 5) (An time MST). IDAY (SEPT, 29) : Luncheon. MCelOdies, 'ii m. !daily exc, Suh',-, Joe O'Neil, baritone; Fred Bur'' kett,:. tenor; Janet Bible^- contralto; Bill Kogers, piano.: KLZ, . :Gbsmopolitan Hotel orchestra, Geiie Quav>, director, KOA to NBC- WJZ network; 2-2'30. p.m,;' also-11- 11:30 p.m., Oct. 1. Arcadians, 9-plece-string orchestra, Ruth Skelly Bello, director ; Florence Fiskel, tenor; Mildred Kyfsin. con- tralto, KOA to NBC-WJZ network; 2:30-3 p.m. Denhani Theatre, 4:30-4:46 p.m.. Wed. and Prl.; allsdi 3:30t4 p.m.. Sun; KLZ. Broadmoor Country ClUb dance or- chestra, Ldivrence Welk, director. Kl^Z. :.30ria Msib 9:15-9:30 p.m., , 3; 10-10:30 p;m.> Oct.. 4, SATURDAY (OCT. 30) KLZ Kids Club, jerry and Margie O'Neil directors, 3:15-3:46 p.m. KLZ. . Rainbow Ballroom orchestra, Earl •.Koi/e, jillrector;...lflrl0:30. p.m.,. Sun., Tiies., Wed., Sat. KLZ. Chds. 8. Schuerman's orchestra, KOA to NBC, llrlt:30 p.m. SUNDAY (OCT. 1) Naomi .F. Bengston, organ; Bob. Katp'er, solbist; 10-10:30 p.m.' KLZ; MONDAY (OCT. 2) Huffman Theatres, West Masters, organist, and others; ll'-ll:30 p.m., KLZ. TUESDAY (OCT. 3) . Henry Trtistman Gin'iburg, violin- ist ; Faye Roswell, accompanist; 6:30- 6:46 p.m.' KQA.. Std.gecDacliers/ Chas. 8. Scheurman* director; 10-10:30 p.m., KOA. WEDNESDAY (OCT. 4) University of Denver Stilly Highi^ llghtSy 6:30-5:45 KOA. THURSDAY (OCT. 5) Farm Forum and Question Box, 12:30-12-46 p.m,, KOA. Etha* Grid Schedrie I NBC Will jump all Over the map to cover, the big Saturday football games this- 'autumn. Schedule which is cothplete except for Nov. ,4 und Nov. 18 will have NBC sports, commentators breathing excitedly into micropliones from such widely scattered geographic points as Athens, Ga., South Bend^ Ind., Evanstoh, ni., Cleveland, Ann Ar- bor, Neiiv Haven, Cambridge, Phila- delphi , Prbvldencej New York ahd Pasadena. West Point will have five of its contests broadcast to the nation. John .Royal is still trying to find the ideal football announcer.. Ex- football players-mike inferior play', by-play narratbrs . so it looks, like (Jraham McNamee' will step moat of: the aisslgn.ments. Phillips* NBC Break NBC ha^ grabbed Howard Phil- lips,, an. unkniowh baritpnel for a sustaining, biilld-up. He's the first outsider to get a break through the Monday night auditions recently es- tablished by John Royalr Phillips was given the worthwhile, stamp during the . second audition. First audition was a blank. About 10 auditions are given each Monday with the NBC boys taking d poll aniong themselves on anything that sounds, like a bet. HOGE WITH CHI NBC Chicago, Sept. 26. r= Gen0=^Hbg<re«ra^back=^tcr the^ cal NBC staff to. join the service department under L 13, Showerman, Iloge has been but In Denver handling^ sJiles for KOA, the NBC station, PEAEI niSs BACK OCT. 1 Hollywood, Sept, 26. Jack Peart trickles Hack to New .York Oct. 1, finishing Mffro'a 'Meet the Baron.' Starts on the aU-