Variety (Sep 1933)

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42 VARIETY RADIO Tuesday* September 26, 1933 RADIO CHATTER a p »II IMHIIUia > Mlll l tai l HlitLLd |.'tiri1!vi"'-''^'''''''''^^L<«'"'''"^^ New York Guesting, on Dick Leibert's morn- ing prganlog frorti Radio City Music Hall, ov€>r NBC, Roxy showered praise 6n the muslciijin and at ^lie sanie time revealed that program- was the idea of 'The Chief,' M, H. AylesWorth. Miss Biiiy Walker's Texas Long- horns are newcomers on a commer- cial over tvat, tvith George Rph- erts, .also a hevir name, a,s the an- nouncer. kal Hallett'a orch«sti-a broad- basting from Paradise Ship, Troy, over WOKO, Albany. Uoodnian Ace, Fred Allen and Jack Benny, all comedians, and Jaiie Acb, Portland Hoffa, and Mary Livingston,,'all wives; sat around thei radio last Wednesday (20) and listened to -Milton Berle, It brought bkck the subject of the good old days;.: George McClelland, NBC v.p., limping around on a bad ankle,..last Frank Mason, NBC, multi- lingual. Ralph Gtosvenor goes solo for WOR !lri ti, program called. 'Wish- ing.' Joseph Meehan, 21, has been dis- DON dnd hi MAM WABC Coast-to-Coast Network fjj^.Monday—Friday, 5 P. M. Coliunbift Broadcasting System MILTON BERLE OLD GOLD PROGRAM Sept. 6th Mahagemeht CHARLES MORRISON MORRISON-WINKLER CORP. Park Central .Hotel covered by WQR as a promisiniD| tenor. Goodnfian Ace cranio wise ane'nt a certain hotoribus vaudeville comic wlioni he tickets as an ad lift, hu- morist. Evans and Atayer biack from their lioneymoon aboard tlie Maure-. tania;. Ray Ma,yer acted as m.c. for the cruise'i^ entertainment. Easy Aces' stftrt for Jad: Salts has been set. back until Oct. 10 from the original opening date of Sept. 26. Two weelcs will - be added to the other end of contract. Russell Patterson, artist,.and Leon Belasco orchestra a,uditioned for Woodbury Soap. Abe Lyman, back from Hollywood, starts his. third year. on the air for th^ same account, Phillips mag- neisia tvnd toothpaste products, Sun- day via CBS. and Wednesdays on NBC. . George Corey's being transferred from the New York J. Walter Thompson, office to Cincy so that he can. be closer to the Union Central .Life Insurance account (CBS). It's his second move there with six months. But this time it's oh two tickets, with his recent bride holder of the .other. t , Performance she gave on 'Uncl^. Don's'' program over WOR interested Brunswiclc in putting Ann ('Mickey Mouse's.Birthday P'arty') Ronnell on for a r^cOrding test, johnny Johnston escorted Jimmy Cannon by plane from New York to Cleveland to look in on 'Lum and Abner's Sociable,' mong other things.. Frank Hizzard, WCAU. PhiUy, has gone from engineering the con- trol^ t o a 'w arbling prograntL.fttliia own. '" Joe Orlando writes tO :say that-he will appear soon on the . Amalga- mated network. Frank M. Randolph, tenor, is black from France and doing. a four a week stint on KPRU; Columbia, Mo, N. Y. 'World-Tele' in Thursday's (21) first, edition quoted , Paul White's remarks about the stait Of 250 correspondents he was. figuring on for the Colunibia News Service, but for the second edition killed all the quoted paragraphs. . WCAXJ, Phlla., has teamqd up its society commentator, Mary Brown Warburton, with a tenOr, . John Craig, and the Savitt Salon ork. Del Casino, WMCA barytone meets his 21st anni, today, (25). Honeybpy and Sassafras; corkster comics,, are back oh CKLW, De troit. Former of the-teani is George Fields from, minstrelsy, showbot^ts, vauile, medicine shows ^nd whatnot Homer Croy is the latest of book iiumOrists to niake art air try. NBC auditioned him last week. Ross Peardon tried out for NBC NBC program tangle when standard time comes back. Phil Baker taking the Interview route oh the Farm and Home Hour through Helen. Stevens Fisher. George Olsen qOnr.iB Into Chicago to see- how pauch Ben Berni© had improved witlii the mashle and nib- llclt. From the score it looked like Bei-nie .would have done better with. • ust the cigar; Music and radio men laid olf that day just to play gal- lery for the Olsen-Bernie feud and get a load of the ribbing. Norman Gordon; basso on the Armour program, made his opera, debut with the San Carlo opera company In Chicago singing the King role In 'Aida*. Mary Neely of WIND, Gary, Ind., getting her tortsllp scissored, with Virginia Bennoit subbing on the Housekeeping Chats' program, Art Linlck feels like an old man with a gray beard since his daugh- ter, Bobette, started school last week in Chicago. ARTHUR TRACY "The Street Singer" MANAGEMENT MORRISON-WINKLER OORPORATION Park Central Hotel NEW YORK a routine he billed as 'The Shanty man.' Bob Tapliuger thinks the Mills Bros, have always got the right pub liclty breaks from CBS. CIncago West Ether Slants The Kid Angle Now that Marilyn Mack has her old spot on Julius Grossman's, shoes, Baby Ro^e-Marie Is back at apr proximately the same noonday hour Sundays for a n^w sponsor, .Tasty- yeast. Theory of spotting the talented • kid songstress on a ye^st: product is probably the - same as obtains In the average . Ajnerlcan household from 4:30 tp .6:3.0 p.m., when the kid-appeal programs dominate the dials and, In that; wise, compels the elders to. absorb whatevei: sales- spiel thatis offered. Presumably that's the same .Idea h^re In Spotting an adolescent to attract the Juven- ile trade for otherwise the air nves- sage Is very adult. Too much so, in truth, The overplus of ad spiel- ing Is the . chief de.terrent • to the. quality of this quarter-hour cpmr mercial. opening and the other at the pror. gi'am's fadeout. For tha product the phrasing of the copy, was all to ho creator's credit.' Alee on Ai Aimee Semple McPherson .Hut- ton, . the big vaudeville head] Iner, inspired Alexander WooUcott to lyric verbalism.. WoollcOtt in his Town Crier* program went ga-ga over Sister Aimee, Before he men- tfoned the name of the person he was describing Sister Atmee \voilId have been NoV 879 on anybody's list Of three guesises. Woollcott nomi- nated Sister Aimee tor the approval of the Algonquin.. ?Varilty iFair' Will probably put her In their hall of fame after that visa on her pass- port. AND HIS CHEisTEiRFIELD.HOUR ORCHESTRA EACH FRIDAV 10 P.M. WABC Direction MOBRISOK-VI'INKlEB Cdrporatlpn '^Radio's Loveliest. Lark" IN SONGS FRiGlDAIBE PROGRAM Friday 10:30 p. m. OBS. ifectlori, BdorrlBon-WInkler Corporation Park Central Hotel, New York City Tom (Tolya) Flzdale handling special exploitation on the / -mour show. Al Williamson back after doing a tworweek iase down in the home town of BlQomington. Marian and Jim Jordan back On the. ether doing the Smackout series for NBC. DIcIc Voynow's musical masters phonograph library so large now he needs a special room. Ben Bernie gnaws, on a cigar even in the privCwCy: of a recording studio. Quln Ryan Anally got away on his vacation and no.w 'dashihg . out the Dunes. Pierre Andre back for the Black Hawk midnight flyers session. Ken Carpenter has been in. the loop three times in a year since go- ing Merchandise Mart. Alex .Robb doing the midnight oil routine trying to straighten out .the Fred Petiers is the new . manager of KIEV, 100-wAtter, In Glendale, CaL Grant City Park Corp. of Grant City, Mo., seeking voluntary assign- ment of KGIZ'9 license to KGBX, inc., and permission to., move to. Springfield, Mo. Los .Angeles water department gnranted five 30-watt special emer- gency service licenses to be used between L. A. and Boulder dam. Santa Barbara, Calif., granted license for its 100-watt KGZO, po- lice 'castier. KJBS, San Francisco, after in- crease in power, from iOO to 500 watts and part of former facilities ofKFWL K^Wf-San Jose, wants a Jump from 500 to TM^f watts tfl daytime power, - - - .1 — _ • . KMTR, Hollywood, gathering tal- ent for a new serial, 'Black Eagle'. KOCW, Chickasha, Okla., granted permission to move to Tulsa after KVOO, Tulsa, withdrew Its protest. KRSC, Seattle, after additional time, froni midnight to 4 . a. m. Albuqyerque Publishing Company, operating Station KOB Inaugurated news reporter of air with J. C, Mc- Gregor, doing it. Talks along lines of Gibbons on two ISrminute flashes daily. , ^ . Paul Martin gets several sustain ing spots as novelty banjolst on NBC, San Francisco, and a buildup froni the network. He's Mart Grauenhorst, staff musician. Talent on. Dobbsie's trahscon tihental 'Del Monte Ship of Joy' which takes to NBC (25) from San Francisco includes Meredith Will- son*3 orchestra, Dotlc and Kiiickeir bockers quartet* SJva Grunlnger and Carrie Jacobs Bond. Harry Anderson, commercial man ager of Paclflc division, NBC, up from San Francisco headquarters for few days In Seattle. W. Carey Jennings, KGW and KGX commercial mgr.. In Portland busying himself around Seattle. Arizona Joe, KOL Seattle cowbOy yodler, back vrlth local studio after seven months national .tour' and an appearance With NBC's. 'Corn Cob revue/ Dave Ballou now p. a.'ing at KNX, Hollywood. Leslie Mawhlnney leaves KHJ as publicity director to devote all his time to heading the L. A. CBS news bureau. Ruth Durrell due. back at KFWB Oct. 12. Singer will place Julietta Novis. KFWB'S 'King's Men,'male quar- tet, now being disced. . Mark Kelly, sports editor of L. A. 'Examiner,' wil l br oadcast all foot- ball games for FWB,". Hollywood. Pond's Show . Pond's is another smooth show. Ilka Chase and Charles Lawrence as Mary and Wilbur,; the' latter a new Idea of dumbbell husband char- acter, have two nifty comedy ses- sions. Victor Young's expert and cfassy syncopation Is ideally suited for the svelte framework' of Ihiis beauty cream, ether Interlude. Author! Author I—for Berle It it Is the aiih of Old* Gold to spread the cigaret haiiit into the grammar schools on the grounds that the conquest of the high schools Is now complete they Jiave a likely Instrument for their pur- pose in Milton Berle. For adults of more than -.00.5 ijiscrlmihation his-performance last-week (20) -wa&- nearly an all-time ,Jo\v_ In. radio comics/ It is, however, possible, to imagine some Of . the younger chil- dren laughing at his stale stuff. Fred Waring orchestra carried last week's show with Harry Rich- man, runner-up. Berle's material was beneath . sneers. . Obviously O.G.'s are paying him for his style and delivery as. any actor, could put those gags on paper from memory. Is it possible after all these years of talking pictures and flip radio comedians that the people in Grand Rapids or Little RoCk really doh't know the answers to anything so familiar as Milton Berle gags? Maybe Berle is a novelty. He's probably the only radio comic who tells the answeir first and then the' story. Badi pj San Franciscfo, Sept. 23. MacGregpr-Sollie recording labs now have John' iSugene Hasty writer of Eb and Zeb and Other episodes as production managen Cliff Enigles, former program di- rector of KGW,. Portland, Is In charge of station relations and H. C. Hampton, ex-kd n^anager. KFRC, In charge of sales. SIDNEY RAPHAEL MUSICAL PORTRAITS Daily Except .Saturday WABC Netvvorks Columbia BroadeaBtlnff Systetai TIM and IRENE RYAN and NOBLETTE BrOwn Derby and Humboldt Beer Uon. and l^lrl., 0:43 P^AI., PSX., KGO Network Carefree. Carnival, Tue^i., B P.M., KPO Network NBC SAN FRANCISCO King's Beer has widened its cov erage for the radio half. hour - over CBS that headlines Jane Froman {Cnd Charles Carlile. Also the time is now Saturday at 7.30 under the title 'King's Henchmen.' Comely contralto who will be in the forth- coming "Follies' has been making plenty of hay and progress since she walked put on NBC in. Chicago aiui came to the big burg. Meanwhile the . brewery has a prize contest calling ' for a bottle cap or- a hand-drawn facsimile, That sounded a wee bit archaic, the sort of thing, radio was doing the year before last; But an ad- vertiser always has the divine right of spending money where and how it sees fit. Broadway entertainers now on the radio in Diixie are Bob Mitchell, organist; Bill lilliott, tenor, and Bo BufOrd, torch dinger. All attached to WBT,: Charlotte, N. C. Charles. Crutchfleld moved from WFBC, Greenville, S,.C, to WBT, Charlotte. Latter'station, also added W. C. Latie,. jr.,'from RCA Victor, as engineer!' Gene Williams another engineer, Loree ■ PeacOck as hostess and Jack Philips, pianist. Pat Alderman of Goldsboro, N. C, has written a musical play, 'De Glory ROad,* and Lib Smilth of WPTF, Raleigh, will sing the male lead Ih a home talent production of it. Mest ^r=WO WO,-Port= Wayne;" has=Bedford Maxwell newiy oh their staff to combine vocal chores with trick an- nouncing. After several months £:d Smith left WO WO for a radio job in Toledo; Lola Loy and Mary Elizabeth Drummond are new to the commercial dept. Dorothy Dvit bin now In fourth.year as manager. Jack Martin has succeeded. Emily Joyce at the WTMJ, Milwaukee, organ. Miss Joyce studying (Continued on page 43) .For th« opening program of Its new fall series Bi-.Si-Dol Sunday (24) matinee oh CBS dol vered a smooth and melodious combination in Helen Morgan and Albert Bart lett's tango unit. La, . Morgan plied em with such of her mainstays as The Man .I Love' and. 'To Be or Not to .Be in Love,' with the old throb in the larynx registering as effectively as ever on the loud- speaker. It Was a. calibre of war bling and saccharinish instrumen falizlng that fitted neatly. Into the mood of a Sunday afternoon. Plug moniients also deftly handled Only two insertions, one at the JULES and HIS ORCHESTRA 6th MONTH 225 CLUB, CHICAGO Broadcastliiar Nightly 8:30 P. and 12:46 A. M. KXW, CHICAGO EyanslJEur^Prograrti^^ U:30 A. M., WBBU; Chleagp M. JOE PARSONS Badlo'B.Low Voice AS 'EDELWEISS JOE' Moii..W«il.TFrl., 9:IS P.M., CD8T, WHlAQ SINCLAIR MINStREL Every Mon^ 8 P.M., N.B;C, CHICAGO The Nit WiU of th6 NetWfOrks WHITE OWL WABC — . Evoryr .- IVodnesday Evehliv at 0:30 1>. M. BURNS FALLEN .: WBt MOBBI8 AGENCY THE GREEK AMBASSADOR OF GOOD WILL G£OR6E GIYOT Metro^Goldwyn-Mayer's "HOLLYWOOD PARTY" NOW IN PBODCCTiON . Sole Direction HERMAN BERNie 1610 Broadway, New "'York- RUBY NORTOK JACK CURTIS Palace Theatre Bidg, New York THE LERS NBC BED NETWOBK Mod.; Tiien. aiid Tlinrs. NIghta WTAM.CLEVELAND Mod., Wed. and Frl. Nights "You'll like the Sizi5ler8"-rAlrr caater (Mike Porter), New York Evening Journal, Ptriehkl Direction CHARLES A. BAYHA PAUL WHITEMAN Presents RAMONA N. B. C. Network KRAFT-PHENIX PROGRAM WEAF Thursday 10 P. M, VICTOR RECORDS