Variety (Sep 1933)

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Tuesday, September 26, 1933 R A D I O — M « S I C VARIETY 43 Kings Brewery Beluiiil Kings rooklyii, T, brewery, iB eald be behind the new Cafe de Paree which opens Oct; 2 or thereabouts Qn the site .6? the old Gallo theatre. Charles and Louis Mosconl v 1th. JEd Hutchinson, are putting on the showa. There -will be 24 girts and 16 showjBirls, plus two bands, on an average pro- duction budget 6£ $7,500. Name acts such as Jack Benny ot Harry Rich- man, who are beink approacli^cf for debut attriaetions, will be used,' It will be a cohtinental music ball idea. The theatre's seats been ripped out and tabies substi- tuted. One sees the show while drinking and eating. Later the cus^ tpmers use the stage for dance pur- pose^. Two baTids flank the stage, I with a staircase leading "from the audience onto the rostrum. Jimmy Carres is one of the :bands already | set. King Beer's prime concern is in I the new continental music hall as an outlet for its product, along With the exploitation values which ' .such venture entails. ---There—wil^l---4»fe—tW'o-bars;--one-^i thiei. foyer promeniide and one ih| the cafe basement-iouhge, also pat- terned iafter the Piaris idea. A similiar plan renovate the| Manhattan (nfee the Hahinierstein) and .rip'out the seats, .substituting ! tables, etc.# has been abandoned. Financial trouble. The new cibntinental Music Halls, Inc., took over the Gallo | (also later known as the New York- er) theatre from the Bowery Sav- ings Bank, mortgage holder. George jessel will receive $1,000 per for his Saturday night broad- casts over CBS from the Casino de Paris, N^ew York. ' Probably the highest sustfiining salary on record. On the a,ir Jessel will be opposish to Jaclt ipearl, who goes out over NBC at the same hour. jessel will m.c. the floor show at the cafe, which is the, New Yorker (legit) theatre oh West 54th street, remodeled. For the ifloor work he's iri for $3,000 guarantee.. against &■ percentage. Broadcasting brings hip weekly guarantee .to $4,000. Place opens Oct. It with Jessel and a show comprising 26 girls, plus some specialty acts. Charlie M!osconl (Mosconl rds.) is staging jtiie^-dancea. Esham Jones ON TOUR Dlieetioa ColnimMa B(oad«Mrtl«s Byatem AL RADIO'S ★ 1* * ★ ★ MCSICAL DIRECTOR GOOD AAAN GULF GASOLINE WITH mviN B. COBB WABO 9 P. M. WITH OBb. M.° COHAN WJZ SUNDAY 9 P. M. Beadng the Stork Gene Austin recorded a flock Of Victor records during his New York stay last week. He starts another southern, vaude tour on his own self-booked barn- storm dates Oct. 2, but flevir to New Orleans to Join Mrs. Austin, who expects a baby. shortly. Aufstin was Victor's No. 1 seller for years, his 'My Blue Heaven* being a notable best seller^ Ad Agenci^' 52 Ray Rerki iscs Chicago, sept. One of the largest radio disc con- tracts for a performer how gbing through for Ray Perkins, who' is making a full year's supply of rec- ords for the Natural Bridge Shoe company. Has already started, with the re- cording being done, by the Columbia oflnce In the eajst. * WABC^CBS MILDRED BAILEY Ain> HBR *'ROCKlKlC CHAIR" JACK and LORETTA CLEMENS <4tti cousins of Mark Twain) THCBSDAT •>,- - 2:30 P.M. VRIDAY - - - - • 5:30 P.M. SATURDAY ^ ^ - - 7:36 P.M. WEAF A BEM ROCKB PRODVCTIOM New .Dance Hall Opens Martinsburg, W. Va, Apollo Hail, third floor of Apollo building here, has been remodeled and redecorated and will open Oc- tober 5 as Roseland Ballrpoih with Jimmy DeAngelis and his orchestra, of Hershey, Pa. Radio broadcasting studio has been installed. .Jn the hall and WJEJ will put the idance music on the ether. Tex Howard, now director of band at Triarien bailroom, Seattle, bp-" erated by John Savage. This is the largest ballroom band ever on steady^ grind locally,, having 15. pieces. In the lot are two pianos, singing trios, and it's the class of the town.; Vic Meyers, who .had his band here for years,, plans new night club here, and. also is inter- ested In greyhound racing . at Van- couver, Wash., right at the'front door of Portland, Ore. For That Boy Fart ANDY DONNELLY Capable, experienced. HfuidleB script expert- ly and Intellleentlyt AlAO has excellent .slnglns voice. Ponnclly, Variety. Y. (TOMMY) TBILLY) REILLY and COMFORT NOW PLAYING ON THE PARAMOUNT-ASTORIA CIRCUIT Recoi'di fpr Decca and brbadcasting regularly for the British Broadcasting Corpoi^ation Europeah Representatives, REEVES & LAMPORT Radio Execs (Associated With, the .Show or Performance End of Radio) fi, W. Ayei^ fi. Son, 600 iPlfth Ave., N, ,T: -r.^ougIas.-Cbult er ..- : - - — Barton, Durciiine iSL 6fiibome»- inc. .383 Madison Aye., N. T. Roy burstine. Arthur Piryor, jHerbert' Sanfordv .Benton.& Bowles^ Inc.: 444 Madison Ave-i N. Y. Ruffnerl,. Biow Coi^i Inc* ;621 Fifth Ave.,' N. T, , Milton isiiow. BlackettrSample-Hum.mert, Inc. ?30 Park Ave., N. T. G. Frank Hummeri. George Tormey. Blackmaii. Cb. 122 B. 42d Stn N. Douglas Storer. , Campbell- Ew«td Co. ^ ^ 2^2 Madison Ave,, .N- X. <>• C. Halstead Gottington. Cecil, Warwick & Cecil, Inc. 230 park Ave., N. Y. C. J, H. Mckee. the Paul Cornell Co. . 5S0- Fifth ayenue, N. Y. Lfc S. Caskin. Samuel C^ Croot Co; 28 West 44th street^ N. Y. G. Arthur Anderson. Erwin, Wasey A Co., Inc. 420 liekliigton Ave., N. Y..C. Gharles Gannon. William Esty & Co., Inc. 6 B. 45th St., Ni Y. C. William Bsty. Federal Adv. Agency 444 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Mann Hollner. Ibert Frank-Guenther Law, Inc. . 70 Pine St., N. Frank A. Arnold Gardner Advertising Co. 330 W. 42d St., N: Y. C. A. Martini. Gotham Co.' 250 Park Ave., N. Y. Ci A. At Kron. HanfF-Metzgeo Ine; Paramount Bldg.. N. Y. C. Liouls A Wltten. Joseph Katz Co. 247 Park Aye., N. Y. C. Joseph Barnett. Lambert & Feasley, Inc. 400 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. Martin Hbrrell. Lennen & Mitchell, Inc. 17 E. 46th St„ N. Y. G. Arthur 3ergh.' Ray VIrden. Robert W. dnr. . E. Lesan Advertising Agency 420 jLezington. Ave^ John Si Martin. Lord & Thomas 247 Park Ave., N. Y, C. Montague H^ckett. McCann-Ericfcsoh, Inc; .285 Madlspn Ave., N, Y, C. Dorothy Bftrstow* NewelUEinmett, Inc. 40, B. 34th St. N. Y. C. Richard Strobrldge. Frank Presbrey Co. 247 Park Aye., N. Y. C. Fulton Dent. Ruthrauff 41 Ryan, Inc. Ghrysler Bldg., N. Y. G. Jack Davidson. J. Walter Thompson Co. 420 Lexington Ave., N. Y. .G. John U. Reber. Robert Golwell. ==-Gordon--ThompBon;-=^=-^== Gal Kuhl. A. K. Spencer. Herschel Williams. Na.than Tufts. Young & Rubicam 285 Madison Ave,, N. Y. Hubbell RQblhaon. W. R. Stiihler. Donald Stauffer, Radia Chatter (Continued from page 42) music at the Yale Music School, New llavcri; Milwaukee 'Sentinel' has put a lot mOre .pep. into its radio page with daily pictures, iind stories of air celelpVities. plus a more coni'plete listing of radio programs. '■ .Thompggn Bartlett, WISN, ■waviHee,: -announcer,—has—4ost.J .lS- pouhds. May .tie due to his recent assignment to the Early Risers prp- .gram^ ' WISN Players pulled a hew one by announcing, before >(i recent pro- gram that the .air show was not suited for. children^ and advising them not to listen in. . L. B. Wilson, prez of WCKY, Cov- ington, Kyi, in lino for guberhatorial candidacy of state famed for its blue grass,, beautiful women, fast horses and colonels. Ja,ck Zoller back oii ramntic staff of WLiW, Ciricy. ..Donald Dowd Irr. WWT, PhillX, to Crosley, Cincl .nati, ■ i iannouncer PoTVei Crosley,. Jr., the .'Henry Ford of fadio,' frequently weekends' at his estate in Saraspta, Fla., be- ing chaufCeured from Cincinnati in one of his planes. John L. Clark, genv mgr. of Cros- ley Radio Corp.,. in N. Y. last week bagging .commercials. .. . WSAI announced as 'Quedii City station' since power of this Crosley No. 2 sound tosser was increased to 2,500-watts for day and l.OOD-watts for night. Rhythm Jesters, iustrumentaLand vocal/.late of Columbus, O., now on sustaings at WLW, Gincy; .they are Art Ryerson, Terry : Lynch, Lee Baldwin and Joe RockhOld. Louis Johii Johnen,.. baritone of WLW, Cincinnati, and his Avife were lost in niouhtains for a night while on yacash at Brysoh City, N. C. Prof. Edwin B. KurtZi head of the University of Iowa; "electrical: engi- neering department, is to serve oh two committees of the National Television association. He is direc- tor of station: W9XK, Iowa City, wh iCh broadcasts .weekly. prograxns Musk Motes, East kobert Dodson joined the Golurn- bia phonograph pfflce in Chicago, to supervise the northside division. Gomes in under the eye of ^aul Cohen, in charge of city sales. Un- veiling ot the Rooisevelt grill. New York, for Reggie Ghilds, has been put oft to Sept. 28; Bob Grant and Godoy Argentine units will share the Instrumental assignment at the Embassy 6lub, oft Broadway spot. Opening this Thursday (28). Floor ishow's bill Includes Ethel Merman, the Ysicht Club Boys and the DeMarcos. Arthur E. Germailze, for 13 years general counsel and a director of the Golumbia phonograph Co., has resumed the general practice of law as a. member pf the firm of Wachtell, Manheim and Grouf.. When Ger- maize and the recording outfit parted several months hev was also Its export manageir. Break followed the taking over of Columbia by the Grlgsby-Grunow interests of Chicago. CoBflie's a Beer Spot Connie'^ Inn, the No. 2 Harlem hot s^ot, is passing , out and leM'ipg the Cotton Club a clear field for the ofay trade. Inn becomes' the Har- lem Tavern,' a iersUibe, with Broadway Jones (colored) band comiiag in to supply the tunes .for the. feuds. Gptton; Gluh continues at a .f 2.50 couvert tap, George and -Gphiiie Immfermari owned Connie's;.. Lattei" has been ill of late ith a foot coniplicationu George is an agent. Bemle and Expo Part Oct. 2 When Tour Starts Chicago, Sept. 26, Ben Bernie Closes- at the Blue IRibhbn Ciaisino at the Wprid's Fair On Oct; Flits iminediately away on . his tour. Opening that week In Detroit;;- . . .. . Np season for Bernie at the Col- lege- this Freddy Engel-Chuek iller chestra; has clPsed its annual sum-* mer engagement at Taylor'a Grill, Lake Luzerne, N. Y., iand is noif playing at the Bohemian Tavern, Troy-Schenectady road. BEN MARDEN'S RIVIERA AND HIS RIVIERA QRCHEStRA WABC—WOR .Personal Manaeement BEN MAROEN ABE L Y MAN AND HIS CALIFORNIA ORCHESTRA Colombia Broadcaitliilr Syaten PHILLIP'S OENTAL MA0NE8IA Fdm,* .Wed., Tbora., 8i4S to .9 VM. .KftT. CbAST-TQ-COAST 'WABO' ITASH'S CAUTipirS BETDBN Chicago, Sept. 26. Nash auto will use. a series of announcements through the mid- west. Going on platters for five minutes each. Once sponsored an ambitious musical show that flopped. , .Fulton .and. Cunnyrigham ajgency preparing vthe: .copy and readying the placement coverage,. ROY FOX AND HIS BAND KIT'-CAT LONDON B.B.C. NETWORK HOWARD LAN IN and His ORCHESTRA Now 19th Week • ATLANTIC BEACH aUB 1697 BROADWAY, NEW YORK LEON! OLPSMOBILE 10:30 Tues. and Thurc. WABC Mon., Tdea. aod Trl., 11:80 to ,MtOO. BT. MORITZ VOTEI,, Smt XOBK Sole Direction BBBHAM BEBMIV iOte Broadway. Mew Tbrfc. SID LAN6 AND HIS ROYALE SYNCOPATORS NOW CLUB ROYALE ciacAGO— .SCRIPXSIAQVVSj^QIL DISJlN.CjrJU3Il BIRD and icHARD HALLIBI7RTOH SH SGARAMOUCHE Dorothy Gish and Ro^o Peters MAXWKI.T. ANDKBvSON, MEI.VIM.B IJAUkB. WAT.I>A0K IllWlN, JACK lURKIvANI), GlCOhOE KI^AOSnAW, eto. CLEVEtAND B. CHASE, Chrysler Biag., New York Miirrny Hill 2-0f.27