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58 VARIETY TIMES si|u;4nE Tuesday, September 26, 1933 East BO(Jy of'Mae liewls Sprague, sui^ iWe, gdved trotpi a paupet's gra^e by ler divorced husbandj who ai'ranered ■Qt interment. Miss Spra&ue, who vas in the original 'JTJorodojra' pro- luctlon, and claimed been me of the famous was iVarded ?250,boi0 at the time of the livorce, but for the past few months , This depQrtment contains retvriiten theatrical nettfi items as published during the week in the daily papers of t^ei^ Y^^^^^ HoUswood arid London. Variety lakes no credit for thest neps item; each has been rewritten from a daily papers claimecl lAedal offered the persdn] Radio at thei expo in Md. Sq. Gar- who hung the shiner ion iHLuey L6hg: deri. F*ormer chorine and iv blonde. Great Britain's I . Harriet HlUiard, singer i;( i-i.i>J'ii»«WHi(.ii;t lii iti 11 I i Mid-West .ad been woricing as a^s^ryant in 1 b^^gS^aJShe ^n^S^Q-SfStl o^ lirlaiaflf t- t.. KilJed hfirs^If bv impersonated in *As ■ • ThousaiidsiJ i^^^^^ ^-i^tfi^"'tPJi^^ Jarlstadt, Jy nhaiing gas. Sept;- Killed hergelf by 1 j^nP«*'l°"°,*f^ - | fnent.of marriage which she claims Cheer,' May be a gag. . . ,g njegal since his first wife's decree Helen ; van . Dromme,. , European I A N. Tj^* starts a. 100 years ago fo^ba . )eauty prize winner, here for a test. . . kitty .O'Dare pressing for her >y MOM. That was the prize, Marlene Pletrich starts back to divorce . Irora Michael Aut Plea N. T. School of the Theatre group America in spUe^of the Hit^ set over Jrom^ a summer hear- ° i caMlng Reich film stars back to to cvirrent date. Germarty. Dorothea Wieck dittoes. Marie Dressier ^ives a woman Marlon 'kiki' Roberts, former $100 fo^. a charity and thel police show girl and alleged aide of the take it away. Soliciting without a late Jack Diamond, free of Indict- licenser )ack in towh from their'vacaitioh itudy period- in Salzburg, Austria. Earl-Ckrroli; planning to do 'The 3ay. Adveriture/ Dog. racing park near Linden, I ments^entereT'ln "Cit^^^^^^^ >r. J., raided by plain clothes cops [ jj^^^^f r^i^j^rging f-er with complicity. EtoWrls Meld tor -heavlnB Oct. 3. ™ » » rracW oBen a,.t„ ,„ tyi. Interim. I '"eMJ^iTlor Coast who were looking for t>aws6n, the dead msLn, {(.s the killer. . Setoh i. .Miller named to Screen Writers' Guild committee on con-^' cilla.tioh. jv. . Dorothy Coslpw^ divorced from S|i,m, Coslbw,. song wrltor, Mrs. Rodney iPantages home from Good. SainarltiEin hospital with'biaby daughter; born Sept^ ff. .; . Mrs. Peg Talmadge with flu 1ft Hollywood hpspita,l. -Vloiet; Dunn divorced from Hamil- ton McFadden,. flilm writer, . "With 48 productions linder way 30,000 workers now on studio pay- ifcoIlSi;,- Harold Neff, Cleveland-Chicago [•pliot, whose plane crashed in Michi- gari died last week. Neflt had car- ried and known many , people in show business. Piotro Mariphl formerly With ih Chicago Civic Ppersi and Revlnia Opiera v^as granted a divor<?o last week froiTj X)lga Gazzo March!, whom he; married 'Nov.. .1929 at;, Milan, itialy, on . the' ciioirge 6t de-r Sertibn/ .. Froposa;l has . been made thuit tlyi South t»ark Commissioners take over th^ Sky Ride towers aftei- thei World'^s Pair for: use as mooring 'masts for aircraft. Andrea Marsh, radio warbler, led a praecipe of a suit for $100,000 against the Greyhound Bus . Iilnesi Dorothy Davenport Reld. widbw of [ J^JS? ^ Wallace Reid. flies bankruptcy pfctl. r^J^^Si^^^^^ iStS^M""'^^ ^'^'^'^s?^s;,!si?tSh«;^^?- State bclrd of equalisation reidy- t^^^^^ ?tiit for John Warburton, actor, slugged jng t^ file tax liens on assets bf ^^O'^'®® Serge Eisfensteln's'Mex; film- given' .jg^iJ pic;, - jrivafe showing at New School for >>.-ii_„. whlt*» coes Hollywood To | by ia Stickup man while on way to 1 tango gamb ojperators/ I Emmett'. Qiiinn, motion, pibturei Social Research Monday (18). '^^''f^*' of Claire Windsor, actress! George W. Boyd, circus doctor, machine operator, surrended to the aeokler of Upton Sinclair gflven the P'^,^^^^^^ ° hi^H-L^ nf ioK^ winaso , ac grafted a divorce f^om MaWe Boyd detective bureau In Ch cago , last •ush. ni ox for the next five yw^^ Frisked of. ?25. . ^ ^ In L. A. courts. week on a warrant charging him court order empoWers escccufor to i.J^^^^^^ gate ' ^"Perlpr Judge W. Turney Fox | . Frances Dee and Joel JtcCrea fly | with assault with a deadly weapon jell to Libby Holman the. cabin air- jliane belonging to the late S; Smith Reynolds. Cost ?2,i00 but she'll pay )nly $i,500. RCA Victor denied American Fed- eration charges it violates the code It its Camd6n iplant. William Green charged Victoirwith forming, its own company'union. Ma.rtha Raye .quits'Ben Marsdeh's is Oct; 23. Muphoids XiiA. county ordinance pro- hibiting tanso games In unincptpo- togelher. to 'Frisco and Hollywoodr on'Clyde Osterberg, another; opera- hints a romance. " tor who has had difficulties with Hiyrls puts 'The Gjreen Bay r"^*^"^^^^ " I Oil the grounds of being 'sullen the operators uriloit; Tree' into rehearsal. rai.ea i^errn;ory. . ■ and,ft;oi;ose,' Gus Sonnenberg, for- feernard Drvden at^^^^^^ miin Miele abaridotis . the \ Mrs.^ Josephine Young's. suit for mer wrestling bhamp, was divorced cllSd dowri? the 4htlS leneth nn nnft: frtr dAmiLerea from Warner 14n T»/>.n>v u,, T...«i*u | v-iimwea nown .ino enure lengcn pi cables from the-Sky Ride tpw.ers. Sally Rand, 'the fan dancer; liito Elizabeth —- - _ . „ ^, „„„ , idea of an ailryeaif stock tryout at ^100,000: for damages fromi Warner in Reno by Judith Allen, actress. Sumrrilt; Shuts Sat. (30). Brothers because machlnp gunnlngf Mrs. Dell Ahdrews, ex-wife of the Abbott & Diining. will renaine in a. pic allegedly fried her nerves flin„^lre<;tor. Is In L. A. court In an 'Some People Live' 'The Drums Be- on trial in L. A. effort to get $160 a month for the gin.' New oil field In. Texas called the support of their son instead of this oi , : - i- ~ „ -a I 'Robfert .Edmond Jones h,as comr Garbo. century now being paid. RWiera to go to Hollywood for a |pleted the settings for «Ah_WIlder-| Adolphe Menjou files answer In | _ Jean 3^^egulescp, film art director. Mrs. Georges Metaxa, who marr. Scotland,' also for the Guild. nesS' and Is working on ,'Mary of suit for $2,500 brou^rht by former has filed Suit-for divorce front his pied the actor two weeks ago, Ih a.h autp,> smash In Greenwich, Conihi, wed. (20). Struck a pole as she Rudy Vallee at a luncheon of the owes the dough wife, Katherine Carver, denying he wife in Los Angeles. court again follpwing.a battle with Sam Balkin one of the partners-in on. the Paraniount nlte club. Battle over saiarv difference". Bernice Dalgl, gin musician, was clybbed by a.-mo^;on last week when Receiver :has :beeii-appointed- | Sa:lea Executives club, Thurisday I Evalyn Knapp falls from a horse I the Alexandria hotel, L. A., jpopular J, ■ . I (21),tells them ASCAP has a jolcer hn a Universal plC and hurts shoul- spot with the film m swerved from the road, Fractured clausp In Iti^ writers'contract which der. Federal, county an^ city authorl f^^- . _ . . , . robs song men of two-thirds Pf Leila Hyams sullerihg frpm ties have launched a campaign to Mary Ann PattPtson,: showgirl, their Just .UUes. Urges that radio bruises when a mike falls on her stamp out the gambling ships active 1^ Eberson, architect, for be made to pay better returns. at Universal studios. oft southern California. RSO.OQO, -allegmg her facial .appear- Julius Hopp to sue Percival Vlv- Gossips chattering about reported gpiit in the friendship between ance was damaged to that extent lan for breach of contract over Vlh- engagemeht of Pola Negri and Har- Charles Chaplin and Jim Tully Is when she sliped on thP sidewalk In c^n^^^ front of his home, where she was to who. p^^ to alternate opera with lionaire. V^,,7^®t" T^iT^"*" V * *v V Shapespeare at the former Jolson May Robson, 50 years a trouper, «^ . v®^ '^-' <^ beer theatre. Hopj) had ah in last sear honored at MG studios With lunch mah, whps being sued by Out this year. eon and reception. dent In which young Ehret was ™Mario^Chamlee Mpr©^^^ . - . stage policies with regulation va- y**^'^',trov^^^ Irene Fenwick, wife o£ Lionel rlety bills; It's names and nothlnff a bill of particulars. Court tells'em to show police his reglstra- Barrymore, recovering from pneu- LiteroU | else, In the booking and talking. Coin Does Nip-Up (continued from page 1) re\'eared Tn^an 'artl^^^^ Iconspicupus standard, body-of-the comedian stamps the. author as a bill acts whose , salaries aren't . In the niud sUnger. gaudy class, are being sadly neg;- MariPn Payer, actress, seeks in a lected; There's little or no talk In Los Angeles , suit to break thp any of thie major hooking ofllces of }1 1^^^. ^^J}^ tlonfeard after an auto accident. monla. to the extent ..of their Injuries, damage to clothing, loss of employ xrietit and sickroom expenses. Factory gets a rubh order -for 150(000 feet of jute felt to correct acPustics of armory for Jewish pageant. Second suicide attempt by jiimp- Harry Muthur drowned in the I Henry A. Menjou, broUier of| Hudson at Troy when -he fell out Adolphe, sued for divorce by Fran Of the ringing of a dance ship Menjou, who asks $250 per month moored there. malntenahce. . Fouip men held, for hearing Opt. 5 I Hal Roach and associated sports- Go Wild on Tabs The heavy salary bidding' goes (Continued from page 57) I both for Individual name turns and Hollywood Number.v S, J. Perelmah | iL'^i^ A^^^'^^^'J^.^f' ."^T^J* and Nathanael. West—:who are re- the pace at which the bookers are datp ..hinted as an . opehihg -wedge for. a temple here, if they'll bite. Henry Rosenblatt, son pf the late Josef Rosenblatt, cantor, is at the course, It's Broun's favpritP^ title, i one grand rush on the circuits' part No stoppine that Bradford Ropes to settle fPr the title of a show, guy; DPing still another liovei, and I such as 'Vanities; or 'S candals,' 4n also abotit the thfeatre. "rtha. event .no individual personality Norman Burnstine, who used to. do r'*'^ had. Tab prices range from after arraignment in a Brooklyn men back of $2,000i000f hon-proflt Lj^^^g jj^pj^jg^^jg^j, jl^^^ of court Saturday (23) on charge of jockey club. fenders legit musicals and revues, produc- fr..r' Aff tv;^ ■n'«,,.j^a <at6tv» I conducting an indecent entertain;- Former L. A. police chief, I^oulsl „ * • .„ . , _ ei-s are working overtime in the n ft«Triw?o^ Po"ce also took lia patrons. Oaks, quizzed by grand jury on ;al-1 Heywood Broun under contract to flies and storage houses, digging up K KoW «foi;^-o of whom drew suspended sen- leged^ $1,000 paid by Al dp Preltas, deliver a book to Simon & Schuster, books and ll^tes from as far Lc^ hSt & stoD wPuld have been tences after pleas of guilty. Charged tango operator, for $75^J,ermit. will <:all it 'Shoot the, Works/ pf ag^SvS an? eight ?ears So It's " fl^^nrQ 1^A^nw ^ that three women danced ntidP. Sons of Charles Chaplin have I «^,.-c^ T*.i. t» ... —1*>. I^ve",*"^* ^*^'^^.ye»" ago. its Ai«rlf A>r«T>i,"^,.=«ri'» Giuseppe Bariboschek. how leader been guarded fPr the-past two years .t^^^'n.^r^^^n*^^^^^^^^^ Chi S at the^Hlpp, but for 15 from snatchers at .cost.of^ $5$6, ac- yeai's: with the .Met.,'»told to. come cording to accounting filed by their into court Thursday (28) to tell why ihbther, Lita Grey. Chaplin. he hasn't paid his wlfp Blanche Burglars shag $2,500 worth of _ BTa^Jo^ThTatre^pHoV'to a "ecitS I ^IfjiMack^ J ^qyipmeht from S^^^ to .$8,000, all guaranteed, plus tour He's a baritone •Monica.' in-which .Nazimova w"! Elvira MattonI divorced from MerrUt Crawforr^^^ Picture. 5^?*^^''' all-women cast Baron Andre MattonI on deserU^^^ to walkout with $10,000 and 'cS,?t K^^^^^^^^^ Pitting in some fofpTk.^T^^^tt'^ir Most of the town's better knowh^^-OOO In . week jail under the new law Mrs Ci^w M^*'"** ^^^"^ Jeahie Miacpherson bahicrupt. scribblers turned out to welcome Some of the extra heavy salaries ford argued aeaihst lt\nd decision r^a?^'^,!^*^?PPy''Col. Zach Miller falls to. attach Henri Barbusse when he arrlve'd | set within the past two weeks, reserved. Crawford was but oncpL^j^-PP"^^"?^^^^ and went to Jersey, but was caught ^^J^^^ ^lf!L^ -Tir. h'^^ m^smen% for $(?6.0po when fllm star ^ pn a Visit to this side of the rlveh lll"?^^ ^^aICL^^^' .^^^P^''^^ Numismatic societv cets the r^"'°"^^^"bin 10 days. wife, Mabel Mix. iMumismaiic society gets tne un MoskoWltz. of theatre league. warnpr Brothers sued for $101, fSSSTKIirrSfrilS^^ by Mrs. Sidney B. Young, Hol- Sax Ro.hmer givin bride in the Chink's latest advcii ture. topped by the $26,000 Jolson-Keeler< Fu Manchu al™^^'^*^" .^^^^' are,Weaver Bros.. i| pickaninny dancers and other sore ly^ood, who alleged noise of shoot mew York ThecUrem^&^^^^^ ^ --'^"^ m -picture Snatcher' brought on 11 -3" (T/uni ALWAYS A BETTER SHOW^^RKO! R K O 06 th ST.u/W "Wit. to Frt., Sept. 27 to 29 . RIohard. Arlen, Clandette Collwrt In ^'TJhree Cornered Moon" nna "Pollet Call" R N ir Mifi ST. £i!» Wed. to Fri.. Sept. .27 to 29 ntcbard Arlen^ Clandetie . Coll>ert In f^Thre9 Cornered Uooq*' George White, passes the word hot a breakdown. tP worry. He'll do a stage 'Scart- Arthur Hornblow, Goldwyn ex- dais* as soon aig he gets through a^ gcutive, readying for a walk, thij Fox lot. Wedding bells soon for Fifi J. E. Williamson bftck from seven hotQ^gay, she says in announcing en- months .of aahderseas Photography Uagement tP Maurice Hill, Chicago. In Nassau and to. LPndon to coth-1 Sally Ellers arid Hoot Gibson, $4,606; AmPs 'n' Andy, $12,000; Sally Rand, -^2,600; Alraee Semple « ^ ^ --u ,r„^ -s,. , .Mcpherson, $5,000; Jack Benny Neil Gordon, whose 'The Shake- u„it, jg.ooO; Barbara Stanwyck. ^^T^.l.}^''L^:^SLJii.^'^^' really j4,00ff; Sophie Tucker,. $3,500; Rudy Vallee, $6,500; Guy Lombard© band. Archibald Macdohniell. Nat J. Perber, Who used to be one I $7,500; Fred Waring band, $7,500-; of Hearst's book ^ critics, writing Elhel Barrymoirei, $^ novels again. $5,000; Helei Morgan, $2,250; Phil Alex Schlosser. iivho used to ..be, Baker, $5,000; Boswell Sisters. _ assistant city editor of the 'World,' I3'**<>Q; Mortpri Downey, $4,000; plete a deal to make pics for a Brit- I streen;i>layers7 free Pf marital bonds I has writteri a book called 'Lawyers Mills ros.. unit, $6,000. |iSh concern. Probably will go back through a Mexican divorcis granted Must Eat,,' which Vanguard will No Mmlt has been .set and none to Nassau, where the .water is ex- nearly a moht . publish., is likely to be. Tbe bookers say traordlnarlly clear. K Dorothy Coslow • sefeking divorce i ' .Harold ;R, Ryder released, from from Sam Coslow. pop song writer. .- . - ■ , . ^ . ^ a, , Sing Sing .Saturday (23). He says •^iioniflcer^ H. Wv Ta^^ and S. Pieces by Noel-Coward, and trying a draw and will spend accordingly, hi^'ll not go baPk into the broker- MoPre commended, by the to get set. on a titled Most favored | " S agreed all around that ;the sup- age, business. While at Sing; Sitig coroner's jury for killing Ed Keat- is 'Play Parade.' he staged the prison shows. . \ tnk in a hpldup of L. A. Gaiety. ply of w^'rthwhlle attractloiis can^t last forever»" What they're. going to - iff10N.«*FRI.J On Screen KAY FRANCIS Fridiy-il«l«M Oletrl*h In "8«.f of 8on|i" Br«;ftlyn Elks;^c«^^ seh^^nl^ed't;; Jail I ^J^^Jl^^^* ^J^J^^ TruStees.pald $27,000 to receivers to for petty theft in connection taking a^ .Hasl waivP the right to sue members for mOhey on promises to put juves in into English a poetic play en back dues. —i— . • ■ ■ • l ftt-lnrl 'Jn/km ' V^r ^-Wn. T Jt. Judy .O'Day., .former showgirl, 1 marries HaskeU Rogers, but still suing ,ifl. A.. Wood for refusing to marry l\pr'. Keating Twins ^et a judgment in [ Eiizabethtbwri. N, T., for $1,306 against Gus Edwards, breached pix, I titled 'Iciro,' by the late Lauro de Lillian Albertson MaclOon,. the- rBosls. atrlcal producer, has filed petition John Held, Jr., who now doeis more „ Of bankruptcy- in the V. S. Dlst, I writing than illustrating, Is putting I veni,"jr." YtTmar's^pt camera*, valued. ^^^TS^JtftSfSiS^--?^!'" MARRIAGES Betty McMahon to Franklin Ste- 19. Bride Is $2,360. from Fearless Camera .Co., ih IN PERSON World's Oraatett Woman EvantolUt 3^'^ Mcpherson . and Othtro Oft iJrwpTHTsOUTAlRt *^ MAN TOL and Hardy Comody ■ . • , yno f-irnnir tv,/» *^.r«r.,/» T«iov. I Betty McMahon, scrocn actrcssj to Charged Hollywood. zoe Girling, the femme Irish nov- p « steveha Tr i?hif*»i« in nn ain- reached contract. Cost $33,994 to rear two sons pf ellst who writes under the name of _ L a^I; Jerome Kern to stage 'Gowns by Charlie Chaplin from Sept., 193i, to Martin Hare, married. Groom is a S *y .^■ luma, Ariz., , Roberta' ifor Max Gordon. last July, th6 mother, Lita Grey Pole,.Alexaiider Zajdler. and the pair ■ =TWillIJmF"HOTlbOTt"^haT^Pn^^^ other comedy, which makes, three Grail In L, A. ' j^e^g, shPed & Ward has more P^'na'■AJ'^^-i Sept^^^^ go ng the rounds. L. A, county counsel rules antl- k„+v,«l„ *t!^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ received her decr^A from TToht I , Tallulah Bankhead reported to be tango referendum petition not filed h'^J^p" in^prison than any other JJ^jeceivea ner decree from Hoot .so much better that they're talking In time when presented Thursday .publishing hpuse^ iwusun, again about doing 'JezPbel' with (21). Time expired Wednesday Macmillan will posthumously pub* Mrs. Charles E. Bell to Jpseph M. h^r in cast. 1(20) at midnight. Ulsh a book of Sara Tpasdale's poems Gaites, Hillsboro, Ohio. Groom Is 'Sooky,' ,.i«ducated phimp. ' elec- James John Norman, thought tp Under the title of 'Stj-ange Victory.' the ShubPrt producer, temporarily trocuted at Coney Island Sundayv have been victim' of murderer Robert Gessner In from Holly- on leave for his health. Had appeared In many pictures, aboard Long Beach gambling ship K^nnri aftav-onannno'\,.k^\r <m-oc. > . .... Kept by her owner.. Mrs. Wm. 'Johanna Smith/ Srrested and Tl^J"^'.*"^^ ^^^^^^ i Roger.'j. she got out of her cage and charged with murder of Buell Daw- ] ^^^*^^^' National, and has Friday (22), .In Los Angelps. Slmp- on the third rail oiE the B. .M. T. son. Mistake In Identities almost V«S"jn.ed teaching at New York Uhl- son Is an executive Pf the Joyce- Diana Chase gets the title of Miss I let Norman get away from police I verslty. ' Selznick agency.