Variety (Oct 1933)

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VARIETY Vari NEXT WEEK (Oct. 12) THIS WEEK (Oct. 5) In: eopn^ction witli ills below tncl.cate openihg oay of shoyv^ vyhether full or split week NEW IfORK CITY ■ Pnlace (1$), TCay Hamilton Pen Blue- Owon AIcGiyney (Tvrb to "HID./. ■ • C63\ Monroo & CJrant Boy -Smeok- lilllJan. Miles Yorke & King .Hftrjria 2 it I^oretta Ac.-Mleniy- lat half (13-lC)i- Tlto' Oul-Sixr Ingeaues. (Two. to fill) , 2d haU (10-12) - 4 .Spartans B.ernie &' wdlUe.c Gertrude Nleaen '•■ Bo'zO; Snyilor TJornlcn 'Glaire telato. Bros . ISthel Barry • (C) GrAcella & Tneo. MIchoh Bros:; .Morton: 'Downey Watson • S!a ^-Ortona DAVKNPORT, JA •Ist half. (13-16> Strike Me Pink 2cl' hart (10-12) Shuifrio A!onc: ■ DKTROIT Doxvntown (13) 4.Of tons Ross Wyse Jr Baby Rose Marie Block & Sully Irene VerrtilUort .'at; , . IMPERIAL THEATRE. TORONTO VIVIAN FAY two DAVEYS By LEbbV & SMITH Uddy-Bur^ion Ore BROOKLYN Albec (0) . Wilfred Dii Bola . Harbld Boyd Go Sanaml & Mlcbl L0Wls & Ames .Prospect 1st halt (1St16) Romero & DuClay..- Brooks & Phllson Main St Follies Harry.'Z.ouP' Welch Josef Renatd (One to All) :2d hart (1T-19)_ ICesBler Baxter Mildred Hunt Bozo Snyder -Deterosoes Jbdet' Re.nald 2<1 htilf (10-12) Glilbert Bros Allen Eddy &■ D. Keller Sla & Lynch Jones & Rae White & Manning ■ BOSTON . Kclth'a (13) Johnny Woods B.vrbara Stanwyck Wltla & Pavis Russian ReVcts (One ,to fill) . Boston (6) Ted Tiewla Orch Kolthra (13) Mr & Mi;b Grawfrd Mr 4i Mrs. Grawfrd C'VB RAPinS, lA. K«Itii's 2d half (17-19) Strike Me PlnH . 1st half - (6-9) Shuffle Alon(7 CHlCAtiO Pnlnre (IS) Burno Whiteside Walter Pare Wahl RICAlo Cralig Jr Guy Lcmbardo Ore (6) " • Strlkfl Me Pink Stnte I.<xke (H) GuB Jldwfirdf"- Rev Don Zelaya (6> Ben :Bernle' Jackie HiBller UEMPSTKAD. Bivoll (7)- Oauthtov's Co Jack f/lnioT M Montgromery 3 Rd.ckctcheera Grace Edler CO K'W B'SW'K.'N. J, Keith's (U-15); Clias JVIeyers & S (Two to fill)' ,l3t half (rt-ry Matinlni; Class Allen Eddy & D Botoe & Marah Sinclair SJ-j-Co- . OMAHA Kelth'n (13) Shuffle Along; PATERSON Keith's .1st. half (J3-ia) Aussie' ^ Czech ' Ruth .Ford Gambarelll Co Victor Oliver M CoUeanc- Ffini 2d half (17-19) Ruiz & Bonlta Walter Walters Harry Small W- & J Ma^idell Al Jenlflnfl Orch 2d half. (10-12) Eno Tr Johnny Woods A A; M Havel a Sailors : Habkelt & Carthay PROVIDENCE Xf>lth'S (12) White's 'Scandals' ; -fC). ; Paul WUttomnn Or ROCHESTER Keith's (13) Knrl J.i^'k & Betty AaronBrtderick Hal T;eRov Co .Doiothy Dare Barbara McDonald Mich on - liros Alex Hyde Orch (GV Duncan Pis OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A, dR. JULIAN SIEGEL .- .1560 Broadway Tltls Week: Rex Maiiti,' Henry Gurvey" M & A Sk«lly Htajry RoBoN Ann Prltchard Co 2d hart (10.12) Fr^irice .& LaPoU Roxy Gangf - St'tf'd & Mayberry Pat Roone.v & i' Od Tracy &' Hay BAr/ilMORE CViitiiry (6) Weaver Bros, it E) Home' Folks' BOSTON Orjiilinuni <G) Carl Say ton Co cuff Crane Co l?op & Louie: Oscar & Lorraine Don Lee & T CA.NiON;. .l<oew'8 l8t hair (C-9) France •'fc LaPell Roxy. Gann: Stratf'd & M'.yb'rPy Hooney & Pat 3d Tracey &. Hny\ 2d.'balf (10-1?) Ifarrlson's Clrdus Sandy Dcrson Co M & A Skelly Hariy Rcso Ann Prltchard Co JERSEY CITY JLoew'a (6) Diaz Sis & Powers Millard, & .Marlln W<«lconio IjOWIS Steve Evans Art- Landr.v Orcb NEIVARK ■ State <e> Rcdford & Wallace Barry; Broer A- W Aunt Jemima Senator. Murphy Shuron-DeVrlea- Co PR'V'DENCr. R. I. I<oew's (0) M'lr'y McN'iCe St. R E Ss M Beck <31enn' ft Jenkins klaty Ha>nbs Co Stone & Vflrhon 4 W'SHN?<.T'>i. I). <•. Fox (C) J.cyai's StalUons Bill Telaak CJo Eddie Garr Jack. Sidney Co ELIZABETH mtt ~- 1st' hart .(30-3> -Stanley Br.0S'& A Joe Herbert Co Solly Ward Co Mplls kirk 'Sf- H ArWoJilmah Co 2d half (4-C). Carl ■ Freed Bd LAVTRENtE, PA. Woinier 1st half (10-12) Country Club Scan (twtf to fill) 2d half- (13-15) . Gautler's Toy Shop- Audrey Wycolt Mells. Kirk & H Bomby. Co Sort; Walton (TWO to fill) PHir^ADELF'iaA . Earle (0) Red Donahue Co Jay M11U.-&-G;.'.-... Mills & Kover ReV Bfems Fitz Co ' 4 MulUn Sis (29) Dorothy Martin .Co Smith Strbiigr & L O'Donnell & Bliilr Frank R(idcIl(ro Hilton & Oarron Russian 'Revels Bob Hall 4 liobas Stanley (0) Morton. Downey Solly Ward ■ (29) Almce McPherson Brltton's Bd - ■AyrW' & Rcnee Oklahoma Dudes WASHINOTON Enrle (6) Wah Tr Nate Busby Co IjOwIs & Ames- Lowe'Burnofl & W Or'ftcle Barrle (29) Ma^n^R'blns'n Sc. M Red -Donahue . Co -~ Borah MlnevltcU Grade Barrle/' Jay Mills .& O Fanchon & Marco NRW YORK CITY Boxy (13) James Melton Plcchianl Ti- Bob Bob & Bobbie I<u4;ille Watson Ames .% Arno BROOKLYN Pnramoant - (13) Lillian Shade S.'lm .rtmblln Co 4 Flushera Harris 2-.& Loretta ' BOSTON .Metropolitan (13)- Earl La Vere Harold Boyd Co Holland & June Balabanow 6 PHILAQELPinA JTox (13) Nick Lucas WilUe West & MoG Do Re Mi F & J Hubett- ST. LOUIS Pox (13) •Hit the. Deck' St. L(>ulA (13) Gns A'an Al' Normaii Pansy the Horse London Weekof Oct 9 Hall St l»lllhrd l.a.M'irr Kfinny ft C 6 \m Jiertorda 'LauRhine .at Life' CINCINNATI ' Albce (13) Maltlle &.. Ray Cookie Bowers., R^xy's Gan? Block. .& isully Ethel Barrymore CLEVELAND. O. I'alncp (13) Brlaiit "Raln.l & T Cooklf Bowers TRENTON, N. J. Capitol .1st lialf (U-16) (iHbert Brus Harry Durns Co DeteroBoea (One to nil) 2d half (17-19) Don.. Cummlnes ViC' Oliver (One to fill) . -^d haK (10-12) Pat Henning Main St l!"olll<i9. Carter Dlxoh- Rov Kit Kat K«st. 8 Rhythm Gls New Victoria Prfederlque Mary. & Erik 3 Wlere Bros Palladlnni Cth OraSy Show-'- HQLBORN Empire Grade .Fields (>l!>en's Sea' Lions Billy Russell Taaurid Howe. & Ptr Metro &■ Goldwvn Fr'ddle, Phyllis & A FoVde & Chris Bonos Payne & Hllllard Cliarffe- Hlpsrlna Dominion . Monnrchs of H'm'y ISLINGTON Blue ITnll lat hnlf (0-11) B'way Boys & D NEW.YOBK CITY BOulvvor^l. , Ist hart ..C0-9) Don .Vulerib.VCo.. Buddy- Wa'ike.r Jean ^Iranose Bemle & Walker Calif Revellers .2d h.ilf (10-12) 3 Willys .H«fnry Rosenblatt O ft ar Ellne Co Jordan & Stone Clias Ahearn Co OrpliPiim Ist half (0r9) FTflen Carlson Fields & Oeorgle =Str««t=Sln«et Al'Verdi & Tbelma Loe RafEertv Co 2d hart (10-12) Hatt & Herman Le Paul Wally .SharUlea Co VStrct-t :Sln?«r' 'Danclns Some* iramillse (0) Robbins 3 Harriett Hiitchlna Rdlpb Olfen Co Diamonds Bav6 Harris Co State m Van Cello & M^^ry Vincent- O'Poiincll ■hJdK;\r liPrgon Co ,iyi.ll!3. a^lll: .'t. B.>yo . r;'«ve- Apijllon Co BROOKLYN (•ntes - Ave, 1st-.half (C-9) 3 Willys Jackie May Co.- Wally. Sharpies. Co Clork & Vlllani -Chsis Ahearn Co 2d half (10-1'2) Din Valurio Co Gi'ceivleo, & Rogers 'Pete' Our G'ff Doe Demnrest & .SihNy Calif Revellers i-=MetropolHttn=-(6) Olvmpla'fl-Co • Kellsr Sis & Lynch Cnss JVIaCk & Owen Emit' Boreo uadlb Haymakers Valencia («> Paul Nolan Co Jean Sarcont Chester flrederleks Zelaya Amot> 'n' Andy AKRON, OHIO Loew's,. Iflt half (C-9) Harrlson'is Clrcua Sandy Dsrson Co Co. as booked. : 2d half. (12-14) Two Shiarpes Dal ler & Eadle Li:iTH Capitol Martin Breedle NEW CROSS - Empire Teddy Brown G S Melvin B & A Pearson H & M Ristorl STRATFORD Empire li'yt'n & 'Johhst'ne P_ower.& PaR.e .Klax Hoftmari 4 Bellhops Wright & Marlon Joe Fanton~ Co C.'al- & Nona Kay Jonea Thomas Juggling. Demons- Provincial N'EW YORK CITY Poramoant (e> Sally Rand Milton Berlo Vivian Jtials Low'e Burnolt & W Gordon Reed & K, Charles Previa •Torch. Slnfifcr' Boxy (0) GuH Van 'Dave SchboI«i^. •Chan's G'teat Cttue* RALTIMOBE Hlppodroine (6) . Alexander Gray ViEgihla Leo Go Fred . Li^btner CO Wah Tt Felice lula Or . 'One Man!s J'rnc/* BOSTON. Boston (6) Ted Lc.wis ReV Hetropplitaa (6> Rosltft & Raraou. Edu^rdo Blanco Joe Laufle's Co Fabjen Sevltzky 'Paddy'. .BOFFAI>D BnffalO (A) Fred Warlng's Co Tom Warinig Pol6y McCUntock ■R & P Lane- Babs 3 Srhoothlea Johnnie Davlii Stuart Churchill 'Penthouae' . Grcint I>ak«n (0) Catr.oll Vanities' Ray- Bolger Mwr.v Stevens M D' . CHICAOO Chtcafco <0) •Crazy QulU' Co Anita: Page Smith & Dalo Cbas Kli^gr Ann Pennin^on Pictore Theatres Cardlnl Slate Bros 'Night Flight' Havdins (0) Lew Pollock Co Raymond - Bal rd Victoria & Lorenzo OrvII Stam Co Bruno Wise Co " 'Moonlight & Pretz' Marbro. (0) iSddle South Or Charioston &; C Bradna Fam Talent & Merit Master Eugene Elizabeth IC<>lly •Tugboat Annie' CLEVELAND . . illppodrome (d) Mills Bros Collette Lyons Bob Rlpa Floyd Christy Jonea & Leo •Obey tho Law* l^alnco (0) Morton Downey Watson Sis J & P. Mlchon Gracella & Theo 4 Ortons 'Ann VIokera'' ' DETROIT Michigan (6) Lanny Ross Rlt* .BroB . Sylvia Froosr Walter Dare Wahl. Sun/iy O'Doa June East 'Stage Mother' ■ ST. LOUIS ^ Ambassador (0) Johnny Perkins Thomas 6 ' rtlne DeQulhcy & L Gordon Co Ruth Petty Darling 2 Marie Sands 'Love Honor . A . O' BUtinore Hotel Don Bestor Orch Isab'elle Henderson Floria lllrmatrong Barry Devlne Minor & Root, Brown Derby Clilc Farmer- Joe Connors Gertrude Moody Ouono.& Danala Frank Galassi Ore Week of Oct: 9 BIRMlNClLVM Empire ' ■11x6. Lloyd Fam Henri' llcni'to C!o; " Ilee POnn Ringlc Bros--& R FInka & Ayrcs 3 . Orpwood & Tumor. Jackaon & Cohan llippoilrome Bandolph Sutton 5 Cnnndlan 'W'd'rfl Will Hay Co Carlyle Couainq B & D Walters Clp^pham & 3 Snarkea Broa . EDINBURGH Emnlre -Mau rl ce=;B I wl n. ^T^- Chilton <5: Thomaa Tjucan &. M.cShane MirT.L Pninre 1st Cra'/,y Show O & J O'GOrman Joo Young .\llcn I>avQle Ernie Gorrard Syd nhllton TonI Raglan Mlcliel Sc Arnova Arehli? Gordon Caraon- Sis' Crazy Gahgstreaae! SWANSEA Empire- TTr<) Jaok HyUon Central P'k Casino i*ahCho Ore Cieo Murphy Geo. Metaxa Ooniez & Winona . Chies Paree Mickey Alpert Gilda Gray Solma TCln,T Tom Hardy Baron & Blair Ktbol Norrla Buddy' Wagner Ore Coffee ClUTa Art .Kahn Orch Leatra La Monte- - Isabel Brown Cotton Clab Cab Cailoway Ore Delmonlco's -rean Mana Olive White Townsenda .. Dan Downing Harry Kelly Tremdine Orch El Chlce Don Alberto Ore Pilar Areas Lorenzo Herrera Jemima ViUertna; \delina Duran^ Loa Ogedaa Embassy Etbei Mertnan Yacht Club Boya De Marco'B Bob Grant .Pro Galkigher'a Pat Goode Winif'd Qreenaugh Sid- T'omac Ma^ta. & Dlas Helen Thompson Adaueh Nevlna Josephine Lo Ray Mike Land^W Ore Governor Clinton Enoch Light Ore Ha-Ha Clab Danny jSealy Jack White Sheila Barrett Jerry Bcrgan Jerry Blanchard Liniah FItzEcfrald' Roth-Andrews proh -'' Ilarbbr Inn Gus Van Eye Dears' Rey Dennlker-.King Ore H'lyw'd Beatanrant Jerry Lester Pictro Gentile Florence Valarez RItn White Ktiy Katye <?lrl Fr'.ftnd Gaty & Dixon Alice. Kel.lerman Marion Martin Harriett Myroae TCat-hetlne Spector Charlie: Davis Otch Hotel Lexington Isham Jonos Ore Hotel Slontclalr . Wm Seotti Ore Mario Be Eulalle Hotel Nefr Yorker Barney - Rapp Orch Hotel ' Pendaylvanla Phil Harris Orch Leah liay otel Roosevelt Marjorle Moffett Reggy Chllds* Ore Jaokson*s Tavern Eddie Jackson Jack. M'trray Ore . KInga Terrace Gladys . Behtley R'b'rt'gs* Williams Ted Brown • Oreb- La Bnatllle Maurice Shaw Ore Lorl Vlere Rita Rlnard ifalaon Royale Walsh ft Arnold. Aiiitobal Cubans Mnrden'a Riviera Variety Riivue Bmil Coleman Ore Mayfalr Dwight FIske Maurell ft Cordova Walter O'Noiil Ore Paradise N T G Rev Jerry Freeman Ore Pwk Central Hotel Buddy Kennedy Rachel Carlez ; Bert Lown Ore Cabarets NEW YORK CITY Arrowhead Inn Irving Conn Orch. Astor Root Ben Cutler Orch ' Bal Musette Anita ft Millard Leonard Keller George Marchat. Nichulaa Hope SanO Marco Walter White Georgette Leoit Bedow 3 LAMARR BROS. Dahcina AbrQb'atios 7 Mins.; Three Circle, N. Y. Three bdj-a . In l>lick pdnts, silk blouses and suspenders. They, start as dJlncers and finish as acro.batSi the latter department beiner the stronger. Pi'obably they can hold down the opening or No; 2 spot in the oiverage sniallle. They opened the. show her6 to satisfactory re- sults. < . . ' ' For the acrobatics, after a danc- in tr bperiing, tWb of-the boys brdnch out as 8f tearir." Mostly back flips and nlp'Ups, plus a few lifts, but In the lifts they are not so strong. Air on for the tumbling flnlsh. Btge. BERT GORDON AND COLLETTE RYAN. Corhedy. 15 Mins. One. :- Academy, N. Y. Not a new act but a new corhbU natibttr Gordon changing parthers. The stately Miss Byaii has been warbllnjs and stralghtlne i" reyues and VaUde. for some time.., Comedy routine retains -the "^vls- kers* and dlaphram bits, also Gorr don's sorig punch late toward the finish. As a combination it rates, on a par with Gordpn's former ^ turns. ■ " .r t^ee. pavilion Royal Dick Gasparre Ore Pierre Boot' Henry King Orch Bed Booster Chle Ross Baasldn Arts Joe Morantz Oreb Renee ft Laura Nickolaa Hadarieb Barra Bira Mlaha UaanoS Sim'plon Club Clark ft be~Lya Larry ■ Siry'e Oreb St. Morttz Hotel Leon Belaaco Oreb Alfredo'a Orch Qypay Nliia " St. Regis Hotel Meyer DaVia Orcb Small's Paradlae Black Rhythm' R Nyra Johnson Meera & Norton 3 Speed Demons Geo Walker Wm Spellman 3 Palmer Bros May Alex Chas, Johnson Orcli Taft ciriu Oeo Halt Orcb . Tavejrn, B'klyn Eddie - Jackaon '■• Jack Murray Ore yiilage Barn Beth Chalils Johnny Russell Josh Moddera Ruth Wayne . .t^ino & Ncgrita Eddie Ray Bar'r ft Estes Hillbillies Trim Orcb- Village Nut C\»U Blanche. Lytell Flafia Vestoft Red Davles ' Zara Lee Scotty Conner Buddy Walker Eddie Prltchard Frank Hyer Milton Splelman. Or Waldorf-Astoria .Jack. Denny Ore Xavler Cugat Orch Margo Mathea M*i>rryfleld Fonta ft Coles' Vincent. .Lopez Ore . . Clnb Leisure. Nyra Lou Keith Beecher Or Bill. Chandler Angeles Lee -: The Rolands Cluli La Masque. ' Hewitt ft May ' Don Wise ^ Al Qarbell Edna Leonard Edna Mae Biiddy Beryl Art West Earl Willis Orch Clnb Royale Joan Warner Nellie Nelson Joe. Lewis . Tiffany Twins Yvonne Beauvaia Rex Cushing Donna ft Darnell Dolly Harris James Hall Sid Lang Orch Ceilege Inn Phil Harris Orch Leah Ray 3 Ambassadors . . Caperton .& Blddle. Chas Collins; 6 Maxelloa Congress Hotel (Joe Urban Room)' Corey Lynn Carlos Molina ColoBlnto'a Art Buckley, Cole Sla Joa E Howard Rev Irene Duval 3 Simon Sis Geo -Devron Orch CmCAGO Club Alabam LeRoy ft Mack Evelyn Neabit Don Barangos' Ore Drake Hotel - Fowler ft Tamara Jape Carpenter. Clyde McCoy Orch Edgewatcr^ Beach Mark Fisher Esther Todd De'Ronda ft Barry -Art Carroll Frolic's Al Bela.sco Orch Irene Parle Macv Stone Ccclle. Biair Mary Sa Elliott Diane ".(^uellair' Ilangar otel LaSalle) . The Carltons Clyde, Lucad Orch Georgie' .Tappe Helen Kaiie Pa-utlne .Baieau- Hl-Hat Club Trudy Davidson l.vplyn,'&, Bcrto . Anita ft . Emanuel Morey Cartep Paula Tymes Margo r't La wren ce Bflle Burton. K-9 Cliib Georj^e Oliver Billy Harrei-o J'n & B'bby Lemar Lee Garr; s. Lyle'Page Billy. Hussell Al Benson P ft O Dordn Billy Brannon Johnny Mangum .Dominique 'Orcb Haronl's Bismarck Hotel (Walnut Boom) Bob Nolan Harry Sosnick Ore Boulevard Room (Hotel Stevens) Irving Oagnon Ruth Broughton Chaa Agnew Oreo DIackhawk Wade, Booth . Harriet Crulae Deane JanIa Jan Garber Orch Cafe DeAlcx Irene George Mary Stone Evelyn Hoffman Enrico Clausi Maurie Sherman 0 Chea Pareo Vivian Paye Ina Raye Frances Longford Harry. Rtchman Rosemary Derlng / Mlramar . (World's Fair) Henrique & Adr'ne Kerb Wellington , RIcardo ft Siakle Art Schafer Mural Room t (Brevoort Hotel) Jaroa Sia Paul Fay. Gale Oipp Fay Petera Bob Perry^a' Orch Old Heidelberg (World'a Fair) Roy Deitrieh Herr Louie Hungry Five Rd Geo Heaaberg^isr Or Pabat Casino (World's Fair) s Maxeiios Carter Fashion Sho Buddy Rogers Ore Jimmy Garrlgan O Palmer Houm Medrano ft Donna Hermandez 3 Vivian Vance Mason ft : Faye Abbott Girls Richard Cole Orch Paramount Joe Walidee " Julia Gerlty Aitlta La Pierre Eddie. Varzoa Jenkin' Sis Faith Bacon Playground Lolo Bartram Marie Jamea Bernle Green Al Trace. Orch Terrace Gardena Benny Meroff. Dorothy .ThOmas "Red".. Pepper Norman Oast Jack Marshall . The Berlin _ Waddy Wddsworth Aiexianne V ft F Vestoft Jack Edwards Venda's 6 Kolya ft Bertet The Dells Guy Lombardo Or Vanity. Fair Mary Ann Boyce Cliff Wlnehin Don Fernando Orcb " ' :yiti LffSS ■Bebe •dher'irian^' Zita & M^rcelle Jack Housh ' Wanda Kay Al Handler Bd too Club ROslta Carmen Louise Massart Yvonne Bouvler Ginger Pearson Roe Bourbon D.nnny Alvln Orch 225 Club Fannie Brlce Sammy Walsli G & C Herbert Shclla Biiirett. Darlo ft Diane Abnef T.Wins Jules Stein Orcb Old Mexico (World's Fair) Frltzl Bey Ilobihson ft Loucen Hank the Mule Sondrae Inez Gnmble Ruby Roaalana Irwin Lewis Mike CozzI Orch AL WOHLMAN REVUE and HARRY CARROLL (15) Sinding, Dancing Flash. 40 Mins.; Full -(Special)., brpheum, N. Y* Al Wolilman : borrows .ifrom the. last Atlantic City beauty pageant as background for his new revue, bringing In 11 girls ho tells audi- ences he .picked up .at this yeai-'s- contest,. introducing ihem early by their nahies and the towns they are supp^osed to represent..' All. In all, a good show, could fill requirements nicely for the picture houses. Harry Carroll, possibly flnanciaily Interested with Wohlman. as pro- diicer ofl the reviie, works in 'one' at left, 'stage, playing? the .piano while WQhlmiah pilots . his show as well as taking a -Jiand in several sorig number.3:.. His special is 'P^in-. handler'; written, by .Carroll and -for which Wohlman goes lnt> character as a dime-asker. A prosperity num- ber, given considerable production, tbps it in drawing, up to a colorful close, featuring three girls doing taps' on dirums, The drums are ar- ranged in such a fashion as-to re- qnire that two of the girls do the hoofing in an upside-down position. Of the 11 girls cari-ied as. beauty contestants, ft'om such toWns as BanisoT, Shampkin, Toledo, Tusca- loosa,. Hohoken, Relnoi Dallas, I»itts- biir-gh,, San Francisco, Kansas 'City, Ne^ Orleans and Tia, Juana,. only a pprtioii step ^frontward for special- tles. .Outstanding are Martha New-., ton' iii ah' acrobatic single ;and the Michaels trio. Act carries two. ■.specialty per- sons-, Eddie Klnley and Mildred Chase. Kinley, 'hot' singer who isn't so hQt, .tops .with a' dance that is some 'be:tter. butis the sort, of routine, that never iseerns to take any definite form. Might develop. m;1ss Chase is a hit in a song and dance. .She's a' Kate Sriiith type arid besides- getting .over, with her •voice and: .personality, surprises plenty with ability.displayed in'the danCe" for which, the skirts come up high. - Revue.' is nicely set and dresded.. Not forgotten is the" chance^ afforded' to pluir Wohlman's Atlaritlc City BOO Club, by talking of it and also through a sign on a street drop, which also gives a plug to . King's beer. Char. ARTHUR AND AND CO. (3). Comedy Skit. 12 Mins. One and Full. Academy, N. Y. . The Havel boys ire working, out a new comedy routine which should be. better later on.- As it now stiinds there are laughs, although some of the. material is quite familiar. Before a special drop there is a routine with a train conductor in a uniform which they chalk tip in explairiing the route. X6 Chicago. Change tp a Pullman car scene de- picting section (uppeir and lower berth^);; - Gdod looking blonde has the lower. Git\ can't sleep and the boys . warble the best of several dit- ties from 'Strike Me Pink'; Their parodies such as 'Walt Till the Sun Shines Nellie' iare funny although somewhat off color. For the - finale- there is a Ma& West, Groucho . Marx and Jimmie .Durante number and «briie attempt at Impersonation. Prop schnozzle used is nothing like it. Ihee. Rolando ft V.erditta Gwen Gordon' Neecee Shannon Marge ft Marie Virginia Buchanan Bob Wyatt Maurie Mpret Hiunet Club Frank Sherman Pliylls Noble ; Irene Cornell Sugar Kennedy Sherlda Coouer Dick Hughes Marge ft Mar||e' HAROLD BOYD AND CO (4) Knockabout ^ 14 Mins.; Two Albee, Brooklyn Boyd used to bo-the comic with, the TThree Sailors. He^s i deadpan • worker, small and plenty funny. He. has with him in this new turn - two boys . and . a girl; . all " capable workers at thia. mayhem routine arid with, sufiicierit energy and ability to put it over. Also, they don't overdo th6 eye-gouging as dp so many other turns of the kihd.^ :Custpriiers .are gettirig. a little, tired; of seeing people slap each other around, but this quartet probably, tame down just enough to go over as straight comedy with little trouble, • Good riext tp. shut turn tor In- termediate houses arid'a cinch in the deuce for the aces. Kduf. Xe Olde Tavern Mickey Scott Rev Cal Herbert Violet Crlstlan Lillian Francis Crane Russell Oreb Vlllb Venice Faith Bacon Moore ft Revel Mildred ft Maurice Wheeleir Twins SIg Olvonla Helen O'Shea Mildred Ponton Frank Quartell Or THE RAVIATORS (4) 3ohgs. 12 Mins. One. Academy, N. Y. Four man vocal combination aU^ coming from NBC us- ing the microphone for what they term 'melodies from out of the sky.'. =i=Two---rnen=-'=t)n--===-at'-^tlie=-openIner= dressed as French aviators. An- other duo come from the audience, supposed to be Italian airmen lolt behind by the Balbo squadron. After some dialect interchange they go onto the stage. Comedy attempts made little im- pression, and seemed like wasted time. For the finale there Id a. re- cruiting song 'Side By Side' with one. of the men using a second mike, too. sensitive. Result was a blaring quartette rendition. Ibce^