Variety (Oct 1933)

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1- Tuesday, October ^31, 1933 VARIETY 49 Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (Nov. 2) THIS WEEK (Oct. 26) Numer«|l8 in cohncction with bills, below indicate openi •how,.whether full or split week raiiiMe (3) Wcby CMiUf Jr Four to flu ■ my Kobblns 3 . Brltt Wooa Jean Snraent •WillB & Davis Boalta &. Kamon nauardo Blanco Or Academy . lat halt <3-<) joe & l>ele MJchon Four to llir. ■ ad half CI-W ^. Cab .Calloway- Orcn Aeadentiy of Masl« 2d haW (Sl-W Vard^ll Brothers . Jean Oraneaft. _ Mll«si * Kover B«v 'Glenn Jenktna Bert X*wn Orch Albee (8) Vlo Oliver (Foiir to fill) ■ (27) Joe Se Pete Mlchon JMchy Gralg Jr (Three to All) Baiyihond Balr'd (27) Fur^Bh.ow liewla '& Moore- Ben Bern'le & B Jackie Heller COLUMBUS Paia«« (87) Brlant - Kttlha & T Cookie Bowers Bbxy'8 Oans , « Arren & -'BrodOrlck | Jchnny Hyin^n Stone .& Vernon 4 • Stoophagel & Budd Great, Huber . AKUONi omd KOCTV'S lat half- (3-6) Crftzy QulIt- 2a halt .(7-9) Merrill Broa A. Sle Johnny Hyma'n' Gua Bbbey Co Joe May & I>otty Alex Hyde Orch CANTON, OHIO: Tx»ew'8 l$t half . (3-6.) Mori-lU Brbe & Sla Hthel BaTrymore DBS MOIMBS,. lA. Keith's . lat half <3-«) Strike M6 Pink: DKTR01T < Downtown <S) Barl Carroll's Van (87) Duncan- Sis HimrSTEADr I,. I. Blvoll lat half C^S-'Sl) 0u's Robey Co Joe May St Dotty Alex Hyde Orch 2d half (7-«) Crazy. Quilt BALTXMOAE Century (8) Martin. & Martin King Kinfr. & Klne M & A Skeiiy Bob Murphy Ralph Olsen Stanley (8) MaMln & Martin CAPITOI^ -MKW TOBK VIVIAN FAY PARK aptd CLIFFORD ROXT. NKW YORK WILLIAMS and CHARLES ALL PLACED By LEDDY & SMITH V^;jll"'i' AHeJf Rev P^«'^ StbSw mi«xOTP«™c Dave Harrla Go *"®?r-?SSi'^?5?*'^ BOSTON KeUh'B (4-5) I Oiithenm (8) Weaver Br.oa. & BS (Three to fill) JERSBT CITT jAtev's (8) Joe Peanuts Zelda Santley Pops & Louie Wm Demareat ' Miles & Kovcr' Rev MONTRSAI, Xoew'a (S.) Dave ApoUbn Co (Thi:ee to ifill) ' NEWARK State (3) All GJrl Rev NORFOLK, VA, . Nova. - let half (6- Jiack liaVler- Chase A LaTdur. Rues ID liner & A <One tO -flU) 2d h&Jt (10-12> Stratf'Q &. Mayb'ty Dodge Bros Rev Blliy Qlaaon (One to All) PR'V'IiENCE. ;1. Loew'fl .(8> Morgan- Bros & P ijteve . Bvahe Singer's Midgets BICmiOND/ VA. National <3) lat , half (6.-9) EStratf'rt & Majfb'ry Dodge Titos Rev Billy Glaabn tOiie to fill) 2d half (10-12) • Jack LaVler Chaae & .l^a Tour RiiBS Blmer '& A (One ^ to fill) ROCHESTER . . JUtcw's (8) Whlte'»>^ Scandals WSlllNOT'N. D.C. BV>jt (8) Cotton Club Rev Picture Theatres NEW YORK CITS ParaniiDant (27) CJeo Olaeh Ore" Ethel Shutta Joe Morrison Rosy Radio Ramblers William &: Charles Jease- Gryor Wrigley & Cooper Pansy Dave Schooler Love Honor & Oh' BALTIMORE Rlppodronie (27) Marie iPrevOSt hiddle: Pardo Mr. WU Speed Tops. Eddie White 'Aggie Appleby* BOSTON MMropotlltiui (27)' Little Jack Xdttle Doyle a Donnelly : Smith,. Rogers & B •No Aiigel' BUFFALO" Buffalo (8) Isa Krerte* Block & Sully Y&vDpi Tr F & J Hultert (27). Jhnmy Save Major, Sharpe & M I'opa & liduie Harris TWlns & L Wilfred Dubois ^ Hlppodronko (27) .Ann". Cod ee Bob Rlpa Prltchard.,& Goldler Larimer & Hudson Stanley Bros & A Joseph E Howard Mills Gold & R Lowe & HHe ,. CLEVELAND. HlppoOironie' (27) Guy Lombar.db Berkeley Sa* CHICAIIO . Chicago. (S) Ben Bernle ; (^7) Sally Rand . Jamea Melton Nell Kelly Stan Kavanauch WARNER Vrospcot 2d halt (7-9) Lew Parker Co Bob Larrl Orcb (Three to All) lat half (27-30) Maree Co- Iievan' &' Watbon Gypsy Nina JUella Ktrk * fi Belna Justa Bd 2d half («l-a) Qray Family Fred Jarvla Co Harry Grlbbon Bert Walton (Others to fill) BOSTON^ Boston (8) Kate Smith Rev (27) Harold -Stem. Orch llltal VaytalF OoDieft ft Winona Frances Langford Keith's (9) & Mrs Cfawrd (27) . ^ Hf& Mrs Crawford CHICAGO Palace (8) Ann Frltchard Peter Hlgglns 8 Bailors . Molly Picon Long Tack Sam Co (27) Ifsnn Robinson ft M Mable Albertaon Irene Beaaley Phil Baker Amea ft Arno . Buck ^ ft Bubbles SUto lAls* (88) Al Kvnle Joan Abbott Al Herman Barney Grant Co. Sibyl Bowan Don Santo Touns Tarn Tt before Dawn* _ CINCINNATI Itbw Parker. Cq (ThreeAo flU) 2d half (28-29) _ _ _ Wilson ft Aubrey 8 Key HartiUton Wells ft .OilmoTO jonea ft Rae Tick Took Rev PATERSON Keith's let half <3-6) Murand ft -Oirton Jerome Mann . Ray Shannon Co Wills ft Dav|8 AJbee (8) Duncan Sis t27) DeLong Sis Medley ft Dupree Hal LeRoy Co Dorothy Dare Barbara McDonald Wataon Sis AJex Hyde Orch CIJBVETJIND Piilaoe (8) Seliong Sla -Arren ft Broderlch -Diamond Boya Arthur Tracey Hal LeRoy Dorothy Dare Barbara McDonald £uzab:ATH . Bit s lat halt (28-31) Alf Loyal'a. DpSS Harry Burns Co Collins ft Peterson Welgand Tr 2d half (1-3) J ft. L demons Lang ft Squires (Three to fill) - LAWRENCE Warner (2) Red Donahue Co Maszone A Keane R | (Four to All) .2d half (7-9) Le Faul Aunt Jemima Joe ft Pete Michon Roxy Bns. (One to All) 2d half (31-2) Allen ft Kent Jones ft Ray Ralph Kirberry Boso -Snyder Russian Rev PROVIDENCE Keith's (8) (2«) Horry J Conley-Co Collins ft Peteraon, Mills A Rave Rev (Two to All) PHILADEIJPmA Earle (3) •Jaak Benny Rev / (27) Rhapsody. In Silk Milt Douglas Warlng'e Pennfl WASHINGTON Earle (3) Bno Tr The Relllckers Solly.' Ward Co Russian Revels . (27) M'lr'y M'N'oe ft R Hunter ft Perdval Don Lee ft Trudlna Morton Downey Fanchon fi Marco NEW YORK CITT Rosy (8) Lulsita Leern , Llbonatl Harold Stern Orch J«n«t Gomes ft Winona I (Others to AH) Frances Langford Mltai Mayfair <37> . , Colby ft Murray Rev Wm ft J Mandell l^aiUan Shade Vlo Oliver Ingenues ROCHBSTEIt Keith's (8) Ch ft J Prelaser Iiewis ft MOQre Alleen Stanley Slate Bros Parker & Sandlno (27) 60-Mn'n Frenchman glOUX CITY TLX Keith's . 2d half (31-2) Strike Ma Pink ; BROOKLYN Tltramoont. (8) BUI Roblnaon .' Golp to .Town Jeaae Gryoor 3 Whippets (Others to. All) iSOSTON Metropolitan (8) Borrah Mlnevltch Pansy the Horse Joe,. Rose (Others to All) . PHILADELPHIA Fsx (8) Funnyboners Eddie Garr Allen A Kent . (Others to flin ST. LOUIS Fox (S) George Lyons (Othera to AUV St. TXmls (8) Mack, Jack ft A -Walter Dare. Wiahl Foraythe-Sea n ft F Dorothy Crobker (Othera to All) Week of Oct 30 ST. PAUL Keith's lat half (27-30) Strike Me Pink SYRACUSE Keith's (8) SO Mil'n Frenchmen TRENTON . Capitol . 24 half (9-9) Ann Suter (Three to .fill) lat half (2T-90) Allen ft Kent HaiTy Grlbbon Co- RUth. Poye Mahgean liitern'ls 2d half (31-2) All Girl Show -PoUadlnm Gth Crazy Show Trocadero Rest. Gaston Palmer Plerrotya Freddie P ft A Sterndale-Bennett ft F. (Sregory Blizabeth Maurice __ FINSBURY P.ARK Etiiplre L'yt'n & Johnat'ne Ara & Zetta Max Hoftmah Wright & Marlon ■,Tbe Fanton Co' Lily Moore Jones & Thomas Juggling Demona Muldoon Shay ft M NEW CROSS Empire 2d Crazy Show Jimimy Jaimos Ayr ft Leslie Low ft WebMer Sven & Helga O'Hcnry & P Marin T'rry Sla ft D'am'nd 16 Crazy Steppers -Bulgar 4 OFFICIAL BENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL 1500 Broadway ' Tlili WMIl: Marly Romm: Rose Sheldoa Week of Oct. 30 NBW YORK . CITY ■' ■ ^Capitol'.(8) Student Frlpce. Boulevard . Iflt half (3-« • Danvllls Hal Young Co J F Dooley Co LaVlcr ft O'Brien Adler ft. Bradford ^ 2d half (7t9) Herbert Renard 9 Small Hroi ft Kay -Phil Regan Co Al Verdi ft Thelma Magley. Rev Orplicnmr „ let half - <9.6) , Van Horn A .'In<iz 3 Phil Regan Co Smith ft Hatt ^ BWtt Wood Ohfts Aheam Co. . 2d half (7-9) • Danvllls. Harry Small ft Slg violet Carlaon Wilson Broa US9 t^vlathnn Bd / Paradiae (8) J Daveys Millard ft Marlln Harbia Ar.len Co Geo' l^eatty California Rev : State (3) Rublo Sfa Herbert' FiiyO Go Freddy Craig - Jr. Al Trahan Jack Sidney's Rev BROOKLYN Gates Ave. lat half (3-6) Rhapaody In Silk E ft M Beck Roaa 'ft- Rueaell Bob-Hall USS'=I;evlathan==-^Bd=^= 2d half (7-l>) Van Horn ft Inez 3 Gllftoa. ft Brent Belle Blanche Oacar Irorraine' Oraco Edler Co Metropolitan (8) 2i Hale Ena . Oorda~n Reed ft K LeavHt ft Ix)ckw'd Enrico ft Novello Bert Walton Valencia (3) Vernon Rathburn MlUs ft Green BIRMINGHAM '. Hippodrome Jack Payne Bd. Lewis & Lawn Hlbbert Bird ft R JacUson Owen Go 3. Zaros BBADFOKD Allianibrd' Samson Toby Fam Fraser ft Clay tor. Clara- Monnghan, Billy Ki-ay Anirola Gullberte Lllllo Lo Brani Harry Claff 4 Paulettes EDINBURGH l&mpire 'Sugar ft- Spice'. Kell McKay . . 3 Sparkca Bros Nlcol & Martin Jack Stanford; CT.ASO0W Empire" Chilton ft Thomas 3 Swifta Carlyle Cousins Lillian Burglas L'orenz Ta,ro Nalto LEEDS Empire '.Anna May Wong lyia^ ..Miller HfcJeri Raymond MOniroe.' Bros Raymond. Smith Chevalier • BroS-. Wyn ft Ivy F -ft B Boston TaAlta ft Mario SWANSEA Empire Alexander ft M'ose N'iW Trlx Sis Billy Dennett Albert Whelan Oharladlea D'Amsellc ft Boy =KaT<r=^&=-Ptiir7=«= Noyea ft Dee Calif Redheads M^qrbro (8) Shellla Barrett (27) Gua Van Kogan ft Romero Hal Sldare Peggy Le© Gwynhe Co 5 G ay Boy a •Pehthouae' Harding HI) Oua Edwarda Don Zelaya . Behee .ft. Ruby at Normaii ■ - Jewell H ft P Seaman ♦Tugboat Annie' Regnl. (27) Mllla Bros DETROIT Mayfiilr (27) ChaZ' Ghaae . Lew" Cameron Barry Curran Gordon ft Day ^ Freddy Bernard Edwin Pinto- 'Carrilval Lady* Ichlgan (3). Mills Bros Gonnlea Hot Ghoc ' . ;(27> ■ Barto ft Mann "Larry Adler Hastings Co. Alice .Dawn I'aul Draper , . HAMILTON,, Can ' - Palace ■ 2d halt (1- Thuraton QTTOWA, Coa- Capltbl .let hall (28-31) Thurston •• - ST. LOUIS Anibflsaiidor (27) Ltew Pollack SImplon Club Clark ft De Lys Larry Slry's Orch St. Mortts Betel Leon Belaaco Orcb Vera Van Margarlte. & Leroy, Cypsy Nina St. Regis otel Meyer Davis Orcb Bmall's Paradise 'Blaok Rhythm' B Nyra -Johnaon Meera ft Norton a Speed Demona Geo Walker Wm'Spellman 8 Palmer Bros I'May Alex Chaa Johnson Orch Taft Grill Geo -Hall Orcli : Tavern, B'klyn Eddie Jackabn Jack Murray Orb. Village Barn 3 Roberts Bro.e Beth Chains Johnny Ruasell Josh Mcddera Ruth Woyne Nino ft Negrita Eddie Ray Bnrr ft Bates Hillbillies Trinl Q.rch Village Nat Club 3 Roberts Broa Blanche Lytell Flarla Vestotf Red Davles Zara' Lee Scotty Conner Buddy Walker fiddle .Prltchard tTrnnk Kyer Agents Licenses Bismarck -Hotel. (Walnat Room) i 7^d 'Weems Orcb [Baroln -ft Blair .Bontevard Room (Hotel' Stcvend) Irving Gagnoii Ruth Brbugh'ton... Ghas.. Aghiew Or.« d Blachhawk Deane.; Janis Hal Kenip Orch 'Sklnnay' Ennls Bob'Nolan . Blackhawk ' ' Caife* deAlctx '' Dorothy TAesMt Irebe George '"' Renoff ft Renova I^yOnS ft Snyder ^ ,-.r-nB ueorK Fuller, Rawson ft p •Footligbt Parode' • TORONTO Imperial (8) Harris 2 ft L . Jimmy Save Wilfred Dubois l vivlnn B<av<l Major. Sharp ft M [ VIvlan^^Fayo Diave Apollon- Co Evelyn >.Ho(tman" En^co ClauBl Mauris . Sherman Ches Farce (Continued froto Basre 47) arid lt3 head executive, who Js finger printed for the records. The- law requlrlnB theni to apply for and operate under licenses, and which they avoid by clagsinff them- selves as personal reps, would he amended by the new lesislatioh to demand that all agents be . licensed fegardiess of status atid without the MUton spieiman Or I line drawn between a personal rep Waldqrf-ABtikrla and an agent/ The 20-year-old E Madreguera Ore agency license law brigirially held Xavler Cugat Orch ] j^g^^ts dowu to 5%i but this was later overruled- by the U. S. 5u-; p.reme Court, which decided the state had no right to Jiniit the com- ■jnish. As for booking office .employees, the bill's sponsors figure, the wanted legislation would bar unlicensed •Jbodkers from operating under 11- , censes lesUfed to 'others. All book- .Inp offices have one jpr more asso- J'°b*ft B'bby* Lpoia*'I ciai-te bookerg who are not tajgged by the stjite, but wljo book, shows, un- der the privilege' gi.-anted to the head of the office. In several com- plaints filed, by actors iagainst book- ing, offices with the New; Yprk^.U-,.- cense Commiissloner, bookers Who had lost their own liofenses for in- FioiMdo ft Verditta I fractions of the law have; been found 1 working freely, under the protecting license held by aomebody .else in the same oiffice. ' Their official tags un- der the proposed bill , will be colled 'junior licenses.' Mar^Q Wlvel Cafe Amy-' Atkinsan Jack AVlcTi Lillian Lorr Ami.-JPavo La Salle Orch CHICAGO K-li-Club Geprge Oliver Billy Harrerb Leoii La Ver'dee Lee Carr . Lyle Page Billy Russell Al. Benson- F ft O Dbran Hilly Brannon Johnny - -Ma'ngum Domlnlftue Orch- Maronl^B NEW yOBK CITY Arrowhead' Inn Irving 'Conn Orcb Astor Roof * Jack Bcrger OrCb Bui Musette Anita ft Millard Blltmore Hotel Don Beatoir Orcb. Isabelle' Henderson Flbrla. Armatrong Barry Dovlne Minor ft Root Brown Derby. Lonely Widow Gertrude Moody Duano ft Donalo Danny- Lewis Jane XiOWla DaVe Abrams Ore Casino do Paree Geo Jeasel Wm O'Neill . Florle Hutchinson Claire Weyette Wm Sully Dorothy D«U AUce Dudley Jache Calle Versellels^ Mildred Fanton B B ft W Garr Ore Central n Casino Pancho Oro Geo Murphy Geo. Metaxa Gomez ft Winona Ches Pafee Mickey Alpert Gllda Gray Selma KlnK Tom Hardy Baron ft Blair Kthol Norrls Buddy Wagner Oro Clab BaaiUe Splvey SUe Hicks Palla Howard Wallace ft Arnold Chas Golum'bus Comnaodom Kotcl Isham Jones Ore Isabel Brown Cotton Clab Cab Galloway Orp Croydon. Charles Eohel Ore pelmonlco's Carlo & Narma Blue Grass Boys Val Veatoft Sid Tomaok Jean Mona Su«> Chryeler Paul T'remblne Ore El Chico TaYico ft Lorca Las AJedas .' Adoltna. Diiran Orlando Ricarde A,B.C. 3 Pilar Areas El Oarron Dave Kramer Mllte RomahotC OiypKy Mlna Entera ft Bargla Dan Syluto Jean Owens Duthy Wentworth Jlmmle Bailey Bobble Masa 3 Dodge; Bros Embassy Yacht' Club Boys Gloria Grafton Maurice, ft Gordbba Jane - Vance 'iiob Grant Gpdoy Oro Essex onse Glenn Gray OrO Gallrtgher's Pat'-Goode Winlf'd Greenaiigh -Sl'd -Tortiac M.irlta ft Dlas Helen Thompson Adauen Nevina . Josephine Le Ray Mike Landow Ore =:.Govetnor=^Cllnton= Buoch Light Ore Ha-IIa/Clnb' Danny Healy Jack White Sheila Barrett Jerry Bergan-' Jerry Blaincbard Lillian Fitzgerald Rot))-Andrews Orch Harbor. Inn Gua Van ■Eye Dears' Rev Dentiiker-Klng Ore H'lyw'd.^ Bestnarant Rudy .'Vaiiee Oro AUce Faye Barbara ' Blane Trts Adrian Betty Real Catherine P'Nell Jerry Lester Pletro Gentile Florence Valarez Kay Katye ft K Girl Friends Gary ft Dixon Alice KSllerman Marlon Martin Harriett Myrne Katherlne^ Specter. Hotel Belvedere Art Kabn Orb HotjBl Lexington' £rnle Hoist Ore Hotel Montdnlr Wm Sootti; Oro Mario ft Eulall* Hotel New ^•itktm Barney R'app Orcb George Msrchal Nlohulas Hope Sano Marco Waltbr White Georgette lieon Bedow Bbtcl Boosevelt MarJbrie MofTett Reggy Cbllds' Orb jaehson's Tavern Eddie Jackson . Jack Murray Ore Ings Terrace Gladys Bentley R' b'rl'gtf^WlIllamB Te3"Brbwn~ Malson Boyale Walsh ft Arnold Antobal Cubans Harden'* Blvleia Variety Revue Bmll Coleman Ore Mayfair Dwlght Flake MSureill ft Cordova Walter O'Neill Oro | Dave Malcolm Jo>e Rlyas Orcb Ina Raye E^rances Langford Harry RIchman Rof!en\a.!:y Dering Malhea MerryAeld Fonta ft Coles Vincent. Lopez Ore Clab Lelsore Geraldliie Rosa Monfort Sis Nyra Lou Keith Beecber Ox George Wahl Xolya ft Birdie Mumtord Sis Jsan Gordon Clab 1* MasQW Francis Stlllinan Hewitt; ft May Don Wlae Al Oarbell Bdna Leonard.' J ft B I-A Marr Edna Mae- Buddy Beryl Art West BaiPl Willis Orch Clabm^yale. [ Bdna Bush flzlta * Annls [Stbbl Alice Roy Rohder '.Muriel Love' Joan Warner Nellie Nelson I Tiffany Twins iRex Gushing Donna ft Darnell .Dolly Harris James Hall I Nino RlnaldO Orcb CoUoga Inn. [Wheeder, Twins Glnl DeQulhoy ft L 'Alice Blue Phil Harris Orch Leah Ray Is Ambaa aadors [tJajHSHorTT^Brdair S Mazelloa Congress Hotel (Joe Urban Boom) Corey Lynn Carlos Molina Verne Buck Orch Jimmy Gerrigan O Coloslmo's Dorothy Henry Montenegro ft ■ Dor Gwen Gordon Neecee - Shannon Marge ft Marie Virginia Buchanan Bob. Wybtt Maurle Motet Orcb Clab: Mlnnet Frank She.'nhan- Dlvk Hughes- Falla Sis Sugar Kenhc'dy Phyllis Noble P«iegy Norman Joan Taylor Diane Nbrton UiiXS' ASSOBTES WBEKS Mills Blue Ribbon band with the Cotton Club rievue, current in Balti- more, Is set for three successive weeks for Loew, Warner Bros, and Mwrie 'stanton Ore [ RKO, Via the Irving Mills organlza-^ tlon. Washington for Loew Nov. 3, to the WB Earle, Phllly, Nov. 10, and the RKO BoBtbh, Nov. 17. Mlramar (World's Fair) Henrique ft Adr'ne. Herb Wellington Rlcardo ft Slsklo Art Schafer ~ Mdra3 Room. (Brevoort Hotel) Jaros Sis Paul' Fay Gale Glpp Fay Peters Bob Perry's Orcb Nnt House jb-Jo George DeCosta Jimmy Xjane Boggy Sherman Moe LeS Ned Saiitrey Jimmy Kennedy Jimmy Galllson oii Heidelberg , (World's VaSri Roy Deltrlcb Herr Louie Hungry Five Bd Geo Hesaberger Or rabst CMlno (World's Pliir) 6 Maxelloa CbBNBLETfinS ACT HimT Hollywood, Oct. 80. Joe Cornbleth has left for Chicago, land New York to b(K>k name acts for the Bert Levey office, He's of- fering SLcta for the two Warner taouses here and four weeks In the I northwest. Expected to be gone a month. ^ WOULD H.6. CBOSBY Hollywood, Oct. 80. Paramount theatre -fs attempting I to hold'Blrig Crosby .over itor a sec- ond week gtartlilg Nov. 2. HMitmartre Chib Rochy Twins Erner ft Charles Reader's .Oro Countess Borleka Signer Baraonl Art Buckley Cole Sla Irene -Duval JASS-WHALEN ST ^FOLLIES' Hollywood; Oct. 30. Harry Jans (and Whalen) left for - ^ . ^ .New York Saturday to join the BuddJ B"i^'r? <>?cishubert3' 'Zlegfeia Follies.' Jimmy Qarrtgan Q Code Authority (Continued from page 5) ■hftd—reeelvea-^ft—memo—- Rlcbard Cole Orch I randum asking him to look into the Palmer Boose Stanley Morner Moore ft Revel Medfano 'ft. Doimv Hermandez 8 Vivian Vance Paradise NTd Rev Paul Whiteiiian Or Flelola Sorrell , - G'ntess Von . Loesen I Scotty's Orch Zanette ft Mahon ' ' Ami Lee Patterson Kelda iKlncald Clnb Alabaiu Mildred H Chaplin. Patay M'Nalr - Dixie Dunbar Barbara'Jason Edith Roark Jack Fulton Peggy Healy . 3 Rhythm Boys Ramona Goldle. , . Robt lA'wrence-. Sherr Brba. Paramonnt Grill Walter O'Kcefe' Phil SPltailhy Ore iJcan.--Sargent' Charles Carllle. Lea ft Stewart Hoffman Co. Park Centfal Hotel Ozzie Nel.son Ofc Harriett HllUard Drake Hotel Fowler ft Tamara Jane' Carpenter ' Don Carlo Co - Geo De-vrons Orch Edge water Beach Mark Flaher Esther Todd DeRonda ft Barry Art Carroll Frolic's I Al ciasco. Orch Irene Park Mary Stonb Cecils Blair Mary -' ft EUlott [Diane Quellair: ' Hangar (llatel LaSallc) The Cantoris Clyde Lucas Orch Helen Kane Pavilion Royal Dick Manafleld Orc I Pauline Baleau Pierre Root |U-IIat Clab Henry King Orch | Trudy Davidson Plozn Cftf* Kolya & Bcrte y iJ^, Matgar't Lawrence }'Ji? 1^ , -Etfle Burton Harry S^^nian •Eddie .Ashman Al Aeshane 7 7. Baaslan- -Arts Joe Morantz Orcb ReneO ft Laura Nlckolas Hadartcb Barra Blrs Mlaha 'Uaanoff Samovar EMI Splvach NJna MIraeva . Paul Zan Ore "Fa 11 a Dot Meyers I Bobby Dande Hollywood (World's Fair) ' Faith Bacon Helen Ornateln I Vernon' Rickard I'aul' H.ta 3 Speeds I Paul Bachelor Hollywood licllet Sensational Renee I Bob. PUrcell's Orch Parnmoont B.B.B. Bernard ft Hunrle Anita La Pierre Faith Bacon. Bob Oakley Nina McLaughlin Playgronnd Lblo Bartram Marie' James Bernle Green Al Trace Orcb Terrace Oardeas Benny Meroft Dorothy .Thomas Red" Pepper -Norman Gast. Jack Marshall The Berlin Waddy Wadawprth Alextahne V ft F Veistoff Jack Edwards.. Vendaa 6 Kolya ft Bertet ty Fair Mary Ann Boyce Cliff Wlnehlll I disputed provision. Johnson's show-me attitude was [sharply reflected at a press con- ference when he said, I've had sev- eral opinions, that it could be done but I'mi not satlsfl^ed.' His con- ciern Is principally over .the • ad- IvisablUty of taking the'step.. The salary hurdle was discussed I at a White House conference when Rosenblatt, cloaking his movements in mystery, spent nearly two hours in conference with all of the Presi- dent's secretariat. While the Dep- uty Administrator refused to reveal [the fact, It .was learned be-talked at lenjgfth vvith C!ol. LoiiiS M. Howe, the Presideht's confidential advisor ind chief secretary, and for short- er periods -with assistant secre- ' taries, Stephen T. Early .,and Mar- . I vin H. Mclrityre. The flood; of shrieks from -HoHy- I wood, as well as legal, aspects of the< Don Fernando Orch matter, came in tot attention. Via Logo Bebe - Sherman Zlta ft Marcelle Jack -.Houeh Wanda Kay A) Handler B^ 100 Club -Marge ft'^arle Kleanof Wobda Btlitil Allysd RoBlia 'Carmen l»ul8e Massart Yvonnie' Uouvlcr Ginger. Pearson Hae Bourbon Danny Alvln Otch- > Old Mexico (World's Fair) Frltzl Bey Roblna6'n ft Loueon Htink the Mule Sondrae Inez Garhble Ruby R'oaijiAna- Il-win Lewis Mike Cozzl Orch' Ye Olde Tavern Mickey Scott Rev Gal Herbert tVlblet GrUtlan Lillian .t?rancl8 Crane Ruaoell Orch The kick-back, from, the West coast has beeri so strong tliat even General Johnson .has been aroused by the "constant strearti" .'of tele- grams, reaching his hea-dqiiairtcrs.' The resulting publicity jias focused so , much attention on the film code that the P'resldent Is pictured as feeling the best strategy wOuld be to handle the problem through Coji-., grcds iristeo-d Of sln;gling out the cinema Irjdustry for special atten- tion. QueBtlorihalres '£crit out by Federal Trade Commission ^search -of^data;-'about=T;omp of executives of large businesses probably •will - ask for l(>glslation based oh these facts. It is prob- able the Trade Comml.ssion wiU supplement its present probe by ad- ditional Investigations directed at salaries of fair-haired employees whose compensation runs into five or six flsures but who are outside the executive class.