Variety (Dec 1933)

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Tuesday, December 12, 1933 VARIETY Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (Dec. 14) THIS WEEK (Dec. 7) Week of Dec. 11 Numerals in connection with bills beldw indicate opening day of Bhown whether full or split week RKO ■ Ftflac«. (18) Pemnatl- Tr . B & B It«well Sylvia FrooB 1 Sallora Btone & Vevppn OretanoB , Bblce .& Maralr . Lew PpllaoU Co Geore* Glvot- Harold Stem Ore I^a Vfe Stuart iBt half (15-18) Chaz qhaae : Dave ApoUon Rev (Two to.fllD^ ^ 2fl halt (12-14) S PoxImoB "Wnton Sla ^oup' WelBh Joe I/aurle Jr Co •• Auflnbon 1 at half (15-18) Ray Rich & Dell Mel Kleo, ■ (Three to fl'l) .,^^ Isl halt (8-11) JuKBllng NelBODB Pat HennlDp Hurray Lnne Co Hudson 'Wonders Strike Mo Pink . DAViBNPOttT Keith'* Iflt hall <8-ll)_^ Duke Rlllngton Ba DAYTON Keith's (8) CO M'l'n Prenchmcj • DETROIT Downtown (15) Cotton Club Rev (8) KItchert Pirates Bert Walton . "Willie "W^st &,MCU WatBoh S! . , R'iBstan Revels FAB ROCKAWAT Keith's . iBt halt (9-10) Larimer &. Hudson HeyeB Halg &.H WlltOn Sis ^ Mel- Kleo - Helcne "Wynne Co HEMPSTEAD, : RlVOU . let half (8-10) Riex Cole MteerB, (Othiera to All) Chilis Lee Foo Jr Metrbpolltnn (28) Crazy QulIt Vnlcjacla (IB) Harris .2 & .l;.oretta Tito Gulzar Chase &. LaTour.. niamonds ArlBtoct:at8 AKSOK liOew's Ist half . <16-18) Kate Smith - S>how 2d half (19-21) Strike lije Plhk BALTIMORE . Century (16) Johniiy Perkins (OMiers to fill) - Stanley (15) Harrison's Circus Mary Small Belailiugosi Drems FItz Co Jans & LyntOn. Rt' BOSTON Orpheiim (16); Maximo Billy Glason Bobby JarylS Co Joe KelBo Miles & Kover. «iv CANTON Xoiew's- Isl half (16-18) Strike Me pink 2d half (19-21) Kiate Smith. Rev jiassEn^'CiTT ro«w'8 (16) dllbert Bros JedQ Sargent IDdgar Bergeji Co Buck & Bubbles Alox Hyde Ore MONTREAI< toew'8 (16) Winnie & Dolly Pope &, Thompson. Dupontal • Leavitt & Lock'w'd Emll Boreo Ralph Olsen Co NEWARK 6l«te (15) Little . Jessie Jonias 3 Slate Bros-. (Three to fill) .PROViDENCE I^evr's (15) Jordan & Grace qiydO Hafrer "Welcome Lewis ., Lubin Larry & A t*e Murray. Rev WASHINGTON. Fox (15) . "White's Scandals Paramoimt Canterbnry M. H. 1st half (11-13) Dorotliy Colston 5 Canadian W'nd'ra . 2d hhlf (141-16) Hale & Esco C 7.\o Girls Dominion Maylor & Pefirson ^lae'Wyhn 4 Kit Kat R«8t. Vadlm 3 Hlnduatahs Alfredos New Victoria Billy Cotton Bd Tro<>adero Geo Doonan Fields & Rossini Eltzdbeth Maurice - CLAPHAM "Majestic Billy Cotton Bd COVENTBT Pnlnce Ralflnl Bd EAST HAM Premier Evelyn Hardy Bd EDGEWARE BD. Gnind Rusty & Shine t»nn Jones FINSBtTRT . PABK Empire Jrtck Hyltoii Bd Go an booked HAMTWBRS^nTH Falnre Mexano Bd ■ Bopnovislll Naldi Con'co &' L ILFORD ,:Srin*r Evelvfi Hnrd-V- Bd ISLINGTON Bine Hall Hal<r &< EBCoe C ZIo Girls ^ & Canadian "Wnd'*^ KILBURN Grange Rusty .& Shine Dan Jones USITH Capitol Mostliis XEWISRAM . Palace ^ HlnduEtans Vadlm 3 8 Black Streaks .. 7 Alfredos le Folly Girls UJITON Savoy / Drury & Raymortd NEW CROSS: Ktnema ^ Concha St Concha Freddie Phylll? & A Co- Rf. booked FECKHAM. Palace (Concha ft Concha Fr'ddlo .J'hylUs & A CJo as booked Tower Campoll Ord Leo Musfrt SHEPHEBDS B'SH Pavilion. Mexano Bd Bonnevelll _ , Naldl Con'c e & Ij S'TlCITFORD Broadway Drnry & Raiymond .Empire Lew Stone Bd Tracy & Vlnette. 3 Boiios _ ' Dancing DT.-namUes Bennett ft Wrna Jock -De Dalr Ravrhnnd. Smitn. BTREATnASi Palace C&mpoll Ore. Leo "MuB.'rt Zanette & Manon Ann Lee Patterson Nelda Kincald Dixie Dunbar Barbara- Jason. Edith Roark' Jack Pulton Pepgy Healy 3 Rhythm Boys Ra'mona Goldle Hobt:l>awrerice Sherr Bros-.. Faramdurit Grfll Gertrude Hoi'tman ' Anthony Trlnl Ore Park Central Uoirl br.zle Nelson - Ore Harriett illlard .Pavilion Royal Dick MansHeld Ore Petit Falals Guy Renhie. Frances .LanjBford Rhys & pwen (Counters. Deon JiRy; Lynne MUe Deorls Crawford & CasKey Jolly .Cobiirn Ore Piierre Root Henry King Drcb Place Plqnale Harry Rosenthal O Marion Ch'asie Fantoha Qele.a 3 - Bachelors Alton zQ's Bd Plaza Cafe Lou - T'aylor. Irv Graamahn Harry Seeraan Eddie Ashman 1 Al A'eshane Russian Arte Joe Morahtz Orcb Rehee & Laura Nlckolas .Hadartek Barra Plrs. Mlsha Us^notl toew's Jersey City THIS WEEK ANNE-icTE AMES WltBVB HAjJXr S 8TEWABT SISTBBB HAI. MENKEN . _ WINNIE and DOI-Lx Via LEDDY & SMITH Mary Haynes Burno "Whiteside • BBOOKLITN Albee (16) oney Fam Art Frank Co Xanny Ross Ross St Edwards Chaney & Fox (8) - Irene Vermillion Arren & Broderlck Jack Whltiiig 3 Sailors _ ^ Art Landry Ore' . Frospect . 1st halt (15-18) ( Cracker Jacks Joe Phillips : Louise Gay CO (Two to flU)^ ^ 2d halt (12-14) Bon Dodgers Tllyon lat half (16-17) Francis & Baye *Zoup' Welsh 'kThreo to flU)^.- 1st half (9-10) Jerri Ronnie & ViO Ray Rich A. DeU Howard Anderson Daveys •'Cautscht & Sonnen BOSTON Keith's (16) Student Prince Buddy Jlogers^Orc CnSD.%B BAFIDS Keith's 2d half (12-14) Dnke Elllnpton Bd CHICAGO Falnce (16) Olsen & • Johnson (8) 12 Abbott Girls Hudson WondorB Allco Dnwn Ken Murray Co . CINCINNATI , Albe* (15) 10 M'l'n Frenchmen (8) E Wonder Girls George Prentice Janetto Hackett 1st halt (8-11) ChrlstlftTisen Ore Leo Donnelly. Masters & Gauthler Rich Kay & va B., MINNEAFOUB Orphenm (8) Bart Carroll's Rov NEWARK Proctor's (16) Artists & Models (8) Earl Jack & Betty Reis * Dunn Fred Lelghtner pave ApoUon Rev N'W BBrNfiTtlCK Keith's ist halt (16-17) „ Daveys (Others to fill) 1st halt (9-10) Ingenues ; OMAHA: Keith's (16) ^ Duke Ellington Bd FATBRSON Kolth'B let half (15-18) Helen "Wynne Co Molasses & J'nuarj Poot Prince Fred Lelghtner Rhapsody in_Sllk 2d half (19-21) Kay Spangler Joe Phillips . (Tlireo to fill) 2d halt (12-14) Cub. Calloway Ore ROCHESTER Keith's (16) Cotton Club Rev SYRACUSE Keith's (16) , Greenwich VII Fol TRENTON Capitol tst halt (15-18) Harry F Welch Forsythe B'm'n & P .(,Two. to fill) 2d half (19-21) Ingenues .2d half (12-14) Violet Ray & N Rusa & Russell NEW tOBK . CITY Farnmount (16) Ben Bernlo Bd Jackie Heller BUFFALO Baffalo (16) Betty CocpOr Lathro'p. Bros Williams ■& Charles 6. Danwllls Cl'wo.. to fill) CHICAGO Chlcotfo (15) Barto St Mann Buster Shaver CO (Three to. flU) arding . Mndio & Ray;_ (Others to llll) .'Marbro . (16> COnhle's Chocolatee ■DETROIT Michigan (15) Count Bernlvlcl Bd (Others tO fill) TORONTO Imperial (16) Eddie Peabody Melissa Msison tThree to fill) ProYincial Week of Pec, U WARNER BRADFOBP Alhambra - Marcel de Haes Bd Stanley & Toung rihodes & Stephens Raymond Bennett Fred McNanghton EDINBURGH Empire Don Rino. Bd Co as booked LEEDS Empire' First Crazy Show NEWCASTUE Empire. Mrs Jaftk Kylton Co . as booked 6HEFFIEU> Empire . L'yt'n ■ &. Johnstone Ara &■ Zetta Vlitor Morcton Cal & Mona Ka7 George Harold ■ Tex McLead Juggling CottrlJlos Lily Moore Joe Fa nton Co sounrEND Hippodrome Teddy Brown Co as booked SUNDEBLAND Empire . iBt Crasy Show Samovar Eli Splvack Nina Mir»*eya Paul .Zam Ore [Johnny Russell Savoy-Plara [ Eddie. Elkips Ore isiniplon Ctob I Helen Morgan' Clark .& De Lys Larry Slry'e Orcb St. Merits Hotel Leon fielasco Orcb "Vera Van - Margtirlte & Leroy St. Regis Hotel Meyer Davis Orch Small's Paradisr . Black Rhythm R Nyra Johnson Meers & Norton 3 Speed Demons Geo > Walker Wm Spellman 3. Palmer Bros May Alex . Chos Johnson Orch taft GriU Geo Hall Orcb Tavern. O'biyn Eddie JackisoD '. JacH' Murray Ore Village Barn Puiil V/emalne Roy Sediey Brady Walker Prhnk Hyer Blanche Lytell Eddie Prltchard >ef! Davis. Jerry & Turk C--.wboy .Tim Lo:ils Mann Marjorle & Irene . yiilagc Knt 3 Roberta Bros FlaHa Veetoft Zara Lee Scotty Conner Milton Spleiihan Or' Vogae. Chick Bndori;, Charles Fi^rrell Frances .:Maddux Carolyn Nolte Dolores Heads Waldort-ABtorla F.6slta:& Ramoh tlyemlA. Strenge ■ B Msidreguera; Ore Xavler Cugat Orcb Poem. Ore Jaftry Ore Wivel Cafe Amy Atkinsan Jack Wick Lillian Lorraine Ami Pavo Maidie Du Fresne La Salle Orch Via Lago Crane Russell Orcb Bebe' Sberman ZIta & Marcelle Jack Housb Wanda Kay Al Handler Bd too Club ' Bobbc Arrist Billy Gray Evelyn Regaq Royce .3 ^ . Danny Alvin Orch S« Olde Tovem Mickey Scott ReT Car Herbert Violet Cristlan Lillian Francis Crane Russell Oro: BALimOBE crby,. Adelo Foster Patsy Chandler I t-arsle . M qCo rmack BroWn Derby Bd Garden Root joe- Dean: r.ennett Sis Edwards Oscar -Ai>pel Ore •J'ack'Moflser Vinci & Young Debutante Rev I Earl. ZeJler.'s Ore Ilirllat Cliib I Jack Beekm.ih Katherine Specter ■.lop Reiardin Beauty Rev Lou Lynn's Oj-e Ox-Rond Inn jane & JeiYy Ted Elmore Oro iooadiiiy Jimniy Atwill ... Peggy & Charlie- Glntrer Dfe -Low 3' Flashes Jack Webr's.Orc Rasslan ViUu "Vcvia iProzenHo Katha Misha Beasorc Ore Sherry's . Paulino Sattler Eddie Clark Dorothy . Del 3 Tates Sis Ross Ruast 'rp Ore Vlllnge B^rn Frances & ttfiifcr Maurice Syku' .Benny Llp!?ltz Ore Johnson Code CHICAGO ELIZABETH Bits 2d halt (20r22) Mme Eugenie (Others to flll)„, Ist halt (0-12) Oray Fam . Seed & Austin Whltey & Ford Sanimy Cohen Pasguall Bros 2d half (18-15) 3 Victor GlrlB Nixon & Sans Hobirl- Bosw.ort Bayes ■ & Speck (One to fill) - . ' PHILADELFHIA F4urle (16) Balabanow 6 W & J Mandeli Dvke McHalc Co Sammy Cohen Oracle Barrle (8) 4 Ortons Johnny Woods Harmony. Co-Eds Ifarto & Mann C-acle Barrle WASHINGTON Ettfle (15) Ruiz A Bonita 5 JanMoys ' J . & K I^e James Melton (8) Rhapsody in Silk Miller Bros Block & Sully Lillian Roth Cabarets NEW YOEK CITY Fanchon & Marco NEW YORK ClTi Roxy (16) Liazced Tr Reynolds & White D & H Murray Consuelo Gonzales (Others , to fill) BROOKLYN Faraihnonnt (15) Oua Van jBck MbLallen 3 Miller Bros Minor & Root Smith Rogers & B (Others to fill) BOSTON Metropolitan (16) V & E Stanton Billy Farrell Co .Hastings Co Alene & Evans OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A., (others to fill) DR. JULIAN SIEGEL i>5gSi — . ISflO Brbodway I a«drgiB Minstrels -Thls^Week: Chas^ AUen; fktfLbyiEyl.- ^ Nalsh & Fately Barry & "Whltledge Radio Rubes CLEVEL.\NB —— palace~(15) -' 12 Abbott Girls Wills & Davis Radio Rubea Keii Murray Co Chaz Chase Helene Wynne Co Broad - 1st half (0-10.)_ Homer Romalne Fredericks & Hale Kramfr & DoylO. Dance Frolics. Don Galvln 1.0S AN(iEI>ES Paramoant (15) "BTack'sfOWe (8^) J & J McKenna Edwin George Vlckl Joyce SunklBt Ens OAKLAND Warfleld (16) Elvans & Miayer Tex Morrisey Neil Kelly Lomaa Tr Ferry, Corway Dormonde , FUILADEI.PHI A . Fox (15) •Bottoms "Up" •Pop' Cameron Co Le Galls BetTi Miller Bobby Blxler Dave Cameron Martha Watson Harry Shipley 16 Cocktail Shakes Joe T^onibardl ST. LOUIS _FLbx. (15) Dertiarest"* Sibley (Others to fill) ^ ; St. Loitis (16) Dbrrah MInevltch T & B Wonder -(Others-to-fllD—— Arrowhead Inn Irving Conn Orcb. Astor Root Jack Berger Orcb Bal-Mnsett« Millard A -^nlta George Marshal Leonard Keller Georgette Leon Bedean L*Apache Ore Blltmorc Hotel Don Bestor Orcb Isabelle HenderSoo Florla Armatrong Barry Devlne Minor & Root Btowery Lou' Dolgoff John Barry Nellie Durkln 3 Blue. FiasherB Fred Jordan Mabel Bradley Ben Tabler'B Bd Brown Derby Patricia Leede Gererude Moody Chester Doherty'p Rhythm . Parade Dave Abrams. Oro Central Pt Casino Eddy Duchln Ore Geo Murphy ■ Geo. Metaxa l-Gomez & Winona CInb BaMIle Spivey Sue HickB . , Palla Howard - J/taJiftce & Arnoia_ Chas CoTumbus Huston & Harder Commodore Hotel Ipham Jones Ore Isabel Bro-wn Pantages KEW TORK CITT Capitol (16) . , Petro Gentile Florence & Alvarez Vivian Faye (Two to flU) Boulevard 1st halt (16-18) McGo'wan 3 Collins &. Peterson NTG Rev 2d halt (19-21) Ruff Go Morley & Angor Smith Shields & 6 Harry Rose i=RodrIga=&.JjUa=]Qli; Orpheum. 1st halt (15-18) Mario St. Pals Clark (t Villanl. Alexander & Sant's Allen & "White Harmony Co-Eda 2d halt (19-21) McGowah 3 ' Collins & Peterson NTG Rev Paradise (15) Janet May ' King KlnK A King Gregory RatofT Sid Page Enrica & Novello State^di) Park & dUfford SOlly ward Co Max Baer . . Fred' 'Berrens'.'.Oroh (Two to fill) BROOKLYN Bay Ridge lat half (15-18) Gray Fam Esmond A Grant HIckey Bros . .Ching Ling Ft>o Jr . 2d half (19-21) JSjUltiejls^jrov JihOB= CAL Gerard Jack. LaVlcr Smith A Hart Mann Robin's'n A M Gates Ave. .1st half (15-18) 3 Emeralds. Masters A Goutler Harry Rone IlOdriga A Llla Or 2d halt (19-21) Terry A Tully Mayo Nolson A W Amo." A' Arno VVnUe Solor HOLLYWOOD Fnntnges (16) Eddie Stanley Mat-Ion Rice, Frazeo Sis , Sandy, Lang Perry Sis Pantages Ens LOS AN<SELES Chinese (Indef. run) Unchlana I'r pansy Gordon Reed A K Buddy Ravltz Nell Kelly Larry AdJer Fops A I>oule Fay , Courtney El tore Campana ,, Jue Fong Cotton Clnb Cah Calloway Oro Dan Healy R«» CrbydeP I Josephine Le Ray I Mike Landow Ore. Gov. Clinton Hotel Enoch Light Ore ^ Ha-Ha Clnb Danny Healy Jack White Sheila Barrett Jerry Bergan Jerry Blancbard Lillian Fitzgerald Roth-Andrews Orcit H'iyw'd Beataarant Street Slpger Barbara Blane Trls Adrian Betty Real Catherine. O'.Nell Jerry Lester Pletro Gentile Florence Valaree Kay Katye ft K Girl Friends Gary ft Dixon Alice Kellerman Marlon Martin Harriett Myme Hotel IMxle Art Kahn Ore Hotel Lexington Jack yttle Oro Hotel Montcialr Wm "Scotti Ore Mario, ft Balalie Hotel Nc* Yorker Abe Lyman Orp Hotel Boosevelt Freddie Martin Ore KInK« Terrace. . Al Shayne Gladys Bentiey R'lTrl'gs' WmiHTna I Ted Brown Orcb Last Bonndnp Hal Mulier -Belle Moore- : Eddie Rogers Shirley Carklna Virginia Valence Eddie Rogers Jimmy Santry Bismarck Hotel (Walnot Room) Rosemary Doerlng Manya A Martin Doris Lentban Weems Orch Boulevard Boons : (Hotel Stevena) - J Irving Gagnon . Riitb Brbvgbton I cbas Agnew Oreb Blackbawh I' Dean» Janis Hal Kemp Orch 'Sklnnay' Ennla I Bob Nolan Cafe deAlex Dorothy Denese Irene George Mary Stone Bvelyn Hoffman Enrico ClauBl Sol Wagner Ore Casa Lo ma Vivian Brown 4 Blazes Man-Tail Moreland •Snake Hips; Tuckef Geo Biirn'ette Orch Chez Faree. June Taylor. Frances Langford Harry Rlchman Mltzl Young Pearl Twins The Vernons Eunice Healy Vincent Lopez Ore Clob Leisure Dave ^laupin Mary Downing Betty Chase Jack Sexton Jr 'Sugar* Harolds Or Henri Ma^k Job 'Monnlng - pro Olob La MaBanc I J. A B L«vMarr Edna Leonard Bddte Morton . Francis SMtlman. Al Gar bell Earl Willis • Ore .Clnb Boynle I Claire Ray A A N Selby Rose' 2 TraceyGale Joan Warner I NIno~Rrf)ffrdB-Orch College Ino lifaul Ash Oro Sally Sweet -Jack-Xaw——. BAL-TIMORE "^IIippodi'oino=-(8).^ .Shaw A Leo Lucille Page. Loomis Sis McLean James Howard BOSTON Uptown': (8) Oscar Lorraine Stanley 2 A " UlobmberR's (>0 Clark & O'N'eU 4 Cards . ■ Tiffany Sis A T DETROIT . l<iHhcr (8). 'WxVia Play'crs^"^ ■'In!3pe<5tor .Martin Mnyfair (8) Hilton A Garon Serge Flash 3 St John Bros Frank Melino Co St. Lons Ambaefi(idor (8) Vic Oliver Art Horary Co Dololfes Andre A D rdna .«!odgwlck 3 R Sla ' Charles Ecfcole Qrc Delmonlco's Mickey Alpe.rt Lulu Bates VaI Vestotf. Carrol Sis . Harry Kllby's Rev Eddy Burston Ore El Chlco _ Tanco' & Lorca'- Las Ajedas Adcllna Duran Orlando Rlcarde 3 Pilar Areas Embassy Yacht Cliib fioys Jane Vanfie , Job^G rant -Oro Vcl07. & Tfblanoa csertrud* Nleeen Val OlnriRii Ore Essex Bohse Glenn Gray Ore Gallrigli,er'9 r^t Goode Winlf'd :Grcenough Sid Tomae Marlla A Diaz Helen Thbm;)son Adauen NcvlnB ,Halson Boya|e< 1 Waisb ft Arnold I Antobal Cubans Uarden'a Blvlera [variety RevUe ! Binll Coleman Ore Maytalr Yacht Clnb Dwight Fiske Maiirell ft Cordova r Walter O'Neill Ore Montmartre Clnb I Rocky TwlnB Ernest Charles Patricia. Palmer Machin Bd 1 (leader's Ore- Murray'* f-AV^Brody Congress Hotel (Joe Urban Boom) Robert Royce : Cherle A Tbmasita Hangar (Hotel LaSalle) Ivan Epplnoif Ul-Uat. Clnb Al SSintmey Trudy. Davidson Kolya ft Berte Margar"! Lawrence Bffle Burton Falla Sle Dot Meyers Bobby Dande K-9 Chitt Lee Carrigan LeOn La Verdbe George :01lver Johnny Mangum Billy Richards G'ft F Durahd Dominique Oreb Moronil'a Rolando ft Verdltta G.wen Gordon Neecee Shannon Marge ft Marie Virginia Buchanan Bob Wyalt Maurle Moret Orcb. Clnb Minuet Dick Hughes Sugar Kennedy: Frank Sheriitan Morrie Stanton Ore Adellna, Dbsscna Mnral Room. (Brevobrt Hotel). Jaros Sis- Paul Fay ;GaIe GIpp , Fay Peters Bob Perry's ,Oreh Not base Jo-Jo George DeCbsta Jimmy Lane Boggy Sherman Moe Lee • Ned Santrey • Jimmy Kennedy Jimmy Calllson Old Mexico Curry A Joy Elizabeth O'Donnell iSandra Newell Goorrlchs Palmer Honsc. Paul Draper Stanley Morner MedrSno A Dbnnai Abbott Girls ile-DxclL Paramount Anita LaPeirro Babe Kane Blain e Mf^nzl, GuB Van (Continued frpm page 4) nent Job. very 30 or 60 days a new' cbdist wiU doubtlessly sit in ths chair, according to. authorities Mon- day, 1 tarrraidiiig atid agent trouble can continue-until late in Marfeh so iCar as the cod^, which suspends ac- tion on these phases until theft, is. [concerned. Those. Hollywood angles are legal; froni the majors' perspec- tive on the NBA, and it will have to [be treated through the regular courts, until then. . Soniie means, however, may be de- I Vised between now ancl. then. There tnay .- be. temporary gentlemen's I agreernent "wrought out: by the Code [Authority on its own ainong the I producer parliamentarians. Majors on Monday evidenced tor the first time an attitude of now- I we-caii-get-to-'work-on-the-code. . The Centorshi ram. Bobby' Brinn- Duncan's Girls Al Alja Orch Nellie's Bonndnp Nellie Edwards Jack Dayla AdelO Fergueop. Paradise'' Paul WhitemaD Or NIG .R«v Fleicia Sorrell C'ntess Von Loesen I Carlos Molina ColoBlnib'a looirothy Henry Montenegro ft Dor [Dave Malcolm Jope RlvoB OrcJi Countess Borlska Signer Baraooi Art Buckley I Cole Sis Clnb Alabam i Irene Duvall IScotty's Orrh Drake Hotel Fowler ft Tarnara Jane Carpenter I Don .Carlo Co, .. | G»!o Devrons- Orch "^EtJgewoter" Bw i Esther Todd i DeRonda A Barry Art Carroll Frolic's Pave Tanpen. • Robinson A Loueen Nana Parmett Sonya Ray Dorothy Taggart I Eleanor I>onard I Al Belasco Orch Paul .Bachelor Flaygronnd Dot Cnlbertson Paige Joe J^ittie Adele Goul Don Elklns Jimmy Franceo Mllorcd Doling' Ix)u Shatel Ore Samo'yai; the Randalls Miss Capers Muriel Loyo Tommy Lyman Lyle Smith Ore Terrace Gardens Dick Ware Benny Meroff Jack .Ru«sell Orcb Dorothy Thomas "Red"^ Pepper Norman Cast Jack Marshall The Berlin Waddy Wadewoi-th Alexla'nne V ft F , Veetoft Jack Ed-wards Vendas 6 Kolya A Bertet .Vanity Fair Mary Ann ftoyce Cliff WlnehlU Don Fernando . Orcb In sources which will carry con* slderable weight on the Authority this was belner discussed as the first part of the initial frameworkj. after the committee set-ups throughout the country ha-ve beew accom- plished: EJxtension of the Hays ad- vertising and production self-cen- sorship maohinery to take in all of the Independents. This woujd nieaii that under the code J. . McCarthy, the lion tamer of bare gam copy, and Will Hays, will decide What's ^ood and bad in all ballyhoo mate- rial. While on the west coast CTol. Jason Joy, Dr. James R., Wirigate and Joe Breeri will doubtlessly con- tinue the role of interpretors of what can and can't he shown on the screen durinjg the Boosevelt admin- istration. • The reports of establishing thre^ commissions , Still persist in certain quarters but the economy angle la gaining over these. The present Hays machines could b® auginented at a great comparative financial saving to the industry which, after all, must pay. the tax, Even tinder the latest Johnsonian" writing, industry watchers are cau- tioning against any over-confidence, Despite the fact that the business from its trip to Washington under- stands it can decide who shall be land not bo on the Authority, sound minds Monday opine that if, any high codist gets the reputation of being •habitually oppressive' the _ fB A still h aa-^he—righ t to yan k him off if the Authority as a body doesn't act. While there wits more |"8ecfet"^^eati«r~ln nraj or^spherea— that the NBA has admitted itself in error through the Johnson docu- ment. Independent high spqits In [^mm«nicatlOn---with^--Wa?(hington- ians Moridiy reported the Govern*, riieht 'still holds both the key and the lock'. They even, attribute to President. Pioosevelt this observation I when, after listening to the majot delegation, he referred theni to I General Johnson Saturday evenlrig. Some of the majors at the. samd time were openly laughing at the independents. They observed that for the first tliree days of the code's official life many of the indies had. what' they have been fighting for for years—Federal regulation—and they:jmuffed^ it. Not one organtza^^ tTonnacted'quiekTy~¥y. pasShg""a>esb- lutlori endorsing the full-^urrTort of the President's order and Imme- diately forwarding it to Washington. - There are some who ai^e civcum- spfect enough to believe that had any representative handful Of In- (lie.s so acted the majors today might hot have. Johnson's interpretation.