Variety (Dec 1933)

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50 VARIETY Tuesday, December 19, 1933 Bills NEXT WEEK (Dec. 21) THIS WEEK (Dec. 14) with bills below: i icate opening day of show, whether full or ispMt week New YOKK^ idiTT . r^lace (23) Artists & MoaelB (IB) Pemnatl. Tr , B & E; Ne^y,cll ..'Rylvia Frobs S'Sallovs Stone & Vernon Acndemy 2d. half ^(26-28) "Whltels 'Scanfl^ls' 2(1 half (19-21) 2 Gretdnos S'rsythe.-Sem'n & p?. Johnny Hyrnan . Harry Burtis Valai<la Snow Berry Bros Orch Audubon 1st half (22-25) B &■ E 'New.ell. Gnutfechl &; R Orch (Three to. fill). 1st half (15-18) Hector Pai^s Kay Hitmllton Wills & Uavts. Radio Babes Ken Murray • Co Hudson Wonders KANSAS CilTT - Mnintttreot Earl Carroll's Rov NEWABK , Proctor's (22) Tf d Lewis. Orch . - (15)- .Artists <t Models iPAR BDCKAWAY ' Strand 1st half (23-24) Trogato 4 Carlton Bros (T.\vo to nil) Ist half (16-17) Bird Ijarid Huth Ford Wally Sh.irples Rome & Gaut Wallace Sis Rev CAPITaL, NEW YORK VIVIAN FAY STATE, NEW YORK PAktK Si CLIFf OBD ROXY, NEW YORK LA CONSCELO ALL PLACED By liEDDT A SMItA Ray Blch & Pell Angus ^ Scarle Mel Klee. Smith & Neal Rev BROOKLYN Albee (15) Honey Fain Art Frank . L'nnny Ross Ross & Edwards Chaney & Fox Bnsliwiok Isl half a«-17) lieon Janney. Dyker 1st half (10-17) Hobart Bbsworth <ireeni>olnt Ist half (16-17) Leon Janney.. Prospect 1st half (22-26) Red & StruBpe (Others to nil) 1st half (16-18) 6 Cracker Jacks Ross St Russell Edith Murray Joe Phillips Co Lctilse Gay Co 2d half (19-21) Jerry Revvio St V BIgelbw & l.oue Earl Lavere Grace Edier Co (One 1o nil* Tllyoo. 1st half (23-24) Angup & Sfearl© Mel Kleb , (Three to All) ' lat half (16-17) Gordon's Dogs Strands & Raye Llllles Harr y ZQUE_3Ee!ch MuslC/in:i BOSTON Boston (22) Ben Bernle 'Bd (U.) Student Prince CHICAGO Palace Olsen & Johnson (161 Olsen 'ft Johnson IIEMPSTEAD Rlvoll 1st half (15-18) . Lee &' T Rafterty Arren & Broderlck Rex-Cole Ens DES MOINES Kelth'8 .2d half (26-28) Duke Ellington Bd DETROIT . Downtown (22) Midway Nights (15.) Cotton Club Rev NEW BR'NSWICK Keith's 1st half (24-26) Rlohards & Telle' (Three to fill) 1st half (16-17) St. CJiair Sis & O Fredericks &' Dale 2 Daveys ' Daiice Frolics OMAHA Keith's (15) Duke Ellington Bd PATERSON Xelth'B 1st halt (22-25) Frances Langford (Four to fill) 2d half (26-28) Olympla Winner^ Glenn & Jenkins I..llllan Shade Harry Savoy Lew Pollack Co .2d half (19-21) Dancing Aces Eddie White Billy Kelly Co Joe Phillips WllUe Mauss BrOCHESTER, Keith's (22) Strike Me Pink SIOUX CITY Keith's Isl half (22-26) Duke Ellington Bd SYRACUSE Kelth'8 (22) Greenwich Follies. ST. PAUL Keith's CJrace Dbro Mills .& Fiddler Tom, Dick '& Hdrry' Jackto Green Co.' Metroiiolitan (22) Chlng Ling Fo.o. Jr. Hal Young Chaise & L Blue. . Alex Hyde Orch Valencia (22) Harrison's Circus King,. King & K Solly Ward Co T^ew Parker Co Coleby & M Rev AKRON Loeiv' 1st half (22-26) Olvera- Bros Mary HayneS Geo Niblo Co Slim Tlmblln "ernoh, Haworth Co 2d half (20-28) 6 Ameirlcrin Bclf'rds .Master & Grayce Herbert Faye - Co Zelaya . Dodge Bros R'ev, BALTlitrORE' Century (22') Van Cello & M Pete . Donald Noyls Block & Sully Benny Davis Co BOStON Orpli«am (33). Jordan '& Grace Clyde, Hager Lang. & Squires Lubln, Larry & 'A Lee Murray- Rev NEW YOKIC CITY Pnramoant (22) - Mary McCornilc Radio Rogues Conrad Thlbault be Penner' BUJFFALO Buffalo (22) .Vivian Faye Brltt Wbod Sylvia Proos Pete Peaches & D Belirtt & Lamb CHICAGO Chicago 15) Barto & Mann Buster Shaver Co (Three to nil) (22) Dave Apollun Co (Others to flll) Harding (16) Benny Mero'K GUda. Gray OFPICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. ▲ DR. JULIAN SIEGEL December 26—Paramoant BnUdlAs CINCINNATI Albcff (22) Cotton Club Rev 60 Mlll'n Fi'"nchm'n CLEVELAND Palace (22) Greenwich . Follies (15) 12 Abbott Girls K4y Hamilton Will? & Davis-.. Radio Rubes Ken Murray Co Hudijon -■ Wonders' COLUMBUS Keith's (22) 12 Abbott Girls 1st half (22-26) 60 MlU'n Fr'nchm'n TRENTON Capitol 1st half (16-18) Ray & RudcU Harry Foster Welch P'rsytlie Se'm'n'&.F B Whiteside Rev 2d half (19-21) Ingenues. Broad 1st half (16-17) Jack Hedley Mason &• Yvonne Gene Gory & W Diince BeveTB Loew NEW YORK CITY Cnpitol (23) Georges Prentlcb Gau'tler's Co ICanM.s 2 &i L .; Bnulevurd . Ist half (22-25) 3 Blue. Steiipers Gt-ace Dora )?cnny Marks i;renis', Pltz Co Casllnpr Cantbolls ■2(1 half'^(26-28) Uapso- Danny Small Co -Lftfivjtt- &-L;ckwood Ifarry ITlnoS. lioulso fJny fo Ori>lioum 1st hnlf (22-25) Tliiblo SIfi Tom, ]ii('k & TI I'etor. irigttlns Harry ii^voy Jnrlcle GrD?n Co fid halt (26-28) 0 DoCardog- Buddy Ooyle n & DuClay nev Hal Jpropi'' Carl Frrcd Co ■ PuriHllKP (22) Pallcnbprgs BoafS Tylor Mason Hdrry - Burns Co Slate Bros Paul'. Tisen Co State (22). Grviber'd Oddltlo.T Wclst & Stanton Co -Simons St Bailey MIfchon Bros Lee Rafferty Co BROOKLYN Bay Ridge 1st half (22-23) Rasso Panny- Small Co Blli y,.:Kellv-Co-— Willie Solar Ladder of' Roses 2d half (20-28) 3 iUui> Steppers TFarry Fosler Wrlsh Waller & Lee BraniH, Fit?! Co 5 Stewarts Gatcx Ave. . ■ 1st half. (22-25) 6- Stewarts Harry Foster Welsh A & M ITavei LaVore Si CBrlen Earl Lindsay Kev 2d hnlf (26-28) Ruhio Sla Loew's 1st half (22-26). C American jSelf'rds Masters St Grayce .Herbert Faye' Zelaya Dodge Bros Rev 2d half (26^28) Olvera Bfoa ; Mary Hnynes. Geo. Nlblo Co Slim Tlmblln Vernon Haworth ;Co JERSEY CITY - Loew's (22)\ Craay /Qiillt ':. MONTREAL i.oew'B (22) X)owney & Lee-Sis Rogers &; W.vnn Jerome -Mann Georges & Jalha.- Parkcr & Coyan Harfleen NEWARK State (32) Maximo & Bobby Dalton & Craig Blister West Llppdl's Rids PROVIDENCE Loew's (22) Maximo Billy Glason Joe Kelso Co Jack Sidney's .Rev WASHINGTON Fox (22) Al Gordon's Dogs Bela Lugosi 3 Sailors Nat BruslIOfC Paramount 'Red' Pepper- Jay Hill Jack Marshall 'Blonde Bomlishell' Marbro (15) Connie's Co 'Peg''Leg Bates 'B'y Thru Keyhole' Regal (23) . Connie's Hot Choeo DETROIT Mloliigan (22) Hill & HofTman Betty Jahe Cooper Lathrop Brbs - Ray Huling Co Cossacks FfBhcr (23) Chilton & Thomas . Geo. Campo (Two to nil) TORONTO Imperial (32) Williams & Charles (Others to niD ELIZABETH Kltz 1st half (23-26) 3 Miller Bros J ft K Lee JohnnyWoods' (Oni tr frii) 2d half (20-22) Jean Boydell Malnstre'eters 'Bozo" Snyder Co Mme Eugeinle PHn^ADELPHIA Earle (32) iSuddy Rogers Rev (15) Balabanow 5 W & J Mdndell DaUe McHale Co Sarnmy Cohen Grncte Barrle WASHINGTON-^ Earle (22) Virginia Bacon Co MuUln Sis Ross & Edwards Chas Ahearn Co . (16) Ruiz & Bonita 6 Janslcys J & K Lee James Melton* Fanchon & Marco NEW YORK CITY Boxy (33) Stan KaVanagh Capt Proske'ia Co Yorke & Johnson 3 Millers Bros G., De QulhCbV & L (Others to ftll) BROOKLYN Paramount (32) Paul Reiiios P'rsythe. S'am'ii & F Serge Flash Ma!szbne -& Keeh'e Flfl D'Orsay Kay, Katya & K . BOSTON Metropolitan (23) Rit7, Bros Paul Sydell & S (Others- tp fill) BUFFALO New I^fayetto (32) Freddy Mack Deimare'st & Sibley Rodney - & Gould. .V-udrey Wyckott Kltaro Japs (Others to All) . DENVER, COLO. Orplienm (!!S) Thomas -6 Sully & Thomas Sunklst Ens L'B B'CH, CAL. M'est Coast (16) Lynn Cowan ' J & M .Mason Ed win George (Two to flU) PHILADELPHIA Fojc <33> 3 Diamonds Mnree & Pals (Others to fill) ST. LOUIS St. Louis (32) Wesley Eddy . • Buster Shaver. Olive & George Frank ConVUle .Silver, Burns & B (Othei's to nil) LOS ANGELES Paramount (21) F St M K Rev . (14) Blackstone SAN FKANCISCO Wnrnold (33) F & M K Rev (15 V, Evans & Mayer Tex Mbrrlsey . BALTIMORE tUppodronic (15) May Wlrfh Co (■hristanaons Co Mme- Bradna 3 Orantos Ollvlda Pare?!.. I'oUdor & Fliimm nig Rosle Miss Ora Bell 3 Merle Evans Caneatrelllfl. Fred Uradna eillOAGO state I^ke (17) 4.Franks niu Toelak Bill Browri Sally Payno Ross & Bennett JlUJUAAJt'AASOJa: T St A- Waldman Vefne Buck Bd HOLLYWOOD I'nntages (14) Show Boat LOS ANGELES Orplicunq <14) Valsety Sid Goron Co Randall Sis Duval Oreeg 3 Senator Murphy Foster's Circus ST. LOUIS Ambassador (16) Guy Lombardo < Astorl« D, H, Naldl, Con'ce ft L Ciutterbnty M. H. 1st half (18-20). Marlskl > Masa HIruIowa 3 2d . half (21.-23 > Margie ClUton & P Keith Wilbur Dominion" Ralflhl. Bd Kit Kat Best Rhythm GIs New Victoria Drury & Raymond Cavan O'Connor Palladium. 6th Crazy. Show DALSTON Picture House '. RainnlBd EALING B'woy Palladium E. & E. Franklyn Dan■Jones EAST HAM Premier Maxfleld Bros Thpni & Mack Fyne St F.urleJ- EDGEVl'ARE RD. Grand Val Rosing FINSBURY PARK Empire Anna May Wong Naunton Wayne Dancing Dynamites Bonos Raymond • Smith Nlcol & Marti^ Claude Lester Howard Rogers HAMMERSMITH -Palace E. & E. Franklyn Dan Jones BIRMINGHABt HlppodromiB Petulengro Bd ' Harold & Lola C Astor En OS Frazek*e Archie Glen Williams & Hayden London Week prDec. Tff' ILFORD Snp^r 3 Maxfleld Bros Thom & Mack. Tyne & Furisy ISLINGTON Blue HaU Margie Clifton & P Keith Wilbur' 2d halt (21-23) Mareskl. . Mc»a HIrukawa kilbubN . Grange Val -Rosing L&tVISHASI Palace Mexanb Bd Bonnerelll Naldir Con'cft A L NEW CROSS Jack Payne Bd Co as booked KInema. Campoll -Orch' . PECKH.'VH Palace dampol! Oroh -■, Tower is. Hardy- Bd . , SHEPHERDS' B'SH , Pavlllou Drury & Raymond STRATFORD Empire Jack' Payne Bd Co as booked STREATII.^M' B. Hardy Bd WIMBLETON: Pnl d<> Dance Pauline Ward WOOLWICH Hippodrome Mbxano Bd Bonnerelll Provincial Week of Dec. 18 Melvllles EDINDURG Empire C'vMcade of Variety SHEFFIELD Empire 2d Crazy Show NTO Rev Flelcla Sorrell C'ntess Von Loesen Zanette & Manon Ann Lee Patterson NeUla—Klnca4d^—— Dixie Dunbar Barbara Jason Edith RoarlE Jack Fulton Peggy Healy 3 Rhythm Boys Ramona Goldle iRobt. Lawrence. Sherr Bros Paramount Orl|l Gertrude. Hodman Ant hp ny TrJ n I Orb Park Central Hotel Ozzle Nelson - Ore Harriett Hilliai'd Pavilion lto;fiB| Dick Mansfleld Ore i;etit Pnials Guy Rennie Frances Langford Rhys & Qwcn Counters.. Deon Jay Lynne. Mile ..Deorls Crawford & -Caskey Jolly ...Coburn Ore Pierre Root Henry King Orcb ^ Pjquale I-Iariry Rosenthal O Marlon Chase Fan t a n a St Cbles 3 Bachelors Alfonzb's Bd Plaza Cafe Lou. ^TTayldr' Ir.v Orasmann Harry Seeriian Eddie Ashman Al Aeshnne Russian Arts Joe Morantz -Qrob Re nee & Laura Nliikolas Hadarlcb Barra Eire Misha UsanofI SnnioTur EU Splvack Nma Mlraeva Paul Zam Ore Johnny Russel) Savoy-Plaza Eddie Elklns -^jrc-r- NEW TOEE CITY Arrowhead Ino Irving Conn Orch Astor Roof Jack Berger Orch Bal-Musette Millard & Anita George Marshal Leonard Keller Ore Georgette Nita ■ eon Bedou BUtinore. Ilotel Don Bestor Orch Isabelle Henderson Florla' Armstrong Barry Devlho' Minor & Root I Bowery Lou Dolgofit John Barry' Nellie Durkln 3 Blue Fashers Fred Jordan Mabel Bradley Ben Tabier's Bd Brown Dcrbj Patricia Leeds Oererude Moody XJKSifSt' DtiViSttrvr^ Rhythm Parade Dave Abrams OrO Casino de. Paiee Billy Rose Rer Max Baer Pee Palmer Geo. Olvot Ben' Pollack Orch Don Redman Orch Holland ft June Saxon Sis ' Hlnda Waasau Sylvia Adams Lois Rees Central P'ii Casino £:ddy Duchln Ore Geo Murphy Geo. Metax.a Gomez ft Winona Chez Fares &63dy ' £ieohard: ' Nona ft. Sedans I>ee St Thompson Al Kavialln Oro Club Bastlie Splvey . Sue Htcks Paila Howard Wallace & Arnold Cha's' CoIUmbus Huston St ; Harder Commodore Hotel Ishan Junes Ore Isiabel.. Brown Cotton Club Ciiij Callbway Oro Dan Hcaly Rev Croydon Charles Eckels Oro bclmonlco's. Mickey Alpert.. Lulu Baton Val Vestoff Carrol Sis Harry Kilby's Rev Rita White Hartman. Harry Hattes Dddy -Bufston Ore I Chico TaW6^i?T;6rca"~" Las Ajed.ia Adbltna- 'I>uran Orlondo Rlcarde A.B.C. 3 Pilar Areas Embassy Vacht Club Boyi Jane Vance Bob Grant Ore Vclor- ft Yolanda Gertrude Nleseh Val Olthaii Ore Essex House Glenn Gray Ore .Gallagher's Hen Toungxhan Bort Goodman Gert.Dwyer Marie Austin Burns ft Oldes "'eggy Ware. Frank Small's Rhythm .Revels Al Fields Orch Got. Clinton Hotiel Enoch .Light .Ore Ua-Ha Cltib Danny Healy Jack White Sheila' Barrett Jerry- Bergan- Jerry. Blanchard Lillian Fitzgerald Roth-'Andrews. Orcli H'iyw'd Restainrant Street Singer Barbara Blane Trls Adrian Betty Real Catherine O'Nell Jerry Lester Pletro Gentile Florence Valarez Kay Katye ft K LgitLJSlMas ^ tSaiT ft Dixon Alice Kellerman. Marlon Martin Harriett Myrne Ilotel Dixie Art Kahn Ore Hotel Lexington Jack Little Ore Hotel ontclalr Wm ScottI Ore Mario ft Eulalle Hotel New Yorker Abe Lyman Oro Hotel Roosevelt Freddie Martin Ore Kings Terrace Al Shayne Qladys Bentley R'B'rl'gs' WlIUairiB Ted Brown Orch Last Roundup Hal Mullef Belle. Moore Eddie Rogers Shirley Oarkins Virginia Valence Eddie Rogers ' .Jlminy..Santry Malson Royale Walsh - ft Arnold Antbbal' Cubane ' Manhattan iQrIU Tom Brown Orch Hans Bruno Mey^r Orch Marden's -Blvlera: Variety Revue Bmll Coleman Ore Hayfalr Yacht Club Dwight Flske Maureil & Cordova Walter O'Neill -Ore Montmartre Club Rocky T'wlns Ernest Charles 1>atrlc(a Palmer Machin Bd Rea.der'a • Ore . _ Murray's Johnny Howard Bobby Brinn Edith Lowe r Mltzy Ro'uss Hammer ft'Stedge: Ethel Agld Leah Lazarus Jlra Josephs Orch Nellie's Roundup Nellie Edwards Jack- Davis Adele Ferguson IParadlse Paul Whitctnan Or Slmploa Club Helen Morgan Clark ft De Lys Larry Slry's Orch -St.—Horlttf-Hotel. Leon Belasco Orcb Vera Van Margarite ft Leroy St. Regis Hotel Meyer Davis Orch Small's Paradise 'Black Rhythm' R Nyra Johnson. Meers ft Nor too 8 Speed Demons Geo Walker Wm Sp^llman 3 Palmer Bros May Alex Chas';Johnson Orch Toft OrlU Geo. Hall: Orcb Tavern, B'klyD Eddie Jackson Jack Murray Oro Village.. Ba^n Piiul Tromalne Bay Sedley ' Brady Walker Frank Hyer Blanche Lytell Eddie Prltchard j^-vi Davis Jerry St. Turk C'ivvboy Jim Lu'ils Mann Marlbrle & Irene Village Nut Club. 3 Roberta Bt-bs Flaria Vestoff Zara Lee Scotty Conner Milton Splelman Or Vogue Chick Endor' Charles Farrell Frances Maddux- Carolyn Nolte Dolores Heade Waldorti-Astorla Rosita ft .Ramort ' liy^mla Strange * B Madreguera Ore Xavier Cugat Orcb Poem Orb Jaffry urc Wivel Cate Amy Atklnsan Jack Wick Lillian Lorraine Ami Pavo Maldie Du Fresno La ^alle Orch Via Lago Crape Russell Orcb Bebe Sherman Zita ft Marcelle ■ J ack I H -oush. . . ^ . Wanda Kay Al Handler Bd 100 Club Billy Gray CHICAGO Bismarck Hotel (Walnut tCoom) Rosemary Deerlng Manya' & - Martin Doris Lenlhan. Tt-d Weeihs Orch Boulevard iRoom (Hotel Stevens) Irving Gaghon Ruth Broughton ^ Chas Agnew OrcO' Bluckhawk Deane Janls llal Kemp Orch 'Sklnnay' Ennts Bob Nolan Cafe deAlex Dorothy Denese Irene George Mary Stone Evelyn HolYman. Enrico Clausl Sol -Wagner Ore . Cosa Loma Vivian Brown 4 Blazes Man-Tan Moreland Snake Hips' Tucker Geo Burnette Orch Chez Paree June Taylor Frances Langford "HSl'ry '.Rlchman" Mitzl Young Pearl Twins The Vernona Eunice Healy Vincent Lopez Ore Club Leisure Lucio Garcia Billy Meagher Joe Mannl's Orch Betty Chase Jack Sexton Jr Sugar' Harolds Or Club La Masqat! J ft B LaMarr Edna' Leonard. Eddie Morton Francis SMllihan Al aarbell Earl Willis Ore Club-.Royale Nellie Nelson ' A &. N, Selby Rose. 2 Tracey Gale & L Joan Warner Nlpo RInaldo • Orch College Inn Paul Ash Ore. Solly Sweet .Tdck .Law ■ Congress (Joe. Urban ) Robert Royce Cherle .& Tomnslta Corey Lynn Carlos Molina Coloslm.d's borbthy Henry Montenegro & Dor i>aVe Malcolm . Jcre' Rlvas Qrcli, Cbunteas Borlska Signer- Barsonl Art Buckley .Cole Sis Club Alabam Irene D.uvall Seotty's Orfh Drake Ilotel Fowler & Ta^mara '^Jane'^Citrpfen \'iT^'~ Don Carlo Co Ceo DeVrons Oroh Edgewater Beacl» .Esther Todd DeRonda- St Barry Art Carroll Frolic's r>ave Tannen Robinson Loiiccn Nana Parrtiett Sonya Roy Dorothy Taggatt Eleanor Leonard Al fielasco Orcb Hangar otei LaSalle) Ivdn EpplnoK Hi-Hat Club Al Zlmmey- • Trudy ' Davidson Kolya &' Berte Margar't Lawrence Effle Burton Folia Sis Dot Meyers Bobby Dande S-0 Cjub Lee Carrlgan Leon La Verdee George Oliver Johnny ]\Iangum Billy Richards- G ft ^ Durand Dominique Orch Maronl's Rolando ft Verdltta Owen Gordon' Neecee Shannbn Marge ft MSrle Virginia Buchanan Bob Wyatt Maurie Moret Orch Club Mihuet Gladys BlalF' Fred. Casey Frank Shertnan Morrle Stanton Ore Mural Room (Brevoort-Hotel)^- Jaros Sis Paul Fay Gale Olpp Fay Peters Bob Perry's. Orch Nut House Jo-Jo George DeCosta Jimmy Imne Boggy - Sherman Moe Lee Ned Santrey Jimmy Kennedy Jimmy Callison Old Mexico Curry ' A Joy Elizabeth O'Donnell Sandra Newell Goorrlchs Palmer House Trirrlsbh ft FisheP Lowe Burnoff St W Gale Page Paul Draper Stanley Mbrner' Abbott Girls Richard Cole Orbb Paramount Don Santos' Anita- LdPelrre Babe ..Kane ,1'aul '.na'c'.helor Plai'gronnd Dot' Culbert.<(on Peggy PMgo ! Joe Little Adcle Goul Don Elklns Jimmy J^'raiices Mllbrtd IJolIni: Lou ^shatel Ore - Samovar The Randalls Miss Capers Muriel Love Tommy Lyman Lyle Smith Ore Terrace Gardene Dick- AVaro Benny MerolT Jack Russell Orcb TD.arothy---Thomas=^ "Red" Pepper Norman Oast Jabk Marshall The Berlin Waddy Wodsworth Alexianne V St P Vestbn Jack Edwards Vendas 6 ICoIya & Bertet Vanity Fair Mary Ann Boyce Cliff Winehlll Don Fernando Orcti Ethel. Allls Myra Langford Danny Alvin Orch Ye Olde Tavern STfcTJey Scott Rev""" Cal Herbert Violet Cristlan Lillian Francis Crane Russell Ore BAITIMOBE Brown Derby Frances ft. Rehard June Dalley Patsy Cha,ndler- Brown Derby - Bd Garden Roiot : Lassie McCormdck Ginger Warren Sam Edwards Odcar Appel Orch Getz' Deder ft Mildred Frances Barbazoh Prank Young. Sam Vlhci Rblane Sisters- Edrl' Zellers Orch Hi-Hat Club Kat.herlne. Specter Trotter Sis Janet' Arnold Perrln "T'lVlns Joe Rardin Lou Lynn's Orbh .• Ox-Road Ihii Joe Dean. ';■ Lea Timmons Bobby Keener Ted Elmbre Orch Piccadilly .tlmmy Attwlll Poppy Cartler Nina Allen Stevens SIslet's Jack■''^yeber's Ore Russian'Villug4 ■Vova. '.Prozeriko Katha ■ Mlsha BessofC: Sherry's Pauline Sattler Clark ft Eaton. Helen Pattersbh a Yates Sis Ross RiisscU's Orch Village Barn Sam Vevb Maurice Sykes . iicnnett Sla ' '. Beii Llrisltz Orch Code Gauntlet (Cphtintfed from page 7) But thfe: code. It is al;so held, docs, not provide for .legislative and public relations •work, ImpoiPtant Haysian functions. , it is also iha-lntalned' in regard to .Hayis' position, that with the code eflCept Hays . nriembers will, more; than ever, be in need legal iadvlce. Question of Chair Friction points in the early days of the Authority loom ais numerous. Some of the codists- Monday came out foi: Sol Rosenblatt as chairman. Otlhers criticized the deputy admin-' istiratot for making too many proroi- ises in his exhibitor speeches, aind prophesied that he 'is in for a. rude awakening.' In major parts no narnes for the chair were being put forth, it being iflgured that some of the dlfflculties in this respect may be overcome by also nnming a vice- chairman. The naming of committees, such as zoning, grievatice and arbitration, also seems to be :heading^ the Au- thority into another fray. Major companies are seen battling among themselves in mjahy of the key cities in .an effort to have., their own ex- change managers put into the driv- ing seats. Some codists a:re prepared to de- clare, according to their own ments Mo.ndiay, that no group of men sitting in New York can be ex- pected to make wise selections in the field; that the naming of committees should be approached cautiously, with plenty of bpportuniy for judgi ment from the field rather than be rushed into existence simply for the sake of getting the code machinery under way. -=^^-H;undredS-of-telegrams and letterB are potlring in upon all members of the Authority. FaVOra are being sought, men who have been, out of the business for years are appar- ently returning, with the impression that the formula smashes the book- ing system and makea all runs of product - available to all. As to Finances •Thls^ leads directly into other problems for the Authority, Includ- ing the matter of finance. An ex- ecutive secretary, virtually the most important paid post under- the code, will probably be appointed ■Wednes- day. In prior discussions it is re- ported that sorh'e of 'the. cofflsfs are opposed to paying such a man a high salary, mentioning $5,000 as sufficient.. "The na,me of a man who has been in the business less than a 3'ear was being strongly talked of for this post over the "tveok-end. It will take at least t-\vo months before the Authority can effect and collect its assessnvehts from box of- fices. Money, it is also observed, is needed immediately. A. plan ad- vanced in majbr circles Monday was that producers and distributors vol- untarily meet, some of their contri- butions, immiedlately. Born In Biz (.Continued from page 47) chisel being pulled by the iimatcur ?ilsht_bo()lters who have been pay- Tng df£~for""^years "Tn nfclccTs~~£inc[" dimes, literally. . They .are now scooting around the code by taking advantage of the clause which .states no minimum for performers who have not been in the business t\vo years or more. These amateur night bookers are.claiming that all their actors are breaking into the bu.siness. though some of these performers have been working as 'amateurs' for years and years.