Variety (Dec 1933)

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Tuesday, Deccii(iber 26, 1933 PICT E S VASIETr 25 PAR WILL PROBABLY NOT RESIGN WCK Hollywood, Dec. 26. Jhdications are Paramount will not make a new deal with Ddrothea Wleck, German Importation, who •ame here for two pix. . Although *Mr8. Fane's Baby Is Stolen,* her last pic on the lot, promises b-o., studio is dubious about ri9->8lgnlhg her due to the poor, showiher made by 'Cradle Song,' her first American pic- "Elizabeth and Mary" Will Be Made oh Coast By U Hollywood, Dec. i25. 'Elizabeth and Mary' will be. pro- duced by Universal on the coast, and not In New York as reported. Company expects to get thie pic- ture under way Jan. 15 with Lowell Sherman directinET and .lii a fea> tured part.' Universal is planning to bring sevieral stage players from the east for the picture. Fixing 'Sea Girl' . Hollywood, Dec. 26; A hew treatment is being written by Wanda Tuchock and .George Morris for Rjsidib's 'Sea Girl'. This is the yarn for which Ernest Bhackleford. and George Drumgold went to the South Seas for back- round footage. BEN BLUE WARNBB BBOS. COMKDIES Dir. JOB BIVKIM I.BO MOBBISON, Agtmey Fargo Takes Affiliated As Coast Rental Spot Hollywood, Dec 25. Robert L. Fargo has taken a lease on Affiliated studio and will use It as a rental lot. Carl E. Jacobsbn and Harry A. Devaux are associated with him, and the com- pany, which is being Incorporated, is financed by San Francisco, capr ital. Fargo will take over negatives made by Television Pictures, selling them to the state right market. Figures to have 12 features and a like number of shorts during the year. 'My Escape from Cannlbals- and 'Vanishing America' are first two Afflllated will handle. The studio is part of the old Christie lot. Gaynor, FarreH ReoimNi Pic at Fox, Tirst Loye' Hollywood, Dec. 25. First pibture for the reunited team of janet Gaynor and Charles. Farrell at Fox will be 'First Love.' .It's based on a Kathleen Nprrls yai'h, 'Manhattan Love Song,* scripted by Sonya Levien and James Gleason. Seven Seas' Pix Hollywood, Dec. 25, William Fiske III is in New York to negotiate a. .release for 'Cane Fire', produced by Seven Seas in Hawaii. Fiske and Count Alfredo Carpegna are backers of the indie contipany. Next picture for Seven Seas will be 'Morp', Philippine Island head hunter story. It. replaces 'Dark Surrender', negro yarn in which Paul , Robeson had been slated to star. Latter is abandoned. 'Moro' is by James Bodrero, au- thor of 'Cane Fire', Bodrero is writing the script with Edward H. Knopf, who win direct, the coin- pany going to the Island of Luzerne. Phiftppines, In February. Isidore Bernstein is supervising. r 1560 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY What Protection Los Angeles, Dec. 25. As KCman Scandals' opened at the L. A. United Artists Christmas Day, one week after It closed at the Chinese, pro- tection was kicked' to the four winds. _ So Radio is. figuring on jumping 'Little Women' to the Hill8tre0t immediately after it closes its ^1.60 run at the Chi- nese. Simply theorize that If U.A." win disregard protection of local. deluzers. Radio can, too. Par Retains McLi^ For Droke His Heart' Hollywood, Dec. 26; Victor "McLaglen, 'on completion of 'No More Women^ at Para- mount, goes into 'Man Who Broke His Heart'. Carole Lombard. is in the other corner. It's on Al Liewis produc- tion. Indie Monarch Theatre Chain to Add Houses Monarch, the FeldrChatkin-Katz theatre chain, will go to a dozen houses or fid after Jan. 1 under, an expansion plan. Company is operating five houses now, two in Indianapolis, and sin- gletons ; in Akron, Toungstown and Steubenville, O. Excepting for Steubenville which was straight fihn from the outset, the other four have dropped fitage shows or vaude- ville and also gone straight pics. Frank Moneyhan has assumed charge of advertising and publicity for. the two Monarch theatres in Indianapolis, resigning from Loew's, to succeed Ace Beery. Holiday Exception Lo8 Angeles, Dec. 25. Breaking precedent, the' first Metro-Goldwyn-Hayer picture pre view ever to be shown In any down- town Los Angelev house goes into Loew's State on New Year's Eve. Preview Inltl^Ier Is to offer op- position to special New Tear stage shows schedtded for competing downtown delilxers. Coast F-WC UniU Tied Los Angeles, Dec 26. Beginning today the Pasadena and Glendale dlatricts of Fox West Coast circuit, comprising, nine houses, will be combined with the. Los Angeles city district. Enlarged supervisorial utit will be operated by district manstger. Al Hanson; Contracts Hollywood, Dec. 25. Warners picked the option on Pa- tricia Ellis for another year. Warners picked up Robert Barat's option for another six months. Adele Thomas option picked up at Radio. Fox has lifted option on Lilian Harvey for a year. Metro has lifted option on Flo- rinne McKinney for another six miohths. Options lifted on Kay Ftancis; William Dleterle, Phil Faversham, Phil Reed and Earl Baldwin, Warners. Radio has picked option on Tom Brbwh. Fox has given a seven-year pact to Shirley Temple, flve-year*o]d ac- tress. Chi Nabe Film War as Haymarket Sews Up Product for 4 Releases Show business battlefield of the city is now Madison, and Halated, the former haven of burleycues, but now primarily cluttered with 10c and 15c picture. spots. Feud has already resulted In the closing of on© .house,, the Mid.rCity, and the likely forcing of the Empire from straight pictures back Into burley. Follows the gobbling up of all product by the Haymarket under Florence Paley. Former burley Haymarket has bought up 'all the indie film for four releases, which means that the house is running the isame pictures four times a year, thus preventing other houses from taking the pictures on other runs. Piirthei'more, only fridle film is available for dime admissions, the major distributors having this year decided hot to sell product to any dime theatre. Lack of product forced the Mid- City to fold last Aveek, sliice it couldn't compete at the necessaty 15c for major film. Empire now finds Itself getting tight around the collar for the same 15C reason and is now ready to add burlesque to make the i6c .sound reasonable to the. transients who frequent the West Madison street curbs. Haymarket. the winner of the. fight so. far, has. built, up a terrific following among these transients, all 6f whom think that the Hay- market is swell. This follows the deal made between the theatre and the West Side Hotel Managers' as^^ Boclatlon. Due to the ruling- of the Board of Health, West Madison street hotels must clean out their lodgers every morning at 7 ia.mi to make sure the pliaCes get a thorough airing. Managers' association and the Welfare groups went to, the Haymarket and got a dally supply of 300 free passes for the lodgeris who hove from hotel to theatre to continue their snooze. This has built up good will strength for the theatre, the transients planking' down a dime at the Haymarket when they finally do find themselves in the. money.. ROXY, N. Y. Per usual the stage show eclipses the screen fare. That's been the secret of the theatre's post-receiver- ship operation which has taken it out of-the red and into &_i»!Qflt^ regularly. ^Jimmy and Sally' (Fox) is the flicker; Gene Austin heads the stage show. Rostrum entertain- ment rims 65 mins., as lohg as the feature^ with a Disney revival, •Noah's Ark* and hewsreei in be* tween» » Gene Austin* probably still the Victor record's top seller with his 'Blue Heaven' of yesteryear, has lost none of his appeal in the.In* terim» enhancing that, through a radio t^ep out of Chi aiid aii exten- sive roadshow tour through the south all last year* He pianologs and croons 'em for show-stopping returns. With him are Candy and Coco, whom Austin picked up in New Orleans. Their novelty guitar- string bass and vocal calisthenics went for a score all their own. Another big impression was by David and * Hilda Murray, • • ^ Abel. ''VARIETY/* Dee, 19, 1933 GENE AUSTIN .Management ROBERT KERR Variety, 6282 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, Cal. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY FRIENDS GREGORY RATOFF ^ (RKO Radio Pictures) — Starting January 5 witii IMiss Lenore Ulric in Love An Actress" Management SCHULBERG-FELDMAN 401 Taft Building, Hollywood, CalK. Personal NeVv York Representative HERMAN BERNIE 1619 Broacwc'iy, New York City