Variety (Feb 1934)

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Tuesday, Febroary 6, 1934 va::i£TY 51 Variety Oills NEXT WEEK (Feb. 9) THIS WEEK (Feb. 2) Numerals in conhectien with billa below i icate bpeni show, whether full or split week ot . Ausale & Czech Glenn & Jenkins 'Jhnmy & Sally' I>KTB01T State (2) , Eddie Loughton I Harry Burns Go Bert Gordon Dorothy & K Bros Bernard & Henry Jerome Mann I Berntce Stone I Rhytlim Bd . Orplioum (1) Sauiftoi-s. 3 Chocolateers Frank Sterling Wynn & Hurwyn Moro & TaconelU Novak & Fay HlUlon Dollar (1) Frances &i Dalley Connie Bell Tjoretta Gray Sleep, Sleep & S ST. LOUIS AmbasHador (2) JacTt Haley J & B Tofrence Dorothy Buschy Ray HuUng. Co KEW YORK CITT " Hosio Han <8> Jack Arthur • Olne De Qujttcjr & L, Jerry Coe & Barry Buck & Butjbles (One to .flll) (31) Jack Arthur .. OIne De Quiilcy & L Jerry Goe & . Barry Buck St Bubbles Vic Oliver Storio &: Vernon, COT.UMBDS Keith's (»). Artlfitfj & Models DAYTON , Keith's <2) Slnglii' S&m Benny Davis Co' DIES MOINBS Kelth'it ;d half (6r8) PABK and CUCFFORD £oew'B Valencia 9 JAPS misce, Kew Tork By LEDDY & SMITH Palace (9) VUUe West & McG (Four to fill). Soyal Uyeno Japs Cookie Bovvers • Betty J Cooper Co Marty Miay. Uuslc Hall. Academy ■ let. half (9-12f) JUtis Bros (Four to flll) . 2d half . (18-1B) Creole Follies- ad half (ft^X 4 Franks Burns & KI en Ii«wla & Moore t X Sis ' .HeFb Williams Aadnbbn let half (10-13) Creole Follies . . Ist half (3-6) Itarle & Pals Wilton Sis • P't'sh & PerlmUtter Art-ein & Broderick Jack Shea Orch BBOOKI.TN Albee <2) New Yorkers Madison let half (10-11) Bert Walton (Three to fill) Ist halt (3-4) Case Bros & M - B & B NeWell 4 Blondes Frank Gaby Buiz & Bonlta Prospect let half <S-12J 4 .Blondes (l-hree to flll) 1st half (2-6) Australian 'Waited Johnny Hymaii Walter & I lAmar Xeater Allen Dillon & Parker Tllydn , Ist half (10-11) V>ank Gaby (Three to AID Ist half (8-4) Arthur I^aFleur • Pall lAall . P T H Bd Harriet Hutchlns Hlffh Flying BOSTON Boston (9) Olive Sibley J. Fred Coots Victor Moore Wllllarti Gaxton Betty J Cooper. Co tone to, flll) (2) , Jerl, Renee & V Pete, Pieachea & D Fin D'Orsay Benny Rubin Rpgglo Chllds Orch CHICAGO Paldce (9) Parker & Sandino Arren & Broderick Gregory Ratoft, Co Belle Baker 4 Ortons (2) 60 Mini'n Ft'nohm'n CTNiPINNATI Albeo (0) Ingln' Satn Mbrt'n, Dow ney Rev 1>KTBOIT Downtown (2) I.Parker & Santflno) Stan Kavanaugti Welpt & Stanton Amos 'n' Andy , FAR ROCKAWAT Keith's 1st ha[lf (3-4) 3. Stewarts Prince Nuk-ross & C Freddy - Craig Bolce & Marsh -P4easure Cruise HEMPSTEAD Blvoli Iflt half (9-12) Art Landry Orch 2cl half (lS-16). Meyer Davis Orch 2d half (6-8) Kings' Scandal KANSAS CITT Malnstreet (9) Qlsen & Johnson (2) - Kate smith Rev HINNEAPOI/IS Orphenm (9) Mort'n Downey Rev MT. VERNON Prdctot's 1st half (10-11) Rels. & Du nn NEWARK Proctor's (9) New. Yorkers (2) _ Will Osborne. Hev NEW BRUNSWICK Keith's Ist half (10-11) Wm & Joe Mandel (Three to tflU) . 1st half (3-4) Personalities :, NEW ROCHELU: Keith's V, 1st hair (io-il) Jeanle Lang Co OMAHA Keith's (9) Kate Smith Rev PATER SON Keith's Ist halt (9rl2) Betty Boop Lambertl Ralph Olaen Co (Two to flll) 2d half (13-16) Lenore Ulrlc Larry Rich Co Tom Manahan Orch (Two to flll) 2d half (0-8) Creole Follies ROCHESTER Keith's (9) Midway Nights ■C2) Connie's Hot Choco SIOVX CITY Keltlt's 1st half (2-B^ Mort'n l>6wney Rov SYRACUSE Keith'» (9) ConnlR's Hot -Choon TRENTON Capitol 2d l\ftlt,(13-16) Chrlstftnsens Mildred Bailey \Vm & Joe Jiande! (Two' to .flll) -. 1st half (2-6)' Baron Carl freed Orch BROOKLYN Bay Kldge lat half (9-12) ISarl, Jack & Betty Collins & Peterson NTG 2d half (13-16) M'nroe & Adams Sis Murray Moaa JImihy Reynolds Herbert. Faye Go Dorothy l^artln Co Gates Ave. 1st half (9-12) M! nroe & Adams Sis Millard & Marlln Roth, Murray & K Bnt-lca &.Novello R 2d half (13-16) Earl, Jack & Betty Collins & Peterson NTG ■■ Metropolitan (9) Anne Fxltchard Co Kay Hamilton Co Arnaut Geo Jessel Songwriters Parade ■ ■-. Valencto (9) Homer Romalne - 3 Fonzelles Welcome Lewis. M May & Carroll Jans & Lynton Rev BALTIMORE . Century (9) Greenw'h Vll Follies BOSTON . Orpbenin (9) Stanley Bros' &■ A Don Galvln Barry' Breen.& W Block. & SuUy Vogues of 1934 .COLUMBUS : Loew's (9) Cab Calloway INDIANAPOLIS Loew's . '(9) cotton. Club Rev Blue Rhythm Bd 4 -Flash Davles Nlcodemus Josie Oliver Alma Smith Lucky MlUihder JERSEY CITX ■Loew's Honey Fam Michael Pease Nelson. Carr & Martin Lee & Rafferty Rev MONTRlBAL Loew's (9) 3 Berhle. Bros 6 Arleys ' Irfing' &° Squires . Alexander' & Santos NEWARK State (9) Tankal & Oklhu May Joyce Joe Phillips Co Jack Sidney Co PITTSBURGH Penn <9) Amos- 'n' Andy PROVIDENCE Ixtew's <9) Van Horn &. Inez. 3 Fields & Gebrgle Roxy Gartg .'. Lewis ■& Ames De .May! Moore.'& M W'SHI'GTON, D, C. Fox (9) Carroll's 'Vanities' Week of Febr fil PuIIadlnni' Bthcl: Barrymore ' Alleen Stanley. Max. Miller i John Al^jx. Bi'os. Howard JR.ogers Fred Duptez '. B Wells & 4 Fays Troca'dero Na'unton Wayne Western Bros " Leon Rogce Peter .Bernard Elizabeth Maurice FINSBURY PARK Empire Mrs J Hylton Bd Ohrlsloplior & C .Borstal Boys Golda &■' May Anderson & Allen 4 Jokers. PENGE Empire Louis Armstrong Co Jack'Wynne .Co Victoria Sis . ' Williams & Hayden Bemand's Pigeons . Skeets .Martin SuniuTar JBU SplVBCk Nma Mlr-xeva Paul Zam Oro Johnny Russell Savoy-rinza Freddie Martin Otv SImpIon Club Irene Bordlnl icing's Jesters Wm Farmer Ore Sherry's -Harry Tush Ore 'Maflo & Flarlb .St; Mortti Ilbtet. Leop Belasco Orch Alararnrlte /6 .Lero> Iteglit Hotel. Phil Harris Orch. (iwt Club Jack- Myers Ore Charlotte Murrie Taf» erlli G^o Hall' Ofcb Tavern, B'klyn Eddie JacksoD' ' Jack Murroy Ore 'Tie. Toe Club GerttuOe Nlesen G.vusy Nina Billy Castle Genev Tie Vanderbllt oiel joe Moss Orch PnmnciaT Week of Feb. 5 Pao'ainoiiiit IKMINGHAM Empire ' ' 'Here Comes Sandy' 1 sandy Powell Alec R6rs 10 De Vere Babes Al Wright's Clfcus Syd. & M Harrison Glngerbeer Guards. Dick Hlckis Lillian Kerry Roiy --Jefterle's .Florence Irving Harmonica Bd BRIGHTON Hippodrome Jack Hylton Bd Variety Co. r GLASGOW Empire Elsie &^ p Waters Brook Ins & Van' Tommy Hiandley Co H Raymond & Boys Clapham & Dwyer Mario Medlnl Tr Fayre Sis pruno & Jolanda HULL Palace ''The,.New PhowV Wllkle Bard Fred Barnes Florence iSmlthson ■Harry Cha;mplon Rego 2 3 Krazy.Knsracs De Suter Bros D Desmbndts. Gls •2 Anarios'.' Dines & X>lnes Villiifte Barn Scherr Bros Paul Tren\aine Bd Kdrtle Prltchard Josh ^ledders Lulu Bates I'loria Vest oft Tod Flcto'l\or Ronald Brookes Le«j Twins . Fl'ronro & Eltzab'tU' 3 Oay Blades Vlll.nge Nut Clol 3 Roberts Zai'a l-ee Scotty' Conner Milton Splelman. » 'ttlrtort-ABtidir be''Marcus'. E. Madrlguera Or"^ X. Cugat Ore Margo Carmen.. Pot^iriarZltp Jaftry. p^c ' Wash ;Sq?* Clnb Frank Farrell Orch Weylln Hotel Michael Co vert. .Ore Wivel Gate Amy AiUlnsan'. Jack Wick Lillian .Loi'rai Ami Pavo i Maldie Du Fresne ' Ua, StiUe Orch. CHIGAGO NEW YORK CITY . Parauionnt (9) Milton Berle Rablnoff Poet ■ Prince ' AUSTIN Paramonnt (9) "Qoln' to Town' BUFFALO Buffalo (9) Buster.. Sha'ver' Co Lucille. Page Park & CllfTord CHICAGO Ohicaffo (9) Miriam Hopkins waiter Abel Austin Fatrman. Wm Young Edw Lester Slate Bros Mary Small (2) Ted Lewis Bd Doris Deane Esther Pressman Carroll & Shalita Dixie 4 Marbro (2) Bstelle Taylor. Audrey Wykoff Co Jack RandaU. Harold Boyd Co. Ross & Ayers. SoUthtown Jackie Heller 4 Lee's TTie Ortons . Wilton Crawley Uptown (2) Will Mahoney Ms-rk Fisher DALLAS Paramount (9) Cocktail Hour DETROIT Michigan (9) J & J McKehna Jack Major 6 Danwllis FoX: & Gephrel FORT Worth Paramonnt (9) 'Weaver Broa,^ HOUST017 Paramonnt, (9) Sweet & Low-Down LITTLE BOCK Pammoitnt (9) Bottoms Up SAN ANTONIO Paramobnt <9) •Goln' to Town TORONTO Imperial. (9) A. RobbinS Chaney & Fox WACO . Wac© (9) Melody Mad Pirade WICHITA FALLS Wichita (9) Bottoms Up Cabarets UTEW YOBK CITY ELIZABETH' . lUtz Ist half (10-18) Gibson & Gale (Others to flll) . 1st half .(3-6) 5 Lelands Hilton & Garron The Duponfs Fred LIghtner & R 6 Western Stars 2d half (2r9) :b Calloway Bev PHILADELPHIA Earle (9) Ray & Sunshine MaxelloB Lillian Roth Ken Murriy. (2) Falls, Reading & B KIrby & Duval Duke . Ellington WASHINGTON Earle (9) King, King & K Chlng Ling Foo Lulu McConnell Radlp Rubes (2) Ray '& Sunshine Talent & Merit Jack Whlt.lng Co Donald Novls rFiCIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A, DR. JULIAN SIEGEL Now in Paramonnt Buildinc FanchoD & Marco .Benny J')avls Co (2) Artists & Models CLEVELAND Paliice (9) Century. rrosre.<is .R Monroe & Grant- June I'uroell If-.n I^hr Co Creole Follies 2d . half (,6-8) Trti.ians 4^ Diondes na'dlo Afies I'lTsonalltl'es Wlli rE PLAINS Kt^lth'A. 1st half ao-lD- iWK Colo Co NEW YORK CITY Roxy (0) Ra-y IIi>athcrtph (Others to fill) ATLANTA RIalto (9). : Masters & Gauthl-'-r ZImballst Chaifl. Carrer (Others to fill) . BOSTON Metroitolltan (9) Roy .Atweir 3 X Sl3 4---Flupher's MollsBii ■ Mafloh- COthers; to flll) DENVER, COLO. Orpheuin (8) -•l>i.-hlu!ir Tr ' '. Vlnob Silk Sally Rand Mell Kelly , , Preaslar Kliaiss Davie Jamlosori 3' vV(>kl Joyce Al I^yoiis NKW YORK Vir\ „ r«nU«r.(0) H-ihr;.<Ji)n & Fisher Mijiii'i Barrynibre TI'icViv Rogers Rov ■ oulrvnrd , Jst half_ (lt-12) ^ •'I'.irny RpynotilS ^ T.-xvi.-iUii-M ft:jy ('xiHuuin'gs JJonithy Martin Co M liiilC (13-15) iiy & Itudell iinfi) v<t .Gordon M .V- A Clark Murray fc K ir.iti.ii-iiiin Mr Wy Orphfum . 1 liair fn-12) "I Aniaul & BroH Leon- Navarro. SWI Marian Co . F'r.sythe, Sein'n & K Hf>norable Mr. W'l 2d half (13-lB) Kcff, Tnlil- & Yokl (}f'm-ce"_P.ron tice "FO rifryboncrs:^' ' Rijy C'uiiinilngs DUlion *: Pai-lJor U ParadlHe (9) Jaa.- Kvans Honry Thl^-rrlen ' *o Radio Rogues Wills & Davis Klti'hr-n Pirates State (9). Bob Rlpa Duko McHalb Co Sl.l Page C^o Sid Gory . HOLLYWOOD Pantages (1) Adcll. Crane , 3 High Hatlers Jean .Cowan Judith Randall. . James Burroughs Imperial Gu'rdsmcn Sophisticated Ladles IX>S ANGELES Paramount (8) Jones. & Hull Hal Grayson Orch (Two to flll) • . (1) Sally Rand Joe Browning Violet, ..Ray & N Joariuin Garay SAN FRANCISrp Warfleld (2) Paul Draper Hitrrv. Rose ST. i;oriS St. Louis (9) Leonard Ceeley Harold Boy Co EVlwln George (Others to flll) Independent HAl.TIMOBE Ilippodronie (2) CfJilr-UC - 3 ,<3an»uplB Bros Jack f>.(iulroa Jean Travers StnnW (2) Nancy Welford Anna <3. Nllson Mary Ca.rllle Dorothy Dunbar Antonio Moreno '""reighton TIfilc Jack Mulhall ' Bon Turpln Roscoo Ates John Hundley =^^=JB]IKFAI>0 Hippodrome (Z) Watson Sis Rimacs Havan On- Peplto. 3 Melvln Bros M^lson & Irmanett» Howe Leonard & A CHICAGO State iJtke (4) Francs White Kdrtle LambPrt Rogef AVynne 4 ' Ames &■ Arno Algonquin Hotel Howard Ijanlii Ore Russell Johns Ambassador Hotel . .Pancho's Orch- Bal-Mnsettc. Leon Bedbd , George Marcb&l Plerrbtte'. ' Millard & AAlta Georgette 4 Ap'oches Sacha.-Orch Beanx. Arts. Kathryn Parsons Lucieh La Riviere Thomara Dorlva SUtan & Marl - Maurice Shaw Orch Lopcz|B Hawllabs Bll.tmpre Hotel Paul Whiteman Or Jack Fulton Robt< La-wrence Roy Bargy Peggy Healy Plorla Armstrong Bamona Rhythm Boys Casino de PavM Bill Robinson Box Weber Smith & Dale Ben Pollack Orch. Don Redman Orch ' Caveau'Basqne Nan Blackstone Harrison & Fisher, Sol MlBheloH's Ore Centrar P'b Casino Eddy Ducblh Ore Maurice & Cordoba Illena Strenge Chapean Roqge Peppy de Albrew De Marcos Jeanne Aubert Dick Gasparre'e Or Commodore Hotel liiham Jozies Ore Isabel BrgwD Cotton Clob C. C. Rev Jimmy Luntjsford O Croydon Charles Eckels Ore. Dclmonlco'sr Al. B. White Val Vestoff Janis WilHams. Naomi Morton Boys Joe VenutI Orch I Chico Tainco ■ & Lore* Las Ajedas Adcllna Imuran Orlando Blcarde A.B.C. 3 Pilar Areas 1 Morocco Georges .Metaxa Job, C. Smith Orch MchcndC7,; Ore. Essex Hons* Glenn Gray Ore Gailnither't Chester Doherty Rosalie Roy Muriel Bills Gerty Dwyer Beit Goodman MedltiCo & Michael Al Fields Orch Gov. Clinton Hotel Biioch Light Or« ^=lia-na=Glnb^ Dartny Healy Jack White Jerry Borgan Lillian Flligerald Hoth-AndrewB Orch H'lyw'd BestaaroDt Rudy Vallee Orch Bddic Peabody Ann T„e.«ter Eleanor T'ennls R.milall." & Capler Hotiel pixle Aft Kalin Ore Hotel l^xlntfton Jack Little Pro Hotel Madison Jolly Gobiirn ■ Orb Hotel bntciialr Wm Seotti Ore Mario & Floria Hotel New - Torker, Abe Lyman Ore Hotel Pennsylvania Geo. Oisen Orch Ethel Shutta Bob.Rlce. Joe; Morrl&on Hotel Roosevelt RublnofC and Orch Kielly'e Joian Miller {Sterling Sis Rita Rehard Jeanne McConly De Lopez 8 Joe Capalla Orch Kings terrace Al Shayne Gladys Beqtley R'b'rl'gs' WlUlams- Ted Bro-WD. Orcb Maison Royale Antbbal Cubans Marlborough House Galll-Galll Vivian. Vance Michael Zarln Ore Mayfalr Yacht, Clob. Walker O'lilelll Ore Dwight Ffske Montmartre Clnb Davld-H'da Murray Teddy Lynch Readers Orch Mori's Rest Eddie Davis Ore Moulin Roagc.B'hn I.iarry McMahQO Connie Lang . Eleano.rc Gardncl: Frank Morey Martin Ttlnl. Orch ..MorrnT' Johnny Howard Bobby Br.inn Edith Lowe- MItzy Riouss ' Hammer & Sledge - Ethel Agld Leah Lazarus Jim Josephs Orcb Palais Royal Ethel "Waters Oliver Wakeflel Lbbmis ' Sis Nltza Vernelle ' Donald Stewart . Caperton & Blddle Sydney Mann Dolores Farrls Gary &- Dixon - Emll Coleman Ore Val piman Ore ParadI NTG Rev Buddy Rogers Felicia Sorel Ann Lee Patterson Needa KInkald Hrunb & Manon Karl, Jack & B Johnny Halei Ivn. Stewart Park Crntra) Hotel Ozzle Nelson lOre _ HaTriett~ir)1llafd Adair & Richards Place Pi(|dale . Harry Rosenthal O Fontana & Coles Marlon Chase Alfonzo's Bd ^laza Hotel Oranville Walkei- Or Bestanfanr Ia Rue AKbur warren's O Bismarck Hotel (Wulnqt. Room) Dick Cuhlifffr Parker Glbbs Elmo Tanner Red Ingle' Myrlo & Desha ltd Weems Oreo Boulevard Room. (Hotel Sfevenf>) Irving Gagnbn' Riitb Brougbton Cbas. .'Agnew Oreo Inckli Deane ..JanIs Hal Kemp Orch Skinnay' Bnnla Bob Nolan Cafe deAlea Wade Booth Imperial 3 Lenore. Lyhn . - Marian Garner Earl Hoftman: Orcb Cher Paree Dorothy Crooker Taoht Club Boys Sally Gay Jimmy Hadroas Vincent Lopez Ore Clnb Lelsorc Luclo Garcia Billy . Meagher Joe Mannl's Orch Betty Chase Jack Sexton Jr •Siigai" Harolds Or Clob La Hasqae 3 S. LaMarr Edna Leonard.' Eddie Morton PranciB SMllman Al Garbell Bar! Willis Ore Clob Royale Pat^y Ogden Shiyne & Armstong Joan Andrews Geraldine Ross Joe Lewis ' Fritz Miller Ore College ..Inn Edith Grlfflb 6 Lucky' Girls Doris Hurtlg . Frankle Masters Or Congress Hotel (Joe Prban Boom) Art Kassel Robert Royce Cherle & Tomaslts Carlos Molina ColOBimp'e Julia Lyons Dorothy Henry Derohda & Barry Enrico D'Alba BddlO Deering Countess Borlska Signer Barsonl Art Bbckley Bob Tlnsley Ore Clob 'Alabani Phyliss Herry Patsy McNalr Gloria Starr Eddie Roth Ore Drake Hotel ' Ruth Lee The Crusaders Lucille Johnson . Earl Burtnett Ore Edgewater Beach Esther Todd DeRbnda & Barry Art risrron Bob Sylvester Ons- FroHcrB Wally & Ver.Dyb .Toe Allen Glwger Pearson Ruthanta & Malc'ni Evelyn .Regaii . '' Bvelyii IIofTman (Hotel LaSalle) Art. Kahh Ore . MiTfiat Clnb Billy Meagher .Irene Du^al . Dotty Myers Bfllo Burton Jerry Gear George Petr.btine Or K-9 Clob Billy Braniion Half-Pint Jaxon Ed Casey Ore Leon -Verde, Eari Partellb ., George Oliver: Rolandb Ac Verditta Owen .Gordon Neecee Shannon Marge & Marie. Virginia Buchanan Bob.Wyatt. MaUrie Moret Orcb Clii'b Mlnnet Marvel BUrke Cookie Sledel Betty WUlIamiB Annette Kruger Truiy ■ Da'vldson 'Sugar' Kennedy Frank Sherniaii .. Morrle Stanton Ore Honkl Room (Breyoort Hotel) Jards Sis Paul Fay Gale Olpp Fay Peters Bob Perry's Orch "Opera Clob*' LaWrehce Salerno Berplce Stone I'om Gentry Orch Jose Rlvas Orcb Pierce & Harris Palmer Huose Roslta & Ramon Harrison & • Fisher Lowii Biirnoff &.W Gaile Page : 4 Calif ornlane. Stanley Morner •Abbott Girls ' Richard Cole Orch Paranioont Jack Waldron Julia Garrity Miss Harriet Nellie Nelson BllUe Gerber Playgroond Dot Culbertson Peggy Paige Joe Little Adele Go.uid r>on Blklhs Jimmy Frances Mllored Uolln* Lou Snatel Ore Bainbo. Gardens Frank Wilson Dorothy. Thomas jiiles Stein ore Samovar Carmen Di Glavln Muriel Love Kellar & Field 'Tommy Lyman Or Terrace GardeoF Rbmo Vincent AlnHley Lambert . H Clyde Lucas Ore Via Lago Crane Ruese)! Orch Bebe Sherman Zlta & Marcelle Jach' lioush Wanda Kay Al .Handler D«J 100 Club Edna Rush Cele Davis. Virginia Hevy. Billy Gray Ethp] Allls Myra Langford Danny Alvin Orch CLEVELAND Carter Hotel I A,ia,r6nson'8 pre Mickey Alpert. Rose and R.-»y Lyte June MarteU Betty Ke«ne Phil Haxo rai Henry's Bd.. Sfayfulr Club Mlko Speolalc's Bd Alice Louise & LaM Alice Brent Mary Jane Bill Lockman .Musical Moscovlana .Ned Parish Call Gaylord Stuart's China Trek %ousy Americans ' (Continued from pag€ 1) staffe .amidst a chorus of boos, re- fusing, to continue with the auction and sell the other two cakes as per schedule. The actress's public .tirade . g?iined her front pago ncwgpaper. stories, but aliSQ probixbly inspired a terrific panning of her own performance and that of her company in 'The . Doll's iiouso* bV a leading local re- viewer together WltVi editorial .cen- sui-e the next day. The fact that the newsjpnpers had cp-bperate.d with extremely liberal publicity contribution's to make her engiagie-: ment here a success and that loqal theiatregoers had rospoiided' excep- tionally, well, i apparently didn't temper her abusiveness.', Miss Lo (jalliiehne had consented to auction off the three cakes at the auditorium ..and, after her .evenln performance of 'iledda Gabler' the Metropoiitan, she hastened . the ball without oven removing maUeup, AVhen she arrived, ,at nearly midnight, the original crowd. fit 15,000 had . windled to about 4,000. Evidently Miss Le Oaliieime was tired and fn. ill sorts before. the auction, even began. , The crowd's failure to-keep silent aroused her :wrath at the outset. 'They tell mr l must use a. micro- phone,' she- said as last resort. •I don't believe; them..v. In spite of this miserable hall, I ti^l.leve r can make you all/hear- me. Can every one hear my voice'?' In a carefree mood, the cro'wd ^hoiited, 'No,' almost as one person, kiss T Galliehne then apoko loud- .€!r, but still reifused to use the mi- crgphone. However, she started her |. auction. The first hid of $5 caused her to throw jjp her. hands in . disgust as a; small boy shouted down from tiio balcony to ask' if there were any 'nuts' in the &0-pound .cake. Fur- ther efforts to obtain eatisifactoi-y bids resulted In laughter and rest- lessness on the pairt of the daincera anxious to ^et back to their hoof- ^ Ihg, yj .wasn't boirn In. America,, but I'll buy that cake myself for $16,' said Miss. lie Galllenne. By dint pf much effort, she ftnal- ly got the bidding V up to. $20, at which price, W. G; Robertson,. . a ScotchmiEln, local postmaster and former editor of the Star, bought the cake; Then, her face tense With emotion and her fists, clenchfed, the acttcss hit out. froni the shoulder with a vitriolic denunciation. 'i came to Minneapolis proud of '', my Viking ancestry,' she stormed. Tin still proud of it. You can't be Vikings. Tbu aren't even good Americans. Tou make me ashamed of thei country, I have, chosen as nilne. You are lousy Ameticans.' That ■was the enfS^ Miss Le Gal- llenne refusfed to do any more auc?. tloning and strode from the stage. Next day she ref used to see news- paper reporters but her manager stated she was very 'disappointed' with Minneapolltans. In his review of 'The Doll's* in this Journal, the day following the Auditorium Incident, Merle Pot- ter said that Miss Le Galllennc'a company act<;d the play 'atrocious-r ly. for the' most part. About the star he said in part: 'Miss Le Galllenne has a minor role with biit comparatively few lines and many of thetse she' 'mnJLed,' which is absolutely inex- cu.'3.abl6.. She walked through the- part With an intolerant indifference that was extremely provoking, rather 'Conveying tlie ..impression that this was only a distasteful in- terlude between miatters that really counted. The actress may' as well know ~ that, while we rtiay' be; vincial, we don't care for iiny desc , even fi'om her;' Comftiehtlng iedltoriaily,. on the Auditprium affair, the Star pointed out that- no one In the Auditorium '> under the. slightest obligation to buy one of Mlsa Le GalUennc'S" cakes' and that, 'failure to bid had no conceivable bearing .on any per- son's, patriotism or loyalty,' Con- cluded by remarking that 'feeling as she did, Miss Le (ialli'.'nne might have bid In, the cakes herself.' : -Unless. Hollywo , JtlnlvArsaL-decIdes on a picture for her 'within the next week .cyoria Stuart is planning to hop to China on a vacation trip to visit friends. Only picture set for the player is 'Left Bank,' which, is down on the production schc^lnlr' .-it .IT for. the late spring. Agent Loses Suit —= i===Wal ter-=Ilftlche.n bfl chj^agpn t7==tniod- to collect $35 from Patricia Bowman for commls.sion on a week's work ho claims he got her in Philadelphia about a year ago. Mortimer Cassidy, Miss Bownian'a attorney, told th6 court she had-paid commission on the date to M, S. Jtentham,. Suit dismissed.