Variety (Feb 1934)

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Tuesday, February 13, 1934 VARIETY 51 3^ Variety Bills NEXT WEEK (Feb. 16) THIS WEEK (Feb. 9) ^i^um<ei'als in Qohniecti ith bills below i ic^te opi^ni show, wheihei' full or $plit week Ooraon ft Ryan Ward, Pinkie & T srimmle BurrouEtiB NEW YORK cia?y • Music JlnU (») Jaclt Arthur Buck & Bubbles Olrie de Qulncy ft Ij Jerry roe &^Barry Pnlace (9) Chilton & Thomne TPred I^elghtnei' . Qua Van ■ . ^ WHUe West & McG Aoademy- ist half (16-19X PJcKens' SJg 3 SnUors Dontalla Bros Co (Two to flU) . ■. 2(1. half •(20-22)- jack Popper , (Four, to All) 2d half (13-15) Harris 2 & liOrettn Ikimbertl Creole J^oll'^s Audubon lat half (16-10) Ollvlda Perez vlt^ir—Wall Rysslon BoyelS'. Barry & Whltledge f^lnBln'' fiain Barto & Mann Willie Mauss (9) dent of Prog Bev , Kelth'M (10) ArtlstB & Models l>AVISNPORT -Kpitli'n . 1st: half (16-19) Morton' .Po'wney.- v PETBOIT . Downtown (10) Benny Davis Co Abbott Olrls , Doris Kenyon Georere Beat.iy Roy . Dietrich Old Hcldelburcr 8 liKMPSTEAD Klvoll :.■ 2d half. (20-22)' Creole t'^olUes - Isti- half : (9-l'2)..:. Qxft^ —Li ROXY, NEW YORK iSIiMEH.CI..EVE . Wn^IjOCK AND CARBON FOX'S BROOKLYN MILTON DOUGLAS MACK BROS. AND B0BB¥ ALL PLACED By LEDDY & SMITH t,arry Rich. Co Marsalls & Richey Davey Johes Co . 1st half (9-12) Creole Follies BROOKLYN Albee <10) Ruiz .& Bonlta Staii Kavannugh. Ktbh Boys Co Joe Penner Willie .West & McG . (9) Royal Uy.eno Japs l«\vla,.-& Moore Conrad Thlbault Jack Pepper Gvacclla & llieo Mndiaon Ist half (17-18) Harriet Hutchlna Angus & Searle Marry Zoup Welch Pat-adlse Rer (One to .nil) : Iflt half (10-il) H^rl-y Small Co Joe- Wong Radio Haymakera Bert Walton Man^ean Intern-ls 1st half (5 6-19) Hollywood ■ Freaks (Four to All) 1st half . (9-12) Pasciuall. Bros Reynolds & White 4 Blondes Norde & Jeanne.^ Pleasure-. Cruise Tllyou 1st half (17-18) L«^w Caltea Co • -"(Three-to-fllH — let half (10-11) t 'Mormans Doyle & Donnelly Radio Aces Fran It, Gaby Vlto & Perl BO^^TON Keith's (Ifl) . . Conhle'a Inn Rev (9} 5 Bmeralua Betty J Cooper Co J Fred Coots OUvo PIbley William Gaxton Victor Moore .CEDAR RAPIDS Keith's 2d half (20-22^) 2d half (13-16) Meyer Davis Ore KANSAS CITY Malnstroet <ia) Olaen & Johnson MINNEAPOLIS Orplieum (16), Morton Dowiicy Ry MT. VERNON Keith's lat:ha:)f (17-18) 3 Scam pa NEWARK Proctor's <1«) Buddy Rogera Ore (9) 'Now Yorkers' N'W BRUNSWICK Keith's (10-11) Stewart & Violet Gregory & Raym'nd Wm. & Joe Mairdel Radium Rev . NEW ROCHELLE Keith's . 1st hnlf (17rl8) 3 Jestors OMAHA Keith's . 1st half (16-18) Olaen & vTohitaon 1st half (9-12) Kate Smith Rev PATERSON Keith's let half (16-19) Balabano Rev Millard & Marlln IjuIu McConnell Cookie Bowers Natatsha Natova. Co 2d half (20-22) Bobbins Sis . prt'aah &;Perlm'ter -Buclc—& Bubbles- Arthur ifetley Co (One to fill) 2d half (13-16) 6 Western Stars Clyde Hager Keller Sis & Lynch Larry Rich Co Paul 'risen Orch PROVIDENCE Keitli's (16) Shuffle Alone Rev ROCHESTEH ' Keith's (16) New Yorkers (9>. Midway Nights SYRACUSE Keith's (9) Connie's Hot Choco PurndtHe (1(1) Duke WoHale Co. Mary Hajujes—— Joe Phim^s Co Sid (Jary Oo ' MIcfjon Bros State (16) James £lvans Andres Marsh Arnaut Bros Radio' Boguies Wills & Davis Valalda Snow Uerry Bros Orch BROOKLYN Bay Ridge ^. let half (16-19) ylnceht O'Dbnnell '. Young, Worth ft W Herman Hyde '■ •. Marcus Slaters Coi .- 2d half (20'-22) Bud Carlell & B Kay Hamilton MiElrld & Ann Clark Fields & Georgle Vernon Bathl)'n 06 Gateis Ave, lat half (16-10) Marie. Mang.Co Kay Hamilton M. & A Clark 3' Swifts ' Vernon.?Bathb'n Co, _ 2d. :ha lf (20-22)". Bernardo DeP'XJp Jean BoydcU ' Billy Farrell Co ICnxIl Boreo Vito & Perl Rev MetrppoUtan (16) Maximo Step Broa Harry Savoy Lenore Ulrlc . Carl Fredd Orch Valencia (16) . Ching Ling Foo, Jr Gordon; Beed & K Chaa CarlUe Stuart & Lash Louise Gay Go AKRON T:;oew's let half 016-19) Century of Progi-eaB BALTIMORE Century (16) Hon-feyFam, OFFICIAL DENTIST TO "rHB? N. V. A, DR. JULIAN SiEGEL TM« Week; Jamea WalllniloR,. John Hotbroeli \Mortoh Downey" Rv cnicAoo Palace (16) Irene. Vermillion Reynolds & White Bylvia Froba Jack Haley B.enny Bubln Parker & Sandino Arren & Broderiek Gregory Ratoflt Co Beii^ Baker Willie .'MalusB biNClNNATt Albee (16) Ingln' Sam cnny Davis Co CLEVELAND Palace (16) Rbbbiha 8 Freidie Craig Jr TRENTON Keith's . 2d half (20-22) Boy Scouts Bd (T-hree to fill) 1st. half (9-12) 4"R6nard' GIHs Petllt & Douglas Eddie White Hackett.& CartHay 2d. half (13-10) Chr.iatensens Greg'ry & RayJn'nd MlUU'ed Bailey. Wm *c Joe Mandel WHITE PLAINS Keith's :Jst half (17-18) Jea;nnle Lang Co YONKKRS Proctor's 1st half (17-18) Rex Cole Mtneers Loew ^NEW^OKIt^CiTX^Vawythrr^ftcmonfrl' Capitol (10) Harrison & Fisher Ramon Navarro Jack Little Orch Geo>-eB Campo Boulevard Iflt hotlf (lO^lft) Bud Carlett & R Jean Boydell Obogan & Casey Bmll Boreo DIllon-PArker Rev 2d hnlf f20-2;) Mnrle Mang Co .Tom Porfin Ri-y .Huglrep & V»m W«lman;s Sax'ettos Orpheujn let half (16-19) Harris Twirifl- & L Lillian Morton Roth, Murray- & K Joe Frisco' Betty Jane Cooper Lathrop Broa 2d half 020-22^ Marcus Sla & f'P Irving Edwards Sydney Mann 3 Swifts . WhlleslHe A B-Hev Jerome Mann (Two to nil) DETROIT State (d) Frank Richardson Lew Parker Co - ,Gosa & Barrows Hatt .& Herhian Eddie Loughtoh Helen McParland 3, CrackerJ.acks- HOLLYWOOD Puntages (8) S'loro Santaelltt Or Ctody & Rathburn C's Sonia I.eit'^fl May Robson 3 Rltz.firos Adair • & -Rtcrhar ds : I (One to nil) : . ItOSTON Loew's (16) Arthur LeFleujr Ci Open ■'. ■ Jackadn & Gardner 3 Fonzolloe . May'& Uarroll Bnrlca & Ni)vello R CANTON 2d half (20-22) Century of Prog COLUMBUS . Ohio (16) Bievei-ly West Rev JERSEY CITY Loew's (16) MarUii & Martin Jba Pope Jones Lewis &- Ames :Lambcrtl' ■Ann.Prltohard Co MONTREAL ~ LocWs (16) Zara.. Lee Gilbert. Bros Nord. & Jeannte Bobby Janvs Co I'hos Mack Co ' NEWARK , State (16) t Ceo. .T btrt -arraki— Johnhy Bryant Benny Marka Co Frank. & Pete Trade Kitchen Pirates PITTSBI'RGH Penn ()6) Cab Calloway Orch PROVIDENCE l/oew's (16) Stanley Bros & A Deri ■ Gailvln Barry,. Breen ft' W. Block & Sully Vogues of 1934 ROCHESTER . . I^W'S (16) Lionel Barrymore SYRACUSE Loew's (16) Midway Nights WASHINGTON Loew's (16) Greenwich V Follies faramouiit NEW YORK CITY Paramount (16) Wm Gaxton Victor .Moore Leah Ray (Two to All) BROOKLYN A Paramount (16)' Will Mahoney Poet Prince Lucille F-aige (Two to fill) AUSTIN ^ Paramount (16) Sweet and Low D'n CHICAGO Chicago (10) Doris Kenyon Eddie Gurr I^ewls & Van Chicago (9) Mlri*m Hb^klns Mary Small Slatd Bros Wagner & Parrlsh Evans "Girls ' ' ' Marhro . (9) Al and. Pete Joe ' Parsens 4 IjCGS Large--^ ft^^Morgner— 3 Nell Sla Outlyine; (16) Slate Broa Imper'l - Guardsmen Judith Randall JiOS ANGELES Orplieum (6) Goodrich & Shaffer 3 Gum Sla Milt Franklin Rhythm King Doakea & Koakea. Murry. & Sane . Machedbn. Broa Million Dollar (8) Gee Gee Alvarado Edna Scotleld Dolor«a- 'I:>opez Shafer & Keya Wynn. ft Ilurwyh 4 K.ltclit?.n3 Week of Feb. 12 AstorlH D. H. Concha & Concha Canterbury'M, H. 1st half (12-14) Cloqd Lester, & Pt 3 Acrordlon Kings 2d half. (1-3-17) Marcelle & SlUs Haven. ■&' Lee. ' l>omlnlon Roy Fox Bd- . New Victoria Goriiido .Bd •. ' Phlliulium Ethel Barrymore Allecn Stanley Geo D.obnan Bob Murphy- Michel & Nan, Co as bookied Trocndero G S Melvln Frakson . . Gi'esham- Singers Murray- & Mooiiey Eliza beth Regal (16) Mills Show Southtown (9) Will Mahoney Mark Fisher Orch Uptown (9) ,'Student Prince' Co, Geolrge. HasseU Gertrude Lang' DALLAS Paramount. (16) liOt's Go Places DETROIT Michigan (16) Ralph Klrbery : Bayes & Spdok Nell Kelly Bay. Saxc FORT WORTH Worth (16) Melody Mad Par'de HOUSTON—^ Paramount (IB) Bae Samuels! Bev SAN ANTONIO ■Pttfain<)«ttt'(16) Sweet and . Low D'n TORONTO Imperial (16) Chaney ft. Fox Buster—Shaver- Co- - WACO Waco (16) Goln' to Town Maurice CLAPTON Rhih ■ Freddie Phyllis ft'A Victor Moreton Tarano .& H'dwicke KAUT: HAM . Premier Morris & Cowley 4: White Flashes 3 Boyces ^ EDGEWARlB RD. Grand. Dudley's Midgets M Thomas Delfont & Toko HASIMERSMITH . PolOce Geo Baker Olive Groves Peggy Cochrane ILEORD Super Morris ft Cowley 4 White Flashes 3 Boyces ISLINGTON, Blue Hall 1st half (12-14) Marcelle ft Sill Haven . & t«e 2d half (15-17) Cl'aud^ Lester Co 3 Accordion Kings KILBCRN Grange Dudley^s Midgets-. M Thomas Belfont «r LEWIS Prt'ac Selma A - LEVTOK Savoy 3 -Accbrdjibn Kings Rusty Rhine MARLBROUG . Iltkllowny S t M Harr!abn Hu'Srh Ormond NEW. CROSS 'Empire '■ nuteh '-. Max Ml lifer Lloyd Fam Ef)os: Fraze're'' Stanford ft Th,yl6r~ Co as booked -■ Kihemn, Mayer 'ft Kltabh Videau. A Iflrbv: Geo Kurd PECKHAM 'P»InoiB Mayer, & Klfson VIdean ft Klrby Geb • Hurd .- Tower . 3 Greene Bros 3". AberdonlAna Halg ft .Esc'oe SH'PHERDS' BrSH Pavilion Geo Balcer—-■ Olive Grov.ea Peggy Cochrane STAMFORD HILL S: & Harrison SUtATFORD Broadway 8 Accordion Kings Rusty Shine ^ STREATHAM Palace 3. Gretne Bros 3 Aberdonlnns Rustv ft Plilne TOTTENHAM Pnlnce Fred Phyllis & A Victor Moreton ^ ^ Tarano ft H'dwicke WI>*BLETON Pnlace Concha & Concha Ua*Ha Club . Danny Healy Jack White Jerry Bergan Lillian Fitzgerald Roth-Andrews Orel U'lyw'd Refltauront Rudy Vnllee Orch Eddie Peabody Ann Loater Eleanor 'X-ennIa RanilHlla ft Capler Hotel pixie Art Kfthn Ore Hotel Gothnni Ilfenrl Bush Ore ^iitel l^exihgton lack Little Ore —Hotel Madiron -. Jolly Coburn Ore otel' MoAlpin Sarri Bobbiha-Ore Ikdtei' Moiitciair, ' \Vm Sfotti Ore Mario ft FlorJa Hotel New Yorlvn Abe Lyman Ore Hbtei Pennsylvania Geo. Oisen Orch Ethel Shutta Bob. Rice . Joe .Mbrrison Hotel Hnosevelt' Rublnoff. and. Orjch Kelly's HlgB<>ns & Yarnell Chl<iult& Rita Hpnaud. Sterling Slaters- Jeanne McCauley De Lopez -Trib Mario Osgood Sisters ■Joe Capella. ft Ori- Rings Temic<r Al 'SShayne Warner Provincial Week of Feb. 12 Ruddy Rogers Feliola Sorel . ^. 'Ann Lee Patterson Needa Klnkiild Bruno & Manon arl, JnoK & B ol\nny Hnle va; Stewart .- Park Central Hotel Ozzle Nelson :Orc Harriett Hilllnrd AJalr & Ulchard.e Place Plqb'aie H Rosenthal Ore -- D ft D FItzglbbonsf liyena-Strenge PlarJa Hotel Granville wiilike.r Or R estau rant La Rue Arthur Warren's Q. , Snmotar- Eli iSplvack Nina Mlrnevo Paul Zam Ore Johnny Russell Sdvoy'-PlaBa Freddie Martin Ore Slniplon Club Irene Bordlni King's Jesters Wm Farmer Ore Sherry's Harry Tush Ore Marlp, ft Flarlo'; St/ Morlti Hotel Leon Beiaaco Orch- Marenrlte 'ft Lerov Alex Bptkln Orclv Nicolina ', George Verona si. Re R Hot'ei Phil Harris- Orch Minor ft Root Suit Cinb Jack y.ers Ore - Charlotte Miirrle Tufi GrUi ELIZABETH RitK lat half (3-6) H'y Harrlaonrsf C's Tom Mack Co Gibson ft Gale Allen & White Marcus Sis & C Br 2nd half (7^9) Autit Jemima L Murray ft S'r T's (Three; to come)- PHTLADELPHIA V Earle (16) Mildred Bailey Ben Blue Edmund JyoWiB (2) Ray ft. Sunshine Maxeilos lidUian Roth Ken Murray WASHINGTON Earle (16) 4 Franks Jean Sargent Keri. Murray Maxeilos .. (2) King, King ft King Ching. Ling Foo' Ltilu McConnell Radio Rubea. Donald Novis Fanchon & Mareo NEW YORK CITY Roxy (16) Stone ft Leo (Others to nU) BOSTON Melroifolltan. (16) 'The. Little Show' Ray and Sunshine DENVER, COLO. Orphenni (10) Pansy, the Horse Plcohianl Tr Marie I.^FIohlo (One to flll) (8) Plcchlanl Tr Vliice ,Sllk f?ally , Rand 1X)S ANGELES Puriimount (16) An.<!on Weeks Virginia Verrill ' (8) , Jones ft Hull , Hal "Grayson Orbh Leo Carrlllo ST. LOUIS St. XiOniN (16) Ames ft- Arno I.onias ft Co Holler & Riley SAN FRANCISCO Warfleld (10) Vel-di & I'helma Tito Coral Tom, Dick & H'y (8) <ione .''heldon Louie ZIngoni Locke & Nivna Vocal 8 Independent BALTIMORE Hippodrpine (0) Joe I'Phner- Johnnie "Woods 4 Franks Cooper ,V. Ploki>rt R ni'KFALO Buffalo (0) Buster VV<;flt Lucille Page Bupter Shaver • Park ft nifford ■ . Hipi^oArome (9) . Tount Hornlvlcl Harriet Cruise- • U'by Tke' Hepsh'w Mary ft Bobby Hordlne ft CaiToll Mile Caroline Paul Sutton cincACO state Mke (0) Bobbe Arnst H*r»'y I^urne CARDIFF Empire 8 Pltfno Synpl EDINBURd Empire Layt'n & Johnstone Andes Frim Max Hoffman Embert Sis Dennis 2 Bradley -ft Gibbons Cotrlllos Tony Capaldl Auatel ft Arthur ■New Victoria 2 Manteraingera Rutland Earle! ft. Ascot Elsie Joicey * Bert Symes HULL Palace E & D Waters .. T Handley Co Helen Raymond Co Clapham ft Dwyer Fayre 4 Ben Said, Co M booked LEYTONSTONE Rlalto Val Rlsliig PRESTON .New Victoria M ft H i^cablti Bate da Costa.. Keith Wilbur Mario Lor.enzl Bmelie Hook SUNDERLAND Empire Lew Lake'a Show Wilkie Sard Fred Barnes Flo Sm'lthson ■Hairr y - Champ Ion Bego 2 Kasraca De Suter Bros Deaniond. Girls 2 Arartoa Dines ft DInea SWANSEA Bknplro 2d Crazy Show Gladys: Bentley B'b'rl'gs' Wllliamt Ted . Brown Orcb Mnlebn Royale Ahtobal. Cubans Marlborough House .Gain-Gal 11 V-lvlan Vance. Michael. Za'rln Ore Mayfalr Yacht Club Walker >O'Neill Ore pwight Flake Siontniartre Club Davld-H'da Murray Teddy Lynch Babul'a - Ore -; Mori's Rest Eddie Davis Ore Moulin Rouge, B'kn Larry McMahon Connie- Lang ELeanore-Gardner Frank Motey Martin TrlnI Orch Murray's Johnny' Howard Bobby Brinn' Edith Lowe Mitzy RouBS Hammer ft Sledge F.tbel Agld Leah Lazarus'. Jim Josephs Orisb ^ Palais Royal Ethel Waters Oliver Wakeneld. Loomla Sis - - Nltza Vernelle Donajd Stewart Capertoh & Bjddlc Sydney M«';in Dolores Farrls Gary ft Dlxbn Emll Coleman Ore Val -Olman 'pre - Paradi NTG Rev Bernice Stone 'X'0Tn~Gcntry Orch Jose RIvas Orch ' Pierce ft Harris Palmed Honae' Dufrtn ft Draper Uosita ft. Ramon Lowe Burnoff-ft W Gale :Page Californiano anley Morner Abbott Girls Richard Cole rch :'. Paraniuunt Jkck Waldro'n Julia Garrlty Mlsa Harriet Nellie Nelson Playjgronhd Dot CuVber'taon—-, Pesgy P'al' Joe Llttlt Adele' Gould. Pon ...Elklns Jimmy Frances, Mllortd llbliri*- Lou Snatel Ore Ralnbo Oardena Bill Aronabn Shannon Sisters lAfayette. ftL'Verne Geo Hall Orcb Tavern. D'hlyn Eddl<6 Jackaop -Jack Murray Ore Tic Toe Club Gc'rti-ude NIesen Gypsy' Nina- Billy Castle Genev Tie Vanderbiit otel Joe Moea.'Oirch Ward ft Hopkins Vlilnge Bam Scherr .Bros . Paul TVenialne Bd Rddie Prltchard Josh Medders- Lulii Batea Fieri a Veatoff Ted Fletcher Ronald Brookea Lee Twina Florence ft Ellzab'th 3-Gay Blades Vlllnge Nut Cluli Cllft- Clifton Rev Nutay Fagan Milt Spleiman Ore Waldorf-Astoria be . Marcua ■ E. Madrlguera Ore X. Cygat Ore, Margb Carmen Pbema-Zlto Ore Jaffry Ore Wasii Sq. Club Frank Fdrrell Orch Weylin .Hotel Michael Covert Ore Wivel Cofe Aniy At'kinsan Jack Wick ' Lillian Lorraine - Ami Pavb Maldie Du Frebne La Salle Orch Countess E v Loses Keller ft Field Gaylene Slstera Dorothy Thomas Jules Stein Oro Santovar Carmen Dl Glavln Muriel Love Tommy Lyman O* Terrace Gard^nt Romo Vincent Alhsley Lambert Clyde Lucas Ore Via M>c<D Crane Buasel) Orcli ZIta ft Marcelle JaCk Houab Wanda Kay Al Handler Bd ^ ~iooTx;m~ Edna Rush Virginia Hevy BUiy Gray .My.ra-,, Langford 336 Club B.B.B. Henry Berman Marie ,ft Elliot Ruby Abbott Madeline. Thomaa Don Fernando. Ore Behind the K/ ya (Continued froin .page 21). pinch hitting .for Manager J. Knox Strachan at War--rs' .Alhambra hete, hsts rettirn«d to his post-as manager of: the Plaza: in San- dusky, O,. . \ . ... ■ Dr. V. Hart will manage th« reopenied trand at Bradford, Pa.;: assuming charge ' imniedlatelyj yhe-iE>p cra h ouge-^ttrJefffir-so nvillfl — has been feepeiied under' the man- agement of George, Cipmbs. ChanceHor Brothers re- opened the Ritz theatre, at Arcadia, Ohio, with straight picture policy. ■—Iicwln Weiss named manatger o£ the^^afris .at Dpnofa, Pa„ suc- ceeding BiU CeckeV, shifted ^ to Johnstown, Pa., to be city manager for Warners. Thie remodeled and redecorated Qable theatre at Sharon, Pa., has, been reopened. John. Muller, for- mer operator is again ' In charge. Forney L. Bower?, manager of the Union, New Philadelphia, and' the Bexley in Dover, O., has been shifted to Zattesyllle, Where he will manage Shea's-Weiler. . Bin Relse Is planning to reopen the Ohio. Syracuse, N. Y. Joseph Fltzer, Syracuse exhibitor,^" filed a bankruptcy petition with 11- abilltlea of .fl4,352 ^nd no assets. Bronx, N. T. Joseph W. kllgef out after a brief term as manager of the Boston Road theatre. Successor-Is Sol Dashkin. CHICAGO NEW YOEK CITY Algonquin Hotel Cookie F'rohlld Ore .Roger Stearna Ambassador Hotel Pancho'a Orch Bal-MuBctte Leon Bedou George Marchal Pierrotte Millard ft Anita Georgette 4 Apoches Sacha Orch Beaux Arts kathryn Paraono Lucien La Riviere Thomara Dbriya Slltan ft Marl M&uclee, Shaw Orch Lopez'a HawlUna Blltmore Hotel Paul ,Wb1tcman Or Jack Fulton Robt. Lawrence. Roy Bargy. PcKgy Healy, Floria Armstropg. Rarnona . Rhythm Boys Casino de. Paree Chan Drury Hindu Wdsaau Holland ^ Juno Gertrude NIesen Eleano r-Poweii: Canllnl Hal S.hernian Don' ReaiTian Ore Ben PoUaf^k Ore Caveau. Basque ■Van Blarkston* Harrl.Mon ft Flshor Sol ; Mlaholoff's Orv Ceniral Pic Casino Eddy Dufthin Ore Maurice .ft Cordoba PVanc-f.s M.Tlilux ChapcaQ Rouge feppx de Albr.ew De Marcos. Marian Smith Godoy'a Tango Bd Dick. Gasparre'e Or Club Rlchntan Jack Mason Rev LldQ Girls Ore Comniodorf Hotel ishami Juneiy Ore Isabel Brown Gottdo Clab C. C. Rev : . 'Jimmy Luntsfprd O Croydon. Gharles Ecitels .iOrc Del'monico'A Al B White . Boatsy Dbhner' Janis Williams Val Veatoff Naomi Morton ft B Modernistic Revels ' Lynn Dore Joe -VenutI Oro I Chifo Tan CO 4- Lo rca Las AJedas Adcilna Diiran Orlando RIcarde A.B.C. 3 Pilar Areas El Morocco _G_eorg«a Meta-xi "Jba. <5I ^mftlipOFcTi' Men^ndfz <')rc . Essex Houfie Glenn Gray Ore Gal|nghcr> Chester Doherty Bo.salle Roy Muriel Ellis Gerty. Dwyer Bert Goodman Medlsco ft Michael Al Fields Orch; Gov. Clinton Hotel AnQi'h'Light Orr- Bismarck Hotel (WOlnot Room) Dick Cunlirte Parker GIbbs Elrnb Tonrier' Red Ingle Ted Weema. Orcb BbulcTard Room (Hotel Stevens) Irving Gagnon Rutb Brougbton Chaa Agnew Orcp lackhawb Earl RIckard Ueane Janls' Hal Kemp Orch 'Skinnny' Ennis Cafe deAlex Wade Dooth Imi>erlal 3 Lenore Lynn .Marian Garner.-. . Earl Hoffman Qrch Chex' Farce - Gomez & Winona Dorothy Crooker Taoht Club Boys Sally Gay Jimmy. Hadreaa Vincent 'Lopez Ore Clufi Leinirc Luclb Garcia Billy' Meagher Joe Mannl'a Orcb Betty Chiase Jaclt Sexton. Jr 'Sugar' Harolds Or Ciob La Masque J ft 13 . LaM.arr Edna Leonard Eddie Morton Era he) as rill man ,AI Garbell Earl WlillB Ore Club Royale Patay - Ogden .Shayne & Arnistong Jodn. Andrews ' Geraldlne Ross Fritz Miller Oro^ Coileg* Inn Zolda Santley Edith Griffin -Dorlfl---Hurtlg=^--==i Frankle MMttre Or Congress.'Hotel (Jo9 Urban R4)ohl) Art K'anh'el I-lobert Uoyre Cher.le ft TomsiFl''* Carlos Mgllna Coloslmo's Jill la Lyons Dorothy Ilnnry . iJeronOa A' liarry Enrloo D'-Mhn Bd,'1le Ir'-^rlnq Countess Borlska Signer Barson'l Art Buckley Bob Tinalcy Ore. Club Alabara Fhyliss Herry Patay McNair Gloria Starr Eddie Roth Ore Drake Hotel Ruth Lee The CrusadcrB Lucille Johnson Earl Burtnett Ore Edgewater. Beacb Eather Todd DeRonda ft Barry Art Carroll Bob Sylveater Ore Welly ft Ver Dyn. Joe '-Allen Ginger Pearson RulhahTa ft Malc'iii Evelyn'Hoffman ^ (Hotel LaSalie) Art kahn Orb Hl-Bat Club Riek. ft Snyder Billy Meagher Irene Duval Dotty Myera Effie Biirtoh Jerry Gfiar George Pctronne Or K,-9 Club Billy Branhon Half-Pint Jaxon Bd Coney 'Ore Leoii La Verde ■Earl ':■ P,-irtello Gcoriye Oliver Uarohi'e Rolando ft .Verdltta GWert' Gordon Neecec Shannon Marge ft Marie Virginia Buchanan Bob VVyalt ., Maurle Moret Orch Club : illinnet Marvf l Burke Cookie Sledel , J}etty-=WllllarhB= Chicago. Clyde Eckhardt of Fox here again takes up the double reins of ex- change manager and division su- pervlso;:. Necessitated by the re- turn of Mcie Levy, exchange man- ager, to his original spot in the Minneapolis office. Jack Lorenz, present Minneapolis exchange. man- ager, moves, to Milwaukee. Cleveland, liocal front and backstage boys are organizing two theatrlcj.l clubs, Jerry Goodman^ electrician, at RKO Palace, pronioting a' new* club for stagehands, musicians, act- ors, managers and newspapermen. Louis Swee, manager of Knicker- bocker, la backer if Showman's Club of Ohio. Restricted to theatro managers only, Pittsburgh. WB closing Davis,, downtown nrst-run house, indefinitely Thurs- day night (8). House, operating at a loss all season, was shuttered two weeks before Xmas at -which time it was. Intended to, keep it dark pet-manently but slight pickup in business shortly after reversed de- cision. Shortage of good product has 'also added to house's troubles recently. Oklahoma City. H4rold Pickett, former manager of the local Paramount exchange, Oklahoma City, has ,been trans- ferred to Dallas.v Sid Simpson who has worked as sd^lesman out of the Dallas exchange has been ap- pointed manager' of the Oklahoma exchange^ Annette Kruger 'llrudy Davidson 'Sugar' Kennedy l-'ra.nli Hhernian ' MorrJe Sfant'in Of Mural Room (Brevoort lIpteH Jaros Sla Paul Fay Gale Glpp Fay Pptere Bob P.'rry'p Or'-h "Opera riob" I.' .i-ncf'. .'^'.f l^T nr. T«ingiiay East rrbllywood, X2. Eva . Tangua.y leaves hore . this week for Chicago, and. .then Ne York, where She expects to resl permanently. Ml.<js Tangiiay's. stay in Chicago will be., for the. purpose of an op-■ eratlon to remove a rataraot jfromj her eye. YOUNGSTOWN'S HALt WK. Youngstowii, O., Feb. 1?. "When vaudfllm pollcyr given two weoks' trial failed to draw, Park inauf?urat<?d double featuces at 20c top. "With vaude out at the Park, town etUl has half' week live ehowH at the^ Palace and burlesque at the Prin-^ oesn,.both , reported, doing wpJL