Variety (Feb 1934)

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36 VARIETY Tuesdftjt ttbimupy 20, 1934 \SgSi* New York Ernest CutUng has a 'Stara of Tomorrow' idea he's trying to sell the NBG program department. John Oarllle Is'oii the :Capltol bill ^ith Clark Gable which opens this Friday (23). •, M. iff. Aylesworth wanted to know jirhy his sales departnient didn't get that study on- 'Memory for Adver- llslng Copy As Presented Vlsuallir ys. Vocally,' made by Frank M. Stanton of Ohio State:tJ. Talent still battling their way to ■work in the NBC studlois through viihers who demand passes, or 4Qc tourist tickets. Paimollve show on K^ la tehtar tlyely set to start March 29. It's tabloid pperettk. liandt Trio and .White guesting tti the Bab-O show (NBC) March 16. Jack Denny may do an additlcfnal period for Hudnut. If and when It wili 'be solo and on NBC. Oeorgle Jessel's Mntributions WiU be piped by CB9 from Florida. Fitch has given Wendell Hall an- dther 13 weeks. liee Sims and Ilomay Ba|ley haw rone under the Ed Scheuihg noan- Agemen't. Nick Kenny, nuUo Ed. on the New York Mirror, hais widened out Ilia i»eriphery of' inlke appearances to include WNEW, He's tagged to 4o one here under the caption, *Edir tbrlal Echoes.' Other stations over Ivrhicli KeAney makes himself regu- larly heard are WMCA, WBNX, Vjz, WEAF. RADIO CHATTER BpWa6!i:gBejMT>ByBPUE»ltl!Jl>.-UgHai«iainHBMIIHByBlltiilWliaUMllBaieBHlflllB^ Bojf. star, and. the wife, Ruthle, amic-> ably partied, Better half connected with NBC In continuity^ Alan Scott handling the announc- ing job for those Boake Carter sports discs, sponsored by Silver Wedding Gin, and spotted through the east. , Helen Grey, local promotion gal In Phllly, new head of publicity, at WFL Fred Coll, press agent for WPEN, now a.daddy.; WPEN newly erected Radio Cen- tre' which contains restaurant, now adds a liquor bar for the conyeni-. ence- of mike stars. No' missed broadcasts yet. Boston Dan ftnd. Sylvia, who were former- ly on an NBC local show, now on Bustalhlrtgjat KDKA In Pittsburglu Natalie Mobrehead guests on the CUmalene show this week. Jab Gar.ber excited about the Cat- allna Island aMlgnmient and phon- ing for conferences with P. Wrigley about the setup. Jewish Courier has a radio sec- tion with Beatrtcei Greenberg han- dling the job. Jim Cook has sworn off amateur theatricals. : Harry Sosnik orchestra -waxed four sides last week for Victor. Norsemen and Patricia Ann Man- ners set on the neW Allr State 'Musi- cal Tin Types* show written by Margaret McKay on WENR. Northerners octet under direction of Karl Schulte get new lease for. Northern Trust company show« Bobbe Arnst will guest stiar on the first coast-to-coast hookup for the D.dJd. show. Mobile Moaners return to NBC Buiitailnlng after having been given the pink sUp when NBC acquired the Four Knaves act. Borden show continuing for an- other 13 weeks with Frank Rey- nolds and Joaioi Kay. WEBI, Boston, getting congratu- latory letters from drys who ex- press pleasure at . the station's de- cision to bar liquor ads. Majority of letters are from mothers. Representatives of the Harvard Debating Council of Harvard Uni- versity and the Edward W.. Quinn Debating Society of Cambridge Council Knights of Columbus met in the Tankee Network studios for a debate on the subject; Resolved^ that radio broadcasting in the United States should remain in private ownership and not be fur- ther subjected to government con- trol. Bob Freeman, formerly of WPRO, Pawtiicket,^^., has joined WBEI's announcing staff. After landing the job, and while returning to Paw- tiicket to check out. his car was struck by that of a physician. Bob was thrown into the road, and the doctor who hit him took six stitches in his forehead. While Amos 'n' Andy were in Bos'- ton, they were interviewed over the air by George MacKinnon, column- ist of the DaUy Record. He did such a swell job that the manager of the theatre in Providence where they were to play next, wired him and asked MacKinnon to come down there and do the interview over a l^ovldence . station. When he re- turned from Providence he received a wire from the manager of a thea- tre In Rochester, N. T., where Amos 'n' Andy were booked, to come and repeat his air Interview. But Mac- Kinnon figured he didn't have many readers In Rochester so he let it pass. Helen Barr, WEEI soprano, re- turning from a Central American cruise, Inomedlately . landed three commercial programs. Now liloyd Del Castillo, staff organist who .ac- companied her in soine of her pro- grams. Is heading south, hoping to similar good luck oh his. return. East Bta- Pluladelpbia Advertising on all Vermont tlons is now at a low ebb. Charles Crane new announcer for the National Life Insurance pro- gram over WCAX, Waterbury, Vt BurUngton. (Vt.). Dally News is now using page one box giving the number Of dally requests received by its station, WCAX. Jake-Deal;-sports- announcer -for ,,„A T -h T^w WCAuiWDEV, Waterbury, Vt., is back on lieon .. . _ Vt, now *av,T,* ♦« tii^x -art^ai r>naat for a. loOk-I i^asri't a^slngjc account on the New 2,^^ T^n^VSft net™ York Shores of Lake Champlaln. ^^no^L^^ii^A Wnt., the Wheu liquor returns to Vermont wSfJi w^JJ^Sl. Sow S^^^^^ will be no benefit to radio sta House Warming show, temporarily j^^^^^ ^^ wii fftrWrio AyivAriinlm out with an abscessed ear. Oiicago Ad Agendes Radio Exec» (Assoeiated wiih the Show or PerformnnM End of Radio). Aubrey, Moora A Walliace, Ine. 410 North Michigan Ave. J. H, North. F. G. Ibbett. . N. W. Ayor 1«4 W. Jackson Blvd. Nason, iiicQulre. Batten, $arton» Ourstino dt Os- borh 221 Ni Lk Salle St Geprge May. I«ckett-8ample> H iimmert 221 N. La Salle St. Edward Aleshlre. ■ N. H. Peterson. Crltohfield i 8.. Michigan Ave. Frank St^lei. Doremus~4 Company sot a La Salle St. H. Ray Henderson,. trmln, Waioy A Co. tt% N. Michigan Ave. William WeddeU. Fredwicke A Mitchell : StriauB BIdg. CmA jTredericks. Chart** b«ni*l Frey 899 N. Mtiphlgan Ay*. Larry Trlpw. durtdlMh Ady*rli*1ng C*. 40* M. Michigan Ay*. Irvinff Bosenbloom. Henri Hurst .& MeDonald B2* M. Michlgaii Ava. A., I«, Detiker. . Kirtlandf Ehgel 948 N. MiohiRan Aye. Kenneth Ring. Lord & Tbbmas 919 N. Michigan Ave. Lewis Goodkind. Matteaeh, Fogarty^ Jordan 807 M. Michigan Ave. H. L. Weiler. IMeCann- Erickton 910 Michigan Ave. Raymond AtWbod. Hay* McFarland 833 N. Michigan Aye; Nate CaldwelL McJuhkin 228 N. La Salle St Gordon Best sitiche, Williams & Qunnyng* ham, .Inc. Strauss Bldg. William Roche. Ruthratiff & Ryan 860 N. Michigan Av Frank Steele. Stack-Goble 8 S. MIchlgain Ave. Ralph doble. J. Walter Thompson 410 N, Michigan Ave. Thomas Luckenblll. U. 8. Advertising — 6l2~Ni-Michligan-Ava. George Enzihger. hskle Staff-Radio yen with the acquisition of the Hudson, Times Square legit hQus^ as an accommodation for clients who want sideline audiences, CBS still ha^ to. originate some of its shows from Carneerie HalL Programs staged in thei latter spot are Bourjois' 'Evening In Paris' and the Union Ceu- tral Life Insurance Co.'s Hoses and Drums.' Both are on the web's Sun* da;y schedule and conflict in time with other audience attended shows« Because each-stanza has . Its own invites no other session can ImmedU ately precede or follow it jn the same halL CBS' sale* promotion department Is sizzling at what it describes an NiBCj practice of Quoting from Columbia research studies without giving the source credit At a most .recent c&siei In p CB^ sur- veymen point to NBC's automobile industrial reports for 1933. Latter refers to a 'Vertical Study of Radio Ownership, 1930-38,' credit CBS as the publisher of the radio set isuryey, KMTR, Siollywoo'd, has likBtltuted a rule whereby none of its staff technicians wlU t>e allowed to work on remote cohjU'ol ibrdadcasts from outside th* studio. Heretof<we the teclinlciitnB have been contributed as part of the station's service, but under the new scheme remoters will bo compelled to engage outsld* men. Egomanlii of * radio singer la ex:einpllfled b^ his action at a dinner party when he sang one number and obsenred t« his hodt 'well that more than pa^s 70U for the dinner, doesn't It darliing?', turning to his then brjde, now sulncT him matrimonially. She yessed, siatinef that her other {iQ^ster-hiisband gets |500 per single appearance. Incidentally this radio Bliiger is said to be through on the aJr with ; the major chains because of his personal conduct^ Sunday, Feb. 25, marlcs the co mple tion of ten years' work in the local radio field for Arthur F. Edes, WEBI Boston program director. Radio was liying In the ear-phone era wfien Edes first felt a dubious urge to expose his knowledge of muslo to the ofQcial then < operating the West- inghduse station in Springfield, The first realization that he had fulfllled the. requirements was in thei form of an pfnclal summons to thei opening 0^ the Hotel Brunswick Studios of WBZ in Boston. The same evening. Feb. 26, 192^ he was handed and iraad over the air the station's dedlca-. tory salute. Refusing to aippear on stag* while In XiOS Angcleu, Earl Carroll wus Interviewed from the wings <tf the Paramount theatre, there for the weekly, stage-air show, commercialised by Borden's mllkr . He . was interviewed by Max Shane. Usually these weekly interviews are from the stage but to put over the act effectively the audience was led to believe the question and answer stuff was remoted from the studio. transcontinental, will shift from KFRC to KHJ. Dick Powell's fu- ture on the program is unsettled, as the Warner player has only a three-week contract with options to m.c. and sing on the ciggle show. 'Morning Oregonlan has desig- nated Edward Petry exclusive rep- resentiEitlve of.KGW and KEX In Portland. 'in Laws,' which has been a fear turei. domestic tierial for two years on iCFAC, Los Angeles, switches to KNX. Mid-West Ronnie and Van, former WOR and Park Central (NY) Hotel com- edy song duo, begin a four-ra-week sustaining series on WCAU this Mattle Curran, doing a warbling sustalner via WIP. Studio friends in oni frequent gifts of champagne. Jan Savltt first fiddler of the Phila. brch., begins a Friday nlte hot-violin ' show this week on WCAU. Statibn plans to build him after reicent success as conductor of the Auto Show band. WDAS may soon have new trans- mitter purchased from WPEN. Great fault with the station has been poor program reception. 'Sylvia Jordan back In town after commercial series on WOV In NY. NBC audition being planned for the Warwick Sisters trio. One of the gals Is sister to Jules Lande, NBC violin virtuoso. Sascha Krlloff, former WCAU tlons, as the bill forbids advertising through any medium. Jimmy Melton closed Music^ Re search recital series In Bridgeport Frederick Harold Dart home-toWn pianist accompanied. Dot 'Taylor, soprano, and Mafifir ers trio, linked in 'Melody Cruise,' now . spotted Sunday p.m.'s on WICC, Bridgeport. David TdmllnsOn, relative of Ed ward, today (19) launching new travel serleis, 'Romance of Foods,' WICC, Rrldgeport New London's <. Led Reagan WednesdiEiy-niting on WICC, Bridge- port, with Sea Chanteys; he's a baritone-accbrdlonl&t. It's a month ofC for Leila Joel Hulse, WICC, Bridgeport, contralto. WICC, Bridgeport introducing Betty Quinian, Port CheiBter song- stress. Managers of professional lacrosse team in Pittsburgh have transf erred broadcasting privileges from KQV Pittsburgh, visiting Radio City this week as guest of NBC. Helen Dayle . nabbed Richard Crooks for WWSW, Pittsburgh, In- terview during tenor's solo engage- ment with Pittsburgh Symphony orchftstrft» J. Arthur Dupont of Ottawa, Ont., director of broadcasting foi; the Ca- nadian Radio Commission, has com- ^I6t¥d 1" iwrve;y x>f broadcasting conditions'.in tlie eastern provinces. He was accompanied on the tour by by J. Frank Willis, of Halifax, N. S., who has been appointed program director for the broadcasting units in the Atlantle provinces. While at Moncton, N. B., Dupont announced that a studio formerly Used, by CNRA, now dismantled, would he continued In use by thie oonmils- slon, and that two half-hour pro- grams would be broadcast from this studio each month, by the commls^- slon, the dates being the 14th and 28th. funny man, now scripting for Ed-1 to WWSW* with Walt Sickles an die Cantor staff. Kid working from | nounclng. Phllly while going to school. Sam Lr,nln; the ork leader, after Dave Raskin for NY job as-band torangen Former Isham Jones sax -star, _Bob LIghtner, cousin of Winnie, the fliklce^ actress, ind firs wEtei i^utti. have fiplit... Better half has con- nected with NBG as continuity Ronnie and Van, WOR comedy- •JftRft dup,^ on a foujr-a-week sus- talner via WGKXr, Boys slarrlngaT local nlte spot In between. Sayitt String Quartet (OBS) Out for a week, with thie cellist nursing an infected finger. Bob Lightner, former laham Jones Nancy Kelly, 12-year-old star of Wizard of Oz series, guest of WCAE, P ittsbu rgh, last week. . WWSW, Pittsburgh, broadcasting series of weekly talks from Impor- tant^flnanclalr^^credit and merchan- dising "^etf. "S^nsbrM:^^ Sigma Pi, business fraternity at University of Pittsburgh. Blue Mo on N lte club, with ether outlet over WWSW, Pittsburgh, has replaced Jimmy DlBlas' band with that ■ of " , Larry Prlllerman and Danny Davis back m.c/ing. Howard Jackson back on KDKA, Pittsburgh, with Sammy Fuller at the plaho. Lynden Morrow, p.a. for KDKA, Gene Austin and Candy and Coco hit the air for the first time on the coast recently over KFL KMTR Is now remoting Mel Ruick's orchestra from the Los Anr geles Biltmore, dally betw-een 1 and 1:30 and between_4:80_^and 6. ^ ^Patif "BSIly, managing eiditbr of the oregonlan, offers^ a regular weekly program of "Views of the News.' For three years Kelty gave hl$ interpretations of dally news stories Over KOW, and has just re- cently been shifted to KBSC, Port- lands When Ted FIoRlto moTOS from Hotel St Francis^ San Francisco, to the Cocoanut GroTS in Los Angeles on March 4, th* Old Gold Percy Bobbins, WOWO's first staff organist, has returned to sta- tion after extended absence and is now. in artists' bureau. Succeeds Gerald Newlron who goes Into new -Ft. Wayne radio-playhouse herer— Lyric theatre, Indianapolis, has started a s erie s .of weekly broad- casts over WTBM; Has •l5-<mlhute program on Thursday night, and two on Saturdiay. Late evening time is commercial with transcrip- tions used for talent. Headline act and part of the pit orchestra broad- casts early Saturday evening. Pro- grams are bolstered with daily aft" ernooh and evening spot announce- ments. New assistant operator at KFAB- KOIL switchboard' is Orvllle Wel- mer. New salesmen at WAAM, Omaha, are Bernstein, McCaffrey, Living- ston (froni KMBC), Merle Owens and Lyle Gordon. • KFAB lining up for broadcast of Olsen and Johnson Swift Revue from the local Studio. Olson and Johnson's . Swift pro gram orIgIna,ted lii the Omaha branch studio Of KFAB, Friday night (16). 'Take a Chance' unit In'^he Brandels there had. the pair out too far to get back into Chi, so direct wire was made to WBBM. KFAB; Lincoln, and KOIL, Omaha, made Free & Sleinlnger na tlonal ad representatives; Severe cold .put John L. Clark, gen. mgr. Of Crosley's WLW and WSAI, Clncy, between the Sheets last .week. Homer Bernhardt, tenor, is back on sustainingrs. at WCKY, Coving ton, Ky. Wanda. Edwards, 17-year-old blues singer of Covington. Ky., Wade a sinash'~debut"bn WCKY In that city and was assigned seml- weekly night spots. Lowell Bar- ter does her planolng. A new Monday night sustalner at WCKT, Covington, Ky., oppo^it^ Ciiicy/ Is 'Circus In Town.' Serial looses drama and romance within a white-top outfit Continuity by Wal- ter Lohr, who formerly was on dra- m.atlc staff of WLW and trouped with Robert Mantell and Genevieve Sooth Bob Duren, basso announcer, has left KTAT anil siicoeeds Harold Klmmell as KOMA announcer in Oklahoma City. Vandever's Gypsies, a new mu- sical program, was heard for the first time over KVOO, Tulsii, Tues- day, February 5, when they began an engagement over this station for Vandever's"department="Btore; Hampen Lohr plays paxts along with owner Phillipe, who acted for Stuart Walker in stock and did screen work; Charles Spencer, of 2iegfeld productions; Zenobla Hack- ett. In legit prior to entering radio, and Richard Chan, late of .Chicago Civic Opera Company; . Sound ef- fects by Don \i^Inget WCKY engi- neer. Program is maghetlng lotsa puffs. Last half of Maxwell House Showboat hour blasts on Thursday nights are now aired by Crosley's 50,000-watter, WLW, Cincinnati, in addition to continuation of com- plete programs being carried by Crosley's smaller WSAI on the NBC red web. New hookup started last week, and caused release of the Cot- ton Queen Minstrels, featuring Hink and Dink, comics, one of WLWs oldest free-and-easy series. When the Minneapolis Sympbony orchestra - sta;rts-weekly • halfrhour- broadcasts for Grlgsby-Grunow in March its 84 musicians will consti- tute the largest unit ever to work on a commercial program. Eddie Dundstedter and Tom Baker, organist and singer in Min- neapolis theatres, have been spot.* ted into the Jefferson hotelj St. Louis, with the fOTmer's 12-piece band. Dundstedter plays the orea-n daily at 4:30 p. m. over KMOX. 'Tina and Tim,' Scandinavian and Irish .comedy skits, long popular, over WCCO,' Columbra chain s I a - tion, Minneapolis, haiye been booked for personal appearance^ over the Publix Northwest circuit." It's a local program with Peg Beckmark. the author, playing Tina. State (Publlx)-theatre, Minneap- olis, Is dickering for the Pure Oil show Which includes Jack Male- rick's 15-plece band and a number of other artists and which Is broad*, cast over WCCO, Columbia chain station, Minneapolis, three timca weekly. Ted Grizzard tenors over WLAC» Nashville, and announces several programs. . WLAC Sports Review Is prepared by Lewis Little of the Nashville Tehhessean.. Recently Mrs. Prank McCabe of the KOMA, Oklahoma City, pro- gram department, was overcome by gas from a leaky stove In her home- (Continued on page 64)