Variety (Mar 1934)

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60 VARIETY Tuesday, March 6, 1934 NEXT WEEK (March B) THIS WEEK (March 2) Numerals in. conhectipn with bills below indieate openfng day of showi whether full or epHt week NKW TOBK Cixy Huatc Hall (8) Condos Brdp Palace (0) Connie's Hot Choco (2) Wing Wah. Tr Ccotis & Sibley C 'Slim' Tlmblln Jack Sidney Co Academy l8t hulf (9-12) . Cant, of ProsrosB R .. 2d half (1«-16) .Royal Uyeno Japs Bernard &' Henri Gregory Ratoff Co MlUa, Gold & Ray. • Xee &; RafTerty. Rey 2d half (6-8) Connie's Hot Choco Audubon (S) lat half (O-lZy Alda Ward Wm •&• Joe Mandel Owen 'McOfvhey. (Two to All) let half (2-6) Monroe. & (>rant. Jackson &. Gardner DBTBOIT Downtown <9) Morton Downey Rev . (2X New Yorkers Keith's 2d half (6-8). MUls B Rhythm Bd HBSrrSTEAD Rivoll lat half (9-12) Chds/Kihs Orch 1st half (2-B) Pat Rooney - Un . KANSAS' CITT: Malnstreet v(9) Student Prince MadlsoB Keith's l9t half (3-4) •Burno Whiteside Irving & Taylor Irene Taylor. Norde & Jeanne KlQg Brawn MINNEAPOLIS Orpheam (0) Olseh. A; Johnson NEW TOBK This WMk. (lfwreh i) ANNBTTE AMES STEWABT SISTERS S WIUBITB HAU. HAI/ MENKEN ia LEDDY & SMITH Billy Sully Co St(,me Co Alphonse Berg Co , ad half (13,-16) Henry Small & Sis Pease- & Nelson Case .Bros '& M (Two to nil) ' Oat^B. Ave 1st. half (9-12) Dud Carlell &VR Chaz Chiise Renard & Hur r^arry Rich Samuels Bros Co 2d half (13-16) Olvera Bros Roger WUHams Violet Carlson Irving ft Taylor Mazzone & K Co Metropolitan (9) Honey Fara Rio Bros . , Bdgar Bergen Co .' Frances Arms Golehy & Murr'y R Valencia (9) 3 Bonos Ilarry Burns Co Gu8..Van: . Bnrico - & N Co' (One to All) AKRON Iioew'e ^ 1st half .(9-i2) W. L. S. Crew BALTIMORE Century (9> Duke McHale Nord & Jeahnle Itfichon Bros Sid Gary Carl Freed .Orch BOSTON ^ Orphenm (9) Monroe & A Sis Meusters ■■'&■ Gautler Jean Sargent Sid Pagi» DeMay, Moore ft M (One to All) CANTOK Loew's . Isi half (9rl» W. ii. S. crow 2d half (13-16) Spices of 1934 COLVMBUS Ohio (9^ Howard Thurston JERSEX OITX IMW'S <»> Vernon Rathb'rn Co Clyde Hager Bert Nagle Co . Stuart ft Lash Harris Twins & L NEWABK SUte (9) Maximo Delivery Boys Arnaut Bros . Bernle ft Walker Jane & Lynton Rev PITTSBVBOK Penn .(9) - Joe Pen her Jack Sidney Co PBOVIDENCB Loew's (9) ' Bd Blum . & Sis Buster Shaver Co Lewis & Moore Harry Zoup Welsh Co Chlhg Ling Foo Jr WASHINGTON Fox (9) Kitchen Pirates . Gordon, Reed & K Ma,y. ft J Carroll Benny MerblT Orch Vrlts ft Jean Huber Bud AverlU Violet Ray ft M MUlion Dollar (1) Frisco Seals Bruno Weiss Dale ft Bgdn Luctnda ft Delr'do t Oriental Duo n. ix>vis A»kMMd«r (t> Joe Orlffln Audrey Wyckoft Co Senator Murphy Heiator Co Al Roth, Milton Sloeser Week of Haroli 6 Paraffioiint violet' CarlSonr Sddle White Colby ft Muiray Ftahklln lst<half (10-11) Rek cole Co BROOKLYN Albee (9) Ists ft Models (8) Eari, Jack ft B Georges Campo Ore Flfl. D'Orsay.! .•. Benny . Rubin' a Donatella Bros uk C Madison let half (9-12) Hal Sherman (Four, to All) Prospect 1st halt (10-14> De Oauchl Japs (Others to &11) Ist halt (3-«) Joe Fanton Co Volght ft ToUe Helena, Daniels Lewis ft Ames Feplto Tlllyoa iHt half (3-4). Madia-Brnie Feres ' ORierson'.ft Heed Frank Mufson Rome ft Shannon. Artistic Rev • O'Nell ft Manners BOSTON Keith's (9) Idway Nights (2) .Oreenw'b Vlllase .F CEDAH RAPIDS Keith's ad half (iarl6). Mills B Rhythm Bd 2d half (6-8) Olsen' ft Johnson CHICAGO Palace (9) Bdmund Lowe Co Mildred Ballsy Co (Two to -All) • (2) Russian Revels Hunter & Ferclval Ho'ward Marsh Georgo Beatty Gretanbs' CLEVELAND Palace (9). Irene Vermillion Co Hunter ft Perclval MT. VBBINON Procter** lat half (10-11> .Annte, Judy ft Z NEWARK Proctor's (9) Jerri, Renee ft V Raki Wyse Jr F19 D'Qrsay Chas Melson Donatella B^oS & (2> Arthur Petley Co Frank Richardson Orepory Ratoil Co Wills ft Davis Rirnacs Orch ^ NEW BRCNSWICK State 1st half (9-10) Paradise Rev (Four to fill) Ist half (8-4> Lew Pollocks Brov NEW BOC9nSLI.K Proctor's . ■ ist half (10-11) Jack Arthur PATERSON . Keith's let half (9-12) Goeslps bt 1934 2d halt (13-16) Don Hall S Goorge. Beatty Seller ft Wills (Two to flU> ad half (6-8) Gray Fam Mills. Shea ft R Alice Joy. Sidney Page Nell Golden Orch PROVIDENCE Keith's (9) Shubert's Passing (2) Midway Nights ROCHEBTEB Keith's (9) Betty Cooper Reynolds ft White Vaughn DeLeath Glenn ft Jenkins Muulc'l Bl'cksmlthfl ST. PAUL Ketth's Ipt half (2-6) Mills ti Rhythm Bd TRENTON .- . Capitol . 1st half (9-12) Seller ft Wills NEW TOBK crrv . Poramonnt (9) Jack Haley Lillian Roth Benny Rubin. Poet "Prince RublhbIC BROOKLYN Poramoant. (9), Lathrop Bros ft C 3 Fonsetla Freddie Coots; AUSTIN Faramoont (9) King's Scandals. BOSTON Metrwollti^i (9) Benny Rosa Co Walter Dare Wahl Ray Hullng '£; 8 Perry Corwey 3 Lon g Bro e BUFFALO Baftalo (9) Peter Rlgglns Lewis ft. Van J ft J McKenna CHICAGO Chicago (9) Chatiey- ft Fox (Others to fill) ' • (2) Duncan Sis Co Marbro (2) Lew'ls ft' Van ' J ft J. McKenna-. Con, Colleano J ft M Mason Bayes ft Speck Oriental (») Slate: Bros . Llbonattl 3 Pete, Peaches ft D RobbinS '. 3 Collette Lyons Breih's, Fltz ft M Ted Cook (6) . Hill ft Hoffman < Collette Lyons Sonthtown {It) Benny Davis Jackie Green Bdith. Mann' J ft J Blair Tony Angelo Bobby Lane Arkansas Co . DALIJiS Parameont (9)' Dave AooUon DBTBOIT Ulchlcan (9) "Melody Mad F'r'de irOBT WOBTH Worth (9) . Samuel's Cockt'I Hr. HOUSTON PlaHUnoimt (9> Words ft Music Inc MINNEAPOLI9 State (9) Ted LAwls Orcn . OKLAHOMA CITY PaftuhouBt (9) . Obln' to Town SAN ANTONIO FBramoaat i9y King's Scandals '. TORONTO Imperial (9) Calitomla R«vels ' WACO ' Waco '<9> liOt's Go Places Astoria D. H. 8 Black Streaks . Canterbory M. n« 1st halt (6-7) 6 Magnets Bernhart ft Delmar 2d halt (8-10) Fred Brezln. Sonla ft Vernon < Domiqion Val Rosing. B. -ft E. Franklyn Marianne ft R'berts Mary ft Brik Rod Hudson Ola Kit Kat Best 8 Rhythm Ols Mary ft Brik . KTew Victoria Jack Stanford 16 Fisher OlS 8 Black Streaks Kieirlna, Vadlo ft, H Joe Lee Bd.' . PallatUnm ' cab^pallbway Bd.. Billy Bennett 3 Dukes Alitia Turner H Boys ft Jig-saws Man A Thlt Gaston palmer Wright, ft Marlon Trocadsro Best Hutoh Low Skaya Ronald Frankau Bennett ft Williams Geo Hurt Maurice CLAPTON BInk Harry Taft' G Jtisharda 4 4 Paulettes DALSTON ' . Picture Hooso Val Rosing EAST HAM .Klnema ' let half (6^7) .Pyne ft. Furlay Ronald Courley Lovanda ft Asst.. 2d halt (7-19) Pasqul & Peru Blfle ft Sylvia Rusty ft Shine Premier Anderson Sis Faj^ Dawn' . _ ■ BDGEWARE BD. Grand B'way Boys ft B Stan Stafford Lester & Andree HAM3IERSMITH .'Palace > Colombo 3- HOLBOBN Empire Jack Hylton Bd 'AmSrlca Calling' Co as booked HOLLOWAT Mariboraash Penalow Co Uoyd ft Hill Peal ft Curtis ILFOBD ''Super Anderson Sis Fay Dawn ISLINGTON BIOeHoiU 1st halt (6-7). Fred '.'Breztn. Sonla ft Vernon 2d half («-lQ) S Magnets Bernhardt ft Delm'r KILBUBN OrtUBgO B'way Boys ft B atan Stafford Lester ft Andree liBWISHAM Palace . • Piano Symph LBYTON Savoy Vrniio & H'rdwicke Dud Dale Gang . 2 Accbrdlon Kings NEW CBOSS . . Xlnoma Fred Lindsay Co Anita. Chas .ft A Van I>usen PECKHAM Palace Fred Lindsay Co Anita, Chas ft A . Van Dusen Tower Llliran Burglss Fred, Phyllis ft A S sJ ft R*yen_^_^ BHEPH'BDS BUSH . Pavilion Selma 4 STAMFORD HILL Begent Penslow Co Lloyd ft Hill Feel ft Curtis STRATFOBD ' Broadway T^rano ft H'rdwlckn Dud Dale Oang . Accordion Kinp^ STRBATHAM Palace Lillian Burglss Fred. Phyllis ft A Sax ft Royon^^_ TOTTENHAM Palaco Harry Tatt. Gordon Richards -4 4 Paulettes WEST HAM Palace 1st half (6-7) Pasqul .ft Peru Bffle ft Sylvia Rusty ft Shlno;^ 2d halt (8-10) Fynb ft Furley Ronald Courley Le Tand a tt_Aa^. WIMBLETON .Palais dea .Daaee p ft E Franklyn Warner OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N, V. A. DR. JULIAN SiEGEL PAAAMOUNT BUILOINQ This Week t Bobby \i\iifk, Brennan Beitty Boop Clark ft McCiillbugh Colleano. Fam (2) Johnny Perkins Un COLUMBUS Palace (2) .Morton Downey Co.. - davienpobt' Keith's Ist half (9-12) . Ills B Rhythm Bd 1st halt (3-6) Isen ft Johnson DAYTON. Keith's (9) NSw ■ Yorkers RoHner ft Austin Alice Joy I.ewlii' ft Ames lift half (2-6) Casn Bros ft M Millard ft Martin Clark ft McCull'ugh Brynnt Rains & T 2d halt (6-8) (30tiPips. of 1934 WHITE PLAINS Proctor's . . Ut half (lO'.ll) Vaughn De Lcath YONKERS Proctor's ist halt (10-11) Jeante Lang Co ELIZABETH Rltk' 1st half (10-13) Ray Saxe .(Four to cbnte) ' k 2d halt (14-16) Ann Suter Jack Arnold Co Red Donahue ft Pal (Two. to come)' let half (3-6) Qaudamlth Bros May Joyce Lewis ft Moore-' Frank Llbuae Co Rbyal uyeno Japs .2d haif (7-9^) G D6Quincey ft L (Four to corns) PHILADELPHIA ^arie (9) Oaudstttlth Bros Si,d-.Marlon., Sophie Tucker (2) Harais 2 ft L Ban LaVero ft O'B Alex Hyde Oroh Lew Parker Co WASHINGTON Earle (9) Bryant, Raines ft Irving Edwards Rimacs Sihgln' Sam (2) Stanley Bros . Whtteiy ft Ford 'fietty Boop' . ^ ,Reggl.b Chllds Orch Proyindal Week of Uarcli 5 BBIoteTON .Hippodrome 1st Crazy Show PRESTOliT NeVv Victoria Mast erslnger a . SHESflELD Regent Billy Cottbn .Bd. SUNDERLAND. Enipfre 'How Do,. .Brown',: Teddy :^rown CO B'w'r ft Rutherfbrd SWANSEA Zimplre 0. ft D; Waters Tommy Handley Clapham ft Dwyer Fayre 4 Co as booked ' WAI.TttAMS'roA Oraaada. Dynnamltea ' Co as booked Cabarets Jaok White Jerry Bergan Lllliao ritsgeraM Roth-Andrews Oroh H'lyw'd Beitaoraat Rudy Valloe Oroh Bddle Feabody Ann Lester Bleanor Tennis Randalls 'ft Capler Don aod Betty Drucllla Strata Gene Marvey Jerry Lester Hotel Dixie Art (Caho ore Hotel EdIsoB Raglnsky Bns Hotel GothafB. F Van Steeden Ore Joset Szigeti Ore Hotel LexiBgtoa. Jack lattle Oro Hotd Madlaoa Jolly Coburn Qro Hotel McAlpla Sahi Robblhs Oro Hcrtel Montelalr Harold Stern Oro Mario ft Florta Hotel New Yorker Charlie Davis Ore David ft H Murray Haosten ft Harden Leata Lane Ruby Wrljght Hotol Pennsylvania Qeb. Olsen Orch Ethel Shutta Bob Rice Jbe. Morrison ^Hotel Plerro Jack Detiny Ore .. Hotel Roosevelt Rubinoff Ore . Jaokson'a Rendev'OB 'Eddie Jackson ' Kelly's Hlggehs ft Yarnell ChTqulta. Rita Renaud Sterling Sis Jeanne McCauley De Lopez .3. Mario Osgood Sis Joe Capell.a. Ore Rings Tirrace Gladys Bentley R'b'rl'gs Williams Phil Scott -Ted Brown Or.cb HalBojt iloyalc Antbbal Cubans Mariborongh Hoose Oalli-Galll Vivian Vance Michael Zarln Ore Hayfalr Yacht Clob Walker O'Neill Ore Dwight FisUe Madlsoa Jolly Coburii'ff . Ore . Morl'a Best Eddie- Davis Ore Hoolln Roqge, B'kn Larry McMeihon Connie Lang Eleanors Gardner Fraink Moray Martin Trlnl Orch Mnrraya Jobnity Howard Dobby Brinn Edith Lowe Mltsy Rouss Hammer ft Sledge Ethel Agld Leah Lazarus Jim Josephs Oroh Park liOBO Sidney Ross Palais Boyal 3 Ambassadors Phil Harris Bdna 'Sedgwiok Pogigy Strickland Betty Kean Looinis Sis Leah Ray Kltza Vernelle Caperton ^ft Blddle Oary^ ft Dixon 3 Samuels Bmll-Coleman Ore Val Olman Oro Paradise NTG Buddy Roger* Felicia Sorol Ann Lee Patterson Needa KInkald Bruno ft MiB.non Barl, Jack ft B Johnny Halo Iva Stewart Salty Rand Buck ft Bubbles Tess Garden Parif Ceatral ilot«>t bzzie Melson Ore Harriett Hllllard Adair ft Richards Place PIqanle H Rosenthal Ore D ft D Fltzglbbons Don Alpbortso's Ore nasa Hotel Granville Walker Or iBeataarnBt La Sue Arthur Warren's O BltB. Tower Nat Harris Orb Busslan KretOhona Kuzhe^tzbff ft N Samovar Mine. NlcoUnia RadneS Simon Fhillpofl: Mon'negro ft Dorlta P Zam;s Gypsy Bd Savoy-Plasm Freddie Martin Ore 9bBploB Clab Frances Langtord King's Jesters Wm Farmer pro Sherry's Harry Bush Oro Mario ft Flarlo St. Morlts Hotel LSon Belasco Oreb Mivrgarite ft Leroy Lee Brody Alex Botkto Orch Nlcollna (Jeorge Verona St. ReitiR Hotel Vincent Lopez Ore Minor ft Root Sort Clob Jack Myers Ore Charlotte Murrle Taft OrtU Geo Hall Orob Tavera, BltlyB Jack MOrray Ore Tie Toe Cinb Gypsy Nina Billy -Castle Genev Tie Taacony Hotel Rela LoblQV Ore Vanderbllt Hotel Joe MOSS Orch Ward ft Hopkins VlUago Sara Scherr Bros Paul T'remaine Bd Bddle Prltchard Josh Madders Ruth Delmar Lee 2 Geo. McGuire Vllbigo Not Clab cniff Clifton Re:v Nutsy Fagan Ztra Lee Lila Gaines fjlla Lou AUyn Reece Henry Lawes AlbXandrla ft Olsen Milt Splelmen Ore Waldorf-Astoria X. Cugat Ore I B. Madrlguora Ore Wash Ba« Club Frank Parrell Orch Weylia Hotol Michael Covert Ore Wivel Cafe Amy Atklhsan Jack Wick LllUah Lorraine Anal Paivo Maldle' Du Fresne La SallO Orch George Oliver MaroBl'a. Rolando ft Vordttta Owen OordoQ Neeoof BhannoB Marco ft Marie VlrglBla Buchanan Bob Wyaitt Maarle Moret Oreb Otab Mlnnet Adellna Dossena SylvJa Lee Harry. Maok Harry. Moon Phyllis Noble Itudy Davidson Frank Sheriiian MoullB Rbngo Flo Brady Ql\ Wells Allen & Louise Madge Klefer Harry Byron Walter Hastings Charlie Craftrs Ore Maral Room (Brevoort B[Otol) Barl Bates Edgar Rice Stan Rlttoff Oreb Jaros 81s "Opera Clab" Edv'oa MershOn Lawrence SalernO T'onq Gentry Orch Jose Rlvas Orch Pierce ft Harris Palmer Hoaoc Lydla ft. JOreacD Roth ft Shay 3 Swift's Gale Page Stanley! Morner Abbott nirls . Rlcbard Cole Orch Pa<ranionat Molly. Sun Helen O'Shea Jack Waidron Julia Oarrlty. Nollle NelaoB Piarcroead Dot Culbertson Peggy Paige Joe Little Adele Gould Don Blklns Jimmy Frances Mllored Bolin«^ Lou Ahstel oro Ralnbo Oardeas Bill Aronsod Shannon Sisters Lafayette ftL'Veme Countess B v Losea Keller ft Field Qaylene Sisters Dorothy Thonrip- Jules- Stein Or SnmoTar Allen Reno Carter Bros Jack HaUs Marge ft Marie Lyle Smith Orch Muriel Love TOrrace O^ardras Rbmo Vincent Alnsley Lambert Clyde Lucas Ore Via tag* Bobby. Graham Crane RueeeH Orch Zlta' & Marcell* Jack. Roush. Wanda Kay. Al Hsrtdlsr M 1(10 Club Edna Rush' Virginia Hevy Biuy Gray Myra Langtord 235 Clnb bIb.b. Henry Bennan Marie & Billot Ruby Abbott Madeline Thomas Don Fernando Ore Remakes CHICAGO NEW YOEK CITY Fanchon & Marco NEW YORK CITY Capitol (9) Phil Spltalny C>rch Hudson Wonders Harrison ft Fisher ... Boolevard 1st halt (9-12) Mohroe Bros ^RdSlw^WI llla-ms=^ Violet Carlson Irving ftr Taylor Kaztone ft K Co 2d halt (ia-16) W a Ritchie Co Meredith ft Snooxor Renard ft Huro ■" 8t o tt B ^ ' d !"treo- Holba Dennlson Co ' Oraheum 1st half (»-!») W = H Bltohlo Co iroredlth ft Snoozer Landt 8 ft White Wills ft Davis Helen Dennlson Co '2d half C13-16) Casting Stars Mlmi Rolllhs Co J ft K L«e Slim Tlmblln .CojEathya^MajtUn^Ciiu Paradise (9) Buddy Rogers Unit State (9) Graham' McN&mee Don Bestor Orch Bast ft Diimke Pickens SIS NHW YOftK CITY Boxy (9) Armlda Mickey COntl (DtheTtf to All) . DENVER, COLO, Orpheam (2) Lee Port & D Kltat-OB Bl Meres 3 Jacks & Queen LOS ANGELES Paramount (8). Jerome Mann- Petttt Douglas Co. Verdi ft Thelma (One tovAll) (1) Guy Lombardo. PHILADELPHIA Fbx (9) Johnny Marvin NTG Rev, Ted Claire' Brems, Fltz ft' M SAN FRANCISCO Warfleld (2) FftTtunellb & C Fay Courteney Heller ft. Riley Harger ft Bleanor ST. LOUIS St. Louis (9) Nina Olivette Bl Brehdel 3 Kanes . (Others to AH) -Morffuer-lteu. ft L e R BROOKLYN Bay Bldgo ^ 1st half (9-12). dlvera Bros' Gregory ft Raymon BALTISIORE— Hippodrome (2) Radio Rubes Chaz -ehase Mastera & Orayce 6 Lucky Olrls ' CHICAGO State Lake («) .■ Maple City 4 Clifford' & Marlon Alex'nder-Cantos Co nniy Farrell Sd ft Morton 9eck Heleit="McFarland HOLLYWOOD . Chinese (indef Run) Marie Oambarelll Remos Midgets Chinese Ballet Jackie Hughes 1,06 ANGELES Orpheum (28) .■Wright 2 iSs jCnrrol Bon ft Rita Jack & Ruth Hays Algonqoln Hotel Cookie F'rclilid Orb Jack King^: . AmbasSa^ HOtol Fancho's Orch Bal-Musette Leon Bedou George Marehfl Plerrbtte '' Millard ft Anita'. • Georgette . 4 Apaches Saoha Qrph. Bomey'S'. Frank Farret's Ore Beaux Arts' Luclen La Riviere Thomara Dorlva Clara Xiarlnbva Inez La Vail Clothlel Berryessa Norman Astwbod Slltan ft Marl Maurice Shaw Orch Lopez's Hawilans blltmo^re Hotel Paul Whitoman Or Jack Fulton. . Robt. Lawrence Roy Bargy Peggy Healy Florla Armstrong Ramona Rhythm Boys casino do Parec Holland &° June Gertrude Nlesen Bleanor Powell Cardlnl Hlnda Wassau Hal Sherman Don Redman Oro Ben Pollock. O^ch Casino Town Club Nan Blakston Breez. Fletcher, ^ Allan Cfliles Oro CaveaO Basque Harrison ft Fisher B Madrlguera Oro Central P'k iCaslBo Bddy Ducbln Ore Maurlge ft Cordoba Frances Maddux' Bddle Garr ' Ohai^ean Bouge Peppy do Albreir Bd De Marcos Marian Davis Galll-Galll Godojr's Tango — Dlbk'Oa6parre'a Or' Olab New Yorker Jack' Rees Ore Club Blrhman Jack Masop Rev Lido Girls Ore Commodore Hotel Isham Junes ' Ore Isabel Browa CottOfi-'Ciab <;. C. Rev Jimmy Ltinceford p Croydon Charles Eckels Ore DeUnoalco'* Al B Wh(te Beatsy. Dohner Janis Williams Val Veatoff Na,oml Morton & B Modernistic Revels Lynn Dore Joe Venutl Ore I Chlco Taneo ft Lorca Las AJedas Adellna Duran Orlando Rl cards A.B'C. 1 Pilar Areas Kl Morocco Jos. C. Smith Oreh Menendez Ore ■soex Boose Glenn Gray Ore Gallngher's CbestSr boherty Rosalie Roy Muriel Bills Gerty: D.wyjBr^=;=^ Bert Goodman Medisco ft Michael Al Fields Orch Ooldea Saall (L'Bscargot D'Or) Marie Louts Rabetand Oor. iDllBtba Hotel BnOoh Light Ore Ha-Ha Oiob Daaay poair Blsmarek Hotei (Walnut' Room)' i>ick Gunllffe Parker Qibbs Elmo Tanner Red Ingle l^d Weems Oreb Boulevard Room (Hotel Stevens) Irving Gagnbn Ruth Brougbton Chas Agnew Orbo Blackliawk Barl Rlckard Hal Kemp Oreh 'Sklnnnjr' Bonis Cafe deAlox wade Booth Imperial 3 Lenore Lynn Marian Garner Bart Hoffman Orch Chez Paree Sheila Rarrett Deerlhg Davis Louise Brooks Jaok' Waidron Martha R^ye 'Barbara Blaine Miss Harriett Henry Buase Orc Club Lelsare Luelo Garcia Billy Meagbor. Joe Mannl's Orch Betty Chase Jack Sextoo Jr 'Sugar' Harolds Or Olab La Hasqac Johnny Mangum George Oliver Billy Richards Jean LaMarr Bdna Leonard Bddle Morton Al Garbell Club^Jftoyol*.. „. Lee Morse Billy Gray Wynne Wayne Molly Sun Al'x'nd'r ft Sw'ns'n Joan Andrews Fritz. Minor Oro CoUege Ibb IZelda Santley 8 Evans Co-eds Jimmy Mattern Beuvell ft ToVa Frankle Masters:Or poBgresa Hotel (Joe Urban Boo.m i Art- Kassel Robert Royee Cherle ft lomostt >■ Carlos Molina Cplosinrio's Julia Lyons Dorothy Henry Derbnda & Rarry Bnrico D'AIba Bddle Deering , Countess Bbrlska •Signer BarsonI Art Buckley Bob TInsley Ore 'Club. Alabam PhyllsB Herry ;Patay .McNalr Gloria Starr Bddle Roth Ore Drake Hotoi Slavle Ballet Stanley Hickman Blltmore .8 . - Prances Wilier' . Harriet - Llndgren Ruth Lee . The Crusaders Ban Burthett Ore . Edgewater Bearh Esther Todd . DeRooda ft Barry Art Carroll Bob Sylvester Or>; Frolic's Frank Hamilton Myrah Lang Marie ft Elliott NIkkl Nleoll Blaine Maiizl Hank LIshbn Orch (Hotel LaSalle) Art Kahn Ore Hl-Hat Club Sunny Gaer TVanfre^NdVa"^="=^^ Vlrla Vaughn Rick ft Snyder Dotty Myers Bflle Burton George Petronne Or K-9 Ohib Billy Brannoh Half-Pint JaxoB Bd Cassy Oro Leon La Verde Barl FarteUo (.Continued from page 27) rigrhts to a book, play or original ot egual vaUue. After experimenting with double versions of 'The Rebel,' 'Doomed Battalion* and 'S. ,o! S. Iceberg'; all of which "were made abroad and then iiecessary Interiors, close and near shots remade In Hollywood, UnlversAl purchased English speak- ing rights to 'Secreit Service,' which was reproduced entirely in U's local studios as 'Madame Spy.' Second, picture tinder the system Is 'Count- ess of Monte Crlsto.' Scoyta on Scent Universal ha,B se'veral representa- tives In Europe scoutlhg tor possible pictures to be remade. Company grabbed American rights to- 'Be Mine Tonight,' at a reported price ot 125,000, with the pilct^^e cUckinB generally and turning In a hand- some profit to Universal. In addition to acquiring a proven yarn, plus practically a shooting sci^ipt and pre-cut picture, througta purcbas^. of th© foreign . plctqres. Universal ;alao gets the American releasing rights to the original foreign version, "With importation of a number of different language pictures annually, dl$tributor ia finding an increasing mtirket for the European tongue features, and through this avenue. Universal can 9btain further revenue from, \vhat was purchased as the-rights to a good story. I Gering as Sales Mgr, For Chi Fox Exchange Chicago, March 5* Fox-exchange Is locally setting up the aattie sales and distribution sys- tem as exists in New York. Hi'iii.g- ing. in Bill Gerlng from the Cin- cinnati office to take the post* of sales manager under Clyde Gck- hardt in charge of this territory. Qerlhg replaced Moe Levy;' for- merly branch mahaiger here, but ndSKT in Minneapolis for .Fox. ■' Joe Morris Stricken jpe Morris, formerly of Morria and. Campbell eind now doijier his owii act, suffered, a heart .attack at his hbnie In iiew York lagt w^eic. It forced Cancellation of his .cur- rent wick's booking In Reading. MAYNABS REPLACEMENTS Hollywood, March 6. Harold Goodwin replaces Frank Haipney, and Morton Turner spot- ted in place of Blue Washington, in Ken Maynard's 'Doomed to Die,* currently In work as last' *»n the Maynatd program for Universal. Alan James directing. Maynard and his wife off to Eu- rope for two monthal vacation Im- mediately upon^washup of ' Doome d.* l^ennedy-Farley Shorts . Hollywood, Marcb 5- Radio will use Edgar Kennedy and Dot Fftrley In another series of six BhortEi. Olassifle* AS 'Family Man* corn- ed^.