Variety (Mar 1934)

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16 VAMETY FILM E V I E W S Tuesday, Biwrdk 13, 1934 SPITFIRE a fault In adaptinir the story him- l 8«lf. ItV not a Kood adaptation and RKd Bad'Io produotlon aad releam. SUn [ ifl badly dlaloged. ^ ' Eatharlrio Hepburn; Ro*«rt Jouog. Balpb I 'Midnight' was a Theatre Guild &?li/"BaS2§''o°J%ia?'^*^5lu^-?onS Pl^^ in, New ^oric several aeaspna Xdaptatlan by Miea VoUmer and Jane Mur- ago. It's a mutder yam, with psy- fliii Photography. Edward Cronjaccer. At Ichologlcsd twists. In bringing it to the KuBlq Hall. N. T.. week March 8. B«n-[ g^pgej^ ErsWh demonstrates a good 5l?lk^r!^!'..??.* ?r'...;KathirlT.e Hepburp cinematic and kno^^^^ Of r. Btareord...........i,......Robert Young screen possibilities. Pllni opens in o. Fleetwood.............. .Baiph Bellamy ^ court-rjpom with a womlin about 5l^*Sn'w^i?'^'^'''''''''''*^sidn^^ be convicted for murder. .It's a •S&.Gr^Siv;;.v;;;.vt::;r:;;^^ passionei and it. mta Da'wsori,.................Sarah Haden [though she can get away wltn It Oranny Batnes............i.Virginia Howell until the foreman Of the jury asks.a - ■ - ■ I after you killed him? one says Rather than a picture with Kath- 'yei/ and that coriVlcta^ her. . arlne Hepburn, this Is Hepburn wttl. ^^^^Xt a picture built around her and the k^ard Weldoh, in his home life. He'ia part she piays; that of a backwoods accused generally of having been to „ou„^nsirl oith. *omh. &cepd^ as a fine chavacter study Of such a L^^ reporters and others. Night of irl; adroitly drawn by .Miss Hep-t the execution, forerpan is plagued. bum, th6 veins of the story carry tiiln by reporters into repeating hla atarid: 'The woman committed mur- milk rather than heavy corpuscles. I der, she must pay tne price.' Then, But discounting what it Offers other inldhight, just as the woman he than the work of its star, 'Spitfire' sentenced is going to th6 chair, his is still uhcommoniy good entertain- own daughter klDs a man who be- ^ ^* I trayed her. w ^ , ^-L. it'iB pretty strong stuff and will With Miss Hepburn in the eye K^^j^ audiences once they're in. of the camera almost constantly, it's least is .an exceptionally good one, her pictMre an the way through; She though without n»^rqU|e stren^. tackles the assignment with fine Paradoxically en<*»&*i. Sidney :?^w^ confidence and emerges from it vie- the Only .member Y^^luf^i^oSTim toWOus. For the new star it's a few sheckels turns in the lei^ ii^^^^ new kind of roie. P^^^^*^® Pu^'^^Tt"^ TheLulu Vollmer play of secluded nervous, her Unes '^f^e^JJi^t^^^®" mountain Itfe waff a piece caHed oonhtructed wid the microphone did 'Trlgger.r This is the niBuh*^ of the lhlphps with .. girt around whom the story is buUt, ] ;0. P. Heggle as .*<^'®man 1^ but fo^ box offloe purposes the highly, impressive' and realistic, chahke was inade to 'Spltflre.' Henry Hull Is tops^ afi a reporter Seemingly, a good subsUtute. who looks and acts like a reporter. In- order to play the iaiountalheer jlyynii Oyennan sets himself for . a girl of jfiss Vollmer'B play, a tough. Picture cax^ by putslftnding .work yoiing uncivilized 4ieudge whOSQ lack In a cOmitS.Wt, and MofTatt Johnson of' dIsUnctlon fbctween right and. Is believable as a " district attorney wrong Is contrasted with a Quaint [ In a smaller cpnkedy bit Cora predilection- for prayer because itjWIth^rspOon linpreiMies highly. . seenia to help. Miss Hepburn has id| : Also; fin tho cast iare Richard watch herself c^'^ti^'^v .^^^^^ i^Vi'^J^'^^S:^G^ I ''^^ lias sbibe namea that are only has to look the part. of the. i*rey Bogart, Granyiue nates ana i j^^ .i,.>t,......:.uATin Dvorak miidlv known to Amepican hotly-tempered yourtg mountain Helen FlInU aU pf whom l^ean Sfo«e ...;:.:..V..:^ woman but. match a diffloult ac-. something In legit. . . Jeit .....>..,i...............v.iiyia JWbot screen audiences, but Uttia eise. cent with it throughout. In,both] Added to the tact that the cast, mtbj^ti .... : -jl^Mda^FMMn Jq^^^^^ respects the performance 1«. almost j.dlrect.Ioji, action and dialog are^ too Mrp. Aibion.A*hiVy,\\\\\\'.\Hoth Dotineiiy and Esmond, all of whom have without flaw, , ^ ^^■^'^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mmiatare Reviews Spitfire' (RKO). Katharine Bepbiirh in a highly entertain- ing picture which, reduced, amounts mostly to a character study. Robert Toung sind Balph Bellamy in support. •Midnioht' (U)—Chester I3r- skin's first, from a Theatre Guild play, No marquee glam- or and too heayjr in melpi- dramatlc^ for strong b.o. pull, 'Six of a kind' (Par), Oldr fashioned farce that gets a lot of laughs; B«tt©'^ duals tlian deluxers. 'Heat Lightning' (WB); Okay for habes. Fair amount of ac- tion and drama, but little re- maned, glamour or comedy; 'Bedside' (1st Nat.) Repelr lant story clumsily told; Cfopd acting can's save this one..: 'No . Funny Business' (FPl- Principal). Poorly made istory • Of the Continent with musical numbers and Gertrude Law- renceiT Jill -Esmondr v I^U" renc© Olivier. Comes out. Of England with chances slender on this side. 'Hopse Play' (U). Um Sum- mervlUe-Aiidy Devlhe comedy. Pretty gOod, \cia.pable of play- ing ctlone In pome spots. •Fury of the Jungle' (Col.) Too synthetic and mostly lihoney iiielo action that does not . excite, despite five dea^B.. HEAT lilGHTNINC . Warner production ^nd reteas*. Directed 1^ Ifervya liCRoy. Brown Holniaa .aod, warren- Dnlf. adaptation of. play .by Ijaoii I Abrams and G^otsa Abbott; ■ Cameraman, S)d Hfckox. At^Bialtb, New TOrk.'we«k 'Hat«h T. Rttantng. time. M rains. . / Olga ..f•.•>•.•••..,•*••.•• >All|ie MacM^hon diploma, through tha work of hla press agent he becomes Iflunous, When the nurse Is atnicjt ©y an auto and an operation is necesMUry to save her life, William pleads with several of the staff to operate, but they all insist that It la hla cAse. In his desperation he admits to them he has not the right to prac- tice. The girl's life 4s>«aved and be- cause he has risked jail for her sake she agrees to inarry him and. back to the X-ray work. . , ^ The authors u6ed overy. device to make William completely contemp- tible, and they do suoh . a thorough job that the big renunciation misses. Every aid Wias giv6n the piroduc- tlon; the cast Is above avdrage, the settings are lavish and yet faithful, and the camera work of high qual- ity, but it Is .all eaorlflced to poor iscript judgment, . ^ William is realistic as the callous cllmberr playing with forceftil sweep. Jean . Muir is always In character as the nurse, .. and Allen Jenkins, as the press agentr Pa'i* liandau, as the . medical derelioti Donald Meek, aa William's partner^ . and Kathi^n Sergava, a newcomer, as an opera diva; , all register strongly, but the BSore'convincingly they have worked, tho more they have contributed to the.wrecking of the play. No picture Is, better than its plot, and this scenario W hope- lew- ' ;• Ohio. NO FUNNY BUSINESS (BftlTISH-MADfi) F.F.i prsAoetlon and Frtnolpel rai«M«' FeatnrM flertnida l*wr«nee. X«urnice dltvler, Jm* Btomona; Dlrwjted J>r John fitairord and Tletor Hanbury; Storr by Dorothy Hope. AdaptotlQn by Victor Han- buiy: dUlov,. bjL F|«pk Vjmiw.-,,MubIo, i bylfoal Gay. ftotogrwliy. W. ;«akeley and D. lAoaray. At Cameo.- N.. T.t weeK March.-T. - RnnBioff tlme^.40 BdDV^ Tvopne .i.....;....r....aertn»de Lawrence Ann i....V-^-.V J«>,B8lllond Florey Jbb-McXaughlln Mrs. Fotherglll -Muriel ^Aked Edmnnd ...j.v.-...--------^--™"™*'** ^»on FURY OF THE JUNGLE Cotambla vrodaotloB aaA release. Frpm ■toiT by Homoe MeObr. Soreen tilay Iv Bthel Hill and Dore Sehaiy^ Directed bfi Roy WllUam NellL Fiealilring DouM Oook, PecB7 Sliannoiv Allan Dlnahart; Dudley Dtneib Toakte Mod Fbetocrapher. Jotm Stumar.. At 8tan:«y. N. T,. half tt doable bill two two bt«lniilnc Maceh T. Runnlns time, B8 mlna Allen. .•«.'... ,»...••••<'.••••.... .Donald 06ak JToan. .....•.••>•.'•.••••,...• .Pegsy Sbannoa - Tassart • .<.•'.<•••■••••• I,* f •■• Allan Dlnehait Frenoby..• ••••<•;.'.Rarold Huber Parrl A... ^ ....•••.■....••«• • > Dudley Dine* Ohita....'...yAaa.t*.***'***'^'.'*.*• .Toshia Movt' Considerable attention 1^ devoted ltdugh' .break In that .the photography to the; interest'.bf the girt In prayer [was bad. Picture was made in New and the legend that spirings, up Tork. Kauj. ■ around l;he cou,iitry as to her powr I ers,,\as much for evil as for goodjtl • .^ latter is to be conceded by the hin..l gJX OF A KIND billy folk who eventually. come to | lynch her, Th^p f uml.*^^^^^ melodrauoatlc. content, of the Ptofy^RuteleK^M^ BofflSd/W, Fields. Bums ----- B^uence In WhlChi»jJ5'''jHlenr^Btbrt by Ke^ne rTfiuBBeon; lelf to a neIghb^)r'|B( [adaptedWaiter Delieon ttnd Hatry ttvib- and buUds-frbm 9' .,. ; the girl helps herself tp a nejghbp.] The Man............^....Harry c. Bradley I tract a. few customei'S. But it can't Srwfte'''"••''••••■•'••••'''^ view of the trite story The HuBbwl«......v,Ji,....Ei3Bar Rehnedjr and itE( sloppy production.. Th4 Blonde.....«-...iMurle). Bvana . Banking among the poorest pic- ——— •• tureis to issue from'England, the 'Heat Ughtnlng' is a. well made J story ahd Its direction -are not «n- melodrama with a drah background, tlrely to blame. Bf«f?»uv* ..ii,^ ^ M ■ A. • X \ nart of- • the cast menibets, xauiiy WttlO se« appeal; and not fmbugh PJ^^^^^ t^^ .^^y though and tjehsfohi . .It ifl la' EuhffoJFor tfeluxera, poor' photography do ■' alittost - as One of those synthetic jungtaj storied wherein the'Chinee girl an-* gers at her American lover, a Tlln laln^ and turns him up for the right-t ecus wrath of hts rascal buddies, ba^- causo he dared to angle for a white girl. It oan't stand up alone because the trite dialog and unlmpressiva action; While the photography la limited to. three or four scenes,^ thu« offering lib sweeping atmosphere. As for the actlnig, Dudley Dlggoa^ as the drlnklnir doctor of the jungle village Is only isaorlfloed when spot- ted in such a fllm. It's: his . work which saves ^verytKlrig frooj col-.' lapsing, , A MbnE;ol is ofCered as « South American native. She's the only femn^e Interest for a village presumably .Inhabited by Spanish, and American rascals, with, phe sup* posed Fr^lIMihmajii.. The Fronchmaa' speaks with an unusually bad'accent and nibre often than hot foi'getA the accent altogether.. Suddenly a white girl appears o* the scene with a isick brother. He dies from fever and everybody goeii on the make fpr her. The. Mong^ girl gets jealous, especially of h«p chosea lover, Alan Dlnehart., Hrf the heaviest of . the heavies (there are arouhd 80 or more) au<l fthe sqtieals thcit he frained the yUlage' doctor on a robbery charge in order' to get oioBO to the whUe- felrl. That fliUshea. Pinehari Then .litonfaft Cook, . an i^Bbaped convict.., heads, home with; the white girl, ^Peigt Shannon is the white . . ^ All takes place in a village that>' named Malango, which could be mistaken" for that Gtiban ftlai* called malanjgra bo far as pronuncia- tion goes in the film. 9ut maybe customers won't know.. -, . They see the same Jaguar twice m the same place In the same pos^ .. for two different killings in the Jun- gle. PlvjEf deaths alV told, bujt nptte Impels' any sympathetic reaction, save for Dudley Dlgges. Three hap- pen via crocodiles and two yja the i. Jaguars (which may be' only . ' aguar). ^ Shan. , , • ■-- 3y..»....vnariie '*"is6"'«'I ii-tof- nlillii ffl rftturncft tO Its baUve heath'l Flora Whlnney.. i......... .vuMaiT .L-l- i?aiJ -^^^^^^^^^^^^^4^ lirot^h.toplcture.toM^^^ - w* **5{S=iroii8e«-;-tii%^-ihountalne«r6 ^i?SS&-^;^:;:;\V;.V.-.r::^ ^iSSSS Alto^ ItocMihWls 'graiilted- a^.^iivl '^^^fi:1'M^^^:^-JS^'J^^^^ lyncfaiiigr frenzy from which they are I mi«. k. RM)nfoM.v.....v;AUB5m ekipwrthi^ nobularitv • lii naitlir soartd' and partly spared by 1 Ferguwnr, Bradley^ag* t; y^v**^ w «» engineer . friends,. ;iHalph » Bellamy,'J spiu-ka Burke | lJef«Te and.The prln t^bJ,^W <*iy:thought 16 in.^A^iigjj^^ but can get byr elsewhere,; ae the] much, to "^der^it^unacC^^^ it-the Sre Its Vrerits" aj'e tieglect^ ^"""^ March V-^nal^ Un^, ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ . Ing 'fb bestow, but phoWly iafter tpe'l x 'Plnkham Whlniney;Charlte Ruggles ... i.i- ^■i ■.i.L-j—1—_^i.'lim.— ■mwi . .-.i.MaTV.Bola-nd ^ ^ Sunless It appeara. if It's- possible to ever ' decide what the stOfy ^ "Ul-ahpgtj llo.popularity: W terms ef:actual IJ ^Si^ ' She Is the. wjntna gpm^ l^lnd Is to supply ai' girl for prlhcipalr-hame:, Sec^ the husband 1" *>^"^'*«^UPjeviaenc©. who, along with' his dam-bulldlng|8t«eie;v;.V..V.V.V..ii;...V/;^^^ names Include-Ann Dvorak, Meanwhile, t»« wife decwea partner, has become siialtten by.her. Butd..,...o.»....M.........W recently eo *'^,^J^''t'^J^^'j,fy^^^ ^ Development Of the love Intei^st J"^!:::::"///.; American "creen Uwi toe wme^^^^ follows an itttrlgulng coOTsei ending;!TV)m.:..i;.........uv.-.>..'i.iAU F, j*mM i^ere Ulline.a subordinate role,' ^''"^ a raixup «n nuw* I't—^: in what ls accepted as the favor of 1 I^urell. 4n ^what la, Bellamy when Trigger^ deciding to J <!!»eric....... ..... . .. ......... .......vm 1 ggajcely more than a bit. go,away, promises,to come back to| ^ -2. « . It Is a cast in short filled with her cablA in oua'year>.br perhaps : vix of a iKind' is a two-reel eiap-1 familiar faces and well-Uked actors, floorier; than,'that. As 'ahe walks latlck comedy-eictended -With Wajbr ] but minus, stars ail it Is minus pro-' away, carrying, a-emaU bundle-of gl^^yflg ^ Talues, costumes, glamor belongings, the, picture fades on. the P^**^^^^^ comedy. It depends wholly dust she kicks up from the moun-[On the way It is sometlmea very j^j^j^^^^ life and talh path. It'ha^ l^t Bellamy atand*'I l!unny and also at moments .anti-| past an automobile gaa , star Ing at the door of her deserted cabliviQuafgd aiid old-liashloned In m^bditlon and overnight camp along the admiring the girl lor her; Prtwaeval J ^ o^nroa-i. tt seems likely to do 1 a«Bty highway of n California courage and deteriftlflaUon W «hel«^J^^ UnlVer«U produoUon and wlew.. Ptara disappears front him: Tthe audlentfe t okay generally because of tbe laugns j r^i^eTe are splendid performances s\im iBummerviue and Andy ^J^^fi-J^}^ Is left to consider for Itself J\lst how and to be Ideal balancer <>n by Miss MaclMCahon, 4ihd. Preston i-^a^ Hy^ soon she-will return. : double hills whbre the other film Is Poster as the norgood hoodlum who S?d ^awmw^MMki AdaptaUon by H, h«nv Zr ■ .Uets a-; slug In .the ticker for the M. Walker and Dale Van .Evenr,. l^onper or heavier., Ullmax. Miss MapMahon, man-like J r»phT* «»'«S,?*'*S?«>''* fnSV^^^iiJri'nSi ! All the inate weaknesses of farce I ^QClianio.proprietresB of the auito 1douBle WV ><*««)» bamp, does the plugging, He was]^ihSf PeiUu'.;..;^; he was trying to do.| Andy......(ii...,i.v.-,...^..-.<Aiidy;iDeyjpa her wrong oin .a r«peat< 'visits Pimp lu •* ■ ■■ ■<~ -w»» — with the two i>Tofesslonal • corro- spbndents thrown together and the man and his Irrtfe reoohclled. Several iong iiumbers figure,-Miss lAWrenee do them, Iholnding the theme tune, 'No Funiiy Business, catchy tune that might get a fair reacUon pVer here. Ohar. HORSE PLAY i Robert foung, also an engineer, figures .more prominently, in the love. Interest .up to about the middle when lYigger discovers h^ has.a wlfe apd Iulckly dismisses his suit. The Wife i llttlQ more Jthan a walkTOn. for Martha. Sleeper.- , . ^ • ! A hotter part is hflndod Sar.a Ha- den, a :slmple baickwoods miss "Who believes that five minutes.; of prayer by Trigger will land her the man she wantg. Miss Haden does brll llantly with a.mlnor hut difficult as slgninent. .£ •. Louis Mason, Virginia Howelli iSldney. Toler» Therese "Wittlor and others all hate Inslgnlflcant parts^. but: as types are Important,^ Ohar. MIDNIGHT AU-Star production ahd Universal re- lefbse. Features Sidney Fo«. Directed by Chester Erskln. Adapted by Erskln from the dtige play by Paul and Claire SUten. At Roxy. N, j., week March $. Runninc time, 60 mine. Btella Weldon. ,,, ...Sidney Fooc Sidward Weldon.;0. P. Heggle Nolan. '....'....••'•<.••».. .Henry- Hull Mrs, Weldoni.... Margaret Wycberly Joe Blggera.......... I»ynn Ovenftan Ada BlKgeni.i..«....i>..Katharine Wllaon Arthui" Weldon..^,,,,«.,;K..RIohard "Whorf Oarbbnl ; i.... .fiOTsphrey Bogart Henry McGratii...v........OianvlHe Bates gbmbeth McOrath Cora.'WlthenrpoQn otrlcit Attorney Flunkett. .Moffat JohnBon _ Ingeraoll..._;.._.... ... .>. -Hcnnr ©'NWU "■Bthel Baxon. ,.,.,^'.'r. ..... ...> ^Helen-FUnt' Chester Erskln V first film produo^ tlon on his own will get him and several actors a lot of attention. It is a good picture as entertainment, but for grosses haa eevoral faultfl that wiU be tough to hurdl& Erskln, In this picture, hadn't yet found himself with the camera. He's BtlU too legitry. Also he-committed Picture Is plfvusible. It Is pot-a ba<? picture bVt. minus, the ;.things, jgeiierally cbnBlder.ed pecessary to. Iiottd. Are Illustrated In 'Six. of a Kind.' Anjrthlng ior a.laugh, which is.acr eeptetd In a. short becomes Intbrr- tolttentiy hrksbme .IA .a feature. Especially is. tl^e. yaudeylUe buf- foonery of Burns and Allen enervat- , ^. ... - ^ _ fng and irrltatlnk when they occupy |1he boi. office the greater potilon of the foo^ge- and their sole fiihctlon is to be pests. They succeed so admh^biy In being ^ests that their departure flye min- utes before the pibture ends Is a genuine relief. • Picture Is made almost without .Roi^rt Fiorey. Manuel'Seff. Harvisy Thew, AU plot and no • characterisation, sid Hickok, cftmertt,: At Mayfair, N; t., Throughout .everything that the cen- I March 6. Runnins time. 83 mlns. ' tral. characters, Mary Boland and I ?*ii8.-•••--••-••i------.-.'barren wiiiiam BEDSIDE Angelica Wayne,Ifu». Wapofl l?he imcnesB.................... .May Beatty Clementla.....-.......'.......'.Un« 0;Cottnor tJncle i^PerCyV... v •.Davld/Tprrence Philip Marley............... GopiolluavKeefe Oswald. :'. ».... ..Ferdinand^ QottMhalk Ehnily .> '..;.,'...:..;.,.... Sthel Onnlea IrU....,...... .. iliUclUe Xnnd A comedy that coiilft been First Witionai productwn ani wariief I done Ih two ree>s but wakM out Bros.' release featuring . Warren WIlUatA. Jean MuIr, Kathiyn' Sergava; .Directed by Charles Buggies, allow to happen Is ''''''r'''^'''''''''!Mi^JS Improbable and implausible. Bums smith David tAndau and Allen travel with them as share-I Maritza .Kathryn sergava expense passengers oh an auto trip IP*"*- wiiey .Donald Meek to California. So Insufferable are, ... . , , ,x their impbsltlohs/ Including * large I After being exploited for a solid ..Jean Muir sufficiently ^ well in nearer seven, with more than the : customary nuhiber of laughs evenly dlstrlbi^tet throughout. Its footige. Much stale slapstick figures, but considerable miaterial f rom an orlg Inal slant serves to offset that and Da^^d iSndau I maintain a fair entertainment pace for the picture. Can single away from New York.', Slim Sumimervllle Is paired up with Andy Devlne.. The two pro- vide a comedy combination that makes good use of the material. iilRfeD WIFE, . Ptnnacle. production, and - i ^lt-iS-e;. Stan Qreta , .Nlspen, with Weldon Heybuie, Molly b'Day/ Jafilliea Ktrkwooa |rf.aupJ|M^' tbireoted by/.Oeorge-lIieKord,. Aijavted _ novk .'The Fiaf^re,' hy Alijna SoaAerrtJ.' Photogrnphrv , Mack vfltengler, .-^^^- 'S!^^ N. y., on dQUWfl bia March lOOl, „ ibing time,-60 IhVna. ;A ' I ' Vtvtan. Mafthjiw^.y...;. -j..-.V^'^^^iSS- : tent Johns...............yf^cMo" J?W*S2 Philip Marlowe.i..«.«...James 'KirjcwoM Pat 8»lliy*n.,,.,.M.,v.....MollsciO Djr Doyle Jansen.• .Jeije^nw; Mrs: Jansen..*..lancup ^TavM* Aunt Mancha • • Cnrolyn OatM .Cfilestl....v..vclyn- Bennett' Hired Wlfe'.la the stpry of tk JglH' who marries a man under ah ajgree- ment to end it all after a year, the* he might Inherit a large sum « money, and then makes him.^'an, In love with her for keeps, wltlk the girl' (Greta NIssen) Irt love from the outset, the action mainly'OOn*. ceros. Itself with break!rig; down th« indlfforence .of the husband,. wh^. still has hli$. eyes on a yaupB, »*S taken from him by a coum' pm later rfetiirried. to the niatfltnonf • Carefully ptit together ?ind .«f- rected, the plot maintains higher iriterest thkn the average'indle oaa boast and" e^tcept for a little slowr ness abdht'mlddle, Is entertainment that comes close- to rariking with product'tuirned but by' the majore. ' A lltffe'too much attention Im. given thb-'^bfltorta of Jdmes Klrk- Wbbd tb''Interest the disappointed hired wife W the. art of flyhigr an* In pbsing for paintings. Otherwie*^ the ftctloh-builds from the begin- ning, setting a tiretty good pace an the way. ' Mlssi Nisisen. plays A Gei'man girl who's a charmlht eort when dressed, up right. : Her accent fits her nicely as the girl ^ intimates call 'Dutch/ Molly O'Daly Is her closest friend and Weldon Heyburn the husband who took a lease Oh her. All per- formances above avernge. <7h«r. great dane dOg they bring along ho^r as a gambler, drunkard, cheat that the comedy becomes injustice, and fraud. Warren William Is un- Biurns and Allen at no time In thel^^A in th* lajit thn^ minntAH Lowly ranch owners out In Mon picture are bumAn beings. They MJi* J.^^^^^^^ the boys come Into a cool are Instead a vaudeville team with T®***°"»tate himself In the grace of Uniuion when, radium holdli^s. are a comedy formula which Is In this the spectator. Apparently It was found on their, property, and With case fearfully overdone. ^{expected that this eoiild be done. |.this i^pltal ^steixt :out. for l^ndon to see the girl froni a neighboring ranch-=whb-ls-vlslting^a-tltle-rela--^ tlve. Her uncle had thought this the best nieajns of discouraging Slim's attentions. The boys take along Slim's horse PlSSSlteS^e'wiSK^^ with some buri^^^^^ that he gets the girl instead of tak- John, a sheriff with larceny In his Ing the Jail sentence he very richly soul. Alison Sklpworth has only a deserves. It took two persons to bit.. Boland and Rugglea are reprer think Up this Idea and two more to , sented as a couple of saps. Things write It, with a fifth sprinkling In and get themselves, entangled with are done to them. They themselves dialog supposed to help the script, the big bloods in humorops fashion, are dummies. Story and direction But the story is beyond saving, nor ] In the end they capture a mugg has permitted the Incredible vaude- is it worth salvage. parading a big shot who's wanted vlUlans to dominate the cast. William Is an expelled medical by the police aiid through this Slim More legitimate farce treatment student Who practices minus a wins his Montana girl friend., and less slapstick would have made license. A nurse (Jean Mulr) falls Leila Hyamd plays Slim's girl, a better picture. Lund. I In love with him. Under the false I looking pretty throughout, Ohar. Murder on the Campus George- R. Batohellar-Chesleineld pro4»»> tlon for State Right release. Directed W Richard Thorpe. Story by Whitman Cham- bers, adapted from The Campanile Min- der.' Photographed by M. A. Anderson Cast: Charles Btarrett J. Fnrrell Maod«a> »ld, Dewey Roblnaon. Jane Keckley, ward Van Sloan, Roth Hall. Shirley Orav. At Times, N, T., en double bill, two day* commencing March f. Running timet mlns. Doesn't happen often, but and then an Indle producer hlta on iall fours. 'Murder on tlie Campn* is a lot better than Its title would suggest. Intelligently developed, well cast, directed and mounted. It's good entertainment, though K probably will mean Uttio more thea the average at the box (^'lli cs. I Story tells of three v lers, b«t mttle aboiit the campr Murde (Continued on page 56)