Variety (Apr 1934)

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Tuesday, April 24, 1954 PICTURES VARIETY 51 CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES (Continued from page 29) We're Not Dressing'. Comedy of shipwrecked royalty.' Bins Crosby, Carole v Xtombard, Burns and Allen, Ethel Merman, Leon Errol. Dir. Norman ' Taurog. Bel. April 27. White Woman. Tropical story with '■ a brutal v nlte *k he' of an Island colony. Chas. Laughton, Carole Lombard, Chas. Blckford. Dir. Stuart W;.lker, 66 mins. Rel. Nov. 3. Be v. Nov. 21. You're Telling Me.' Fields as a small town garage man. W. C. Fields, Loan Marsh, Buster Crabbe, Adrlenne Ames. Dir. Erie Kenton. 66 mins. Bel. April 6. Bev. April 1.0, D« M >.»«i • 1270 Sixth Ave., rrincipal New York, n. y. Jaw* of Justice. Kazan,, the dog,, in a melodrama of the Northwest Mounted Police, with Richard Terry, and Ruth, Sullivan. 64 mihs. Bel. Dec. 15. Ferocious Pal. Kazan, -the dbg, In a thrilling mystery-melodrama of the sheep-raising country. Ruth Sullivan and Bobert Manning. ' 60 mins. Bel. Feb. 1... Ighling to Live. Captain, the. dog, and Lady, his mate, In a. story based on a true incident in their lives. Mary Shilling and Gaylord Pendleton. £0 mins. Bel. May. Studios: Hollywood, D If fi RarliA ce: R .K.O. B i d 0;»^ Calif, JV.1W.V. l^aqiO Radio City, N.Y.C. Broadway Through a Keyhole. Walter WinehelTs story of Broadway. Con- stance Cummings, Buss Columbo. Paul Kelly. Dir. Lowell Sherman, 90 mins, Bel. Oct. It. Rev; Nov. 7. Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back. Further adventures in crime solution; Bon- ald Colman, Loretta Young, Warner Oland, Charles Butterworth, Una Merkel. (No date set.) Catherine the Great. The story of Bussla's greatest ruler. Douglas Fair- banks, Jr., Elizabeth Bergner, Flora Bobson, Griffiths Jones. Dir. Paul Czlnner. 93 mins. Bel. April. 13. Bev. Feb; 20. Firebrand, The. The love life of Benvenuto Cellini. Fredrlc March, Constance Bennett, Frank Morgan, Fay Wray. (No date set.) Gallant Lady. An unwed mother who pays the price ot silence In order to be near her child. Dir. Gregory La Cava. Ann Hardin* Cliye Brook. Otto Kruger, Tulllo Carmlnatl. 82 mins. Bel,. Jan. 6. Bev. Jan. 23. Henry VI11 (British made). Henry and his alx wives. Chas.-Laughton. lr Alex. Korda. 93 mins. Bel. Oct. 16, - Bev. Oct. 17. House of Rothschild, The (20th Cent.). Strong drama of the house. George 'Arliss. Boris Karloft, Loretta Young. Dir. Alfred Werker. 94 mins. Bel. April 6. Bev. March 20 Release Prints On Acad. Forms I mings, Arllne Judge; April .17. Hollywood, April 23. Starting May 1, all release prints Thrills in the lives of telephone linesmen, , with a couple | processed in both Hollywood and side. Spencer Tracy, Jack Oj" ' ~ Dir. Wm. Wellman. 77 mine- Looking for Trouble. ... *— ... — . ~- , „ love stories on the side. ^SpencerTracy, Jack °* M &£°gg$ c £ C $$ : ] eaa tern laboratories, will conform with the new. standard release. Moulin Rouge. A talented wife proves her ability by a clever ImP^sonatlpn . as established following three ruse. Dir. Sidney Lanfleld. Constance Bennett. Franchot Tone, Tulllo form as eataDiisnea louowmg «>rc« Ace of Aces, ■ A pacifist goes to war and becomes a great aviator with a lust 1 for .killing. Bichard Dix,Elizabeth Allan, Ralph Bellamy. 78 mins. Dir. •J.. Walter Bubeni, Bel. : 'pct.-20; pev ; . Nov..l4. After-Tonight. A beautiful Russian spy falls In love with an Austrian spy But they place duty to' their countries above love. Constance Bennett, Gilbert Rqland, Dir.-George Arohalnbaud. 72 mins. Bel. Nov. 10. Rev. Nov. 7. , Appleby, Maker of Men. A tybman reforms two ot the. men in her '. life,, making a gentleman- bf. the rowdy and a rowdy of the gentleman.. .Wynne Gibson, Charles'Farrell, William Gargan. Zasu Pitts. Dir.'.Mark . Sandrlcjh,. 73 mins. .Bel...Nov. $.; Bev. Oct 24. lien Corn. ■;Talented .young, musician Realizes after a series of disappointing -■ love affairs that10ve : and . a career'Won't mix and chooses career. Ann , Harding, John BolesV Margaret Hamilton, Arnold Korff. Dir.: Edward H. Griffith. Bel;May 26. : , . ; f Vlckers. From-the ••Sin'elair Lewis novel: Irene. Dunn, Walter Huston) Conrad Nagel. Ipit* '.$ohn CromwelL m76 mins. Bel. Oct 13. Bev? Oct 3. •Adventure, v Adventure's In London; during one foggy night. Bobert Armstrong, Helen Mack, Roland; Young, Ralph Bellamy. Dir. Ernest B Carmihati. 70 mins. Bel. Jan. 19. Bev. Feb.. 13. land a half years' experimenting by ^"'•ph^ffHoSes.^!^aXlioiS Swll?^ Academy Research Council Arzner: 87 mins. Bel. Mar. 2. Bev. Feb. 6. | Motor start Palobka. The son of a prizefighter follows In his father's footsteps. h\ Ben- -jamlh Stoloff. Jimmle Durante, Stuart Erwin, Lupe Velez. Bell Jan. 26. Bev. March 6. Roman Scandals. A town simpleton transported in a dream-back to the grandeur that was Borne. Dir. Frank Tuttle. Eddie Cantor, Rutn Etting, Gloria Stuart 91 mihs. Bel. Dec. 29: Sorrell & Son. An epic of the iove between father and son... H. B. Warner, Peter Penrose. Hugh Williams, Winifred Shotter, Dir. Jack Raymond. Bel. April 20. Studloi Universal 'City, Calif.. Universal ' 730 Fifth Ave., New York, N. V. lorla Stuart Dir. V. Schertzlnger. Bel. lr. Ed. Marin. Rev. Beloved. Musical. John Boles, . \ Jan. >29. .Bev, Jan,.30. Bombay Mall; Edmund Lowe Production. Jan. 9. Black Cat, The, Mystery. KarloftV Winner. Bel. April 30. By Candlelight: Sophisticated comedy-drama. Paul Lukas, Ellssa Landi, Nils • Asther, Esther Ralston. Dir. James Whale. 70 mins. Bel. Dec. 18, ;. Rev Jan. -9.. David Manners. S lr. Edgar Schoedsack. 63 mlnB. ' Beleased Aug; 18. Rev. Nov. 7. Chance at Heaven*'Therich city girl who dazzles the country:, boy and mar-1 counsellor at LaW. Drama, \ r rles hAm only to sehd nim bac;k to his small town sweetheart. Joel Wyler. Bel. Dec. 26. Bev. Dec. 12. ••-:-.V-MoC>ea, 'Ginger .Rogers.- Marlon Nixon. Dir. William Selter. 72 mins. , CounteM 0 f Monte Crlsto. Drama. Fay Wray, Paul Lukas, Paul Page, ' Released Oct. 27- Bev. Dec. 27. . ? : mel Meyers, Reginald Owen, Rel. March .19. Rev,. April 3. Crinie-Doctor. A-famous detective, ieakfois of his wife who ho longer loves cross County Cruise. Comedyrdraroa.' Lew AyreB,.June Knight, Alice White him; plans the' rperfect crime. .Otto, Kruger, Karen Morley, Nils Asther, Dir. Eddie Buzzell. 78 mins. Bel. Jan. 16. Rev. Jan. 23. Judith = Wood. . ; Dir. John Rohertson.^ Bel. April 27. I' Devil's Paydayy The. Drama: Nile Asther,. Gloria Stuart. -Dir. Max Marctn, mark and over cues have not been changed nor their relative positions altered. The revisions embody, a reduction in the length of various portions of the leader. Some' of the new specl follow: Protective leader: Will either, be transparent or raw stock not more than six feet or le!ss than four feet. part title: Will ontain frames, reduced from the former four'feet. Synchronizing leader: 20 frames ahead of start mark,. then 12 feeti including start mark, to picture. Deluge, The'. Odd story of the world'after a second deluge. Peggy Shannon; Lois Wilson, Sidney Blackmer. Matt-Moore. . Dir. Felix E. Feist Bel. Sept 16. Rev. Oct 10. .} Finishing School. A-young boarding school girl becomes involved with, a young doctor. ' Ginger Sogers. -Frances Dee, Bruce Cabot. : BiUie Burke, Dir. Wanda Tuohrock and George Nicholls, Jr. Bel, May 4. Flying, pown to R|o. Musical extravaganza' which takes place In the air above Bio de Janeiro, Dolores Del Bio, Gene Baymond, Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire.. Raoul Roullen.. Dir. Thornton" Freeland. 89 mihs. Bel. Dec. 29.' Rev. Dec. 27. .; ' Goodbye Love. A butler and his master both become Involved with gold diggers. Charlie Buggies, Verree Teasdale. Mayo Methot, Sidney Blafek- mer, Phyllis Barry. Dir. by H. Bruce Humberstone. 66 mins. Bel. Nov. 10. *. ' ] . Keep 'Em Rolling. One man's life-time devotion to his loyal army horse. Walter Huston k Frances Dee, Robert Snayne, Frank Conroy. Dir. George . Archainbaud. Bel. March 2. Ips, "Hips, Hooray. Musical girl show. Bert Wheeler, Bobert Woolsey, Buth Etting, Dorothy Lee, Thelma Todd, George Meeker, Phyllis Barry. Dir. John Barrymore. Bebe Daniels. Dir. Wm | Section to start mark reduced 12 frames. Runout trailet: Will be opaque, 'three feet in length. Reduced from alx feet. Ehd-ofr-part-tltle: 24.. frames in each, is plainly, printed in black let- ters on white background; (a) end of part, (b) part number and (c) picture title. T*hls section reduced from four feet to 24 frames.- Mark Sandrlch. Bel. Feb. 2. Bey. Feb. 27. If I Were Free. A modern romance of twb people, disappointed In marriage, who meet and try to find happiness together in their way. Irene Dunne. CHve Brook, Nils Asther, Henry Stephenson. Dir. Elliott Nugent 66 mihs. Bel. Dec. 1. Bev. Jan. .9. Utile. Women. Talker version of the Louisa Alcott story. Katberlne Hep- burn, Joan Bennett, Paul Lukas, Frances Dee?-Jean Parker, Edna Mae Oliver. Dir. Geo. Cukor. 117. m us...: Bel. Nov. 24. Bev. Nov. 21. Long Lost Father. Story In a London nlte club. John Barrymore, Helen Chandler, Dir. Ernest B. Schoedsack. 62 mins. Bel. Jan. 19. Bev. Feb. 27. •■ Lest Patrol, The. A detachment- of British soldiers lost on the Mesopotamian desert are attacked by unseen Arabs with dramatic results. Boris Kar- loft. Victor McLaglen, Wallace Ford,' Beginald Denny, Alan Hale. Dir. John Ford. . Bel. Feb. .16. Rev. April'3. Man of TWo Worlds. An Eskimo, his illusions shattered by a glimpse of Lon- don civilization, returns to his own people and is brought back to reality by. his infant son. Francis Lederer* Ellssa Landi, Henry Stephenson, Walter Byron, Steffi Duna, J. Farrell MacDonald, Sarah Padden. Dir. J. Walter Ruben. 92 mins. Bel. Feb. 9. Bev. Jan. 16. Meanest Gal in Town. Farce comedy love in the beauty parlor. Zasu Pitts, El Brendel, Pert Keltoh, James Gleaison. Dir. Rich. Schayer. 61 mins. Bel. Jan. 12, Bev. Feb. 20. Idshlpman Jack. Annapolis story. Bruce. Cabot, Frank Albertson, Arthur Lake, Betty Furness. Dir. Christy Cabanne. 70 mins. Bel. Sept 29. Bev. Nov. 21. Of Human Bondage. A poignant story of a man who faces life as a partial cripple. Leslie Howard, Be'tte Davis,. Reginald Denny, Reginald Shef- field, Alan Hale. Dir. John Cromwell. Rel. June 1. Rafter Romance. A story ot Greenwich Village. Ginger Rogers, Norman Foster, Geo. Sidney. Laura Hope Crews, Robt Benchley. Dir. Wm. Selter. 76 mins. Bel. Sept. 1. Bev. Jan. 16. Right to Romance, The. A famous woman beauty specialist decides to go on Bel. June 4. Crosby Case, The. Drama, Wynne Gibson, Onslow Stevens, William Collier. .Rel. March 6. Rev. April 3. Embarrassing Moments. Comedy-drama. Chester Morris, Marlon, Nixon Dir. Ed. Laemmle. Bel. May 14. Glamour. Comedy-drama. Constance Cummings, Paul Lukas. William Wyler. Bel. April 9. Gun Justice,. Western. Ken Maynard. Rel. Dec. 18. Rev. April 3. Half a Sinner; Drama. Joel McCrea, Sally Blane, Buster Churchill. 1 Dir. Kurt Neumann. Bel. May 7 Honor of the Range, Western. Ken Maynard. Dir. Alan James. Bel. April. 16. Her First Mate. Comedy. Summervllle-Pitts. Dir. Wm. Wyler. Rel. Aug. 1 Bev. Sept 6. Horse Play. Comedy. Summervllle-Devlne, Dir. Ed Sedgwick. . 27 Bev. March 13. : I Like It that Way. Musical. lorla Stuart. Dir. Harry Lach man. Bel. Feb. 12. I'll Tell the World. Comedy. Lee Tracy, Gloria Stuart, Boger Pryor. Bel April 16. Invisible Man. Mystery-drama. Claude Rains, Gloria Stuart Henry Travers; fight between Mrs Una O'Connor. Dir. James Whale. 70 mins. Rel. Nov. 13. Rev. Nov. 21 King for a Night. Comedy-drama. Chester Morris, Alice White, Helen Twelvetrees. Dir. Kurt Neumann. 78 mins. Rel. Oct. 30. Rev. Dec. 12. Ladles Must .Love. Musical. Broadway story. June Knight, Nlel Hamilton, Sally O'Neill. Dir. E. A. du Pont. 60 mins, BeL Sept. 26, Bev. Dec. 6. Let's Be Ritzy. Comedy-drama, Lew Ayres, Patricia Ellis. Frank McHugh, Isabelle Jewell, Hedda Hopper. Dir. Edward Ludwig. Bel. March 26. Little Man, What Now? Drama. Margaret Sullavan, Douglass Montgomery ' Dir. Frank Borzage. Bel. May 21. Love Birds. Comedy. Slim Summervllle, Zasu Pitts. Dir. Wm. Selter. Love, Honor and Oh, Baby. Comedy Gleason, Veree Teasdale, Donald Meek. Rel. Oct 16. Bev. Oct 81. Madame Spy. Drama: Fay Wray. Nils Asther.- Dir. Karl Kreund. 70 mine. Bel. Jan. 8. Bev. Feb. 13. Midnight. Drama. Sidney Fox, Henry Hull, O. P. Heggle. Dir. Chester Ersklne. Bel. Jan. 22. Bev. March 13. Myrt and Marge. Musical. Myrtle Vail, Donna Domerl), Eddie Foy, Jr., Ted Healy, Grace Hayes, J. Farrell MacDonald. Dir. Al Boasberg. 66 mlnB. Bel. Dec. 11. Bev. Jan. 23 Only Yesterday. Dramatic love story. J,ohn Boles, Margaret Sullavan. Beg inald Denny, Billle Burke. Dir. John StahL """ ~ Bev. Nov. 14. Saturday's Millions Football story: Robt. Young, Leila Hyama, Johnny Mack Brown. Dir. Edw. Sedgwick. 76 mins. Bel. Oct. 9. Bev. OcV 17 Strawberry Roan, The. Story of a wild horse and his conquest. Ken May nard, Buth Hall. Dir. Alan James. Bel. Oct. 26. Rev. Dec. 12. Poor Rich, The. Comedy. Edna May AHver, Edward Everett Horton. Dir Ed. Sedgwick. Rel. Feb. 26. Dir. Eddie Buzzell, 63 mins. a spree and becomes involved in a series of exciting adventures. Ann uncertain Lady. Comedy-drama. Genevieve Tobin. Edward. E. Horton. Dir. Hardh.g, Nils Asther,-Sari Maritza, Irving PIchel. Dir. Alfred Santell 67 mins. Bel. Nov. 17. Rey. Dec. 19. Ing and Like It. Gangster backs a. Broadway show and makes sure of good '.review^; by finishing' special 'escorts' for each reviewer. Zasu Pitts, Pert Kelton, Edward Everett Horton> Nat Pendleton, Ned Sparks. Dir. William Selter. 69 mins. Bel. April 20. Bev. April .17. 8on 6f Kong. Further adventures of Carl Denham, the director who brought. King Kong to civilization, this time With the Son of Kong. Bobert Arm- strong, Helen Mack. Frank Belcher, John Marstoh. Directed by .Ernest B. Schoedsack. 69 mins. Bel. Dec. 22. Bev. Jan., 2. Spitfire. A powerful story which deals with a beautiful mountain "witch" whose naivete, temperament and personality combine wickedness, and imriiaculatenesB,. Katharine Hepburn, Robert Young^ BaIph_Bellamy, Karl Freiind. Bel. April 23. Wheels of Destiny. Western. Ken Maynard. Dir. Alan James. Bel. Feb. 19. Bev. April 3. _ . . studio.: B«rbank. |f Warner Brothers OWci, t!>ffiSv^ As the Earth Turns. Epic in the romance of American life and a revelation of the character of the New England farmer taken from the story of Gladys Hasty Carroll. Jean Mulr. Donald Woods, Dorothy Peterson, Dir. Alfred E. Green. 73 mins. Rel. April 14. Bev. April 17. College Coach. A football story with a new twist. Dick Powell,. Ann Dvorak. Pat O'Brien and Lyle Talbot Dlr- William A, Wellman; 77 mins- Bev. Nov. 14. ^..„„ 0 , .„ v .,„,, MO iiC Beli Nov..4 MaVum'slVoper, Sldney^*ToleV 1 c ^oui , s , Masom ■'im'^^S^^JM.nL^m I Disraeli. Political drama of England. George Arliss, Joan Bennett Dir. Ai- Cromwell, Bel. March 30. Bev. Marfch 30; 1 ' ' «» « Stlngaree. Notorious Australian bandit of the "Robin Hood" type with a flair" for the esthetic things of life. Irene Dunne, Blchard DIx, Conway Tearle, Mary Bpland. Dir. WilHani\Wellman. Bel. May 26. Strictly Dynamite. A poet becomes a ^gaVwriter for a famous radio comic. Jimmy Durante, Lupe Velez, Norman Foster, Marian Nixon. Dir. Elliott Nugent' Rel. May 11. Success Story. . The ruthless rise to power and wealth of a boy of the New I York telement district. Douglas Fairbanks. Jr., Colleen Moore, Gene- vieve Tdbin, Frank Morgan. Dir. J. Walter Buben. Bel. March 16. This Man Is Mine. To preserve her marriage a young wife virtually hurls her husband into the arms of his first love. Irene Dunne, Constance Cummings, Ralph Bellamy, Kay Johnson. Dir. John Cromwell. 75 1 mins. Bel.. April 13. Rev. April 17. TWo Alone. An orphan girl and a young boy who escaped from a reformatory fall in love and try to escape the inhuman farmer who keeps them enslaved on his farm. Jean Parker, Zasu Pitts, Tom Brown. Arthur Byi-on. Nydla Westman, BeiAlah Bondl, Willlard Bobertson. Emerson Ttacy. Dir. Elliott Nugent. Bel. Jan. 6,. 1934. Bev. April 10. Spend the night in an unusual hotel where the host, a philosopher, Bhows •■them the/ error of their way. Clive Brook, Diana Wynyard, Beginald .Owen, Billle Burke, Alan Mowbray, Gilbert Emery. Dir. J. Walter -Ruben. Rel. May 18. Wild Cargo. Frank Buck's, expedition Into the Asiatic jungles to capture wild animals. Frank Buck. Dir. Armand Denis. Bel. April 6. WnereS^nh^ , ... ^ . .1.. ■ - —— the characters of Carl Ed's comic strip. Hal LeRoy, Rochel.le Hudson, Patricia Ellis, Guy Klbbee. Dir. Murray Roth. 66 mihs. Rel. April 7. ■ Heat Lightning. Thrilling romance of desert love and hate, based on the Broadway stage hit by Leon Abrams and George Abbott; Aline Mac- Mahon, Ann Dvorak, Llyle Talbot, Prcstort Foster. Dir. Mervyn LeRoy. 63 mins. Rel. March 3. Rev. March 13. Nellie. Comedy-drama of a newspaper 'love' columnist Paul Muni. Glenda Farrell, Kathryn Sergava. Dir. Mervyn Le Roy. Rel. Jan, 20. Rev. Feb. 6. House On 56th Street. Drama of a gambling lady. Kay Francis, Rlcardo Cortez Gene Raymond, Margaret Lindsay and Frank McHugh. Dir. Robert Florey. 68 mlnB. Rel. Dec 23. Rev. Dec. 6. (Continued on page 32) United Artists ° mcM! 7M N ?w V Yo?k A N:'Y. H '' Advice to the Lovelorn. Romance and adventures ot reporter who edits the * agony column and eventually" exposes the drug racket Dir. Alfred Werker; Rel.. Dee; -Rev.. Deo. 19. lood Money, The bait'bond racket with a love angle. Geo. Bancroft, Frances ] Dee. Dir. Rowland Brown. 66 mins. Bel. Nov, 17. Bev. Nov. 2L Passes Artificial Theatre Stimulator; Uniqne Nabe Suit Denver, April- 23. Tjhe flnishlhg toiiches to the court Clara Moldel and Mrs. Frances Mltcheletti the Comet, nabe house, was put on, when the supreme court decided Mrs. Mlchelettl, as an Individual and an executrix of her husband's estate, owed Mrs. Moldel $4,290 be- cause of alleged fraud and 'decep- Sllm Summervllle, Zjbu Pltts^Lucllle | tlon practiced by Mrs. Mlchelettl and her late husband, John B., when they were attempting to sell the theatre. In 1931 Mrs. Moldel wanted to buy the Comet, and the Micheletti's, ac- cording to the 6ourt findings, repre- sented the gross at 3450 a week. Mrs. Moidel thought she could make money' on this figure, so bought the theatre, took a nve-year lease with privilege of renewal, and took an option ,on the building and real es- tate. Price of theatre was $6,000. Mi's. Moldel found out In a hurry -that crowds' at the Comet had been stimulated by the liberal use of passes during the period negotia- tions were going on, and the house showed a- loss, week after week, Mrs. Moidel went into court and asked damages, th. the. meantime 1 Mr. Mlchelettl had been killed In an auto accident, so Mrs; -Moidel sued his widow as an Individual end as executrix of jthe estate. .'• the lower; court found; for Mrs. Moldel and Mrs. Mlchelettl ap- pealed. In her appeal Mrs. Mlche- lettl claimed Mrs. Moldel bought only theatre equipment and not good will, as a going concern. The supreme court, said that even though Mrs. Mlchelettl claimed, she sold only theatre equipment and 1 other personal property, Mrs. Moldel had been the victim 'of trickery and fraudulent misrepresentations, conr ,cernlng the attendance at the the- atre and the receipts of the busi- ness.' The court also said: 'Mrs. Moidel bought the property and took the = leaSe^fbr :i tmT'(SJCprfe^^riTpv3c^-ot continuing, the theatre business then being, conducted on the. premises, and that the defendants sold the property and gave the lease to Mrs. Moidel for that very purpose; is too clear to admit of argument. And that Mrs. Motd>l suffered a pecu- niary damage by reason of the fraud and trickery practiced, upon them by the defendants is. equally beyond question.' fred Green. 88 mins. Be-rel. Dec. 16. Easy to Love. A frothy farce. Adoiphe Meojou, Genevieve Tobin, Mary Astor, Guy Kibbee, Edward Everett Horton. Dir. William Kelghley. 61 mins. Bel. Jan. 20. Bev. Jan. 16. Ever In My Heart. War theme story, but without conflict angle. German- American husband and an American wife. Barbara Stanwyck, Otto Kruger, Balpb Bellamy. Dir. Archie Mayo. 70 mins. BeL Oot 28. Bev. Oct 17. Footllght Parade. Gala musical with backstage locale. James Cagney, Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell. Dir. Lloyd Bacon. 129 mins. Dances by Busby Berkeley. Bel. Oct 2. Bev. Oct. 10. From Headquarters. A crime drama With a murder committed right In head- quarters. George Brent, Margaret Lindsay and Eugene Pallette. Dir. William Dleterle. 63 mins. Rel. Dec. 2, Rev. Njv. 21. Gambling Lady. Based on the drama by Doris Malloy of a gambling lady who is such a sport she Is willing to sacrifice her love to save her hus- band from a murder charge. Barbara Stanwyck. Joel McCrea, Pat O'Brien, Claire Dodd. Dir. Archie Mayo. 66 mins. Bel. March 3L Bev. April 10