Variety (May 1934)

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vAnmrr Tuesdaj, May 22, 1934 Vari ety B ills NEXT WEEK (May 25) THIS WEEK (M^^y 18) Numeral* iii connection with bill* beidW indicate openin0 day of show. Whether f till, or ftplit week EKOKHAM T*Wt» BonnerelU SHEPH'BDS BUSH PatUIob Sonny Rich _ 80UTHAI& r*lace Sonny Kioto STAUOTOBD mUL Bescnt Val Rosing . STBA<rF6BD Broadwagr Fay Qawn STBKAT0AM Bonnerelli 3 Anatraliaa Boy« Hugh Onnoa<l WBSt HAM Klaemai lat halt (Sl-at> Co aa t>ool(ed .. M half (24-80) Erneat BhliitnoB Co aa boofc«4,.' WnCBI'BXOM Palate de Qanoe Blllotta Paramount ProYnidal Stm TCHaK €IT¥. Palace (2&) Ruiz & fionlta Arrcn & Broderick Owen McGtvney Buster West Bddie South Ore • (18) Honey' Fam Bill. Aaronson D"&"Ei Barstow- Vlq Oliver , : Rlmaca Co (18). • • ■Hot & Bothered* , Howard Fine & H Armlda- May & Carroll CUlVBI^AND Palac« («8> NEW TQBft CITT Parambimt (2S> F .& J Hubert Shea & Raymond Trojans . . i Martha Ray Raymond Baire . AVSTIN Paramoan^ (SO) kr & Mrs- Crawford I Let's Cheer . (M)- » ^ Mr & Mrs, .Crawford .OM THEIB 33rd WEEK with =; Apolldn Co. RUTH And GAIL Placed' by' LEDDY & SMITH 1th Ballew.Orp ' Academy" ' V tst '.halJ Ci6-28)> i!flljlle,>lau8? Allen & Kent -' lilted Doiiohue ' Bob Hall : • ■ - Russian Art Rev 2d halt (>29v31) . Bill Roblnaon . ■ IFoiur^ to fill) ;.2d halt (22-24): -Bobbins 3 . ; ' Oracle Barry Bobble. Gilbert Brlant Rains & T ' Buslet "Wert' .• < BROOKETN Albee (26) e' 'Whirlwinds Paul Gerrlts V4o Oliver . iTWo'tO fill) . . 1. (18) Moore & Revel Jerome Mann Heliasa Mason * Lewis & Van Phil Harris Ore .^Iieah- Ray: • • Bfadison lot half (26-27) Senator Murphy ( mi) • • - let half (19-20) CHcIMensens' ' 2-lDaveys Ruth Denning & B Ross &' Bdwards P'e'Gauchl, JaP9 TilyoQ. •m half (26-27) Panclng .Maniacs (Four to fill) . .lat half (19-20) S Rhythm Olrls Val IrVIng M' & A Skelly Kramer & Boyle XiOU & Evelyn Rfev CHICAGO Palac> (25) Jarrett & Holnt Murr'y & Charlest'n curt Edwarda BBS MOINES Keith's -2d haW (22-54:) ■ ^aMy,Rand Co-.,. DETROIT Fox (2ft> .. Franlde Connors 3 Randalls How&rd 'Flhe St H' Hudson. Wdinders''' (One t0 fill) (1$> Brttt wood'' Hal I^eRoy . Miirr'y ft Charlest'n Adler ft Brb'dfo^d VATUBfkB . Malnstree^. (18) . Oeorge Olsen Ore Ethel Shutta . MiNNKAPOUS Orpheom (25) Sally Rand Co NE.WABK Proctw'a (25) Kings Scandals (18) Capt Willie MauBB Am'es ft Arb'o Bddle South Ore Chaa Foy . Ruiz ft Bonlta NEW BBUNSWICK' Kefth's. . let half (19^20) 3 Frenpb - Misses- Scooter Lowry . HarirlBoti •& Edm«) .Lou Duthers. 8I0JJX ,piTir. "' fteltli'rf ' 1st halt (18-21) Sally Rand Co : STBACV8E : . Ke|th> (W) Benny Davla Co TRENTON Capitol 1st halt (18-21) Hilton Sis Rev 2d halt (22-24) Senator Murphy Dawn ft Barrow R (Two to .flU) BOSTON MetrdppUtan Wi) Dave ?'Apolloh Co ' BUFFAIiO. BnlTal? .(25) (SeoVge Ra,ff Marie' Hollla CHICACiO Chicago (2(>) . Harriet HoctO'r CO Arnaut Brosi >. > Sims'ft'-^aWy" Al Nonnan .' Park & Clifford teMay & Louise ..Chas'. Barnea - Marbro.:(18) Sl'at^ Bt'os " June 'Puraell"< VoJt, & Wialter^, Ray ft SAnshine 4 Ortbns Oriental (2B> DuPonts Ross & Edwards Jeani Boydell (18).. Radio ROugeq Qlhl DeQiiincy- ft Ij Mulllns. Sis . Vernon Cral Week of Hay 21 BIBHENOHAM Hippodrome (Qene D'Beiknls Jack. Daly Alee Halla . 3 Wiere Broa Hattott' ft Mannera Sybil Bowman Melson ft Irinanet'tfe Geraldihe--ft Joe- Dale Ermon Ontlyin; (25) Al Norman MelBon .ft .Irmanette | Park ft Clifford. Romm ft 'Gaut' Rusa Carr,, Terrlanoa BRAbrOBB Albambni I^ayton ft Johnstone Max Hoffman <3enl DeQulncy' ft 'L .4 > White :EIaahea Hal Menken Begal (25) Fess' Williams Bd, BETBOIT Mlctalgali (25) Slmms ft Bailey Plchlanna .Tr . ' ^ Ann Prltchard * FORT WORTH Worth (26); H Timberg'B .(3p SAN ANTONfO . Texaa.(26) Let's Cheer Warner EU^ABETH Bits 1st halt (l'9-22) N T a Paradise Rev PHrLADBLPHIA .Eaflv (26) ' Cab Calloway Rev Ni'codemuB S Percol'atera ' Elmer Turner Alda Ward (18) Herbert Lynn ft P Ada Br6wn. Hollywood Rey '' Traqr .ft. ,Vinette(. Tex .iifeljeod CottrllloB , Harvard M. ft K BBIGHION • Ulppodroafee Geio ,I?obejr ... : Dolores' Andre - ft D Ted' Ray." '■• •' Danny Upton S Anderson 'ft Allen Colllhson ft Dean Levan<ta% Dave' Pobia Blondle 'Htuilar EDINBCBO BegoBt . ■ Xnt halt (21-23) Schofleld ft Bar.qlay • 2d halt (2f4-2^ .Amigoa'! OMt$0€|W,., ' Emplito Roy Fox Bd Hill ft Hoffman Denver ft DavlB George Hard .14691) .ft .Iluceito' Mr'Thomas Topsy-Turvy 2 I.EITH Capitol 1st halt (21-tS) Amlgos 2d halt (24-2«> Stuart ft Lash : .George Raft. WASmNOTOM Earle. (25) 1 Chappelle ft Carlt'n Kirk ft. Lawrence Seller ft Wills . George Price (18) Roye and Maye 'Rev Paul Oerltts F ft J Hubert- I^apy Zeke ft B . . C Lyons ft London j Sch^^e^ ft^wlay hdependent Empire E ft B Watera Forsytbe S ft F Lillian Burgisa T Hshdley Co E ft B Myles Clapham ft Qwrer Fayre 4 Rigid'- Fred Llljr MorrlB„,. HANCHBdtEB. -—Palace' '"' .Qarilalo ft -Bvowde G. 3; MelTin Power ft ^ge BObby May Murray ft Mooney Wright ft Marlon' Van S.trattona Tracy' ft Hay •Uly Moore ' French Fa.irj^ ft C . n6ti^oh^i« Kmplre Mexaho • Bd'" gierry. Broa ,. v. Ick Henderson ^ Geo Ikcy Betty fts Buddy Payne ft HlUiard ■Mlto' »•" • ' ' Qohald ^tuart Synco Nympha BWANdBA *■ EttQiIro'' • ' Loiibi ArroBtrong Rdl Lo^ 'ft Webster Jlettera Geo . Bettpn v . Bcbvell dc Wheldon Lucille Benstead Tinymlte ft Welt'rd Graham ft Scott WOKVKBHABlPT'k ^ Hippodrome - Hutch . ; , , Randolph. Button Allca Lloyd' Daisy Wood Roslo Lloyd Marrlo Lloyd,. Jr Connor ft Drake Buckleys Van Cleefa Barbaira Wood D'Alba CHICAGO : State lAke (18) Blanche Sweet ' Joe' PhllllpS' > Pat Kennedy , Barnejr-Gtant Co HOLI«YWOdB Chinese (IndeC'Xoa) Gantbar.ellt Jack Powell Cookie Bowers Jackie Hughes Billy Severln iOO -Voice ^EnB' LOS ANGELES Orphenm (17) '2 Cosisacks Lester Raymond Tuler St Clair R ft M Carter Panne Sis Willard Hall . •wmiifed H- & B MUllon BoUnr (10) Larrlck ft Knapp Bernlvlcl ft Peck • :Paul ft Paulliie ' Montrose ft Kay 3 Blue Blazea Cabarets Hotel Neir Toriur 1 Bita Tow«9 | "Opem OkiV* Charlie Davie Ore I Mat Harris Orp | Bdwina Morshon HauBtQh ft Harden I Rosslaa Krettehowi | Lawrence Salerno Loata Lane I Kuznetsoff ft -N I Tom Gentry Oroh Ruby Wright'. I Bamovati I ^oae Rtvas .Oroh Hotel''M>«rlvMil<» Mmo Nlcollna; lP>««e ft Harris Don Beator Ore Baron ft Blair Hotel Pierre Ja^ck Denny Ore Hotel Boosevelt Reggie Childe Oro Hotel WtaltehaU Don BIgelow. Kelly's . Chiqulta ' Ven.eBia Ptfggy La Plants JoQinne Mc(3auley Evelyn Thiaw^. Claire Osgood ' Danrfy. Kiggens Ira' .Tarnell Carloa Lopes Billy Plaza Blaine McQoy Carlo's ft Marchan Radneff Simon PhllipofI Faliner House Kjll ^^^J Ted .Wpems Orch Mon'negro & Dort(BT<Lyata & Joresco P zam'a .Qypfy- Bd- atonic •ft-.'Vornon' ' 'Savoy-Plalia j 4 Cent's. Freddie Martin Otc .^J^'^^^^ ' • ScrneVs Wab ■ 'Gertrude Moody I'Zora Gray.--' I::.^ Put Whalen...,'- Billy Calllgah,!. Ann. ROBS' Chri.B Meeh^ni, '. Slnglptoa iblnb Bndor 'ft Farrell 'Estelie' TitylOri King's Jestersi' Wm VoAmfit pro 'Sherry [s'j Hdrry BuaH''bro Paromoqnt-.^ Dora Vaiighn Phil White Julla..aerlty Edna RusV MisB Harnett •Pfcarl Trio • • Ralqbo Ontdeas Samovar Leon Lavarde Dawn Sis Lyte Smith Orch Alice Rydner ' Terrace Garden Roma Vincent' Alnsley Lambert K Clyde Lucaa Ore- Tin Paa Alley Al Sander's , Efid'ie Hayea Crf,n,e 31s. Vernon Cral Owen" Lorry. BaThey Qugle gjM^^t. J«^ood,brldg4 Floyd Townea Ore VU Lago Bobby O'raham Crane MRuasell Orch Zita ft Mnrcelle Jack' HoDsh Wanda Kay- AI Handler Bd 225. Club Al Gar bell . Edna Leonard Billy Richard Art West Jean LaMarr Joe Oat>ella ft- Orch i * ■ Kings Terrace 8*. Mortta. -^te^ Vl^eoiv Belasoo 0rch. WllklnB. ft. Mejters Sid Tomaok- '"' Rich'dson Oro Xeon ft Eddie's Chas Dmw Bd.. '' Ron P^irry . Orch .. • Madison : -1 Pancho Ore Lincoln _ . Walker b'Nell'a Ore Dwiglit Pleke ' Ubrteii's Blvlem Sheila 'Barrett I ,; 6t^>'Regl«'-Hotel LOS ikirOELES LOS ANGEl'ES .miltmore .Bowl HaV Roberta .Orch Cafe de Paree vhnMnt \Tinni>rl0rc Hackelr ft-^Gray - surf Clubi , I^Thda'ft' Boh* • ■ ' Jack Myers Ore-J BflnrCWlUmslrth ; • .Charlotte atufrle | Cocoannf Grove , Xift GrlUi I veloz ft JFolanda Qeo ;EJall .<?rch; |Ted Flo.TRlt<f • Prph ..Tavern,, .B'hlyB .1.. pjinh, Bnllyboo _ 3 Peaches If.. ■■ 1' ' Harry Rjtchman .,.1 .j ■r.r.-'i ^^'' -.y „ • • Ann Gceenway r . .1 J*^.S'?.;W^rffty; :Ore . Dona^^ Fred B'erreha 'Qr'd- T'." ihWre Cale"" Marlboroagh Hon»[ fciiM. s^rickiin4 Ore ^jMcNally" Vivian VanceM" l lTeiihr-FiA" ' • - Michael..,^ar.^n> Ore j.-.uiXM Xoc' Mori's Best I Arthur Boron ! Nye Mayhew's -pre I Crosp; & Dunn. Mbdiln Bouge. Larry McMahon 1 Mlml. RplUns • > Connie Lang ■' ''I'f&meroy'Girls , Elea;nore Gardner ,1 Buddy Fishers lOrc' Frank Moriy 1^ ■ •'' ■ -r'.-.-' Donald Faverot Ore - ' '..Cotton CInb Erilnigtoh Orch .Hollywood StabI lBu{;'KB.'nan Co. Ted & Laurel '1i'e(Ji.:P*orttq., >fbhla Hoi Joe ''Lewis' Oreb :.'!'''iPa*te-lnh Little Morocco P,ep, il^ontrelll Orca. • , .,Monte., Carlo Jap Wilde. . „' Cnria Moiilel Rose Vali'dfli"" Morello Bros ' Shayejl^ "ft R .2 t Mill's Martin a-rinl Or«hi| ;T«cany He^l" , NantlUns Club Dave, Bernla Pro .1 New Wonder Siar.. (Union City) Ann Pennington Bernard .ft Rich Gale Tracy ft U Lily Lido Noel ShernitCta. Billy Arnold Joe Pape' Edith Lowe Ernie Golden pre Old Boumanian B Thomaahofsky I.Bela; Loblov, ' :IJbangf.,Club Reglna Zuchenberg Ruth Pelmar Fanchon & Marco Loew NEW YORK CITF Capitol (26) Fred Waring Co, Boulevard 1st half (25-28) Jack Joyce Co WiUock & Caraon Sid Page Co Betty Jane Cooper Lathi'op Bros - 2d half (29-31) Joe BelL ft Sis Joileph Pope Jones Carl Shaw Co Anthony & Rogers Lew-Duthers. Co < .Orplieum let liaU (25-28) Chas Carrer ' O'Nollt ,& Manrtors Rela ■ & Dunn Stuart St Lash Co 2d hnlf (29-31) 4 Gyrnllfl 3. JcHtern ■ HiirlAn & St John Senator Murphy Larry Rich Co Lupe Velez Valencia (26) Raoul ft Eva Reys I Jay Mills NEW YORK CtTT Jean Devereaux Pettet ft Douglas Jack Pepper Wesley Eddy Foster Girls (Others to fill) DENVER Orphenm (24) Mtchoii Bros Bob Murphy Phil Spitalny Ore BALTIMORE Century (26) Abe. Lyman Q'rc BOSTON Loew's Orplionm (25) Elane & -Douglas Stone ft Lee Gordon Reed ft K Joe .Browning Bryant Rains ft'T (One to fill) JERSEY CITY Loew's (26) 3 Olympics. Irene .Taylor 3 Swifts Carl Freed Ore Gertie Green (17) Street Singer Mack Jack ft Al' HadJ All liOS ANGELES Paramonnt (24) Helen Morgan J. C. FUppen Co (17) Kate Smith PHILABELPHIA Fox Sax. ft Kaye (Others to fill) ^ SAN FRANCISCO Orphenm (2.6) Olaen ft Johnson (48) ^ Ben Bernie Ore NEW tOSK CITY ^l^omiplB Hcttel. [■ :.OlBb Blchmaa .Copkle, F'rchlld Orel Jack Mason: Rev Jatk.KIng 1 - ..^ ~— Alrnne Beat Ernie Hulst Arrowhead Irving Conn Ore Bal Musette Millard ft Anita George' Marshal Pierrots • Madam Georgette Mme Tvette Leon Bedo're Apache Ore Bal Tabarla Betty Calton Paco ft Etstelle Can.-Can Ore Beaox Arte Luclen La Riviere Thomara Dorlva Clara Larlnoyn Inez La Vail Clolhlel Berryeasa Norman Astwood Stitan ft Marl Lido Otrls' pro Commodore Hotel leham Jones prp, Isabel 'Brown Getto* CInb C C Rev Adelaide Hall Jimmy Lupcoford O Ocoydoa Hotel Charles Bcfcela Ore OebnoBlco's Blanche ft Blllott N Morton ft Boys Sid Tomack Selma King Dorothy Van Alst Sateh ft Satchel Joe Venutl ft Orch Dubonnet Joe Fejer Oro B Ch|co TiBtnco. ft Lorca Las AJedaa Adellna Dumn Ethel Bennet Anna FloirdOrovna Viola Cody Co Sammy Calton Dot<othy Lee Helen Dean Sylvia Strands. Frances Loring. Hy Lemberg Ted Edwards Grahowsky Orch Paradise NTQ Rev Peter Hlggens Johnson Ore Felicia Sor^l 1 „ . , Orlando Rlcarde Maurice Shaw Orch I ^ .3 q 3 Lopez's Hawallans | pngp Areas London Week of May 211 BUtmore Bleau. Alfred Brlto Ore Black Kat Luigl Boflsert BooC OFFICIAL DENTIST TO THE N. V. A. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL PARAMOUNT BUILDING This Week: Mildred Linn, Bosooe Alls Lee Twins Rlo ft B ParndlBe (26) Bd Siilltvan .Sheila Barrett Harry Rose Saxon Sis Dolol'ea Fafris '•Cacltics' O'Neal Card in I •Golden Girl' Georgie Tapps State (26) TbilrHton' Co .B ROOKLYN.,,, . Gates Ave Ist half (23-28) Joe Bell ft Sis jos(^:>li Pope Jones Carl Shaw Co Anthony & Rogers Lew Duthers' Co 2d hnlf (29-31) •Blrdlnnd' Jacic Joyce Co Willock & Carson Sid Page Co J^oniby Co , rMetropolltnn (25) iBector & Doreen IHenrl Therrlen ^fxantlet' ft S Co NEWARK State (26) 4 Casting Stars Violet- Carlaon Co Jerome ft Gray Mann Roblns'n ft M NEW JERSEY PallNades Pk (36) Janet May Palmero's Dogs (One to fill) PROVIDENCE Loew's State (26) \ CATAa " Jdli n n y Wyjfn ^ n ■ Foley ft Leture Harry Burn.s Co (One to fill) ROCIIEHI'ER Loew's (25) Bern ice •Emily ft L J ft J M<rKenna Keller Sis ft L Joe Penncr Monroe & Grant WASHINGTON .Loew's Fox (26) 3.Kings ft Q < H'rrlet Hutchlns Co Herb Wlllinms' Co Rae Ellin ft h-.. Astoria D. H. Elliotts Cnnterbnry; M.. H* 1st half (21-23) • Marlajonas' Barber & Allen' 2d half (24-26) Helen Binnie Or.j)wood '& Turner' Dominion Jack Plant Addl'son & Sylvia 'Nice, Plorlo & L . Kit Kat Rest Moria Lee J. Jackson. & Pt'nr 8 Jackson' Gla New Victoria Cotton Bd Palladium 6th Crazy Month Nervo ft Knox Flannagah ft Allen Naughton & Gold Eddie Gray 3 Bonos Irene Vermillion Alphonse Berg Chester's Dogs Ajgar Toung T'p Melvllles Palladium Gja : "CITilf :^Berzac~ " ^ " MichaelNon Jans ft Whelan TrocAdero auglielmettl .1. Dyna-miten Al ^ Bob Harvey Maurice CL.APTON RlnK Hugh Ormond . EAIJNG B'y Pnlmndium Cotton Bd EAST HAM Kinema 1st half (21-23) Ernest Shanon Co as booked 2d half (24-26) Co as booked Premier John Myrddin _ FINSBURY PARK , Empire Sophie Tucker Brook ins & Van niily Danvers Will Morris 3 Accordion <Klnga .Bennett & WllUams St John Sis Clifford & Rhode Young & Younger HOI.BORN Empire Mills Bros Raymond Smll Max & Gang Anna Rogers Billy Bennett Claude Lester. . Bower ft Ruthert'rd Henry D Adams- 5 Cleverea 4 Jokers HOLI^WAY Marlborough Val Rowing - ILFORD^^-- Super John Myrddin.. ISLINGTON Blue Hall 1st half (21-23) Helen Blnnle Orpwood ft Turner 2d half (24-26) Mhriajano.9 Barber ft Allen LEWIHHAM Palace .1 AuHtralinn Boys PALMERS GREEN Palmadliim Week Vine M ft N Eddie Laine Ore ■ Caslho 4e Paree Eleanor Powell Jimmy. Savo S'aiton Sis Holland ft June Gomez ft Wlhona Cardlnl HInda Wassau 'Carolyn Marsh — LbOn Friedman Ore H^iy^.^i Bestaurant Ben' Pollock 'Orch I „ ' „ « ^ . „ . _ - ^ -,,..1, Rudy Vallee • Oroh Casino Town Club I sddle Peabody Breez Fletcher | Jtloore ft Revel Allan Cales Ore I BeaUval ft Va Central P'k Casino Mickey Brantz «• I Iris-Adrian Eddy Duchln Ore ' Iberia Strenge El Morocco Arthur Brown Job C Smith OrcA Menendez Ore .' 1^ .Essex House Glenn Gray Ore Qot. CUatoB; Hotel Enoch .Light 'Ore Ha-Hia Club Danny Healy JacK White Jerry Bergan Lillian Fitzgerald Roth-Andrews- Orch Minor ft .Root - Chapenn Bonge Peppy de Albrew Frances Maddux De Marcos GOdoy's Taiigo Bd Dick Oasparre'S Or Chateau Create Sedane ft iSwar Evelyne DarVlIIe Club Kentucky Yvonne De Brier Ksaes^ BWHttrdh^ Boris Sax Gene O'Reilly Bobby Douglas Kitty Kelly Edith O'HalllBsey Peggy O'Day Joe Lewis Wllma-Novak Honey Burns Doi-othy Maxine Helen Lorraine Hal Thornton Kentucky Club Prc| Club New Yorker Jack Rees Ore Mathea Merryfleld Marlon Martin Druoilla Strain Gene Marvey Jeirry Lester Holland Tavern Florence Bender Elmer Dade 3 Blue Chips Hotel Dixie. Art Kahn Ore Hotel iEdlson Raglhsky Ens ^^HOtd-Gotham^ P Van Steeden Ore Hotel Lexington jack Little Ore Hotel Lincoln Pancho'B Ore Hotel Ot.. Northern Ferdenando Orch Hotel HcAlptn Sam Robblns Ore Hotel Montdalr Harold Stern Ore Mario ft Floria RoflUa Ortego I>l|iira.in9un't ,thea.tr0|9 produ.ction staff, Dave Apollori and sundry*oth- er persons were* all slightly dizzy bav^ Martiii pJc>' It^ytHei tinte the flnftl'stageshoW^^ Vanderbllt H^tel^ i over open ill, .Frl<jay. iCiiB).;: In- ward*&^H?pkii»s juries that beset the ApoUph unit VUlaire -Bar^., , .i .itf .'Akron two weeks agoi'and Which «"*J?*??hoTu1 cohtltttied at the Biiffaio; Buffalo, I'aijst week, were the causes ' many distracting moments. Opening day at the T. deluxer found the unit playing differently at every sliow. It wasn't until. Satur- , _ ^ay mbrnihg that th<j .sho,w'i9 roiMtlne Village Na(|> (:)ab and cast werfe definitely set. putt,.Clifton. BeV I First Injury came early ,ln tho week'in Akron, wh'en Noi» Williams, singer, tried to essfay a. cpupl^ ot dance step^ and tprej'two 'ilgaroenta In-Iter leg. She'went .oiut .of.] the show and the W^illlam llibrrls office shipped Liillian Carinen as a re- placer.'' I'hihgs' went srnodthly un- til (BufVaip was ireafctied'ai .tew qays later. ^There Jesse' bra'pe'r, temme halt' of dance- tearh, Dtifftn "and Beth Challis Eddie Ray ' Geo McGulre . Frances McCoy Josh Medders Sir Jack Joyce 3 Octaves Rose.iMcLean Kutsy Fagan; Bebe Moffee ' .Louise Mitcbe.ll Allyn Reese f^alsh -Br6s Eddie Clifford ^ re Milt Splelman . ' Watdort-A^tdrioi Mairgo '. -'•' I y . X Cugat Pre ;: ! |'_B Madrlguera Ore Wash Sq.' Club Ann Lee Patterson'I'Priinic'parrell Orch|": J v.. .. .. . i»..i;«t •".ilt..j. ij*;;.' »«. Needa Klnkald- .1 -h^*!.!' tDraper,' hurt her "back, b\it hO re Bruno ft Manon 1 ^- ^^"^ i i placemient Could be shipped there in Michael Covert Pre f,_^ r . - Harriett, Lee 1 • I time. Earl, Jack . ft B Johnny Hale Iva Stewart Park Central Hotel | Chas Barnett Oro Place. Plquale Darlo ft Diane Marion Chase H Rosenthal Ore Don Alphonse Ore Plaza., Hotel E ft J Vernon Orlando's Ore Emil Colnian Ore Restaurant La Bi|e '3- Jays ' Wlvel ipate Ami^ 'Atlnsan Jack Wlcfc Lillian LorrtUno Ami Pavo. Maldle Du Fresne La Salle Orch Zito Bob Grant Ore Pops ft Lanie Van Nays Sis Marie ft Jeanne Zito Arthur Warren's O' Gaday's Bd CmOAGO Just before the close bt the;Buf- falo ..engagement, Harold' Aloma, singer with the Filipino band, lost his voice and couldn't find it by' tha' time unit reached New York. Just before opening show time at the Paramount in New York, Jesse Draper announced she ■was fit to igo on, resulting In a Complete change In the routine set for two dancing replacements, Rosemary Deerlng and the Kay, Katya and Kay trio. Miss- Williams and Aloma; are still biUt, however..-' Blackbawk Seymour Simons Earl Rickard Chea Paree' GOa Van . The Tick Tocks Counteas V'h Lessen Maurice ft CordObai Henry Busse Ore " Cliib XelsiiFe Lucio Garcia Billy Meagher Joe Mannl'a Prcb ' Betty Chase . . Jack Sexton Jr 'Sugar' Harolds Or Club Royale Leo Morse 3 Racket' Cheers Nelirei Nelson .Szita & Annis Dorothy Wahl Fritz Miller Ore. College Inn 8 Evans Co-eds Jackie Heller Beuvell ft Tova Frankie Masters Or Congress Hotel (Joe Urban Room) 'Art. Kasael Robert Royce Cherle & Tomaalta Coloslmo's Julia Lyons Dorothy Henry Deronda ft Barfy Entlco D'Alba Eddie Deering jCountess.. Boriska Signer Barsoril' Art Buckley Bob "Tinsley Ore Club Alabam Trudy Davldso'n Eddie Roth Ore Drake Hotel .Slavic Ballet Stanley Hickman Biltmore 3 Frances Wilier Harriet Lindgren Ituth Lee The Crusaders \ icarl Burtnctt Pre Edgewater Beach Esther Todd DeRonda ft Barry Art Carroll Harry Sosnlk Oreh. Harry's N. Y. Bar] Joe Bupkley Don Penfleld Conrad Attaches Campo Gon'Conrad last Wednesday (16) attached. Del Campo's salary at tho Germaliie 'LaPlerie I Roxy, N. Y.. where the radio singer Harry Harris- / Al Wagner Billy Meyers Eln(ier Schobel , Joe Buckley Oreb Hl-Hat Club Sunny Gaer Jimmy Cassldy Efile Burton ' Rick ft Sriy.d'er Ruth Barton ' Dot Mayers K-9 Club Billy Brannon Half-Pint Jaxoh Ed Casey Ore Leon La Verde Earl Partello (jeorge Oliver Haronl's Rolando ft - Verditta Gwen Gordon Neebee Shannon Marge ft. Mdrie Virginia Bilchdnan Bob Wyatt Maurie Moret Orch Club Mlnnet: Sylvia Lee yvonne Nova jlenry.-=MafcU--= Adellna Dosseria Frank Sherman Mural Room (Brevort Hotel) Earl Entea' Edgar Rice .Stan RIttort. Orch Jnroa Sin Nut .Moe Lee Jo-Jo Geo DjcCo.ita Harry Rhernmn Jimmy Lane- wiia" appeaPiftg^ "f6r His' "first stage engagement. Conrad's m6ve came, according .to his cburisel, 1.- Gold- man, after Del Campo had indicated that he did hot Intend to live up t* a throe-year manag.-iial contract Conrad holds. Del Campo's salary is being held, by Fanchon & Marco, bookers of the Roxy, until the case is settled iti' or out of court. Miss Morgan Relighting Los Angeles. May 21. Her brief venture a.^ a drnmntic actress having flopped here, w.ith closing of 'Memory' after one week at the Biltmore, Helen Moi-grtri goes back to torching. She opens Thur.^day (24) foi-. a week at the Paramount here, with further (joast dates by Fanchon .MarCp,,Jco nting en t .. on _ ,Ji _e .showing. Sacramento's Stageshow \ San Francisco.'lVIay 21. Bill Plynn has taken the PUiisa, Sacramento, vet stock hbu-sc, and opened it last week with stapeshows headed by Jay Brower, F&M ni. c. around, here, • 'ijL's .Sacramento's only flesh .slio