Variety (May 1934)

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Tuesday, May 29, 1934 VARIETY 43 Varietv Oills NEXT WEEK (June X) THIS WEEK (May 25) INtumtsrals in connection with bills t>olow -indicate opening day of show, whether full or split week RKO NBW YORK ClXTf Old Pago Santmy White Hnrrlson & Fisher <Two to fill) ' (25). BulB & Bonlta Arren & Broderlck Owen McQlvney BtiBter West Eddie .South Orch Academy . let halt Pe Guchl JapB Honey Boys Joe TdrmJnl Bobby Plncue Buiz & Bonlta 2nd half (6-7) 8 Whippets Kay Hamilton Lewis & Moore OeorKiB Beatty . Jack Randall Co 2nd half .(29-Sll) 3 De Long Sis Jeronie Mann. Joe. Morris Co Adair & Richards Bill Roblncton BROOHrYN Albee (1) Chrisf 'nfiehs \\ Stiinrt & Lash Dancing Maniacs CHICAGO Palace (1) Liicllle Page George Prentice Murray & Charles'.n Phil Harris Orch Eilalne' Arden (26> Jnrret & Holm. Murray & Charles'n Cliff Kdwards RlmacB Orch Supshlne Sammy CLKVELAND Palace (26) Sir Si Mrs Crawford DKTBOIT Fox a) 3 Randalls - Anies ft Arno Jnrre't .& Holm Johnny. Burke Rimacs Orch (2B) Frankie Connors 3: Randalls ' Howard !Flh6 & H Hudson Wonders SnNMEAPOUS Orpbenu (25) Sally Rand Co ' NEWARK Proctor's (1) Cooper ft Pic't Rev ON HIS 9th WEEK CHINESB THEATRE HOLLirWOOD JACK POWELL . Placed by LEDDY & SMITH TBrltton Bd i (Two to nu) ;' (26) i\ 6 "Whirlwinds i' Paul Gerrtts I Jeanle Lang Co I Vic Oliver I Harrison ft Fisher \ 'v Madison . \ Ist half (2«-27) £ 8 French MJsses ^ Wilbur Hall \ Honey Boys [ Senator Murphy i Mltza. Vermllle Co \ Tliyou \ Ist-half (26-27) \ Ben Beyer Co (. May & Stephenie i Olivette Co [ Frank Mellno fMEW YORK CITY \ Capitol (1) f B Minnevltch Co \ Bverett Marshall I'Patricia Bowninn t Betty Jane Cooper f Latlirop Bros [ BoaleTard I 1st half (1-4) [ Osaki & Takl r RIa ft West i Vibratones i Joe Kelso !• Lee .Twins, Rio ft B 2rid half (5-7) I Gautler's Shop : Paula Howard Co ' .Sally ft Thomas H ft F Semon Bryant. Rains & T Orplienm 1st half (1-4) - Fuller Bros & Sis. Jos Pope Jones Co Abe Reynolds Co Frank Convllle Red Donohue Mary Small Slate Bros (25) Kings Scandals NEW BRUNSWICK Keith's 1st half <2-3) A Night in Harlem 1st half (26-27) Hilton Sis Rev TRENTON Capitol ' 2nd half (6-7) .Daron Lee Co 1st half (26-28) 1 Vespers Bits Turner Gariier Wolf & H Bickle ft Gray Rev Sully ft Thomaa H & F Semon Bryant, Rains & T 2nd half (5-7) Fuller Bros & Sis. Gregbry & Raymon Vibratones Joe Kelso Co Lee Twins, Rio & E Metropolitan (1) Kitchen Pirates Buster Shaver Co Mme Sylvia Co i Swifts Valencia (1) 4 Cards Bill Tclank Co .George Glvot ncnny Davis Co AKRON .I..oew's (1) Joe Penner Co BALTIMORE Centnry- (1) DeMay, Moore & M OPFIGiAL DfiiN.TISX. to: THE N. V. DR. JULIAN SIEGEL PARAMOUNT BUILDINO It Week: Madallne Hm1o«; ildrad Ememn Phil Cook Chaney & Fox 2nd half (6-7) BeLong Sis Hlo & West Cardlnl Garner, Wolf ft H Society Scandals ParadlNe <1) .Seller & Wills. 3 ft K Lee Hal Jerome BUI Robinson Long Tack Sam Co State (1) Al Gordon's Jjogs (Sypsy Nina Smith ft Bale Bob Murphy Co LoulsG. Gay Re|s8 Bros Rev (One to fill) BROOKLYN Gates Ave. ' iBt half (1-4) Willie Mauss P Howard Co 3 Swifts May & J & Carroll 3. X Sisters T Monohan' Orch BOSTON Loew's (1) Jas Evans Co Jolinhy .Hyman Piease' & Nelson CO Mills, .Kirk ft H Dawn & Darrow Rv (One to fill)- COLUMBUS Ohio (1) Zingonl. JERSEY CITY I,oew's (1) Spices of 1934 NEWARK . State (1) Thurston PROVIDENCE Loew's (1) Cab Calloway Orch WASHINGTON Fox <1) Abe Lyman Orch JJEW YORK CITY ^ .Paramoont (1) P & J Hubert Haymohd Balrd Trojans. Martha Ray Buster West Co Charlie Davin ^ BOSTON Metropolitan (1) •» Harold Murray ISunlce Healy Freddie Sanborne' Tilnz^ed Arabs Bddle Stanley Co BUFFALO Boffalo <1) Davey Kraft Goorgle Price Colette Carloz Marie McQuarrie CHICAGO . Chicago (1) Al Bernle *. I'Ichlanna Tr .. Papy Bsra ft Z OatlylDK <1) Hudson Wonders ROss ft Edwards ^ Jed Dooley. Russel Elmer ft- A mCHfOAN Betrolt (1) George Raft Earl La,vere Co Roy Smeck Emihys ■ Pets - FT. WORTH Texas <1) Let's Cheer U Warner BLIZABETH Bits , .1st half ('2-5) Variety Gambols Marcy Bros ft B Karyl Norman CO: Daltbn'ft Craig Howard Woods Ore 2nd ihalf (6-8) Harlem Rev PHiLADBLPHIA Barle. <1) D ft E Barstow Vic Oliver Donatella Bros ft C (Two to fill) (28) Cab Calloway Rev PITTSBURGH Stanley (1) Guy tiombardo Ore WASHINGTON Earle <1) Large ft Morgner Grade Barrle ' Brltt Wood Rosette ft Luttman, P Tlsen Orch (28) Chappelle ft C'lton KTrk ft.' Lawrence Seller ft Wills George Price hdependent CHICAGO State Lahe (27) nlossom Seeley. 'enhy Fields ' Tackle Heller Tred' Llghtner ■;Othere. to fill) : holi;ywooi> 'Chinese (Indef. nw) 'ambarelll 'ack Powell "oikie Bowers 'ackle 'Hughes Billy Severln 100 Voice Biia Grauman Biallet' . LOS ANOXXES . Orphenm (24) J ft K Healey Smith Sis 'Nelson's Katland Mantell'S Maneq'hs Hkrtj'' Cody 6 DeCatdos Million Bol r (23) .2 Cossacks Lester Raymond Winifred, H ft B'ce 3 Chocklatcfera Sylvia ft Dona iFanchoh & Marco NEW YORK CITT Roxy (1) Jeanne Devereaux Wesley. Eddy Co Gae Foster Girls (Others to nil) DENVER, COLO. Orphenm {24) Mills ft Gre^n Bruce Jordan i3ud Hyde Co XOA 3 LOS Angeles . Paramoant (31) . "tudeiit Prince (24) Helen Morgan J C Fllppen Rev'phia, pa, Fox (1) • Del Campo Rose Alexander Nadlne' Gae 3. Waltbns 12 Dr.ury J^Ane G'ls C Dancing Dandles (Others to fill) SAN FRANCISCO Orphenm (I) Street Singer J C Fllppen Rev (26) Oleen & Johnson Week of May 28 Astoria M. H. ■Tjnurla, Joy ft Nick Canterbury M. H: let half (28-'0.) Alf Leonard 3' Prakson 2d half (31-2) Connor ft. -Drake 3 Gllssons Dominion Act Superb Karlna. Vadio ft U. Palladlam 6th Crazy Month Nervo ft Knox Flanagan ft Allen Naughton ft Gold Middle Gray 3 Bonos Ir.ane Vermillion Alphohse Berg Chester's Dogs Agar Toung -Tr.. Melvillea Palladium Ols CUft Berzac Michaelsofi Jans ft Whelan niblDelabere . Helen Thompson Donald Stuart ' Pip Powell Victoria M. B. Somers B.d CLAPTON Rink Geiddes Bros Beams' Babes EAST BAM Kinema Ist half' (28-30) Hartley Sis Co. as booked 2nd half (31-2) Co. as booked Premier Val Rosing edgeware rd. Grand ;6 ZIo Angels 2 Sharpes . Vain Dusen FIN.SBURY PARR Empire Mills Bros Anna - Rogers =S£^&JB! .NTurray ft Mooney Ponnle' Graham Hal Scott Co. as booked HOLBORN Empire Tlarry Roy Bd Hill & Hoffman Wright & Marlon. . Claire, Rowe ft C Co, as booked HOLLOWAY Marborengh 3 AuNtrallan Boys Tlioni & Mack Lester ft Andree KILllURN Grange 6 Zlo Angels 2' Sharpes Van Duzen ISLINGTON Blae Hall 1st half (28-30) Connor ft Drake 3 Gllssons 2nd half (31-2) Alf Leonard 3 Frakson LEWISHAM Palace ■Old Time M. H.' Chas Austin Willie Lancet Harry Bedford Arthur Reese'. Tom Leambre Nell Calvert. ■Tda Barr David O'TooIe LEVTON Savoy 10 Moonbeams Van ft Ray .' NEW CROSS Kinema Harry Taft 4. Paulettes. . 3 Edmund 'Boys PECKHAM Palace Harry Taft 4 Pauletted 3 Edmund Boys Toiver . Vine, Moore ft N Anderson SiS' Ro'me & Bomalne STAMFORD HILL Regent 3 Australian' Boys 'thom ft Mack Tester ft Andree STREATHAM Patace Vine,. Moore ft N Anderson Sis Rome -ft Romalne STRATFORD Broadway 10 Moonbeams 1 _TOTTEKnAM TPSIaco""""' Geddes Bros Beam's Babes WALTHAMSTOW Granada Elliotts. WEST HAM Kinema 1st half <28-30) Co.. as booked 2nd half (31-3) Hartley Sis Co. aft booked WOOD GREEN Palace. Alfredo Orch. Week of May 28 BIRMINGHAM Hippodrome ^oy Fox Bd rracey ft Hay. " londle Hartley .•iynco Nymphs Via Morris •■.ow ft Webster EDINBURGH Ifmpire Alexander ft. ose ^rlx Sis Billy Bennett Charladies. Stanelll Noyes & Dei Hengler Bros Karlson '4 HULl. Palace Danny Malone Co as booked XJVERPOOXi Empire.. L«yton ft J'hstone ;:irka. Jean Kennedy Bnos ' Fraaere George Lacy WIere Bros Billy Danvers Cottrlllos . MANCHESTER Palace Gene Dennis Porsythe, S'n ft P'll Terrlanos Hatton & Manner? Geraidlne ft Joe Rus's Carr Geo Hurd Olsen's Sea Lions Norman. Carroll' POR'tSMOll'TH . Hippodrome George Robey Ted Ray Addison ft Sylv 3 ZaroVs Buckleys Wensley ft Dale B ft A Pearson HEW tOBK CITT Alrnne Rest I3rnle Hulst' Algonqaln Hotel ''ookle F'TCblld Ore Tack Kin* Ambassador, tL T. Ja.ckle Maye Julln van- Lowe. Evalyn Martin- l^ubbles Shelby Kathleen Howard Dot ft Dtish Earles. Bros. .Will Willis Thel 'Dressier C.haa Golden Ore Arrowhead trvlng (jonn Oro Bai Mtisette , Millard A Anita' George Marshal' Pierrots Madam Georgette . Tme Tvette r.eon Bedore Apache'Oro- Bai TabarlB Betty CaltOn Paco ft Estelle fan-Can- Ore BieauxArtf T.iiclen ^La Riviere T'homara Dorlva Clara Larlnova Inez La Vall Clothlel Berryessa- Morman Astyood Slltan ft Marl Maurice Shaw Orch T.opez's HaWallans Blltmore Bleati .\ If red Brito Ore Black Kat . r.uigi , ; Bosse'rt Root Bddle Lane Oro Caeino de Parce Eleanor Powell Jimmy Savo .Saxon' Sis Holland: ft June rardtnt.' ' " Hlnda Wassau Carolyn Marsh Leon Friedman' Ore Ben Pollock Orch Casino Town Cidb &reez Fletcher A.llan Ore Central P'k Casino Eddy Ouchln Ore Iberia Strenge Minor ft Root Chapean Boage Peppy de Albrew Frances Maddux De Marcos Gbdoy's Tango Bd Dick Gasparre^s Or Chatean Creeto .Sedane .& Swar Bvelyne DarvlUe Clareimont Roger W' Kahn Ore 3 Mar.shalls Joan Blane Evelyn I}oe Vincent Calendo Clab ' Reiitncfcy .^da Lee Wlima. Novack Louise' Dryden. Mabel Russell RosB-Kahan. Orch CInb New Yorker Jaok Rees Ore . .. Club RlchmaB. Jack. Mason Rev LIdp Girls Ore Commodore:Hotel. Iflham Jones Ore Isiabel Brown Cotton Clab C C Rev Adelaide Hall Jimmy Lunceford O Croyiion Hotel Charles Eckels Ore DelmonUo's Blanche ft Elliott N Morton A Boye Sid Tomack .Selma Kliig Dorothy Van Alst Satch &\-Satchel Joe Venutl A Orch ~™=Dubonnelii.^;=^, .loe Fcj'er Ore El Ctaico Tanco ft Lorca Las AJedas Adcllha Duran Orlando Rlcarde A B C 3 Pilar Areas Mcnendez Orch Eflsex Honse 'Glenn Gray Orc Gov.' Clinton Hotel Enoch Light Oro Ba-Ha Club Danny Healy Jack White Jerry Bergan Lillian Fitzgerald Roth-Andrews Orcli H'lyw'd Restaurant Rudy Vallce Orch Eddie Peabody Moore & R^vel Bcauval ft Va Mickey Brantz Iris Adrian Mathea . Merryfleld Marlon Martin. ' DrucIIla Strain Oeiie Marvev Jerry Lester Holland Tavern Florence Bender Elmer Dade 3 Blue C.hlps Hotel Dlxte Art Kahn 6rc Hotel Edison Raglneky Ene Hotel Gotham P Van S^ieeden Oro otel Lexington 'Jack LIttlfe Ore Hotel Lincoln Pancho's Orc Hotel Gt.. Northerii Ferdenando Orch Hotel McAlpIn Sam Robbtns Ore Hotel MontcIaIr Harold Stern Ore Mario ft Florla Roslta Ortego Hotel New Yorker (Charlie Davis Orc Hausten A Harden LQttta Lane Ruby Wright Hotel. Pennsylvania Don Bestor Ore Baron A Blair Hotel Pierre jack Denny Orc Hotel Roonevclt Reggie Chllds Ore Hotel Whitehall Don ..Blgelow. Jolly Friars Joe. May Kelly's Chlqulta Vehezla Peggy ,La Plante Jeanne McCauley Evelyn Thawl Claire Osgood Danny Higgens Ira Tarnell Carlos .Lopez. Billy Plaza Elaine McCpy Carlo's .A Marchan Joe Capella A Orel Kings Terrace Sid Tomack Rlch'dsbn Orc Leon ft Eddie's Chas Drew' Bd Ron Perry Orch Madison Panchb Ore Lincoln Walker O'NeU's'Orc Dwlgbt Flske Marden's Bivie^jra ^ Harry Rlchmaii Ann G.reenway' • Fred BerrCnp Ore Marlborongh HonAe Vivian Vance Michael ZarlD. Or< Mori's Best Nye Mayhe.W's Orc MooUn Bongc, B'iin Larry McMahon Connie Lang Eleanore Gardner Frank Morey Martin lY-lnl Orch NaotilinR CInb Dave isernle Ore New Wonder Bar (Union City) Ann Pennington Bernard it Rich Gale Tracy A L Lily Lido Noel Sherman Billy Arnold Joe Pape Edith .Lowe "ErHl«=a6ldcn=Orc—- Old Ronmonlan B Thomashofsky Reglna Zuchenberg Ethel Bennet Anna Flordorovna Viola .Cody Co Sammy Calton Dorothy Lee Helen Dean Sylvia Straufia Frances Lorln$; Hy Leroberg Ted Edwards Grabowsky Orch Paradise NTO Rev Peter Higgens J Johnson Orc Felicia Sorel Ann'Lee Pntternon Needa KInUald Bruno A Manon Earl, Jack A B Johnny Hale Iva Stewart I'ark Central Hotel Chns Barnett Ore' Plaza Hotel G A J Vernon Marlon Chase Orlando's Orc Emll Cblman Orc Restannint La Rue Arthur Warren's O Rita Tower Not Harris Orb Bnsslan Kretchona Kuznetzoft A N Samovar .\lme. NIcollna nadheR' Simon Phlllpoff .Mbn'negro A Dorlt* P Zam's Gypsy Bd Savoy-Piar.a Freddie Martin Or.: S«Piiet's Fob Gircrude Mobdy Zora Gray Pat Whalen Billy Calllgan Ann Ross Chris Meehan Showboat Casino (City Island) Dave Fox' Ruth Nagel Helen Diayls Castle Sis Gordon A. Behhet't Merrymakers Simplon Cliib Bndor A Farrell Estelle . Taylor King's Jesters Wm Parmer Ore Sherry's Harry Bush Orc , Morlo A Flarlo St. Morltz Hotel L«or Belasco Orch Wllhlns A Meyers Sheila Barrett St^ Regis Hbrel Vincent Lope? Ore ' Medcano ^U^onna Surf club Jack Myers Orc Charlotte. Murrle Taft Grill .Geo Hall Orch ' • Tavern, B'klyn Jaok Murray Orc Theatre Cafe Chas Strickland Ore Henry Fink Tic Toe Club Arthur Boron Cross A Dunn R A E Reyes Sugar vMarcel Mlml ^Bolllns Pomeroy. Girls tSuddy! Fishers Ore Tascnny Hotel Deln .Lobioy Ore Ubahgl Club Dave Martin Oro ' VanderbIM Hot«.> Toe Moss Orch Ward ft Hopkins Vllinge Bam Anthony Trlnl Ore Beth Cballla Eddio Ray Geo McGutre Frances McCoy Josh Medders Sir Jack •Tnycc 3 Octaves Ruth Delmar Rose McLeaIn VUIave Nat Clab curt ciiftbn Rev Nutsy Fagan Bebe Moffee Louise Mltchsn Allyii Reese. Walsh Bros Eddie Clifford .\IIU Splelman Orc WaMorft.Astorla Margo X . Cugat Ore B Madrlgnera Ore Wash Sq. Clob Frank Farrell Oroh Westchester Club Froy A Braglotte Arthur Brown Weylin Hotel .Michael Covert! Ore Harriett Lee 3 Jays WIvel Cafe Amy Atlnsan Jack Wick Lillian Lorraine Ami Pavq Maldle Dp Freshf La Salle Orch ZIto Bob Grant Orc Pops A- Lanle Van Nays Sis Marie A .Teanne Zito Oaday's Bd New Acts CHieAOO Blackhawk .Seymour Simons Earl Rlckard Ches Paree Gus Van The Tick Tocks Countess V'n Losscn Mdurlce A Cordoba Henry 'fiusse Ore Club Lelsnre * l.ucio (3arcla Billy Meagher Joe Mannl's Orch Betty Chase Jack Sexton Jr 'Sugar* Harolds O' Cin'b Royale Lee Morse 3 Racket Cheers . Nellie .Nelson ' Szlta ,A Annie Dorothy Wahl Fritz Miller Ore College Inn- 8 lilvans Co-eds Jackie Heller Beuvell A Tova Frankie Masters Oi Congress Hotel (Joe . Urban Room'* Art Kassel Robert Royce Cherle A Tomsslts Coloslmo's Julia Lyons Dorothy Henry Deronda A Barry Enrico D'AIba Bddle Deerlng Countess Borlska Slsnor Barsonl Art Buckley Bob Tlnsley Ore Olob Alabhm Trudy Davidson Eddie Both Orc brake Hotel ^^Taylc • BaReT" '" ' Stanley Hickman .. Blltmore 3 Frances . Wilier- .Harriet .Llndgren Ruth Lee The 'Crusaders Earl Burtnett Ore Edgewater Beach Esther Todd DeRonda A Barry Art Carroll Harry Scshlk Orch -. Harry's N^ Bar Joe Buckley Don Pen He Id Oermalne LaPierrr Harry Harris Al Wagner Billy Meyers Elmer Schobel Jue Buckley Orch Ul-Hai Club . Sunny Gaer Jimmy Cassldy Eflle Burton Rick A Snyder Ruth Barton Dot Meyers Kt» Clob =niIly^Brannon==i=i Half-Pint Jaxon Ed, Casey Ore Loon La Vei'de Earl Partello George Ollyer Maronl's Rolando A Verdltta Gwen Gordon Neecee Shannon Marge A MnHe Virginia. Buchanan Bob Wyatt Maurle Moret : Orch Club Minnet ■.Sylvia Lee .Vvonne Nova-- ilenry Mack Adellna Dosseha Frank Shermian ' .Hnral Room {Brevort Hotel) Bar! Bntes Edgar Rice Stan RlttoS Orch Jaros .Sin Nat ooM Moe Lee Jo-Jo Geo DcCosta Harry Sherman .ilmmy Lane "Opera Club" Edwina Morshon Lawrence Salerno Tom Gentry Orch Jose Rivas Orch Pierce A Harris Palmer Bouse Ted Weems Orch Lydia A Joresco Stone A Vernon 1 Calif's Larry .Adler Abbott Girls Paranionnt Dora Vaughn Phil White Julia Gerlty Edna Rush Miss .Harriett T^earl Trio ' ' ; Ralnlto Gardens Samovar Leon Laveirds Dawn Sis Lyie Smith Alice Rydner Terrace Gardean Roma' Vincent Alnsley Lambert B Cl^de Lucas Ore Tin Pan Alley Al' Sanders Eadls Hayes. Crane Sla Vernon Craig Gweil Lorry Barney Ougle Stuart WOodbrldge Floyd Townes Orf Via Lago. Bobby Graham Crane Russell Or^h ZIta A Marcelle Jack Housh Wanda Kay Al Handler Bd itti Club Al Garbell Edna Leonard Billy Richard ^Art^^West-; EDDIE SOUTH and Orchestra 20 Mlns.; Three Patace, N. Y. Here's n colored . combo that should make Its mark on the ros- trum, and on the air In like pro- portions, because, if nothing else, it's diflEerent ao.ifar as colored bands are concerned.^ It doesn't aspire to the 'Whitemanisms ot an ^Ellington, or the hl-de-h"o of a .Cialldway; but, instead, It modestly confinefs itself to, the. pHme business in hand-— that of pleasant , eiitertfvinnient. iia a stage attraction. Its. musiotil vir- tuosity, for microphonic purposed becomes evidenced froni the stage chores. Sotith, at the helm' of this eight- man combo, is .really the band. Tet it wouldn't quite ' do to advise throwing the' support away arid go It. alone as A colored violin vir- tuoso. For one thlng^ he's not quite expert enough for concert platform vlrtubsity,. and, the varieties being- what they are these days, he couldn't, wisely essay one of those colored Duel de Kerekparto acts. But a proficient violinist he Is. He's somewhat banally billed as 'the dark angel of the violin.' He might protest that distorted at- tempt at flossiness. At the helm his. expert little troupe, he manifests showmanship from the barrier; to the degree he twice tied it up at the. Sunday night frolic at the Palace.' He chooses his songs cannlly and,. even when he- essays a Joe Venuti type of hoitcha fiddling, he does It with a reason- ably famillair air, 'After You're Gone,' so that when he plays' around with the melody in the. ac- cepted futuristic standards of to- day, the customers eut front get the Idea. As a general thing all essay too muslpianly. Intricacies, at the. expense of the listener. South elects all; his airs with an'' ear to the melodic and the popularly appealing. He inlxiBs up. 'Cocktails For Two' with Mexican rumbas and Spanish foxtrots, .and makes his modest little octet say uncle. . The band lis bullish on strings and has only one brass. No sax, the reed belnigr a rhythmic clarinet. *here Is also some .ensejM'ble vocalizing' by a sextet. South has beeii in Vienna,'mak- ing casual but Impressive mention of tills In line with a- Viennese waltz motif,. 'Pardon Mademoiselle/which reglster<?d. He's also been . In a Chi nltery. He mentions the Palace as his flvst ;New • fork date, but. played a liarlem theatre recently. BEAUVELL AND TOVA (4) Dancing 14 Mins^ . Special in Full Orpheuni,. New Yprk As a team Beauvell and Tova rate as anything but new to the picture houses and night spots In New York. Counted among the places where this sleek pair of ballroom gliders have exhibited themselves are the Roxy, New York; Fox, Brooklyn, and Hollywood "restaurant, Broad- way. But as part of a four-people combination the Beauvell and Tova unveiling is recent. ;. To the act as unlimbered at the Orpheum the pair contributed three numbers, the first a slow-motion routine . of ultra smoothness and grace, the second, a spirited and eye-fetching Interpretation of the carioca, and the finale, an exotic rhythmic design based on a court- ship theme and climaxed with a whirlwind pirouette. Finished, at- tention compelling Is everythiner they have to offer. Both the turn and the duo's persons bespeak class. To give them a breathing spell just prior to the finale number the dance duo have Interpolated Into the- act a lass whose forte is a pleasant little voice of the silver-belllsh' genre. Though no great shakes of endowing-the balljids she undertakes with style and emotional meaning makes the interlude an easy one on the ear. Fourth member of the troupe Is the accompanists In keeping with the class. level of the turn .'he's togged out in format .evening wear. Act's stage dressing Is limited to a black, cyke and a white^lacguered platform. . . 0<f€C.. Joan LaMarr Fanner Seeks Divorce Seattle, May 28. Fay Baker, 24-ycar-oId fan dancer, is seeking annulment of her marriage to a Northwest mounted policeman. She married the mountie last '.spring in upper Sas- katchewan. PALM BEACH BEVELS ^5) With Grace DuFaye, Eddie Stuart and Dot, Dona and Teddy; Dancing 16 Mine.; One, .full (special) Orpheum, N. y. This Is one flash that merits the best of the available vaude time if only on the talent of Grace Dufaye, a superior contortionist to rhythm. Her two routines in this vehicle stopped the proceedings on both oc- casions during the show caught and, to say the least, she deserved the receptions. Rest of the act is also dancing, =lncluding-i-a'=glrli^tr-lo^inx=sttalght_i hqofery, and Eddie Stuart's fine tapology on a prop .baby grand. They're also applause winners* but not as big as Miss jDuFaye. How this fihowmanly contortion- ist has escaped from , being cata-i paultcd into the 'name' Is hard to understand. Certainly that acrO. tap and control contortion stuff quallfles her for class 'A.' Flash is nicely mounted and dressed and was the closer here.