Variety (Jul 1934)

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52 VARIETY TIMES SQUARE Broadway . Phtl Adler on vacation. Albert Deane back in harness, George Iloss' car U aoniethlnef. Anthony Brown ijaclc, After Vaca- tioning. Rita Wei man to Westport for the summer, Martha I^avln Jack following. John Campbell to the country for the summer. Marioh Johns, California golfer, due in town. Irene Kueh'ri off most of the continent. idney Kingsiey <Jue in from Lon- don next week. Mary Heatoh due in from London any minute! now. Billy Arnold's Jieurltis laid him low for. a week. o Those pne^piece,, stock effect Rus- sell Patterson shirts.' Lobstei' restaurant has gone, open- facier-bne half of it. Edgar Grumwald back from Wls- copsin hometowning.' Max Fuchs' and the Mrs, back from the World's Fair. Molly Ricardel and William Gar- land wrote a play together. Bill Dahzlger'a ifnother in town visiting him aiid the missus, I>i<^ Hlmber Vitaphone-shorting at Brooklyn'studio next Week. Evelyn (Mrs. L©P) Solomon out pf hospital and going oh cruise. Bavie Epstein 'yety mysterious anent his -European shove-off. Mrs. Gersori's on 47th street, has installed a bar and drink-slinger. WiUard K6efe back on Broadway from Hollywood f with a new play. John :McIherney is going in for dark c6lor«id Shirts a la Dick Watts, Lieut. Larry Cowen, of the U. S. Navy, is how a Colonel of Kentucky. The widow of G. Radermah, who's Mitzi Gltzi in Europeian operetta, in New Tork, Olympia Hardin on from the Coast for a vacation after stopping off at Miami. . Lehr. Salisbury,, femm^ play broker and .agent;: to Holly wdod this Week on biz. ' '■ ' Joe Cook oil a stein collecting jag. 'Has 300 of the niugs.and aims for' the 600 mark. Earl tVingart taking' the usual two.Weeiks off, but unreported where he's spendihf them. Irene Rich readying the Wilbur Datiiel Steele coihedy, 'Any Woman,' for early production. Richard D\x and the hew missus sailed Friday (6) on a honeymoon via the Cahal to tl^^ Coast: Ted Wing off to Georgia In char tered aeroplane on word that wife f$,tally ill at parent's home. ' Bijou Fernahdez, formerly a legit agent, East; for Fox to. scout summer theatres, talent and. material. Bernice McKendree, formier Coast p.a.,- has teamed with Ray LeStrange on -general publicity in the East, Lou Lissner and Spencef'Sawyeifi how operating Ye Old ^Fashioned Bar . and Grill, West 44th, street. Elliott McManus, oji . vacation, is spendihg it around. Columbus. Circle not far from the Fox home office. Sid Spinrad back at the midtown tonsorial emporium' to once again personally manage the spot estab lished'by his pere. Covet? on last week's Saturday Evening Post was a great plug for Columbia Pictures. AH it needed was the signature ttihe. The o;k. for more casinos in, ihe metropolitan isector' h^s gone out again.'after the.. original go-ahead signal for ganxbling .was nixed. Ed Hartmann, ex-Shubert play rfeader, now in vassalage, to Fox picture's as lyricist, will pause in St. Louis to see family enroute to Hollywood; Proiise Knox, Fox's India man- ager, who comes to New Tork every year to iescaipe the heat of Indi , is ready to° scram back aftei" last week's dose here. Bob Collier hit N. Y. on both ex- tremes; severe cold last Winter and now thiS' Summer humidity. Coastlte's going native B'way with the Ripw ad ag6hcy. Three ex-presidents of KAG caught togetheir at lu.nch at the Astor Grill. Martin Beck, ..Marcus Heiman and Harold Franklin. All legit minded today, too. Raoul Walsh, Fpx director, in New York' inspecting tunnels in connection with his picture, 'Sand Ho^'3,'. slated for early production. May bring a camera crew East.- Jack Bonney, lawyer-a,ngel of last season's Harry Delmar Revels (vaude) off tp Europe With wife, costume designer, hunting ideas for forthcoming vnude Unit (.sans Del- mar) . ' Swankiest midtown penthouse is i==lhe=ono=atopJ:i.G,JVIusic=Hall-iWltlt. lighting effects, etc. It's, f or use . of the M.H. talent and personnel equipped for sun-bathing, pingpong, tennis. Standing on his lawn at Sleepless Hollow, Lake liopatcong, Joe Cook peered at some shrubbery, discover- ing a raspberry^ bush. He never saw" the bush bjefore, and when a friend cracked that it seemed strange to hlSi^d raspberries growing on a star'H grounds. Cook replied: •Glueas some 'Envious 'actm*^ (jln'rtted that thing hdr^ London lossom Giro's Club closing around mid- die of July. Sophie TUcker broadcasting from Luxenjbourg. iCarlyle Cousins postponing Amer- ican trip to October. Qene Dennis* opening week at the I coni and J^rry) kept his promise Savoy hotel very big. to bis wife. Promised tp take her Sunny O'Dea trying on new Jo ^avoy hotel, and he did, but pahts at Max Herman's r^*SmSifftely after^the Press Marion Harris doing her special- Truncheon, Joe Schenclfc^d Murray of his first English picture, Time' at the Regal, July 9. Labor Party in conference' with Electrical Workers' Union, with suggestion hours of picture house workers are much too long. Conchita"SUpervia, prima donna, and Mrs. Fearnley Whlttingstall (Eileen Bennett) tennis Star, both under knife through Insect bites.. Tommy. Russell. (Russell,' Mftf- ty for Vogue Films pic. Silverstone hopped over'tb Paris by William Collier, Jr. may do a pic- plane for the U.A. conference of all ture for Gauniont-British Everybody aslcing where Dave Bader got that, green suit, Jaclc Doyle to do a couple of broadcasts, July 25 and 27. Garland Andefson operating a Horltck'n Health Drink Bar. Claude Hulbert operating flsh and chips eatery as sideline. Alhambra house troupe of girls being reduced frpm 32 to 24. Ralph. Ince directing picture for Qrafton Galleries, former night spot, Warners' (London) on crutches. ©n two years' lease, but manage- Barry Devine opiening at Princes' mertt want longer tehahcy Restaurant July 2 for six weeks. Drury Lane trying to get T a^t^^^^.,T, In fi iiiiri/iia iwith I JSchwauda,' success of th« operatic their exchanges^ As protest against licensing anomalies, Cavour r6Staurant ar- ranging several bottle partifes. About 2S. cluba in London are now doing same thing. London County Council for.cihg Charles Clore to close the Prinqe of Wales' theatre much . earlier thiah expected, due to. condemna- tioh of dressing rooms. Tomson Twins talking of leasing nitery In West End. Pjrepared to get LaUi'illard owh British rights to 'Little Jessie. Janies,' .-which they may sell to Leslie Henson. for a West-End i^ehicle for. himself. Ronald Alackenzie's posthumous play, 'The Maltlands,' succeeds 'Clive of IndiiEt' at 'W'yjidham's, July 4.. Konxisajevsky will produce. pupil. Drena Beach off to Bombay, to play at the "Taj Mahal hotel in Sep- tember. Daniel Mayer Company contem- plating musical starring Renate MuUer. Captain Jefferson Gohn injured . „ , • . a t i o by steer while watching Rodeo at Clive' moves to the Savoy, July 2. 'White City Charles Cochran's- revUe, Frank Atkinson, after three and 'Streamline/ definitely opening at half years with Fox, back, acting U^e Opera House, Manchester, mid- and scripting \^^^ August, and comes to the Shuberts have acquired Amerlcah MPa^ace, Lwdon, in early Septem rights to 'Living Dangerously,' now M'^'^:.. . , „ ^ , at the Strand. Nicholas Hannen quelled tire panir Garry AlUghan, Evening Stand- speech at opening ot th6 Fair ard radlP critic, in hospital witR banks-Lawrence play, 'The Wind- internal trouble r"^ Journey,' in Birmingham, June Zelda Sears, Metro's ace Script I Celluloid clgaret case cause of writer, sick in hospital here, and keeping it Auiet. Sir Oswald Stoll considerirfg an- other continental musical for the London Coliseum. Mickey Balcon dining at the Mayfair hotel and. praising Sher kot's performance. trouble. 'Love Me in JUnel' musical Ppen ing at Saville Ih July, is sponsored by Ad-VIsers, Ltd., pf which Cap- tain Roy Limbert is director. Same company interested In the Malvern Annual Festival. .Palladium ushet-ettes . and,' staff Mrs. Herbert Clayton oh three complaining bitterly that audi weeks' Medlterraneah voyage to f^^es at Crazy shows not-classy recover from illness. h^°"5i\.^°'i?**"^®'.Y'li Ralph Stanley has resumed song bearable. percentage of staff writing cdllaboration with his old threatening to quit, partner Nat D Ayei* William H. Moormg, press agent • PfeSgy Joyce'over here to sell her for British International, leaves that book, 'Trans-Atlantic Wife,' which post to go to Hollywood, represent- slie has j;ist completed. = British publication. He was in Joey Pjorter off to Australia to Hollywood in 1.932, conducting Brit pla:y In revue at the Tivoli, Mel- 's" PwhUcItir <rpm there for'Cava! bourne, opening Oct. 30. ' cade. Fred M. Bate, head of the Na tlonal Broadcasting Corporation here, off to Paris on business! duster, Keaton In touch, with British International ftbm Paris, and may . do one picture for it. ^ Lou Brock, associated producer L.j^fg for Radio, blew into town a few days ago and has left for Paris. Montreal Paris Tueeday, July 10, 1934 Berb Syd Wynn 'blue-Ing' at Embassy fe. ^ C' L. Hanratty from London to Dr. Paul Czlnner, husband pf I Chicago Elisabeth Bergner, back from Paris Gene- Curtis tells advertising club after finishing a picture there. 'show must go on.' Kimberly and Page unit loses a B. M. Garfield vacationing N. Y. week's work, owlngT to the Theatre State to end of month. Royal, Norwich, burning down. I Glen' Pullen, Cleveland Plain Frederick Neil Interested ih | Dealer, touring province. Marie Burke< to. return to Aus tralia in string of musical shows. Teddy ^iiban died June 22 after eight months in hospital with, frac- tured legs and several operations. Ken Clark, C. P. superintendent. New. York, passes through. AH. hotels report better tourist biz than for' three years past. Fine Dominion Day holiday, Fri- A. i. Kobler, publisher of New I day-Tuesday, hit main stems'hard York Daily Mirror, here on short I Drury'S down to 75c. lunch, and vacation, taking in all the shows, maybe they aren't doing any U. S Sydney Carroll presenting new tourist hli. comedy by GertrUde Jennings at the Montreal's two parks, - Belmont Ambassadors shortly. Not yet titled., and Dominion', getting pre-depres-: Charles Farrell a.nd Mrs. Farrell sion attendances (■Virginia Yalli) London .sightsoc- W. J. LitTle receives presentation ing ih newly purchased English I on retirement after 50 years with car. Star, Friday (29). Paul Robeson and Nina Mae Maurice Davis, sending out fuhny Mackinney signed by London Films stories to local press re poor biz for Edgar Wallace's 'Sanders of the: at provincial theatres, River,' ' All kinds of ; radio artists, wpuld^ Jack Curtis and the Dick Ktenrya be and others, gettlhg chance on celebrating in Cha.rtes Forsythc's CRBC, with no settlement of musi- (Forsythe, Seamon and Farrel) clans' radio strike in sight! apartments J^^^ Ships and Sealing Wax/ title Roy Fox extending his provincial or A. "M. Irwin's book, to be pub tour till October, but will visit lished by MacMlllan's New York, America for a coUple of weeks dur- London and Toronto, Oct. ,1. ing August. " First of Canada's city newsreehs, T r 1 c 11 y restaurant, originally with Corey Thomson announcing, startedJtere by Ben Blue, and which shows history to date of Ottawa, cost him plenty, n»w folded,. after and gets good hand' at main stems, ^even="yearBr^^^"===^^-""^^^ ■=^"'=^^^^ John Tilley to broadcast to Amer- N. Y. melodramas, piroduced by lea.» through the National Broad- Henry Atterberry at 75c., with full costing Corporation at $350 for one beer and pfetzels. Getting big play broadcast, July 16. with plenty press notices Richard Collett, director and Refdrms in radio in Canada now general manager of Savoy hotel, handled by Canadian. Broadcasting off to New York on his annual.'Will Commission, being mooted at Ot also visit Canada. tawtt. Body to act a^ court of ap- Frank Nell here lining up Amerr peal In all disputes to be formed ican acts for Australia, for indlo and radio fee to be reduced from work, guaranteeing 12' Weeks, and $2 to $1.50. General discontent transportation both ways. I throughout l!>ominion and big fan' Richard Tauber coming over mail of complaints cause of pro from "Vienna to attend gala premiere i posed' revamping ot commission. Max Reinhardt at Lido in Venice. Annette Kcllerman in Paris from Auatralla.^ Leslie. Howard and wife in from New York. Radio "Vitus shootinig occasiona,! television at air public. Jack Holland and June Hart con- tinuing at .Ambassadeurs. Lou Brock, Radio producer, and wife, taking belated honeymoon fiere. Cirque Medrano (Paris indoor cir- cus) closed for summer. Reopens Sept. 14. CJharley Barnes Band will play for annual 4th of July dance at Hotel Bohy-Lafayette. • Jake Shubert babk at, George the Fifth, after Imbibing gallons of Vichy last week. 'Theatre des Ambassadeurs doing good business With Argentinita, and her Spanish ballets. Richard StrOuss busy on new opera 'Luxurious Lady', to be given next year in Dresden; Argentina, at last performance In Paris (22) receiving golden wreath from Spanish ambassador. Fedor Cbaliapin and wife an- nouncing engagement of daughter Stella to Count Jean de Limur. Michael Adam, radio' engineer, bringing out new book on suppress- ing static, worse here thah' in U. S. Georges Colin presenting, through ^Radio-Paris, a series of- famoi^s trials pf French Revolution in one- act dranik form. 'La Conga* "and the 'Raftero,' new dances; introduced by George Raft In 'Bolero,' going big in night boxes on Montmartre-Hill. Maurice Riavelj composer, will take over the direction o£ the Amer- ican Conservatory at" Fontalpebleau, succeeding Wider,' who ireslgned. Vladimir Horowit? and wife, for- mer Wanda Toscahini, loafing in Venire at Countess. Castelbarco's palacf. Going to Salzburg later for Toscanini concerts. Marsh Sprague, after a spell of work on the North China Star has arrived in Paris and is holding down a job on the d«sk at the Paris edi- tion of the New York Herald. Jacques Charles, -who has juat re- turned from Chicago where he pre- sented a French review at the Fair, is taking up his old job as stage manager of the Paramount in Paris. Richard Tauber opens (27) at the Varieties for &n indefinite engage ment in 'La Malson des Trols Jeunes Fines', ('The House pf the. Three Girls'). Franz Schubert music used . Saturday (30) Free Cpmmune of MontmartrOpWill put on carnival of cherries lit the square of old Mont martre In honor of the author of 'Temps des Cerises' ('Cherry Time'). 'Morning Glory' (Radio) opened at Cine Opera, scoring definite sue cess. Katharine Hepburn is now accepted by French pix tans as a first-line favorite amohg foreign stars. Recent Paris arrivals include Prances Alda, Mrs. Marc Connelly, Sam Wood, Gabriel Woods rare book dealeri Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curtiz, Joseph M. Schenck and Carl Laemmle, Sr, Warners will shortly release 'Le Commissaire est Bon Enfant' ('The Chief of Police is a Good Kid') from stage comedy by Georges Courte- line. Pic is being finished at Pathe Natan studios. , 'Ombres sur le Riff' ('Shadows on the Riff'), recently completed pic, directed by Jean de.KuharskU star- ring the Joshua Ki^ehs, was com-' pletely destroyed by fire in the lab oratories at GennevlUiers. Emma Grammatica, Italiah ac- tress opened Monday (25) at The atre de la Mia.deleine for a series of 12 representations. First vehicle was .'Doll's House', by Ibsen. Repertory also includes modern French as well as Italian plays. A Bols de Boulogne restaurStn^ Ha:na Fallada, author^ has wrlttpit another book. <, Edward Wenck pulled out oC tiMi directorate of the Komlsche Oper. Richard Elchberg will handle th« 'Cat in the Sack,' when productioai starts* Hans Mey'er-Hanno has the call for the male l«ad in 'Fr A. Kro^ scheneh.' Karollne Flnlay, of the Gibaoii girl era of Strauss, died, eiged 8<i^ at Trieate. Koenigsberg will stage ita Feat- aplel week in August with the uausU heavy claaaics. Helnrich- Goetz, Cologne,., packed up his makiup box A^ter 4Q years on the boai'dn.. Hamburg State Theatre will put 'jan, the WohderfuU' by Rayssleiv on Its fall program. Erna Berger and Helnrich Schlua- nun have the lieads in the 'Pearl Fishers' at the Staa.ts Oper. Julius Maria Becker's 'Night Without Dawn' will be given a try-, out a.t Nuernberg. State theatre. Paul Roae haa designed new seta for 'The Merchant of Venice' to b» given at the Rose theatre this falL From Duala, Weat Africa, comea the news that Terra'a 'Badinga, Kihg of the Gorillaa' la shaping up nicely. Al Moeller'a 'Christina, I Am Waiting For You'^will open the 25th anniversary pf the. Schauspielhaua, Bremen. Paul Graene'r'a 'Prince of Hom- hurg' has. been grrabbed' by the Staatstheatre 'Under den Linden for a 1935 premier.. Kaethe Dorsch will have the lead in Hans Mueller's 'The Journey of a Woman,' which will be ataged in Vienna this fall. Stettin Stadttheatro will produce 'Bears,' from the Norwegian by Lars ansen. Play ran over 300 perform^ ances In Norway. Stavisky affair is given a. whirl, in 'Die Nette WeH,' by the late Al- fred SavPir, which will be produced here In the early fall. Berliner Buehnen Betrieba haa disappeared froni the Commercial register, marking the end of the ill- fated Rotter enterprises. Adeie Sandrock Is winding up the second aucceaaive play ahe haa had this season, • Wilde'a '3unbury.' Houae goea dark thia week. Ida 'Wiieat'a 'Mama Cleaha House* folda up thIa; week,-after a fairly auccessful run. 'SUcceasful runa here mean anything over 20 per- formancea. Giienther Luedera, one of the younger Jeglt atara from Frankfurt a..i Main, will make hia first film aopn, having been aigned for the lead In 'LUck In Houae.' Colonial-propaganda will form the br.aia of 'The Ridcra of German East Africa.' Germany ia becoming colony conscious again, films and postage atamps and lecturea, no end, being used. 'Life la a Dream' opened with a bang at the Staatstheatre here with plenty, of stars. Helmuth Berg- mann, Hilda Wels8ner, .Walter»Jung, Erich Muail, Claua Clausen, Anhi Uaell and Walter Bluhm are some. Europa'a 'A Woman Who Knew What She Wanted' ran headlong in- to an appendioltis operation, Martha Beling being stricken oh the loca- tion near Prague. Tjfa- rushed Dorit Kreiasler down to help the op- posish, 'Theatre of the Youth,' Nazi- suckled, announces a heavy sched- ule at cheap prices' for the fall. Schiller's 'Fiesco,' Koerner's 'iSrIny,' the 'Rape of the Sabines' and a cou- ple of Wagnerian screamers thrown Iri. Houae caters principally to school kids. held a cooking contest for actresses Alice Field made a Lobster Port Groa, Jeanne Hebilng turned out Flaming Kidney, Parisys made some swell pancakes, anij} Nadino Picard'' won a motor car with her rabbit in mustard sauce. Mexico City By D. L.. Grahamc Mexico wot over the weekend be cause Of presidential elections (1). Mexican Authors Union sying -Juan==Toledar^Vevue^iTnTTrcranfiOnfOt' royalties. Foreign club's floor sliow featur ing Diana Dugarde, American danc er, as Joan Crawford's double. Maria Conesa, famed Spanish comedienne of two decades ago, making another farewell appear- ance... Closing cabarets, saloons and pub- lic dance halls, and prohibition of retail sale o.f wines, excepting in sealed bottles at high prices, ia urged by Spanish feminiata seaalon- ing here. Westport, Conn. By Humphrey Doulens Fay Wray vLsIting P.-A. Powers^, Norma Talmadge at South Nor- walk. ■ Mra. William Anthony McGuire vlsitihg here. Vivienne Osborne a dally viflitof •at the beach. . Ann Seymour singing at Gables Inn, Mllford. , .Mark Leuscher has annual Fourth. Of ^uly steak roast. Paul Benson handling publicity, for Longshore club, Mario Braggidttl has rented the Mario Chamlee studio. Hope Newcomb now the manager of the Westport CiTountry Mrs. Herman Shumlln has role in 'The Bride of I'oroszko' at Country PlayhousOi Nevvman , Levy, Philip Dunnings, and Leo Marshe at Richard Coh- nell's costume ball. Blanche Sweet recalls old Bio* graph days with Lillian and Dorothy at their home hero. A new Nugent play,, with J. C. =rpTd-Riff f Ir^^Nu gSn t"^ and"^^^^ will be tried, out here In August. Homer -Mason and Marguerite Keeler, vaudeville team, will bow to Broadway in 'That Certain Buhi- Helen Ford flew to Binghaini)l.on, N. Y., to vlait her ill mother. Left Bridgeport at noon and returned that night for 'The Chimes of Corno- vllle.' Independent Motion Picture'"I'l)"- atre Owners oC New York have ihoir annual outing at Roton Point Wod - neaday (11),