Variety (Aug 1934)

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VARIETY ^ftvr voRk t'lTv SiiM.-( A Itiiiey l/.trry Hich C'u iiuuoiiela |)r(M U<>v (Twa to Am (tO) VioU't H;iy * N f.cwis » V.iri Hiliyl ]l()w:)ii llilly liouHO . Lteater Cole Co TintmV tfA4r«»# DcM.iv M(i(>r» 4 M (One to Ull> IHWTOIt RmtON .loan T.<>w<>ll flllCAfiO l'tiln<«> (I7> i Hn Jobnuy I'eikiiiM TrCSpm'nuik" • ■ (Iiffnrti A IVarl .Icm Cit>i>(li|Pr ('ii yr * I'lKOti i»K I'Ki^tr Wuiftwr VliimVer Co' l.irry A'Mfr I'luli Sf<ni<» .\mm.I 1 1 il i Now Appekrinc with At PiilliKllum, f.nn<loN MELISSA MASON PLACED BY mnto A vew.i Jo«» KesHor Ouy & Toarl M'tjley (One to flIO Id hair (»l-aj> Win 0»borne Oro (Kour to All) 2d halt (H to Jftmea Kvana Co JJU»« 4 ' Bob Carney Ailler ft ■ nradfor l Oua Van IIROOKI.VN AIhe* (17) Mann Kobina'n A M Violet R»T m N Radio Rttbea Coltette tiyona U Roy HmUh Ore ' (10) Raf A IhilMhine Rtita Kavfttiauich Mins A Bailey Mofilay * Dupren mMppfti C'rlt'n & F JnrMklln lal k«l( (18-19) jM'Wonc Jo* HMMTt Co UUmn Brim i'tfiaa ^ lL|r«<on Rev Rimaca Ore lat hate (10-lS) Radio Ruboa niyon lat halC (lt-t») Jabe Froman laong Tark 8 am it;ie Don.slinA (10) Uuy BUM «■ f. S(t<vt« Kv.tnM l<oe Morao 8lato Broa Marlon Molina Ore PKTROIT Fox (17) Seil.T * WillH I KiinziilH Kililie .South Ore Pat Ro<MMat Oreat Clretanoa (10) Tod Fio Rito Ore H il Menkia s Davejra-.;, RoMqiairr , Dooirlnc KrankI* OonMoM NISW BRIiNHWiCK Xdlth'a lat halt (18-19) I..ynn Lewis A H Wsiat A Staitlon (One to fll> TRBNTOW f!iM>itol iHt half <17-20> Morae Sharon Devrloa Rev (Four t« Hm td hair (14-I«) Olynnplc i Waah noard Co Hickey Broa KJIth Murray Rod Donah uo (OlM t* flIU SKW VORK CITY Roar (17) VTealey.' ..VMy-.' .. Runaway 4 Phuck A C'huoklcH Honey Tr The Commodorfl A lyCO Cart One Itolit»r Olria itmr v«iWK riTT 4*925?^"* KM<ib»n Piratea ,1m* reachnu A D OoorKe Olvot Roalevard lat half (17-20) • Victnr Oirla Boh FInher CHIvo Olaen S A R ,-.M(t''-M«rtoii' . W A J Mahdol S.I half (21-2:1) TCitaroa Ja.p.s Oruenlee A Rogers Harry Kahne " Berkea * TVrett M'na A Morono Rer Orpneam tat half (17-10) Don Lee A Trudina Haywood A Allen Cnre Bros A Betty 0*i* A Carson : |»ater CJolo Co V M halt (it-l|> td ilalf (21>»S) Frank Hhiplds H.iywood A Allen iliirr Broa A Betty 31,1 Marion Hon Lee A Trudlna Metrop^llljj^f^ » Renar* nSpl-V Nord A J»n.f»iT« • 'has King ■:• • ;Urittorr^Oi^':''''\-.y.A Art'1r>»i M^rafc. ' ■ U'tiui A K'lwarda Brtn Blue California R*» RA1.TIM4MUI- Centurr .{ffk. Aleit H.into* " f.rt Patil y ihIi.i Iliini'hiik HustPF West ..Rimapji'-'.. ■ ■ Sbnia A Vernon ONmCtAIW f>l»(Tt^T TO THR N. A DR. JULIAN SIEGEL rARAMorNT BifirmNO Thl» Wft<* EuBen* Cnnritd—Harry Brandt t Victor Oirla Tyler Mason Walter Wallora dt Wm A Jark Mamlel (On* to nu) ailhert Bros fit rat ford A M'b'ry Bnllitt A lAmb ItllHan c;arman Herm'a Timberg Co Vara Van . Joe Morrla Co Alex Morrison Jana A Wh4l<>n Golloano F.inri HROOKI.YN Oaten Ave. let half (17'20> KItarna Japn Or«*D|eo A Rogers Wirrr K«bn» vitorkMi A T!rfoil .Taoit lAVIer Anne Grwenway Ki<> itrOH Russian Fantasy (Ona ti» mil ^miMitir riTT I'Oew (17) r.ynn Burno Rer I)<>t)>>y ('ook Meilny A Uuprao Hill Hobinflon M'injfana Intl'a NKWARK Nlate (17) B'>yd 'A Willin Johnny Hyman 5 CsMn Kida T'M A J MeK«nna A lali^ A Richard* f4NIW'« n.-if )r.i A WMIsb* R>v Htnaok RcNM A, Benitett . R)<e^k ; A tiMbMfS Tttiie* ;l|(|Hkr* . R*f Wanier KI.I7^|IKTII lUts iMt half (t«-II> M>(lt> A llurrell (K.iur to nil) WAUC KiddiOM lat half (I.4-:H) Andr^A Marah Teddy BorKman iKllasMf's 'n* .1 «n '•il>v Kzr.i A 7. 2ii hi If (15-17) I'tiil Cook ' l''our to flllV i'llli,Ai>KI.I>HIA Kjlrle (17) I>e Litni; Si« lirnokH and I'liilHon Boy re A Marsh Ina Ray Button Or (11) llpn.'ir'l (iirls <li>a ltob{>y A Oang Mann Robins'n A M nenwifewt A M^V ;. t 'liiiforni* CBrai'tto AM half (Id-SI) llorbort Lynn A P Ti>t A Al Wildiiian M i/.i«iifii» * Ketine R H.rt Wnltcin Tom M.'in ili in Ore Karto »n J>uthera;Ca ; U.>m« A Rand M l-ton A Yvonite /- t'tlifiirnii ('^'ilegi'ns (II) Pirk A Clilfard Kiirii-o A Nor*l|*. . AI Nnrinan Pioke)!* Sia;. Fanchon & Marco A)l.\n c'alna Oro ( iMino lie I'll Mob Alton Rev w A M liowkrd I II trold Miirrar 'Jriiii> Mirry I'tuI Hr.iper ( I irk Whnttler A M I'^'Htjy Tiylor (:<f(ir»(i-v fioutbern .Ch%ii. l*rutry .Ore i.e<»n' rr;ie<tnt»*i Ore It lyhrrid A f<i4eind* (iiitiorio A 'Soa* . 1 In. 'Mui ■■ . Kon ,,J,0»»*-Or* .H:t;nt*;''tlgli)t .'OM-." . ^;^tnilr*m*iil; l'*iMd« (iriifo Ore Club Kenlurky M ly Kennedy l.ouiMi* llrydnn 1'hetma Wblto .Sally Hold Sherrir Magee Ore t'lirii llliplinMui .i.'i'^k'..Mas<Ni"{R«^I.-- Li.lo (iirla Of* ; Vmttm .flUi;;. C. C.^iRM A«*I«M* 11*11 f<tt|M A t<o«t« ' Meara A Meara Ju.ino |lenandi*< (lr*fd*» ll*4*l cb«ri^;tt«ipl^'36vp ■Jbi ■ jfntjer. QrO ■ Kl ToreMdor I) .1 Ksiarpinter Or Trial ■ Varelft ■ '.(UlnoraH Arfwiiii.-'. .iu;ii»tt*...-..:: iiiMUilt'' tteant'i**- ^ ^, T'J/^'-U}^ MUrrair I<.tn* Willock A faraon KunkiHt Beautlps Pnil.AUKIJ*lli.\ Ko« (17) IMiil K.irris Ore Lpah Ray S. Ambaaaadoni •, ' (Other* t*. in> ' ; rHlCAOO state lAke (!•> (>et< h A Ueauville CJrosory A Ramon Verna Han worth K A D Ijovejor Harris A MartiN Irving Bdwajrd* . Alfred Latell Sylv:in n<>ll MItT.i Orcen iiONO BEACH Mniad .laok Ruasell Co IJOH AN(1RI.K» Orpheoaa (H) Happy Tom A Jerry S Bin* Blasea Archer A Jackaoa .S1iawt>oat 4 \n.»<i>» A Sear! t Tirirts Hoyn Week of August IS C^MwKVlbw^ Ma H* tst half (IttU) Sax A Roye* I'enslow Co 2>l half (ir.-li|) VxllierA A Pafte Farr A Huahe* nontlMMM St Y»i» Tr Now Vi< M<>ti;i C.rey 1»'S .Silvns Trwiidpro Muth , ■ Il'm.sel Marco*! A -J lti>lib Willori iieornes Andr*:lt . Maurire RD«RW«« «OA» I ' Australian Boys Klorolte IJ.winK A Met* KDMONTON Kmpire I>i|.|lcy'a MIdccfrt ''•I i.* booked HAMMKRSMITII FMdy. Phyllia A A V ii Roal*« 5 Kr-ik«.|iax IMMNdTON itiue Hiill 1st half (in-lS) F.trr A Hughes On aa bonked 2d b*lf (N il) !*** 'A 'R•]^«n^ Penalow Co KILBIIRW Uraage ■1 Australian Boya l<-l'>rotte Bennett A McN ■ ' VoHniinrian Bd ' LRVTONHTONK .Riallo Co aa booked mUBPH'RnS BDHH Pavilion Bruce Merryl lOmQiie Booke Bonnerelli 8T AM FORD HII^L Muld o« w!^8h*y A M Toledo Klly A Joan TInymit" A Welford STRKATIIAM I'lilure Yoiinkman IJJ TOTTWSnrTM I'lQiire Miil'loon SiKiy A M Tolodo Klly A Joan Tlnymlte A Welford WAt.THAMHTOW «r«M«d« ii.iiii'ind's Piceona 7 Kllloits Dudlny'H Mldgata Wood Uroea Palae* Ann- ItOpert .S Blue Chlpa Or* VIorM* (iMk Mabel Scott Al Moor*. A Ainy Itowlind Hotd*r Slim A Rddle . l.ulu May lUrdu AH Ore .t Kbony Notes ttlea laland Ci nien Oray Ore fee Wee Hunt Oov. riinton Hotel Knoch Light. Ore H*lrw'4 «**l*«nK*t rhar>*a Di*y|* b«* Moor*"-"ft. -.II***!. ': Croa* :ft' .Omni' ' > «*M Paul Wkit opidi* jack F«H**.. V'. Ratnona Uobt l.aurenco B:\be Hauaer Hotfd Bdisaa Ra*l.nakr Bna P •t**d*« pro H*Mi' Ki*BftgCf*B' AI Kavalln Oro H«tlel Ot. Morthora I'frdenando Oreh Hotel MeAlpta Sam Robbla* Or* l|*M IMrMMk Harold 8t*ra DM Mario A riori* Rosita Ortev* H*t«l MMT V*tln* Joe Relchma* Oro Ay res A Ren* Uladya Brittaia Itatm rcaMTlvaaln Bo* Baator Or* Bnron A Blair Nell Buckl«r Joe Lynne Kamon Kamoa Or* Hotel rierr* Js'-k Denny Ore Hotel J|**i***li Hat*l |irWt*lii*ll M.iyfMir I Hob h'uldtn Tony Haceo Bob Bunok MmT* Nyo Mayhevf'a Orv Oakland* I"***!* Will Oakland i Lou Molan MarHli.ili A Ine* Terry tlree* Maw Sis. J iinm> OrtMiso Oru ntrnditMi'. .NT'i Key J Jolinaon Ore Ann Lee Psitteraon «ari..a»cii >#■*:■■ ■ Bi'llia "Biirh*'' ,•■.,■:>■: Cole* * Bees Uo.H.'/.e|| ttoLind Hon Harvoy Bart>ara JaHon Boots Carroll Buddy Alda |y« Stewart I'MMMi* k Ian '■R*r ■•C»«W*rn''Q|r«;.,;': ■■Arnold'*-..R*» " Park Ceatral Hotel Karyl Norman . BI<elow A !<•* t Co-eds (""Ills Harnett Ore riavllloa Royal RiMly Vallee Ore M*i«ar*t I>adulia Q**«vaJ A Tova RAJ VMrnon Marion Chaao Orlando'a Ore Bmll Coiman Or* Qene ■ Jinin Jimmy Ryan Barney KiMm Connin Willy Youifk Kred Turnst><l Ore Restaanuit l<* .R«« Arthur W*rri|n**' O Diiii Plg e lo w O r * ' King'a Tawpi*; De Li mas Wanita Chapman Jeanne A 8y,l vla jo*,c«itirrT;v:'■■ Oenrire.,S«4llMA: ' r.a Cabana Kddie Jackson Jackwn I A S Rd A A Kintey Carlos A Marchaa Jaekia BeeUman ciias airang Ora I'Mdiq Davis I>e| P07.0 Oie lion Perry Orch LoMgae Vim Vie. Irwin Oro Kvelyn Wilson Towns A Kpott Nat Harris Or* Rosa's M. H.. Bob Alton Rey..'.; I.illiun CarMfi^ Bay Huling;' Buster Shaver Oliv* A Qeorg* Hrneat McCliexney IIiiRhio Clark Ben Goodman 0(c Jerry: Arlen Ore Mike Bernard Showboat Casino (City Island) - Caitle Sis V' Dave Fo» Kay Scott Marl* Whitney Kenny A Lewis Mildred Raye li River Girls Joyce A Smallwood Oibaoa-Wood Oro BhMr Pine* Burna A KIssea Jack Waldroa Franoea Fat Misa Harriett Modesca A Mlchels Ben Bernard ' Slmplaa Caain* Peppo do Albrew Dick Oaaparre Ore Lrnn* A 8*daRo fit** ii«j L** St. Freddy Martia Ore Belle Bak<4r KoKnr Kahn Ore Hanford Rev Mildred ft IfjMrt** Nick I>ont'^t^ ' Martha Ray Runlce Bealy Or*k Qups^ Comeback Yawitz Makes 1 More Aiiotlit^r H^i*!^ K«^itii|C yauUo Ih I '.'iitl yaVriU; < flifeli^il^ cottlimiitiit on Y';iwit/, Is HOt to Open ft«M»t. 14 nt OIK* of the l«oovr Ni»w yorlt AFA TO INIRO SaFTOOPS. Aniei-^i-att KtMleratiun - of Avturn y^lV^ ^d^lifBimf i^0Mt ciii^ of tt« exjiiiienc^ withiiii tli^ itoKi^ of wooks The orRinixfttlon, with Iho oUI White Hats' A. F. o( L. li<irter in its li^pfis^iiMioii^ RoW |ee^ it is fltronK enough to fprtnally rep- resent itself to the hooklnff and the- atre headH aa the ret>resentative YArieCy^ fMstoi^n'^^ 1^ «;roti|> barsalntnir, ■ Ilaljih Whitehead. A FA. exeru- livB secretary, returned .Sttiirday (11) from a six weeks' road trl|), on which he set up branchen with lo- •lal membertihip iR Chicago, Detyoit. M[ilVrau1c««); Fjhfl||#l»lfiKia and BcM- Lovey kids J A F Hubert Taft Grill Oeo Hal] Orch ':;Vhwnl«** Joirda, A Smaiiwond H.tiTMM JfOkar Ore Week of Attgptt IS fmmiui Ja* l»**re» Vivian l''ave L irry Ad lor Tlia Bred w Ina ^ .lftrt»ir*'>i»>^V;' Hni Sliortnan Co Chung Te Wah Tr Danny A Rddif Hap H«anrd'"V RUINItliKOH New Virloria^ Maiy O'Rourke Regent lat halt (1)-16> Co aa booked . 3d half (t4-il> Dorry A Sloan R A B Mylea ' Rutland Mary, o'Kourk* I.KITH Cnpilol \!it half (U K) Dorry A 8l*«a K A » MylM ' Id halt (ii|.li> Co aa ted*Md Cihurets Ambiiaandor, L. Jackie Maye John van Lowe BubblM Jifielby Kathleen Howard Out A Dash Karlcs Broa. A L Will Willis Tbel DreHHlor Neil Ooldon Ore Arrowhead- Irving Conn Or n NEW YOEK CITY i. The •Toa Zelll*''.' zHo B »b Oraint Or* Nilo Men6nd*a Ore. Canoe Palace In* Kd llfl Davis Oro 4 Bbrthm Boys Cafe Chantant J'MI Ratour Ore Rilph Cbl(?rin«ky Minael Valdeapino Uitd Bell (.!|M(iMV'T*«if# . 'Ok* .arMi'.m*lelM«''vI •lomeh A Witton* Tic -Toe Olrls Dolores Ferria Mellla Oodeil* Peart 2 .^t^niT Meeha* Dim Van I'l «d Berrona Ore Mayfair Clab ( Monmouth B'taeb. N. J.) K Madrlguera Ore Bala Loblov Ore Cba«cl Club Olady* Bant ley Dav* Martin's Ore f>e« Slinmoha tttlnc* Bnrn Anthaay VHal 6r« Beta Chain* Rddle Ray Oeo McGuira Prances McCoy. Josh MedJars HIr Jack Joye* >..Oet*VM.'.'. Rtith DOIauir Ro** lf«li*na dwr liOtMterd* Or* iSito'a Or» West cheater Cink Kiay A Brnliitfttl Arthur Brow* :. - Miiv'-; r.Mis Raval- ■ , Oeo fTIKTord .Nailirie W*y*# . WQAOO Karl Rtdkard il«1 Kemp Bowery M. H. Phil' Kurmaa fi<Hr Kin* Hwrtr 8ing*r Or*. ibnnndiiM oiaV (World** r*lr| iTranltt* il**t«f*' Oorotky Own*** Du Manila'* OHi eh** Par** Li t% Oray ChapH* V«.|n« A Toll I4ddi* Oarr Count«aa 1i'*n ToMMtn Honry Btiise Ore dub • I.ehMr* Ldcio Garbia Billy Meagher Joe Mannl's Oreh Betty Chas* Jack 8*Kto* J*r 'dugar' Hatolda Oi r*il*f* laa ■ Rvana Co-*d* Jackie Heller Beuvell A To«a Buddy RoffM* (Ana ColoNimo^ t^ydla Harris O'll nlon A Z'mbunl l>'«rothy Henry Bob TInaley Ore 'en* APk>*n* Trii^y David*** Kddle Roth Oro Drake Hotel .Slavic Ballet .Stanley Hiekaana Biltmor* t Krances Wilier ICuth'nia A MaloOtm Wheeler Twina Ruth Lne Barl Burtnett Ore Wea Adama LiHa Harry SoMilk Or* Harry** It.' V. Bar J>ie Buckley Don Penfleld 0«rmaln* LaPIarre Harry Hafrl* AI Wagner Billy Meyera Elmer Sohobel Joe Buckley Oroh K-9 Club Billy Brannon MiiK-l'int Jiisoa Kd t'a.iey Ore i.eon T.a Verd* B*rt \P«t*|^ Oebrga Ollyar Maronl'a Rolando A Verdltta («wen OorJofv—., Nnecee Shanno* Marge A Marl* Virginia Bwehaaan Bob Wyatt M iurl* Moret Or*k MoaWa Unnj* - (W<<r|d'a^alr> R.iy Reynold.^ DeComte A Marie Johnny Parker Ore '. . -clafc -iWjiMirt '/V;; Frank Sherma* K»<»rothy Norton Ailelina Dosserta Uulph Petera Aurettn Sis Betty Jturnette Mural Room (RrevOTt HotH) Mnt Hoaso 'Moe' Leo ■. •'.■■'..■■ Jo-Jo Goo DeCoaia..' H-nrry Ahermaa Jlmmf Lane OM M*Blea (World** ralrv Rosalia Hank The. Mule Szlta A Annis John Poat Kleanor Leanor Willie Shore "Opera € lub" Kdwina Mcrshon Lawrence Salerno Tom 0**try Oreh Jo** Rlvn* Orch Ptore* ft B«rri* T*4: 1 y «ai * ' Oirek>' - Lydla A J*r'ea6* .stone A Vernon 4 Cnlif's fisrry Adler ■ Abbott GirU Paramount Phil White Julia Gerity Rdna RumIi Misa Harriett CUtr WInehtIt Mary Neville 5 Blonds Mary Ijiipean Rarl Hofrinan Ore Ken Murray I'haney A F og Minor A Tloot i''rank liaz/.ard I McNally Sis Riverla Bttya C*rl*» Molina Ore i«l!«fM''Clak Geo D Washington Ktttliryn Perry Bert UarwoH . T4t«r% ■■Or*'; r ;•:/■.;•;■';., Dob Cnrlo* Roma Vincent showboy Hariain.Jr ^nna May t!|yd« l.ui as Or* Via Lag* Bobby orahaia Cran* RuMMll OyA Zita A Mare«1^*'''"".''. Eve* Jules Atbertl Oro Jack Housh Wanda Kay MS riub Al Garbell Bdna Leonard Billy Richard. Art West Joan LaMiTf:'.. ■ ; LOS ANGELES BHtNioi:* BmI Greea (.itbles Wird l'inkt*.ft r JiJhn' Tio .' ; Fi'jra Buan* . Dixie Frane«»a •Sylvia A Uettina .loa'i'iin Clray Jimmy Grler Or* miiHiinr* B'dfavan* Mai. ttttl«ktit-Or« rnf* 'Be- ihifag.. M >!)i« A Lamant M>^rle Carlson OM Cocottnnt Orov* Fiorenc* A Alvarei Oi»wa*r .Al*.' ' Oil* AAilMlm Or* Cotton Club Harlem Rev Jack Dunn Bd BronmlMId A O'lor .7...--> Melntire'a Kawal'm Helen Golden Rev a'M.\ii|^»|^*n''« Bd Rug MeC*rg*r Or* Betty Page M\od Taylor Miry Jlorton Tons Thompson I Atle* Plekarinir Dorothy Paddo k Phyllss Cameron Peggy Rogers Durls William* **piri- ■■'■ Dorothy nithsrt m* Jerry Philllns Bd Peta r**l.U Or* ■■./■■■■H';'':';«fl»l0i|«o,,.A V,iii.|.'ville*s first iv^il Urftait, ■ ill i nunihor of year** C4>ni()a Dn Aut. U, wl»an tha ' Jonip*, Uniek .ih^'; Schaefar Itibp-end Ui.ilto rotm r.s ta - combiiiKition vaude and |)ii tnr.vs Will play five acts on a .split wi-ek polipjiri boolted QVt of the jliUy Dfani»Rd oflMa.fllalio tried a re. tWR to vilude early In 1952 on % fiill-w^ek basis, but the venture did not click at that time. House, how- ever, haa been tlolnar poorly with burlesQud An<l the feeling airoiihd the Aaron Jones office la that vauda .Htanda a much better chan(<e today In the past year vaiide has been coniinK back slowly, btit surely, throutrhQUt fhia territot*y^ tau^ there wi«t» •liljr iir6 vauilt» spot* tR the loop, the Chlcawb and thn Palace. With the opening of Itift Rialto there will be live loop vauda stands. ■ ..,.'■,'-;": <>R W«Mf, I tlM ^^afttn if^n«^^^ and there is every pnissihility that that house will be hooked w.itti mammoth presentations in the.styhfe" nt the 5;;i)ic4ia .a,R(| Muste h»u. piitfsiliii riMNM«^ also in. creased In vaude. There are seven days of vaude tn such a.s lh« B. & K. Marbro. HardihR and Southtovvn. Three <iays apiece Hi the tiiit«)Wii» UtrRtforA iind '■ kedsle. but it <s expected these houseM will All boost their playing time with the arrival of cooler weittlifr. Despite Indications that a health^ ier vaude sea.son than the t>ly. known in the. past few y.ears. is cm tha: ..-whtf^'Wf^B^i^^ nkikirig.'-. Bi^, Plana t«r th« future. Produc tlon, which sfiould ordinarily be under- way at this sta^e, is at a standstill. Their resources reduced t<» j|u<;|i A low: a»»;;hy H>a " lioppe',:asdi6Rii^;tfc' the past, none of the front-line vaude Impresarios, with but one exception, is taking any chances of soinv completely bust bj^ investingr ill produ^ttoiis luitll tti a^ hoVr the wind is blowlikf; If and whea stage shows get A llrta toehold, they .say, they'll put acts in the tfiakin^. HIckey & Harry, prolific unit pro- ducers last session, hAi(:«^ t^ only deflnlte plans so far, fiPhls of- fice Intends to reproduce its 'Words and Mu.sic* minnie rovue, one of last season's most successful units, and two or three new ones besiAiHii eratlons to beglii witltlh the cdMittayi two 'W^ftefca.'"' ■ • •'- ■'■ •>.'•■ _ '• .''''■■• ;^ pn^t^^^^qthor hand, the ooinbina^ lion of Marty Korkins and Macklin MoRloy for the prodRctlon of IfrhHa and ccrloreil unlta iu;«:|Ht|tt «it<jUM;ldNeNf as t<» #lieH and wMK Hirhat they'll stJirt operations. Same j»oes for O. U Qs, Charles U. Maddock and HEALir PLANS VAUDE lil# Hetni picture cohtract et- plrlngvaep^^_ll, Healy come* oast after that date for vauds. r'harlio Morrison i* Sublihiitlfiff tM Healy turn for fall. : .'AiMRi''»rle«i'-M;500.'.'.--'' VMid0 Potiibilitt Oardon Hmilh 'f^ijriwlifai^* K*9tr, .-.': / Omaha, Aur. It. Brandeis. Omaha link In the Mort H. Siniorer chain, getting a line OR stage Attratitiona for nett .a«asoi|> ManaffCir Bill fllngeir tripped to C»i|« eago last week on booking buslneif for both plcturet, and vaude. Enroute to DeriTer and Los Angeles froRi Chicago; o#Rer Mort Sifigif stated recently tliieatre would pfAiiv ceed along lines of policy pursued last season-s>eiCAslpnal sta^e ahi^irii Oatei^ tn LO'wMI. MaM, ffO<>s acta on a «pltt>w«eli basis stnftlnf S<»pt. 1. Artjiur, .nMkm.Jjjgjtk^ I*':