Variety (Sep 1934)

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'yTi'Vhfr'.-irT BIZ UP: ^t)OHhle huliday ftnd cpoldr wieaihcr lhi^Anviile>nty to the Ihjx iiWM'^ur- ::rp-htljr;- ■ ■ ■ It'f;-.|U|Mfi Ffiitr -Wift^k,." 'tiqfo. Ana >«r%iiMh'tnltt' 1^^ utthbuih *licF(^ :. ariB :/ npwhf i^^^ iicar the tlri>mM(f)Qtit' trf- fortner yearp* ; ■■ :'U''ai*^6' lit.e-up Of aitt^^ittdnR;: vith .O^plieutti boUitdred by (ho Dujii' Wtt' gI»)tor9 lii persbh, otii;Iront •'n<T 'tttinoat cortAlrt to raptur** ftrst hoh'irs for a chaii^'o. 'Toppy and Eva' |)fur havon't niiu li sf r<«Mi aid fr«ini "Down tn Thoir T^ast Yacht,' but tluy ptisscss piillinj; jtowir. Shirloy 'romplc. (lary Codix^r .mil , ("anilo Loinlianl txi\c the fStaio li!< :ity St i on,!? l)ox oUlco as.sots. IMr <>|)< iio(l well. Little Miss Toniplo's Toi,'ue liasn't waned a particle yet. opi arently, despite the frequeney of ; hei recent screen appearances here. In 'The Scarlet Empress* the Ce;nury has its best card In recent r: yii'vkH and Manager Har6|4 Kaplan hft-* mad© tb9 mp$t of tt inih a fine t^nine eam n aliH. ' a rc#iitt, ftim im cUcjciiiff nrst rnte. V Ity f^awnjount W in lionor thereof, the Lyric, as well as tke iOentury and State, hai * Fttr&f iBpilht plctui^, 'Thd Xdtortous B6j^iit lAntg.* ,■ T)m^, in«v sure-Beater, heralded as niis modern theatre,' with trans- ^ lux projection and many other fea- '■-tWres new to Minneapolis, is off to ah auspicious start with 'The Lost Patrol.' Estimstfs for This Wssk ' Csntury <F(abita) a;6a«; 2S.36- 4<l)^'Bcajrlet Baipf«ssr (l>)pir). V^kr- ' tett* Dltetrlch iK>;1blg tM«-offle« shbt - -tui* .%f^\-mwt--wa eostttiheoMsto- . fjkMi}^. Id^wrci elthsr. IMrt tUs on* exploited in Ht-'^^'^v^ fojilbidn and well liked. Likely to krces« tItrottKh to good $6,000. Last •Wr«vk, 'Housewife' (WB), $4,200, ■ fair. Orpheum (Publix) (2.890; 25-85- 60)—'L.'iKt Yacht' (Iladio) and Dun- can .Sisters in person. Stage talent the draw here; picture a weakling. Opened well and should hold up. ■ Around $11,000 Indicated, good. I^st week, 'Dragon Murder Case' $4,000. okel.. ' Stals (Publix) (2,400; 2S-|6t40). . ^■ow and Forever* (Par), Bnlrlej! l^mple the l».o* bait in this )n- V JtttAe<i!i aHkough presence of Pa^ry Cooti#' tea-'CfStrble Iiomb«M ,^to#sn't kiirL treat enthtis|ii;iMii bver lilctUk^ but they'll pajr to see it. Xooks good for neat $ 10,1)60. lASt -veek, 'Treasurs islan* ;4^J^ \ 000, big. • "•■^ World (Steffcs) (350; 25-33-50-75) fc-Kovival week, with daily change. Should reach fair $1,000. Last week, second week of 'Halsingar,' Swed- . lih. $800, mediocre. Tims (Johnson) (300; 25-35)— fLost Patrol' (Radio). Fine picture but appeal limited. Novelty of new theatre, liowever, drawing 'em in and should click to good $1,500. Uptown (I'ublix) (1,200; 25-35) — •baby. Take a How' (Fox). Made to order for this house and breezing along at $2,500 clip, btg.^Last week, •Here CoiBM NftfT t^>»^ 1^ Okeh. Lyric (Publix) (l.»0; 20-25)— •Soi)hie Lang' (Par). No cast names and too many crook dramas lately. Win be ducky to top $1.- 000, mild. Last week, 'Beyond Ben- aai' (Showman), $1,200. light. 6rand (Public) (1.100; 15-25)— %ltlk Kan. What Now?' (U) and %Mit>»OnioillAlisten' (Par), former •ieotid-iiPlH*/ #nd latter flrst-run, ' iplit. Aih^nitf 4000 indicated, light. -.::X(i^-'--if9^^ ''T^^^^'^^ Miss Marker- ll'ar). ik»fi<(l riMi, $1,500, okeh. Aster (I^bMa) (900,; 15-25)— IBuman Sil^plife' (Radio), Bot- toiins iJpV ?iV»JO Mid 'Elmer and jSlsie' (Par), first two second^runs, last njimed flrsl-MWi split. Maybfe . $700, light. Last -^rsek, •Verjtle Wlutff r s' (na^ie)i >Kow I ' l l t s jl' . . ... , itMi NEW YORK CAPITOL (.',|t:0; 7.'>-S5- 11(1) High. $110,400 Low.. 10,000 PARA- MOUNT High. $95,000 Low.. 10300 July 26 MUSIC High. $118,000 Low.. 44,000 ROXY «:>) High. $173,600 Low.. 5,200 RIALTO (2.000 ; 4<l-(!«-75- 85) High. $72,000 Low.. 5,200 •THAND (3i«M0: a3T;i3-Qr>> High.^lJOO Lew.. 4.M0 Stnmboul «Stage Show) Old Fsshionsitf $2o.o()0i (Stage ehow^ Gocis DeiBtroy $(50,000 (Stage Sho\y) Min, Bill $10,000 (New Low) (H^viyaD 8si»k)« Lang j,flft.(>OQ Take Bow $21,100 (3d wk) (Staire Shoir) TeriWr $12^000 Two FssM $l2,f00 Grand Csnary $05,000 Bow $18,100 (4th Wk) Greatest Cdn!MM Niivy Aug. 9 Paris Interlude •1».00() Ladies Should Listen Learned About Sailors tn^ooo Cavalisra 11.000 Aug. 16 _ Girl From Missouri $35,000 Elmer, Elsie $10,«00 (New Lew) World Mevis Handy Andy 129.700 Personality Kid 11.000 Navy $17,100 -r4H mky CHICAGO CHICAGO (9.900; as.r>5.7S> High. $78/M0 Low.. 18,500 PALACE (2,500 ; 25-35-55) High. $34J00 Low.. 7.000 UNITED ARTISTS (1,700 ; 85-45-0r>) High. $43,500 July Stambeul ^ $41,800 CGOldberffs') (Stage Show) Rich Again $15,300 (Vaude) Operator $8,900 (4th wk) Aug. 2 Mm $«4,S0O Bondage $24i900 Drumtnond »*M0« mm Handy Andy fiaer) Bondage $10,100 Drummond $13,000 (Mwk) Aug. IS L«va Me Net $50,000 (Fred War- ing) Bachelor Bait $18,200 (TedFIoRlto) Drummond $9,S00 (S<}7k) ST. LOUIS DOWN- TOWN < 1,800; 2,-1-35-40- 55) High. $3$^ Ley».. 1,700 HOM..Y* WOOD (2,7tM; 25<*35-40- High, $37300 Lew.. 3,100 PARA- MOUNT (Z.r>0:<; 30-40-55) High. $57,800 Low. 5,600 STATE (2,024; 30-10-55) High. $48,000 Low.. 4J00 July 28 Personality Kid $3,000 '.Pef««naHty' ■:,-^:K4d■•/^ v: $8,100 Sophie Lang $8,900 (Staire Show) Thin Men $14i«00 Aug, t MOnlea OOitOO Elmer, Elsie $11,000 (5 days) (Joe Penner) Man $9,000 (2 wks-C dya) Aiig. > ^.MO Sweeney $s.eoe Ladies Should Listen $8,000 ^iJdays) H Aug. 16 Cemee Navy $0,100 Comee Na vy $8,700 Loves Me Not $19,000 Girl From Missouri $8,500 BROOKLYN f (Fox) and 'Manbnttart Mf^lodratafia' ■X iUQ)t $| >100, SOod. IJ's ^Musketeers' Switches ^^^^^ to Thackeray I: llDllywood, Sept. 3. ■'■ ^t^W'liiiy^-'^hitiw 'iHotiw^. Pic-;- tuM ^^ h,T< cnllod off productioti, f*ir n.i(li<>. of 'Throo MiiRkotccr.s' In favor of '\'anity Fair', the •Thackeray novel. It will be named lifter the central chwaeter of that Story, ■ 'Becky V Shfltn^ ;a|^.^^l!0'; ,l|«dc in Tochnlcoior. ^ v' Whitney will finance the picture •With production at the Radio studio i|pin<iBir li* y, •AUiM Universal Is con,siderinp mak- ilig-1^^ around the operetta fldJiptatlon of the story "Williani Ahiiiony McGuire wrote a.few i»ca- FOX (4.000 ; 2:.-3:i-50) High. $48,600 Low.. 8,900 ALBEE (3.&00: S3-30-M)) High. t45,000 Lew,. 9,000 (2,000; 9S-«Pm) High Low. $2iJ0iO METRO- POLITAN (3,000; 2.'i-35-.'.0) High. $30,000 July 26 Take Bow $20,000 (9t««« Show) Bondage $10,000 (Vatid«) Two Paces $7,000 Stamboul $14,000 (Vatide) Aug. 2 Bow $19,000 (8d«pk) Gods Destroy : |12.000 Made Me Lev* and MidhigM Alibi $8,000 Shoot Works $13,000 (Will Aug. 8 Bow $18,000 l$« wk> Grand Canary $13,000 CEl Chico' (Rev.) Bweeney And, Terror $4,500 Paris Interlude HCfOO Aug. 10 PHlLAp£LinilA f ABLir (2.000; lO-C'i-OS) High. $33,000 Low.. 10.500 FOX (3,000; aO-40-60) High. $41,000 Low.. 10,500 STANLEY »3,7M0; 40-5.'5-»m) Hlsh. $48,000 Low. 8.750 r.av<1iers ,-$11,700 ](Vau4e) Grand Cansry $13,500 (Stnge Show) Stamboul $8,500 Aug. 2 $11,500 Was a Lady $7,000 (5 dayg) Orilfliimond $10,500 BOSTON Aug. 0 Old Fasfiienetf $12,000 Handy Andy $26,000 Drummond $4,800 (4 days- f1 IfP; Aug. IS Grestest Gamble $11,500 AMBASSA DOR (.1.000; 1'5-.15-.W High. $48,800 Low^. 7,000 " FOX (5.uu>*; .;%.9a-&^) High. ^ . STATE (a,ooiij w-iuvr.5* U1300 MISSOURI High. Lew .. (:i..'><iO: Hiqh. Low.. 4o> $29,500 0,000 July 26 Old Fashioned $9,000 Chan!a. Courege and Cfvaliere Prummend $10,000 ; Embarrass- ing Moments, and Stolen Sweets $0.00<» rned iouT Sailors and Grand Canary SSI Aug. It Again precious . Thing *^ ' $8,000 Girl From:' MUsourf ,;fW,«oo BUFFALO BUFFALO (3.000; S0-40-M) High. f42,00e Low.. 8,000 CENTURY (3.400: 25) High Lew.. SiSOO . $21,000' bay HIPPO- DROME. (2,100; 25-40) Hinh. $22,000 Low. ■ 3,600 July 20 Midnight Alibi $10,500 (Stage Show) .(arth Turns and Princess $7,600 Key Btanfihbul $11,000 Chan's Courage and Women Are Dangerous . $15,100 Comes Navy - $7.aag, , ■ Aug..-1 'V . 'Handy. .Aitdy $17,060 Trumpet Blows and Strictly Dynamite $6,200 Stingarse .naog ^Au^lII. ^'Ikendagsiv $16,000 Wives of Reno nnd Double Door :.$M«i): Grand "-T^ DETROIT MICHIGAN (4.045; 15-25-35- 40-55) High. $58,100 Lo«w.. S.0O0 FOX (IS. 100: 15-25-35- 40^96) High. $60,000 Low.. 4,000 Andy $16,000 Comes Navy $14,000 fOdiMrs) FISHER (2,750; 25-35-40) High. $20,000 July 26 PARA* MOUNT (2,400; iM5-40) High. Iir, Lew/. GOLDEN GATE 42.844; :«i-.3.--40) High. $22,500 Low ■. 5.400 WARFIELD (2.700 ; 35-40-65) High. $57,400 Low.. 8.200 Stamboul $17,000 (Stage Sh<»ir) Learned Abeiit Baltora $1^.000 (Btaire Show) $$.%U- SA N July as Aug. 2 •tieot Works $20,SP0 i) Greatest GambIs $19,<(00 Old PasHleiied $5,'«Q0 Aug. 0 Auy. H I. • BOba FRANCISCO. DARK PAliK. PMvrage and Kiss. Make Up $9,000 vSondage $18,000 Handy Andy $21,000 (Staire Show) Aug. 0 Grand Canary and Cemee Oroont $11,000 Bondage $10,500 <2d irH) Take Bow $24,000 Aug. 1$ , ttambaul ^ and Sweongy $11,500 Gods Destroy $12,000 Comes Havy $24:060 PITTSBURGH PENN (.1,300; SS-.Ij-SO) High. $41,000 Low.. 3.750 WARNER (2,000 ; 25-40) La^.. STANLEY (8,600; 25-35-30) High. $48.00S Le iii^y 20 Kiss, Make Up $5,500 (Stace Show) Comes Groom and - • Cireue Clown $10,000 itfiiiirM-ii" Aug. 2 Old Fashioned $19,000 (Vinoent Lopez) Terror and Give My Leva ; $o;8oo Cemee Navy $11,000 Aug. 9 Drummond IIMOO Gods DsstrOy and •waOiMiy $5,000 Midnight Alibi ; $6,000 Aug. 16 Girl From Missouri $0,500 T Smarty and .QreateiSk Qaih^ia $6.000 Bondage $iL0OO bENVER DENHAM (1,,'iOO; 25-35-50) High. $16,000 Low.. 2,000 DENVER (8.000; 2S-S5-80) High. $27,700 Low.. 3.000 ORPHEUM (2,000 ; 2n-3.V50) High. $20,000 Low.. 3,750 PAftA*— MOUNT (2,0()<l; 25-40) High. July 20 Old Peshioned $3,000 Teka Bow $$.500 Key $4.ii00 Born BiB^ Affeirs ef OOht. . and Sueeess. Any Price $1,750 (8pm-lJual) Monica $5,500 Upper World $5,000 and Was Her Man $>.J?00 (New Law) KEITH'S (2,000 ; 25.40 .V'i High. $43,C0b Low^. 4,000 ORPHEUivi" (I! tide, ,l<i-4(t-.'i."i) High. $23,000 Low. . 4,000 "metro POWTAN (4,500; 8S-.''iU>lsn) Higli:. ieo.500 Low Oaand io,st (10 days) Drummond $12,200 <Vaude) Sophie Leng $10,400 m Aug. 10 Qreatesi Oanible $7,800 Stamboul $6,700 Two Faces $25,400 i'poidbergs') mmsm itmer. ilsie $M0O (New Lew) Handy Andy $10,000 Stamboul $6,000 Talk It And H«ll Cat ; : v$ ♦er NEW HAVEN Aug. 10 . UvesMeNal $7,000 Drummond $7,500 Corns Navy .$9.50(1! : T an K o y in Private and HaH.^ PARA- MOUNT (2,84H; 3.--r><r( High. Low. $21,000 ^2.000 POLI'S (8,040; SG-QO) SHERMAN (2,200; 85-50) High. $10,000 Low.. ' 1,800 July 26 Old Fasiftiened and City Parks ., $4.C00 r Vergi/B Winter* - ■ and. Gods Destroy OMOO Midnight Alibi and Csvatiefs $.').S(l(l Aug. 2 Sophie Lang IB Wives $3,600 Take BOw 'ahd'.'. Privata Csr $8i200 Monica and Circus Clown $4,nnn — Aug.^ Elmer. Elsie and 'Green' 'Kyss.:.' $8,200 Handy Andy and Blind Date $7.500 Bondage and Jlweeney $.',000 . .: Au g* 6anT IS S*«ape and Ladies Should Listeii ■ $.1 .?00 Girl From Missouri ' .'ind De fense Rests :■ $S.4(H ) Rich Again .'Hid Two Faces ! $:f.r.(io_ (C. «I.n\. )