Variety (Oct 1934)

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VARIETY pdWEit R E ('Jew Suss') (BRITISH-MADE) Ottiunorit-tint irih | rc><iu« ticii hihI rt li iiM iif lU'oiiratl Veldt, ifim teil b> I4jtl1.11 * . - Fiwn 'JtW 8uW i'Voyttt' was Ok iKle • in AmertcA), i>y I-Um IVwhIwanifer; iif1.>i|>tnlliii), I>oi«thy Knr- ■uin; aren.trl" mill tli.iloi;. A. It. n.-^wlln- ■on, rain#ra, Ucrnaril Knowlcii. I'liit )>r<i- mciton manner, J. (irabam CuitH. At lUdtA C'Jty Mualc llall, N. V.. wr«k IKI. , 4. niiniiinK time lOb mlm. f»w Saf*. . .Coiirad Veiat Karl AloxiinOer.............. Frank Vi» |irr llal hi »!.ibrlt'l.CVilrIc Hiirilwn Maile lAuguate..itrnitA lluiiip mniwntm,. ..... v»V|r' CNmM. 4u Matirier NMml.v...... CountcM lVUi^*n...'.;4.......;Mary <'lfir.' , JantJ*- .Kva Mi^iiK' LAndaurr. > ......,..;«.<., .Paul (.irat-i^ limiel»;...,.».... £r. ..'i I .HaiOfe WriKht atocdalene Slbyl1c>«.....Jbon Mnud>- ., PflUR r< rcy Parsims , lioni .Suffolk .......... J.inicH ItiiKliin : R«ln('hin|$;rn. «ii>>r'«,.(.',I<*r.iiH'iA ijulliViin "©Merle... . , .. .UenHli* ll«ny fc Teiil«. ,.,;.,.,....c»Wi!te». Culinn ; ■ rcnelTII-. J ,>,,-.-i ,;i^.,.;.. .ll^jr.; I'lumr < CJAumoiiit><Biritt^ <«ftllfd •ilew j8ut»*; in U« .concurrent world 'pr»n|iftri» «!' the Tivbfi, LbndonY i - yptmvtM'y-'^;- : an . nrtiittic lUm i^chi«y«i^Qli i It; not «6 for the |>.6. Ndl t1*ftt It vton't comttiand attention; it'll Rtt plenty of that. This alone may »<tan<l it in very fToiul Ktead for it is .vo <'oin- pletely .a critic's picture that the resultant all-round Kood iue.-;.s the fllui is hound to receive in every key city cant h<>li> hut react towards lenpfit of the ho.xotfirc iff nwatlly. . ' ' Biit taken by ii'nd large, and 1lKei|thc<1 under the existing cconoinie 4»n.d||l0nf... into / wt^tcK.. cateifory iiobl«n«84 of ptirpdse or' WfiailUi ,pC iiMic merit mui^t ^cce«imr|ly 4Siili-T^ ?fo#fr;v iijiiy' ;iia,ve f«i iitruggle for 'PdKv^r'' eofilt: n^noney. It looks it. It'i» a Bpectaclp of no Rmall propor-r lions which, on the spec equation at6ihe, may command sulflcient gen- eral attention to off.set Jiny i>th(r ehortcomings. Iksides which there .!« the hasic strong story. flollywood set iningly still en- joys an edge in tiie line of suavity, clarity and forthrighlness of pur- pose, especially asserting itself when a delicate theme is in hand. And what could be more delicate rUrht now than th« sagi^ ot Jew ^oHeph Bmm r OpiiiehhiftMiwr, who ruthleMiy ^ ^ 1^ tlie ;«c<»ii<mitc pow^ wl»feA; ^<»m a tvii^ iMn)irttlv«; aiuQint|i(> 4t the j;i}«ttd, to Milhfrle with the WurttefnberK duc.i 1 aobillty? In transmuting Feuchtwanger's "WeiKhty exiiositiou to the screen. Director Lothar Alendcs and Ins tollahor.ative sciiptists manifested much ingenuity and skill in edition rlision and fieleciiim. to jiaint in eolluloid wh.'it the lu w expatriatid tScrman ahthor did in liis powerful novel, 'Jew' liut, desjnte the Hollywood background of Mendca and adaptor Uorothy Farnuni, they: didn't ^ult4i chipps^ cloae ■''•nouiilii'"'."/; ' ■■:'. iPhey t^irt miss In preeentlnB the BiajoT'. JB^Mfy thread (fortified by ImboHlilittte Inif not too assertive mh<|iloi)( : to IniitireM the sinfrle- nei»ii df putrpoiie to-, which every film prddiiction must pcrforco iimit h'Bclf, if the public Is to grasp It all. As a result, :ipart from tlie basic weightiness of the tlu^ine. there are too many obscuring elements. There are too many loose skeins in the plot knitting. Tht-re isn't enough consideration also to tlu; n.itural confusion attendant on costume and period i)lays. (I^ocalc and period ts 18th century nuchj" otJ0i;4irtte^ >erg, (Scrmfiny.) : ; I Where stiich Conipupations ocea- *«ionally Crop up in (in. American film, the aiidlence also' %n^oy!! nn . advantaBo of fainiliariiy "With the HbM prinelpiixlf). td ftiil'thel' Identify thent/ Merp »onie of the •n»»»st poigit&nt tdVch<^ ar^^ , rq:! ohkcyred iiii 't)fi>alihbst wboUy^ 1^^ :■ ■Fo|r;\:'e.jta!iinple,---: HtiJir;: '*we'et-heart.: Wheina w Xh'^ iecherous rtuk<», is In turn betrayed by liic father of the secluced girl. It is this embitti'i'ed niaji (lo'ng siiuc re- warded by some ad<lr'd oHii duties) who directs the knavish iliike to tlie rctrc.'it of .h\v Suss, where lie has been nurturing his innv 14-.\iar-oItl d.iUL: litei'. When tfbe is «lriven to .•^ uiciile by a Wduld- .|je betrayal at the- hands of the duke, {<u«s, in a gripping death-be d Bcejie. Khaltes hund« with: the <on- . trite, Dult^, who is not' i»W^re thiit ; ifMKH I*; pledging hlm5'elf "t)(»: nonje fnna eniitftng "events i'Vi«lence |iu»B! »lir<rt(ifist. irndhner ftf *»nlant ihg the; «*lili(il!( ;**cordthg.. to his own iltaii4^cil|f^ The i powerful Htory ettttia^s When apprised that y his obscure nativity prove,<» Suss n«it to l.>e a .Ii'W, 1h- ri'fuses to renouiiee Oie f.iitli III li;i(l j--rown up in « veii tJioiigh it rin;i;is p.'irdi'ii ;ind <^senpe froin the g.illows. Aniiing the ni.'iny fine toiK h< s Ik , that farei<.'! 1 courtroom w hen- ■ Fusv ph'.uls for nothini: and ojiiin s tb; t hf < ;^T!'t lie b.iiiged high* r Ibfm th< ||,-i*ll(r,vs. Thereft're, (i Hpcehil •hcil, <rorir*r*arabie to 4 div.ipg. liell. •!«■• ■erected-"'»)<).■■•'■ tiinf-^:HMwi.':.|riEty'.':l)lv truiy Rtr^rig higlV« J" iton the*^^biwit^ • #Hd' hitf ':,;i]iani?,ln*i' ■'■■■t^iie.'/.-'n■ ffmfin: liolltrAy b'f^jrje '^tbe igaWkfng cwrWlcs llltcndl|iiH^^t*P^-;*^>'>f'^^^^^ ril^M;;? of (be-' *tntr ' wrtMWt' 'but e.ipii.ii pubixli- wieiit •JPowei' i|" aU i,'eiini.«i Veldt. A (<iiisuiniiiute 8(^reen artist who«« 111 .ti'ioiuc KkiU p.'UH the bcHt on • t.if.'o or screen this blm will un- Uout4ed.iy C8tal>liMh this Dno Uer^ nwii.fiie'tipV. who has been conihi|gr: to more and more world; Jittf^'n^'^''' ^^ tljo British films, ' '. " ;.^ v Franli. Vo8p(<r *• the rapftciOiw duke is excel}(^nt. UkcwiHe Codrlc Hftrawi(;ke: aiul the late Bir Cterald Ifaurler In ch«ract«r aMigh- mental, along with Paiii Ciruc.t;K t^a tho homely philosophical t<nndau'er and raniela Ostrier as Naomi, fe'iis-s' tiaughter. (She is the iJ-year-old daughter of Isidor Ofitrer, chairman of the O-H board of director.s.) " She* played the part with consummate genuineness, registering a personal click in the role, and looking the 14- year-old the part calls for. Jt);in M.iiid, Mary Clare and Ilablee Wright likewise stand out among the perform.'MU'Cs. Film is repb'te with su many ex- cellent touches it is obvious what li problem fac<>d the New V»)rk edi- tors both in the (JH-l'\>x ranks .'ind In the Hays ranks, for the .NIl'l'IJA assumes puiity-seal regul.-xtiou over GB product' through the Fox ex- change hook u J) in this country. Hay.s organization wisely rejstralived itself on too much: sitcaring in order to jM^estervev.; 0© dramatic elc- mcnM>^ 0rij(£iwitiy running two solid hottirw, now down to 1«5 minutoH. Aiittl^JII'jnlnutes otit of It would Xo m.\tter from what standpoint viewt<l, however, 'I'owei' is an out- standri-. It will be unioilunat*' if the eii nomic yield isn't in com- mensurate ratio, to the film's <iuali- ty, a nd : J,OC^: leftp ff?Pt. mny- I e t lie OUR: bAltY iREAD t'nitfd u li ;i^< Kmu V'ldi.i r i> iluction. l'"piitur»^s Kurin .Moilcv, Ti'iii Keene. UnilHii-ii Pewp*rv ■ l»AW; iii** 4»»op- tion by VMoi-! ftdhptart<>h. fillsiibei^ Hlii: photoKniiihy, Rolirrt Pllinrk; •jaunilv Hus- srll H,^n^•nll. At Itinltn. H. V., .Wf'ek. 0Ct M. Ituiinine time, 80 mlfw. ' Mnry...... ."rx-.,. ;,K<'rc.n Moilry John.,.,..... .. . .,4 * .. • ■ ' • .T<m Ke nc < 'liriH........ ..,., . Jiihn T. Qualen .•••:illy...,..., . i...;„i,......linr.bnrd Pepper '•<'Uif' AdOiFon nirhnrdp 'Power' <<! B), Artistfi eelbi loid translation ot l^ioii I 'cik ht- wanger 8 'Jew Kuss.' with Conrad Veidt in title role. 'Our Daily 9read UA). I^cfcs nnnies and dealW' with the grim tight of iniemployed to wrest a living from an abandoned farm. Human, l>e- UevAble jm4 ; ■.■ .H^.'\ litrO«>t<: ■ climax. ■>:'';.■ 'Social Register' (Col.) Col- leen Moore and a numljcr ot good players lOst in «' trlt** Htoi'y. iBmaU draught. - , «A i-eit Liidy' <WB). tight- weight in story and interest- ing only .'iH a lernme style dis- play • Bftrl>n:r4, ■■'■f9lm^^ : stfirrcd.^' ..'' ^ 'tiZ:'^ , ■: - ^'.•T*#;:-• HohM"" 'M' a «Mlow.».: (Liberty). Rfipetitious ineident leaves this shot of strong pull but has in.'iny laughs. 'FijihtinB Hero' <Hollywood. "Wn.'-''• ■■ '.y., r *''-.-': V',-''■ .'■ ■„:. , ■ ♦WaB^n^-WtahBii' (T»ai ). Titleil after the song and aJi action western of above average eii- tertai nment. IJandolph Scott and Ciail I^itriek in top noTesT. ou». But theatre laieh' wj|tl have such doubts.-'■.. .•-.■y,)-.. J ' ■ The picture is: weak. On iniitrQuec n.'itnes, Ki^reh If orley is the nearest approa;<*. id "i.'4^^ f om' Keene ha s 4on«; w«^tibrn« and fearbarn I 't-pper Is nn unHnoWn. That every- body is human and believAble Is ji tribute to the direction. BfiSs Pep- per, wlnj looks like Jean Jfftr.lOW* may attract further attention on her performance. She's the perfect trol- lop typ(\ Addison Kieh.irds is th<" m<.st uiiUFual among a long list cif ch.aracters. ile's a new face that ptcture«< 4>Wih t t<i> be able to use. ■ 'v- , '-v '■: , ■, lAind. Kis^ Vidur, who has ,the.n«'* ye to d«r niiaRiirthings, has here brought to the screen a story which be .says is 'inspired by the headlines of to- aiay-i 'It^|jiU)j *rj^^^ of un- empl oycd who take up s(iuattcr rights on an abandoned f;irm and turn it into a thriving cdmnnmal collective project. On the w.-iy th«y have various dilliculli( s cl\lelly from th.'it ghoulish visitor of tariiilands, the drouglit. To the telling of this priiuitive story of plain folk;-, struggling fen- food and shelter and a place on the land. Vidor has brought all his <li- rectional skiU- He hJui croWhed it With a; grl pping el ima^; bhe of the heist ever Contrived in motion pie% ttires. Regardless of tho skepUclsm on the noatter of boXoffii^^ it chances seem thin, •Our ""' " ""^ l a nl«» M :* fine eiCor t • Thta.; j^fiirre % a folld^vii^; on variolic other oir-the^beiitteh-pAth enAeavorii' of Vlder. Me take* the reapOfMlbiiity 6t treating an ec.O- naiiile,:problem seriounly. It may hot- be 'chtertainment' or 'tlieaire,' but few. Imajgihative persons can fail to respond to the bread - and - butter <iuest of this motb y cre w who with almost nothing but their ban<ls .and detei miriation make crops grow where only; rOolti nnd; ,Weeds gre>w before. >' . When the drought has Just about w ithered the corn,- artd the young hMdcr (Tom Keene^) of tlie collec- tives is nuts over a blonde strumpet (Barb.u.'i J'epper). the colony is tifiused from the ^il^yss <iif despond* , iicy for «u>e last eiTort... The bfiy forsakes the peroxide balvc and leads his men, lip. Into : the hilis aboye.. tjiae There is Waiter Sfi^t^ m'iffw^ up there; Froblem is to divert it Into a channel lifiadlng to the ifarhi. So .with piek and shov- el, stcdgelia^mmcT. stakes and odd pieeeR of tltl^s'.boalrda nnd wire. the men r > to dig tlir.t canal down the hillside. Time Is an element. TIm y wol'k witli ;i nniiintiii.L; f« \c r of zeal to wj'cst from naturt tb<' fruits of the .'■dil. Vicks ri^c and f.iU in unison. .*<pa<les burrow jind jnle (iirt, Men in advance map (he cour.vt i.f tli< water. It's a glorificl- tUiii of hiJtii;;n will p(iw« r di iving man lK'y(.|),(l, ordiyary featj* «.f en- durancfi.^^ ;- th^e . .ji»nd tlie water contes #rtnrihfr r.down; chip hiii and intit»'Mie^;i>tn^Hiiif!^, IVIrhitive.,! forwful,; ii'irJal i.iKl mov- ing. \Vh('h the wale • / » ljis\ inud- dlf s tlie li» bis the JKoWe lei^iv shout in joy. ' ', ■ Vidcr fashioned Ji stimulating .•sermon o!i ar) ♦■conoinic ihas»\ Hi' has b< < nconstructive and |)r.i< lieal. although some teebnicailties are too e.i.'ily solved. It so hniipen.v thr»t wliiU,^li.e pre.'K lies ettpctirs with, tlW' viewa* f«f wrious ■ ritngihg from sueti w idcf.v .liHtiiJrted persons as \\ alti r l itliih '(ftJIeaVing H«ai»c, for :Ho|»c)|; tTiUon; Si»int'to^^^^^^ i-'i-e«ilien,i; ■■: ■.■.|jii.)st!>!t>:t^' ."'ftiriib,>»if^'ww.'e^ |ar«Wi'K'l<in,d v^l?:-.'b!iir-K<?r.». ■■.ih^.^*} u\m:imu>:mu. ■■ Li'ltvNyT»i»,j'''.'«^.%l«tty;Mb>?et-lO)V'.tl,; Cfte.' tiwtf ftiA h'fi^w*jrtivy proaMeiio'v ta« i'i;C<l j:-T>T'et^: |i;lfiYn»«iT(v|liitt >t >iw too gl im for I et ple .."ifie.'rdv sombje tii'in ies| rir il.ihl.v ' Aniciieans v\ill Hot patfoniv.e aiijtiung so (iirrlT ■ '■■']: ^.:^'■•,■■i^'i■,, VS. 'iX. '7":' ■•'• v.v'A.'.;.''"' (WITH SONGS) ('< luiiilii.'i iirudui'tion and rcliasc. I'< 111 I II Mc <iu'. Iciilui liij,' Ch;iN. W;iiliiiit.t ; , .\l<x KItkland. Pauline Krcdtrick, Mjir- K.irc! laviriKRtnn. Directed l-y .Mar.'ili.'iU .N'l'iliiii. AsKoc'inte produc r, Williimi •' I If MilU'. Story liv John EnK r.'^on iiixl'i HrranKtr. (i(i<<ii iili'>". <irai'c Pcrkinti, additional dining; Jaiiies A, t'r< clmah, j!ce<*iurt«j .CM* ,<3e«»|«d,.< IrtBrfl: iJiibiiey. sunKH.; ..ItelttW tJifi'«*^i - B*ii>cr« i irarel.l «aAliic(i!, dir. At illtAll>>r, .N. y . Oit. SH^'>:,«iii»pl«fc' tini«'. 71 aikia. Patsy ShaWy...ii*»;i'^\#-,.v.. .<'<illep|l Mejorf 'Jiinet,i<}', . . . .t;'>iarl«a Wiwntmtcr .Mrt,. Iii-pene.. , ;.;'J.,''-M.i. .; .I'auhne Frrd< rU U < Tiarllf .Alex.'iniliT Kii khmil Itoliirt |.<o<vhIryi'.,.i,... .Uc,)liort i:riKlili;> I.<'«ltr Trout, .r;.•. . .v.Jtotw AUxandci (ilofia ............ r. . .M.-ifKiirct: lavlnRSton Kay .................. ,vv. Itoberta U»l)lhFOii Kiith. :..(;..,., .,,».;j-.j,i.v.', Olive (ik^en Mr. 'RrecHPi. .. ;v.>';i'*,;i» U hn Miltelm Wi^.'^•■|n^^ K<)\ <!ai vi( I<iilii <.!M)it;»tH llatvt\ CliriH Mi.riK ll.iiiMM. Hinno t>«H>. • • • . .. ;.... vFrey-«iMi> l<rasKi(.!t i SupiKist'd to be tlu means of bringing Cvjleen ^ Moore back to stardom, thiir trtte-ldevelo^pment a n«/nc too bright stage play lias sill the .signaks Kct against, it. Ciiief servi« e is tOY|>rov« thdt Miss Moorc is still thet^ ,« the proper inilOBi :ttoi:iii<^'m^A^ V.'idiii'i iiKMlurlioii mill ri'liiiHi . vtiuiiiii! Paili.iia Htaiiwytk. I>ir«'i'tril liy Altiiil K <;i(-i'ii, Willa Ciithei'H Htiiry, 4i>tael<'it liy ili'tii' Maikcy aiul Katliryn K<'ola. f^'iil lliikon. iiholoK. At Stiotxl, N. V <)< t 4 litiniiini; time. 41 niii>>- Uiiriaii <>rtnNi>>.........likrlwru ' Btaiiwyck Dnnlii Torpmi^fgVi ,, .. .Frank Muriittii Kllinirer .......;nic*rt1o C«»rt«» N«'lI .,,.>... n 1 I.ylf ThHi<iI N« il ,. ,:,,,.i„,..,.,-.4... I'tiiUlp llee.l t{olM>rt «.«(s »; .'V«.,.Uobart. CavUnauKti John €mMto>\...<<...«.V^.;y Kolk^r RoMa .:;. V..,,i..... t««V. •.Rufitela Ottiun« 8linp«pj|i/Vv/.'V»V«,»iv.«.'.4K<lw«nl Ju<l|t«' -WtimtfiV.:. ...ii.... Waltfr Wiilkei Mlmine , .8<-imu«>l llinits Chlm-HP Cook ..tVllli#> l-'iitiK l-oril VoninKton ..lampHon Tlionuu A s t he most fashionable one- %oni«n fftMhIon «HaW< #d 4itte, this will have Htime interest for the women, but beyond that has little to offer.-■ ^SKtliwrlt^ ititir, Barbara Stanwyck, was generously supplied, but left high, and dry. liest of the cast and the director, Alfred ('5rt>en, were «ven more shabbily treated, being with- < ut the Stanwyck clothes as well .as aM other elenients. I<eft to Itn, rc^sources; the 'lyost iJldy' 'tl'OnpC couldn't do. much aixtut It.; While goinr illnpgh the motion^ as the ceni^l rClUnf'a^ct<«r in a ster- eotyjpea Vision b the May'l>ece.n- ber fowafthee theme. M iss Stnnw y< k m.'vkcs more changes th.'in Owen Mctliii'riey. In e.-vch of her Ke< n< s (and Miss Stanwyck is sebl(>m off^ she v\ears .another costume. .Sunic of the tljishes last only a split sec- ond. A few don't appear to bavi iiny beai ing on the continuity. I'.ai the elTort to show MiSs Stanwyck in a new ci'eation is obvious. i^liss JSl^inwyck i« Miay and. Frank Morijatt is ilJecembier.' .. Story i^^ t her,feu«toini*ry. I iwttfiWf^^ nni«h,^ '#|ien;:'««^^^':ii«^^l' #t'«iM|tir(i varliaii iotis li^ ui*^ to t>rovide ih'e nar- rative >^itfi a twist. This time young and beautiful May lenrns to love the ccvmpara- tively ancient iJeeeniber. A bit ear- lier Ki(ardo Cortez, representing s.a., steps in and almost cOp#..ffie old gent's loveless bride. While .ill this is going on. ever\- thing and everybody is suliservicnt to Mixs Stanwyck's style parade. Kven Miss Stanwyck's acting. Thi' star h.T.s one or two chiinces to smile In the hour of acting, but at nil other times she is under ordeis to ^cowj, onlyi It's as painftil iHV ihe must -Itavee iwieii; J» Lothario : a|||KW(t« ladles. sb oflefer this seAiion rtiust be hardenied to It by now. He does .nbout as tiiueh ns coulii be 'd<m^ wiib tills assignment. Cprtcz as th<' lover. Lyle T:»lhot .as ;i love-sick: re- jected suitor and l;al;u la Otti.ano tbe mannikin's nurse have extreme- ly light parts for important sup- port. .players, otlierp in th<' <-ast 'CbhAned to l.its. ■. -y'Sio^i:-: a painful part; w'atchins tts it ttie':^yii^;'. yonnir leading in th% •ton): tlMkC ei^itlc. She ''^iflnbit': sftvea :tli*:l#|fri:,jbpt;;th.e h>ad-: 'fer^oo ..■heavy:'.. tb'VfiMr»!'y,-.'..'MlRs Mowe |»ot alFtty# eonyin^ing, an<l her lines dO not help her; save in one or two lat^ .spOTtii. . Story, baned' on' a conventional appeal, has no real suspense, and piituie is evirboard on fo<itage. Came ra wt>rk stldom rea< hes the average level and the rest rangts from poor to bad. idrection is gen- erally good, hut there'J» nothing to direct. With Nielan and VVilliJim J.>e Milk sitting in en the produc- tion, it's dilhcult t( und< i sland b(,w they It t the script pass intci jtro- duction. It's the familiar story of the chorus girl, her isOei*>ty fe-weetheart .and Ills family's , OppoisKion. Rljj seine it? 8UPPo."<ed to be whtfe the girl invited to a party' that she m.ay de9K>n0tratc her uniitncs.'!! to tn«)ve In tiOciai^eliScles. faown in the private bar.. *rhe- W.lim. the,. erow\<|, tired of. a iciligthy iuc<!:c«*<4J!i>' of iSnglltih glcies l»ting: by a^qtiai'tet. ;l»i desper..'itlon the piother^s the girl, who. of covn^Se. comes out on tot) and has mothei realizing what a lint girl she really is. (>lt< n di ne before .and generally l ittti. Here It seiddiM rates as ent( rtainrnt ht. Ill spitt «.( h( r bandit ap^. .Miss Mot n, troupts stitmiowsly ;iin! often prt j( ef- .h( i..v( If i \tr, 1 ut Ik i L< St ,si t at s art . li<r lieavy. «>n< s. towanl tli< ( hi.-i : whieh niigbt :K4ig. gost s< metliihg to her.' * l:.iiliiie I'letlenck is tht iin ilnr>( with oi.e gootl" *(eene: and Citarltis W iiiiuiigi I gets twt>, ebani tw; bbtb t^f vba ii h.t' taktSi, j^bxrx l^cncli- fc.iey-l.'l*". .^•ln■.t♦Jiiit^^■;^^«;t^aen<^^^ ■ -Mh'rgan-t I^VingfSton .inil, cotlplp ot bits, Fi ev yth U Ir pin»i<i#ife. aii<^ iRaiHOna- slng^' oiie;:so*igv '.TIfc-:^i»rtBt^ to wbif) lip the tei'ripn. thoiigh lh«-> do net hurt.' altfci>)'?? t 4«i> ir ad«i to the fobt.Jifre' '.:':'IS^Irfe''jliOtigB; fail .to iviiek..,,;F'':V„: .-X.'--'-'r :'-;:v:v<'/»% ■■ Two Heads on a Pillow v M II, tli.friiian'li..n .'>n«) l.ilii ily II li a'-c. ft aliirine Nei] Hamilton, . Hir^.fn .loriuiii, llftiiy Armrltu. Anilrp. II.,Mli< AIl.iiKlit. DlrcTtnl. »py \Villl.ini .\i».'h. SuiTK'''*''''! liy UoMitliy f.inlii-lil'.v ■rii. [•atiiial Masfuluir.* Story, e ntinijily an.: (liakig, Albert IJp MoH't. As^dChim ptoilu cr. M. M. lli'ffm.'in. Jr. t'jiifnpirji. H. iriy Nriiinan; niuvic. A H. Mcyn. l iivl l) ii<i|hv Appli liv , .Mary Ki.rl.i h. Kil- w.iril .MartiiiiU'll. t'lituile KinK. Iltlty Hi.Mlii , Kililif Kiiiip. «'i.'iire> M" I>oWell, tJtxii; I. i'V%is. Kiuily KUzioy, NaIIIc V. iNlt-hol**, .lilil.i Poril. Mary l-'oy. Jark KinnnHy. At Uii' /.UKf«l<l. N. v.. Oct. l'-t,-oh ••di'MW* l.ill. ItiiiiiiinK lime, <;i> niins. Set nario troubb set nis tt) l>e the chief obstacle iVP be surmounlt-d by those indepcntltMits who are trying It) makt the m.ijor gr.ide. Money li.'is hteii spt'iit inttlligentiv t.n tliis production in other tlirect ions. William Nigh, Jilways d< pend.iMe. h.'is tlone .1 nice job of tiireciiim where he gt ts opportunity, and the mtpiintings and lighting .are gtiod, but the work of a large «'ast of es- tablished players Is partly ne>*ated by failure to provide a fsufflcienlly v.'iiied course of action. It's mostl.\ the same thing over and over again. Angles may differ, but each sequence is Just another family jjJir... .jjialog sometimes good; but whjpfi Jbne Of home to nibther.' 'So lohg as, ypii home to motI»er. , 80 Ibnip b«' yotii don't bring l|er hom^ to. ..hJ<c','^ It probably tvUl be> ^iftlcuit' lb" , Oon- vini^e livriterk thi^t « alw.iy.s lndi<<'Kle ,iia*»ij.»««!it*#r 0p- prcWal.■. -i. .■'■■ ■ siory opt-hs witH: 1^^ a nd .M iHam nJorda v lateij? tni^rrietTy b}lHiiir> «ooing and rowlngi r Thnir lender ^umpii the ttetlon ahehii. 1 lamiiton: i>i no w a is:ucce*sf ul' a tt«>r- hey, hnd tfi!^ m«rriai^e was ^nrinlted. Henry Armetia Is suintr i^lnnde King nnd I.*oiia Andre because tbe\ annulled their daughter's marriage tti his 8(m, Case is in ,1 fair way le »je Rettlrd oilt of court, Imt there is a flomertie'rovv. Hamilton ealLs th< <.ppc.i.;ing lawyer, who pti vt s to b« hiK ex-wife I'rtim point <>n tbty .'iltetnate with tbt t.tber iM!H» in<l <t.iij>l»s in th* f.'ist ill /n.nking 11), arid f.'.lhng out, which gt ts ."-tJili long t elore the 0!) miniitt arc tKkiil oft. Ti'oi»ndati«,'n ♦ifTt fi.r a !. V < 1V .-^1 ory.>but. Imagihai ion ii»'ni? lac k\ iif ■' ■, :■' ■. '■" t'.i^! tli.t s .ibiKi' t iihifoi fiilv got-il woiik with ll<>iiry Ainatta pl; his «'N( italile Itali.'in with <oMimt'nd- ..tilt i<>seive 'rht>y could h.i\r n. ut. ;oiiul lung witii ID npor ma|ei . I r; yiirift,>_>*) lAt^in^!^ , , ^, . Sol /.isftT .lirtHlMi'tiuii foi '''"> nii.i'i . .SliiirliiK Jai'kie Co^linCI;- I>ll<(:U'<l !>> l';<Uli«i I'liiK'. At^l'tfd by l<frnni>a|i Keliiilifil tmH MnrKUerllt^ n"*"*!'!" fH>in bVI |iUiy l^y «it'oiK« ,W. Pffk. t'ami liiiii.iii. I'"ianl. IliiDnl^ ,.: Sounil. T, K flat'- .M i;i.>: >;< w A'.ijUi 'J we«>k Oct. 9. Huitfiiiu; tiii'f. lO 1 i.ii r : .|>ii4: >vi..v.v...''».''.i:t/v<;'..,.i;.,v,Th«iM»if*» Mi'i-Jiiwiii■ ..'i'.'.'. »'.';■.•»••.•".,jv ' •3*''kie eVxi'iior Aunt Uliy^Wr: ;'«\. ti'.,.'.. i .tH>t.othy Ptiei iw^iii ilorare' .i......;. . . V.. .... jAt klo Krnri*. " ' I >uny I, i...,......... ..O.' ; TIrint*, !' • «;t-rirtw^rij«w«j|ij«..^^ Ought to;i^«a^^ ] well In tlie same rnii^^^^ simple, and It emiii with a donivstl^ ty la nny broken up and ^uiHtice t*. , ■> established. It's .rlenner than Ivory ,, .soap claims to be; haM a U)t of laughs with the patinas, anti con- tains a swell tie-tip angle w lH>i« ver. there are father-son clubs It'll bring the kids in full l.jit- talitm, but the grown-ups will get a kick out of it. Moit> subtlet\ tif thai at tcriz.'ititm ami inotlvatiou than is typical of kid st.uring tilins helps tht> adult slant a lot. An aunt (Dorothy I'ett rson) ami her s«|uoal- ing brat (Jackie Senrle) are t.iUeij , in' by a kind-hi^AVtcil wjiiowertf' (Thomad MciirhaA). .ftii«| proceed bf-r'^'i intrigue to estiaii»«o' thtfuv .benefnc!• tor from Ma abik IJin^ltle Coope»:>^ who; doo»»'t , know, ho,'* only on ad<^tited iKoen.^^^^ i.s ob- vious enimghilt'a,the. •incerity of the writ ing. iij|frect:iil|tiE( iind arting t hn» tMnlim tlvn ■pletni'g j j fnAiy .ontfif-- tainnient hnd box office. ' CiHiper. who just turin d 12, gi\« s .1 restraints .and intelligent p< i- tortnancc. It's an iilt\'tl lole lor 'riioiuas Miiglian's ieint 1 <nlm t ion tt) tilm fans, .'^'tarle, til coHise is u tower of strength us the iall.\iiig point for antipathy. Miss I'cttisoii • is ntatly nasty That's \yhat tbe part calls for. There is nb >tex ro- ; m.ance in tht> lucture. t). 1*. Ilt^ggie m.'ikes a nontlest,ript day lalMuer symp.ithetic, and the..; bolored maid is playeil with v^t^C: actlns ability by (.iertrude llowOridk ,1' FIGHTING HERO I iioluioil by Ki'rnaiil I< Hiay f«ii ulalfl- .•■ rlxhfn rrlfuKt'. Hthrii 'rom Tyler l^ltfrliiil , liy Htirry H. Wflit). Ktory.C. K. Polit-ilH:' ' • .lialoj; hy Carl Krusnila; J. lli'iiiy l< riix. , I'lii'loff. Ca...! iiK liiili-H Kt'iifC Pi.i.lni I' ll warti Ht>.'.rn. J>ii:k Hottilor, Hnljih l.t^win. .Murdock liact.^unrr4e, Nrliwn Mr1>tnveil. Tom Loiidi^t. Qwm Cbtntibta, St(i>ta Kill ugh excitement and pltif ini this to keep 'em inter*: estetl throiighout the r>5 minutes. A* itsu.niy-Tttm Tyler has most ot iiis ' personality wi.ippetl up in th.-it ; w himsicalnmile, but the bid's kOat it for hard riding and putting on \hm •< .s<-mblanee of a goOi^hlWit'llglit pro. " \ id( s .1 neat si'Minc fllOllirfor 'Fight- ing llero.'j ■ I'it tiure has One wWk pbii»4 ti|l^»t^ will bring the jf^uffalVs frbm evbri:ih« fildHt It's, the rbntantic ncene b«^*::: tween Tyler andr iiftp jdiex «en*)rl^ that he befrlendi. l%log Jh^^^S^^^ the girl gives voice to her pnlpita*' tlon* for l»Jm is not only aWMwardly " contrived but; «ounMli;:(»{|| .iot plati* , in ;.a"'h«f>'ijMin..-.;4r4m^ ■■.<^.-.:il!^''rTyibr'- type.^ ;:■:;.:. '■ ^ . Diiector Itll^neia o^ nifty jbb \ withythe Ingredienls at haml In •Fighting HbrV '^yl^^ seivicO as ej^press comphny tlick wlio g. tK his bandit gang by posing .ik an oUttn^.^' Befor^ getting tlown tt. tlie bUSinefils of. Confbuntling the goUl marauders/ Tyler does a bit <»f spreading on the Rt.bin Hood husi- nesH. It takes up .11 .a reel, but leads smtiothly into the ni.un tfile. In ope lb.bill li(.(„i <.pis:ntU> he t»irn» the t.ibh s' t.ii a laid ni.arri, and in apotlu r In rescues :\ ^. n i win) had been fr.inud on a nim«l<r charge. Comment)- ni.ule hv t hts .judge during the ttnirse </f the femme's trial arc ;also .gOWJ" f«*r a brace of guffaws. ^'' ,; Ft.r a wi slt rn Iht phot, ,,vhv .oj . this one was exceptlori.aijy «.k;»v' ■V:,.'A..^:..;iV.,;;^:./ ::.:'.;\'.'>^i^i^ WAGON WHEELS ^ r(miiii..i.nt pUmUj. li.,M an.l ii l,.,,^;,. |.',.a, turf K lijirnltilph .s< oit, (inu ■ Patrick. Ml.iiTk t'h«rr».s; I^.Kla- ma.l Carl A.Huvs; ,,1m, . ti^ '■ eiint Prliiii t .;.. . s<*4t.': .Sonny \\. lIaig)on...i..iv.,.. . : Wllyf t^S . ■ Titk 18 in the hop** tfint 'the' xonlt' ;.' (from l.'ist sf .isoii same nam< w ill only < 1 < Ke.iction in th«,i(r«-^ which le.'m to westerns cfrtain t< bt iavt.rablo, Wbib picture tb.tits no new».;. courses. It rs enotjgb .netioii, , • ronuinci antl et.ruedy. to merit mfttis a|)iiio\al. In gios*- 'rcnuits - It sliould toi' tlie .. \ (I.,). I wo»!tern. •(•*riginol stiii-y, by j(fci|!ii<l&^».1lw|»;.r.' caiiod. 'Fightin-g, ■ Ctfrttviisa*'.'' titlt ra»,£ins the Whg. is doVVfaM*^! ::/■ into thr a'ction, aiiproprla telv aiirt ' ; eftectlyel^, ;finj«is( th^ yam dealK< \Vith/ one ^;4he'firj;t wagtm trJiiiiiP to. heod -tor sOi'/i^goii. (h km-.ii' b.u k- t!rlf><ii»fl«; .;ih(^': >iji.igui;: ol |jjie nUili- b^r on a rpu'pft «)t (11 cjisioiif' b\ fol- lowing the big wheels i.t lh« v^aj i'hh at- tH. \ roll. Vt>eall\ . Ibt tMtlic;;iK .li; (H.'onlli>iie»^ on: page 6tO ■(''(■Hit V » of iti lilt" rest.