Variety (Oct 1934)

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BAD I a TuMaajr, Odobto 9, 19H to nut%li»i( >CeMuiren, yotung^ d(uU«ct riiJ charicttr actor, who workod in :««e.r;<j Bbardlnff Hotiine' «^^eKM <tvt» «»jiAtinr»iJMrJoHe. Authors and tilays th»;«aiifi the lattorJ. win make Wh light d«t>iit . tn 'JayhAwker.' lieadcid lor Ilroadway. McMullen has : v, piart atid. li uhder«tudiy of two •'tjth'wni.-. . ' Roland Bradley of th<» WINS stAlT, Ik no# a pfoud pappVi tho nf»wcomer being a prirl christened Piitrieia. Hrfiilloy's wife is the for- mer Klizabeth Kittel. .sister of Clyde Kitte!. niRht supervisor of nnnoiine- eriR In N'lK' s New Yorlc studios and ;» former associate of Itrad's at WCY. Schenectady. Ifart Mosher, ..f WCYs tcclniicul ^^(aff. is ))ack on the j<)l> after a two w e(>ks' vacation in Maine. V\'(;Y is airintr Chic Condon's or- .^liestr;>, lludy Vasco's Havana Ca- .sirio UliiunUa l>and, and artists In tlie 'Wonder l^ar Hovue,' whidi opened in tlie enlarged Uainlto llooms of the New Kenmore hotel. Albany, last week, "rhe General Mloctric Company station has liad : a wire into the New KenmOre for inoire than ten years. Durlnsr that pertiMl : it-iift« broadcan^^^ the music .V.adii6d«le for soine tnwe oiilani for .a(i^':iili!0t«.;:daiilyiv Georgiat DA«»a Waters, WiSB dnnouhcer. father rot'baby boy; ;: , iame« t)a;venp6rt, fonhriisr WS0 .mnoiincer, goes to WGSTf.. ,AS^ .distant station manager. lohn Tillman, previously henrd .">ver Alabama st.ations. cornea to WSil .13 announcer. lied and Jlaymond. hill billy .it- traction, now at WSIS. Willie Kaiama, recently with ^WFIAS. Louisville, at WSB with his Hawaiian outfit. Kesides radio. Kaiama plays In local restaurant. Manfrey Puke* ace torch slnser of WOdT in N|« Y«i4k for network 'Auditions. : John CoUier. United States com- :; mi»9iffi5ijyFi:....ft^ pdtrtmtfnt. -al' ICTJIA I JOn Ainiido'H UiiichoM ' Ue: Ytlaj^tn^ a Houston ensni^pinontv tiutch Schbel'H orchestra , pljiys over KNC^W Au.stiri for i ftiM hour every evening. The ui-t plcUs tlifa affair up Uom :I0 t > 1 (io ( l,)t k i m Ii Wednesd'iy, l''rid ay .md Saturday, and feet are set to tappln4':.i|l| '^ytr the entire Southwest. ; : ' Nan Krazier la the new WAGO staff pianist. I'nder 'I'c.xas Coti(.>nial .spi>nsor- ship Mrs. Mart h i, writer, is presenting a series of radio known as 'Hii^lili:,'lits in Texas HLitory.' —Southwest netwofli operation has been extended two extra house, making a flyo hour total of SI5C daily. liaymond X^e Pere, organist and conductor, opertH the lift dnily with i spot originating at War. Dallas. 7 to 7 : 30 a,in. S^C utiUxes Its o>wn reiteaier and eqitallsser .cir» cults enablltaji IVogram oriKihatlon from any c^^^li«t:Het'« 12 ootlets in. live Or':'Rig';aecdnds. / Xiieille Kask, formerly with KSTP Aiif4 WOCO, is now jtrivate .sec to Boas Jenckc* at WTCN. . JimJSnriffht/former St. Paul Dis- t»(lttfh: ataft writer, now doing conti- nuity for Dispatch-owned WTCN. : Wanda Maddy of WIXJY had her ^glister, Mrs. Louis Zoutte, and her Hon. CUnnle. up vIsittnV her frotti. Iowa nil last week. Two Rrnles air net is back on ; WnOY after an extended visit in PoUith. Lou McKenna. Dispatch sports editor, now on WTCN every Fr|- (Iny nicjhl with chatter about the Mf»xi day'.s pigskin struggles. I'^oilowing his koynote on Satur- l»,v (0), fJovernor Floyd B. Olson tuts the ether for eight more cam- prign talks during October and up to November S^ationa used wUl t.c wcco. Km:Wt>Ar, hnkx Mid wEnc. Mike Fadell's newest account .Is WCCO. local Columbia outlet. Tom Rlshworth, KSTP >duc^. tlonai dii-ector. in Chicaso atteiidink the huddl<» b< tflie National AdViso^'y C(iuncii on Rflidlo in Education. , A» tb^ last batter went out In ill' World Series game, : NOCri bitl« liet took on the .■JfiftliesbtavNetjt^Ska football game, tnifl. Brohson, TKSTP's t>roduction ' fltanaffor, did the announcing. ' r WCCO. which has been donating l."; minutes on alternate. Saturdays to the Minnesota Tourist' Hureau started Saturday (6) flllmg in the hitherto open Saturdays by giving tho .same spot (5:].'>-5:30) to the stale game and fish department. •T ick Malcrlch and his ork opened tho Minnesota Itoom in the Nicollet hotel Sunday (7) night, airing over WCCO. They'll be on every Friday. Sattirday and Sunday fl«ij(ih the Ch«M4ottf, N, C. neWi^papers have broken dow*.replaced radio programs aft<i^ ati abs^ence froni the daily sheets of several months. Lo- cal stations' program.<i appear on ^ special Sunilay page, which aUro carries radio idvertising. • IMck Hai^tman and his Crazv Ten- nes.see Uamblers. WIJT. Charlotte, N. C, played a dance for tlie Char- lotte Federal Labor Union. Slufoot Lochman, of tlie WBT Dixie Mam- moth Minstrels, gave a skit during inteiniission. Frad Kirt»y, WBT. Charlotte. N.C., Hillbilly Cav.alier, has been si>ld to the Sterling Insurance Company. Chicago, for three programs a We,ek. Clemie Held resigned from the program department at WBT. Ch.\r- lotte. N. C. to build up her trio. Modern Melody Maida. J. E. Iif?Uner> era#/liountain- eers, featurin«t' Fisher ■ Hendley, champion Carblina banjo picker, are barnstormlnfT the state, playing achools, halls and dances. They for- merly appeared on Crazy Water Crystal prosrams over WBT, Char- lotte. N. C. Mark CSregory, ?7j a native New Yorker, has . ioined the staff of WWNC. Al||i«rta»»-;;j«.-;:<l,r-a^/|W^^^ nouncer. .limmle Hinkle and Bo Xorri.s. of WSOC. Charlotte, N. C. presented a program of banjo, piano, and vocal selections before the weekly lunch- eon of the Charlotte Junior Chamber of Commerce. Earl J. Gluck, WSOC general manager, spoke on the same program on "The Hujnan Side of Uadio." . ;■■..•■■,>-' "■■ •Tlie I**riehdly Show.: featuring Holly Smithi Jane Baitl^it and Billy KhaufC's orchestra, will return td the air liext Sunday from 7i35 to 8 p. m.. and Ivill be heard weekly thereafter at the same time throughout the season over WBT. WBT sn.ared broadcasting rights to the Red Nichols and iiis Pennies dance in th > City Auditorium. Oct.--2. iSi^nday morning, In Phllly's Fair- mount Park, lien Mitchell, colored p.n tt'r, w:ui the only victim. WitfcJN has formed a fibbers fra- teMity, yclept the **Liara Clu!)" meeting Thursdays at 9:30. ami bifiW-dcast. Priz(»s are awarded for the beat Uoi| by Lee Itandon. W***- In-Chiof. Lola lllltor Win play the tfrtM for JoaetdilhHi GIbeoA irheii latter returns to nBc via ki^M^; ;put#- rvurgh;'hezi"weeic '•••.^v kay Martin iieett attmett by KDKA^ Plttaburgli, to dKi eoUegi' ate program. E. TTall Downes, bridge expert to do eight sustaining 15-minute pro- grams for CBS from W J AS, Pitta- burgh. liernie Armstrong, org.anlst at Alvln theatre, Pittsburgh, slated for a midnight radio spot shortly, doing a from the house console. Freda Lazear has joined Jerry Mayhall's band, airing over KDKA. Pittsburgh, temporarily succeeded JoahV 'WaR«a ''«e .idldlst. Blue Danube starts a series of broadcasts over KKX with Instru- mental and vocal entertaihers. Homicide Siiuad program changes from Friday to Monday nights on station KFX. KFJU's Cliarlle Baker, tlsherman, liunter and general outdoors man lives in a swanky houseboat- Thinks he's a hermit becattW IkC doesn^t have teiepbone, ■ Halt^ Reaa'a new wtation in Saleiii, KHIM, ia testing. 'Oregon on |»arade,' KOIN's week- ly contribution to the Columbia net- work closed tho series last Sutulav. A favorite pastime of the nativtvs of the Pacific northwest is picking up mc.s.«!agos sent by short wave by tlie foref^t service. Now that short wave receivers have become so popular, radio gives far privacy than the old fashioned party tele- phono, reports offlclal.s of the forest department. A now department has been added to the Portland Civic theatre school of drama, radio continuity and pro- gram building;. Insttnctoni thiii^ year are Watson KampfuSsy, pro- gram director of KQW and Kay Holbrook of KdlN. Herman Ortanea> yoiMig negro ork loiiii$it,M.-pf^H«tij^^ new ncven pi<#.10«Aioii{^»^rdiest^ which If DMA, Oklahbrna City;; Okta.; Doingai Neal Barr^tt.v^^^^^^^ tnanM«d to Jutve thie voihtrs of the DiNltehoma State Pair to the waiting pbpuinee. The Rer. J. J. Walde resumes his aeries on OctoT»er 17. The C. of C; Quartet is heard over the net it 8:15 I'elock, ninlifs weekly. Bruce Howard, technician, is back from varitlon. J W. f 'roeker, former ICWKJl and w !<• A A a n n (>uncer« ' '^^H ■ KtSA, iS in Antonio. Bill Uoborl.son, teclini< is now SBS engineer in charge of the l''orl Worth division II, Bennett, commercial de- Cathollc Hour resumed for sec )n 1 season in regular Monday night spot (8) over station WC.AL, Lan- easter. Handled by Father .lo.sopii Schmidt, radio and publicity di- reOtor for the Harrlsliurg l)i )^e.^e Churches take turns in providinR choir and priest for broadcast. Ed Browning, WDEL continuity man, Wiliiiinston; Del.v announced his engagefneht latiitv.week to Nancy Turner;v .■■■/^■'•;v,'' Jimmy Begley is annnitncing the Buddy Rogers Hhows fjfom WGAU. Lew Sntin is back with tiie Berlin oflSce. deorgle Dalen may ctkriie' ln again. Morning Sip Co(te(j iiiiditloned Jan Savitt's band for a .twice- weekly show last week. :. M ai:p^;|i|l^,4ir ^ail^l^^ neck. ' "' ""' '■ ■ ' ,■' Vera Ni^a, now :it the NY Holly- wood, in town with Mario Viliani and hubby Lou Longo. \'iM(>ent Travers i>nnd is under VVCAU Artist Hin"rni man.ig<'m'>nt now. Kumored set for the Kitz nllery soon to ot»en. Frank. Wellman, WDAS scales-, manager, is hahdltng the r^dlo cam- p:iign tor the lJ'<in»ocratlc yi^te Committee; ' \ Defeat of the WD^AS baseball team all Humirter, .}a switching the staff atlvlotes to brgani'(ihg, a rifle: team.: ■' ■ . ;, ' - ^: Viola Philo, Jati Pfejtffc^e.; de iioca and Y!a.<)cha'^imemivlii; M the Pox. (lid a WCAU siw^Hr t<«r ;the Local MuHlclitn'a Union/ v' V; WIP has snared the l()cal boxing, wrestling matches being promoted by Hay I'';iln:tni for the l''»ir md Winter se:is(m. Move.s .i"^d.^ the Camden bouts to WCAM PWSW, l'iMHbur«ii. to bro*dca>it play-by-piny accounts of all Stinday professional footi)»ll gmies. All of the WCAU .staff vi.siled the El<^er Michaiix l^apliHing ritual IahI Les ittt^ to BU Louis with his new horses to try for ■ome Mue ribbons. P. O. Parker t.'iklng his first vaca- tion in a long time, from local NBC exec duties eind down ' l» Hot Springs. '. i:--' ■ Betty Mitchell ><dij|^(Clf||r tMe local IvCA Victor studios for a. couple of weeks. John Ashonhurst .scooping him- .•^elf with 'Spotlight'. Hay Wilson collaborating on the High Polish* script at WCFl* (Joorgo Storer in and out, Clarence Manser tnili|t.1illt his new plane. Pete I'eterson setting .seven shows in one month for Blackett-.'^ample. George Couper going to Boston to put a new show on the air for the local Seller Service agency. Emmett CarLson now occupying tho swanky offlce formerly doolipied by Ken Carpenter at NBCt ; ' If Bruno Rl(*hard Hauptmann. the alleged extortioner in thc^ Lindbergii cisa goes to trial in tho Bronx County Court House, Now York, the onl/ nticropHones that will be Instailed wUl; l>elong to WNYC, owned by ijna ^City':^'lirf#:;'T^^ ■ ^lll>enJoy:*jqual rights in';'f>icking';';' up the broadcast from itlihMpi^.ieadinff outside Recent excitement oCCaijilioned by the Mbrro Castle hearingti which < resulted in WMCA getting plenty of listeners prompted .all metropolitan mikes.nBaj..i9fl'.V'8pi|n^ wjM^ ^pilJlN^ .!^flf^ ■ perhaps otheri'. 'mitMft«M^;;tii|ff^^ : the.^ trial;.'iiijl^'.'«li^;;i.:jir^^ut"; lemonade. .. ' ,-' ■ : V^ : ■■ ■ ■ In the event Hauptmann goes to trial in New Jersey instead of th«*':. Bronx, it is probable WQR may have t^te niicrophotiic in(itallation^,-btiN^ with all broadcasters enjoyIhff iilckiiip^ Canadian .station.s, affiliated with networks now seeking to carry the trial proceedings of Bruno Hauptmann, will refuse to pipe the pro- - .. gram jarheni and if. permission is granted to Install mikes In the (Niuf^^ .'^.- rooinii wli^n the liindbergh kidnap suspect trial |(ets H»deir way. ■ , ITitderStodd tltat the FedWail-controHe* CJinHdlaW' Midfo Commis)*i<m^ will also step in and block any propb.sed broadcast on tht> Cm idim . . sida. Uuper Lucas, manager of CRCT. has announced on his own initlatSf#f,-pi:V|lttK='d#^^ ceedliiirs^, , ''■ \f':.:' '"^X V■'.■'' '■■' ■^''/■^'.'-'-l^;-'.-- '^^ ' ' i Grounds for refusal bt the broiidcaiit't rt^ff* thit^ AdinihisfratUfTv 6f jifs- ' ^ tice would l)e pla<ed in ill-repute and that Canadian courts, tradition- , ally conservative, would not sanction the procedure and inight even . -v t9kl(ft3ubse<|tti^ tiftlo ni If til> <> ,l*g<**4cft'''t :v^ere- permitt<?d.:;X?-v/, Printer's Ink (the miohthly edition) c6ntiiini< a symposliimi' bi' "it*' arfiiles by r.adio headllners. The 'If Is what they would do in build- ing radio program*, provided^ the necejisary, authority were Vested in them:":--'.C : ^^^-X^XJ*;H.^''^^j^- ■ ■ Question of sponsor W itig^^ dealt with by l<'fe<|" Waring: Jack Borthy congrrttutate.H himself oh being Ijjeky enough not to have that kind a sponsor. _ _ • • In general, the tiUont takes the position that, Hinco they don't presumo to toil advertisers how to adVier^hie, tike.'^l«fMr~ffRtt»ld not tell nctnm how to act. ' —o ^ ' - ■• \ » The <liflVreiue radio has made to the -sldewalUs during World Serien ; time Is j399|rk|iHd by jSoUlt^d small groups gathered around store fronlH. W here f hw^i'^i^ii^ " No tnoro are the big crowds gathered in f^ront of tlve, neyisK»aiK*r i»U^^^^^^^ ings watching a nieclv|i^ioal board i eprovluci tlie play, Thg^rfttn^ W^'-WH«iNf. MllWiukeev iw^e^ air to bt^oadcftst a night foni^riUi game between two sUbttrbai* SC Sliorewo .d an.I \V, the officials waited froih; 7:id ««t^^ p. m. until WISN's announcer. ' Howard Peck. ^?natled tha,t the gamo ' coul<|^'start, the air chsinnela* On the tinal Ford program featuring Mickey Cochriiie. over CI5S, tli.- announcjcr mentioned the World Series would be broa Ic i.-,t l>y I'ora over NBO w T*^''* Co- ; . lumbia Broadcasting Systiem and 4, nation network.' but on the Migii-v.o^ off he speCined 'the National Broa<'«««tl«#^'^S*fni^ . ; WCKYi CuYihgton-Clnvlnnati, has to date turned down 17 Ni:0 < »iii- liiereialS. AlSctut'tl^^"^^!^^ <>t those frorn the spon. oi s mu(»tf angle is Packxiri. ; In Its sales^relwige NBC originally , listed WQKY aj*r one of the stntlons taking the 'tih^^J.-y ^'"'■'^"'^'■■r' • >- ^>^i Broadcast of the 1934 World Series marked tho twelfth time tint ■ WGlr ri Mi? A e cta < iy > had aired the anniita Cla*eic of basciwll. It also .. was the twelfth time that Graham MsNfWe^ Vlf^T , ' listeners in a deacrlptlon. of;;' i-J, ■:'y''^Z':-':f'-.''ri;MX^ Alabama Pat Bertram has gone to Cht after .succeeding In gctttiui: « |mot on the WLS barn da ncd. - Attdit|o^l<^ dur- ing the Cincinnati confab 'WLS men said he was such a hilt bllly he would be m; eity dude Jti Squedutik Genter,^•■r'.-,',; : :AS' soon': i^''t)!i9.;'$iiro^ is over Bull Conner sayiii he la goin-.- to take a. nice long rest. Chuck 'Wrrlgbt, WBRC. has been nanie^ chairman of the pubicity committee American Legion in the state. Mrs. rn>raco Hicks, W^ON, Bir- mingham, back after A.ryacaSh at Mentone Spring.-?. Charlie Flagler of WSGN has re- turned to his home with a sore throat following an operation Otis Elder of WJR». i>etrrtit. 1* to trolled^a itaeSs of' 200 l)luetish in a day's outing last weel»_ down on the bay. ■■' .",'•' ' '.. ■ Philip Franklinf formerly of WBAlii and currently iannouiwslPK at WCBM. is studs^liMi ivedieitpo at the tJ: of Maryland.- -^-i'-': '■■.■".;:'^. Mother of Paul Rudfcert, control- rhan at WPBR, died last Week. I'urnoll Gould off to lounge around couple of days .at Skyland. Va. Freddie Huber bick at the desk after lengthy v.aca.sli. On tho day that WflJM, local out- let of AB.S, switched from Morro Castle investigation airing to hlgh- ,1J g h ts of Lindbergh-kitlnapping [Tearing, station reported ."jO phone- callers as s<iuawkers. And ifter the .ship dis.astcr prying had I)e(>n running for three weeks. WCBM piping hitely Sleepy* HAM'st iijrk frorti Lord Balto ftoT^I out onto Aifieriean,; Broadeaitttiig System. v''^ '''. ■./■■■^' ^v :f" ' ,13i|irl Kahh has possessed; HJWtSielf 'v/t n ^it*W:.motor '6ar.-" ■^:' ■ : "' •i'i-'v;' IVibert ifMm^^^ Iftme BarrOil, Jr., uppln# t(* |l» Ti this week t«t> consult NBO about 0ie ^ew «hai n rite for ,WFBU.^'-' ■■ -'■' ■ WBAL may start a Kiddie Club Rumor around that Balto Eve -Sun nny break down and resume a ridio column. Had on© once but Junked it Has been carrying hut program listings George Boeder, station at WCBM, plu« It p^rtfy Of friends. nr^d Roi>lh.itotti .'"former allistar end lit the tfAtvarsity of Minnesota, md l>e Little broadcast for KMOX. .Sept. 29, Opener between Illinois aritl Pradley. K ithryn Cr iveti.s iti new series of progr-ini.^ known as ' Su.sie' over KMOX. In the cast are Sanh Seiiif'^^lM >lf!iurlce Cltff^^^ lohn F. Moakley. WNAC-WAAB anhouhcer. Steps iiuo Yankee Web piiioiftujB^Uon replacing Fred Langen- hotlill,; tone to y^GAUr PhlladHi*! > Tristram Com n, WN A C - W A A M annbuncer. married Hurothy Whit- < omb in The? ()ld:,viW(jtf!h';Church, I|oston, Scut. 2^. '■ - ■ ^' : Andy .lacob.son Miao.slro of the new .Saturday .Schrafft's .show, WNAC, hful to l»orrow \ cl.irinet for the Mi.s own wa.-? stolon «l.iy before necticut for two one-nighters, Co- lumbus Day for an Italo-Amei ican ciu»^ in l|.artf;f)rd .i^band nsipocted getting 15 litue.s wliil it vv i.s ptid :|. for its last Hartford apiiearan.'o .: years ago), md next Sun- ' • day at Mc<.'ori;inck ^- Harry's Hit/., • Bridgeport. Harold Van Wart. WNAC-WAAB . pianist, blrthday-pairtied |Mt' week for the 22nd time. : ■ ' .-■ :■■■'^'-^(^'■:■■ Q^6n GVay's Casa Lomas in Con<r . ^ / HaWV Neifl>he*^; prMdreport Hera^i : gossip ooluton 1st. ivindlihg pi p<T%'"v.'':"5 weekly WIC?C spot. - : Howard Twins, recording piaf»tf" v. duo and Y.ale Music School attend- / ers, introduced at WICC, New ,, ll.aven. WKM', Ut idgep,„f, filent getting .t~ chance to rn.ike ,\ dollar as (ib»li)». ., Ihe.'itre brinies in llesh. . Yankeu wet) boosted nul . cut hours of stuflio operators, uw ; ^soUcffcedvmovi*: . ;-^r.- .[ -,: Col B .1. Palmer, 'presldeiit, H; \V()(!-WllO, to St irt winter «ea.^sW--.-; <»f dx. programs from Davenporti • ■ oei,:it.'--^ ^ ':-:-;; ',;•■■;-;;;' KS<li?s 'Monasfoiy (1 trdeti' to «6 Into Salisbury Manor, mansion of.. Calrl 'Weeks, head of Armand.s, fof Sunday night broadcasts, with Or- -, villo Fo.ster at the .Ot*gan,: an«.l ■* '..■„ string orchestra W()(!-WllO has I II-w pio;;i im ,,' called l-'air Valley Folk. I', inin. d iily, Mon. through i''ri.. with Harry M ir-^ tin a nd Harold Plo|t,«» dlsrttsslng mJVerimrteht ttrobfei^^ i« thembi* mantter.-;.- ; . KS6 I tiew 7-8 a m. t>i'ogt itii ' dedicated to r>ubli(^ ,-ierviee will .,; call listeners at any hour (le,^i»;n ile l - > in the nioriiinu;s in cisc^ they prefv'T .• the telei>hone l)ell to the iliriit clock, and got .i dozen re(iue.^l.s dn'v ;• for the tirst week. I'rogr im fiui.-* ,.; fir d(\sign.ited i.-i the 'eye-opener'\ . WCXSAVHO bis .1 new news ; ice with three tlashes daily, tn -f charge of lame.^ Maxwell as new* .. editor. ^y'-'. :;: 'Dutch' lle.igm goes to Notre ' Dame to Mie N. li.-Purd«e • • game Oct. 13 for WOC-.WHO. "'«< brother 'Moon' also a^ihil-i^ of Sportis aniirotificerR for WOO ^ WHO. .handtilig.. the •srorehrtanl ftf: theali*'""'" -