Variety (Oct 1934)

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VARIETY mm PI c i a n eM HollywQod Plroductions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ of Oct 15 (Pii^tuiws new fflnftina, «r' about to fttaKt arig listed botow aiphabotioailly >y •tucfiea. Syn^bolf^^ <^ C—€anUraiwa*wy ;;;;?'■■,«»«;'MIIK of the <!•«»♦.■■ i'/;; ■> (iNt WMk) - i John KtrklAhd May Robtton . : .•■ ■ F»y Wr*y Ykitor-..Jory. .■■ Ik'iigr'fijii^li'd'-vWfilDiirr' ■ ■ , TION)' ^ '■ ■ ' C«II to Amu' <3r«l week) , X> —"WiUAra Mack .-©i-^Roy OvfifKangk,;. Williir.l Mark ; Steffi Huna . J Sheila Manner* . . ■ '/ j. Den Lyon. .• . ' Ewthef Anlston Charles Sabin : iRlchnra Carle Wintam V. Mong Cfawdc Gillinfiwat«r , : .rratik' ..All>ert«m Matiy' .'Kienip. ■ ■' ''tft',-"- Billy Bakewell ; - Wera- Bniiela ■.. John Davidson ' ' l>ou ToUoKen Carlylc Moore, Jiv.. • . '■'''W*«k) T)—James frttM .■■ A~l''i;\nlt M. ttaMT Frances Hyland C—John 8oit» Cant: 'r'Kichard Adtn. ■ •■" ■ ■-■■■,Ma«Jre'•ESvans; ■■ ■■■■ Ralph Bcliamy Janios fileuKon Henry U. WuHhall .i; ■ KtPiJjn Fetclilt ' ; Tatrlcla -Karr r ■•' Oettj^nit ShoH . :■ mnnley: FleW¥-. fiay Seahrobk." Hetron Chut'Cblll; V <"harlf s Pellon , W'.iiip Hdi.'lor . .. . , l.U''illc Ward Ralph McCullough . Walter Urcnnen HfA4)n 90tom* ,fS4iit ' kUwrtc* Haniint ' Frana Srhulx . ' '. Rilly Wilder C—Bert, Olennon I..ii>nt'I Harrynior* Elizabeth Allan .<;..■ Fred<lie Uartholointw Maureen O'.Sulllvan Roland TounK ' Eidna May Oliver . MadRO Evans Hasil Rathlioni ' • Jean Cadell , ..^■■;v''F«y,-Chftl'^ecotte ■ ■■■ tTna O'Ponnor ■ John Buckler Herbert Mundin Marilyn Knowklen: EIhu laiincaster Huch WkliMlo :. vfoiet: 'iCMabie-cooper ,' ■ h^ittm .' ■•■! J:! ■ •Kepoal' («h WMk) •D-^Jack . Gpn«r*y. . - . A—(""btts. Franda- '..<5'ot. Bella Kpew!|,«k - Samuel Spfi^aek' . ■C—Roy June 'Caat: ... Carolo Liombard .■.;'-<gMWl*t Jl»«»frl» v,/>"':WB«:''Jif!»rkel ■. ., Nat PendlctOB. « Leo CarrU'lO^- ■ i--: '■■ Zau Pitts ., TjOuI.s Natheaux : Sanri Hardy Walter Walker .Normftn Alnaley J>oairtaa DumtoHK* Aktm Tamlroff Jainesciii Thiinia* James Warwick Rollo Lloyd Charles Htevena . 1«WNU4«B'. Hiin':'". ■■■^^■■■■J., :CA.rt*^ ^K«tiih; -- ■ f>-^Prank tuttle A—KUen Hopue • Harlan Th<>ni|)«cn Ed,win J. Mayer c—Carl-. Mtwiii ■; Va«»: ■ 'y : JJIinit Crosby. Kitty Carltale . Roland Youngr . Alison Skipwitfrth Reginald Owen . ;i William Frawley Aklm Tamlroff Louise Carter Marlon Mansfield liaibert XMtin. Arthur Houmiatt ... Rolfe Sedan C}. I'olonsky Chan. K. Arnt I'rotiiuell McKechnIa Eldred Tidbury v. ltev^> that It Hhould not rrquiro morv than two and a half month.*' to «>ffeot n plan and have It In opera- tion. Dlijpctions to a roorfcanl^a^ ^tlpn.;''WaiiF^'iltw^->4(4^ oiSBllitor fhvuiHi and truHtiffR lit not unlocked foi" from indie bondholder .and othor quarters which had murh to do with a total of over 40 dlffer- enet leijal lifttldnt brouKht iiince I?ar:wei>t iht(} t<iB!rtl»«rtli^r It ii believed thett tite li^fV^cir^ iHeld day for oUtBidc 8tilt!» 1b over. Of liiajor concern- rif ht iiow ar<e thir''f6ilowifir:-'';' - 1. Hank fiult on which a settli- ment has been proposed comproniia- ingr a Il3,d9ip,00() loan of 11 financial Inatltutioitip liypotl|*6ftf«d w- eyritVi v; ' /'■■^■r ": 2. Suit for IIS.000,000 MralnBt dl- .ffctora and former director* of Par. t; Pai^mount Broadway reor- ganization on Par building and the- atre aKainst wbieh many ctl^jjeistiona liptaitd. 4. Allied Owners' claim of $23.- 000,000, beld by Allied to be of a Charlef WIlMiy;. QwaBlUan <STTl Fat Lew Ayers . T'egKy Fears ..■ Sterling Hnllowif Ned Sli.irks . RoKinald Denny , Alan Dlnehnrt : . .. ^]Cd4ie Nugent ;- . Foran. Wat'ter • W'oolf■ ■ 'BriKht Kyvn' ■ ' <3ra week) : ■.»-i-D»vW;.Jft*t'l*i'.., : AprPk^ia-'Biitlw ■.- >: ■ WiViiam CdnSklmaa. -C—Arth«ir. Mtiler . iCast; . Sliirley Teniplf: ' . Jaine.>4 Dunn -' ■....■.■..:,>iMWfh-Alleh:- X*to Wilson l>brorhy Chriatia Thaodt>r« von iBIta >■.-:.' 'Jaiie . Wlthera.. Walter JoHnaoii \ Hit.*•«*):■.■' ■■ «*—Ocn«'.'.F«r«V>" .• ■ A^^i^tidley^ ^UcbnUi , I; :, O-r-UnashfgTlert:- '.VMonH- Barr|e.' ', -.•.■«tlb«r,t. Itoi^d';:,° '>■■■ .\-.'VJ*.>>* 'Ifalrtaayv'': ■/ MKTRO.',/;. 'Se«iuiilii' '■ ■ : :. "Ith week) ■ IS-—Chentcr Krnnklin ■ .■■A-^Va^jice.-;Mbyt ■ Ann CttfihlnKham 8ani Armstrong • C-H^Ij ester Lyons l»eonard Snilth' v '. Ca»t.:■- jean .I'arkiT ..,,.'.Ru*i»ell;',Har<lie , ■ Sftitotltl N. HinO> ■ f^aiil 'Hurst ■ ■ il.tinniy. 'BurtIs-'' ''■:..'»»o'.:Httn .v- ■ Harry l.owo Jr. \ 'Wi'.lio Kiiiif: :,, ■•. ji 'E<lu;,nl Hi . ;.l]y •Uhkcd U (imwn> <5tli »wck) D- Charle.^i Jlr.Ttnn " ■.' A- - Ann Aust ill Fliireiiee Jljeraort • Cast: \ ■ w ■ :. Matly Ohrjytl.-'ns ;. ' ("has, Ki. \s r..rd Jean I'arK. r ■ zebirt S'...Hi ; S. . Betty, .Kut n* ss .*, . Wnrt(ii!»'' ireitt,ry- ^ Mfiriiyn Tinrrw ■ > . ..*'|e.tlili>;'.lliii;.ov..y. It«>t)ert Ta> ii.r " ,1'etf V Jii n. (1:.-, 1,;, .f,' J .ml II,.1 w y . . . ' IX- \\' 111 Je rm!ti .■ V: 'V»ir|«i c.'o|»0«'rn«if|' ' ^ ^' <iw* %e»k> , ■; •■ D—ci< ofKe Oiik^r, ♦—(.'•iario.^ nicken* Ifowatd Estnbrook .*ty'Ot»*n, ^'^raaklfiK AM Other*' (4tli week) • ■■!»—W». ■.8. :Van..Dyk«' ' -"-.'^' .'A^^Ffank Cavth--.- ••■.•^ Edward Roberta . Joseph Manklewles C—fJrevf; ToI.Tnil '. ' ■ Cnvt : Joan Cr.'iwforU . : Cl«rk Oabia Robert Montjoroery nillio fiurk* • •harlps BUttt>r«rbrth Ted Ilealy Forre.ster Harvey .• ; ' Lillian Harmer Tom Ricketts ' ' .IBydney Brjiey . Clarence WUaon ' tiosland Buaaelt . : ' r.oulse Henry Tat Flaherty , Margaret Burt Hooper Atohley •The NiKht Is Yaa«(' <3r<l week) D—Dudley Murphy . A—Vieky Baum Oscar Haiiimersteln 2d ■•'Fi'ank Sehulz >: ^;;. JBdBar Allen Woolf '';<>rf4ame».';Wonc'.iH<»!wA' ' - ■'..Camt::- ■ ■ ■ ftSBicfh Novurro ' Everett HortOfl ' . ■ • «'harles Hut ter^reftfl., ■ ' ■ Stuart Krwin , : : Roaaliml Ruw»l| .• ■ Wh.a Merkel ... . Hermrin Blnjr';. •," Donald <'ook ■-. Henry Stephf;nlri>l|'H. Albert Ciinti \; J'.';.-.. ' 5 .Cecilia Parker ■ ; . 'BaekAeld' (2nd week) D-—Russell Mack "..r'N: '-': A—Byron MorKan • ■ ; , Robert Bren-.'-'.- Or—Leonard Smith .-, ;.«sas»r; , Robert: Tftuhr" Maureen b'SUtUvaa'-; .'^ Preston Foster ■ I^eo Carrillo Ted Healy ■' \ . Rassell Hardle :'WlUtatA'..'Tannen." ■ i^oviitfihfhOMp^ Jr. .^iuar.t Krwln , •« ollefc-e liliythm' (10th wi-ck) •tk^Noririnn T.iurog -'.ArAOeorBo Marion Jr. ,; ..S\V8ltcr I>or<eon : . .tack McDermott FranclB Martin . C—I.eo Tov*r . ^Casl, \ , ■ '.: ; ■ Joe I'( ntier ' .Xrfinny.R.os^ ■: r'; ■ Oeorge.-S*.<i|H Helen,•■Wi^iit.-v.: .lo.seph S.-iuers :•. .Mary J{ii;in Julian Madison Mary Watlaeo . Franklin !>anirb«rn • Robert MeWade' . Harold Mlnjte *'« , Dean "Juniper I.ef- riielp.- Alfred Deleanibre Howaur wilBoni ■.' Pat Morlarlty .. '.iM-arry. mramr.'.' Lillian Harmer. : ll.Ien I>lxiin ' ■ < 'harli s Irwin A FrniieiR Saylea.'-' ciib. ri wii*ott ■ .Krir Aldcn' ■■■;;;;-:jBtWd»ey'iff,:tealf- *Ww of a KenKul l^inrcr' \\, 'A (ttth week) t>—Wcmry Jlailiawav Ar-Framls V»'hts-ltrtiwn ., Wnhicmat tuMftg > ; > : , A'ehfrted': AbtfiiUfth .■■ ■ iTiiVer J 1.1 rt ' )\\'w. .SI,,Ati .v»rtt •-'.■|.;.--. I.rnifj ... ' 'r>«i:' ; ■ • ., .-.^ . <>.''"'y '.<''i(.,i r,' .•■ . ■.■' ■■•vi''r.a.nchot-ifi'pnr!. .\KVrf.h>een'':.'l.{utke : Ki. lT;i(d ••roin>v(-ll ■ ■, S.r «Jyy ,«.'tjiii.'-v,|{ "'. A>il i,.y kmi-tilv-',. Albert Petit * Ale? Mclesh WUltamBmUe <1th wee*) D—Norman McLeoil A—•"harlcs BobIo J. r. MeEvey Jack Cunninfthtim C-^lIenry aharp; A., C. ■Ciaet: ■ i\. W. C. Flelde Baby LeRoy.: ';' Jean Rouveroi Kathleen Howard ■■ .lulian MadiHon ; Taniinany Young Morpan Wallace Charles Sellon Josephine Wblttel Del Henderson <!uy Usher, Kdlth Kingdirt .»' S''. T. Hoy H.irrtta ■. • Tom Bupii . . ■' '. i -----JWrMllahl Tooker Uapenccr Charters • c 'One Hour l.«it*! ., |4(h week) J>^R»lph Murphy ' A^Llbbie. BtoClc>, ..iCathryn'fteiitfii.?-.!,; .' Piiul GeiraM PsiHik r C—-Benjamine Bey:«i«ld9 ' Joe Morrison Helen Twelvetreee <'onrad Nagel Anine jMdce Toby Wing Eddie Craven ItOU Sheridan Raymond Mlllan<d Ray Walkerj ^ Arthur Hoy t-— -aurraiiiiik- ■■^7""' , Sidney MIllerT^ ; ■,r..Brtidley Pa»#>.C":.. .«lidjr»''HwliWt»-■ I^Bdward »edinrl«lt. A—Ollbert K. ChfBtert^n Henry Myers ^ O—Gardner. HuUivan 0-^Th«6dorf SparkoM Casti.'. ■>■■..,.■.■. '. ,■■ Faul',:'l.ukas 'V , Oertrudo Mteh'aft. •• . ' Frank Sheridstl ' Virpinia WelMe^! . %' '< J'eter lli.bbs ".. "Bunny - Ueatty ■ Robert Lorrain0 ;.: Walter cot^nottjrV E. E. Ctlve peter HobI es 'Behold preferential ctiairacter with Allied ii creditor different fiuni any other under purchase contracts calliiiji' fur el>f«M.:;.«f tl|«ft^^ i»ar..; / " : With these matters out of the way, to the Hatisfactio'n of trustees ;ind creditors, little is foreseen that would nuike a carry-over of the l>;inkriiptoy int<» I'.'Sr* inevitable. An agieement on the bank suit liCtween the 12 banks and creditol gruupi ftands as of the reor- ganlaattb^ i>iatt. iiHtW Eikr trustees reported waiting; to accept. Date for the next beating', Oct. 23, will be set back aKuin. Exact amount of the loan floated by the p Mt«kii was |lS,S68.ft24 Proposed •4»ttlement, it<ic«piiibi9 to Kuhn Loeb & Co., the Frarilc A. Vanderlip bondholders' conunitteo and the Shareholders' Protective Comipittec QMte for a payment* 4^ in Cltsh, with balan<!ie of "around 19,000,000 to be paid off on reprganl zatlon in the same ratio .that eth^r creditors are satisfied, . V ;^ The directors' suit. In asilct fig urea |l2„237,071i may or iMay not be settled, but it dlffeVs from the bank action In that its final status may not be es.sential to roorpraniza 1 M.V Wife' <3rd week) .^Mitchell I,,el8en ; ■' A—O rover Jones . . Vincent LaWf'enee ' William R. Llpmaft^ ^!ia<iys Lehman C—l.ecpn ,'<liamrov ■ . . hiylvta 8jUn6y i.'.llciei|«oi| taadra' Ttfline' 'CrWa.', H, B. Warner ■ ' ' ', Mc>iircie Owsley ; , Kennetli 'i hompson Li>u t^lieriilan ■,l?ea»,vjapppr Charlotte CJrnnvllle Kric Blore chas. B. MMdUton Kalph Romley..'. . . <!rep Whifes|»*»(r Jim Thiii|.o . Otto Huffman 'Winga in th» Barli.' ■ <lat weeirjp";-*'.*'''. B—.Tumo.s l"l<i(id ■A-T-Nell f^liii.tnan . ,. Philip D. Hura • ■.•■■I>ell/.Van .-Kterr: .:C—')gneli,." "r.k::". "C*«t': ,■ ■.{. lloburt Cavatia'ttgh.' , Cary «!r;int , ' ■ My tr,,i 1 .i.y . , Rosctio Kama ■ (l-t week) 1. Itiipgiea. ■- .- A—W I U ill- Huker J;h k Kir kl:ctMl • .'iauilo BiJiyeu c--Vl^^tot-MUr^or:;',..-',, Vn.s(■;.•.•„■:..■.,' ■ ' , Cl(»ad<tt<i Cilbert '('iiprlce Raiiaannle' (1st week) 1) ■ ■ .r,..'e) ill \'on »<tertiberp ,Ar-J(>hii l.ilit", raf<a6« ', y'- X'h.i<^ Ufvii ■ i i' I- j...-> .•VI..- vw n Steraberf ■v^i ;^ ■. .M.irli n« :T),|(^\- ...■ ..■■:4'»el Mt'i'vi..! ■ •.J.lun- : . Al w ill . >ihe iJttle Mial (6tb week) D—Richard Wallace A—Jamea M. Barrle Jane Murfln : Sarah t. vUssoA .'. c—Kenty, ■ oermM ■ Cast: ■ :■: Katharine Kepbmpi John Beal Alan Hale Donald Crisp . Andy-Clyde l^nmvden Hare Leonard Carey Dorothy Stiekney Barlow Borland Herliert llunston ^ Jane Baxter Reginald Dwnay liarlon Clayton ■•liiiHnce of ManhaMaa* <5th week) r> —.S'tcplien Roberta A—Norman Krasna V- . Don Ilartman Jane Murfln . Edward.' Kavfmaa^' '•'' .C—■^ffcjt Muiitiraea ' ' <?aatr' , Francia Lederer dinKcr Rogers ' J. Farrell McDoaald Grant Mitchell ! Jlm^ny ".Butler ' '. HiBlen.'Ware.,', Arthar 'Mbp* ■., ■ Spcncei* CiliaVtora. Paul Hurst Donald Meek Oscar Apfel Harold Goodwla esF~ol (Mil T>—Phil Roaen A—Zane Grey Milton Krima John Twist C—James Van Treea Csat: Illchard tot* ': Martha Sleeper . Pat West lM>uiB Mason , ■' Samuel Hinds . ' ■ ; • Sleep 'n' Eat.. ' i ! . Oacar Apfel ■ ■■ ■ vved' Kohieft■•;..■.■..'»>• Maria- Alb*' ' iThe IWtfalt «if - Ba»l*«^.^^-i.;J D^—John Robertaoft f . ; A—^Wanda Tuchock \ John' Twiet Milton Krims C—-T,\Klen Andrtot ■•', , ' \w Cflst- ; '■ May Kill..sun • Fred M'Murrny ■ ' j^' Hale Hamilton ■ '.:.,.Ai«^:«Mae,- Mary raflliit*,--' • •■ T!<'n A I'-Mi ndef • ■': v. Ktlenne flirardot Ward Hond William Jiurress 'Enchanted APfU' Ti —Harry BejaHmani ' A~KI Izabeth Ruuell Kane Campbell RoBitUo Stewart Samuel IIoil«nata|n I'—rnas«l.5n'cd. r^^^' faft: ; , Ann Dardlng . Frank Morgan - ReiflMitd. Qwea - ■•■ • J4tia,l»««te*.'''. XCH Kgt E BrtKljPI «, •We World AcraiMil^ Cind week) D — <^li:i.-<. T.;imi.nt A-:7-<.' l»e|den C^M.-.A.- ^AwdtrtB*:- - ttmiy --^ ,:■ r,'' Vivl,in T..l.iw^ i:ui-.«eil lioptnri Dickey Moor* . .Corji £iuo Collin* ■■■ iMAirot) ll«fiiWila<:. (SrtI week) 1>T—Breezy Ea.son , 0tia. Bl-owifir ■A-^liwi- cohcB-- ■'■ Wyh'ilvaihi rtltteiis.- Br'''-J!y 'fea«on'. -.'. siH'rhinn l,<jw'e Hirni'v S'lireeky' ( i ;i :iie Miller . XMONOGKAM) Sing MiaMii*; (Srd week) D—I.*w Collins . A-'Marry stephea XMler ,' Marion Orth " - ;v. ■■,. Chaa. Logue':' ■ .''^ .■:''C«rtiway,:T*»rli.' -rJ-::- r B«ots Matibry . Jameson Thomas ... Hardle Albrlpht Berton Churebill Ferdinand GottaclM;^'. Henry Kolker .Richard':yuckar"'/' ■ ■'. Mary'' toars.n' Lotus Long/ George Baxt*r. ; V, „.,Herb :yi^a||»:;,u: tint week) i>—William Nigh A^Har^y Bttyea K*eMr : Marlon.::Of«h Chaa. C—UnasaltMM'" ■■ ■■:'•■■> . ■:Caat: i:y'V,''Bepa LuKosI y. '.' Wallace Ford .MAt ROACH 'Bahea In TeirlafNl' (»th w«e|i!i^^-'>- ':'' ■' D—Gus Mein.M Charley Rogers A—Operetta by V, .Herbl|r% : ■ Frank Butlef'-;'' : Nick Grinde. ..' ^.'•'?^.V;' vCh-An, u«yd. ■ FrnDeis'/Cbrbajr-' ■ Oaat: Stan I.aui I 1 —Oliver Hiir dy . . ■ ; "Wallace Fdrd . Lawrence Grant' ' DouKlas Fowlay . Andy I.rfiwlor Norman Ainsley . Lloyd Hughes . ' Margaret Mann Bessie Barriscale WAKNKK8 'Kweet Adeline^ <:th week)'-.;. I)—Mervyn I.eRoy" .; A— < >sea r H e III merateiln- !d Jerome Kern : . Irwin a. tlelsey • ' C—Sol FolUo '■•.Caat: , Irene Dunne Donald Woods ■ Ned Sparks lluph Herbert . Joe Cawthorn '.- Winifred Shaw ■ ■Olive J.onea. ;'■ Loiiln ■ Oalhern ■'■ • Dorothy l>ar•;.^^;^• Homer Dlckaoh . ■ • John Appolito ■ ' • I'hi! Itepun Nyil i.-i \Vest man (Jertrijiie Antoi- •The Right to Live' (3rd week) I>—William KelBhley ; An^HBomerset M.iu|^IM|l^:' . -Ralph Block TTT Ci^ld Hlckox CSat;,- ■, . tSeorKe Brent Josephine HutehtaWM Colin Clive " . - Henrietta Crossman FhylliB Coghlan Peggy Wood 1*0 C. Carroll Henry Kleinl Alice Moore ' A»c« lAke Felix Knight Marie Wilson Jean Darlinp Johnny Downs Charles Hall Margaret Seddon Xewpia Morgan Richard pAwelt Fete Gordon . May Wallace Sumner Getcbcl y : ■William Burres* ,' Billy Bletcher 'Virginia Kama • Ous Leonard AHhtti'. LoVeJoy •White Coekatoo* <3rd week) l^Alan Croaland A'^MHtnon d. Bberhardt "'-'Sen ' Markson liny Haywood, ' v 0~Tony Gatidlo Cast: RlcarUo Cortes Jean .lluir #ohn BIdredge Gordon w**|ieaU. ^ . Minna Oomb^lr' ' ' ' , Ruth Donnelly : . Walter KinRsford • Addison Itiehards GeorBC Itenavcnt 'R.ACINti LUCK* (3r<I week) to—D. lloHs T,,ederman A—TriHtam Tuppor .C—Warren Lynch Lyio Talbot : Mary Astor • ; Franklo Darro ' ; Clarence Muse ' ■ Oavin < Jordon ■.... Ward liond , , gew.oe Kama '■. radley I'ase ° ' Henry Kolker ^Vli nogs of the Air' <8rd week) l>^I<iloyd Bacon - Ar^ohn MooK Sauadet* ' :Karl Baldwin '<^<TArtk«i^ ■•Bdeion'*-rr ■ ," ■.Cast: James Carney Margaret l^indsay Faf O'Brien ; Kdward Ilrophy .'■^VWnvil^Ntoiii.. >','■'';•. ., Ken..' Mayintrit . ,7Wd.-„8a^l5t»r'' i : Al Uridr.' • ik'orKo <. iuniubra ■':,,t:..Iw*f<l .tafia. CRNTCBT , .... ., AIITMTSK.- -"''<i|il':i|iiikpr'9ariMi^r': ^^''■■■-,v':ii«%%»^ -'.V;^^' ^l>-i^\*rftiter' tawg, ' A—Gene Fowli.r ' BesH Meiedyth ■ . (G>—Pcverel) Mnrlev ; • ■', •:ttest: ■j:.,^':' Wallace Bt?ery ' ' , Adolph Menloa Janet Beeehcr Rochelle :lttid8oa Virginia Bruce ; Qeoiiga' Br.'isno ■ May.. Bolcy • ; Howard Hiekman Chaa. JudelH Herman Blng '.'''.'"'Tamm'any T«aaa.v '■' Oiiy*^-Brajine.'.~".'..'^^.' . -.'.y ItM IVoUe-^ ■.: ■ ■■... 'O'reia Meyeri".' ■'. ■ '- -I : Sam Godfrey . ' l.ueille I.aV'erna . Richard Krasno UNIVERSAL The Good Fatoy' ■ ^ - ■ ' .<6th w««k) ' "' D-w-William Wyler Ar'Fereno Molnar >. .Preston Sturgesa .Hanip'.Kraly ' /'..• C-rrNorbert Bra4ln« Margaret Sullavaa . ' Herbert Mar.Nhall '- Frank M.irf-'an ,■'.;■ I'hyllis I.miwijr - Alan Hall . Barbar.i Uolnfeit ■': '■ Anno.:t>arlta«'- r.neulAh'Pfiii(||.r.i--^-T:-v- : RtSlnald'O*^ /'"^ week) ;■ ''?*V**^iJ&i^f*>»fP»*d A^Jerr^'u'Lid ■r V ' ;'"„"*'*^:''^'\/.-^r>-,;''\^ftrt Kri. kso .■ -f.'^' -.Warren Duff P-r-BdwarU l^qdwit . ,:C-^J»mmy Van Txaei A—Jf^fth Bart Castj Rody Vallee Ann !f)v6riiit Ned Sparks All« e While ratrlda ■KliTsT^ .Robert Arms* ■Al.'...Si;M''afl"' :iloseph; Oilwthorn Jl*d wesk) .t^Busby BdrkaH^;, A—iRobert Lord. Manuel .Sefjr Peter Milne , S CJ-*Oeorge Barnes .Caat:- : DVk Powell Oioria Stuart Fr*nk Mcltiigh Hugh Herbert Adblph Ml njou Wlnlfrtd .Shaw T)orothy Dare ■ -,' Glenda Farrell ^aL^^v 'Sweet Muslii' hnm Orniiz ... William lliirllut V : Fi,„i,.y Peter. Burn Jr. ' omt;:. '... ..,,, ..■::'■■', Cfrt^i^.'Maidl'.; ,, 7<lflnc'i . Ati^^iii • . , Joan Bei]iii'*u. ;;:'r ■■.■..-.Carol :'CooilAlif ;';'-:v»ah|r,«a#i;.'.-^ .V, All^h JenkioS tlon. This la a case Where I'ur ia trying to recover 237,071, rather than a case where I>ar is contes ti ng « claim, as In tlie inaMuij^ Ojf '^i^ iMi,nk«(. in the lattar Aotion. re- ase of hypothecated negatives aii4 fMitalh l.s iaiao an important con- .sidcration. Ah Injunction has existed against these assets sinea the very (je^Innihg; Of recelv<|4'shlpb^^ A total of tt^ween 99 and 4» law-' yers are on the Par matter repre- senting the tliree trii.steesi One of the attorneyH, in the woi;^ > i^if Elihu Root. Jr., auffor«d A liarvikwi. breakdown aa « M|Mli ii^^^ t toUt^* plexity Of th^v aftiiBtiei^ nim Consideriiig everything an th.fy see it. I'ar men see no reai^qn IKl^y they shouldn't be out bf bij]^*!*^^ IjTfljr XW'8' ^^*<'*>^» are^^^h fm W that hew year and the out- look—if bankruptcy can be thi-owil off and the new company sf>t uli! for operation on Its iiwn; Itfain* UinfBft ;tt, t«t ba tha iMUit probertr In th* lAiMmeis,^ par ^ making good pictmes and bus tii'^ best salpa organlztvtiun, persioniiidj morale is at Jta tilffhest leVW slnei" :::>::;:y y^'.^y-/-:A :■}. There Ira no blir e»e<*utive sal-' arles In Paramount. ThrouKbout the orKanization the number «t execs on the;'roHfi''.''luig'.':ib^<»n''.if^r^ diminishe;|l<;' •. ,-'''''yi;.'-.:'-;}-'^''-''--'-'':.'i'C'' ■ ''■ 'Vo''f0IM*^p, ''oC'.'ik|i3r'.lii^rttkrice'~'ln''-' Par on reoi^gahliwrtion ite anti< ii)at« d in the face of th^ recovery made ia the past year. ..;.i;.';v <; ■ Par Clearing Claims raiamount tru.stees are speedinir up the detailed Job of elearini claims in the Par banti^i|,iii<^. as minny sett^lemcnta a,nd ^i^jpfSfc*. ittis«s titt \be r<^}^^^ as no«t!i!)ie for the beheflt of the estate and a qulelc reorKaniznf ion. With claims .'i^raiost I'ar recently ■omputcd at r2'J7,mM4, inctuditii cverythJliui V>at had bi^m lil^Dd such a« iPOtmNS ii^nf rt^^ pt^r has a«k?d the courts to apiu-ovc immediAta; reductions and ( HiiiinatiopH i OfV $L'00,f)l.'-,.3f.X inehidtnjT the tmmif^l 000 claim of I'aramount Hroad#iliy. This would bring the clhimifi down to $50,321,460 and would enihr.i<e the $13,000,000 bank <l(.))t, Allied Owners' claim of Ji'.T.Odd.OdO, anti- trust claim.s of , |10,0OO,OO(i and around $8,O0().0i8flfeV hi aftlHceli.ineou* , indebtednetises.; .;' Meanwhile; the trust«'e.4 are try- ing to whittle down the fln.-il al- lowable amounts as much as pos- sible by compromijte with claim- ants, with latest negotiations IB" direction of reaching a settlement Trf-H»fr t«t«W#©«iJ?:. M. Ix)^ anti- trust suit whlr-h is still in the coiirts. Agreemiiit on settlement of the Edv ard Quittner case Wa#'li^|iie^ Friday (12) b<etween attorneys for Quittner and the Paramount trus- tees. Settlement is reported for a nominal amount to cover cost to .:^l|)|ittlier of brinijinK his triple dam- as** 15,100,000 , anti-trust suit against l»ar «^ ti^tpie bi^fore tbanlr.. rtiptey oconrred. with an! taken thereafter:'■^'■■''.' ■ '.■•,■.■ ^j.' Papers for leave to s.-ttle tht^i- pending suit against Par on ba|*i.: agreed upon will be presefti^'''|i' the coiirts t<?day (Tiiosday) or tii» morrow. Orhhnm * Reynolds acted for .Toe Quittner, son of Kdward Quittner, derea.«jf <1, in wlu>.se nanie the anti-trust action w.ih ojrtglnally' instituted. On the first hetkring pjf the ease the Quittner side lost, thereupon appealing. In addition to the Par-Hic.adway reorg plan as a moans of romr>io- mlsln.i; tlirit company's claim, othera in the sfime category bai^d oTi coW,- promise plUns are Parambuht Prop- erties for 12^786,060; the j»ruden<^ Co., Wlth claims of nearly $1,000,- 000 on Jacksonville .and St. Peters- burg, Fla,, theatre properties, and the Ooldstein Ilros. Chieopce theatre mortgage $t^MOi Early las^ week the par trustees submitted to the special master an agreement between Pnr and Walter Wanger under which Wanger agrees to repay frOm recoipta of pictures he is makins for Par tha suR) of f 17&;6oo he received In settlement of hi.s contract when dropped by I'ar a coijple years ago^ His cl.'iitn for back salary ot' $4i90.\' 000 is compromised ,hy thIs flg#^l?^ pfn WILLIAM BOtD ■.^;''''■;■;V?:v■, v.i?^>'.)ywood, Oct. If.. '.^'Hurt-.'^k^ifiyr-iiiciii. signed Wiiii.un ;-.yd to t;ike t,.[) .«r„,t in iho ftr-t wo nieloUram ir? he win |>ro<lvictf en the^ Coast-fpr^;geIi1ct-l™'i»fl^^ U .'-fi^ First picture is ."^lat.-.l \,, ; , idio work thr etifi trf- iitiH w« ei^ hhU* ? itli' of I'Vderar Aycrit,'; from >tory y K^»ri;)f JMr^rinff^r. Warty Ct^lya hm---$m^nmim.- :ikii'-:aiB»^jteii'if''; pr#.'