Variety (Dec 1934)

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VARIETY RAD Taesdayt Qecember 11, .1934 New Ydik Midwest Amoia Phlpps, asaiatant superin- tendent ' of the : Syracuse Rescue. Hiealon. who has been, on the air fori Bli years wltti a gospel hymn program, was honored with an .an« • lilversiary- party In -the ■ ballroom ot the Hotel Syracuse Dec. 6, WSTB clearing a full hour, .7 to 8 p.m., to Ferhe Porter c to the WMBD staff as; recQptlonrhbstess. y: Ivan Streed/former proigrb;ii(ii 41--« rector 'of' station WoVIBD, now at WHBP, Book . Isliand;;111.; as. prpducr ■tlon--mariager.i--..;; ; Station #MBD, Peoria, has set clearing a full hour, 7 to 8 p.m., w Lgjae the hoiir of to 12, Saturday broadcast the program by„f|2»°*f night, for a tour of the city's night control. Ghirlle .Xewls* WSKX ^ i j^j^- ^^^^^ dance halls, glylhe chief announcer, was m.C; an hour's 'round the town- program, ' Countess Elsa Yon :Ba.chelle now using a ttattery ot arthouncers and •ver WHN: for beauty spiels, ^ ; eriglneiers. ■ .A. ii. Alexander handling, ■riarra- -w'FBM now installed in sump- tion in the fllm, "War Is a Rapket. ^jQug ■ quarters, , one ■ block Mrs. Carl Akeley gUest ;oh. Dale north of old site... C^arnegie's program oyeif WEAF last purward Kirby, Sunday <9). Tom Flzdale of Chicago visiting tome offices of ABS this week^ ^ licslie Frederick Is hew WMCA | announcer. WFBM ' an- I nouhcer. ciaiihB It's that 'it' lathis voice that brings in the fudge, lueckties, hankies, from the ladies. Jim Matheny, sales promoter for —WKBP, practices; hlia fast foot- "When-^ WHAM'S- cooling system Uj^ork at ping pphg.—"v ' " ^ w*nt haywire reoently. operators p^^^ j cook, home econonilcs Charles Snyder and To' SeUer. »n- . ^ home- Vestigated and found a sheep In the ^P?rt ,°",t^;f^;^'ag°S^ outd oor spray pond blocking the] gff^3g.g^^ ^Intgnt s -:>OUtlet . , . ^ ■■ - •.-V. ■.. ■-■T— h ire s6"3Hy~'^""" ' ' ■ --"^—— ''~ r^^^i^^^S^tM^^ Tom Divine builds scrim for SlSfS (?ril^^5aylng^h^ his Indla^a Roof at the RKO Palace theatre, and PWl I bapd over WFBM. Novelli nlavlne a nlano in , the playing a piano studio. Karphonies enabled them to 1, .synchronize; ,■ ^ Freddie Carlone. orchestra in at -the Marigold, Rochester, has .an >ir spot■-• over , WHAM... ^ -... ; ■■. ■ , Fraiik Reynolds; - Borden ice cream 'puzzler' of WBBM, called on WHAM friends on way; home from Colgate-Syracuse football . .G^me;'. ■ ■ . ■: Emersbn Markhain, m.c. of WGT'^ rfarm programs, is, playing the same role on the General Electric Comr jiany's Saturday night 'community' broadcasts. Robert Rissling, an- Bouncer off the >C tiohal' ^taff-artists* stanzas, merely ' tiigns on and: oft the community '.."-iBhots.-.----.^'; Mn addition to their income from p.a.: dates, The Vagabonds, of. WGY, ■ are now deriving revenue from th6 ; sale, of a. song book, at fifty cents per copy. : Victor Graff and , Sally Osman may go on the air for WOR in a . comedy sketch lay Ethel P. Richard- son, v They recently returned from Toronto. (Sraff has done some short ■u bject work for WailierBros. A new 'yodel' n^ wrltVeh W Johnny Marvin is titled "There's a , gsed Beneath-the. .paisies.V . ' When Forrest : "V^liUs sang , aihd piano-played oh his 'Furniture Man' commercial oyer WGY, on ThanksglylniB, it marked: the sixth consecutive year he had broadcast on the heavy eating dajr. A . new trio drawn fro^a the per^^ ""Bohriel Police . drive bri :lmiproper: park- ing has boys at WKBF using the inkle route to go tb work.. Clyde, klttel, new pirograni di- rector of WTAM, Gleveland, and TOm Lewis'' and Waldo Pooler, now working in the .'Joe- and Eddie' sketch arid, bri other shots .over the station, were associates at. WGY, Schenectady, before Klttel wient to New York to join the NBC an-, nounclng staff. Warferi Munson, the briglrial 'Eddie' of the skit, was a fellow announcer of. Klttel's in Schenectady, and by a coincidence, he later, did mike duty a;t WTAM. aiuns_Qn.Js. ww^siioclate^^^^ Hartford, Conn., transmitter. : station. She wlll haYO a Thursday night program and also be on the Sunday night Hl-Jinks. , J. B. Dbyle, radio-editor of .Oak^ land Poat-Enaarer, la In L. A.: look- ing over programs', Robert Sherwood, yfho has been producing programs at Coast studio^ is at KHJ, Los Angeles, as announcer. ^^";''- iRobert Swah. 'announcing the Biirns and Allen CBS programs from KHJ here over CBS.. Hubbell Rbbinsort. of Young &; Rublcari in L. A. long enough_ to take care of some spots for, FelS :Naptha.y ■ . Irving Mitchell, actor-producer with Henry Diiffy. Is producing 'Aihericaln Caravan' at KPWB. Harold Bock, NBC publicist, "went to bat for Victor Noble, tBjdlo ed of the L. A. Post; T^hen the latter was hospitalized ffoih the effects of a;n .auto':sInaahut>,^;'" Virginia Karns. KFWB staff (irtist; off for the festive board at Dayton,.D.-: Capt. Hairry Signer's li. A. Police band completed a year of weekly concerts on KFWB arid has been renewed. / . George F i s c h e ir ' is handling KFWB's remote from Sherry's. Pennsylvaiiia Edward Veriner and Hervey Cut-r ry. vocalists; have been awarded IB mlnytes twice a week by WDEV, Waterbuiry, yt, \ >■' Ilerie Bobbins, who was audltlbned by WCAX? for pairt in the: WGY^s •Three Little School Maids,' hais left for Schenectady. ' 'The Goofs' prog:ram at WEEIi Boston, rekihrlstened 'Del. Jack, Ed and Ray, now performing before SatMrday audiences on limited quota of-■ "ducats. . v'V ; •CleercoaV show . moves to. new 7 Thursday ispot, starting , 13th, Billy Hays leaving town .tor a southern band trip under Mannie Sacks' managcnvent. Vincent Travers* band now ' ln B,t the Pennsylvania hostelry, with the, Pep 'Boys' shows ho'tv emanating from the nltery floor twice weekly. - Ralph Wonders in Philly for Ar- thur Warren's debut at the Rltz Band gets a CBS wire. ' Kate Smith's new trio discovery, the Wallttce Sisters, have signed with Ted Collins arid the gAls are appearing In Philly at the Areola. Ace Pancoast has left the WPEN organist berth to sigh on with the S.%. All In Pun show via the same studio. Rosa Gross now playing the plp^s Only Polish kiddies proeraim on the air is at WRAX, Philly foreign la,nguage station, whIOh also, car- • rles similar shows for other na tlonalltles. Show is m. c.'d by Stan Mbderski. wiP is how ' tarrying the Joe Frasetto band from Jack Lynch p Cafe Marguery. Stations will be- gin to pipe shows from the local studios to the aSS web within three weeks. ' ' . yic Dlehm, Station Manager of WAZL, HazeUon, .was 32 on 7th. lri3i^Hamrlckf-=«bntlhul^-Hilreaoi!- hlt 24 oh the 8'.h. Ray . Hughes clocked 29 bh the same day. Came tho nth and Wllbiart (Bud) Markle, public events spieler reached 27. : With the broadcasting of the P. & M.-Gettysburg footbair game on Thanksglvlrigj WGAli, Lancaster completed the first season In which It tQllowed the tearii through every game. Bob Posey did ;the spieling' on all of thiem. ^ r For the first-time since the open Ing of WAZL. Haileton, Manager Vic Dlehm got a chancef to go bh the: air Iri his favorite capacity, the other night. He: did the spieling on the wlndup arid semi^windup of Hazelton's first fight card In many moons. . ■ . ■ ■ . Emily Weyman, former local p.m. . _ . WCSH joins other New England. jj-miiy weyman, lurmcr -rief-to present Nfial o:Hara_and^his:L^^j.bier, staff pianlst^ataCYW now. anfiirHnvfl lit 7 n.m. I Harold Davis has a new WDAS Leonard Holoriian, formerly , of KTAT, :Fort Wbrthi and Walter Beck, formerly of KtSA and WFAA, San Antonio and Dallas, have Joined the staff of KABC, San Antonio, replacing Tom Brown and Ray Holmes, who have stepped Out of radio. ■■ " ;Wrs. ~"^rii~ GbldfS^^^ of KABC's spbrtscaster, HI In the hos- pital. '.. ■-. iv.-."-,^.. Texas A. and Mi, College band al^ed~^ KABC while In San An torilo Saturday (8) for A. and M. Michigan State post-season brawl. KABC looking for comic paper tleMn with a Sunday sheet, now v.™ r-- , that Joe Luther, known to the Ttids Of—tJWck^ Condon'is-^NeW- as—'Uncle--Bob,i--has--left- Kenmbre hotel, orchestra. .. and broadcasting over WGY consists of Bill Prltchard and Freddie King, . tenors,- and Bunny - Snyder^ bari- tone. King did vocals with Johnriy Johrison's unit at the same spot be-; fore Condon, who drummed in that barid, organized his own combo. -.J :Jolly:.yCoburn begins, .a series oi Taude dates for Loe^,; starting Dec. 14. ■ ■■ . ■ ■■: Felix, FerdinaridO utarlUig sports chiatter, Saturdays at 7 p.m Walter Leavltt's 'Teddy Bears' are shooting for - a West Indies cruise. ' ■ ■ :■ C. W. Burton, WEEI, Bbston, sta- tion boss, on a diet; whittling down the girth. Roy L. Harlow, ^slstant to prez of Yankeel net, is a composer of many tunes and collects rare books arid mxisic^ ■ . iielahd Rlckford, hew: bd-.^n-c^^®*; ot Yankee network news service, has authored three books of poems. ' iiVhen" joe^ Rineis Tjlayed-ah but- of-towh theatre receritly he had a disc announcement iail iri. for him bh one .show .whUb ho -.sfcramtncd back to town for Salllnger hour broadcast over WNAC. Back In person for closing show on stage. Caroline doing 'The Christ- mas Shopper,' new seasonal service IB-minute broadcast over WEEI, Monday, Wednesday. Friday at I0 ;a.m;-;-;^': Russell Dorr, baritone, sang .on 'Morning Parade' last Tuesday (27) over red NBC weh. .- Miss Ruby Rand, 22, fiancee of Bob Freeman, WEEI announcer, killed In stunting plane (2B) at Norwood. Pilot was William P. FMe^fcHerr^blK UltB. Melcher" and where he got on the floor every Sunday a.m. with a mike and the comics, much to the relief of par- 'ents.;.. ■ - y. " Longhorn Luke (Jules Vern Al I Jon) has landed - a • comriierclal Cn WOAl, San Antonio. Airs a half hour every week for Peruna; Ken McClurelind".Alex .1 ohnston "Me'tcher. Both ^"^^ woWed the WOAI studio hiob when Freeman witnessed fatal crack-up. singing discovery in Sol Tprchon, a newspiiper dealer, ; First Commierclal account at KYW is the Suspuehannia M.ount- alneers; first sustaining, the Tell ' Sldtd*s« ■ " '*•■*' Franklin Lamb, -WIP vlcerprexy, to Florida a;nd the sun. Esslngler's Beer signs Jan Sa-^ Vitt's band for a WCAU show plug ging away. at ^amateur idea. Pro grarii^ airs . Thursdays at 10 p. m Phil Waco of the ,old vaude duo of Dallas and: Waco has joined .the WPEN ST2^0~R"eVuo;" T7 " ■" " Jerry Stone f>.nX Harold Davis of WDAS, and Glenn Parker at WIP did a Columbia annouriciBr's audition last week. : . . ' Mary Jane . Shoes has signed Eirios's 'weekly riiovle broadcast of chatter to a. B2-week contracti Vial ■WIP.- . . ; Phoebe Elklns : back , from the coast'- t o resu me her old- Town Tattler show ori'WlpTTPrPS^'am w^ most popular, announcement alrciaSt In Philly three years ago. Tom Llvezy now p.a.'lng for sta- tion WIBC, between announcing chores. ■ granted permission : to employ ad- djltional antenna system. JCGBU of Ketchikan, Alaska, it another station to apply to Wash- ington for Increased time on the air. ' . '■[■. ■■■■ ■ Donald Wiko, formerly with the Commercial department of station KHQ, Spokane, has Joined the staff of KUJ, Walla Walla. Two of the OSC campus banda have broken into big time radio. The two orks, Jlni DIerlckz's. arid Davfi Lbrigtln's, both' made their :'" debuts over the NBC and CBS net- works during the last couple weeks; The orchestras are regular weekly features of Station KOAC- Jimmy Cook has been added to . the technical department of KUJ.; Art KIrkham, chief announcer for KOIN, was presented with two mal- lard ducks for his larder from a well-pleased advertiser. ■ Walter Gade, formerly, chief an-r; nbuncer at KVI, Tacoma, has Joined the announcing staff of KdW-KEX. Ed Jansen, sales maniager for KVI, recently addressed, the stu- dents of Puget Sound College, de- scribing his radio experiences. With the idea of presenting plays rich in material adapted froni Ore- gon history, the KOAC prama Guild has been orgarilzed. The Guild pre- sents a play each Wednesday. Jack Bheppard has becri added to : the announcing staff ' of KXL. '^"CfulTVictbr "bfchestrar'glves flve- a-week program over KOIN. Clarerice Tolman,' heard over REX, is ICoklhg. for a troupe of hill- billies. •Tracy. Moore, who has been with KGW, NBC afnUaite, has become connected with the sales staff at Pacific Coast headquarters of NBC, San Francisco. . . Vernon R. Churchill last month resigned as national advertising manager of the Berkeley Gazette to become Portland manager of Mc- Cann-Erlckison agency here; ; Lee Davis, KWJJ. commits matri- mony. : Frances Beck la the bride. Non pro. •'■ Radio, Commission engineers have recommended a 100-watt station tor I Lewlston, Idaho. |- 'Gall- Young,-baritone,—has—been- made staff announcer at KOIN. Young has ifor some time beeri con- riected •with the station. , \ Pacific Northwest group: of special foreign nights on Wednesday at the Montclalr, the first to be a Spanish fiesta. Adla Kutzmetzoff sticks at the 6t. Morltz for. warbling duties. < Olga Albani east for Decca re- cordings. .. ■.._ ■:.:V: .-:■ Gene Rlss enlarging his Man About Town spot. : : : v Joe Relchman opens at the Stat- ler In Boston on Dec. 6. Two winners over WMCA's Ama- teur Night In Harlem have booking dates at the Apollo theatre. Ger- trude Green and Alma Greasy are . first entertainers inserted in the regular stage programs as added attractions. no.iitor 'fl' .Ql l. no^ Ing full hour oprettas over WINS oh Sundays •with Vincerit Sorey as musical director. Al Grobe,. WINS, engaged ttf Syl- via Ruben of Buffalo.:' ilonroe ' Helliriger, brother of Mark Helllnger, now in WMN pub- Uolty department, - : . ! ; ■ Leo Relsman giving talks now In addition to -playing a series of ' prom's and college: parties. ' —r.Tr:udy=.-.-Thbriia3,-..couslh: of. .-Pa.uL|i; Miiril, is a new WNBW singer; People's National Bank .and Trust : Co. of White Plains spon- sored the annual Thanksgiving football tilt between Tigers' high : school squad and the South Bend, Ind., Centrals over WFAS. Georgia Backus preparing some special holiday programs for WFAS; White Plains. WINS opens a series of Sunaay afternoon forums from 3 to 3130, presenting well-known speakers. Dorothy Bennett, advisor at the American Museum of Natural His- tory in charge of: the jAJ.nlpr Astron-. omy Club- programs which: WINS win .carry through the winter. . they showed up in. Impromptu •Scotch- -drcsa-for-^ar-Scotch-comedy. dialogue on Hoot Owl : Club „ pro-^ gram, station sustalner which airs several times weekly with any and all talent available. . KMAC, San Antonio, switching studios frorii Bluebonnet hotel tp Smith-Young tower building. Deane Moore, "Rhyming Reporter* ■of-WEEI, seen-arounArS tu d lo a . lot Utah KSL completed Installation of pipe organ in studios; Gene Halll day moved from KJjO, Ogden,. to KSL as staff "organist O.^W. Towner, Western Electric Engineer, spent a week ori special assignment at KSL, •"^^K SL pupped for .n e w Keon sign atop Its new studios In Union Pa- cific Building. Dave Simmons, KDYL announcer, made. trip to Boulder, Colorado, to announce Utah-Colo game. • A. 6. Gilbert' Compainy, makers bf Erector Sets, using 6:45 p.m. time on KDYL vacated by Orphan Annie lately In hunting togs. Moore laughs off ribbing because his sea- son's nlmrod score to date reads: Two sparrows, .one Rhode Island red, bouquet ot posies and XmaS tree. iouis Whitcomb of WEEI hoarse from hockey -hooting. - Howell Culllnan of Boston Globe, former news announcer over WEEI, brings out book, 'Pardon My Ac- cent,' spilling some Irislde stuff on his eight years on ether. i ""'i"-;;. -—, . New England Conservatory went KEX, turning out Oregonlan on Re n^-Hnv" wiTSf" ■ "SJ^^SSIs Bobby Jones was slated to talk ncsday (5) at 8 p. m, jNicoias ^ „_ ,^ . but had a Slonlmsky. organizer of the Boston over KGW last weeK, out naa a Chamber Orchestra, takes the baton ' "=oia. California Ruth Clark of Clark Sisters, har mony trio on NBC, which broke up with Lllah's. marriage, Is now m.c.'lng a shopper's guide over KLX, Oakland. Arion Trio, NBC for last few years, 1.'^ airing. a dinner ■con<|crt over KLX, Oakland. ■ kLX Oalda;ncI, bu.slnesjs .staff has gone in for hor.scback riding. P. p. Allen, station manager, Is , one of more, crithiislastlc devotees. ■ Loycc '\Vhltemari, who began her singing career, at : KFWB, Holly- wood, Is back as staff artist on that Earl: Glade, managing director of K-SIj, actea as m.c. ana conducted the program of music at the un- I veiling of. the Pioneer Monument erected at Salt Lake. ,' The secorid season of broadcasts direct to the. public schools which. RGW Is presenting in co-operation with school authorities startecl rb Cently.. ■:■ Old Songs of the Church, new program over KOiN. Sponsored by an uridertaking establishment, with {guest shepherds. Dave Drumriionid, staff writer for Paul O'Tree has Joined the staff of entertainers at WOC, Davenport. B & Q Battery and Electric Co.. is sporisorlng a variety.. program over WKBB, Dubuque, two nights weekly, the presentation to go 13 ~WC©lcSr^— - —— ——— '.- 1—. Runge mortuary, Davenport, has again sigriatured Dick Vlriall for its- 'Drifting Back to Dreamland,' organ program over WOC, four nights a r WKBB, Dubuque, has signed the Midwest "Tlnimerman Co., Dubuqde, for a Grunow period two rilghts a week. .' ■ ■ WOC, Davenport, has opened its -mike^-to—religious—orgarilzatlons^ every Sunday afternoon, three sects : splitting an hour and a half for broadcast purposes thus far. Marie Prye, ofllco personnel, Trl- States Theatres, takes a part In the ^Movle' program, sponsored by TrI-States In KSO. WHO'S favorite studio bxpressloa is" 'KSO—what!' i::r''l:rv~"7:. Charlie iFlagler nb'w started bri;Tfiil'« third year at ICSO—-kids In th« state have started Flagler Sat morning ■ clubs. James Hanrahan, general man- ager for Iowa Broadcasting, back from three weeks in the E^t. Mary Caspc, hostess, KSO studios, publishing her second book of poems, with title, 'Sin, Gin and Lohengrin." Harvest Sunday programs heav-- lly promoted by local stations. I Thanksgiving programs ditto. for the next Conservatory broad- caat (12), Sam: Skolnlck, trumpeter. Joins the Sam'Liner band in Boston. C. W. Burton, WEEI station manager, and Fred Hawkins hunting at Shelburne Falls, Mass. Bob Emery back on NBC net over WEEI Sundays, 10:30 a.m., Iri 'Humphries' Home Clrcle of the Alr.^ Breeri anO. DeRose collaborating. . Brown Sisters, . Norwalk Artists Group, Will Flemlrtg and Virginia Thompson get new spots at WICC, Bridgeport-New Haven. . Alma Dettiriger of iStamford, authoress of 'Radio Rose,'' WICC's first original muslcomcdy, plotting sequel Instalriient. Edith Joscphson and Edmund Neary, vocal leads of ishow. now using their song num- bers as themes for rospectTvp week- ly programs. Fred Thorns, radio ed of Bridge port Tlmos-Staf, iriaklrig mike debut af'WICC as head man of paper's annual Chrlatmas-baaket sories. Estcllo Stern-, erstwhile warbler at WMCA, now garnering olaHHifleds for Bridgeport Herald. • GCorgie Price prbnilsed foj- .stand at Globe, Locht vaude site in Bridge- port - . '"^ : ^ . - v' A lot of radio ariiateurs who live In the vicinity of KOAC have been ttp pcarlii g' f o r int o rvlow s by . Lino Miller, director of special programs. Perry Askarii appeared last week as giiest star- of the Merrymakers' program over KOIN. Dell Randell, formerly with KWJJ. how program director and chief announcer ori staff of KSLM. Leslie Werschkul presented Char- ley Meyers, president of KOIN, with two 14-Inch carlpca beans, picked 14 years ago In the Virgin Islands. ' ■ '■■■■ Ed Cfaftey;'-riia;ha&er-:of "KGIR, Butte, Mont., In' Portland to visit studios ot KOIN and KALE. E. B. Perry, newspaper man, has joined the staff of KHQ and KGA in Spokane as news commentator, and has Inaugurated an editorial column of tho air. , : H. M. Feltis, formerly manager of \KPQ Of ;^yenatchee, and before that as sales manager of KFBB, Great Falls, has joined KIIX), Boise as sales manager. . Mistress behind the . singing strings of the ylolin melodies heard on many of KOIN's, progams la Dorothy Bain. KSEI, PocatoUo, Idaho, has beeri- Norman BotterlU newest staff ad- dition at CPAC. , .■ ■ Prof. Mlzar. who talks on astrol-. ogy, philosophy a,nd answers - qiies- tluris, has chancod-statlons.— 'NnW ' ■ on CKMO. :' . Bill Cranston has left CFCA and joined CJCA. Fred Gorse, leader of the Gasco Band, CKWX, was formerly master of the Engineers' Brigade Band. Terry Gates has been appointed manager of station CJOC. . . Barbaira Hall land ■ Trehialn Gaf- Stang handle the 'Half Hour with Shaiiespeare* program for CKMO. Jack McEwan entertains the kids by a program devoted to the ex- planations arid descriptions of no.vel tricks and stunts. CJOB Is his headquarters. - " H. S. Barber of the resea;rch de- partment of KPO -was a visitor to tho CHWiC studios recently. Jimmy Swanson, network bari- tone. Is doi,nc m. c duties on a series of jamboree programs In aia of the ChiiUwack Community Chest. . A . new dramatic serial cntltieo 'Romances of the Cariboo,' authored by Philip Randolph, started lasi week on CJOR. . ... . .'. BHly Hassell will Ijegin tho Santa (31a:u.s . Fund Auctions program for CKCD. . ■