Variety (Dec 1934)

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TuiBsday* December 11, 1934 MUSIC-NITE eLUHS VARIETY ■47: Buy In on New II tvlteoi^^ : Th^ ■ Bhuberts / and Harry' Kay (Kaufman) «iay with ..JacVc Shapiro ^ irtd Harry ' (Harlne iSe) Blumeiithal on; the rondmed Earl Carrol theatre. Which becomes the rrerich CaBliio tiDr: Its^ Xmas openlher wltlv the Cllft Fischer-J. G Btjeln L revue,:. 'FoUes Bereeres;^ flwltching east- from. tjie French Ca- Blno, Chicaep .. Shuberts ftud Kiay want to buy In %hai>U-o-Blu'rtiontharg end he.cauae the orlelnfltUy-scheduled $OQ.o66. re- construction: •. costs of the-: Casino have reac3ifed:'$125;(50d. Eatlre^ bal cony has'be^n ripped out, It:over hung . th'e i|l'chestra floor tod much and only ja: nartbw balcopjr retailed for a t>aE,,"s«}.tii, most, ot the. jpabaret- theatre seating capacity confinjed to : the lower'flooriand the boxcar - r FlschWr- and-^Stein are-bringing: irL ; th^ir 'Borgeras' on a guara^ and percentage arrahgemerit, which Is geared , to jrield. the attraction around $ip,0P0 on a $40.^0 gross. Guarianteie.i .'is , around f7,$00, with 'percentage •:bn ; everything, iholud- Ihg ipod, Uijuor,. the^ pro-^ ducers puttlrig up. npthlrig but^the ■ show. ■ ■ •, Joe Mosa of . the Hollywood . cab aret-restaurant on Broadw&y and Harry Kannen, a . gas statloii owner Who hiiB been wanting to Invest In the Broadway nltery . operatlonis, • were tO; ha,ve come In wltit_. the ;Shuberts and Kay-on the venture, but In' view of Moas* competitive Hollywood they were . eliminated ~ Jhtir ^lilahcrwlth the Shuberta flg- . ures in that a deal Is still pending for thiem to take over the Winter Garden arid convert it into one of the cabaret-theatre*. Instead, if ■ Bhuberts ally, it w'H eliminate the Wi G. as.competition for three years, that_belnig__a co^ ' rangenient. "^Atfotber element is the program advertising in the Shubert • houses. ■ ■ ■ 'Flies Sergere- Just -olosed xit the ^ French Casino, Chi, and is playing ■'"■a fortnight's engagement at tjie Palace' (RKroi), Clflcag'^ prtof to opening onv Broadway with its Orig- inal company. - V ' Meantime a hew foreign shpW to Bucceed the 'Folles* Into, the French .Casino. Chi, arrived last Friday Iri . New Vork. It's of a Viennese char acter , to ;augment the Johanh Strauss orchestra- Strauss Is the ----thirdHjf- that ^family-, the-^sole^sur-. ■ vlvlng member of the famous waltz kings. New show numbers 70 peo- ple, all' rehearsed .and produced abroad under , Flschfer's ,telephonic and telegraphic direction to his Paris iaind Vienna agents. : Fischer came In from Chi. to nieet the troupe; Jules e:- Sfelri, "prez-pf the_ Mlisie Corp. of "America, Fischer's partner in the venture; arrives today .(Tues RQBBINS-BERLIN PEAC£ Xo'mpromiae. Deal 'on 'Zlegfeld Walk' Song . . ' ' Hollywood, iJec. ;io. Jack.' Rpbbins-Irylng Berlin, Irifc., controversy oyer Con Conrad-Jack Scholl'e 'Zlegfeld Wialk' niimbier for William jVnthpny jlcGulre's Uni- versal PlPture : ;has'. been . com- promised by a deal Avhereby Rpb- blns publishes and piys Beriih, Inc. a royalty, fiattlo resulted from fact s6hQli Is a contract ' writer to Berlin, Inc., >yhile Robblps^ciaims Conrad under, cpntract. Studio' ■.cUimed the. publishing rights .a. . la:: ■ Ziinuck in 'Fblles Bergcjce* mixup, and awarded the sohg.;to Rpbblris.^^^^;^:; / : ,. Gdslno de. Paree, .Inc^ Is suing iBllly Rpsei i!<^r |100;000, damages.^^^M result of 11'.^ latter, liaiying notified Lo^vv'b Arid other booking circuits that any ' bcoklng attempts of the Casino dfe Paree revues, utilizing his (Rosie's) I material would be prose cuted -oil copyright: grounds. The Brbadwiy cabaret-restduraht in aulrig for the iOOG. alleges that Rose dariiaged their show booking chances, / Rose's reason for. enjoining the booking offices , was. on the ground that his material, costumes and scenery would be utilized, although he had beeri ■busted from the Yermle St«rn, syndlcjite as the show pro- ducer wheni liew. BrOwn succeeded him, t^:tHI»" conies ~&ri-^h"67-h'«^^ -ot :a series of suits :whlch. Rose first sta;i'ted against the C. die P, and the Billy Rose Music Hall, Inc. . (since renamed the Manhattari Music Hall). New York; for alleged salary due, bi-each of cpntract, etc. Corpora- tloris put In cQunterclalriis besides sundry other defensM. :' Sari Aritbriio;^ Deic. 10 This berg's nltery list Bwelled to 20 with two more toisslng in the hat Friday (7). Gay JJIrirtles In' "Old Beethoveri hall -. Is - featuring,a ■Drunkard'! company* from the Coast, floor show with singing wait- ers with Frariii Shaw brought from Frisco, to m.c., " and Mac ! Rogers' •band,'■: ,.,.. ■.".'■.;■■■'■■■■ ■■;. ■ ' ' -Olm'ds'—- Dlnner^ciub,-'formerly- swank: riding club on -outsklrtis; of city, opened with -Leonard Kellet band. Jack;Beeckmkri'.m.c.'lng floor show, featuring ; Gpllette' Sister^, Dorothy vori Alst, Gypsy. Byrries and Enters arid Borgia. : ~aay) from a European u. u. He fllcs- to Chl Immediately to attend the premiere of the new revuie tpmprr row (Wednesday). . 3 TUNE PRlirrERS SPOT REK ON WEST COAST _ _ _. . : Los. Angeles, Dec. 10. - -t^jew .cpiist reP3:'ha^^ put on by three sheet - music publishing 1 houses. Big Bosley, after several I wfeekV Iri New Yuik, leturned-ltere as rep for Broadway Music Co. Clarence Freed, brother of Arthuj Freed, song writer, has been given two local assignments. He repre- sents Southern Music Go", and Korn- hciser & Schuster. Tour Thro Russia patron Killed in 'An Offer to tour "the Soviet Re- public with ' his colored Old Man Rl-irer orchestra. has been accepted by Ltuls . Russell, piaris are being formulated to ship the music crew abroad to appear in Russia during the summer of 1935, Deal made through the Bovlet-Aihbritan SU- reau. located In the Rockefeller Center. On conbluslpn of tour In the Bo- Tlet, Russell pilaris ari additional tour of Europe touching the prin- cipal European capitals. Campbell toS. A.,O.S. London, Dec. 10 Jimmy Campbell (Campbell-Con neily) sails from here Dec. 29 fpr '. Argentine and Ghlie on C-C busi- ness, arriving In Los Angeles Feb. 16, 1936, and -in New York early In March. Betty Balfour, local picture star, who Is Mrs. Campbell, accprii panleR him. ■■■;■;:.;...■. Galmpbell-COnrielly: has eet 16 flimusicals, which Gaumont-British plans producing, and some of these Bongs are to be placed In America ' «kM .r<a«.^»%V>,^1'a 'arrival In tllA IT. B. Omaha Nite Club Omaha, Dec. 10. Arthv^ir Joerris,: salesman, . was fatally stabbed In a scuffle which occurred , Sunday (2) night In Dante's Inferno, nlte club recently opened on downtown 13th street ■jq^ns-tHed-atr^yd-Ll iterh nsplta l Where he had been taken by his brother. .Paur,^ two days aft^r the stabbing. • . Case did not come to police at- , tentiori until day after, the nlte club argument, as doctors who attended did not report It. Joerns at first eaive no hint as to where the-brawl took place nor as to his aasailant; Later story filtered dut . that lt_all_ happeried-over.-a.:wlnk_froni: f.emme patron of the club. After questioning, police absolved Jim Farhat, operator, and Harry Meehan, manager of the Inferno. Lee Back at Crawford Chicago, Dec. 10. Marvin Lee has rejoined the staff of his former firm, DeBylva, Brown & Henderson, now known as Craw- ford Music- Will handle midwest trade and ' radio explbiUtloo out of Chlca«o. Most Played on Air To familUirige the rest ot the country vci%h the tunes most on the air around. New York, the follovHna is the ifst- ing of the aongs moat plaved on jthe cross-country networks last week, in relative.H^ndirig. according to the liumier of. combined plugs oh WEAF, WJZ, WABC and WMCA, ' Stay Sv/eet at You Are Continental Winter Wonderland Object of Affection Earful of Music . Be Still My HeaK Out iri Cold Again P. 8.—I Love You Dance Dancing with- Shadow Pop Goes Your Heart Flirtation Walk Sweetie Pie . DifferehXe Day Made Follow Secret Heart . Santa's .Coming to Town . College Rhythm y Grovying Fonder of You June in January Take Number 1 to 10 tove"Jiist Aroiind. Corner- Rain . Wild Honey . Believe It Beloved Mr. and Mr«. Is Name - Once Too Often ""■Ua; Cirtsaracha-; One- ':N ite^'of' - Love ■• / ■ You're .Builder-Upper,.,. Don't Let Bother You Publishers Tell Chain Stores Central DistritM Turn Down Southern's Status Upping Request Application riiiade by Southern Music Co. for a boost in rating was turned down at a meeting last w^^K of the .publishers' classiflcaitipn committee of the Amierlcan Society of Composers, Authors & Pub- lishers. Attitude: taken Hy the condmlttee Was that there was nothing to-war- rant upping the firm's status at this time. Sputhern Music came in for a classification lift several quar- .^ers ago. '•■,■. . Chicago, Dec. 10. Cafe men and local theatre, cir- cuits are in arms oyer the tactics of the Music dorp, of Ariierlica in dealing with cafes arid show^ by going into: biisiness Itself. '■. This started -When J» 6. Stein, president of MCA, took over a cafe here booking. In the 'Folles Bergeres, thus becoming cpmpetltlon to the cafes and hotels that he had been selling the Wme Jclnd .of attractions. Hotels and cafes clallmed unfairness In opening up aa direct competition to them.; Theatre: circuits felt the same way. Theatres are now burning over the General Motors: stunt which will have' name bands throughout the country In sales rooms and booked by MCA. and deemed In direct com petition with the theatres. ROBBINS IS U. S. REP FOR TKAPEZE' DITTY Unless the chain stores agree to operate the project: themselves,- the; ppp music industry will, make no move toward shipping through a central channel as proposed by th» syndicates.; Representatives of lead- ; : ing publishing firms decided upon this stand at a meeting last week • in the offices of the Music Publish- ers' -Protective Association. .."'. :. ■ Sentiment at the meetinig was •: strongly opposed to entangling the Industry, .-in ■another co-pperatlye proposition of the Music Dealers' Service,: Irifc.,: categpry, Publishers present also expressed themselves ;• as unwilling to service, the chain stores^ through any of the - brfeariizatlons rio.W in business. Among proposals turned clown was the offer-:o£ Music Sales, Inc., Warner Bros., subsidiary, to permit Its shipping facilities to he used In catering to- "the "-gyndicates. -: -Pub- - Hs hpra-didn't like this idea'for-two reiasohs; : one, that. Music Sales was part of the WB publishing enter- prises, and the other, that Music Sales had a chain of its own, the Kress stores. .-. Last week's meeting put Itself on . record as willing to co-operate with the; chairis to the exterit of getting, a central shipping bureau , started, provided the syndicates agree to assume all expense and manage- ment after a brief period. Majority opirilon of. the trade Is that the chains will reject-this proposition. Question as to whether.., drastic steps should be taken to prevent the further dropping away of chain store accounts found divided view- - points at the get-toigether. Sev- eral publishers held that the loss of chain store outlets would not seriously affect business because, the buyer would then turn to tbe indie retailers' as a source of- sheet music; Other publishers aired the: opinion that In, the majority of chain Btores the music - counter la an Important fixture and that jas - long as there was a demand for the merchandise the syndicates would . continue to maintain their song- she«t" departments.-- " — ~ ■ ■:- —~ Beauvel arid Tpva doubling In the Empire Robm of the Waldorf- Astoria, New Tork, with : Henry King's orchestra and at the Central Park Casino with . Eddy Duchln's band. , ■ " ... ^ First time - a dance team : has appeared at these two night spots at the same. time. . : Los Artgeles, Dec. 10 Picture companies will have to clear world rights to the revived anticiue ditty, 'Man '^on the Flying Trapeze,' through the Bobbins Music- Corporatipn,--this -company having made a deal tp represent B. Feldman & Company Of London In this country. . .- Feldman was recently awarded copyright ownership to the song by an Enjglish equijtyiJjourt. Robbins. corppratlpri,. is . repre- sented In Hollywood by VAbe Meyer Synchronizing Service. am 10 Years MUSIC HALL REMOVES BROWN'S NAME FOR WB At Warners' request, Lew. Brown's nanie- came ;oft.. the. Manhattan Music Hall, ads arid marquee In connection with thJ firist . revue, which Brown staged for. the Yermle Stern syndicate. . This was because Warner Bros. Is financing the Lew Brown regular legit • musical, 'Gall- ing All Stars,' which opens Thurs- day (13) at the Hollywood theatre on Broadway, a block away from the cabaret-theatre. WB feared v^nnfiTalnn In the public mlAd. hericB By Dan Goldberg ' (This is the third of a]series on the night life in the principal cities of th<e V. B.) ■;■ ^■:•::.■^:^ ■:: : ' dhicagp, Dec. 10. : After a 10-year Jiibernatlon, the nltery business o£ Chicago and. the midwest Is. crawling out of bed arid ■dotng-^tt lt e a blt^ of ' otrotohirig. In 1924 this town was a roaring night club haven; Joe Lewis waa at the Frolics; Sophie Tucker was ait the Green Mill; Tezaa Gulnari was around In several . eppts; Kelly's Stables was packing them Iri. That was 10 years ago. _^ ' ■ TAnd today, " history Is repeating Itself, with Joe Lewis at the Royale- FroUcs;. Sophie Tucker at the Chez -Paree,-and-jCelly4fl Stablpa-^ place once more. Just 10 years ago the .North American cafe was a lopp dirie and dance spot favorite. Last week the basement spot reopened after an elghtTyear. layoff and is now upping Into grosses as the Red Lion Inn. T6n years ago .^he Ralnbo Gardens on the far north side was a big money maker, playing top names and bands. And today, after having gone through a decade as a prize- fight arena, a :dal-lal court and an empty bam, the Ralnbo Gardens la again riding the crest of public popr ularlty as the French Casino and turrilrig in weekly grosses pf $ 25,00,0 and better. " Many: of the old nlte club names are gone: Fred Mann,- Al Tearney, Jake Adlei". But Al Quodbach Js still here £ihd Is coriiirig back into the business after a three-year ab sence when he reopens the old Opera Club as the Club Giro on Jan. 1. Mike Fritzel Is here with his Chez Paree rating as the top nltery In this territory. Al Roth .gets a steady play at his Black- hawk, and Frank Bering and the Byflelds;-have nothing to worry about with their College Inn at the Sherman hotel. ... .V. : N :' No ; questipn th at C hi cago ari d midwest rilt^,' club business haai renewed life and vigor. And no question that the repeal of the pvo- hibltlon amendment Is the guiding factor in the rejuvenation of. the business, which was considered laid out and ready for burial. Not only has the return of liquor aided the big clubs, but It resulted In the sprouting of a: number of tiny clubs throughout the city, all playing shows and bands. . . Many of these clubs started out . _ :: (Cbhtinued on page 57) . Brown's name was played down In all ads and confined to the pro- grams wrthin this Manhattan. ■ Brown Is to do the new show at the Casino de' Paree right after his WB musical gets going. Although there was some mllr" tiffing with Stern because Brown ■. had been too tied up in Boston with 'Calling All Stars/, arid the new Brown cabaret eritertainme,rtt. at the Manhattan n:6t 'given all the attention which" Stern thought It 'merited, matter has been adjusted-. As ,sopn as ., 'Stars' gets out pf the way. Brown will be concerned more with the; cabaret revues at . oth the Man- hattan and the C. de P. ■ :: . Lattcr'o-riow chow may bo headed by Joe Cook or Ruth. Etting, or both. Termle Sterri wants these nariics ■ and other talents to suc- ceed the present llne-up headed by Milton, Berle. Latter, goes to Chl.-. -.: cage for a B&K vaudfllrri extended • stay. \' v ■ 'Pdggy Taylor irieahtime has -: brought back to the G. de P. show to start when 'Stars' operis on -Broadway-.—i-SheUlC::dp.uble-^ both with her adagio threesome. Carl Fischer has put out a com- pilation of laments written for Pa- cific Coast Borax's NBC program, 'Death Vailey Days,' . by " Sterling.. Sherwin and Louis Katzman, It's tagged 'Songs of the Gold Miners.' Ferdie Grofe opens with Arthur. Boran at the Drake : hotel, Chicago, Ded. 21. - ■ '\:'''; •,:■::;•: