Variety (Dec 1934)

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TAglETr 1 I T E R -i t ■ TUABdayf Beceniber 11, 11931. i>lk SoHpU Catehing Oii LookB aa though a heyr form of literature to hreaklng all around the yprtd at the aame time. Coincident^ since there'« no combined decisloh ■mywhere on the Idea la th0 pubUeatlon of scenarloa or •hoptlhg flcrlptB of films In prlnte^ '/form." Flrlst Is being. Issued In New York this month; at about the siame time there'9 one being Isdued In XiOndon iaild several in Mpscow- .:; in Busala It's a tried and succiess- iiil stunt. Several Kusslan- ahootlrig ' pcripts have been published be-' tween CQversi but mostly in maga- clnes. Becientiy three of theni have been ordered printed as books. First In the U.' S. Is !The Mighty •Barhum*,. by Gene Fowler, which Covlcl-Frlede - Is ptibllshing Dec. 16. At about thi same time, thoilgh not deflhltely dated yet, Mechuen, book, publiishers. In London, will •Issue ?The Private Life of IJenjy Vlir by arraiigement^wlth. Iiondoh Films; This book will carry an In- troduction : by Ernest, Petts, film Ibritlc of the London: Express. . Stunt heis been discussed, iii book (Circles' a lot,tbut never, taken seri- ously lintll how. Several. Ami^rlcah avaht guarde ma(j» have ;pUb- •llshdd scenarloa of unprodiic^d'films, most; successful being Transition, magazine published by Americans In Pai'Is several years ago. : $um Fun, Ai?( :Another iliistancs Pf the^ need f wp cohforniltjr between customs aiid In- . terndi VFederal regulations as to - what constitutes ah obscene book ' was Illustrated by the experience of the National "Library Press with Its -recbntly-publlshed book, , 'Sex In ntiaon:"^ . As Is well known, thevciiistoms service forbids the ejitry Of ..books on the ground that they are ■ ■ bbscerie. Tet many bit these sAme books, phce pa^t' the customa aU- .--thbrltles,; caih. be sold or passed " ;.ar6und. opferily with ■ no restrictions. National Llbrary Press, which e«- .periertced hb rbsti^lnt' when Issuing -'Sex In . Prison,' sent a copy tb' an , JSnellah publisher for possible pub- .'. Ucatlon.; over there. Copy of the book, -when returned, was; held up : by the customs service for examlnii' 1, .tl.Qn/JLhj^^^ 'entering the country, ;but that will - T-r^Irt hb-way>.interf ere with -Ita cbii' .tlmied pubilcatlon and. sale here.. • •; ■ •. Sues--pn-.Merflep—Rehegii^-^ Rumors heard last summer of ' plcttted merger of Brldgepbrt, Conn Post . and Times- Star, afternbon •.dailies, confirmed by superior • court ■ suit of James S, Weatbfook, broker, r - Who - askg.. .^26,01)0.:.: .damageia.. .from Tlme3r Star, which he claims backed out of. deal. The. Post, accbrdlng to. complainant,. was to have paid $360iOOO. and Z7h^ % of stock bf ne;w -'company.-;-:^:-;-'-- - — . Rivalry between evening sheetia has been intense, POst making fo^ raya Into the Tlmesr-Star editorial : department.. Practically all the ma- ?Jor features syndicated put of New . York are^Aifled-4>y--the-two>-pai>egSr--^ Channihg Burns,' who has been leading a one-man revo- lution oh the EngHsli itingUagO t to convert It Into an American lingo u£(Ing phonetic spellinpr, has written a smAll book oiit- llhihg hia Idcda. He 1ms pub- lished it himaelf, too. ; in.fceeplhg with his alms, the. author sets himself down as Chanihg'- Burnzi Tag of his book Is ''Bc.zn-Ritirig ov the Inglish Tung.' . •V' Chi's A^Splurae,; Greatest advertising - exjpendlture in the history of Chicago is getting under way on ■ State strbe|t as the ntain stein merchants: ai'm. f ojr a trembhdbtis bUslneas drive for . the Christmas holldaysi Precedents ate being broken right" andf left ..and the dailies of Chicago are reaping advertising jproflts such as they have rarely seen Ih: the past. ^ Advertising splurges on the piart of the big department stores are three >ahd four times normal ex- penditures. The Fair Store last week carried a 16-page: sedtlph in- the Sunday papeirs, while the Bos tbn Store took 10 pages to plug Its Netcher Day. . And ;the Marshall Field store brokb Its rule of years by advertising In ■ the Sunday pa- pers. Last: week It broke out In cblor: in the Sunday rags. Theatre bii^iness In the. loop haa ; umped xonslderably on matinees as a result bf the jam bf customers into' the dibwntown section In the past two weeks. Stores on State: street repbrt the advertlaing cam pa:iern has resulted In a Jumip of 60% in. dbwntowh sales. Understood current l^re-Xmas sales aire above anything In the past fbur years. Book Reviews n A Sbbbir Liveright Miaurlce Hanline worked tot a I long time in the Horace Llveright office, so. a novel: by hliii written: around LlVerlght's career should mean something. :. UnfortunatelJ^, however, he over-sentimentallzea the thing. Result is that 'Years of Indisoretloh' (Ma,caulay; 12.50) is /a | cbuld-have-beeh. LlVerlght's career at his lielight ls | arefully told under the nom-de- plume bf Jason, tho publisher. All I the characters are thinly diagrulked, { Whlbh to as It should be. But Han- line weeps a. few too many tearis | about the glbry that was. Book Is only; for thbse In the;! know, and thbn not too much soi, A good book around the fantastic ca- eer of tlie publlsherrproducer la yet | to ije wWtten.^ ' - ; / , Aldington Missea Richard Aldington, has donb bet- ' New: L«r«eny.'Guy Wanted New four-com(9i*ed. prtoe ; hbvel contest has both American iond Brit toh pubilahing houses interested to the tune of |7,60p. Those donating an equal share of the prize money are the J. ;B. Lipplhcott Co., .anidi Mystery Magazine, American flrma; Oeorge G.. Harriap. & Co., Londbn bobk house, and the London Dally Mall.-■.• What the four seek Is a new crook Action character _to eqijial or rival the beil^khown ahfl best' liked ihus far created. Story containing the character. should. be between: 70,000 aTia^t)0T00b~wbrtB7~l5e«ailire-iriaay' 31, 1935. winning story will get serial pub licatloii In Mystery Magazine and the London Dally Mall, and book publication here ahd abroad by the ,twp hook: houses, .-c./-,..^.... Monthly Reprints : A new national monthly to in procesa of preparation, to carry only reprints of articles'and car- >toons \culled froni - the /nation's dallies..;; Will be known: as Pulse-of •Nation.' SponBorlhg group la headed by Albert- J. Beverldge,. Jr.,. with .headquarters In Indianapolis. JLThllke the Literary .Digest, Time, ■News-Week et aii. Pulse will use re- prints only, with no Interpretatlbns, . A'ni to- tp bull the , best: and mbst illuminating Itbms from tlie hewa rags.:-:".■. Buy, - DefMnef Parade 'fitlb- F. & W. Sell Homiletic Rev. Fiiiik ;^ Wagnalls has: disposed, of the Horoiietlc Beyiew after publish Ing the mag contlntibusly for! 54 years. Purchaser Is the t'^ .M. Bar-! tbn Co., of cieveland, ' which will merge it with the, Expositor as The Blxposltor and The Homiletic ; Be yiejy. Editor Of the merged mag Best Sdlers - Best Beltort for the .Vveek ending Dee, 8, reported hy the . . '•- ■ . .' Fiction '■ .. •Lost iiorizpn* ($2.50) ^.. . V. ■......... V. By. JaniOfr Hilton •Forty Days of Musa I>agh'; CI3.P0) . . . . . .By Franz Werfel •So Bed the Bpsb* ($2,56) .V.::..... ...../..'.>, . .^ Stark Youngs •Goodbye Mr. Chips' (|1.25) . . .. . . . . . vi i..... .By James HUtov; 'Mary Peters' ($2.60)....... ...... .By Mtiry Hlien Chase / - 'Pitcalrn's Island' ($?.G0)... i .By Charles Nordhoff and JiimoB Hall. ■ v^:-..;-. ■■■;:: ■•Non-Fiction.' '^v^'!'■ .JWhllo Rome :Burns' ($2.75) .1. /..By Aloxamipr Wooiicott •Why Not Try Gbd' ($1.00) ... >,................. .By Mary Plckford •Forty-two Years in the tsrhite HouseV($3.B6),; .By Ir\vln H. Hoover •City JEdltor' ($3;00) ; v- • • • • • • ^- - i r - . • • 'By Stanley Walker •Wine Firom These QMipe8' ($2;00) ...;; .By Edna St. Vincent Mlllay ^Experiment In Autobiography^ ($3.00) ...,......... By h!. G. Wplls Heairat J i*. on M i rror John Bahdblph Hearst's name goes on the ihafsthead of the New York Daily 'Mlrrbr as publisher and Arthur. Brisbane ios editor although A. J; - Kobler'a has\been cohtihued ter books.than "Women Must Wbrk' for a couple of weeks now diesplte (Doubleday-Dort,n; $2.60); He Is Koblor'l allghing with a new Heiarst one bf. ° England's '. iVieat poets^. fiiiid newspaper brancii in; ah executive has written a few veify strong prose capacity. Latter was huddling with hovels. In\hto hew one hla.ihlsses, w. Ri Hearst in< San Simeon, Calif,, however; largbly - because Pt. -Inde- oh his futur;e; affiliations, returning cisioh.: Book could iiave bebw twice to- New York;-this week. '.Kobler as strong had 'about 100 pages been I continues ownership ~ln the tabloid, clipped put ' ■; ;, - with Brisbane and young Hearst It's the 'atory; of .d girl who wants coming In for the «ditorIal-pubUsh- to be fried, so leaves home and: goes I ing dlrectipri. Emile Gauvreau con- tb;work. "This theme has been done I tlnues as managing editor. V so frequently that It's ; TOaieWhat | pahl :Yawltz, erstwhile; Sunday thin.; And Aldington :dpesn't 'add I Mirror's Broadway cblhrnnist until anything to the saga. Aifew yjears Walter' W ago, before the coming bf purity In being retained in the Hearst organ- films, it might have been .okay for izatlbn,;ialthpugh a spbt.for him has talkeirizlng,. liot ;itoday. ; ? | yet to be worked: out. He may align •wrlth Joe Cohhelly's KlriF. Features. On .Raymiand/Duncan .. [ A: move Into the N. Y. Evening It waa Inevitahle, 'of course,. that Jourhal was also cpntomplated :ahd Kay Boyle would aome day write ;a may yet occur. • Yawltz and Kbbler novel about Raymond Duncan. She I are to huddle this Week., has written^ ^veral shbrt s^ about him, she knew him and his I : PoHtlandV. Fan : Supplement clique .very well at pne ^iime .and I ; The; Portlah<J ■--NewsrTelegram It'a /obvlbus book material.;^ Now I (ScrlppsTCanfield) has added a that ahe'a done ' it, ' however. It I weekend '. iOrpage tabloid suppler emerges aa peirhapa not tpo good an I ment devoted entirely tP the acreeh, Idea:^'Book to Utied'My Next BHdeM printed In color. ^ ; (Harcourt-Brace; $2.60) and wbh'tl Aa~ the sheet doesn't have a Sun^- help :Miu* Boyle, any, {dthbugh it ] day issue, Idea bf supplement Is to dbh't hurt, eitiier. v. . ;.;-: : - - I share In Weekend theatre buslhess. It's well enough written, as are its strictly persohallty neWs from all her .books, ;but .there's somehow: Hollywood by . press agents. Two jriot too much Mck i n readlne books, -p agow-a rfl uflnd for lb In which all.:th6 characters are rec^ Recently, the Oregonian ahd Jour ognlzable. .Mljaa Boyle's books are I nal renewed their: circulation war Gine Mundial'a 20ih Cine Muhdial's -curro^^ ; issue hiiarks the 20th aiiniverBary of v , the Spanish language fan maga- zine, and It's; stilt under the chairge of Its ; original editor, Frank; ' G.. ; Ortega. . Grigihaliy thia paper was, started . by -the Chalmers family aa Spanish . edition of the Moving Picture World and, for a time, the staff pf the ,'DhgiiBh edition hbtiy resented the Intrusion. In tbie later ■ days of thefWoridrthe-Mundlalr-^ become a best:seller both In Spain ,aj;id ttvtln . America^. dragiged ;the World along ; Since. the sale of the World to : tlie Quigley; piiblicatlpn; the Muridlal has had a new; set-ujp, with. Ortega ' taking:-the presldbncy oiE the • pub-- licatlon but with Alfred J. ChalmeM . still rbprosenting that family:- as' ViP. ' its sub bditPr -is ■ Francisco - ,T.. ; Ariza. ■ pfettylaigely limited; as yet,'to the rby erilargirig" the Sunday jpaperS-ahd kind oF readers who are likely to | giving generoua spa,ce to radio and have known all the people.; she screen. PrlGes up^ed from: '6 cents ■So:lteB~about^ATid-theyTnlght^^hav.e|-t^ their own pictures built iip of theae characters. But the fine proae | makea it okay;; it. doean-t lower her | atature aa; a writer. Not enough atory fOr film pur- .pbaea.: ■.:^::.i; .^l/i:.„i4-- Slightly Premature Attempt of Fawcett X*ubllcatlbns to discharge Dorothy Donnell, weat' ern ;editbr bf the two motion-picture publications recently taken: over by the former group/didn't take. Miss Donnell reminded the home office; that she held a contract which idoes not expire until Feb. IB. mrian -pnnnAll wan In Wfi with thft ; ; Dehiaon On Chi New* j B. W. Dentoon has been appointed amusement advertising, manager of the . Chicago Dally News. Denison went;^theDaUy^ljr.ews-,last.year after some 20 years with the Chi Square Triangle . ;: Icago Herald & / Examiner. He Something rather new in triangie'a handled World'a Fair . advertising studios when the twP fan mags were banned. Later Jack Grant became publishers' representative : aii.d, while Mlsa Donnell kept her west- ern editor title,; she was answerable to the new appointee. Firing order was withdrawn when :the contract was .flashed. will DO Jpsepti M. Hamsey; . Homiletic . Bevlew,. which ; waa founded by Dr. I. K. Funk, bore: va- rious names before it emerged with its final title. : ; Is Offered in 'Gopa Sport' (Doiible- dayj^DbJ^ah: ...t?), that the hero falls ih love with the sister of the girl who Jilted; him, not knowing her to be; Buch- She, top, appar- ently - throws hlni over, but that's for the News and the paper topped all other Chicago dailies, In Fair display space. After that he ihPvec oyer to the News Aiamanac, whicii will conie out later this mbhth. . Denison will handle. all . amuse- only to keep faith with her fiance ment advertising except hotels; with because he has Juatbecome a bank- |Ed DaVla In charge of that. rupt; The. fiance:. to the;: surplus edge to the triangle, eventually paving the way for bla rlval'a mar- riage....-,. . Incident to fairly well handled by Maysle Greg, ;but abb won't get picture money but pf thto one. Not (Continued from page 49) thetd, givea them the sympathy they tough, but V iltUe too steamy for: I must have,; but never received until a.cleah screen..'-; ' ■';.;:..:'; .|now., Tops oh Medical I End Omnibus pf Crime ; 1; I^. Flsbhel,^^^^!^ the Techhlcaliy, ^Murder iii the. Opera Coast for t,he post here, la maintaih Hpuse' (Dutton; $2)" to' so' well' handled .as to auggeat that ita puta- tive author, :Queena< Mario, of-the Metropolitan opera, muat have, had- considerable asstotance. But if . she only contributed the background of: the opera Btagei ahfl to tQ:;be banir. Ing the ■ medl(ial 'proficlehcy which foriherly obtained here : under Dr. -Edgar; Mayesr,. and -.with-, the kidded responsibility bf complete super 1 vision of the; San. Mayer .yas; con cerhed ;with the ;medical end only and It . was Only In that phase than - -Pauj- Ba'ek to 'Pari* ;,-' -' Eliot Paiil, one of the bbhemidua of the now ^nedriy: extli\ct Parls- Amerlcah ; newspaper aiid llterairy . crbWd, Is on his way back ;to Paris.: For the past few years he hais been ; living In Paiiha do Mdllprca, where he took refhge -after disappearing : without nbtlce. Spanish .Government, ha^ now prdered him to leave Mal- Iprca, on the ground, that his papers are not ln;or^er. v Paul, Who had a . rep as a; novelist. In America around 1920, fluctuated between the Paris Chi' Trib and the iraid-^or-^birtTntne^fyeaj s.- Wlt h^ Eugene Jolas he" founded; Traiials- tioh,: expatriate magazlho,. which led . . modernism. Hp was one of the .first to go to Maliorca whbn Mphtpar- Jiaase_Jaieted^thLereJ_^^ sur-Mcr, and he stuck after niost of the gang" had gone homo. ; Telling the Censors ; About the; bixly subject still lack» Ing ln._ the bopk_ lists, a handbook for 1ftlm •cehaprs, to "h^^ plied. Frederick Rex Is editing for the Home Study Clrcie,; an: Illlnoto ;: publishing house, a : Volume :to ; be called the 'Motion Picture dchsors', and Reviewers' Mahuai.' Bbok will Instruct how and what tp censor In mbtibn picturpiB. . A number of censor authorities will be quoted and their. methods ex- plained. ;;■.:■•;; CHATTER Mlldiail Shbldkiiov In LbiVdoh. ;. Anne ilowd has signed with King ^ fbr three hovels. . ' Viking getting ready to celebrate its lotii anniversary. - ; Second edition for Brooks Atkin- son's 'Cingalesb Prince.' Rpsampnd Lehmann haa swltuhed to Reynal & Hitchcock, ; ■ Christine^ Whiting ;Parmentei do- ; ; ing a hbw noveivfor spring pubHca- : tion. :: - .; :;■'■ Lce iShippey anbthcr Los Angeles ; "Times columhiist to get a book into print.'- ■ . Title ; finally flecidodVxUpon for Og doh: Naoh'q ; now book: l a "The; T'itle;0f the defunct Parade, which had been published. aa a localtoed mag In Cleveland a la i'he New Yorker, has been purchased; by the publlahers of Time and:S'brtune; . -Plan- Is to affix the-title tb; a new: nationar;mag, publication arrangef in e ii is —of-^whlchr-ttre—npw^ woi'ked out. 'Nbther Ad-Man Publiaher V Walter Alwyn-Schrhidt, adyertiiaT Ing man, Is trying his hand at book publishing. , . HaJg a ;work of non- fictioh. ■vt-hich he will issue iahortly imder the Imprint of his own nahie, with a few others to follow, ; New Partnership - --Milton tL.^Coleman--a;nd.iAlfred^ Jordan have formed; a pui>ilshlng partnership to issue-a hew woman's malg tp bear.thp title of The Aiherl- can Needle Journal. Publlcatlbn: tp start ahPrtly after the first of the year.-; -'. Pfaiiaring New Juve Mag. ; ; StlU .another illustrated: paper for Jtlvohiles is In . process bf pVepara- ;tiPh, thia phe to be know'n as the Little Homb"; BlcloriaL Sponsors prefer, to remain under cover for thb i tlme: being be<awJfie.ofc.Other afjaiia ' :.tlonii'':-.v'' .: . ' y; ; Smart VVorld OUt First number of a new class mag, Sma,rt WPrldi makes Ita; appearancp this week with an issue of 1Q,0,60 copies. Subtitled. 'The Front Page of Smart America,' It covers, sPclety and such. , . Editor la Prances. Jbhnston, fpr^ merly with SPur. Publisher la the Schuyler. Publishing; Cq^^^^^^h^ Marian Moore ,i4alL , mended. It's a new angle; / Few; regular whodunit fana^ will have much trouble spotting the real culprit, so it's not ao much, a ques- tibn bf 'who'; as 'how,' and , thto; iatter . angle - to Ingenious. Gpbd reading In its clasa.. f^MlgnOn'^Eberiiart-introduceir«''ne^ detective character In 'Thb Caaea of Suaan Dare' (Crime Club; $2) who ought to go-far. It's'a; pretty gal writer of whodunlta who knowa how to figure 'em but^ Flrat bbbk to not tpp good, belhg six extended ahorta, but the character will be worth watching In the future and ought to be iEi .good Idea fpr films when she does, a: full length yam. ; Just thto' side of the tough yarn schbbl to 'Murder fpr a Wanton' (Crime . Club; $2>- ; by . Whitman Chalmers. It's racy^ plenty compli- cated and plenty mUed up, although the,first chapter.i«;entirely unneces- sary and gives away the plot of the bobkv;Gould* b«fllm«4. the Sah, reached a degree ^ of ef ficipncy iii the pOiSt ; Cbhtihulng here -with Dr. Flschel is Dr. George;WHaon, Dr. Mayer' former associate. Dr; Wilson knows the San ; thprbughly,--Iti3' past- ahd present, ;and is ; a great; aid tp |:Ji!tochelF=who:'-ls-doing^a^r^ jPh. ; At Saranac Lake other m.edl cai authorities regard Flschel as wbrthy successor. tb " Mayer;" •" The, latter has gone on to other fields, with an office on. Park ayenuo and a post With thb Cprhell Medical In stitiite. ; In nearly bypry respect has the /NVA :Sah Imiproved. Mrs. Mbfrli^; :Dr; Plschpl and Harold Rpdner pledged themselves to eyen greater improvement Under them the San is ndw hearer to the ^ ideals of the belovbd William Mbrris; quite dia tant nibm the, idcaa of thoap who aaiw la; the* San ah instrument for personal exploitatibri,' and nothing mort: Primrose Path.' ; -Malcplm Jphnson has quit For^ tune mag ahd Is baclc on the staff of Doubleddy, I)bran. ; : " Jack_Lait, Ihvited to attend the - TI. S'.'antl-crime cohvehtlori; writlng^^ ji, special; aeries^ for INS^ _. ■ -^'-^eai-TiamerT)f-H3aHe"r^^ author pf "rho White Priory Mur- ders,' is John Dlckspn Carr. That book on which - Hcndrik -. Wlllem Van Lpoh is now at work wilt bo a history :of. the arts. . : :; The Noel Cowiard ; autohlog,. Av'hlch , he ■will call fPresent Indi- cative,' Is about threerqudrters dohei Houghtoh, Miillln has taken Eve- lyn Waygh from. Farrat : & Bine,- ; hart, liitewlse L,A. R. Wylie from Doubleday, Doran. In pur.suance of Alfred H. JKlng'is policy of advancing meh troni wltli- in the office, Hcrriian T. Baron and '.Tules F; Segal :id!t. the sales: and prp- inotlon departments arc now aaaist-: dnt'editors pit ;K;ing, Ia^ ; ;"; "": ; ' "